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M K?hler  P Hellstern  E Wenzel 《Blut》1985,50(1):25-27
In vitro investigations have demonstrated a high F VIII:Rcof potency and a high F VIII:Rcof/F VIII R:Ag ratio of two heat-treated F VIII concentrates. We therefore studied the in vivo effectiveness of these preparations (F VIII HSR, Behringwerke Marburg and F VIII HTR, Travenol) in five patients with von Willebrand's disease (vWd). In the steady state in vivo recoveries of F VIII:Rcof ranged from 73-153% after transfusion of F VIII HSR and from 11.5-17% after F VIII HTR respectively. The gain of F VIII-complex after F VIII HS was comparable to cryopecipitate (KryobulinR SP, Immuno AG Wien). All three products shortened the bleeding-time. Three of our five patients underwent surgery (Billroth I, papillotomy, laparatomy, open heart surgery) under F VIII HS cover without bleeding complications. The dose applied ranged from 20 to 40 U/kg at 8 or 12 h intervals for a period of approx. 14 days. Serum-transaminase elevations were observed in two of four patients after F VIII HT treatment. Although the risk of hepatitis of heat-treated F VIII concentrates remains to be determined, these products proved to be effective in vWd. The major advantages of these preparations are stability, rapid solubility, a low content of contaminating proteins, and a rapid, general availability.  相似文献   

Plasma exchanges were combined with human factor VIII concentrate therapy in the treatment of major bleeding episodes in five patients with haemophilia A and factor VIII inhibitors. All patients had a good clinical response to combined treatment. Inhibitor levels showed satisfactory falls before rapid secondary increases of inhibitor levels took place. A sixth patient with von Willebrand''s disease and a factor VIII clotting activity inhibitor was successfully prepared for operation using plasma exchange. Postoperative haemostasis and healing were normal. In two patients the plasma exchanges were relatively more effective than the administered human factor VIII in reducing the levels of factor VIII inhibitor. Combined plasma exchange and human factor VIII treatment may offer a rapidly effective means of reducing factor VIII inhibitor levels in this group of patients, together with significant saving of costs.  相似文献   

This study summarises the biochemical and functional properties of a new generation plasma-derived, double virus inactivated von Willebrand Factor/Factor VIII (VWF/FVIII) concentrate, Wilate, targeted for the treatment of both von Willebrand disease (VWD) and haemophilia A. The manufacturing process comprises two chromatographic steps based on different performance principles, ensuring a high purity of the concentrate (mean specific activity in 15 consecutive production batches: 122 IU FVIII:C/mg total protein) and, thus, minimising the administered protein load to the patient (specification: < or = 15 mg total protein per 900 IU Wilate). The optimised solvent/detergent (S/D) treatment and prolonged terminal dry-heat (PermaHeat) treatment of the lyophilised product at a specified residual moisture (RM) provide two mechanistically independent, effective and robust virus inactivation procedures for enveloped viruses and one step for non-enveloped viruses. These process steps are aggressive enough to inactivate viruses efficiently, but yet gentle enough to maintain the structural integrity and function of the VWF and FVIII molecules, as proven by state-of-the-art assays covering the diverse features of importance. The VWF multimeric pattern is close to the one displayed by normal plasma, with a consistent content of more than 10 multimers, but a relatively lower portion of the very high multimers. The multimeric triplet structure is normal, underlining the gentle and effective manufacturing process, which does not require the addition of protein stabilisers at any step. The balanced activity ratio of VWF to FVIII is close to that of plasma from healthy subjects, rendering Wilate suitable also for the safe and effective treatment of patients with VWD.  相似文献   

An original procedure of preparation in a closed system of high purity Factor VIII concentrate is presented. Starting from cryoprecipitates, this method involves a first step of partial removal of fibrinogen by glycine precipitation (1.6 M) and a second step of Factor VIII concentration by cryoprecipitation. The yield is 16.5% of plasmatic F VIII:C (0.8 mu/ml.). Several batches of concentrates thus prepared are compared "in vitro" to 9 other commercially available concentrates from 8 different manufactories. The results show that most of the characteristics of our concentrate are within the range of specifications of other commercially available high-purity F VIII concentrate: F VIII: C activity (CRTS Lille concentrate: 25-40 U/ml.; other concentrates: 25-50 U/ml) solubility, specific activity (CRTS lille concentrate; 1.0-1.82 U F VIII:C/mg protein and 1.79-4.8 U F VIII: C/mg clottable proteins; other concentrates: 0.53-2.79 U F VIII:C/mg protein an 1.39-4.84 U F VIII:C/mg clottable proteins), isoagglutinin titers (CRTS Lille concentrate: 2-8 anti-A, 0.16 anti-B; other concentrates: 0-64 anti-A, 8-16 anti-B) F VIIIC/F VIII R: Ag ratios (CRTS Lille concentrate: 0.18-0.49; other concentrates: 0.20-0.42). Furthermore F VIII R:Ag electrophoretic mobility studied by crossed immunoelectrophoresis add F VIII R: RCo assays provide evidence that very high molecular weight multimeric forms of F VIII/vWf which support vWf activity are present in our concentrate. "In vivo" study and clinical efficacy in vWd patients confirm these results and show that our concentrate is appropriate for the treatment of patients with F VIII:C or V VIII R:RCo deficiency.  相似文献   

