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【目的】本文对污染土壤中的耐重金属菌株进行分离鉴定,研究菌株在不同条件下对吸附铅镉的影响因素。【方法】通过生理生化特征及ITS序列分析确定菌株种属,采用平板划线法确定最大耐铅镉浓度并探究菌株吸附的最佳条件;通过准二级动力学、Langmuir和Freundlich等温吸附的模型及红外光谱探究吸附过程。【结果】菌落形态和ITS序列分析鉴定表明,筛选分离的JB16为出芽短梗霉菌(Aureobasidium pullulans),最大耐铅浓度达1500 mg/L,最大耐镉浓度达750 mg/L,最大耐铅镉混合浓度达1500 mg/L和300 mg/L。通过单因素实验(温度、时间、菌龄、pH、湿菌体浓度和初始重金属浓度)得出结论,在温度30℃、时间2 h、菌龄72 h、pH 6、湿菌体浓度5 g/L和初始铅浓度150 mg/L的最佳条件下,菌体对铅的吸附率为88.5%;在温度30℃、时间1 h、菌龄96 h、pH 6、湿菌体浓度5 g/L和初始镉浓度20 mg/L的最佳条件下,菌体对镉的吸附率为59.4%。菌株吸附铅镉过程符合Langmuir吸附模型和准二级动力学模型,为表面单分子层吸附。扫描电镜和红外光谱分析表明,重金属离子对菌体造成影响,吸附前后形态发生变化,细胞表面的羟基、羧基、饱和C−H键和酰胺基等基团参与了吸附过程。【结论】菌株JB16具有一定的铅镉吸附效果,为修复重金属铅镉污染的水体和土壤提供宝贵的菌种资源和数据支持。  相似文献   

曼陀罗和苍耳对污染土壤中镉的吸收与富集   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:研究曼陀罗和苍耳对重金属镉的吸收与富集特征.方法:室外盆栽试验和室内原子吸收测定曼陀罗和苍耳体内的镉含量.结果:土壤中的镉刺激了植物的生长,曼陀罗和苍耳的生物量都比对照有所增加;曼陀罗和苍耳体内的镉含量随土壤中镉浓度的增加而增加;当土壤中镉浓度为100mg·kg-1时,曼陀罗地上部分富集系数为1.15,大于1,而在其它测试浓度下均小于1;苍耳地上部分的富集系数在所有测试浓度下都小于1.结论:曼陀罗和苍耳都不属于镉的超富集植物.  相似文献   

在含Cd、Cu浓度100、200μMol的培养基中进行驯化培育,获5株抗Cd细胞株及3株抗Cu细胞株。驯化株细胞相对增长率显著高于亲株,在Cd、Cu浓度波动较大的条件下,驯化株细胞增长率仍较稳定;驯化株对Cd、Cu的蓄积性因细胞种类不同而异,或具有降低对Cd、Cu的吸收,使抗性增加的机制,或对Cd、Cu有更强的吸收特性,但浓缩系数相对较稳定,从而抵御环境中Cd、Cu的波动,驯化株对营养元素的吸收呈现高于亲株或低于(近于)亲株两种类型,推断具有通过新陈代谢调节的适应机制;终止驯化的回复株一定程度保留了驯化获得性,但有向亲株回复的趋势,推断所获抗性非基因控制类型。  相似文献   

镉是土壤环境中对土壤质量有着极其重要影响的污染物之一,低含量下就能对人体和动物产生危害.镉在土壤中的有效态既决定了它的生物有效性及对环境的危害程度,又是人们对受污染土壤进行治理和修复的基础.作为盐化土壤中的典型组分,无机盐不可避免对镉的有效态及生物有效性等地球化学行为产生明显影响.研究了碱性土壤盐化过程中无机盐阴离子对土壤中镉有效态和植物吸收镉影响.研究方法为:以钠盐为例,实验研究了碱性土壤盐化过程中无机盐阴离子对土壤中镉有效态的影响;通过油菜种植试验,分析了无机盐阴离子对土壤中镉生物有效性的影响.研究结果表明,土壤盐化过程中,土壤溶液中Cl-浓度较低时,土壤中镉的有效态含量随Cl-浓度增加而增大,但当土壤中Cl-/Cd的比值大于100∶1时,土壤中镉的有效态含量达到最大值.土壤溶液中SO42-含量对土壤中镉有效态含量的影响不明显;随着土壤溶液中HCO3-含量的增加,土壤中镉的有效态含量明显减少.由于Cl-、SO42-是土壤溶液中的主要成分,随着盐度的增加,镉的有效态含量增加.油菜种植试验显示,当土壤中Cl-的含量增加时,土壤中镉的有效态含量增加,有利于植物对镉的吸收,因此油菜中镉的含量随土壤中Cl-的含量增加而增加,但当土壤有效态含量超过2 mg/kg后,油菜吸收镉已经达到最大.随着土壤溶液中SO42-浓度的增加,油菜中镉含量基本不变;土壤溶液中HCO3-的含量增加,植物中镉的含量随土壤中HCO3-含量增加而减少.这些特征与土壤镉有效态变化相吻合.通过各种措施控制土壤盐度和调节阴离子类型和含量,有利于降低土壤中镉的有效态含量,减轻镉的活化;农业生产中适当调整无机肥料的种类,可以减少农作物对镉的吸收.  相似文献   

