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Kibadachi is a rather simple karate exercise performed during a several-day-long special training, in which the participants squat in a crouching position for an hour and a half without moving. Despite its simplicity, and because its main feature is the immediate and excruciating pain it induces, kibadachi stimulates a kind of permeability between the participants, and also causes changes in the relations between physical and mental parts of their lived body. Following Deleuze and Guattari, kibadachi , and its capacity to dissolve boundaries, is analysed here as a way of becoming a Body without Organs. The participants of kibadachi enter social and somatic dynamics which operate potentiality hidden in their lived bodies, alter boundaries, and reinforce connectedness.  


Le kibadachi est un exercice de karaté relativement simple, exécuté au cours d'un entraînement spécial de plusieurs jours, lors duquel les participants se tiennent accroupis pendant une heure et demie sans bouger. En dépit de sa simplicité, et parce que sa principale caractéristique est la douleur immédiate et cuisante qu'il provoque, le kibadachi suscite une sorte de perméabilité entre les participants et provoque aussi des changements dans les relations entre les parties physique et mentale de leur corps vécu. Dans l'esprit de Deleuze et Guattari, le kibadachi et sa capacité d'abolir les frontières sont analysés ici comme un moyen de devenir un Corps sans Organes. Les participants au kibadachi s'engagent dans des dynamiques sociales et somatiques qui opèrent sur les potentialités cachées dans leurs corps vécus, modifient les frontières, et renforcent les liens aux autres.  相似文献   

The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - The planetary boundaries framework contains regional boundaries in addition to global boundaries. Geographically resolved methods to assess...  相似文献   

毛乌素沙化景观内斑块间的多种边界   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 引  言时空异质性是自然系统的普遍特征 ,陆地景观镶嵌体由许多不同的具有内部相对同质性的斑块组成 .因此 ,当考虑整个景观时 ,相邻斑块之间的边界就成为一个不容忽视的景观组分[13 ] .长期以来 ,与边界有关的生态学问题在基础和应用生态学研究的不同领域中备受关注[5,9,10 ,15] .Wiens等[16]提出一个研究景观生态系统空间斑块性的概念框架———边界动态 ,通过对景观镶嵌体中相邻斑块间的边界的研究 ,来揭示生态系统功能的空间结构 .为了增强对形成和维持生态学边界的各种过程的理解 ,首先应确定边界的空间位置[6] .因此许多确…  相似文献   

The addition of predators can play a key role in structuring ecological communities through both consumptive and non‐consumptive effects. Stocking of piscivorous fish in lakes and similar experimental introductions have provided fundamental evidence in support of trophic cascade theory. Yet, the impact of piscivore addition on cross ecosystem subsidies and meso‐predator resource use has not been well studied. Here, we use a replicated pond experiment to document the trophic impacts of a piscivore, cutthroat trout Onchorhynchus clarkii, on aquatic communities already containing a meso‐predatory fish (threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus) and neighbouring terrestrial ecosystems. We find that piscivore addition led to a trophic cascade that extended across an ecosystem boundary: trout addition increased the biomass and average size of insects emerging into the terrestrial system. Piscivores caused a diet shift in stickleback, a non‐consumptive effect that was likely mainly responsible for the increase in emerging insect biomass. We additionally show that heterogeneity in the strength of the pelagic trophic cascade was more closely correlated with the magnitude of diet shift (reflecting a non‐consumptive effect) than decreases in stickleback abundance (a consumptive effect). Taken together, our experiment demonstrates that the addition of a piscivore causes a trophic cascade that can extend beyond the aquatic system and suggests that non‐consumptive effects may more strongly influence the strength of a trophic cascade than has been previously recognized.  相似文献   

