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赵吕权  朱道弘  曾杨 《昆虫学报》2012,55(9):1037-1045
丽斗蟋Velarifictorus ornatus具有明显的翅二型现象, 长翅型与短翅型雌虫的卵巢和飞行肌存在着生理权衡。本研究分别应用蒽酮比色法、 硫代磷酸香草醛法、 考马斯亮蓝染液对羽化后10 d内两型雌虫飞行肌与卵巢内糖原、 总脂及蛋白质含量进行了定量分析。结果表明: 成虫羽化后10 d内, 两型雌虫体重无明显差异(P>0.05), 但短翅型雌虫怀卵量明显多于长翅型雌虫, 而人工脱翅能够促进长翅型雌虫怀卵量增加(P<0.05)。短翅型雌虫飞行肌内蛋白质、 糖原及总脂含量在成虫羽化后10 d内无明显变化, 但长翅型雌虫飞行肌内蛋白质在成虫羽化后3 d时达到最大值564.4±87.5 μg/♀, 糖原与总脂含量分别于羽化后第5天达到最大值85.2±21.7 μg/♀和5 284.7±1 267.4 μg/♀。然后开始下降, 各实验处理天数内, 长翅型雌虫飞行肌内蛋白质、 糖原及总脂含量都显著多于短翅型雌虫(P<0.05)。相反, 各处理天数内, 短翅型雌虫卵巢内蛋白质、 糖原及总脂含量则明显多于长翅型雌虫(P<0.05), 同时虫龄对蛋白质、 糖原及总脂在两型雌虫飞行肌与卵巢内分配也产生明显影响(P<0.05)。人工脱翅能够促进长翅型雌虫卵巢内蛋白质、 糖原及总脂含量增加, 同时诱导飞行肌内蛋白质、 糖原及总脂含量降低, 其中总脂含量在脱翅后10 d时降为2 394.9±1 461.8 μg/♀, 只有最大值的一半, 而与短翅型雌虫相似(P>0.05), 表明总脂为丽斗蟋飞行的主要能源物质。外用保幼激素Ⅲ能够促进长翅型雌虫卵巢内蛋白质、 糖原及总脂含量增加(P<0.05), 但对飞行肌内三者含量无明显影响(P>0.05), 外用早熟素Ⅰ对短翅型雌虫卵巢内蛋白质、 糖原及总脂含量亦无明显影响(P>0.05)。上述结果表明, 丽斗蟋长翅型雌虫首先将获得的资源用于发育飞行所需的飞行肌, 短翅型雌虫则首先将所获得的资源用于发育繁殖所需的卵巢, 但长翅型雌虫飞行肌与卵巢间的资源分配方式受保幼激素的影响。  相似文献   

【目的】丽斗蟋Velarifictorus ornatus具明显的翅二型现象,为探讨翅型分化对丽斗蟋翅二型雄虫消化能力及中肠内消化酶活性产生的影响,对长翅型与短翅型雄虫食物消化能力及中肠内消化酶活性进行了检测比较。【方法】我们采取重量营养指数测定了羽化后12 d内丽斗蟋两型雄成虫增长量、相对增长率、取食量、食物利用率、近似消化率和食物转化率。为进一步明确丽斗蟋翅二型成虫食物消化能力与中肠内消化酶活性的关系,我们采用4种专用底物测定了中肠内用于分解蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物的总蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶、脂肪酶和淀粉酶的活性。【结果】结果表明,丽斗蟋两型雄虫取食量、食物转化率、食物利用率与增长量均无统计差异,但中肠内消化酶活性变化规律不同。成虫羽化后4 d时,长翅型雄虫中肠内总蛋白酶与胰蛋白酶活性显著高于短翅型雄虫,相反,羽化后0 d时,短翅型雄虫中肠内总蛋白酶与胰蛋白酶活性则显著高于长翅型雄虫,而羽化后12 d时,虽然短翅型雄虫总蛋白酶活性高于长翅型雄虫,但胰蛋白酶活性在两型雄虫间并无差异。成虫羽化后0 d时,两型雄虫脂肪酶活性无差异,但无论是羽化后4 或 12 d,长翅型雄虫中肠内脂肪酶活性皆显著大于短翅型雄虫。成虫羽化后4 d时,短翅型雄虫中肠内淀粉酶活性显著高于长翅型雄虫,而羽化后0与12 d时,两型雄虫间无显著差异。【结论】丽斗蟋翅二型雄虫食物消化能力无显著差异,但羽化后不同时间,中肠内消化酶活性存在差异,该差异可能与成虫羽化后不同时期,翅二型雄虫在飞行与繁殖投资中对不同能源物质的需求有关。  相似文献   

