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The region of Eger town at the foot of the Bükk Mountains in Northeastern Hungary has particular importance for the understanding the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic periods of the Carpathian Basin. One of the key-problems is the association of carinated tools and foliate points in the lithic assemblages of the sites. New investigations at the Egerszalók-K?vágó site give fundamental data for the animated discussion on the relation between Aurignacian and Szeletian.  相似文献   

The Grosse Badlhöhle (Austria, Steiermark) is the origin of one of the most perfect bone points of the early Aurignacian and one of the best perforated femurs of the same period, which can be regarded as musical instruments. Two other fragments of points raise intriguing questions on the first Homo sapiens sapiens which cannot be solved today but will contribute to future research. A review on the debate of Palaeolithic flutes will follow with experimental proofs of boring artificial holes with high quality pictures on the blow-hole and the lack of gnawing traces on the opposite face. The musical possibility of an instrument with only one hole is discussed with ethnographic analogies. Hafting, optimal conditions of strength and possible use of arrows will close the discussion on the Badlhöhle bone artefacts.  相似文献   

Páramo is the neotropical high elevation ecosystem in the northern Andes and Central America consisting of multiple dissected open areas above 3000 m a.s.l. Complex evolutionary processes that occurred within these ecosystems gave rise to a unique tropical Andean flora. Previous phytogeographical classifications for Colombian páramos have been based on subjective assessments of species distributions. However, a detailed floristic analysis highlighting affinities between páramo regions in Colombia has not yet been proposed. The aim of this study is to provide an analytical scenario for the patterns of regional plant diversity in a hierarchical framework based on the biogeographical history of the páramos, based on 30 localities of the Colombian páramos. Parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE) and Jaccard similarity indices were applied to a presence/absence data matrix of páramo angiosperm species. Altitudinal distribution of species was used to determine the percentage of the páramo flora endemic to this ecosystem. Genera are shared among páramos, whereas species composition is highly endemic. 86% of the páramo angiosperm plant species is endemic to this ecosystem. The Colombian Páramo areas can be grouped using PAE into five biogeographical units, based on angiosperm species composition. These are: (1) Páramos de la Cordillera Oriental; (2) Páramos de la Cordillera Central and Macizo Colombiano; (3) Páramos de Antioquia; (4) Páramos del Norte; (5) Páramos de la Cordillera Occidental.  相似文献   

It has long been argued that the form of North American Paleoindian points was affected by hafting. According to this hypothesis, hafting constrained point bases such that they are less variable than point blades. The results of several studies have been claimed to be consistent with this hypothesis. However, there are reasons to be skeptical of these results. None of the studies employed statistical tests, and all of them focused on points recovered from kill and camp sites, which makes it difficult to be certain that the differences in variability are the result of hafting rather than a consequence of resharpening. Here, we report a study in which we tested the predictions of the hafting hypothesis by statistically comparing the variability of different parts of Clovis points. We controlled for the potentially confounding effects of resharpening by analyzing largely unused points from caches as well as points from kill and camp sites. The results of our analyses were not consistent with the predictions of the hypothesis. We found that several blade characters and point thickness were no more variable than the base characters. Our results indicate that the hafting hypothesis does not hold for Clovis points and indicate that there is a need to test its applicability in relation to post-Clovis Paleoindian points.  相似文献   

Cephalocereus columna-trajani is a giant columnar cactus endemic of the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley in Central Mexico. Stem tilting and northward pseudocephalium azimuth in C.␣columna-trajani have functional advantages in terms of interception of direct solar radiation at the northernmost portions of its range. Since the success of both characters strongly depends on the apparent position of the sun during the growing season, in this paper we test the hypothesis that the occurrence of such columnar morphology is restricted geographically and imposes mechanical restrictions that limit column height. Following a latitudinal gradient along the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley, we selected five populations, recorded tilting angle and pseudocephalium azimuth, and carried out allometric and biomechanical analyses of height–diameter relationships. Northern populations showed higher tilting angles. Pseudocephalium azimuth significantly differed among populations, and pseudocephalium orientation was consistently North-Northwestern. Stem allometry showed that the stems of the southern populations increased in height at a far greater rate with respect to diameter than the northern populations. The southernmost population showed the lowest safety factor. These results support the hypothesis that stem tilting in C.␣columna-trajani is functionally advantageous in a restricted geographical range, and imposes mechanical restrictions to column height.  相似文献   

