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In this study, the phylogenetic relationships among 13 pangasiids and six schilbids of Thailand were reconstructed based on the almost complete mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b), 12S rRNA, tRNA-Val and 16S rRNA, as well as the partial nuclear recombination-activating gene 1 (rag1) sequences by using the maximum likelihood and the Bayesian inference methods of phylogenetic reconstruction. The reconstructed phylogeny based on the concatenated sequence data set recovered Pangasiidae and Schilbidae as reciprocally monophyletic groups. Within Pangasiidae, four major clades were recovered, which according to the cyt b genetic distances can be categorized into four genera: Pangasius, Pseudolais, Helicophagus and Pangasianodon. The genus Pangasianodon was strongly supported as the most basal taxon within pangasiids, whereas Pseudolais + Helicophagus were recovered as a sister group of Pangasius. Within the latter, the giant pangasius Pangasius sanitwongsei was recovered as a sister group of the spot pangasius Pangasius larnaudii, Pangasius krempfi as a sister group of Pangasius nasutus + Pangasius conchophilus and Pangasius polyuranodon as a sister species of Pangasius macronema. Other internal phylogenetic relationships, however, were unresolved. Within Schilbidae, Pseudeutropius was supported as the most basal lineage. Eutropiichthys was recovered as a sister group of Clupisoma. The enigmatic Clupisoma sinense was recognized as more closely related to Laides longibarbis than to Clupisoma prateri. Thus, based on the cyt b genetic distances, a recategorization of C. sinense to the genus Laides is suggested. On the basis of a relaxed clock fossil calibration, the divergence of pangasiids and schilbids was estimated to have occurred 14·93 million years before present (b.p.) during the Miocene epoch. The separation between Pangasiidae and Schilbidae took place c. 13·12 Mb.p. during the early middle Miocene. The estimated divergence time of pangasiids is similar to the age of the calibrated fossil, Cetopangasius chaetobranchus, which was discovered in north-central Thailand. This suggests that the oldest pangasiid ancestor diverged into diverse genera in the area.  相似文献   

Polytomella is composed of colorless green algae closely related to Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Species in the genus have been used in diverse fields of biological research, most recently to study mitochondrial function and mitochondrial genome evolution in the Chlorophyceae, but the phylogenetic relationship between the various available taxa has not yet been clarified and it is not known whether they also possess fragmented mitochondrial genomes, as reported for Polytomella parva. We therefore examined cox1 sequence from seven Polytomella taxa with the goal of establishing their phylogenetic relationships and relating this information to their mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) fragmentation pattern. We found that the Polytomella isolates examined fall into three distinct lineages, two of which possess fragmented mitochondrial genomes. The third and earliest branching lineage, represented by Polytomella capuana, appears to possess an intact mtDNA. In addition, there is evidence for variation in both size and number of mtDNA fragments between various Polytomella isolates, even within the same lineage. The considerable amount of sequence divergence between lineages seems to correlate with the geographic origin of the strains, leading us to believe that greater amounts of sequence divergence could be uncovered by a broader sampling of Polytomella.  相似文献   

The relationships of eight extant species of sea eagles (genus Haliaeetus ) and some potentially related Accipitrid genera were investigated. A phylogenetic hypothesis is developed based on morphological characters and allozyme data, which is then contrasted with a reconstruction based on 1071 nucleotides of mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome b and part of one tRNA gene). Phylogenies derived from the three data sets are largely congruent, although several aspects are supported by only one kind of evidence (but not contradicted by the others). Only with regard to the position of south-east Asian H. leucogaster and its closely related sister species H. sanfordi was there conflict between allozyme and mtDNA data. The position of H. pelagicus relative to H. leucoryphus or H. albicilla/leucocephalus could not be resolved with the mtDNA sequence data, suggesting that some speciation events occurred in relatively quick succession during the early Pliocene or late Miocene periods. Available evidence suggests that extant sea eagles originated at tropical latitudes, the northernmost species appearing most derived.  相似文献   