曾杨  朱道弘  赵吕权 《昆虫学报》2012,55(2):241-246
为探讨长颚斗蟋Velarifictorus asperses (Walker)翅型分化的生态学意义, 对室内饲养获得的长翅和短翅型雌成虫飞行肌和卵巢的发育, 以及长、 短翅型雌成虫的生殖力和寿命进行了比较研究。结果表明: 羽化当日, 长翅型雌成虫飞行肌重38.68±9.15 mg, 显著高于短翅型的17.53±4.44 mg (P<0.05); 而二者卵巢重量无显著差异(P>0.05), 分别为4.69±1.04 mg和4.88±0.97 mg。羽化后8 d内, 长翅型雌成虫飞行肌重量增加了48.9%, 短翅型雌成虫飞行肌重量无明显增加; 而短翅型雌成虫卵巢的重量增加至93.5±11.7 mg, 约为长翅型雌成虫的4.5倍。短翅型雌成虫的产卵前期显著短于长翅型, 其早期产卵量及总产卵量亦显著高于长翅型; 而两翅型雌成虫中后期产卵量及寿命无显著差异(P>0.05)。此外, 长翅型雌成虫在羽化后12 d开始发生飞行肌的降解, 飞行肌降解个体的卵巢重量显著高于未降解个体, 与短翅型相似。结果提示, 飞行肌与生殖系统的发育之间存在资源分配的权衡关系(trade-off), 且这种资源分配的差异可能会导致长翅型与短翅型个体在生活史策略上出现分化, 即长翅型个体具有飞行能力, 而短翅型个体则在生殖方面获得更高的收益, 且飞行肌的降解可能是长翅型个体由飞行转向生殖发育的生理信号。  相似文献   

赵吕权  朱道弘 《昆虫学报》2013,56(6):622-629
为探讨丽斗蟋Velarifictorus ornatus翅二型个体飞行与生殖发育间生理权衡的内分泌控制机理, 本研究调查了外用保幼激素Ⅲ(JH-III)与早熟素Ⅰ(P-I)对丽斗蟋翅二型个体飞行肌与生殖发育的影响。结果表明: 成虫羽化后当日分别注射1, 5, 10和25 μg保幼激素7 d后, 显著促进了丽斗蟋长翅雌虫卵巢发育, 卵巢重量分别从对照组的16.8±11.4 mg/♀增加到43.9±10.7, 33.6±14.0, 56.8±7.6和 39.3±30.7 mg/♀; 但对卵巢内怀卵量无显著影响。相反, 外用保幼激素则诱发飞行肌降解, 1, 5和10 μg JH-III处理组飞行肌重量分别下降为12.9±4.7, 11.7±4.8和8.8±0.8 mg/♀, 显著低于对照组飞行肌重量(17.7±1.6 mg)。对短翅雌虫注射P-I时, 当注射的剂量超过50 μg/♀时, 能够显著抑制卵巢发育, 而低于50 μg/♀时则对卵巢发育无明显影响。外用JH-III对丽斗蟋长翅雄虫飞行肌、 精巢、 附腺的发育无明显影响; 外用P-I对短翅型雄虫精巢与附腺的发育也无明显影响。因此, 丽斗蟋翅二型雌虫与雄虫的飞行肌与生殖器官的内分泌控制机理可能存在差异。  相似文献   

