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Experiments were conducted to study the progress of purple blotch disease of garlic caused by Alternuria porri in the field, to determine the relationship between garlic leaf age and susceptibility to Alternaria porri, and also to assess loss in bulb characters due to purple blotch of garlic. Per cent disease severity and number of purple blotch lesions on four garlic genotypes of known susceptibility, Sel-10 (highly susceptible), G-41 (highly susceptible), IC-49382 (moderately susceptible) and IC-49373 (moderate to less susceptible) were monitored from bulb formation to bulb maturity at weekly intervals. Lesions appeared early on highly susceptible cultivars, Sel-10 and G-41. Rapid progress of disease development was noticed during the last 3 wk before bulb maturity. Peak severity at the maturity of the crop was significantly higher on highly susceptible genotypes. No definite correlation could be established between number of lesions and disease severity. A logistic curve was fitted to predict the disease progress on different weeks before bulb maturity. Levels of leaf tissue found damaged by A. porri at weekly intervals from bulb initiation to bulb maturity were significantly lower on younger leaves than on older leaves. Leaves that emerged 7 wk before bulb maturity required more than a 5 wk period to reach 50% leaf damage, whereas leaves emerging 2, 3 and 4 wk before bulb maturity exceeded 50% leaf damage within a 2–3 wk period. Individual garlic leaves became more susceptible to purple blotch as they aged and emerging leaves were more susceptible the closer they emerged to bulb maturity. Per cent loss in bulb weight and bulb volume was found to be significantly higher on highly susceptible genotypes. No significant reduction in number of cloves/bulb was observed. We propose 4 wk before bulb maturity as the action threshold for initiation of fungicidal application to prevent damaging levels of disease.  相似文献   

Bancal MO  Robert C  Ney B 《Annals of botany》2007,100(4):777-789
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Crop protection strategies, based on preventing quantitative crop losses rather than pest outbreaks, are being developed as a promising way to reduce fungicide use. The Bastiaans' model was applied to winter wheat crops (Triticum aestivum) affected by leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) and Septoria tritici blotch (STB; Mycosphaerella graminicola) under a range of crop management conditions. This study examined (a) whether green leaf area per layer accurately accounts for growth loss; and (b) whether from growth loss it is possible to derive yield loss accurately and simply. Methods Over 5 years of field experiments, numerous green leaf area dynamics were analysed during the post-anthesis period on wheat crops using natural aerial epidemics of leaf rust and STB. Key Results When radiation use efficiency (RUE) was derived from bulk green leaf area index (GLAI), RUE(bulk) was hardly accurate and exhibited large variations among diseased wheat crops, thus extending outside the biological range. In contrast, when RUE was derived from GLAI loss per layer, RUE(layer) was a more accurate calculation and fell within the biological range. In one situation out of 13, no significant shift in the RUE(layer) of diseased crops vs. healthy crops was observed. A single linear relationship linked yield to post-anthesis accumulated growth for all treatments. Its slope, not different from 1, suggests that the allocation of post-anthesis photosynthates to grains was not affected by the late occurring diseases under study. The mobilization of pre-anthesis reserves completely accounted for the intercept value. Conclusions The results strongly suggest that a simple model based on green leaf area per layer and pre-anthesis reserves can predict both growth and yield of wheat suffering from late epidemics of foliar diseases over a range of crop practices. It could help in better understanding how crop structure and reserve management contribute to tolerance of wheat genotypes to leaf diseases.  相似文献   

The present investigation aimed to isolate the causative agents of onion purple blotch and Stemphylium blight diseases and evaluate the efficacy of certain plant extracts against the two identified pathogens, in vitro and under greenhouse condition. Fourteen isolates of S. vesicarium and two isolates of Alternaria porri were tested for pathogenicity. The results indicated that all isolates were able to produce the symptoms of Stemphylium blight and onion purple blotch diseases with different degrees of severity ranging from 10.42 to 81.25%. A. porri No. 6022 caused the highest disease severity (81.25%), while S. vesicarium No. 6003 was the best one out of the tested 14 isolates (37.5%). Antifungal activity of some aqueous plant extracts (Azadirachta indica, Cydonia oblonga, Datura stramonium, Eucalyptus globulus, Foeniculum vulgare, Ocimum basilicum, Rosmarinus officinalis and Salix mucronata) was assayed in vitro by dry weight technique. The data indicated that there were significant differences between these extracts in their effect on fungal growth of A. porri and S. vesicarium and the best were A. indica and D. stramonium. Under greenhouse conditions, application of the aqueous extract of A. indica either before or after 48?h A. porri inoculation produced the highest reduction in disease severity comprising 70 and 74.7%, respectively. On the other hand, the highest percentage of disease reduction before and after 48?h S. vesicarium inoculation was produced by Ridomil gold plus reached to 84.4 and 95.8% respectively, followed by the aqueous extract of A. indica (74.1 and 89.7, respectively). According to our results, it can be concluded that plant extracts of A. indica and D. stramonium can be used for the biocontrol of purple blotch and Stemphylium blight diseases instead of fungicides to minimise the risks and hazards of using toxic fungicides.  相似文献   