A combination of allozyme and mitochondrial DNA markers were used to determine the contribution of recent and ancient causes of patterns of genetic variation within and among 46 populations of the endangered golden sun moth, Synemon plana. Allozyme analysis grouped the 46 populations into 5 major genetic clusters that corresponded closely with geographic location following a classic isolation-by-distance model. Phylogenetic analysis of 14 mtDNA haplotypes revealed two reciprocally monophyletic groups. One of these groups (containing 4 geographically distant populations) was clearly identified by allozyme analysis and represents a distinct evolutionary unit. The remaining 4 allozyme groups were not distinguishable by mtDNA analysis. The evidence suggests that the populations within these groups derived from a small founding population that underwent rapid demographic expansion in ancient times. This was followed by more recent population bottlenecks resulting from habitat fragmentation associated with the widespread introduction of agriculture into the region. The generally low levels of allozyme and nucleotide diversity within these populations support this hypothesis. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Genetic distances were lower between Upeneus moluccensis and Pseudopeneus prayensis than between those species and Mullus barbatus and Mullus surmuletus . However, for allozymes, the two Mullus species were found genetically more distinct from U. moluccensis than from P. prayensis , but RAPD and mtDNA analysis showed the opposite. RAPDs revealed less interspecific divergence compared with allozymes and the results they produced were more consistent with mtDNA analysis. Although RAPDs did not add any supplementary taxonomic information, they proved valuable tools for quick and reliable species discrimination compared with allozymes and mtDNA.  相似文献   

Partial mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences of eight salmonid species were used in a PAUP analysis to generate a phylogeny of the group. The four genera represented are Salmo, Salvelinus, Oncorhynchus and Thymallus . The inferred phylogenetic tree coincides well with the classically derived one for these genera. The recent reclassification of the rainbow trout as a member of the genus Oncorhynchus is supported. The assignment of grayling as the outgroup is vindicated. The utility of gene sequence data to infer the phylogenetic relationships of the Salmonidae is discussed.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among rhacophorid frogs are under dispute. We use partial sequences of three mitochondrial (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, and cytochrome b) and three nuclear protein-coding (Rag-1, rhodopsin exon 1, and tyrosinase exon 1) genes from 57 ingroup taxa and eight outgroup taxa to propose a hypothesis for phylogenetic relationships within Rhacophoridae. Our results support recognition of the genus Feihyla, and Chiromantis is the sister taxon to the clade formed by Feihyla, Polypedates and Rhacophorus. We place Aquixalus odontotarsus within Kurixalus, and the remaining species of Aquixalus and Philautus jinxiuensis into the genus Gracixalus. We give Philautus (Kirtixalus) the rank of genus and place Philautus menglaensis within it. The division of species groups among Chinese Rhacophorus needs revision, and a cryptic species is revealed within Rhacophorus nigropunctatus. Rhacophorus pingbianensis is considered a synonym of Rhacophorus omeimontis. The validity of Rhacophorus hui is confirmed by present molecular evidence.  相似文献   

The decapod family Penaeidae comprises most of the economically important marine shrimp species. Its members are widespread throughout the world, with its highest species diversity centred in the Indo-West Pacific region. Despite this importance, their taxonomy, classification and phylogeny are not yet settled due in part to incongruence among hypotheses proposed from molecular versus morphological studies. In this study, using a thorough taxonomic sampling of especially the South-East Asian species, we aim to (a) utilize a reconstructed phylogeny to test the monophyly of the Penaeidae and its currently recognized genera and (b) explore its species diversity in South-East Asian waters. To infer the phylogeny, a combined gene data set (including 109 ingroup and six outgroup taxa) of mitochondrial genes, COI and 16S rRNA, and two nuclear genes, NaK and PEPCK, was utilized. To explore its diversity, another data set that included 371 COI gene sequences (231 newly generated and 140 retrieved from public sources) was compiled and subsequently analysed with two different tools (ABGD and bPTP) for species delimitation. Other than supporting the non-monophyly of the Penaeidae with the Sicyoniidae nested within the penaeid tribe Trachypenaeini, the genera Penaeus, Mierspenaeopsis and Parapenaeopsis were also revealed to be polyphyletic. Our species delimitation analysis inferred that 94 putative species actually existed within the 71 morphospecies reviewed, indicating an underestimated biodiversity in this family and the potential presence of new species within the following morphospecies: Kishinouyepenaeopsis cornuta, K. incisa, Mierspenaeopsis sculptilis, M hardwicki, Parapenaeopsis coromandelica and Penaeus monodon.  相似文献   