[目的]翅多型雄虫在繁殖方面的能量投入与雌虫相异,这种差异可能会导致雄虫飞行与繁殖权衡的生理机制发生改变.因此,本研究旨在探究翅二型长颚斗蟋Velarifictorus aspersus雄成虫在营养物质积累与分配方面是否存在飞行与繁殖的权衡关系.[方法]选取长颚斗蟋V.aspersus头幅相近的长翅和短翅型雄成虫,对羽...  相似文献   

曾杨  朱道弘  赵吕权 《生态学报》2010,30(21):6001-6008
长颚斗蟋具有明显的翅二型现象。比较长颚斗蟋不同翅型成虫的形态差异,结果表明其短翅型成虫除翅已明显退化外,与长翅型成虫并无其他形态差异。为探究环境因素与长颚斗蟋翅型分化的关系,就光周期、温度及密度对其翅型分化的影响进行了研究。结果表明,短光周期会抑制其长翅型的形成,而LD16∶8h的长光周期则促进长翅个体的分化,但非自然条件的长光周期及全明或全暗条件与上述结论并不一致。变化光周期亦会影响其翅型分化,而随着改变光周期的时间及方向的不同,影响作用亦不相同。在孵化后第20天及40天经历光周期的趋长变化会促进其长翅化;而在孵化后第20天经历光周期的趋短变化则会抑制其长翅化,第30天转移却有促进作用。此外,低温(20℃)条件诱导长颚斗蟋短翅化,高温(25℃,30℃)则促进长翅型的分化。单独饲养时,LD12∶12h与LD16∶8h条件下的若虫均羽化为短翅型成虫,当密度增加至2或5头/容器时,成虫的长翅率均明显增加,说明高密度亦是长翅型个体出现的重要诱因。  相似文献   

为弄清湖南株洲丽斗蟋若虫的季节适应策略,研究了恒定及变化光周期对其若虫发育的调控。结果表明,丽斗蟋若虫发育明显受变化光周期的影响。25℃温度条件下,3个光周期条件下的若虫发育都较慢,羽化也极不整齐,长日条件(LD 16∶8h)、中间日照条件(LD 14∶10h)和短日条件(LD 12∶12h)的若虫发育历期(mean ± SD)分别为(206.2± 44.0)d、(236.6±93.3)d和(230.3±47.4)d,若虫从开始羽化到供试个体全部完成羽化所需时间分别为216、301和156d,经历短日条件的若虫转移至长日条件后能够促进其快速发育,羽化也很整齐,反方向转移则会抑制若虫发育,且羽化也不整齐。30℃温度条件下,恒定长日条件下的若虫发育明显快于短日条件,变化光周期对若虫发育的调控与25℃相类似。变化光周期对若虫发育的影响与光周期的变化方向及低龄若虫感受的光周期类型有关。丽斗蟋若虫复杂的光周期反应模式的生态意义在于调节其生活史与季节同步。  相似文献   

迷卡斗蟋和短翅鸣螽的行为谱及交配行为   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
研究了迷卡斗蟋和短翅鸣螽的行为模式及迷卡斗蟋鸣叫的时间分布。结果表明迷卡斗蟋雄虫单独存在时 ,在一昼夜内其鸣叫的持续时间为 668.38± 1 0 9.86分钟 ( 5 ) ,引入雌虫后鸣叫累计时间减少为 1 7.3± 6.7分钟 ( 5 ) ,并产生音调低沉的求偶声。在昼夜鸣叫活动型式中 ,雄虫单独存在时的鸣叫活动集中于夜间 ;引入雌虫后 ,占区鸣叫、求偶鸣唱和交配行为多集中于白天。根据上述结果提出了机会 -风险平衡假说来解释此现象 ,即白天交配有被捕食的危险 ,雄蟋短期内重复交配以保证精液进入雌蟋体内 ,从而保证了交配的成功 ,补偿了雄蟋所冒风险。短翅鸣螽雄性产生较大的精包 ,当雌体取食精包时 ,精液进入雌体内以保证交配成功。  相似文献   