苹果绵蚜为害产量损失测定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
邱名榜 《昆虫知识》1998,35(3):142-143
苹果绵蚜为害苹果的树干、枝,新稍及根部,从中吸取大量营养,使寄主生长发育不良,产量降低。经测定苹果绵蚜发生群落数与造成的产量呈负相关,而与产量损失率成正相关,在苹果单株产量108.19~154.20kg,苹果绵蚜群落数±30~>150个的情况下,小国光和青香蕉品种的产量损失率分别为4.10%~38.81%和7.5%~32.04%。  相似文献   

Garlic (Allium sativum) and its essential oil have long been used for their distinct flavour, therapeutic effects and as a topical and systemic insect repellent. We tested the hypothesis that the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti L. (Diptera: Culicidae), responds electrophysiologically and behaviourally to specific components of the steam‐distilled essential oil of garlic. In coupled gas chromatographic‐electroantennographic detection analyses of garlic oil, antennae of female Ae. aegypti responded to 14 compounds. Seven of them [diallyl disulphide, diallyl trisulphide, diallyl tetrasulphide, 2‐(2,3‐dithia‐5‐hexenyl)‐3,4‐dihydro‐2H‐thiopyran, 3‐(2,3‐dithia‐5‐hexenyl)‐3,4‐dihydro‐2H‐thiopyran, 6‐methyl‐4,5,8,9‐tetrathiadodeca‐1,11‐diene and 4,5,9,10‐tetrathiatrideca‐1,12‐diene] were isolated or synthesized and tested for their ability to repel host‐seeking female Ae. aegypti. A solution of diallyl trisulphide and diallyl tetrasulphide applied to a human forearm provided protection from female mosquitoes significantly longer than the paraffin oil control. All compounds had mean protection times significantly shorter than an equivalent dose of the ‘gold standard’N,N‐diethyl‐3‐methylbenzamide. Understanding the common moiety in organosulfur compounds that causes repellence could lead to the design of analogues that are more effective than their natural counterparts in repelling mosquitoes.  相似文献   

在网室内人工接茴香薄翅野螟Evergestis extimalis Scopoli卵,研究结果表明,随着幼虫数量的增加,油菜产量损失增加;与对照相比,当接卵数为216、399、858、1665和3279粒时,产量损失分别达3.13%,2.08%,12.5%,25.10%和43.33%。各网室实际接虫数(x)与其相应的小区油菜产量(y)的关系为:y=-0.0007x+4.8129,表明虫口密度与油菜产量为负相关。在青海省油菜种植区内每平米幼虫或卵数超过10头或粒时,应即时防治。  相似文献   

