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Evoked synaptic transmission is dependent on interactions between the calcium sensor Synaptotagmin I and the SNARE complex, comprised of Syntaxin, SNAP-25, and Synaptobrevin. Recent evidence suggests that Snapin may be an important intermediate in this process, through simultaneous interactions of Snapin dimers with SNAP-25 and Synaptotagmin. In support of this model, cultured neurons derived from embryonically lethal Snapin null mutant mice exhibit desynchronized release and a reduced readily releasable vesicle pool. Based on evidence that a dimerization-defective Snapin mutation specifically disrupts priming, Snapin is hypothesized to stabilize primed vesicles by structurally coupling Synaptotagmin and SNAP-25. To explore this model in vivo we examined synaptic transmission in viable, adult C. elegans Snapin (snpn-1) mutants. The kinetics of synaptic transmission were unaffected at snpn-1 mutant neuromuscular junctions (NMJs), but the number of docked, fusion competent vesicles was significantly reduced. However, analyses of snt-1 and snt-1;snpn-1 double mutants suggest that the docking role of SNPN-1 is independent of Synaptotagmin. Based on these results we propose that the primary role of Snapin in C. elegans is to promote vesicle priming, consistent with the stabilization of SNARE complex formation through established interactions with SNAP-25 upstream of the actions of Synaptotagmin in calcium-sensing and endocytosis.  相似文献   

The budding yeast IQGAP-like protein Cyk1p/Iqg1p localizes to the mother-bud junction during anaphase and has been shown to be required for the completion of cytokinesis. In this study, video microscopy analysis of cells expressing green fluorescent protein-tagged Cyk1p/Iqg1p demonstrates that Cyk1p/Iqg1p is a dynamic component of the contractile ring during cytokinesis. Furthermore, in the absence of Cyk1p/Iqg1p, myosin II fails to undergo the contraction-like size change at the end of mitosis. To understand the mechanistic role of Cyk1p/Iqg1p in actomyosin ring assembly and dynamics, we have investigated the role of the structural domains that Cyk1p/Iqg1p shares with IQGAPs. An amino terminal portion containing the calponin homology domain binds to actin filaments and is required for the assembly of actin filaments to the ring. This result supports the hypothesis that Cyk1p/Iqg1p plays a direct role in F-actin recruitment. Deletion of the domain harboring the eight IQ motifs abolishes the localization of Cyk1p/Iqg1p to the bud neck, suggesting that Cyk1p/Iqg1p may be localized through interactions with a calmodulin-like protein. Interestingly, deletion of the COOH-terminal GTPase-activating protein-related domain does not affect Cyk1p/Iqg1p localization or actin recruitment to the ring but prevents actomyosin ring contraction. In vitro binding experiments show that Cyk1p/Iqg1p binds to calmodulin, Cmd1p, in a calcium-dependent manner, and to Tem1p, a small GTP-binding protein previously found to be required for the completion of anaphase. These results demonstrate the critical function of Cyk1p/Iqg1p in regulating various steps of actomyosin ring assembly and cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Methylphenidate has been used as an effective treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Methylphenidate (MPH) blocks dopamine and norepinephrine transporters causing an increase in extracellular levels. The use of psychomotor stimulants continues to rise due to both the treatment of ADHD and illicit abuse. Methylphenidate sensitization mechanism has still poor knowledge. Neuronal calcium sensor 1 was identified as a dopaminergic receptor interacting protein. When expressed in mammalian cells, neuronal calcium sensor 1 attenuates dopamine-induced D2 receptor internalization by a mechanism that involves a reduction in D2 receptor phosphorylation. Neuronal calcium sensor 1 appears to play a pivotal role in regulating D2 receptor function, it will be important to determine if there are alterations in neuronal calcium sensor 1 in neuropathologies associated with deregulation in dopaminergic signaling. Then, we investigated if methylphenidate could alter neuronal calcium sensor 1 expression in five brain regions (striatum, hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, cortex and cerebellum) in young and adult rats. These regions were chosen because some are located in brain circuits related with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Our results showed changes in neuronal calcium sensor 1 expression in hippocampus, prefrontal cortex and cerebellum mainly in adult rats. The demonstration that methylphenidate induces changes in neuronal calcium sensor 1 levels in rat brain may help to understand sensitization mechanisms as well as methylphenidate therapeutic effects to improve attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms.  相似文献   