Purified human factor FVIII (FVIII; 6000-8000 U/mg) was radiolabeled and bound to immobilized von Willebrand factor (vWF). The complex was incubated with human thrombin. Thrombin induced a release of 65% of the radioactivity initially bound. Released FVIII fragments and fragments remaining bound during incubation with thrombin were analyzed using gel electrophoresis. This led to the following observations. Released fragments largely consisted of Mr-70000 and Mr-50000 fragments; Mr-90000 and Mr-80000 fragments were only found in the fractions remaining bound to vWF and decreased with time. In contrast to these digestion products of FVIII, the Mr-42000 heavy-chain fragment remained bound to vWF, comprising the larger part of the radioactivity after a 2-h incubation. No thrombin-induced cleavages were observed in vWF. Furthermore, vWF-coated wells preincubated with thrombin were still able to bind 125I-FVIII. These results implicate a new concept for the activation of vWF-bound FVIII. Activation is a multistep process in which several cleavages are necessary to produce and release a coagulant-active FVIII molecule (FVIIIa), which is probably an Mr-50000/70000 heterodimer. Inactivation of FVIIIa is likely to be the result of a nonproteolytic dissociation due to loss of the joining divalent cation(s).  相似文献   

von Willebrand factor (vWF) plays a central role in blood coagulation, mediating the adhesion of the initial platelet plug to the subendothelium, and serving as the carrier for factor VIII (FVIII) in the circulation. In previous studies, we have mapped the epitope for an anti-vWF monoclonal antibody which inhibits the interaction between FVIII and vWF to a region spanning Thr78 to Thr96 of the mature protein (Bahou, W.F., Ginsburg, D., Sikkink, R., Litwiller, R., and Fass, D. N. (1989) J. Clin. Invest. 84, 56-61). We now report the identification of a mutation within this region of vWF that results in decreased FVIII binding. Sequence analysis of polymerase chain reaction amplified platelet vWF mRNA from a von Willebrand disease (vWD) patient with a disproportionately low FVIII level identified a single nucleotide substitution (G----A), resulting in the conversion of Arg91----Gln. Recombinant vWF carrying this substitution showed decreased binding to FVIII compared with wild-type vWF or vWF carrying a polymorphic substitution in the same region (Arg89----Gln). These observations suggest a critical role for Arg91 in the interaction of vWF with FVIII and identify the molecular mechanism for a variant of vWD associated with unusually low FVIII levels.  相似文献   

Eight batches of commercial heat-treated and one untreated factor VIII concentrate from 6 producers were analyzed for their content of IgG, IgG subclasses, IgG aggregates and the presence of other plasma proteins combined with the IgG as well as for anticomplement activity. Methods used were thin-layer gel filtration, immuno-gel filtration, spot immuno-precipitate assay in a double antibody version and an agarose plate haemolysis inhibition assay of complement fixation. The IgG content varied from 0.1-6.90 g/l. In all preparations IgG existed as monomers and aggregates. Associated with the IgG were also found, at significantly increased amounts compared to normal serum and intravenous immunoglobulin, one to four of the following plasma proteins; fibronectin, fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor antigen, Clq, albumin and IgA. Three batches from two producers had high anticomplementary activity, presumably caused by the IgG aggregates. Two of these deviated strikingly from normal human serum pools in percent distribution of IgG subclasses. It is hypothesized that these aggregates can induce side effects or cause immunological aberrations.  相似文献   

S Lethagen  A S Harris  I M Nilsson 《Blut》1990,60(3):187-191
Desmopressin acetate (1-desamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin, DDAVP) has mostly been given by the parenteral route for the treatment of mild hemophilia A and von Willebrand's disease type I. In the present study the hemostatic effects of desmopressin acetate administered intranasally by spray in a dose of 300 micrograms and intravenously 0.3-0.4 micrograms/kg were assessed and compared in 8 patients with hemophilia A and 22 patients with von Willebrand's disease type I. A bioequivalent response to intravenous and intranasal desmopressin acetate was found in Factor VIII coagulant activity (VIII:C) in the hemophilia patients. In the von Willebrand patients, an equivalent shortening of the bleeding time was seen after the two modes of administration, even though intravenous injection gave a higher increase in plasma levels of VIII:C and vWF:Ag. In five patients with von Willebrand's disease the duration of the spray effect on VIII:C and vWF:Ag was followed for 24 h. After 12 h the mean level of VIII:C was 1.4, and of vWF:Ag 1.5, times the basal level. The findings suggest that the spray can be recommended for home or prophylactic treatment of patients with mild hemophilia A and von Willebrand's disease.  相似文献   