玉米与番茄间作对土壤镉吸收的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究间作对作物吸收重金属镉(Cadmium,Cd)的影响,以Cd相对高积累番茄(中蔬4号)和相对低积累玉米(金珠蜜甜玉米)为试验材料,在Cd 3.70 mg/kg的污染水平下以单作、限制性间作、间作3种种植方式进行了盆栽试验,研究间作后作物各部位Cd积累差异及其形成原因。结果表明,番茄和玉米间作和限制性间作所产番茄根、茎、叶中Cd含量均有所提高(叶中Cd含量从13.52mg/kg分别升高至24.94mg/kg和27.30mg/kg);与未种植作物的对照组相比,非单作条件下番茄根围土壤的pH有所下降,酸性磷酸酶活性上升,而脲酶活性下降,且间作组变化幅度较大;间作还能改变作物根围微生物种群结构,提高对重金属吸收有促进作用的微生物种群的丰度,最终实现Cd高积累番茄对Cd的吸收能力提高。研究结果可为利用间作模式修复土壤重金属污染和保障食品安全提供参考。  相似文献   

以紫果西番莲和黄果西番莲为试材进行盆栽试验,研究镉、铅处理后西番莲体内镉、铅含量变化。结果表明,镉、铅在西番莲体内分布的一般规律是枝蔓> 叶> 果。不同品种西番莲的镉含量未见显著差异,而铅含量则呈显著差异。西番莲枝蔓和叶对镉、铅的吸收量分别随着各自处理浓度的增加而增加;统计显示,西番莲枝蔓和叶的镉、铅含量与各自土壤的添加量呈极显著正相关。值得注意的是,西番莲对镉有较强的吸收能力(枝蔓和叶对土壤镉的富集系数均大于1),而对铅的吸收能力较差。在本试验中,铅处理浓度为1 000 mg/kg时,西番莲果实可食部分铅的含量也低于无公害果品标准,说明西番莲作为果树生产时,即使在铅含量较高的污染土上种植,也是安全的;但要特别注意镉的污染风险。  相似文献   

铅、镉、铬单一和复合污染对青菜种子萌发的生物学效应   总被引:67,自引:3,他引:67  
重金属污染是当今世界上倍受重视的一类公害。重金属以汞毒性最大 ,镉次之 ,铅、铬、砷也有相当毒性 ,有人称之为“五毒”。冶炼和采矿是向环境中释放重金属的最重要的污染源。此外 ,不少工业部门也通过三废向环境中排放重金属。农作物受到重金属污染后 ,不仅严重影响其产量和质量 ,更为严重的是重金属经食物链进入人体 ,在人体内富集 ,危害人类健康。近几年 ,国外利用陆生植物进行毒性试验已有所增加 ,其中包括植物种子发芽毒性试验[1] 。植物种子发芽毒性试验较其它毒性试验方法有两大优点 :一是方法简单 ,持续时间短 ;二是这种方法对毒物…  相似文献   

方志荣  徐莺  刘庆  陈放 《广西植物》2019,39(12):1656-1665
为了筛选对铅和镉具有抗性和吸附性的酵母菌,构建麻疯树根系-酵母菌联合修复体系,促进高浓度铅和镉胁迫下麻疯树的生长。该研究分别从麻疯树的根段、珙桐的茎段、珙桐的根段分离到3株具有铅、镉抗性的酵母菌,分别命名为Jc、Di1、Di2,测定了三者对铅、镉的抗性和吸附性,并将筛选出的2株能吸附铅、镉的酵母菌菌株接种到麻疯树幼苗,研究接种两种酵母菌的麻疯树植株对铅、镉胁迫的响应。结果表明:经形态学和生理生化特征观察,Jc初步鉴定红酵母属(Rhodotorula sp.),Di1为假丝酵母属(Candida sp.),Di2为德巴利酵母属(Debaryomyces sp.)。三种酵母菌对铅、镉都有一定的抗性,其抗性能力的大小为JcDi2Di1。Di1和Jc对铅和镉都具有一定的吸附性将其用于接种麻疯树幼苗。与不接种酵母菌(CK)的麻疯树植株相比,接种Di1和Jc的麻疯树植株在根、茎、叶、全株干重方面显著增加,叶绿素、全株氮、全株磷浓度显著增加,SOD、POD、CAT的活性提高,丙二醛(MDA)浓度显著下降。从综合接种效应来看,Jc、Di1作为铅、镉的钝化剂,是铅、镉胁迫下促进麻疯树生长的备选菌株,这对于提高麻疯树对铅、镉污染土壤修复效率具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