The geographic range and bloom frequency of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum and other members of the A. minutum group have been increasing over the past few decades. Some of these species are responsible for paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) outbreaks throughout the world. The origins of new toxic populations found in previously unaffected areas are typically not known due to a lack of reliable plankton records with sound species identifications and to the lack of a global genetic database. This paper provides the first comprehensive study of minutum-group morphology and phylogeny on a global scale, including 45 isolates from northern Europe, the Mediterranean, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.Neither the morphospecies Alexandrium lusitanicum nor A. angustitabulatum was recoverable morphologically, due to large variation within and among all minutum-group clonal strains in characters previously used to distinguish these species: the length:width of the anterior sulcal plate, shape of the 1′ plate, connection between the 1′ plate and the apical pore complex, and the presence of a ventral pore. DNA sequence data from the D1 to D2 region of the LSU rDNA also fail to recognize these species. Therefore, we recommend that all isolates previously designated as A. lusitanicum or A. angustitabulatum be redesignated as A. minutum. A. tamutum, A. insuetum, and A. andersonii are clearly different from A. minutum on the basis of both genetic and morphological data.A. minutum strains from Europe and Australia are closely related to one another, which may indicate an introduction from Europe to Australia given the long history of PSP in Europe and its recent occurrence in Australia. A minutum from New Zealand and Taiwan form a separate phylogenetic group. Most strains of A. minutum fit into one of these two groups, although there are a few outlying strains that merit further study and may represent new species. The results of this paper have greatly improved our ability to track the spread of A. minutum species and to understand the evolutionary relationships within the A. minutum group by correcting inaccurate taxonomy and providing a global genetic database.  相似文献   

We quantify, track and explain the distribution of overweight and of hypertension across Chinese provinces differentiated by their degree of urbanicity over the period 1991–2004. We construct an index of urbanicity from longitudinal data on community characteristics from the China Health and Nutrition Survey and compute, for the first time, a rank-based measure of inequality in disease risk factors by degree of urbanicity. Prevalence rates of overweight and hypertension almost doubled between 1991 and 2004 and these disease risk factors became less concentrated in more urbanized areas. Decomposition analysis reveals that one-half of the urbanicity-related inequality in overweight is directly attributable to community level characteristics, while for hypertension the contribution of such characteristics increased from 20% in 1991 to 62% in 2004. At the individual level, lower engagement in physical activity and farming explain more than half of the urban concentration of overweight and a rising share (28%) of the greater prevalence of hypertension in more urbanized areas. Higher incomes explain around one-tenth of the urban concentration of both overweight and hypertension, while the education advantage of urban populations has a similar sized offsetting effect.  相似文献   

刘洋  刘少英  孙治宇 《四川动物》2007,26(3):565-566
2004年8月9日在四川海子山自然保护区兴伊措作本底调查时,在东经100.11384°,北纬29.42782°,海拔4430 m的高山湿地杜鹃灌丛中,发现了1只秋沙鸭成体和6只幼仔在浅水沟中游弋,作者近距离(不足5 m)拍摄下清晰的长时间的录像资料,经张俊范先生鉴定为普通秋沙鸭(图版,封2).这是四川首次发现普通秋沙鸭的繁殖,现报道如下.  相似文献   

There is a growing understanding of the biophysical processes that regulate the stability of the Earth-system, yet human pressures on the planet continue to increase rapidly. Here, recent advances in defining Earth-system thresholds using the planetary boundaries framework are translated down to national and sub-national levels. A set of 10 indicators is developed in a biophysical accounting framework that links the sustainability of resource flows from the biosphere to final consumption. The indicator set includes three measures of physical stocks, three measures of aggregate resource consumption, and four indicators of sustainable scale. The four scale indicators are ratios of (i) cumulative carbon footprint relative to carbon budget, (ii) nutrient use relative to biogeochemical boundaries, (iii) blue water consumption relative to monthly basin-level availability, and (iv) land footprint relative to biocapacity. Taken together, the indicators measure how close high-consuming societies are to meeting the conditions of a “steady-state economy”, defined here as an economy with non-growing physical stocks and flows maintained within shares of planetary boundaries. The framework is applied over a 15-year period to the economies of Canada and Spain, along with two sub-national regions (Nova Scotia and Andalusia). Nova Scotia is the only study site experiencing stable or decreasing biophysical stocks and flows. None of the study sites are consuming resources within their shares of all four planetary boundaries. Overall, the set of indicators provides guidance for prioritizing which environmental pressures need to decline (and by how much) for societies to be more effective stewards of Earth-system stability.  相似文献   