Out of 113 patients with vWD 15 were of type II. The basic test programme included F VIII:C, vWF-Ag, RCF and BT (Ivy). All type II patients had relatively high vWF-Ag and low RCF values. CIEP proved increased anodal migration velocity. IRMA testing of vWF:Ag was showing narrow correlation with RCF. Thrombocyte count was unchanged after DDAVP infusion and RIPA was always diminished. Finally multimeric sizing was done in 6 patients. From the completely diagnosed patients 5 are of type IIA and one seems to have type IIC. Nobody of the 15 had the characteristics of type IIB.  相似文献   

In the routine production of a factor VIII concentrate (produced by adsorption of contaminating proteins in cryoprecipitate to controlled-pore silica and concentration of the factor VIII effluent by ultrafiltration) the terminal dry-heat treatment has been replaced by pasteurization in the liquid state. High effectivity of this procedure with respect to virus inactivation was demonstrated using a variety of both lipid- and protein-enveloped model viruses, including HIV. Pair-wise quality control of dry-heated and pasteurized product revealed no significant differences, except in the composition of the formulation buffer. In a clinical study in which 17 patients with haemophilia A participated the pasteurized product was well tolerated and in vivo recovery and half-life of factor VIII were in the same (normal) range as found for the dry-heated counterpart.  相似文献   

The authors present the case of mitral valve prolapse. In a young woman with three-year history of systematically treated epilepsia mitral valve prolapse with a spurious string within left ventricle has been diagnosed echocardiographically in coincidence with the symptoms of haemorrhagic diathesis of von Willebrand type in form of haemoptysis and or/massive haemorrhages in mouth occasionally being preceded by heart rhythm disturbances. No local changes have been observed in otorhinolaryngologic examination, bronchoscopy and gastroscopy. Possible mutual dependence of 3 above stated abnormalities is being discussed. It is not excluded, that mitral prolapse may constitute the primary entity and epilepsia is of secondary character as a result of cerebral ischaemic incidents or of cerebral embolism. It is also a matter of discussion to what extent abrupt haemodynamic disturbances connected with critical fall of systemic blood pressure due to mitral prolapse may influence the haemorrhagic episodes.  相似文献   

von Willebrand factor (vWf) is a multimeric plasma glycoprotein that functions in hemostasis as the initiator of platelet adhesion to damaged blood vessels and as the carrier of Factor VIII (FVIII). Montgomery et al. (Montgomery, R.R., Hathaway, W.E., Johnson, J., Jacobsen, L., and Muntean, W. (1982) Blood 60, 201-207) reported a variant of von Willebrand disease characterized by the abnormal interaction between FVIII and a defective vWf. To identify the molecular basis of this abnormal interaction, we isolated platelet RNA from members of one of the affected families and determined the nucleotide sequence of the FVIII-binding domain encoded by the vWf mRNA. A single G to A transition at nucleotide 2561 was linked with disease expression and results in the substitution of Gln for Arg91 in mature vWf. A restriction fragment containing this mutation was introduced into a full-length vWf expression vector, and both wild type and mutant vWf were expressed in COS-7 cells. In a solid-phase binding assay, expressed vWf was captured with anti-vWf monoclonal antibody AVW1 and then incubated with 6.25-400 milliunits of recombinant FVIII. After washing, vWf-bound FVIII activity was determined with a chromogenic assay. Mutant vWf showed reduced binding of FVIII compared with wild type, suggesting that the substitution of Gln for Arg91 is the likely basis for the abnormal vWf/FVIII interaction in this von Willebrand disease variant.  相似文献   

Five different guanidinium (Gu)-derivatized agarose matrices were investigated for their potential in chromatographically resolving the Factor VIII/von Willebrand complex, VIII/vWf, fibrinogen, Fg, and fibronectin, Fn, from cryoprecipitate. Using conventional NaCl gradient methodology it was found that the order of elution of specific plasma proteins, and the yield of VIII/vWf, varied with the methods used to derivatize the agarose beads. Good yields of VIII:C (generally 30-45%) were obtained with Gu-matrices prepared by bis-oxirane coupling procedures. Cryoprecipitate binding studies showed that the capacity of Gu-Sepharose 4B, prepared by isourea modification of amino-Sepharose 4B, was 36 units VIII/vWf per ml matrix. The product, depleted of both Fg and Fn, had a specific activity of 2 units VIII:C per mg total protein, (yield 100% vWf:Ag and 47% VIII:C).  相似文献   

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