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Two distinct types of [3H]IP3 binding were found in canine cardiac microsomes with high (Kd = 21 nM, Bmax = 0.66 pmol/mg) and low affinity (Kd = 230 nM, Bmax = 2.9 pmol/mg). Also found were low affinity [3H]IP4 binding (Kd = 190 nM, Bmax = 4.5 pmol/mg) and high affinity [3H]IP6 binding (Kd = 10 nM, Bmax = 4.9 pmol/mg). The rank order of potency to displace these radioligands indicates that binding of IP3 and IP6 is ligand-specific. Sucrose gradient centrifugation of the detergent-solubilized cardiac microsomes indicates that the molecular size of the cardiac high affinity IP3 receptor is similar to that of the aortic smooth muscle IP3 receptor and smaller than that of the ryanodine receptor which migrates more rapidly. The IP4 and IP6 binding migrates more slowly than the IP3 receptor.  相似文献   

The cardiac isoform of the ryanodine receptor (RyR2) from dog binds predominantly a 12.6-kDa isoform of the FK506-binding protein (FKBP12.6), whereas RyR2 from other species binds both FKBP12.6 and the closely related isoform FKBP12. The role played by FKBP12.6 in modulating calcium release by RyR2 is unclear at present. We have used cryoelectron microscopy and three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction techniques to determine the binding position of FKBP12.6 on the surface of canine RyR2. Buffer conditions that should favor the "open" state of RyR2 were used. Quantitative comparison of 3D reconstructions of RyR2 in the presence and absence of FKBP12.6 reveals that FKBP12.6 binds along the sides of the square-shaped cytoplasmic region of the receptor, adjacent to domain 9, which forms part of the four clamp (corner-forming) structures. The location of the FKBP12.6 binding site on "open" RyR2 appears similar, but slightly displaced (by 1-2 nm) from that found previously for FKBP12 binding to the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor that was in the buffer that favors the "closed" state. The conformation of RyR2 containing bound FKBP12.6 differs considerably from that depleted of FKBP12.6, particularly in the transmembrane region and in the clamp structures. The x-ray structure of FKBP12.6 was docked into the region of the 3D reconstruction that is attributable to bound FKBP12.6, to show the relative orientations of amino acid residues (Gln-31, Asn-32, Phe-59) that have been implicated as being critical in interactions with RyR2. A thorough understanding of the structural basis of RyR2-FKBP12.6 interaction should aid in understanding the roles that have been proposed for FKBP12.6 in heart failure and in certain forms of sudden cardiac death.  相似文献   

A binding assay was developed for measuring the affinity of FKBP12 ligands. A biotinylation signal sequence was fused to the 5' end of the human FKBP12 gene, and the fusion protein was expressed in Escherichia coli with biotin ligase. The fusion protein was immobilized in avidin-coated multiwell plates, and varying concentrations of test ligands were allowed to compete with [3H]FK506 for FKBP12 sites on the plate. The assay provided Kd values for FK520, 32-hydroxyethyl indolyl FK520, and 18-ene, 20-oxa FK520 that are in agreement with previously reported values. The assay provides a convenient and rapid method for the assessment of FKBP12 binding by small molecules.  相似文献   

1. A competitive dialysis technique has been used to study the relative affinities of the two iron-binding sites on transferrin molecules and the relative binding strengths of transferrins isolated from plasma of different species. 2. The comparisons were extended to include desialylated human transferrin, ovotransferrin, and a cyanogen bromide fragment of the latter. 3. Although the results of bilateral experiments could generally be accounted for in terms of the theory of independent sites, there were some exceptions, and cyclic comparisons were inconsistent. 4. All the comparisons made were compatible with a model in which site-interaction occurred, but it was not possible to decide whether the sites were intrinsically identical or not. For most species this corresponded to positive cooperativity, but for rabbit it was negative. 5. The average affinity of transferrin for iron depended on species, but the variation was never more than about one order of magnitude. 6. No effect on the binding constants for human transferrin could be detected when the sialic acid residues were removed. 7. The fragment of ovotransferrin competed fairly effectively with the native molecule for iron, although the average relative affinity was only about 1:15. 8. The relative binding of iron by ovotranferrin and human transferrin was affected little when bicarbonate anion was replaced by oxalate, although the ratio of the two binding constants for ovotranferrin increased.  相似文献   

