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Summary The use of somatic embryos from cell culture systems in the clonal propagation of plants would be greatly facilitated if the somatic embryos could be dried and stored in a dormant state similar to true seeds. A cell culture system was developed for alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) line RL34 which gave high yields of somatic embryos in an approximately synchronized pattern. These somatic embryos were treated with abscisic acid (ABA) at the cotyledonary stage of development to induce desiccation tolerance. With no visual preselection, approximately 60% of the dried embryos converted into plants upon reimbibition. When high quality embryos were selected prior to drying, 90 to 100% conversion rates were observed. The timing of the application of ABA in terms of embryo development was critical with an optimum being at cotyledonary stage spanning approximately 4 days; thus, synchronized embryo development is required for optimal expression in bulk samples. The vigor of the seedlings from dried somatic embryos was greater than those from embryos which had not been dried, but remained substantially lower than those from true seeds.  相似文献   

唐巍  欧阳藩  郭仲琛   《广西植物》1998,18(1):65-69
马铃薯3个品种虎头,克4和Favorita的茎叶外植体在MS+1mg/LNAA+1mg/LBA培养基上形成愈伤组织。在MS+02mg/LNAA+1mg/LBA培养基上,愈伤组织分化产生不定芽。在MS+005mg/LNAA培养基上,不定芽生根形成再生完整植株。02~03cm大小的不定芽反复继代可持续增殖。有3个以上叶片的不定芽在MS+5mg/LBA+005mg/LIBA培养基上和黑暗条件下,在侧芽或顶芽部位形成微型薯。用4%海藻酸钠和2%氯化钙溶液包裹02~03cm大小的不定芽或直径为02~03cm的微型薯制成微芽人工种子和微薯人工种子。在4℃下贮存2个月后,微芽人工种子和微薯人工种子在有菌腐殖土壤中播种21d的萌发率分别是157%和962%。  相似文献   

Induction of somatic embryogenesis in Pinus armandii var. amamiana, an endemic and endangered species in Japan, was initiated from megagametophytes containing immature zygotic embryos on both media with and without plant growth regulators. Across nine open-pollinated families initiation frequency ranged from 0 to 20%, with an average of 1.5%. Embryogenic cultures were maintained and proliferated on a medium supplemented with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (3 μM) and 6-benzylaminopurine (1 μM). Maturation of somatic embryos occurred on medium containing maltose (50 g l−1), activated charcoal (2 g l−1), abscisic acid (100 μM), and polyethylene glycol (100 g l−1). The frequencies of germination and plant conversion of somatic embryos differed among the embryogenic lines from 16 to 51% and from 12 to 40%, respectively. Growth of regenerated somatic plants has been monitored in the field.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of sucrose concentration in the maturation medium in combination with a heat shock treatment at 36°C were investigated in an attempt to improve the vigor of seedlings grown from dry somatic embryos of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Callus was formed from petiole expiants and dispersed in liquid suspension medium in the presence of 5 M 2,4-D. The cell suspension was sieved to synchronize embryo development. The 200 – 500 m fraction was plated on embryo development medium without 2,4-D, grown for 14 days, and transferred to maturation medium. With 3% sucrose in the maturation medium, the somatic embryos germinated precociously and were unable to survive desiccation. At higher sucrose concentrations, germination was delayed and the embryos continued to accumulate dry matter. After 13 days on 6% sucrose medium (27 days after sieving), the somatic embryos were tolerant of drying to 12% moisture without exposure to exogenous ABA. Heat shock, which presumably stimulates endogenous ABA synthesis, improved the desiccation tolerance of somatic embryos if applied prior to day 27 after sieving, but its effects were minimal after day 27. High sucrose concentrations up to 9% in the maturation medium were optimal during the first 8 days on maturation medium (days 14 to 22 after sieving), but a lower concentration (6%) was optimal during the later stages of embryo maturation (days 22 to 30 after sieving). The inclusion of 10–5 M ABA in the maturation medium with 6% sucrose further improved embryo quality if applied approximately 20 days after sieving.  相似文献   