The data on 31–37 allozyme loci in 21 species of nine salmonid genera are used for phylogenetic analysis by seven distance methods and several variants of cladistic analysis. Monophyletic origin for all genera and three sub-families of the Salmonidae is corroborated. The closest phylogenetic relationships are characteristic of Parasalmo and Oncorhynchus (bootstrap support is 88–99%), Brachymystax and Hucho (68–97%), and the clade ( Brachymystax + Hucho )+ Salmo (up to 85%). The patterns of phylogenetic relationships in the group Salmo-Parasalmo-Oncorhynchus are analogous to those in the group Parahucho-Hucho-Brachymystax. The position of Parahucho in phylogenetic trees of the Salmoninae is extremely unstable, although it is most likely associated with the clade ( Brachymystax + Hucho)+Salmo ) or Salvelinus. When using the out group analysis, Salvelinus appears as the earliest branch of the Salmoninae tree, whereas if the molecular clock is assumed, the basal position is occupied by Oncorhynchus. However, the latter genus is probably characterized by a substantially increased rate of molecular evolution.  相似文献   

Aspects of the phylogeny of pleurodiran turtles are contentious, particularly within the Chelidae. Morphological analyses group the long-necked Australasian Chelodina and the long-necked South American Chelus and Hydromedusa into a single clade, suggesting a common derived origin of the long neck and associated habits that predated the separation of Australia from South America. In contrast, published analyses of 12SrRNA and cytochrome b sequences suggest that the long-necked Chelodina are more closely related to the short-necked Australasian genera than to either Chelus or Hydromedusa. This paper adds partial sequences of 16S rRNA and CO1 mitochondrial genes and partial sequences of the nuclear oncogene c-mos to test a range of previous hypotheses on the phylogenetic relationships among chelid turtles. In total, 1382 nucleotides were available for each of 25 taxa after elimination of ambiguously aligned regions. These taxa included representatives of all the genera of the turtle families Chelidae and Pelomedusidae, the three sub-genera of Phrynops, and recognized sub-generic groups of Elseya and Chelodina. Of the four genes examined, 12S rRNA was the most informative, followed by c-mos with 16S rRNA and CO1 the least informative. The molecular data support the currently accepted arrangement for pelomedusid genera, that is, a sister relationship between the African Pelusios and Pelomedusa and a clade comprising the South American Peltoceplhalus and Podocnemis with the Madagascan Erymnochelys. However, there is also support for Erymnochelys and Podocnemis as sister taxa to the exclusion of Peltocephalus (bootstrap values of 69–80%) which is at odds with the most commonly accepted arrangement. The South American chelids are monophyletic (76–82%). This clade includes the long-necked Chelus and Hydromedusa, but excludes the Australasian long-necked Chelodina. Furthermore, the South American long-necked chelids are not themselves monophyletic, with 98–100% bootstrap values for the node supporting Chelus and the remaining South American chelids to the exclusion of Hydromedusa. Hence, the hypothesis of a monophyletic grouping of the long-necked genera of South America and Australasia is not supported by the molecular data. Although reciprocal monophyly of the South American and Australasian chelid faunas was the most likely and the most parsimonious arrangement in all but one analysis, bootstrap support for the monophyly of the Australasian chelids was low (52–66%). The South American chelids, Chelodina and the short-necked Australasian chelids form an unresolved trichotomy. The genera Phrynops and Elseya are paraphyletic, leading to a recommendation to elevate the three sub-genera of Phrynops to generic status and support for previous suggestions to erect a new genus for Elseya latistermum and close relatives. A revised classification of the extant Pleurodira is presented, consistent with the phylogenetic relationships that emerge from this study.  相似文献   

Allozymes and sequencing of mitochondrial cytochrome  b (cyt  b ) and 12S genes were used to reconstruct the genetic structure and phylogenetic relationships of all Discoglossus taxa described so far (except the probably extinct D. nigriventer ). This is the first time that a comprehensive study on the Discoglossus painted frogs has used nuclear and mitochondrial markers, evidencing a discordant pattern between the two datasets. Comparison of these discrepancies suggests a role of stochastic sorting of ancestral polymorphisms, possibly associated with male-biased dispersal and present or past secondary contact. The genetic relationships between taxa with intermediate levels of divergence were well defined by allozyme data, but showed short internodes and low bootstrap values for mitochondrial data, suggesting a rapid radiation of their lineages during the Messinian Lago Mare phase. The results provide information about the taxonomic status of D. galganoi and D. jeanneae , considered as subspecies, and indicate D. pictus as nonmonophyletic, confirming D. scovazzi as a distinct species.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 87 , 515–536.  相似文献   