Specific antibodies against vimentin, the major constitutive protein of intermediate-sized filaments present in cytoskeletons of mesenchymal cells of vertebrates, have been raised in guinea pigs. Antibodies to murine and human vimentin are of three types. The first two types produced against murine vimentin show an exclusive or preferential reaction with vimentin filaments of rodents. The third type raised against murine or human vimentin reacts with intermediate-sized filaments in species as diverse as mammals, birds and amphibia. This latter type is used here to show, both by immunoreplica techniques and by immunofluorescence microscopy, that almost all vertebrate cells growing in culture contain filaments of the vimentin type which are usually present in extended arrays. These immunological findings also suggest that the vimentin molecule contains both sequences conserved during evolution and regions different in different vertebrate species. The cells studied include not only cells of mesenchymal origin, but also cells derived from epithelia, in which it is now possible to demonstrate extensive arrays of vimentin filaments in interphase cells as well as intermediate-sized filaments of the prekeratin type. The data are consistent with the idea that most cells grown in culture contain intermediate-sized filaments of the vimentin type, irrespective of the state of differentiation of the cells from which they are derived.  相似文献   

FKBP12 binding modulates ryanodine receptor channel gating   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ryanodine receptor (RyR1)/calcium release channel on the sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle is comprised of four 565,000-dalton RyR1s, each of which binds one FK506 binding protein (FKBP12). RyR1 is required for excitation-contraction coupling in skeletal muscle. FKBP12, a cis-trans peptidyl-prolyl isomerase, is required for the normal gating of the RyR1 channel. In the absence of FKBP12, RyR1 channels exhibit increased gating frequency, suggesting that FKBP12 "stabilizes" the channel in the open and closed states. We now show that substitution of a Gly, Glu, or Ile for Val2461 in RyR1 prevents FKBP12 binding to RyR1, resulting in channels with increased gating frequency. In the case of the V2461I mutant RyR1, normal channel function can be restored by adding FKBP12.6, an isoform of FKBP12. These data identify Val2461 as a critical residue required for FKBP12 binding to RyR1 and demonstrate the functional role for FKBP12 in the RyR1 channel complex.  相似文献   

ATP-dependent Ca binding of brain microsomes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Recent studies suggested the presence of specific glucocorticoid binding sites on rat liver microsomal membranes. We report here a new solubilization procedure which allows the physicochemical characterization of the microsomal glucocorticoid binding sites. Solubilization was achieved with 2 mM CHAPS in the presence of 5 mM benzamidine. Binding of [3H]cortisol showed a high affinity (Kd = 5.1 x 10(-9) M) and a limited capacity (0.72 pmol/mg of protein). The binding activity was abolished by elevated temperature and pronase. Competition experiments revealed that natural glucocorticoids and progesterone were highly potent competitors whereas dexamethasone and triamcinolone acetonide did not compete. Chromatography on DEAE Trisacryl and heparin Ultrogel confirmed that the solubilized protein is different from corticosteroid binding globulin and the cytosolic glucocorticoid receptor. Treatment of microsomal fractions with phosphatidyl inositol phospholipase C promoted the release of specific binding activity suggesting a putative glycosylphosphatidyl anchor for this protein. This finding may have interesting implications concerning the mechanism of glucocorticoid hormone action.  相似文献   

The available evidence suggests that the properties of the contractile proteins from lower vertebrates are broadly similar to those found in skeletal and cardiac muscles of mammalian species. However, the proteins from ectotherms are generally more unstable on isolation.  相似文献   

Changes in FKBP12.6 binding to cardiac ryanodine receptors (RyR2) are implicated in mediating disturbances in Ca(2+)-homeostasis in heart failure but there is controversy over the functional effects of FKBP12.6 on RyR2 channel gating. We have therefore investigated the effects of FKBP12.6 and another structurally similar molecule, FKBP12, which is far more abundant in heart, on the gating of single sheep RyR2 channels incorporated into planar phospholipid bilayers and on spontaneous waves of Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+)-release in rat isolated permeabilised cardiac cells. We demonstrate that FKBP12 is a high affinity activator of RyR2, sensitising the channel to cytosolic Ca(2+), whereas FKBP12.6 has very low efficacy, but can antagonise the effects of FKBP12. Mathematical modelling of the data shows the importance of the relative concentrations of FKBP12 and FKBP12.6 in determining RyR2 activity. Consistent with the single-channel results, physiological concentrations of FKBP12 (3 μM) increased Ca(2+)-wave frequency and decreased the SR Ca(2+)-content in cardiac cells. FKBP12.6, itself, had no effect on wave frequency but antagonised the effects of FKBP12.We provide a biophysical analysis of the mechanisms by which FK-binding proteins can regulate RyR2 single-channel gating. Our data indicate that FKBP12, in addition to FKBP12.6, may be important in regulating RyR2 function in the heart. In heart failure, it is possible that an alteration in the dual regulation of RyR2 by FKBP12 and FKBP12.6 may occur. This could contribute towards a higher RyR2 open probability, 'leaky' RyR2 channels and Ca(2+)-dependent arrhythmias.  相似文献   