苜蓿草地作为黄土高原草地的重要组成部分,在黄土高原草地生态系统碳循环占有重要地位。同时由于苜蓿具有固氮和固碳的双重作用,使它在低碳农业的发展中具有重要意义。本文以一年生(建植初期)、三年生(盛产期)、五年生(稳产期)和十年生(衰败期)的人工苜蓿草地为研究对象,利用地上地下生物量和土壤碳贮量,定量分析了人工苜蓿草地不同发育阶段的固碳能力;结合种植面积,对黄土高原区人工苜蓿草地的总固碳效应进行了评价。研究结果表明:苜蓿草地地上生物固碳能力以三年生和五年生最强,并显著高于其他年限;地下生物固碳和土壤固碳量均以十年苜蓿草地最高,且显著高于其他年限。总体而言,人工苜蓿草地以土壤固碳为主,并集中在0~80cm土壤,各年限0-80cm土层土壤固碳量分别占到总固碳量的41.02%、39.43%、41.56%、39.59%;而地下生物固碳主要发生在0~20cm土层,各年限该层生物固碳量分别占到地下生物总固碳量的45.74%、 55.68%、53.12%和 43.28%。苜蓿草地在整个生命周期中总固碳量随生长年限逐年增长,但增长速度不明显,各年限单位面积总固碳量分别为12.69kg/m2、13.49 kg/m2、13.31 kg/m2和14.83 kg/m2。估算得到黄土高原的人工苜蓿草地年总固碳量为1.430?1011 Kg(143.0 Tg),其中地上、地下、土壤分别为5.43Tg、1.15Tg和136.4Tg。本研究结果为正确分析区域碳循环和发展低碳大农业提供了重要理论参考。  相似文献   

农杆菌介导的苜蓿次级体细胞胚的遗传转化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用农杆菌菌株GV3101感染子叶期苜蓿体细胞胚来研究苜蓿次级体细胞胚的遗传转化方法。农杆菌菌株GV3101双相载体pCAMBIA2301,此双相载体具有gus报告基因和nptⅡ抗卡那霉素筛选基因。感染的子叶期苜蓿体细胞在75 mg/L卡那霉素筛选压下,经过一系列诱导培养,最终获得转基因植株。然后,通过GUS组织化学定位分析来检测转基因植株不同器官中的GUS表达,并进一步通过PCR和Southern杂交确定转基因的稳定整合和转化率。结果表明转基因植株不同器官均有GUS表达,整合的nptⅡ基因的拷贝数是1~4,获得的转基因植株的转化率是65.82%。  相似文献   

水分胁迫下紫花苜蓿和高粱种子萌发特性及幼苗耐旱性   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
李文娆  张岁岐  山仑 《生态学报》2009,29(6):3066-3074
利用PEG溶液(水势梯度:-0.1~-0.5MPa)模拟水分胁迫,研究了紫花苜蓿(品种:阿尔冈金和陇东)和高粱(品种:抗四)种子的萌发能力的变化及对萌发环境的最低水分需求,并进行种间差异比较.结果显示:PEG水分胁迫通过限制种子有效水分的吸收而抑制了其萌发,且随着胁迫强度的增加,萌发能力减弱,主要表现在:萌发率、吸水速率、萌发活力、萌发胁迫指数等随胁迫强度的增加而下降,根芽比则随之增加.另一方面,种子群体萌动、萌发和出苗达50%概率时间随胁迫强度的增加而越发延迟,且各阶段对环境临界水势的需求不同,出苗阶段最为严格,说明种子出苗过程对环境水分胁迫最为敏感,耐旱能力最弱.相比之下,在同等胁迫条件下,高粱种子的萌发能力较苜蓿种子受到影响较小,各个阶段对环境水势的需求也相对较为宽松.因此,苜蓿苗期对干旱胁迫的忍耐能力不及高粱,且出苗过程中对环境水分条件的需求存在品种间差异.  相似文献   