The Indonesian island of Sulawesi occupies a central position within the biogeographically complex region known as Wallacea. Its fauna is characterised by a high rate of endemism and a patchwork distribution of taxa within the island. The grasshopper genus Chitaura is a good example having at least ten endemic species with predominantly parapatric distributions. It can be used as a model for determining the origins of Sulawesi taxa and the within-island evolution that has led to the present patterns of distribution. Here we present a phylogenetic hypothesis for 28 individuals within the genus, including individuals of one species from Java and two from the Moluccas, based on DNA sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 gene. Frequent sequence heteroplasmy was observed. The phylogenetic hypothesis is consistent with recent interpretations of the geological history of Sulawesi suggesting separate evolution on the island for 7–14 Myr, possibly since South Sulawesi was connected to Borneo. Within the island, the pattern of genetic divergence is dominated by a strong correlation with geographic distance, with exceptions indicating past or present barriers to dispersal. Colonisation of the Moluccas from North or Central Sulawesi is implied. Levels of genetic divergence are compared with distribution patterns of colour morphs and with possible effects of tectonic movements in the Cenozoic, or Pleistocene climatic, vegetational and sea-level changes.  相似文献   

This study used allozymes and mtDNA variation to test that: 1) populations of two fish species, Nematolosa erebi and Retropinna semoni , in lowland rivers in central Australia were highly connected within drainages, 2) populations in different drainages were highly differentiated and 3) there was evidence of historical connections between two major lowland drainages in inland Australia. Levels of genetic differentiation among populations within drainages were low, but still statistically significant, indicating that populations were not as highly connected as had been predicted. Populations from the Murray–Darling and the Lake Eyre drainages were highly differentiated, indicating no contemporary dispersal across drainage boundaries. Both species showed evidence of historical connections between the two drainage basins, although estimates of the time that these last occurred differed between the two species. Nematolosa erebi populations from the two drainages were estimated to have been separated c . 150 000 years ago, whereas populations of R. semoni , were estimated to have been separated c . 1.5 million years ago.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial cytochrome b gene of seven species of sea eagles H. albicilla, H. leucocephalus, H. leucoryphus, H. leucogaster, H. sanfordi, H. pelagicus and H. vocifer was amplified by PCR and sequenced (1026 bp). Phylogeny reconstructions by the Maximum Parsimony and Neighbour-Joining methods produced similar trees in which sea eagles represent a monophyletic group. In addition, the clade H. albicilla/H. leucocephalus groups with the clade H. pelagicus/H. leucoryphus in a monophyletic boreal group while H. vocifer clusters with the H. leucogaster/H. sanfordi clade in a monophyletic tropical clade. The nearest relatives of sea eagles are the kites (genus Milvus) and buzzards (genus Buteo), whereas ‘booted’ eagles (genus Aquila) and vultures (genera Gyps and Aegypius) have diverged earlier from the accipitrid branch. Honey bussards (genus Pernis) and vultures of the genera Gypaetus and Neophron represent basal taxa of the accipitrid lineage. Falcons, New World vultures and the secretary bird (Sagittarius) appear in separate clades outside the Accipitridae.  相似文献   