入侵植物假苍耳对土壤中铜、铅重金属污染的富集特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过室内盆栽试验研究入侵植物假苍耳(Iva xanthifolia)在营养生长阶段对铜、铅的耐性及富集特征。实验结果表明,在1~16 mg·L-1的添加铜处理及0.5~14 mg·L-1的添加铅处理条件下,假苍耳对铜、铅两种单一金属均有很强的耐性及富集作用,重金属在植物体地上部和地下部的富集量分别为607.59、137.20,404.38、34.53 mg·kg-1,对应的富集系数为11.39、4.18,转运系数4.43、11.71,且重金属在植物体内的分布规律均表现为:茎部>叶片>根部,地上部分的积累量远大于地下部分。对叶色、株高及生物量等特征的观察表明假苍耳的生长未受到抑制,符合超富集植物的基本特征。与一般超富集植物相比,假苍耳作为一种外来入侵植物,具有生长迅速、植物材料易得,生物量大且分布范围广的优点。  相似文献   

蚯蚓对土壤中铜、镉生物有效性的影响   总被引:52,自引:4,他引:52  
俞协治  成杰民 《生态学报》2003,23(5):922-928
以第四纪红黏土红壤和长江冲积物形成的高砂土为供试土壤、分别加入3个浓度的Cu^2 (100、200、400mg/kg)或Cd^2-(5.10、20mg/kg)模拟土壤污染.设置接种蚯蚓(Pheretima sp.)处理与不加蚯蚓对照.并种植黑麦草(Lolium multiflorum)、研究蚯蚓活动对土壤中Cu、Cd生物有效性的影响.以揭示蚯蚓在植物修复重金属污染土壤中的作用。结果表明:蚯蚓活动显著增加红黏中DTPA提取态Cu的含量、只有在浓度低于200mg/kgCu的处理中.才能增加CaCl2提取态Cu的含量.对H2O提取态Cu影响甚微;而对高砂土上Cu、Cd的各种形态影响均不显著;除红黏中浓度高于100mg/kgCu和10mg/kgCd处理外.蚯蚓活动显著提高了两种土壤上黑麦草地上部的生物量;接种蚯蚓后各种重金属处理中黑麦草对Cu的吸收量也显著增加,而Cd的吸收量变化不大。蚯蚓可能通过提高重金属的生物有效性而间接影响植物对重金属的修复效率。  相似文献   


This study assessed the effects of Pb (0, 200, 500, 1000?mg kg?1) and Cd (0, 5, 15, 30, 50?mg kg?1) on photosynthesis in Amaranthus spinosus (A. spinosus), as well as the potential for phytoremediation by pot-culture experiment. Exposure to Pb/Cd produced a concentration-dependent decrease in biomass and all photosynthesis parameters, except for non-photochemical quenching, which increased with the metal concentration. The metals accumulated more in roots compared to shoots. The bioconcentration factor (BCF) of Pb was <1 in shoots at all Pb levels, whereas the BCF was <1 in roots at all but the lowest concentration of Pb. Roots extracted Cd from soil at all treatments. The translocation factor of Cd was larger than that of Pb suggesting that Cd is more mobile than Pb in A. spinosus. Amaranthus spinosus displays a high tolerance for both Pb and Cd with regards to growth and photochemical efficiency, but it is more sensitive to Cd than Pb. Amaranthus spinosus accumulates Pb and Cd primarily in the roots and Cd is more bioconcentrated and translocated in comparison to Pb. This investigation shows that A. spinosus has good potential for phytoremediation of soils contaminated by low levels of Cd and Pb.  相似文献   