Embryo development and germination of Cyclamen persicum have been comparatively characterized for zygotic and somatic embryos with regard to mitotic activity and morphology in order to identify developmental abnormalities in somatic embryogenesis. Zygotic embryo development proved to be highly synchronous with distinct periods of cell division, cell elongation and embryo maturation within a total period of 17 weeks of seed development. Somatic embryo development was accomplished within only 3 weeks, resulting in a mixture of morphologically highly variable embryos. No distinct developmental periods could be identified and no reduction of the mitotic activity was discovered for non-desiccated somatic embryos. Controlled desiccation of somatic embryos severely reduced their germination rate, demonstrating resemblance of somatic embryos to recalcitrant seeds, whereas zygotic Cyclamen seeds could be characterized as typically orthodox.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) contamination of irrigation water represents a major constraint to Bangladesh agriculture. While arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi have their most significant effect on P uptake, they have also been shown to alleviate metal toxicity to the host plant. This study examined the effects of As and inoculation with an AM fungus, Glomus mosseae, on lentil (Lens culinaris L. cv. Titore). Plants were grown with and without AM inoculum for 9 weeks in a sand and terra green mixture 50:50 v/v and watered with five levels of As (0, 1, 2, 5, 10 mg As L−1 arsenate). Inoculum of Rhizobium leguminosarum b.v. Viceae strain 3841 was applied to all plants. Plants were fed with modified Hoagland solution (1/10 N of a full-strength solution and without P). Plant height, leaf number, pod number, plant biomass and shoot and root P concentration/offtake increased significantly due to mycorrhizal infection. Plant height, leaf/ pod number, plant biomass, root length, shoot P concentration/offtake, root P offtake and mycorrhizal infection decreased significantly with increasing As concentration. However, mycorrhizal inoculation reduced As concentration in roots and shoots. This study shows that growing lentil with compatible AM inoculum can minimise As toxicity and increase growth and P uptake.  相似文献   

Different concepts of polyembryony and genetic heterogeneity of seeds in flower plants have been reviewed. Different types, ways, and forms of plant reproduction appeared in the course of evolution as a consequences of the attached mode of life and autotrophy. This is ascribed to totipotency, “stemminess” of plant cells, and presence of constantly functioning meristems, which determined to a great extent the system of plant safety. There are two ways of formation of a new individual: sexual process → gamospermy involving meiosis and gamete fusion and asexual process → agamospermy without meiosis and gamete fusion and two types of reproduction: seed and vegetative. Both processes may take place simultaneously in one seed, as a result of which many embryos of different origins are formed: uniparental and biparental inheritance. Traditionally, this phenomenon is called polyembryony. It comprises embryoidogeny (a new category of vegetative reproduction): formation of somatic embryos (= embryoids) in the flower, seed, and on vegetative organs. Genetic heterogeneity is one of the most important characteristics of seeds, which is based on different phenomena, such as embryogeny, embryoidogeny, and gametophytic and sporophytic apomixis. When describing two types of polyembryony, sporophytic (nucellar, integumental, cleavage) and gametophytic (synergidal, antipodal), a great attention is paid to characterization of initial cells of the sexual and adventive embryos. A new concept of apogamety is developed from new positions (totipotency and “stemminess”), which is based on different genesis of cells of the egg and antipodal systems. Five possible pathways of formation of the adventive embryos have been proposed from cells of the egg apparatus. Specific features of the formation of adventive embryos in the case of gametophytic apomixis, such as androgenesis and semigamy, are discussed. Morphogenesis of the sexual and adventive embryos proceeds in the mother organism and is determined by the origin and formation of their initials, types of ovule and embryo sac, and specific features of developmental biology. This determines parallelism in their development. The main difference consists in the way of reproduction: heterophasic and homophasic. The phenomenon of polyembryony and genetic heterogeneity of seeds is essential for development of the theory of reproduction and applied research related to seed productivity of plants.  相似文献   

沉水植物菹草的人工种子技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为满足水生态系统重建及水体景观对沉水植物种苗的需求,本文建立了菹草(Potamogeton crispus L.)人工种子的制作方法,并分析了菹草人工种子的萌发条件。结果表明,以海藻酸钠为包埋剂,在包埋剂中添加IBA 1.0 mg/L + 6-BA 0.5 mg/L,制备的菹草人工种子在灭菌自来水中萌发率可达80%,且转株率达20%。在15-25℃之间,温度对菹草人工种子萌发和转株的影响不显著;氮磷水平对菹草人工种子萌发和转株的影响不显著;光强对菹草人工种子的萌发和转株有显著影响,较高的光强有较高的萌发率和转株率,光强为40μmol/ m2. s时,菹草人工种子萌发率、转株率可达67.8%、35.6%;底质对菹草人工种子的萌发和转株有显著影响,菹草人工种子在黄沙壤上的萌发率、转株率分别为60%和42.2%,黄沙壤比淤泥和砂石更适合菹草人工种子萌发和转株;菹草人工种子在野外湖水的试验中萌发率、转株率分别达到28%、15%。  相似文献   