Three excavation campaigns at the Tuscan open air site of Pontecosi, near Lucca (Tuscany, Italy) have yielded a rich artefact series signing the presence of Aurignacian populations in this part of peninsular Italy. Abruptly backed points associated with typical carinated or “à museau” end scrapers most probably indicate the recent character of this Tuscan Aurignacian.  相似文献   

The author illustrates, in a very synthetical way, Aurignacian and early Gravettian lithic industry from Paglicci Cave (Mount Gargano, South Italy), found during excavations carried out by University of Siena in the Eighties-Nineties. Layer 24 contains Aurignacian industries and is constituted by a fine silty-sandy sediment. The faunal remains from layer 24, dominated by Equus asinus, indicate a dry-temperate phase which on the basis of 14C dates, would be identified with the Arcy. Lithic industry contains numerous marginally backed bladelets and microbladelets Dufour like that, in the higher level evolve into a special type (denominated “PA 24 A1”). The early Gravettian occupies the overlying layers 23 and 22 that are rich in rough stones and blocks and contain more or less cold faunal remains (at first dominated by Capra ibex, subsequently Bos primigenius becomes abundant): the 14C dating insert them in a phase between Arcy and Tursac. Lithic industry includes a great number of La Gravette backed points and especially microgravette backed points. Some probable fléchettes are also present but unfortunately they are fragmented.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the techno-typological study of level 16 of El Castillo cave (Archaic Aurignacian). In this level, we can identify an important bladelet production from schémas opératoires of unipolar prismatic cores, carinated endscraper and carinated burins types. Besides, we find a specific production of Discoid conception. The retouched blanks, though scanty, are dominated by the Dufour bladelets. Level 16 is in relation with the Archaic Aurignacian at the Cantabrian Iberia, which is present in sites like Cueva Morín, Labeko Koba, Gatzarria, or Isturitz and it also is in relation with the Mediterranean Archaic Aurignacian. Finally, we analyse the different hypotheses about the Initial Upper Paleolithic origin in Europe. The mosaic hypothesis is acceptable for us.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal variability in the concentration of saprophytic bacteria was investigated in surface waters of Paranaguá and Antonina bays.Seven points along a profile from the entrance of Paranaguá Bay to the innermost part of Antonina Bay, were sampled monthly from November 1985 to November 1986. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and precipitation data were also measured.ZoBell 2216E culture medium was utilized with freshwater and 32% salinity water.Principal component analysis of biotic and abiotic data showed a gradient from the innermost bay to the baymouth bar with an increase in bacteria concentration at Antonina Bay. Significant variation was not observed among sampling stations at Paranaguá Bay, except for February 1986 when there was a homogeneous increase of bacteria throughout both bays in association with an increase in temperature and precipitation. There was also no strong variation of saprophyte numbers at sampling locations near Paranaguá city, despite domestic and harbour waste input.We conclude that the outer region of the estuary is highly influenced by the adjacent ocean and that the inner part has typical estuarine characteristics. The region may be considered little polluted.  相似文献   