Using pot experiments, the effect of the application of the biodegradable chelating agent S,S-ethylenediaminedisuccinic acid (EDDS) in hot solutions at 90 degrees C on the uptake of Cu, Pb, Zn, and Cd by corn (Zea mays L. cv. Nongda No. 108) and beans (P vulgaris L. white bean), and the potential leaching of metals from soil, were studied. When EDDS was applied as a hot solution at the rate of 1 mmol kg(-1), the concentrations and total phytoextraction of metals in plant shoots exceeded or approximated those in the shoots of plants treated with normal EDDS at the rate of 5 mmol kg(-1). On the other hand, the leaching of Cu, Pb, Zn, and Cd after the application of the hot EDDS solution at the rate of 1 mmol kg(-1) was reduced by 46%, 21%, 57%, and 35% in comparison with that from the application of normal EDDS at 5 mmol kg(-1), respectively. For treatment with 1 mmol kg(-1) of EDDS, the leached metals decreased to the levels of the control group (that without EDDS amendment) 14 d after the application of EDDS. The soil amendment with biodegradable EDDS in hot solutions may provide a good alternative to chelate-enhanced phytoextraction in enhancing metal uptake by plants and limiting metals from leaching out of the soil.  相似文献   

Embryonic shoots of Picea abies (L.) Karst, isolated from 10-year-old trees, were excised either with or without the crown. Various short-term uptake experiments (3, 6 and 24 h) and one long-term uptake experiment (4 weeks) were performed with these shoots to obtain information about the physiological role of the crown as translocation barrier for different substances. Transport through the embryonic shoots was followed in both acropetal and basipetal directions using radiolabelled substances supplied in an agarified Schenk and Hildebrandt medium. The medium was labelled with [14C]-IAA and/or [32P]-phosphate, or with [35S]-sulphate and 86Rb (as a tracer for K+). The experiments were conducted in light at 20°C, with the exception of one of the short-term experiments, which was carried out at 5°C to evaluate the connection between transport and metabolism. The main observation is that the crown in its collenchymatous stage of development acts as a selective barrier both acropetally and basipetally for transport of substances such as [14C]-IAA and [32P]-phosphate or their metabolized forms. This could explain why the embryonic shoot when cultured plus or minus its crown shows different growth and developmental patterns in vitro.  相似文献   

Group I mGlu receptors have been implicated in the control of brain dopamine release. However, the receptor subtype involved and the precise site of action have not been determined. In this study we show that (R,S)3,5-dihydroxyphenylglycine (DHPG; 6 and 60 nmol ICV), a selective group I mGlu receptor agonist, raised extracellular dopamine respectively by 176% and 243% of basal values in the medial prefrontal cortex as assessed by in vivo microdialysis in conscious rats. (R,S)2-chloro-5-hydroxyphenylglycine (60 nmol ICV), a selective mGlu5 receptor agonist, raised extracellular dopamine by 396% of basal values. Intra-VTA DHPG (0.6–6 nmol) mimicked ICV injection whereas intracortical infusion (1–1000 µmol/L) had no effect. DHPG-induced rise of extracellular dopamine was reversed by tetrodotoxin and by the selective mGlu1 and mGlu5 receptor antagonists 7(hydroxyimino)cyclopropa[b]chromen-1a-carboxylate (CPCCOEt) and 2-methyl-6-(phenylethynyl)pyridine (MPEP) either ICV or into the ventrotegmental area (VTA), suggesting that neuronal release and both mGlu1 and mGlu5 receptors were involved. These results support the existence of functional mGlu1 and mGlu5 receptors in the VTA regulating the release of dopamine in the medial prefrontal cortex.  相似文献   

The origins of the biological complexity and the factors that regulate the development of community composition, diversity and richness in soil remain largely unknown. To gain a better understanding of how bacterial communities change during soil ecosystem development, their composition and diversity in soils that developed over c. 77 000 years of intermittent aeolian deposition were studied. 16S rRNA gene clone libraries and fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analyses were used to assess the diversity and composition of the communities. The bacterial community composition changed with soil age, and the overall diversity, richness and evenness of the communities increased as the soil habitat matured. When analysed using a multivariate Bray-Curtis ordination technique, the distribution of ribotypes showed an orderly pattern of bacterial community development that was clearly associated with soil and ecosystem development. Similarly, changes in the composition of the FAMEs across the chronosequence were associated with biomarkers for fungi, actinomycetes and Gram-positive bacteria. The development of the soil ecosystem promoted the development of distinctive microbial communities that were reminiscent of successional processes often evoked to describe change during the development of plant communities in terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