Three methods of increasing the productivity of somatic embryogenesis in Medicago sativa L. were investigated. In the basic procedure, somatic embryos were initiated from young petioles and carried through several phases: callus formation, suspension culture, selection of the embryogenic fraction by sieving, development, maturation, desiccation and storage. The suspensions were normally separated into three fractions by sieving. Fraction I (<200 m) containing nonembryogenic cells or cell clusters was discarded. Fraction II (200–500 m) consisting of embryogenic cell clusters was collected for embryo development and maturation. Fraction III (over 500 M) containing the mixture of petiole residues with large pieces of calli and globular somatic embryos was usually discarded. Several methods to scale-up the suspension phase were unsuccessful. Direct subculture of the entire suspension by the addition of fresh liquid medium resulted in the loss of embryogenic capacity by the third subculture. Subculture of fraction II decreased embryogenic cell mass, and hence reduced total productivity. The recycling of fraction III back to fresh B5g liquid medium resulted in high productivity in the first culture but further subculture of this fraction resulted in a rapid decline in the embryogenic capacity.As an alternative, somatic embryos from the first tissue culture cycle were also used as explants for the initiation of secondary embryogenic callus. The embryogenic capacity of these somatic embryo explants declined rapidly as they matured. More than 100 secondary somatic embryos could be induced from embryo explants removed from development medium at 10 days after sieving the suspension, but only 40 somatic embryos were produced from each mature somatic embryo explant, and 13 from desiccated embryos. The secondary somatic embryos were comparable to the primary embryos in quality according to germination tests. The implications of the results to the efficiency of somatic embryo production of Medicago are discussed.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - DAS days after sieving - PPF photosynthetic photon flux density - SE somatic embryo  相似文献   

Polyribosomes have been isolated from pear seeds which show a capacity for in vitro protein synthesis. Translational capacity increased during stratification with a peak after 13 days of stratification. This increase was greatly diminished in seeds which were incubated at 25°C (“warm stratification”). The peak in protein synthetic activity coincides with the period of stratification required for normal development of excised embryos.  相似文献   

 The effect of the saprobe fungi Wardomyces inflatus (Marchal) Hennebert, Paecilomyces farinosus (Holm & Gray) A. H. S. Brown & G. Sm., Gliocladium roseum Bain., Trichoderma pseudokoningii Rifai and T. harzianum Rifai, isolated from sporocarps of Glomus mosseae, on arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) colonisation and plant dry matter of soybean was studied in 2/3 and 1/5 diluted soils in a greenhouse trial. Soil dilution to 1/5 had no effect on shoot dry matter of soybean but decreased AM colonisation and root dry weight of plants. CFU of saprobe fungi, except T. harzianum, were higher in 1/5 than in 2/3 diluted soils. W. inflatus and Gliocladium roseum decreased the shoot dry weight of soybean plant when inoculated together with Glomus mosseae. The saprobe fungi P. farinosus and T. pseudokoningii increased the shoot dry weights of plants grown in 1/5 diluted soil. The shoot dry weight and AM colonisation in 1/5 diluted soil were also increased when T. harzianum was inoculated together with Glomus mosseae. Thus, saprobe fungi increased AM colonisation of soybean plants by indigenous endophytes. The AM colonisation of plants at both soil dilutions was increased by Glomus mosseae. The highest level of AM colonisation was observed when P. farinosus and T. pseudokoningii were inoculated together Glomus mosseae. The dilution of soils influenced the interaction between inoculated microorganisms and their effect on plant growth. Accepted: 7 June 1999  相似文献   