The TOR kinases are conserved negative regulators of autophagy in response to nutrient conditions, but the signaling mechanisms are poorly understood. Here we describe a complex containing the protein kinase Atg1 and the phosphoprotein Atg13 that functions as a critical component of this regulation in Drosophila. We show that knockout of Atg1 or Atg13 results in a similar, selective defect in autophagy in response to TOR inactivation. Atg1 physically interacts with TOR and Atg13 in vivo, and both Atg1 and Atg13 are phosphorylated in a nutrient-, TOR- and Atg1 kinase-dependent manner. In contrast to yeast, phosphorylation of Atg13 is greatest under autophagic conditions and does not preclude Atg1-Atg13 association. Atg13 stimulates both the autophagic activity of Atg1 and its inhibition of cell growth and TOR signaling, in part by disrupting the normal trafficking of TOR. In contrast to the effects of normal Atg13 levels, increased expression of Atg13 inhibits autophagosome expansion and recruitment of Atg8/LC3, potentially by decreasing the stability of Atg1 and facilitating its inhibitory phosphorylation by TOR. Atg1-Atg13 complexes thus function at multiple levels to mediate and adjust nutrient-dependent autophagic signaling.  相似文献   

NCP1/AtMOB1A Plays Key Roles in Auxin-Mediated Arabidopsis Development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MOB1 protein is a core component of the Hippo signaling pathway in animals where it is involved in controlling tissue growth and tumor suppression. Plant MOB1 proteins display high sequence homology to animal MOB1 proteins, but little is known regarding their role in plant growth and development. Herein we report the critical roles of Arabidopsis MOB1 (AtMOB1A) in auxin-mediated development in Arabidopsis. We found that loss-of-function mutations in AtMOB1A completely eliminated the formation of cotyledons when combined with mutations in PINOID (PID), which encodes a Ser/Thr protein kinase that participates in auxin signaling and transport. We showed that atmob1a was fully rescued by its Drosophila counterpart, suggesting functional conservation. The atmob1a pid double mutants phenocopied several well-characterized mutant combinations that are defective in auxin biosynthesis or transport. Moreover, we demonstrated that atmob1a greatly enhanced several other known auxin mutants, suggesting that AtMOB1A plays a key role in auxin-mediated plant development. The atmob1a single mutant displayed defects in early embryogenesis and had shorter root and smaller flowers than wild type plants. AtMOB1A is uniformly expressed in embryos and suspensor cells during embryogenesis, consistent with its role in embryo development. AtMOB1A protein is localized to nucleus, cytoplasm, and associated to plasma membrane, suggesting that it plays roles in these subcellular localizations. Furthermore, we showed that disruption of AtMOB1A led to a reduced sensitivity to exogenous auxin. Our results demonstrated that AtMOB1A plays an important role in Arabidopsis development by promoting auxin signaling.  相似文献   

Cysteine cathepsins are a family of proteases that have recently emerged as important players in cancer, and have variously been reported to be involved in apoptosis, angiogenesis, cell proliferation, and invasion. In normal cells, cysteine cathepsins are typically localized in lysosomes and other intracellular compartments, and are involved in protein degradation and processing. However, in certain tumors, cathepsins are translocated from their intracellular compartments to the cell surface, and can even be secreted. In addition, the expression and activity levels of some cysteine cathepsins are upregulated in human and mouse cancers. Understanding which cathepsins are critically involved, what their substrates are, and how they may be mediating these complex roles in cancer are important questions to address. We highlight recent results that begin to answer some of these questions, illustrating in particular the lessons from studying a mouse model of multistage carcinogenesis, which suggests distinctive roles for individual cysteine cathepsins in tumor progression.  相似文献   