New radiocarbon dates from the sites of Bockstein-T?rle, Geissenkl?sterle, Hohle Fels, Hohlenstein-Stadel, Sirgenstein, and Vogelherd in the Swabian Jura of southwestern Germany indicate that the Aurignacian of the region spans the period from ca. 40-30ka BP. If the situation at Vogelherd, in which skeletal remains from modern humans underlie an entire Aurignacian sequence, is viewed as representative for the region, the dates from the Swabian Jura support the hypothesis that populations of modern humans entered the region by way of the "Danube Corridor." The lithic technology from the lower Aurignacian of Geissenkl?sterle III is fully developed, and classic Aurignacian forms are well represented. During the course of the Aurignacian, numerous assemblages rich in art works, jewelry, and musical instruments are documented. By no later than 29ka BP the Gravettian was well established in the region. These dates are consistent with the "Kulturpumpe" hypothesis that important cultural innovations of the Aurignacian and Gravettian in Swabia predate similar developments in other regions of Europe. The radiocarbon dates from Geissenkl?sterle corroborate observations from other non-archaeological data sets indicating large global fluctuations in the atmospheric concentrations of radiocarbon between 30 and 50ka calendar years ago. These fluctuations lead to complications in building reliable chronologies during this period and cause the "Middle Paleolithic Dating Anomaly" and the "Coexistence Effect," which tend to exaggerate the temporal overlap between Neanderthals and modern humans.  相似文献   

We investigated species composition, distribution, and forest structure of understory trees (≥1 m height, <10 cm diameter at breast height) in two late-successional várzea forests subject to contrasting levels of inundation within the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve, western Brazilian Amazon, and compared it with the overstory flora at the same study sites. In total, 1486 individuals and 116 woody species were recorded on an area totaling 3140 m2. Individual densities and tree species richness were considerably higher in the high várzea than in the low várzea, which suggests that the heights and durations of the annual inundations are the main factor limiting species regeneration. In addition, approximately one third of the recorded species with densities ≥8 individuals showed regular or random spatial distribution patterns, which suggests that floodwaters act on dispersal strategies and species establishment.Independent of the forest type, floristic similarity between the understory and the overstory amounted to approximately 35%, and to approximately 10% when compared to other understory inventories in Amazonian várzea. Although the inventoried area of the understory amounted to only 16% of that of the overstory, species richness accounted for approximately 52-56% of that of the overstory. The results indicate that the understory flora of várzea forests is distinct and that it significantly increases local tree species richness. The understory flora of várzea forests therefore should be addressed in floristic inventories that provide the basis for regional and/or basin-wide estimations of tree diversity.  相似文献   

A new biozonation is proposed for the Late Carboniferous strata of the northeastern Paraná Basin (São Paulo and Paraná States), based on well-preserved palynological assemblages recovered from outcrops and core samples retrieved from the Itararé Subgroup. Assemblages include forty-nine species of trilete spores and twenty-five pollen species. The oldest biozone, the Ahrensisporites cristatus Interval Zone (AcZ), in the basal portion of the Itararé Subgroup, includes eleven exclusive spore species, and is assigned a Pennsylvanian (late Bashkirian to Kasimovian) age. The overlying proposed biozone, the Crucisaccites monoletus Interval Zone (CmZ), dated late Pennsylvanian (Kasimovian to Gzhelian), ranges approximately from the top of the lower portion to the middle portion of the Itararé Subgroup, bears only one exclusive species of pollen. Both zones are characterized by the dominance of trilete spores and monosaccate pollen grains, including also few taeniate pollen grains. Furthermore, the basal Protohaploxypinus goraiensis Subzone of the Vittatina costabilis Interval Zone (VcZ) is broadly recognized for the first time in the upper portion of the Itararé Subgroup in the northeastern Paraná Basin. This subzone is attributed to the Early Permian (Early Cisuralian), and is characterized by the dominance of monosaccate pollen grains, a significant increase of taeniate grains (mainly Protohaploxypinus spp.), apart from the appearance of polyplicate pollen (Vittatina spp.). Reference sections and the main characteristics of the two new zones (AcZ and CmZ) are presented, along with a preliminary palynological correlation and discussion on their ages.  相似文献   

