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The site of Wujiagou, Hubei Province in China, dated to just over 800,000 years, in sandy deposits and sandy-silt which covers a river terrace of the end of the Early Pleistocene, delivered a rich lithic industry, mainly composed of pebbles tools. This industry has an archaic aspect, consisted by the abundance of pebbles tools, the presence of hand-axes, and the small amount of small tools. The pebble tools include choppers and picks, in addition of band-axes. Small tools are relatively poor and have few simple retouched scrapers.  相似文献   

The site of Baigu, in Bose basin, autonomous region of Guangxi Zhuang (China), dated to just over 800,000 years, delivered a rich lithic industry, mainly composed of pebbles tools. This industry consisted by the abundance of heavy and huge pebbles tools, the choppers, the picks massive and the hand-axes. The flakes have been rare retouched.  相似文献   

位于北纬33°上下、秦岭南麓的汉水上游是北半球同纬度地带自然生态系统最复杂、动植物资源丰富、适于早期人类生存的地区,也是我国古人类和旧石器遗存发现较早、遗址密集和研究较为深入的区域之一。上世纪70~80年代以来,汉水上游干支流地区发现的古人类和旧石器遗址数以百计,其丰富的古人类和动物化石资源以及旧石器文化遗存对研究早期人类迁徙与演化、环境适应、石器工业技术和南北旧石器文化交流具有十分重要的价值,在我国古人类和旧石器考古研究中占据着极为重要的位置。本文在对汉水上游汉中盆地和安康盆地旧石器遗址相关调查研究现状详细梳理的基础上,兼及丹江口库区周边古人类和旧石器遗址调查、发掘和研究的收获,结合本研究团队数年来在该区域研究工作的进展状况与面临的问题,讨论了汉水上游地区的古人类和旧石器考古研究工作收获及存在的问题,并对未来研究工作的重点和方向给予前瞻。  相似文献   

In the Republic of Djibouti, surveys and excavations, carried out from 1985 to 1992, confirmed the presence of the pre-Acheulean (Oldowan) and Acheulean sites in the country. Three seasons of excavations (1985-1987 in the Gobaad Basin, have unearthed in a hardened compact clay strata of an ancient marshland dating to the Lower Pleistocene, the fossilized skeletal remains of an Elephas recki ileretensis. Numerous stone tools have been gathered with the bones. The E.S.R. dating the elephant’s lower third molar gave a date between 1,.6 and 1,.3 MY that would confirm its paleontological grouping and the membership of this butchery site to the Oldowan period. The animal appeared to have been lying on its left side. The cranial roof had been separated from the calvarium, perhaps to get at the brain; but the skull remains in anatomic connection with the tusks. The jaw (mandible) seems to have been broken to extract the tongue. Hominids, perhaps Homo ergaster, knapped tools from a nearly outcrop of poor quality lava. The tools were specifically adapted to their needs, such as scraping, chopping and scattering the bones. The site has yielded 569 artifacts: utilized material and hammerstones (121); pebble tools (32); cores (14); “debitage” products (366); retouched flakes (36). Artifacts are rarely retouched and often broken. Five different types of choppers have been classified. The polyedrons and one bola make up 22% of the pebble tools. The cores are divided into unipolar, centripetal and polyhedrical types. In another site, Haïdalo, an almost complete skeleton of an Elephas recki recki in anatomical connection and without any sign of predation, has been found at eight kilometers from Barogali. During surveys in the Ali Sabîh region (1990-1992) seven sectors have been discovered and prospected in the Oued Doure Basin. On the surface area and also in situ into some little pits, 345 rhiolitic Acheulean artifacts have been found, near rhyolitic outcrop. These artifacts are generally large. The choppers (18) can be dividended into 2 sets : side choppers (55%) and end choppers (27%), often with a bifacial cutting edge. There is only one polyedron, but we have found eight heavy scrapers. The Acheulean group is important (43 tools). The bifaces are varied and there are also a few cleavers and picks. Cores are numerous (92) and Levallois cores are preponderant (45%). We find also centripetal cores (27%) and so unipolar, bipolar and polyhedral cores. Tools made of flakes (118) are numerous: scrapers are typologically diversified. Some of them have a double utilization. Notch tools, denticulate tools are presents but also end scrapers, burin, borer, back knifes and scantily retouched flakes. The characters of this lithic material, large cores and big flakes, large bifaces of various types, cleavers and retouched flakes, indicates that they are Acheulean products. So, the Doure Site can be placed in the Middle / Upper Acheulean transition.  相似文献   