Neuronal lysosomes and their biogenesis mechanisms are primarily thought to clear metabolites and proteins whose abnormal accumulation leads to neurodegenerative disease pathology. However, it remains unknown whether lysosomal sorting mechanisms regulate the levels of membrane proteins within synaptic vesicles. Using high-resolution deconvolution microscopy, we identified early endosomal compartments where both selected synaptic vesicle and lysosomal membrane proteins coexist with the adaptor protein complex 3 (AP-3) in neuronal cells. From these early endosomes, both synaptic vesicle membrane proteins and characteristic AP-3 lysosomal cargoes can be similarly sorted to brain synaptic vesicles and PC12 synaptic-like microvesicles. Mouse knockouts for two Hermansky–Pudlak complexes involved in lysosomal biogenesis from early endosomes, the ubiquitous isoform of AP-3 (Ap3b1−/−) and muted, defective in the biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles complex 1 (BLOC-1), increased the content of characteristic synaptic vesicle proteins and known AP-3 lysosomal proteins in isolated synaptic vesicle fractions. These phenotypes contrast with those of the mouse knockout for the neuronal AP-3 isoform involved in synaptic vesicle biogenesis (Ap3b2−/−), in which the content of select proteins was reduced in synaptic vesicles. Our results demonstrate that lysosomal and lysosome-related organelle biogenesis mechanisms regulate steady-state synaptic vesicle protein composition from shared early endosomes.  相似文献   

miR-132 and miR-212 are two closely related miRNAs encoded in the same intron of a small non-coding gene, which have been suggested to play roles in both immune and neuronal function. We describe here the generation and initial characterisation of a miR-132/212 double knockout mouse. These mice were viable and fertile with no overt adverse phenotype. Analysis of innate immune responses, including TLR-induced cytokine production and IFNβ induction in response to viral infection of primary fibroblasts did not reveal any phenotype in the knockouts. In contrast, the loss of miR-132 and miR-212, while not overtly affecting neuronal morphology, did affect synaptic function. In both hippocampal and neocortical slices miR-132/212 knockout reduced basal synaptic transmission, without affecting paired-pulse facilitation. Hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP) induced by tetanic stimulation was not affected by miR-132/212 deletion, whilst theta burst LTP was enhanced. In contrast, neocortical theta burst-induced LTP was inhibited by loss of miR-132/212. Together these results indicate that miR-132 and/or miR-212 play a significant role in synaptic function, possibly by regulating the number of postsynaptic AMPA receptors under basal conditions and during activity-dependent synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

To learn more about the function of intracellular Ca2+ in Dictyostelium discoideum, we searched databases for sequences encoding potential members of the neuronal calcium sensor (NCS) family of Ca2+-binding proteins. As a result, genes for five new putative Ca2+-binding proteins were identified. Based on amino acid sequence alignments and phylogenetic analyses, one of these genes (ncsA) was determined to be closely related to NCS-1/frequenin genes in other organisms. The protein product of ncsA (NcsA) binds 45Ca2+ and exhibits a dramatic gel mobility shift in the presence of Ca2+, suggesting that it is a Ca2+ sensor. ncsA-null cells grow normally in axenic culture. However, on bacterial lawns, the ncsA-null clones expand slowly and development begins prematurely within the plaques. In larger clones, ncsA-null cells form narrow growth zones with evenly spaced aggregates along the inner edge, and closely packed fruiting bodies. An analysis of intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels, developmental timing on phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) agar, and stage-specific gene expression indicate that development of ncsA-null cells is accelerated by 3-4 h. Together, these results suggest that NcsA might function in Dictyostelium to prevent cells from entering development prematurely in the presence of environmental nutrients.  相似文献   