A general overview of the biological knowledge of the floristic province of the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley in central-southern Mexico is presented. Floristic and faunistic richness and endemism, as well as uses of the flora are analyzed and discussed for this area, recently declared a biosphere reserve. The analysis shows that, in approximately 10 000 km2 the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley contains between 10 and 11.4% of the Mexican flora. In addition, the valley possesses 365 endemic species that represent 13.9% of its flora. With respect to the fauna diversity, the available information is less comprehensive than for plants. Nevertheless, the study shows that the 11 species of amphibians, 48 species of reptiles, and 91 species of birds recorded for the valley surpasses the diversity found in other dry-lands of the world. In relationship to the mammals of the region, the available data are poor for most of the groups except for bats, for which 24 species have been reported. Regarding the use of the flora, the analysis revealed that 815 species are utilized by the people in the valley. A discussion related to future research activities is also included.  相似文献   

Needles made from hard animal tissues are a stereotyped artefact; they have been found in six caves of the Moravian Karst / Czech Republic (Pekárna, ?itného, K?lna, Bý?í skála, Verun?ina, K?í?ova) containing Magdalenian layers. The paper deals with the technology of the production of these objects on the example of the Pekárna cave that has provided a lot of these artefacts in various degrees of wear, fragments, exploitation matrices and uncompleted needles. By the mean of spatial analysis we try to reconstitute the original context in the cave and insert the concerned artefact into the frame of the exploitation, treatment and utilisation of hard animal tissues by Magdalenian hunters in Moravia.  相似文献   

Upper Paleozoic sedimentary sequences from several localities of the northeastern Paraná Basin were sampled for paleobotanical and palynological studies. Well-preserved terrestrial assemblages from samples of Campinas, São Paulo State, from an outcrop at the 97 km mark on the Bandeirantes Highway, located at the Municipality of Campinas, São Paulo State were recorded where fertile bryophytes and megaspores were previously also found. The Campinas palynoflora is composed of 23 species of bryophytic and pteridophytic spores, 16 species of pollen grains, and one algae (Botryococcus braunii Kützing). Among the sporomorphs, Reticulatisporites asperidictyus Playford and Helby is described for the first time from the Paraná Basin. Assemblages bear diagnostic species of the Ahrensisporites cristatus Interval Zone, such as Anapiculatisporites argentinensis Azcuy, Cristatisporites inordinatus (Menéndez and Azcuy) Playford, and Psomospora detecta Playford and Helby, of Late Carboniferous age (Pennsylvanian). Palynological content suggests a glacio-deltaic/lacustrine environment of deposition. This is supported by lithological data and by the absence of marine palynomorphs.  相似文献   

Rolf Singer 《Plant Ecology》1988,78(1-2):27-30
In a comparative survey the terms (terra-firme) flood plain, igapó, várzea with and without black water influence are reviewed and the importance of ectotrophic mycorrhiza for their definition emphasized. Várzea alta with fluvisol base is briefly characterized and a first list of Basidiomycetes collected in it is provided. These are all non-mycorrhizal litter fungi.  相似文献   

We investigated habitat variables influencing the species richness and composition of anuran tadpole assemblages in ponds from riparian areas of the Middle Paraná River. Tadpoles were collected at seven ponds that differed in hydroperiod and 10 habitat variables (water temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, depth, size, time of isolation, macrophyte richness, and level of natural or anthropic disturbances) during a 5 year period. The presence/absence of potential tadpole predators was also recorded. Although we did not examine tadpole diets, we categorized anurans into ecomorphological guilds. We found that dissolved oxygen, maximum depth, pond size, macrophyte richness, and disturbances were significantly related to tadpole species richness. We also found that the richness of potential tadpole predator increased with longer pond hydroperiod. Thus, the number of tadpole species was higher in temporary and semi-permanent ponds without potential tadpole predators. The results of our study provide the first quantitative data on the tadpole assemblages in ponds associated with riparian areas of the Middle Paraná River Floodplain based on multi-year intensive sampling, a finding of both ecological interest and practical significance for future conservation management of anurans of Paraná River ecosystems.  相似文献   