Abstract Phylogenetic relationships of Pamphagidae were examined using cytochrome oxidase subunit II (COII) mtDNA sequences (684 bp). Twenty‐seven species of Acridoidea from 20 genera were sequenced to obtain mtDNA data, along with four species from the GenBank nucleotide database. The purpose of this study was analyzing the phylogenetic relationships among subfamilies within Pamphagidae and interpreting the phylogenetic position of this family within the Acridoidea superfamily. Phylogenetic trees were reconstructed using neighbor‐joining (NJ), maximum parsimony (MP) and Bayesian inference (BI) methods. The 684 bp analyzed fragment included 126 parsimony informative sites. Sequences diverged 1.0%–11.1% between genera within subfamilies, and 8.8%–12.3% between subfamilies. Amino acid sequence diverged 0–6.1% between genera within subfamilies, and 0.4%–7.5% between subfamilies. Our phylogenetic trees revealed the monophyly of Pamphagidae and three distinct major groups within this family. Moreover, several well supported and stable clades were found in Pamphagidae. The global clustering results were similar to that obtained through classical morphological classification: Prionotropisinae, Thrinchinae and Pamphaginae were monophyletic groups. However, the current genus Filchnerella (Prionotropisinae) was not a monophyletic group and the genus Asiotmethis (Prionotropisinae) was a sister group of the genus Thrinchus (Thrinchinae). Further molecular and morphological studies are required to clarify the phylogenetic relationships of the genera Filchnerella and Asiotmethis.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among the three subfamilies (Salmoninae, Coregoninae and Thymallinae) in the Salmonidae have not been addressed extensively at the molecular level. In this study, the whole mitochondrial genomes of two Thymallinae species, Thymallus arcticus and Thymallus thymallus were sequenced, and the published mitochondrial genome sequences of other salmonids were used for Bayesian and maximum‐likelihood phylogenetic analyses. These results support an ancestral Coregoninae, branching within the Salmonidae, with Thymallinae as the sister group to Salmoninae.  相似文献   

利用叶绿体DNA trnL-F序列初步探讨菊科风毛菊属的系统发育   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
风毛菊属Saussurea DC.是菊科物种分化十分剧烈和分类处理十分困难的一个属。该属的单系起源性质、属下分类系统以及一些独特形态物种的系统位置尚不清楚,有待进一步验证。本文测定了代表该属5个亚属37种植物43个样品和川木香属Dolomiaea DC.的1种样品的叶绿体DNA trnL-F序列,并调取菜蓟族Cardueae Cass.与风毛菊属具有一定亲缘关系的13属的该序列,一起进行了分支分析,重点验证该属的属下形态分类系统以及形态特殊、青藏高原地区特有的雪兔子亚属subgen. Eriocoryne  相似文献   

The catfishes Brachyplatystoma flavicans ( n  = 49) and Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum ( n  = 69) showed comparable low allozyme diversities ( H e = 0·012 and 0·009–0·028, respectively), but contrasting PCR‐RFLP restriction site mitochondrial DNA diversities (three haplotypes: π = 0·034–0·092 and five haplotypes: π = 0·001–0·023, respectively) in the Rio Ichilo and Beni (Bolivia). Genetic homogeneity between samples was high for B. flavicans and lower for P. fasciatum . Based on mitochondrial diversity, both species probably experienced a historic population reduction but at different time scales.  相似文献   

Russia and western Asia harbour trout populations that have been classified as distinct species and subspecies, most often on the basis of morphological and ecological variation. In order to assess their origins and to verify whether traditional taxonomy reflects their evolutionary distinctiveness, we documented their genetic relationships on the basis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) RFLP, mtDNA sequence analysis, and allozyme variation. Both mtDNA and nuclear gene variation defined two ancient phylogenetic assemblages of populations distributed among northern (Baltic, White, Barents), and southern (Black, Caspian, Aral) sea basins, between which gene flow has been possible but limited in postglacial times. These results supported the traditional taxonomic differentiation between populations of these two regions. They provided weak support for the taxonomic distinction of southern brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations based on their basin of origin. They also refuted the hypothesis that L. Sevan trout (Salmo ischchan) diverged from a primitive brown trout ancestor. Nevertheless, all trout populations from southern sea basins possessed private alleles or mtDNA genotypes and were genetically distinct Therefore, they represent unique gene pools that warrant individual recognition for conservation and management.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among four Stizostedion species were examined using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and allozyme analyses. Twenty-six allozyme loci were scored, and mtDNA variation was examined using 24 restriction endonucleases, yielding 48–57 restriction sites among the species. Genetic distance analyses show that the two North American species ( S. canadense and S. vitreum ) cluster in one group, while the two European species ( S. hciopercu and S. vogense ) form a second group. Nei's genetic distance between these two groups was 0.7 ± 0.2 for allozymes, while the corresponding mtDNA sequence divergence was 14.8 ± 2.0%, suggesting that these two groups diverged approximately 10 million years ago. Thus, these data are consistent with the hypothesis that Stizostedion colonized North America during the Pliocene.  相似文献   

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