Protoplast fusion experiments between Lycopersicon esculentum or L. peruvianum and Nicotiana tabacum or N. plumbaginifolia were performed to investigate the possibility of producing symmetric and asymmetric somatic hybrids between these genera. These fusions, which involved 1.7 × 108 protoplasts, yielded 35 viable hybrid calli. Plant regeneration was successful with two calli. One of these regenerants flowered, but developed no fruits. Analysis of the nuclear DNA by means of dot blot hybridization with species-specific repetitive DNA probes combined with flow cytometry, revealed that the nuclei of most hybrid calli contained the same absolute amount of Nicotiana DNA as the Nicotiana parent or (much) less, whereas the amount of Lycopersicon DNA per nucleus was 2–5 times that of the parental genotype. Eighteen of the 34 hybrids analyzed possessed Lycopersicon chloroplast DNA (cpDNA), whereas the other 16 had DNA from Nicotiana chloroplasts. The cpDNA type was correlated with the nuclear DNA composition; hybrids with more than 2C Nicotiana nuclear DNA possessed Nicotiana chloroplasts, whereas hybrids with 2C or less Nicotiana nuclear DNA contained Lycopersicon chloroplasts. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) composition was correlated with both nuclear DNA constitution and chloroplast type. Hybrids possessed only or mainly species-specific mtDNA fragments from the parent predominating in the nucleus and often providing the chloroplasts. The data are discussed in relation to somatic incompatibility which could explain the low frequency at which hybrids between Lycopersicon and Nicotiana species are obtained and the limited morphogenetic potential of such hybrids.  相似文献   

郭鹤宝  何山文  王星  章俊  张晓霞 《微生物学报》2019,59(12):2285-2295
【目的】Pantoea菌株是广泛分布在自然界中的一类功能多样的细菌。本研究对分离自水稻种子内生的Pantoea菌株进行系统发育分析及功能评价,从而确定分类地位、种类多样性、分布特征及功能特性。【方法】采用乙醇-次氯酸钠联合灭菌方法进行水稻种子的表面灭菌,进行内生细菌的分离与纯化;其次将纯化后的菌株进行16Sr RNA基因PCR扩增及序列分析,通过MEGA7软件构建系统发育树;将分离得到的菌株进行功能实验检测,如溶磷、产IAA、产铁载体、拮抗病原真菌等特性,最后检测菌株的溶血性;水稻分型采用SSR方法,并对水稻农学性状如分蘖数、株高、植株重及产量进行调查。【结果】本研究对分离自8个不同基因型水稻种子中的146株内生Pantoea菌株进行系统发育分析及功能评价,结果发现所分离到的泛菌菌株主要属于Pantoea dispersa、Pantoea agglomerans、Pantoea cypripedii以及Pantoea brenneri四个种,其中P. dispersa的菌株数量最多,分布最广,并且存在于所有的8个水稻种子样品中。对其中66株菌进行功能检测,发现86.3%和69.7%的菌株具有溶磷和产IAA能力,有7株菌具有产铁载体能力,未发现对真菌病害Fusarium moniliforme有拮抗作用的菌株,并发现3株菌具有溶血性;本实验未发现泛菌组成与水稻系统发育及农学性状存在明显的相关性。【结论】本研究首次对水稻种子中泛菌的多样性及其功能进行报道,发现不同基因型的水稻种子所含Pantoea种类及组成存在差异,种子选择性地积累了Pantoea类群,大部分菌株具有一定的促生特性。该研究结果有助于进一步探究微生物与植物的共进化、种子微生物的传播途径及作用方式。  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis was observed in callus initiated from tendril explants of Vitis vinifera L. cvs. Thompson, Sonaka and Tas-e-Ganesh on Emershad and Ramming medium supplemented with 1 μm 6-benzylaminopurine. Low-frequency conversion to shoots was obtained in the third and fourth subculture on the same medium. Emerging shoots subsequently formed complete plantlets on liquid rooting medium containing 1 μm indole-3-acetic acid. The possible use of tendrils as a novel explant for somatic embryogenesis in grape is discussed. Received: 3 March 1997 / Revision received: 21 May 1997 / Accepted: 25 June 1997  相似文献   

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