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Abstract: An isolated anterior caudal vertebra from the Qingshan (= Ch'ing shan) Formation (Early Cretaceous) of Shandong Province, China, is redescribed and shown to be an advanced diplodocid sauropod. This specimen possesses several derived character states that are typically observed in advanced diplodocoids or diplodocids, including the following: a mildly procoelous centrum; a deep pit‐like pneumatic fossa immediately below the caudal rib; wing‐ or fan‐shaped caudal ribs; and complex lamination of the neural spine. The neural spine is apomorphically short and the centrum is short relative to its height compared to those of other diplodocids, which, when coupled with the specimen’s unique geographical location and stratigraphical age, suggests that it probably represents a new taxon. This caudal vertebra provides the first convincing evidence that diplodocids were present in Asia, perhaps as a result of the dispersal of neosauropod lineages from Europe and/or North America during the Early Cretaceous. The discovery of a member of the Diplodocidae in the Early Cretaceous also indicates that this clade did not become extinct at the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary as previously supposed.  相似文献   

Extensive sampling of several Barremian and Albian–Cenomanian levels across the Aguilón, Oliete and Aliaga subbasins of the Iberian Basin, north‐east Spain, yielded abundant material of new or so far poorly known neoselachians. The faunas consist of 16 different species, five of which represent new species and two new genera: Cantioscyllium brachyplicatum sp. nov. , Platypterix venustulus gen. et sp. nov. , Ptychotrygon pustulata sp. nov. , Ptychotrygon striata sp. nov. and Iberotrygon plagiolophus gen. et sp. nov. In addition, teeth of Heterodontus cf. H. carerens, Lamniformes indet., Pteroscyllium sp., Scyliorhinidae indet., Rhinobatos sp., Spathobatis sp., Belemnobatis sp., Ptychotrygon geyeri, Ptychotrygon sp. and Celtipristis herreroi are described. The new family Ptychotrygonidae is defined. The localities comprise palaeoenvironments ranging from lacustrine and shallow lake to open marine settings. Neoselachians are almost completely absent from continental settings in the Barremian, as a result of prevailing freshwater conditions, but became more abundant in marine strata. The Albian–Cenomanian selachian assemblage is the most profuse and diverse of the three assemblages studied. It is dominated by small, benthic and near‐coastal taxa, for instance Cantioscyllium and Ptychotrygon, and contains several new species, including an endemic batoid, Iberotrygon plagiolophus gen. et sp. nov. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155 , 316–347.  相似文献   

The Lower Cretaceous Ilek Formation in Western Siberia (Russia) has yielded various vertebrate fossils, including skeletal remains of dinosaurs. Here we report on a fragmentary theropod egg from the vertebrate locality Shestakovo 3 of the Ilek Formation in Kemerovo Province. We assign the specimen to the oogenus Prismatoolithus (oofamily Prismatoolithidae) as Prismatoolithus ilekensis oosp. nov., on the basis of the following unique combination of characters: ovoid-shaped egg; thin eggshell 300–330 μm thick; angustiprismatic morphotype; eggshell with three different layers; gradual transition between mammillary layer and prismatic layer; abrupt contact between prismatic layer and external layer; mammillary layer to prismatic layer to external layer thickness ratio is 1:3:0.6; prismatic layer with ill-defined squamatic texture; angusticanaliculate pore system; and smooth outer surface. Like other Early Creataceous Prismatoolithus, the egg of Prismatoolithus ilekensis oosp. nov. was laid by a small bodied theropod dinosaur (troodontid or primitive bird) and this taxonomic attribution is supported by results of our phylogenetic analysis. Prismatoolithus ilekensis oosp. nov. is the first Early Cretaceous ootaxon from Russia.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:734EAD40-86C3-488B-A61E-B5FF7378BC0E  相似文献   

Knowledge of the Early Cretaceous ammonoids of the NW‐Himalayas was poor until recent discoveries. Intense sampling from the Giumal Formation exposed near the village of Chikkim (Spiti Valley, Himachal Pradesh, India) led to the recognition of a new Early Cretaceous ammonoid fauna. The succession consists of arenitic sandstone interbedded with shale that was deposited by turbidity currents on an unstable shelf in the Early Cretaceous. Ammonoids have been obtained only from sandstone beds in the lower one‐third and close to the top of the c. 350‐m‐thick section. Eight new ammonoid taxa (1 genus and 7 species) are described: Sinzovia franki sp. nov. (rare), Giumaliceras giumaliense gen. et sp. nov. (abundant), Giumaliceras bhargavai gen. et sp. nov. (rare), Neocomites (Eristavites) platycostatiformis sp. nov. (rare), Cleoniceras oberhauseri sp. nov. (abundant), Australiceras himalayense sp. nov. (rare) and Deshayesites fuchsi sp. nov. (rare). Sinzovia and Deshayesites are reported for the first time from the Tethyan Himalaya. According to the biostratigraphic relevance of some ammonoid taxa described here, the age of the Giumal Formation can be constrained from Berriasian (Giumaliceras assemblage) to Aptian (Cleoniceras assemblage). The discovery of the new fauna substantiates the significance of the Giumal Formation around Chikkim and facilitates comparison with faunal assemblages from other regions in the Tethys Ocean and beyond.  相似文献   