本文报道了1994年在南水北调中线工程丹江口库区多处地点采集的624件石制品。石制品类型有石核、石片和石器;石器占44%以上, 类型丰富, 包括手斧、手镐、薄刃斧、砍砸器、石球、尖状器、刮削器和石锤; 石器素材主要为砾石, 大多数个体粗大。这一石器组合与中国南方的砾石石器工业有较多的相似之处; 手斧工具的出现表明,这些石制品在探讨东、西方的旧石器文化交流方面也是非常重要的材料。  相似文献   

红石坎Ⅰ旧石器遗址是丹江口库区一处重要遗址,埋藏于汉江右岸第3级阶地。2008年发掘并揭露525m2,出土石制品136件,采集22件。石制品类型包括备料、人工石块、石锤、石核、石片、刮削器、砍砸器、手镐、凹缺刮器、碎片等,具有南、北方石器工业过渡的文化特征,时代应属于旧石器时代早期。  相似文献   

方启  陈全家  卢悦 《人类学学报》2012,31(4):344-354
2010年3月—5月, 吉林大学边疆考古研究中心配合南水北调中线工程对丹江口库区北泰山庙2号旧石器地点进行了抢救性发掘。发掘面积500㎡, 地层堆积由上至下分为3层。第①层是黑褐色黏土层, 为耕土层, 发现石制品90件。第②层是黄褐色黏土层, 出土石制品21件, 类型包括石核、石片、断块及石器; 断块占一半多; 石器仅3件, 均为刮削器。第③层是红褐色黏土层, 出土石制品48件, 类型包括石核、石片、断块及石器; 石器有刮削器、砍砸器、手斧和手镐等类型。各层石制品原料的种类基本一致,都以石英为主。石器工业的特点是, 以砾石及其大石片为毛坯, 简单加工的重型工具为主要类型。结合与附近其他类似地点的地层及石制品特征对比推断, 第③层与第②层的时代可能从中更新世延续至晚更新世。  相似文献   

舒家岭旧石器时代遗址位于丹江口库区丹江口市,2012年3~7月间,湖南省文物考古研究所对该遗址进行了抢救性考古发掘,揭露面积2784m2,出土石制品1954件;另采集石制品51件。古人类就地取材,选择河卵石为原料,石制品以大、中型为主。石制品类型包括石器、石核、石片、石锤、断块和备料。石器多以砾石为毛坯,由锤击法加工而成,制作相对粗糙、简单;大部分为正向加工;类型主要为砍砸器、刮削器和手镐。该遗址表现出中国南方旧石器时代主工业的鲜明特点,为研究晚更新世古人类在汉水流域的适应生存、开发过程提供了重要的资料。  相似文献   

2010~2012年在陕西洛南盆地旧石器遗址调查中新发现夜塬地点,采集石核、石片、断块、碎片及工具等石制品617件。工具包含砍砸器、手斧、薄刃斧、大型石刀、刮削器、尖状器、雕刻器等。石制品原料为第二级阶地附近砾石层及河漫滩上的砾石,以颜色不同的石英岩及石英为主,石英砂岩及细砂岩偶有使用。石制品尺寸多为小型及中型,但工具中修理精致的手斧、薄刃斧和石刀等大型工具尺寸较大。剥片主要采用锤击法,砸击法与碰砧法也少量应用,石核剥片率较高。工具毛坯主要为石片,刃缘多两面修理。根据以往在洛南盆地的相关研究推测,该地点石制品的年代大致为中更新世晚期到晚更新世早期。夜塬地点新发现的石制品丰富了洛南地区的旧石器材料,有益于进一步探讨莫维斯线以东含阿舍利技术遗址的文化属性。  相似文献   