Abstract: The binding characteristics of the novel 11C-labeled nicotinic ligands (R,S)-1-methyl-2-(3-pyridyl) azetidine (MPA) and (S)-3-methyl-5-(1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinyl)isoxazole (ABT-418) were investigated in comparison with those of (S)-[11C]nicotine in vitro in the rat brain to be able to predict the binding properties of the new ligands for positron emission tomography studies in vivo. The data from time-resolved experiments for all ligands indicated fast binding kinetics, with the exception of a slower dissociation of [11C]MPA in comparison with (S)-[11C]nicotine and [11C]ABT-418. Saturation experiments revealed for all ligands two nicotinic receptor binding sites with affinity constants (KD values) of 2.4 and 560 nM and binding site densities (Bmax values) of 65.5 and 223 fmol/mg of protein for (S)-[11C]nicotine, KD values of 0.011 and 2.2 nM and Bmax values of 4.4 and 70.7 fmol/mg of protein for [11C]MPA, and KD values of 1.3 and 33.4 nM and Bmax values of 8.8 and 69.2 fmol/mg of protein for [11C]ABT-418. In competing with the 11C-ligands, epibatidine was most potent, followed by cytisine. A different rank order of potencies was found for (?)-nicotine, (+)-nicotine, MPA, and ABT-418 displacing each of the 11C-ligands. Autoradiograms displayed a similar pattern of receptor binding for all ligands, whereby [11C]MPA showed the most distinct binding pattern and the lowest nonspecific binding. We conclude that the three 11C-labeled nicotinic ligands were suitable for characterizing nicotinic receptors in vitro. The very high affinity of [11C]MPA to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, its low nonspecific binding, and especially the slower dissociation kinetics of the [11C]MPA from the putative high-affinity nicotinic acetylcholine receptor binding site compared with (S)-[11C]nicotine and [11C]ABT-418 raise the level of interest in [11C]MPA for application in positron emission tomography.  相似文献   

Sorafenib (Nexavar, BAY43-9006, 1) is a second-generation, orally active multikinase inhibitor that is approved for the treatment of some cancers in patients. In this Letter, we developed [11C]1 as a novel positron emission tomography (PET) probe, and evaluated the influence of ABC transporters-mediated efflux on brain uptake using PET with [11C]1 in P-glycoprotein (P-gp)/breast cancer resistance protein (Bcrp) knockout mice versus wild-type mice. [11C]1 was synthesized by the reaction of hydrochloride of aniline 2 with [11C]phosgene ([11C]COCl2) to give isocyanate [11C]6, followed by reaction with another aniline 3. Small-animal PET study with [11C]1 indicated that the radioactivity level (AUC0-60 min, SUV × min) in the brains of P-gp/Bcrp knockout mice was about three times higher than in wild-type mice.  相似文献   

Here we examined several physiological properties of two near-isogenic lines of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var. durum) that differ in grain cadmium accumulation, to identify the function of a gene locus that confers differential grain Cd concentrations. Time- and concentration-dependent uptake and translocation studies using 109Cd were conducted on nutrient solution-grown seedlings. Root extracts were analysed by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry, gel filtration and capillary electrophoresis to determine the interaction between Cd and phytochelatins (PCs) in storage of Cd in roots. The two isolines did not differ in time- or concentration-dependent root Cd uptake, but the low grain-Cd-accumulating isoline showed decreased movement of Cd from roots to shoots. All buffer-soluble Cd extracted from roots of both isolines was in the form of a low-molecular-weight PC-containing complex. The data suggest that PC synthesis is not a limiting factor in the differential storage of Cd in roots, and that movement of Cd through the root and into the transpiration stream may be the cause of differential Cd partitioning in the two isolines.  相似文献   

燕红  钟方  高新亮  刘蕊 《生态学杂志》2012,31(4):1000-1008
将采集于黑龙江省大庆市盐碱地的土壤样品经适当稀释后,涂布于高盐碱的培养基中,分离纯化获得41株菌。经过不断分别或同时提高培养基的盐、碱浓度进行耐盐碱菌株的筛选,获得1株耐盐碱菌株7,其在pH值13且盐(NaCl)浓度达到200g.L-1的培养基中仍可生长,该菌株既属于极端嗜盐微生物又属于极端嗜碱微生物。分别于不同碳源、氮源、碳氮比、初始pH值和培养温度条件下,对菌株7的生物学特性和盐、碱去除能力进行研究。结果表明,该菌株生长和去除盐碱的最佳碳源为牛肉膏;最佳氮源为蛋白胨;碳氮比为4:1时,最有利于菌株的生长和对盐、碱的去除;菌株生长的最适初始pH值为9.5,最适温度为20℃,而盐、碱去除的最佳温度则为30~35℃。  相似文献   

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