丝氨酸/精氨酸丰富(SR)蛋白家族是真核生物中的一类剪接因子,在前体mRNA的组成性和选择性剪接中起作用。本文就近十几年来SR蛋白结构和功能及其在植物发育中的作用的研究进展作以介绍。  相似文献   

It is well known that dopamine imbalances are associated with many psychiatric disorders and that the dopaminergic receptor D2 is the main target of antipsychotics. Recently it was shown that levels of two proteins implicated in dopaminergic signaling, Neuronal calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1) and DARPP-32, are altered in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) of both schizophrenic and bipolar disorder patients. NCS-1, which inhibits D2 internalization, is upregulated in the PFC of both patients. DARPP-32, which is a downstream effector of dopamine signaling, integrates the pathways of several neurotransmitters and is downregulated in the PFC of both patients. Here, we used PC12 cells stably overexpressing NCS-1 (PC12-NCS-1 cells) to address the function of this protein in DARPP-32 signaling pathway in vitro. PC12-NCS-1 cells displayed downregulation of the cAMP/PKA pathway, with decreased levels of cAMP and phosphorylation of CREB at Ser133. We also observed decreased levels of total and phosphorylated DARPP-32 at Thr34. However, these cells did not show alterations in the levels of D2 and phosphorylation of DARPP-32 at Thr75. These results indicate that NCS-1 modulates PKA/cAMP signaling pathway. Identification of the cellular mechanisms linking NCS-1 and DARPP-32 may help in the understanding the signaling machinery with potential to be turned into targets for the treatment of schizophrenia and other debilitating psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

Although electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has been used as a treatment for mental disorder since 1930s, little progress has been made towards understanding the mechanisms underlying its therapeutic and adverse effects. The aim of this work was to analyze the expression of NCS-1 (neuronal calcium sensor 1, a protein that was found to be altered in post-mortem prefrontal cortex of schizophrenic patients) in striatum, cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum of Wistar rats after acute or chronic electroconvulsive stimulation (ECS). Rats were submitted to a single stimulation (acute) or to a series of eight stimulations, applied one every 48 h (chronic). Animals were killed for collection of tissue samples at time zero, 30 min, 3, 12, 24 and 48 h after stimulation in the acute model and at the same time intervals after the last stimulation in the chronic model. Our results indicated that chronic ECS increased the expression of NCS-1 only in cerebellum. Such results on the expression of proteins involved in signaling pathways that are relevant for neuropsychiatric disorders and treatment, in particular ECT, can contribute to shed light on the mechanisms related to therapeutic and adverse effects.  相似文献   

Fragile X Syndrome (FXS), a neurodevelopmental disorder, is the most prevalent single-gene cause of autism spectrum disorder. Autism has been associated with impaired auditory processing, abnormalities in the auditory brainstem response (ABR), and reduced cell number and size in the auditory brainstem nuclei. FXS is characterized by elevated cortical responses to sound stimuli, with some evidence for aberrant ABRs. Here, we assessed ABRs and auditory brainstem anatomy in Fmr1-/- mice, an animal model of FXS. We found that Fmr1-/- mice showed elevated response thresholds to both click and tone stimuli. Amplitudes of ABR responses were reduced in Fmr1-/- mice for early peaks of the ABR. The growth of the peak I response with sound intensity was less steep in mutants that in wild type mice. In contrast, amplitudes and response growth in peaks IV and V did not differ between these groups. We did not observe differences in peak latencies or in interpeak latencies. Cell size was reduced in Fmr1-/- mice in the ventral cochlear nucleus (VCN) and in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB). We quantified levels of inhibitory and excitatory synaptic inputs in these nuclei using markers for presynaptic proteins. We measured VGAT and VGLUT immunolabeling in VCN, MNTB, and the lateral superior olive (LSO). VGAT expression in MNTB was significantly greater in the Fmr1-/- mouse than in wild type mice. Together, these observations demonstrate that FXS affects peripheral and central aspects of hearing and alters the balance of excitation and inhibition in the auditory brainstem.  相似文献   