大梅遗址位于百色右江区东南的右江北岸,最初发现于1982年。该遗址包括三个地点,分别位于Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ级河流阶地上。2005年8月至2006年1月,广西文物保护与考古研究所对该遗址进行抢救性考古发掘,其中第一地点(A区)发掘面积1100m~2,第二地点(包括B、C、E区)发掘面积1900m~2,第三地点(D区)发掘面1000m~2,总揭露面积4000m~2。该点出土石制品314件,包括砾石、石核、石片、石锤、石器等。石制品原料以石英岩为主,剥片和修理主要采用锤击法,工具多用砾石直接加工而成,类型有砍砸器、手镐、刮削器、尖状器等,刮削器数量最多。根据地层和出土石制品的特征推断,第一地点的时代应为旧石器时代晚期。  相似文献   

伏龙观遗址动物化石和文化遗物保存在汉水中游第四级阶地白色细砂层中。动物化石种类包括无颈鬃豪猪、爪哇豺、西藏黑熊、猪獾、果子狸、东方剑齿象、中国貘、中国犀、李氏野猪、云南水鹿、青羊、水牛等。文化遗物包括石核、石片和石器。石器组合包括手镐、砍砸器、刮削器等。遗址时代属早更新世晚期,文化面貌属长江流域的砾石石器文化传统。  相似文献   

魏海波 《人类学学报》2009,28(2):154-161
本文简要介绍了中国东北已知最早的古人类遗址——辽宁省本溪市庙后山遗址的研究成果, 同时对新出土的少量石制品及哺乳动物化石进行了描述。庙后山石制品在技术和类型上与北京人石器工业十分接近。观察分析表明, 庙后山动物群由北京周口店动物群的基本成员组成, 时代为中更新世, 可追溯到距今50万年。  相似文献   

梁山遗址旧石器材料的再研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
位于秦岭南麓的梁山遗址是汉水流域最早发现的旧石器时代遗址,其研究历史可追溯至上个世纪五十年代,八十年代又进行过3次野外考察,共发现有十几处旧石器地点,发表了初步研究报告。本文从技术、类型学角度对当时在梁山龙岗寺地点中采集的部分标本进行研究,表明梁山遗址是一个含手斧的旧石器时代初期工业,工具类型包括砍砸器、石球、手斧、薄刃斧、刮削器、凹缺器等。梁山遗址独特的地理位置,使得该石器工业在中国南、北方旧石器文化关系中具有纽带作用。  相似文献   

龙垭旧石器遗址位于四川省简阳市沱江二级支流康家河左岸,2010年7~9月,四川省文物考古研究院等单位对该遗址进行了抢救性发掘,清理面积87 m2,出土石制品559件,动物骨骼化石数千件。石制品原料多选用砾石,岩性以石英岩为主,其次有硅化木、石英等。石制品类型主要有石核、石片、断块及手镐、大型石刀、似手斧、重型刮削器、砍砸器、刮削器、尖状器、凹缺器和石球等石器,并有三组可拼合标本。从石制品面貌上看,古人类能够剥取大石片、以之加工石器,两面器技术不典型,初步呈现出似阿舍利技术特征。光释光测年显示,遗址年代可能达到旧石器时代中期。这批材料为研究四川盆地中部丘陵地区沱江流域更新世人类生存、生产提供了重要资料。  相似文献   