王娟  朱道弘  曾杨 《生态学报》2014,34(22):6606-6612
曲脉姬蟋Modicogryllus confirmatus Walker具有明显的翅二型现象。为探究环境及遗传如何影响曲脉姬蟋亚热带种群的翅型分化,对饲养于不同光周期、温度和密度条件下若虫羽化后的翅型比进行了调查,并对长、短翅型蟋蟀进行了3代遗传筛选和杂交试验,研究了光周期、温度、种群密度和遗传对曲脉姬蟋广西种群翅型分化的影响。结果表明:光周期和种群密度对曲脉姬蟋的翅型分化均无影响,而温度对其翅型分化具有调控作用。正常范围内的温度变化(25℃、30℃)对其翅型分化无显著影响,而35℃的极高温则显著降低曲脉姬蟋的长翅率,说明其翅型分化并不是对季节变化的适应,而高温胁迫可引起短翅化。对不同翅型进行了3代筛选,结果表明,往短翅型选拔会引起雌、雄虫的短翅率都明显下降,而往长翅型选拔时,雌、雄虫的短翅率均维持在极低水平;不同亲本组合的后代间的长翅率有差异,说明曲脉姬蟋的翅型分化可能受多基因调控。  相似文献   

沙蟋翅多型性的调控机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙蟋Gryllus firmus Zera&Denno成虫的后翅有长翅和短翅2种类型,是翅多型性机理研究的极佳模式昆虫。长翅成虫从第5日龄开始迁飞,而短翅成虫的主要特点是繁殖。除了翅的表型差异外,长翅成虫的飞行肌发达,呈褐色;卵巢幼小,直到飞行停止后(大约在10d以后)才开始发育。而短翅成虫的飞行肌退化并呈乳白色;卵巢在第4日龄就发育成熟,表现为卵巢硕大。对翅多型性机理的深入研究,将有利于了解沙蟋迁飞和扩散的内在机理,为准确地预测预报该虫的发生提供重要的理论和实际依据。文章概述沙蟋翅多型性与外界环境的相互关系,以及体内生化代谢和内分泌激素等的变化对该虫迁飞和生殖的影响和作用,进而探讨翅多型的遗传机制和进化意义等问题。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Removal of hindwings from long-winged females of the striped ground cricket, Allonemobius fasciatus , DeGeer (Gryllidae), induces flight muscle histolysis and oocyte development. Such females develop oocytes as rapidly as do short-winged forms, while intact long-winged females retain their flight muscles and develop few oocytes.
Flight muscle histolysis occurs in starved long-winged females when they are de-alated. However, such females fail to mature oocytes. Implantation of corpora allata (CA) into long-winged females results in flight muscle histolysis as well as oocyte maturation even if their hindwings remain intact, indicating that flight muscle histolysis can take place without de-alation. It is likely that the CA are responsible for both flight muscle histolysis and oocyte development, and that CA activity is enhanced by de-alation.  相似文献   

Morphology, flight muscles, and reproductive development were compared between long‐winged (LW) and short‐winged (SW) morphs of the cricket Velarifictorus ornatus (Shiraki) (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). There was no difference in body weight and pre‐oviposition between the two morphs, but LW individuals had better‐developed flight muscles than SW individuals during and after emergence of the adult. The flight muscles at adult emergence represented 11.9% of the total body weight in the LW female and 4.9% in the SW female. In addition, the weight of the flight muscle of LW females increased by 50% during the first 5 days, whereas the flight muscle of the SW variant increased only slightly after adult emergence. The process of oviposition in LW, SW, and de‐alated females varied: SW females produced more eggs at the early stage than LW females, but de‐alation could shorten the time until the peak of egg laying and caused histolysis of flight muscles of LW females. There was no significant difference in total egg production between the above three groups. In the male, unlike the female, the accessory glands of the two wing morphs enlarged continuously at the same rate. There was no difference between the two wing morphs in the mass of the testes during the first 7 days after adult emergence.  相似文献   