为了探究不同生长阶段土壤水分含量持续下降过程对玉米生长发育和产量形成的影响,通过设置遮雨棚人工控水试验,分析不同生长阶段持续干旱条件下玉米株高、叶面积指数(LAI)、光合性能、地上生物量和产量等生理生态指标的动态变化.试验因素为控水时段和控水持续时间,从拔节普遍期开始分别控水20(T1)和27 d(T2),从抽雄普遍期开始控水20(T3)和27 d(T4),加上不控水对照(CK),共5个处理.结果表明: 持续干旱导致植株叶片卷曲、打绺,下部叶片衰老加快,对LAI影响较大,从而降低生物量的累积与籽粒产量.T1~T4处理结束时LAI分别为CK的74.9%、68.2%、60.5%和48.3%.玉米植株在经历持续控水后,叶片最大净光合速率(Pn max)逐渐下降,T1(T3)和T2(T4)处理结束时Pn max分别降至CK的23%及不足10%,复水2周后,Pn max能恢复到CK的90%左右.T1和T2处理产量较CK分别下降18.5%和24.0%,T3和T4处理分别减产41.6%和45.8%.抽雄期持续干旱对玉米地上生物量及产量构成的影响大于拔节期干旱.干旱程度(D)能够定量表示土壤干旱状况,与玉米减产率存在线性定量关系,可通过计算D来预测玉米的减产情况.  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate the effects of simulated gastric conditions upon the anti-Helicobacter pylori effects of garlic oil (GO). Methods and Results: Time course viability experiments assessed the anti-H. pylori activity of GO (16 and 32 μg ml−1) in simulated gastric environments. Rapid anti-H. pylori action of GO was observed in artificial gastric juice. Mucus (1–5%) was strongly protective of H. pylori both alone and in the presence of GO, but its protective effect was antagonized by GO. Peptone (5–15 g l−1) caused a dose-dependent reduction in the anti-H. pylori activity of GO. Rapeseed oil (5·7–17 g l−1) greatly diminished the anti-H. pylori activity of GO. Dextrin (44 and 133 g l−1) exhibited direct anti-H. pylori effects and added to those of GO. Simulated meal mixtures decreased but did not eliminate the anti-H. pylori activity of 32 μg ml−1 GO. Conclusions: The anti-H. pylori activity of GO was noticeably affected by food materials and mucin. However, substantial activity remained under simulated gastric conditions. Further investigation of the therapeutic potential of GO against H. pylori is therefore warranted. Significance and Impact of the Study: Garlic oil may be useful as an alternative treatment against H. pylori, a major cause of gastrointestinal infections in humans.  相似文献   

Reflectance from barley field trial plots was measured to determine whether it could be used as an accurate estimate of disease and yield response to fungicide, and whether this was consistent over a range of agronomic factors. Three trials were used to test the effects of cultivar, assessment date, fungicide and dose, different disease and fertiliser. Correlations with predominant disease and resulting yield loss were high, often better than visual disease or green leaf area measurements alone. Certain ratios of two reflectance wavelength measurements were more robust predictors than single wavelengths. Cultivar and development stage had a large influence on measurements and calibration for such morphology-based characters would be essential for practical deployment. Whilst weather conditions and solar angle restrict opportunities for usage of reflectance tools such as the‘Cropscan Radiometer', it may prove useful in crop loss assessments as an additional objective tool.  相似文献   

Two methods were used to investigate the loss in grain yield associated with specific levels of leaf blotch. Yields from plots sprayed with fungicide were compared with those from unsprayed plots and yields of varieties of different susceptibility to the disease were compared with one another. A disease assessment key is presented, which was used to assess the percentage laminar area of the top two leaves affected by the disease. A linear relationship between disease on the upper two leaves and yield was established. Results from nine trials showed a consistent relationship between the disease level, at growth stage 11·1 (Feekes scale), and loss in yield. The loss in yield expressed as a percentage of the yield of an uninfected crop was equivalent to approximately two-thirds of the percentage of the flag-leaf area visibly infected, or one-half of the infected area on the second leaf. The predicted loss in yield is the average of these two estimates.  相似文献   

华南地区龙眼寒害灾损风险评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于华南地区64个基本气象站1961—2012年逐日气象资料,采用公认的龙眼寒害灾害指标,结合农业气象灾害风险研究的方法与模拟技术,并考虑龙眼寒害灾损减产风险在不同生育期(花芽生理期、花芽形态分化期、休眠期)之间的差别,对1961—2012年华南地区龙眼不同发育时段的寒害灾损最大风险进行定量评估与分析.结果表明: 在花芽生理期,各地区龙眼受灾最严重的是轻度寒害,其次为重度寒害,最后为中度寒害;不同寒害致灾等级对各地龙眼造成的危害程度不同,在轻度寒害威胁下,龙眼受灾轻重次序为福建、广东和海南、广西,中度寒害威胁下,龙眼受灾轻重次序为海南、广东和广西、福建,重度寒害威胁下,龙眼受灾轻重次序为海南、广东和广西、福建.在花芽形态分化期,各地区龙眼受灾最严重的是轻度寒害,其次为重度寒害,最后为中度寒害;该时段内不同寒害致灾等级对各地龙眼造成的危害程度相似,龙眼受灾轻重次序均为海南、广东和广西、福建.在休眠期,各地区龙眼寒害受灾最严重的是轻度寒害,其次为重度寒害,最后为中度寒害;该时段内不同寒害致灾等级对各地龙眼造成的危害程度不完全相同,轻度和重度寒害威胁下,各地龙眼受灾轻重次序为海南、广东和广西、福建,中度寒害威胁下,海南和广西龙眼受灾最轻,其次为广东,福建受灾最严重.同一寒害致灾等级下,不同发育时段龙眼寒害灾损减产最大风险指数差异显著:轻度寒害威胁下,各地区龙眼在花芽生理期受到危害最重,其次为花芽形态分化期,休眠期危害最轻;中度和重度寒害威胁下,各地区龙眼在花芽生理期受到危害最重,其次为休眠期,花芽形态分化期危害最轻.  相似文献   