Dowden RV 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2004,114(4):1017; author reply 1017-1017; author reply 1018

A total of 222 specimens from 55 populations of short-necked chelid turtle was collected from drainages in Australia and Papua New Guinea. Two populations were initially considered to belong to different diagnosable taxa if all individuals in one population could be distinguished from all individuals in the other by fixed allozyme differences. When two populations or diagnosable taxa shared allozymes at all presumptive loci, their profiles were combined into a single diagnosable taxon. Comparisons between populations and emerging diagnosable taxa were repeated until no further changes were possible. The species Elseya dentata comprised five clearly diagnosable taxa, differing by between 4 and 19 fixed allozyme differences. The currently recognized El. latisternum and El. novaeguineae were each a single diagnosable taxon, and there were three diagnosable taxa, including a sibling pair, that could not be assigned to a currendy described Elseya species. In contrast, all forms of Emydura were very closely related, with no two taxa differing by more than three fixed allozyme differences. There were three diagnosable taxa in the north (Em. victoriae, Em. subglobosa and one new form), though support for them was marginal. In the south, Em. macquarii, Em. krefflii and Em. signata formed only a single diagnosable taxon, even sharing rare alleles. If the phylogenetic species concept is adopted, there is support for recognition of 16 species of short-necked turtle in Australia, including Pseudemydura umbrina. Currendy only 10 are described. Our data also provide evidence of reproductive isolation in some cases (sympatric or parapatric), and comparative evidence (sensu Mayr) in others, than the traditional biological species concept applies also to these diagnosable taxa.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum and Toxoplasma gondii are obligate intracellular apicomplexan parasites that rapidly invade and extensively modify host cells. Protein phosphorylation is one mechanism by which these parasites can control such processes. Here we present a phosphoproteome analysis of peptides enriched from schizont stage P. falciparum and T. gondii tachyzoites that are either "intracellular" or purified away from host material. Using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, we identified over 5,000 and 10,000 previously unknown phosphorylation sites in P. falciparum and T. gondii, respectively, revealing that protein phosphorylation is an extensively used regulation mechanism both within and beyond parasite boundaries. Unexpectedly, both parasites have phosphorylated tyrosines, and P. falciparum has unusual phosphorylation motifs that are apparently shaped by its A:T-rich genome. This data set provides important information on the role of phosphorylation in the host-pathogen interaction and clues to the evolutionary forces operating on protein phosphorylation motifs in both parasites.  相似文献   

The genetic differentiation of populations having colonized formerly unsuitable habitats after the Pleistocene glaciations depends to a great extent on the speed of expansion. Slow dispersers maintain their refugial diversity whereas fast dispersal leads to a reduction of diversity in the newly colonized areas. During the Pleistocene, almost the entire current range of the land snail Arianta arbustorum has repeatedly been covered with ice or been subjected to permafrost. Owing to the low potential for dispersal of land snails, slow (re)colonization of the wide range from southern refugia can be excluded. Alternatively, fast, passive dispersal from southern refugia or survival in and expansion from multiple refugia within the area subjected to permafrost may account for the current distribution. To distinguish between these scenarios we reconstructed a phylogeography based on the sequences of a fragment of the cytochrome oxidase I from 133 individuals collected at 45 localities and analysed the molecular variance. Seventy-five haplotypes were found that diverged on average at 7.52% of positions. This high degree of diversity suggests that A. arbustorum is an old species in which the population structure, isolation and the hermaphroditic nature have reduced the probability of lineage extinction. The genetic structure was highly significant with the highest variance partition found among regions. Geographic distance and mitochondrial differentiation were not congruent. Lineages had overlapping ranges. The clear genetic differentiation and the patchy pattern of haplotype distribution suggest that colonization of formerly unsuitable habitats was mainly achieved from multiple populations from within the permafrost area.  相似文献   

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