Implicit in much of the discussion of the cultural and population biological dynamics of modern human origins in Europe is the assumption that the Aurignacian, from its very start, was made by fully modern humans. The veracity of this assumption has been challenged in recent years by the association of Neandertal skeletal remains with a possibly Aurignacian assemblage at Vindija Cave (Croatia) and the association of Neandertals with distinctly Upper Paleolithic (but non-Aurignacian) assemblages at Arcy-sur-Cure and St. C?esaire (France). Ideally we need human fossil material that can be confidently assigned to the early Aurignacian to resolve this issue, yet in reality there is a paucity of well-provenanced human fossils from early Upper Paleolithic contexts. One specimen, a right humerus from the site of Vogelherd (Germany), has been argued, based on its size, robusticity, and muscularity, to possibly represent a Neandertal in an Aurignacian context. The morphological affinities of the Vogelherd humerus were explored by univariate and multivariate comparisons of humeral epiphyseal and diaphyseal shape and strength measures relative to humeri of Neandertals and Early Upper Paleolithic (later Aurignacian and Gravettian) modern humans. On the basis of diaphyseal cross-sectional geometry, deltoid tuberosity morphology, and distal epiphyseal morphology, the specimen falls clearly and consistently with European early modern humans and not with Neandertals. Along with the other Vogelherd human remains, the Vogelherd humerus represents an unequivocal association between the Aurignacian and modern human morphology in Europe.  相似文献   

By means of ordination and classification techniques, the relationships between climate, soils, human activities and vegetation along an altitudinal gradient of the Venezuelan páramos are analyzed and interpreted. The altitudinal gradient chosen is characterized by decrease of temperature, precipitation, soil fertility, soil water-holding capacity, and plant cover as altitude increases. The ordination results suggest vegetation changes to be primarily related to environmental changes occurring with altitude, and secondly to disturbances caused mainly by grazing. Some results point toward a disjunction in the vegetational gradient occurring at ca. 3 500 m.a.s.l. and separating low and high páramo. This disjunction might have been caused by the glacial history of the páramos and the occurrence of frequent night-frosts.The soil samples were kindly analyzed by the Laboratorio de Edafologia, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. Help in plant identification was generously obtained from the specialists of Instituto Botánico, Instituto Nacional de Parques, Caracas.Nomenclature follows Vareschi (1970).Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the Decanato de Investigaciones, Universidad Simón Bolivar. I wish to thank A. Pacheco for help in the field sampling. Dr O. Arenas help was invaluable in the mathematical treatment of the data. Drs A. Vivas and J. M. B. Smith provided useful criticism to an earlier version of this work.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out in the bamboo (Chusquea tessellata) páramo of Parque Natural Nacional de Chingaza, Eastern Cordillera, Colombia from December 1987 to April 1988. Above-ground biomass structure of bamboo páramo was quantified in 16 plots. These data are compared with previous results on above-ground biomass structure of bunch-grass (Calamagrostis spp.) páramos.The total (non-living and living) above-ground biomass of a Chusquea tessellata bamboo páramo was low (2,625 g DW · m–2) compared to bunch-grass páramo. Nevertheless, higher values of standing living biomass and litter are found in the bamboo páramo due to the leaf shed of the bamboo. The thick litter layer may inhibit germination and growth of nearby plants.Maximum biomass is found near the ground surface. Cumulative LAI (In transformed) and height in the bamboo vegetation are related parabolically for Chusquea tessellata and linearly for bunch-grass due to differences in leaf distribution. The mean bifacial LAI of living Chusquea tessellata leaves is 2.2 m2 · m–2, whereas it is 2.5 m2 · m-2 for all Poaceae.  相似文献   

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