Infection by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis continues to cause considerable morbidity and mortality worldwide. Many current acellular pertussis vaccines include the antigen pertactin, which has presumptive adhesive and immunomodulatory activities, but is rapidly lost from clinical isolates after the introduction of these vaccines. To better understand the contributions of pertactin antibodies to protection and pertactin''s role in pathogenesis, we isolated and characterized recombinant antibodies binding four distinct epitopes on pertactin. We demonstrate that four of these antibodies bind epitopes that are conserved across all three classical Bordetella strains, and competition assays further showed that antibodies binding these epitopes are also elicited by B. pertussis infection of baboons. Surprisingly, we found that representative antibodies binding each epitope protected mice against experimental B. pertussis infection. A cocktail of antibodies from each epitope group protected mice against a subsequent lethal dose of B. pertussis and greatly reduced lung colonization levels after sublethal challenge. Each antibody reduced B. pertussis lung colonization levels up to 100-fold when administered individually, which was significantly reduced when antibody effector functions were impaired, with no antibody mediating antibody-dependent complement-induced lysis. These data suggest that antibodies binding multiple pertactin epitopes protect primarily by the same bactericidal mechanism, which overshadows contributions from blockade of other pertactin functions. These antibodies expand the available tools to further dissect pertactin''s role in infection and understand the impact of antipertactin antibodies on bacterial fitness.  相似文献   

Drugs can affect function in proteins by modulating their flexibility. Despite this possibility, there are very few studies on how drug binding affects the dynamics of target macromolecules. FKBP12 (FK506 binding protein 12) is a prolyl cis-trans isomerase and a drug target. The immunosuppressant drug rapamycin exerts its therapeutic effect by serving as an adaptor molecule between FKBP12 and the cell proliferation regulator mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin). To understand the role of dynamics in rapamycin-based immunosuppression and to gain insight into the role of dynamics in the assembly of supramolecular complexes, we used 15N, 13C, and 2H NMR spin relaxation to characterize FKBP12 along the binding coordinate that leads to cell cycle arrest. We show that sequential addition of rapamycin and mTOR leads to incremental rigidification of the FKBP12 backbone on the picosecond-nanosecond timescale. Both binding events lead to perturbation of main-chain and side-chain dynamics at sites distal to the binding interfaces, suggesting tight coupling interactions dispersed throughout the FKBP12-rapamycin interface. Binding of the first molecule, rapamycin, quenches microsecond-millisecond motions of the FKBP12 80's loop. This loop provides much of the surface buried at the protein-protein interface of the ternary complex, leading us to assert that preorganization upon rapamycin binding facilitates binding of the second molecule, mTOR. Widespread microsecond-millisecond motions of the backbone persist in the drug-bound enzyme, and we provide evidence that these slow motions represent coupled dynamics of the enzyme and isomerization of the bound drug. Finally, the pattern of microsecond-millisecond dynamics reported here in the rapamycin complex is dramatically different from the pattern in the complex with the structurally related drug FK506. This raises the important question of how two complexes that are highly isomorphic based on high-resolution static models have such different flexibilities in solution.  相似文献   

Hsp90 assembles with steroid receptors and other client proteins in association with one or more Hsp90-binding cochaperones, some of which contain a common tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domain. Included in the TPR cochaperones are the Hsp70-Hsp90-organizing protein Hop, the FK506-binding immunophilins FKBP52 and FKBP51, the cyclosporin A-binding immunophilin CyP40, and protein phosphatase PP5. The TPR domains from these proteins have similar x-ray crystallographic structures and target cochaperone binding to the MEEVD sequence that terminates Hsp90. However, despite these similarities, the TPR cochaperones have distinctive properties for binding Hsp90 and assembling with Hsp90.steroid receptor complexes. To identify structural features that differentiate binding of FKBP51 and FKBP52 to Hsp90, we generated an assortment of truncation mutants and chimeras that were compared for coimmunoprecipitation with Hsp90. Although the core TPR domain (approximately amino acids 260-400) of FKBP51 and FKBP52 is required for Hsp90 binding, the C-terminal 60 amino acids (approximately 400-end) also influence Hsp90 binding. More specifically, we find that amino acids 400-420 play a critical role for Hsp90 binding by either FKBP. Within this 20-amino acid region, we have identified a consensus sequence motif that is also present in some other TPR cochaperones. Additionally, the final 30 amino acids of FKBP51 enhance binding to Hsp90, whereas the corresponding region of FKBP52 moderates binding to Hsp90. Taking into account the x-ray crystal structure for FKBP51, we conclude that the C-terminal regions of FKBP51 and FKBP52 outside the core TPR domains are likely to assume alternative conformations that significantly impact Hsp90 binding.  相似文献   

