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Six taxa of genusChamaecrista are described: In sect.Apoucouita (Bentham) Irwin & Barneby,Ch. amorimii Barneby andCh. pteropoda Barneby, both from Atlantic Bahia; in sect.Absus ser.Incurvatae Irwin & Barneby,Ch. caspariifolia Barneby andCh. linearifolia var.latifolia Barneby, both from interior Minas Gerais; in sect.Absus ser.Hedysaroides Irwin & Barneby,Ch. fulgida Barneby, from northern Goiás; and in ser.Prostratae (Bentham) Irwin & Barneby,Ch. chiquitana Barneby, from lowland Bolivia. The affinities and differential characters of each are pointed out, and all but var.latifolia are illustrated.  相似文献   

In a survey of the genusHybanthus in Brazil, it was found thatIonidium nanum A. St.-Hil. should be considered distinct fromHybanthus albus (A. St.-Hil.) Baill., based on characteristics of indument, habit and nectariferous appendages, and also habitat and geographical distribution. A new combination ofI. nanum withinHybanthus is therefore proposed.  相似文献   

13 species of the lichen genusCatapyrenium are reported from South America. Five species (C. analogicum, C. andicolum, C. exaratum, C. lachneoides, andC. podolepis) are described as new. A key to the species known from South America is presented. Remarks on taxonomy, ecology and distribution of the species are given.Studies on the lichen genusCatapyrenium (Verrucariaceae) III. For second part seeBreuss (1991).  相似文献   

C. C. Berg 《Brittonia》2004,56(3):255-259
Two new species ofPourouma are described, illustrated, and keyed out;P. cordata from Peru and Brazil, andP. montana from Peru.  相似文献   

Four species of the moss genusRacomitrium Brid. are reported from Brazil:R. subsecundum (Harv.) Wils,R. didymum (Mont.) Lorentz,R. crispipilum (Taylor) A. Jaeger, andR. visnadiae W. R. Buck.Racomitrium subsecundum is reported for the first time from South America in Brazil and Colombia. The species is fully described and illustrated.Racomitrium didymum is recorded for the first time from Brazil; the specimens previously assigned toR. crispulum (Hook.f. & Wils.) Hook.f. & Wils. represent this species.Racomitrium cucullatifolium Hampe andR. crispulum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Hook.f. & Wils. are excluded from the Brazilian bryophyte flora. All Brazilian species ofRacomitrium are briefly assessed taxonomically and bryogeographically and illustrated, and a key to their determination is given. A lectotype is selected forGrimmia didyma Mont.  相似文献   

Inga unica Barneby & J. W. Grimes, notable for a syndrome of: a) softly pilose foliage, b) emarginate leafstalks lacking nectaries, c) leaflets 2–3 pairs, of moderate size, d) filiform pliant peduncles, e) globose capitula, f) elongate linear floral bracts persistent after fall of the flowers, g) calyx more than half as long as corolla, and h) thin-textured fruit shattering after falling, is described, figured, and discussed. It appears related toI. (Leptinga) nutans (Vellozo) Martius ex Bentham.  相似文献   

Cuphea luteola is described from cerrado vegetation in Noel Kempff Mercado National Park, eastern Bolivia. It is assigned to sectionEuandra subsectionOidemation and is distinguished by yellow flowers, linear uninerved leaves, and the inner surface of the floral tube pilose and without vesicles. Several species of the subsection share one or more characters withC. luteola, but none are closely similar.  相似文献   

The new genusRhodothyrsus is proposed, based on the AmazonianSenefeldera macrophylla Ducke but also containing another newly described species,Rhodothyrsus hirsutus from northwestern Venezuela. The genus is a member of the tribe Hippomaneae of the Euphorbiaceae and apparently related toSenefeldera, but its closest relationships are still obscure, because the phylogeny of the tribe is poorly known and most of the significant characters ofRhodothyrsus are probably autapomorphies or symplesiomorphies. The restriction to tropical lowland rain forests is rare within the Hippomaneae, and several floral characters, pointing to a specialized pollination possibly by butterflies, are unique in the tribe.  相似文献   

Two new species ofGalipea are described and illustrated:Galipea maxima, which is known from the wet forests of Ecuador, and Peru, andGalipea ramiflora, from Bolivia and Peru. Their main diagnostic features are pointed out, and a brief discussion on the relationships of the new taxa to other species ofGalipea is provided.  相似文献   

Four new oleanane-type saponins, macrostachyaosides A, B, C, and D (14) were isolated from the roots of Acacia macrostachya. Their structures were elucidated on the basis of extensive 1D- and 2D-NMR data and HR-ESI-MS analyses. At concentrations of 100 μM of each compounds, none of the tested compounds caused a significant growth reduction against HL60 cells.  相似文献   