A new genus and two new species of jewel beetles are described, Andakhudukia ponomarenkoi gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Mongolia and Metabuprestium ustkivdense sp. nov. from the lowermost Paleogene of the Amur Region. In addition, four new monotypic genera that share some features with jewel beetles are described: Cretoelaterium kazanovense gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Eastern Transbaikalia and Cretopoena gratshevi gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Mongolia have been referred to the families Elateridae and Eucnemidae; Cretofalselaterium baiankhongoricum gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Mongolia and Cretogermen turonicum gen. et sp. nov. from the Upper Cretaceous of Kazakhstan have been erected for isolated elytra and placed in Coleoptera incertae sedis.  相似文献   

?Paralycoptera wui Chang & Chou, 1977 from the Early Cretaceous of China is redescribed herein through a re‐examination of the original materials, as well as observations on some newly collected specimens. The use of the peeling method has revealed much of the new or revised information on its osteology, e.g. aspects of the nasal, infraorbitals, retroarticular, preopercle, extrascapular, basihyal toothplate, epineural, pelvic fin, caudal skeleton and scales. The phylogenetic relationships of ?Paralycoptera and other osteoglossomorphs are re‐evaluated. The cladistic analysis largely agrees with the previous hypothesis that ?Paralycoptera is not a ?lycopterid, but rather a stem osteoglossoid. ?Paralycoptera is excluded from notopteroids and exhibits the following derived characters of the Osteoglossoidei: (1) palatal area behind and below orbit completely covered by infraorbitals; (2) jaw articulation under posterior portion of orbit; (3) opercle depth twice or more its width; (4) first pectoral fin ray much enlarged and long, extending posteriorly beyond origin of pelvic fin. ?Singida and ?Phareodus are regarded as different levels of osteoglossoids above ?Paralycoptera. ?Singida shares the following derived characters with ?Phareodus plus extant osteoglossoids: (1) jaw articulation posterior to orbit; (2) anterior process of hyomandibula in contact with entopterygoid; (3) subopercle small and anterior to opercle. ?Phareodus shares the following derived characters with extant osteoglossoids: (1) supraorbital and otic sensory canals connected; (2) one uroneural; (3) reticulate furrows present over entire scale.  相似文献   

Sibirotitan astrosacralis nov. gen., nov. sp., is described based on isolated but possibly associated cervical and dorsal vertebrae, sacrum, and previously published pedal elements from the Lower Cretaceous (Barremian?) Ilek Formation at Shestakovo 1 locality (Kemerovo Province, Western Siberia, Russia). Some isolated sauropod teeth from the Shestakovo 1 locality are referred to the same taxon. The phylogenetic parsimony analyses place Sibirotitan astrosacralis nov. gen., nov. sp., as a non-titanosaurian somphospondyl titanosauriform. The new taxon exhibits four titanosauriform and one somphospondylan synapomorphies, and one autapomorphy – a hyposphene ridge that extends between the neural canal and the postzygapophyses. It differs from all other Somphospondyli by having only five sacral vertebrae. The new taxon shares with Euhelopus and Epachtosaurus sacral ribs that converge towards the middle of the sacrum in dorsal view. Sibirotitan astrosacralis nov. gen., nov. sp., is only the second sauropod taxon from Russia and one of the oldest titanosauriform described so far in Asia.  相似文献   

Yan Zheng  Jun Chen 《Palaeoworld》2018,27(3):374-381
Chifengilyda robusta, a new extinct sawfly genus and new species assigned to Xyelidae, is described and figured here based on one fossil specimen from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Ningcheng in Inner Mongolia, China. Chifengilyda robusta n. gen. n. sp. differs from other xyelydids in having a forewing with pterostigma completely sclerotized, Sc closer to C, Sc1 about 3 times as long as Sc2, Sc1 intersecting C far beyond Rs base, 2r-m postfurcal and cell 1mcu relatively large. This new taxon further enriches the diversity of Xyelydidae in the Early Cretaceous, and even enhances our understanding of the evolution and inter-genera and interspecies relationships of this family.  相似文献   