Human placental microsomes exhibit uptake of d-[3H]glucose which is sensitive to inhibition by cytochalasin B (apparent Ki = 0.78 /gm M). Characterization of [3H]cytochalasin B binding to these membranes reveals a glucose-sensitive site, inhibited by d-glucose with an ED50 = 40 mM. The glucose-sensitive cytochalasin B binding site is found to have a Kd = 0.15μM by analysis according to Scatchard. Solubilization with octylglucoside extracts 60–70% of the glucose-sensitive binding component. Equilibrium dialysis binding of [3H]cytochalasin B to the soluble protein displays a pattern of inhibition by d-glucose similar to that observed for intact membranes, and the measurement of an ED50 = 37.5 mM d-glucose confirms the presence of the cytochalasin B binding component, putatively assigned as the glucose transporter. Further evidence is attained by photoaffinity labelling; ultraviolet-sensitive [3H]cytochalasin B incorporation into soluble protein (Mr range 42 000-68 000) is prevented by the presence of d-glucose. An identical photolabelling pattern is observed for incorporation of [3H]cytochalasin B into intact membrane protein, confirming the usefulness of this approach as a means of identifying the presence of the glucose transport protein under several conditions.  相似文献   

Effects of taurine on Ca++ binding to microsomes isolated from rat cerebral cortex were investigated in a medium containing various concentrations of KCl and/or NaCl. Calcium binding to microsomes was inhibited in a dose-dependent fashion by taurine in the incubation medium containing 5 mM KCl and 115 mM NaCl, while there was no inhibition in the medium containing 115 mM KCl and 5 mM NaCl. Taurine also decreased Ca++ binding in the medium containing 70 mM KCl without NaCl. A similar tendency toward inhibition of the Ca++ binding was observed in the medium with 5 mM or 120 mM KCl without NaCl. Taurine did not influence the Ca++ binding in the medium containing different concentrations of NaCl without KCl, or in the medium from which KCl and NaCl were omitted. Isethionate, glycine, γ-aminobutyric acid, β-alanine and L-leucine did not significantly alter the Ca++ binding to microsomes in the medium containing 70 mM KCl without NaCl. Thus it would appear that taurine may modulate the binding of calcium to microsomes in conditions which resemble the state of depolarization, while it is inactive in the normal resting state. This effect is apparently specific to taurine amongst a series of putative “inhibitory” amino acids.  相似文献   

The ryanodine receptor-calcium release channel complex (RyR) plays a pivotal role in excitation-contraction coupling in skeletal and cardiac muscle. RyR channel activity is modulated by interaction with FK506-binding protein (FKBP), and disruption of the RyR-FKBP association has been implicated in cardiomyopathy, cardiac hypertrophy, and heart failure. Evidence for an interaction between RyR and FKBP is well documented, both in skeletal muscle (RyR1-FKBP12) and in cardiac muscle (RyR2-FKBP12.6), however definition of the FKBP-binding site remains elusive. Early reports proposed interaction of a short RyR central domain with FKBP12/12.6, however this site has been questioned, and recently an alternative FKBP12.6 interaction site has been identified within the N-terminal half of RyR2. In this study, we report evidence for the human RyR2 C-terminal domain as a novel FKBP12.6-binding site. Using competition binding assays, we find that short C-terminal RyR2 fragments can displace bound FKBP12.6 from the native RyR2, although they are unable to exclusively support interaction with FKBP12.6. However, expression of a large RyR2 C-terminal construct in mammalian cells encompassing the pore-forming transmembrane domains exhibits rapamycin-sensitive binding specifically to FKBP12.6 but not to FKBP12. We also obtained some evidence for involvement of the RyR2 N-terminal, but not the central domain, in FKBP12.6 interaction. Our studies suggest that a novel interaction site for FKBP12.6 may be present at the RyR2 C terminus, proximal to the channel pore, a sterically appropriate location that would enable this protein to play a central role in the modulation of this critical ion channel.  相似文献   

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