In the highly fragmented landscape of central Europe, dispersal is of particular importance as it determines the long‐term survival of animal populations. Dispersal not only secures the recolonization of patches where populations went extinct, it may also rescue small populations and thus prevent local extinction events. As dispersal involves different individual fitness costs, the decision to disperse should not be random but context‐dependent and often will be biased toward a certain group of individuals (e.g., sex‐ and wing morph‐biased dispersal). Although biased dispersal has far‐reaching consequences for animal populations, immediate studies of sex‐ and wing morph‐biased dispersal in orthopterans are very rare. Here, we used a combined approach of morphological and genetic analyses to investigate biased dispersal of Metrioptera bicolor, a wing dimorphic bush‐cricket. Our results clearly show wing morph‐biased dispersal for both sexes of M. bicolor. In addition, we found sex‐biased dispersal for macropterous individuals, but not for micropters. Both, morphological and genetic data, favor macropterous males as dispersal unit of this bush‐cricket species. To get an idea of the flight ability of M. bicolor, we compared our morphological data with that of Locusta migratoria and Schistocerca gregaria, which are very good flyers. Based on our morphological data, we suggest a good flight ability for macropters of M. bicolor, although flying individuals of this species are seldom observed.  相似文献   

1. There are numerous data that support the trade‐off between flight capability and reproduction in female wing polymorphic insects, but the relationship between wing form and fitness remains poorly investigated in males. 2. In the present study, the development of flight muscle and gonads, spermatophore size, and multiple copulation ability were investigated in both long‐winged (LW) and short‐winged (SW) males to verify this trade‐off, using a wing dimorphic cricket species Velarifictorus aspersus (Walker). 3. The LW males had better‐developed wing muscles than the SW males on the day of emergence, and both of them developed wing muscles after emergence, but the peak of weight in SW males was achieved 4 days later than that of the LW males. The accessory glands (AG) of the LW males developed significantly slower than that of the SW males. These results suggest that development and maintenance of flight muscles have a cost on the development of reproductive organs in male V. asperses. 4. The SW males produced significantly heavier spermatophores in a single copulation and mated more often than LW males. This indicates the SW males have a higher mating success than the LW males, thereby increasing their chance of siring offspring.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Removal of a hindwing pad from late instar nymphs of the striped ground cricket, Allonemobius fasciatus DeGeer (Gryllidae) inhibits the formation of long-winged adults. All nymphs become short-winged when their hindwing pad is removed during the sixth (penultimate) instar or during the first 2 days of the seventh instar. When a hindwing pad is removed on day 4 of the seventh instar or later, there is no effect on wing development and at least 50% of the crickets emerge as long-winged adults as in controls.
The period sensitive for removal of a hindwing pad varies among different structures, e.g. elytra, hindwings, flight muscles, and the acrotergite of the first abdominal segment. As a result, some intermediate forms are produced when a hindwing pad is removed in the middle of the seventh instar.
Implantation of corpora allata (CA) into late instar nymphs also inhibits formation of long-winged adults. When CA are implanted on day 2 or 3 of the seventh instar, some of the resulting adults have abnormally short elytra. Implantation of CA at an earlier stage produces supernumerary (eighth instar) nymphs.  相似文献   

A life‐history trade‐off exists between flight capability and reproduction in many wing dimorphic insects: a long‐winged morph is flight‐capable at the expense of reproduction, while a short‐winged morph cannot fly, is less mobile, but has greater reproductive output. Using meta‐analyses, I investigated specific questions regarding this trade‐off. The trade‐off in females was expressed primarily as a later onset of egg production and lower fecundity in long‐winged females relative to short‐winged females. Although considerably less work has been done with males, the trade‐off exists for males among traits primarily related to mate acquisition. The trade‐off can potentially be mitigated in males, as long‐winged individuals possess an advantage in traits that can offset the costs of flight capability such as a shorter development time. The strength and direction of trends differed significantly among insect orders, and there was a relationship between the strength and direction of trends with the relative flight capabilities between the morphs. I discuss how the trade‐off might be both under‐ and overestimated in the literature, especially in light of work that has examined two relevant aspects of wing dimorphic species: (1) the effect of flight‐muscle histolysis on reproductive investment; and (2) the performance of actual flight by flight‐capable individuals.  相似文献   

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