Recent field work in Bolivia has resulted in the recognition of new species ofDyschoriste (Acanthaceae). These novelties are introduced here for the convenience of other taxonomists prior to the publication of a treatment of the Acanthaceae of Bolivia. Three new Bolivian and one new Argentinean species ofDyschoriste,D. axillaris, D. boliviana, D. ceciliae, andD. prostrata are described, illustrated, and compared to their closest relatives.  相似文献   

In the course of monographic work in Myrtaceae it has become evident thatEugenia prismatica cannot be accommodated within any existing genus in the family. Therefore, a new genus,Curitiba, is described to contain it and the new combinationCuritiba prismatica is made.Curitiba is diagnosed by a combination of 4-angled hypanthia and fruits, ovules radiating from a central protruding placenta, and seed coats with wavy rows of papillae. A key is provided to distinguishCuritiba from the Caribbean and Mesoamerican genusMosiera, where the species also had been placed before this transfer, and from other 4-merous genera in Brazil of subtribe Myrtinae. In the Atlantic Forest of Brazil where the family Myrtaceae is one of the most species rich and ecologically important plant families, the discovery ofCuritiba reveals a unique evolutionary lineage, highlights the endemism present in the Atlantic Forest, and underscores, the urgent need for conservation of this rapidly disappearing and highly endangered biome.  相似文献   

Systematic studies of scirpoid species in the Andes showed the necessity to exclude one species each from Scirpus and Carex. They are combined in a new genus Zameioscirpus and a third new species is described. The autonomous generic position of Zameioscirpus within the Scirpeae is supported by a phylogenetic analysis based on rbcL and trnL-F sequencing data and by conspicuous morphological similarities.  相似文献   

We describe ten new species ofPolystichum (Dryopteridaceae, Pteridophyta) from Bolivia, provide brief notes on the other eleven species of the genus in the country, and present a key to all species, New species are:P. albomarginatum, P. amboroense, P. bachii, P. chaparensis, P. congestum, P. giganteum, P. lepidotum, P. paramicola, P. rufum, andP. solomonii.  相似文献   

Schrankia nuttalii flowers through late spring on the tallgrass prairie. Although each stem produces an average of 26 capitate inflorescences only 12% of those inflorescences will open each day to disperse and receive polyads. Each inflorescence may live up to 48 hours but anthers abscise by late afternoon on the first day and the filaments change color and lose their scent. The 78–93 florets comprising each inflorescence open synchronously before dawn or during early morning hours. First day inflorescences ofS. nuttallii are herkogamous and fragrant. They are nectarless. Bombyliid flies and male bees are infrequent floral foragers so the major pollinators include female bees representing five families;Anthophoridae, Apidae, Colletidae, Halictidae, andMegachilidae. All foraging insects ignore second day inflorescences although stigmas are still receptive. Although 97% of all bees collected onS. nuttallii carrySchrankia polyads in their scopae or corbiculae 59% also carry the pollen/pollinaria of one or more coblooming angiosperms. At least 98% of all bees carrying mixed pollen loads incorporate the pollen/pollinaria of one or more nectariferous taxa (e.g.Asclepias spp.,Asteraceae, Convolvulaceae, Delphinium spec., etc.). Species of halictid bees are more likely to carry pure loads ofS. nuttallii polyads (70%) than bees of the four remaining families. Due to the nectarless florets and high degree of polylectic foraging bee-pollination inS. nuttallii converges more closely with the pollination systems of some AustralianAcacia spp. than with most other xeric/tropical genera of mimosoids studied in the western hemisphere.  相似文献   

Three new species of Myrtaceae (Calyptranthes bracteata, Eugenia gonglycocarpa, andMyrcia rupta) from northeastern South America are described and illustrated, and a new combination (Eugenia tetramera) is proposed. The closed-calyx and the completely or partially fused cotyledons ofMyrcia rupta, unusual features for the genus, are discussed and compared with related species inMyrcia andMarlierea.  相似文献   

Elsa L. Cabral 《Brittonia》2005,57(2):141-149
Four new species ofGalianthe (G. boliviana, G. chiquitosana, G. sudyungesis, andG. kempffiana) for Bolivia are described and illustrated.Galianthe kempffiana is also known from Brazil.Galianthe laxa andG. bisepala are reported for the first time for Bolivia.  相似文献   

Four new species ofCayaponia are described and illustrated: three from Brazil (C. cogniauxiana, C. nitida andC. rugosa) and one from Brazil and Bolivia (C. ferruginea).  相似文献   

Resolution of species delimitations in theRhynchospora globosa complex has revealed three species new to science from South America:R. bracteovillosa, R. leucoloma, andR. melanocarpa. Each species is described and illustrated and its geographical distribution discussed.  相似文献   

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