We investigated the growth inhibition effect of pyroligneous acid on the pathogenic fungus,Alternaria mali, which is known to be the agent of Alternaria blotch of apple plants. Chemical control ofA. mali could be achieved through the use of agrochemical fungicides, while the substitute for agrochemical control is gradually increasing. It was observed that pyroligneous acid exhibited antifungal activity against some plant pathogenic fungi. More specifically, the growth ofA. mali was completely inhibited in pyroligneous acid at a dilution of 1∶32. When its antifungal activity was compared to that of polyoxin B, which is used for the chemical control of Alternaria blotch of apple, it was observed that the antifungal activity of pyroligneous acid diluted at 1∶32 corresponded to 2.0 mg/mL of polyoxin B. Consequently, it is concluded that the diluted pyroligneous acid can substitute for polyoxin B, thereby reducing the use of the agrochemical for the control of Alternaria blotch of apple.  相似文献   

本文研究了衰老过程中硫硒配施对大蒜生长、品质及抗氧化能力的影响。结果显示,硒的施用显著提高大蒜干鲜重、鳞茎鲜重和横径,降低了MDA含量,提高了处理200 d的Fv/Fm值与叶绿素含量,促进了大蒜的生长。硒处理均显著提高了谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)活性;降低了超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性;低硫浓度下低硒处理提高了过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性,高硫浓度下, CAT活性随硒浓度升高而升高;处理160 d的过氧化物酶(POD)活性变化与CAT相同,硒处理200 d时,低硫浓度下POD活性降低,高硫浓度下POD活性呈先上升后下降趋势。硒处理提高了大蒜鳞茎Vc和大蒜素含量。可溶性蛋白含量在低硫浓度下随硒浓度升高而降低,而在高硫浓度随之升高;可溶性糖含量变化与可溶性蛋白恰好相反。综合各指标以低硫低硒处理(2 mmol·L-1 S+3μmol·L-1 Se)为最优。  相似文献   

Summary The effect of sucrose, jasmonic acid (JA) and darkness on bulb formation of garlic Allium sativum L. cv. Ptujski jesenski was studied in vitro. B5 medium supplemented with 3% sucrose, 5 μM JA and 5 μM 2-isopentenyl adenine (2iP) was used for shoot induction on garlic basal plates. For bulb induction, explants with developed shoots were transferred onto media with 3% or 8% sucrose in the presence or absence of 5 μM JA. Sucrose (8%) significantly increased the percentage of shoots which formed bulbs by 86–90%, bulb diameter and the number of bulbs per basal plate. On medium supplemented with JA, the average number of bulbs per basal plate was 11.5. Growth of explants in the dark was ineffective for stimulating bulb formation. Simultaneous use of JA and sucrose can improve garlic micropropagation via bulb formation, without intermediate callus formation.  相似文献   

A model of the effect of foliar-applied fungicides on disease-induced yield loss is described, parameterised and tested. The effects of fungicides on epidemics of Septoria tritici (leaf blotch), Puccinia striiformis (yellow rust), Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici (powdery mildew) and Puccinia triticina (brown rust) on winter wheat were simulated using dose–response curve parameters. Where two or more active substances were applied together, their joint action was estimated using an additive dose model where the active substances had the same mode of action or a multiplicative survival model where the modes of action differed. By coupling the model with models of wheat canopy growth and foliar disease published previously, it was possible to estimate disease-induced yield loss for a prescribed fungicide programme. The difference in green canopy area and, hence, interception of photosynthetically active radiation between simulated undiseased and diseased (but treated) crop canopies was used to estimate yield loss. The model was tested against data from field experiments across a range of sites, seasons and wheat cultivars and was shown to predict the observed disease-induced yield loss with sufficient accuracy to support fungicide treatment decisions. A simple method of accounting for uncertainty in the predictions of yield loss is described. Fungicide product, dose and spray timing combinations selected using the coupled models responded appropriately to disease pressure and cultivar disease resistance.  相似文献   