Levnesovia transoxiana gen. et sp. nov., from the Late Cretaceous (Middle–Late Turonian) of Uzbekistan, is the oldest well-documented taxon referable to Hadrosauroidea sensu Godefroit et al. It differs from a somewhat younger and closely related Bactrosaurus from Inner Mongolia (China) by a tall sagittal crest on the parietals and the absence of club-shaped dorsal neural spines in adult specimens. Levnesovia, Bactrosaurus and possibly Gilmoreosaurus represent the earliest radiation of Hadrosauroidea, which took place during the Cenomanian–Turonian and possibly in North America. The second, Santonian-age radiation of Hadrosauroidea included Aralosaurus, Hadrosauridae and lineages leading to Tanius (Campanian) and Telmatosaurus (Maastrichtian). Hadrosauridae appears to be monophyletic, but Hadrosaurinae and Lambeosaurinae originated in North America and Asia, respectively.  相似文献   

A new species of spore, Costatoperforosporites friisiae sp. nov., is described from the Early Cretaceous (late Aptian–early Albian) deposits of Catefica in the Lusitanian Basin, western Portugal. Although the morphology of the muri is clearly of the Cicatricosisporites type, the presence of micropores on these sculptural elements and within the intervening grooves is a particularly distinctive feature and more typical of spores that have been attributed previously to Costatoperforosporites. As a result, this genus is emended not only to accommodate Costatoperforosporites friisiae but also to differentiate it more clearly from other, similar, murornate genera. It is considered to represent the family Anemiaceae. So far, Costatoperforosporites friisiae has only been encountered in the Catefica palynoflora. The presence of many other pteridophyte spores, especially of schizaealean derivation, together with abundant cheirolepidiacean remains at this locality, strongly suggests a warm, moist climate and diverse source vegetation.  相似文献   

Abstract: We describe bones from the Late Cretaceous of Alberta – including bones of large dinosaurs, a femur from the aquatic reptile Champsosaurus, and a dentary from the marsupial Eodelphis– that bear tooth marks made by animals with opposing pairs of teeth. Of the animals known from the Late Cretaceous of North America, only mammals are capable of making such tooth marks. In particular, multituberculates, which have paired upper and lower incisors, are the most likely candidates for the makers of these traces. The traces described here represent the oldest known mammalian tooth marks. Although it is possible that some of these tooth marks represent feeding traces, the tooth marks often penetrate deep into the dense cortices of the bone. This raises the possibility that, much as extant mammals gnaw bone and antler, some Cretaceous mammals may have consumed the bones of dinosaurs and other vertebrates as a source of minerals. However, none of the tooth marks described here resemble the extensive gnaw traces produced by Cenozoic multituberculates or rodents. This suggests that specialized gnawing forms may have been rare or absent in the Late Cretaceous of North America.  相似文献   

The seventh and largest known dinosaur tracksite from the Cedar Mountain Formation is reported from two important stratigraphic levels in the Ruby Ranch Member within the boundaries of Arches National Park. Previous reports of sites with a few isolated tracks are of limited utility in indicating the fauna represented by track makers. The Arches site reveals evidence of several theropod morphotypes, including a possible match for the coelurosaur Nedcolbertia and an apparently didactyl Utahraptor-like dromeosaurid. Sauropod tracks indicate a wide-gauge morphotype (cf. Brontopodus). Ornithischian tracks suggest the presence of an iguandontid-like ornithopod and a large ankylosaur. Dinosaur track diversity is high in comparison with other early Cretaceous vertebrate ichnofaunas, and it correlates well with faunal lists derived from skeletal remains, thus providing a convincing census of the known fauna.  相似文献   

The publication of the scientific name Monjurosuchus splendens in 1940 documented the first tetrapod fossil of the later world-renowned Jehol Biota. For more than half a century since this discovery, however, Monjurosuchus has remained as a monotypic genus of the family Monjurosuchidae, and the relationships of the family with choristoderes have not been correctly recognized until quite recently. In this paper, a new monjurosuchid is named and described based on a nearly complete skull and postcranial skeleton from the Early Cretaceous Chiufotang Formation exposed near Chaoyang, western Liaoning Province, China. This new material documents the first occurrence of monjurosuchid choristoderes outside the type Lingyuan area, and extends the geological range of the family from the Yixian Formation to the younger Chiufotang Formation. Cladistic analyses were conducted with inclusion of monjurosuchids, and the results support the placement of the family Monjurosuchidae as a primitive clade outside the Neochoristodera. A new classification scheme is proposed for choristoderes on the basis of the recovered phylogenetic framework of the group.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 145 , 427–444.  相似文献   