Alzheimer''s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder primarily characterized by the deposition of β-amyloid plaques in the brain. Plaques are composed of the amyloid-β peptide derived from cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein (APP). Mutations in APP lead to the development of Familial Alzheimer''s Disease (FAD), however, the normal function of this protein has proven elusive. The organism Caenorhabditis elegans is an attractive model as the amyloid precursor-like protein (APL-1) is the single ortholog of APP, and loss of apl-1 leads to a severe molting defect and early larval lethality.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We report here that lethality and molting can be rescued by full length APL-1, C-terminal mutations as well as a C-terminal truncation, suggesting that the extracellular region of the protein is essential for viability. RNAi knock-down of apl-1 followed by drug testing on the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor aldicarb showed that loss of apl-1 leads to aldicarb hypersensitivity, indicating a defect in synaptic function. The aldicarb hypersensitivity can be rescued by full length APL-1 in a dose dependent fashion. At the cellular level, kinesins UNC-104/KIF-1A and UNC-116/kinesin-1 are positive regulators of APL-1 expression in the neurons. Knock-down of the small GTPase rab-5 also leads to a dramatic decrease in the amount of apl-1 expression in neurons, suggesting that trafficking from the plasma membrane to the early endosome is important for apl-1 function. Loss of function of a different small GTPase, UNC-108, on the contrary, leads to the retention of APL-1 in the cell body.


Our results reveal novel insights into the intracellular trafficking of APL-1 and we report a functional role for APL-1 in synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

微粒是血管内皮细胞、组织细胞或血细胞激活或凋亡时形成的亚微型囊泡。动脉粥样硬化时血浆及粥样斑块中富含多种细胞来源的微粒,不仅促进斑块的发生发展并且在动脉粥样硬化凝血异常中起重要作用,可增进血管内皮细胞和白细胞间的相互作用,使单核细胞粘附于内皮细胞,从而迁移到斑块内,吞噬清除内膜下沉积的脂质。巨噬细胞吞噬脂质后凋亡形成大量微粒,抑制内皮细胞合成释放一氧化氮,加重内皮细胞损伤,促进斑块扩大。微粒表面富含的磷脂酰丝氨酸和组织因子是微粒促凝活性的主要来源,病灶处及循环中存在的大量微粒促进了动脉粥样硬化时凝血异常的发生。本文将就微粒在动脉粥样硬化形成及凝血异常中的作用做一综述。  相似文献   

The most common form of human autosomal dominant hereditary spastic paraplegia (AD-HSP) is caused by mutations in the SPG4 (spastin) gene, which encodes an AAA ATPase closely related in sequence to the microtubule-severing protein Katanin. Patients with AD-HSP exhibit degeneration of the distal regions of the longest axons in the spinal cord. Loss-of-function mutations in the Drosophila spastin gene produce larval neuromuscular junction (NMJ) phenotypes. NMJ synaptic boutons in spastin mutants are more numerous and more clustered than in wild-type, and transmitter release is impaired. spastin-null adult flies have severe movement defects. They do not fly or jump, they climb poorly, and they have short lifespans. spastin hypomorphs have weaker behavioral phenotypes. Overexpression of Spastin erases the muscle microtubule network. This gain-of-function phenotype is consistent with the hypothesis that Spastin has microtubule-severing activity, and implies that spastin loss-of-function mutants should have an increased number of microtubules. Surprisingly, however, we observed the opposite phenotype: in spastin-null mutants, there are fewer microtubule bundles within the NMJ, especially in its distal boutons. The Drosophila NMJ is a glutamatergic synapse that resembles excitatory synapses in the mammalian spinal cord, so the reduction of organized presynaptic microtubules that we observe in spastin mutants may be relevant to an understanding of human Spastin's role in maintenance of axon terminals in the spinal cord.  相似文献   

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