Eighteen fungal species were isolated from rhizospheric soil and rhizoplane samples of three plant crops in southern Iraq. The fungal isolates were examined for the activities of four enzymes (amylase, cellulase, phenoloxidase, and protease), as well as their growth, against crude garlic extract added to the culture agar medium. A high reduction or inhibition of enzymatic activities was observed for the fungi treated with garlic extract compared with untreated fungal cultures. However, most of the species showed inhibition of enzymes due to the effect of garlic extract. The growth of the fungal species was also remarkably reduced by the garlic extract.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

植被与水土流失关系研究进展   总被引:60,自引:1,他引:60  
水土流失是世界性的环境问题之一,对人类社会可持续发展构成威胁,控制水土流失成为迫切需要,有许多水土流失控制措施,而生物措施尤其植被一直是人们研究的焦点.根据前人的研究,从斑块、坡面和流域/区域尺度总结了植被与水土流失的关系.斑块尺度植被对降雨和径流侵蚀能量具有很大的减弱或消除作用,可以改变植株底部的土壤性质,改善其结构,进而降低土壤可蚀性,增加入渗能力,从而减轻土壤侵蚀程度.不同植被类型、植被的不同层次结构,不同植被的形态结构具有不同的土壤侵蚀控制作用.坡面尺度主要从坡位、坡度、坡向对植被生长和分布格局的影响、对水土流失过程和格局的影响以及裸地-植被镶嵌格局、植被的条带格局对水土流失的影响和反映水土流失过程的景观格局指数的构建等方面进行了研究.更多是从植被恢复及其水土流失效应方面进行了探讨,为退化生态系统恢复和格局设计提供了极其有用的信息.流域/区域尺度植被与水土流失的关系更大程度上受到气候、地貌特征的影响,因此研究多从一定气候条件控制的土地覆盖(植被覆盖)及其格局的水土流失效应方面进行的.由于大尺度监测非常困难,研究多从遥感监测、GIS集成和模型模拟方面开展,是流域、区域等大尺度生态安全格局设计的有力支持.前人的研究为生态环境建设和保护提供了大量参考信息,但仍有一些问题需要进一步探讨,对此进行了初步的概括和归纳,希望能够对植被和水土流失关系的研究起到一定促进作用.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in numbers of conidia of Rhynchosporium secalis on debris from previous barley crops infected with leaf blotch (primary inoculum) were monitored in 1985–86 and 1986–87. In 1986–87, changes in numbers of conidia on leaves of plants in the new winter barley crop (secondary inoculum) were also recorded. The greatest increases in production of primary inoculum were in early spring after rain, when temperatures were increasing after periods of sub-zero temperatures when there was little conidial production. Subsequently, more conidia were recovered from this debris after cycles of drying and rewetting than when it remained wet. After January 1987, amounts of secondary inoculum produced on the crop were much greater than amounts of primary inoculum on debris. Most spores were produced on the basal leaves and more spores were present on the September-sown than on the November-sown crop. Thus, while primary inoculum was a source of disease when plants were emerging, secondary inoculum on basal leaves was the main source of disease at stem extension, especially on early-sown crops.  相似文献   

Factors affecting the severity of leaf blotch on the two upper leaves of wheat plants in crops at the milky ripe growth stage (GS 73–75) were investigated using survey data from 3513 randomly selected wheat crops sampled during 1985–1996. Year‐to‐year variation in disease severity was greater than spatial variability at county level, although both showed significant differences. The presence of disease above a 5% severity threshold was modelled using random effects logistic regression (Generalised Linear Mixed Model), which enabled risk variables measured at the field level to be combined with meteorological variables estimated at county level. The final model included terms for the fixed effects of disease resistance rating, date of sowing, high risk septoria periods in May and June, number of fungicide sprays and number of days with frost (≤‐2°C) in November. The percentage of crops above the threshold decreased with later sowing, increased number of November frost days and increased number of fungicide sprays. In contrast, high risk septoria periods (rain splash events) in May and June showed a positive correlation with the percentage of crops above the threshold. There were benefits from using resistant cultivars. The model showed that a range of risk variables were of broadly equivalent importance in determining the development of leaf blotch. These risk variables should be integrated in any scheme designed to support fungicide use decisions.  相似文献   

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