The isolated adult teeth of titanosaurian sauropods from the Upper Cretaceous Bissekty Formation at Dzharakuduk, Uzbekistan, differ little in overall structure but show considerable variation in enamel sculpturing and wear patterns. The crown shape of unworn juvenile teeth ranges from lanceolate to conical. Most specimens have enamel texture resembling crumpled paper or completely smooth enamel. Longitudinal grooves along the mesial and distal edges are present on only a few tooth crowns and might be developed on both the labial and lingual sides. Among 252 worn tooth crowns there are eight variants of wear patterns, all possible combinations of 0–2 apical and 0–2 lateral wear facets. The most common is wear pattern A1L0 (one apical facet, no lateral facets; 62.7%). The next most common variant has two apical and no lateral facets (A2L0, 12.3%). These apical wear facets include the primary wear facets, which are produced by an opposing functional tooth, and secondary wear facets, which are produced by a replacing upper tooth coming into contact with the functional lower tooth at a late wear stage. The relative abundance of tooth crowns with two apical wear facets possibly suggests incipient development of a tooth battery in the Bissekty titanosaur.  相似文献   

The trackway of a quadrupedal dinosaur from the Early Cretaceous (Albian) Qingquan tracksite (Tancheng, Shandong Province) is redescribed, and the trackmaker is identified as a sauropod. The trackway makes a slight turn towards the northwest and is characterized by an extremely narrow gauge pattern and an unusual configuration, i.e., a conspicuous difference between the position of the left and right manus tracks with respect to the position of the preceding pes track. Left manus tracks are located on the inside of the trackway, very close (and sometimes even in connection) to the opposite right pes tracks. So far, the Qingquan trackway is possibly the only extremely narrow-gauge sauropod trackway known from China. However, it is not clear to what extent this extremely narrow gauge pattern is related to the turning or a special behavior, or even linked to an injury (“limping trackway”). We tentatively attribute the Qingquan trackway to cf. Parabrontopodus, even though it has a rather low heteropody that is significantly lower than in Parabrontopodus and not typical for narrow-gauge sauropod trackways, but occurs in the wide-gauge ichnotaxon Brontopodus. Because of this discrepancy, the Qingquan trackway cannot readily be attributed to a more basal sauropod, which is generally considered the producer of narrow-gauge trackways. Therefore, the identification of a distinct sauropod group is not possible presently. The only skeletal remains of sauropods from the Lower Cretaceous of Shandong Province belong to the large titanosauriform, Euhelopus zdanskyi.  相似文献   

《Annales de Paléontologie》2019,105(3):239-243
Isolated theropod dinosaur teeth from Ko Kut (Kut Island) in eastern Thailand are referred to an indeterminate spinosaurid on the basis of their morphology and ornamentation. On the basis of other spinosaurid occurrences in Thailand and other parts of Asia, they support the attribution of the fossil-bearing beds on Ko Kut to the Lower Cretaceous rather than the Jurassic. The lack of ornithischian remains in the Ko Kut faunal assemblage suggests that it is coeval with the Sao Khua Formation (Barremian) of NE Thailand.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of 36 species provides a test for the taxonomy and the history of Early Cretaceous spatangoids. Most taxonomic units from genera to suborders are consistent with the proposed phylogenetic framework. We retain Hemiasterina, Micrasterina, Hemiasteridae, Schizasteridae, Hemiaster , Heteraster , Mecaster , and Periaster as original monophyletic groups. However, all of these clades originate without the classical apomorphies normally ascribed to them. We suggest a revision of their diagnoses and of the generic attributions of basal species. Some ill-defined, 'primitive', and paraphyletic taxa are recognised: Toxaster , Epiaster , Palhemiaster , and Toxasteridae. Even if they do not have phylogenetic meaning, they are retained here, pending a more complete revision.  相似文献   

This review shows a close biogeographic connection between eastern Asia and western North America from the late Cretaceous to the late Neogene in major lineages of vascular plants (flowering plants, gymnosperms, ferns and lycophytes). Of the eastern Asian–North American disjuncts, conifers exhibit a high proportion of disjuncts between eastern Asia and western North America. Several lineages of ferns also show a recent disjunct pattern in the two areas. In flowering plants, the pattern is commonly shown in temperate elements between northeastern Asia and northwestern North America, as well as elements of the relict boreotropical and Neogene mesophytic and coniferous floras. The many cases of intercontinental biogeographic disjunctions between eastern Asia and western North America in plants supported by recent phylogenetic analyses highlight the importance of the Bering land bridge and/or the plant migrations across the Beringian region from the late Cretaceous to the late Neogene, especially during the Miocene. The Beringian region has permitted the filtering and migration of certain plant taxa since the Pliocene after the opening of the Bering Strait, as many conspecific taxa or closely related species occur on both sides of Beringia.  相似文献   

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