新兴遗址第1地点位于吉林省汪清县嘎呀河支流前河北岸的二级阶地,2018年调查发现,2019年对该地点进行了复查和试掘,试掘面积14 m2。采集和试掘发现标本131件,以石制品为主,包括石核、石片、石叶、细石叶、刮削器、砍砸器、尖状器、手斧和磨制石器,此外还发现有少量夹砂陶片。总体来看该遗址包含旧石器和新石器两期文化遗存,其中旧石器时代遗存以石叶和细石叶为主要技术特征,石制品原料以硅质页岩和黑曜岩为主,根据石制品技术特征和地层堆积情况判断,年代与临近的黑龙江穆棱市康乐遗址年代相近,为距今10000年前后;新石器时代文化遗存属图们江流域金谷文化范畴。  相似文献   

The Bose Paleolithic industry in the Bose Basin, Guangxi, South China is well known in the international scientific community for its bearing handaxes dated back to 803 ka. Seven terraces were developed in the basin and terrace 4 is the most important because handaxes and tektites were recovered from this terrace. Since the first site was discovered in 1973, additional sites of the Bose Paleolithic industry have been investigated and excavated, most of which are located on terrace 4. The previous studies concluded that there is only one phase within this industry and its age is 803 ka. However, before 2013, no attempt had been made to dig down to the basal gravels from the top of terrace 4 in archaeological excavations. Therefore, the stratigraphy and the layers from which the stone artifacts derive of terrace 4 are not clear. In 2013–2014, we conducted an excavation of 200 m2 at the Gaolingpo site, which is one of the most important Paleolithic sites in the Bose Basin. We excavated to the basal gravel deposits from the top of this terrace, and a section of more than 7 meters thick deposit was exposed and clearly shows the stratigraphic layers of Pleistocene and Holocene deposits. Furthermore, features and about 800 stone artifacts including choppers, picks, scrapers, etc. were excavated from several stratigraphic layers, which are different in age and other aspects. Based on stratigraphy and the stone artifacts, three stages of Paleolithic cultural remains from the Gaolingpo site can be established. The first stage is in the age of at leat 803 ka. The second stage can be dated to 15 ka and the third stage to about 10 ka.  相似文献   

The position of lithic industries of Chinese Paleolithic in comparison with those of other regions in the world is always a controversial topic. The typological analysis has made Chinese prehistorians reveal some variability between lithic industries of different regions of China in terms of technical tradition and industrial structure. But this recognition, based upon some morphological characters of stone artifacts, failed to define systematically the modes of production that exist in each site. To answer these problematic some new methods need to be applied. So the lithic materials from 8 Chinese sites dated from 300 ka to 50 ka B.P. were selected and analyzed by means of lithic technological analysis and a new approach for analyzing the structures of cores. This paper presents principally the analytical results of modes of débitage and revealed that the modes of débitage during this period were characterized essentially by system C (“simple débitage”) and E (discoid) and that the concept Levallois was absent during this period in technical systems of lithic production in China. The Chinese lithic industries between 300 ka and 50 ka B.P. saw some homogeneity in the scale of the continent and remarkable difference from those of other regions in the world. So a stable, continuous but independent even isolated evolution in comparison with those of other regions was observed in this period. In addition, despite of apparent homogeneity, some variability exists also between these industries.  相似文献   

丹江口库区果茶场Ⅱ旧石器遗址位于汉水上游左岸第三级阶地, 海拔150-155m, 2009年4-5月中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所对该遗址进行了发掘,揭露面积500m2, 出土石制品132件。石制品类型有石锤、石核、石片、石器和断块, 其中石器包括刮削器、砍砸器、手镐、手斧。剥片和加工石器的原料主要为磨圆度较高的河卵石, 锤击法为主要的剥片技术, 石核和石片的尺寸以中小型居多; 石器中, 砍砸器、手镐主要以砾石为毛坯直接加工, 刮削器多采用小型石片毛坯进行加工, 而手斧则以大石片为毛坯进行两面加工。遗址上部地层为强烈氧化的红色黏土层, 含钙质结核和锰质薄膜; 下部发育网纹红土。地层沉积物性质和地貌分析表明遗址年代大致为中更新世。  相似文献   

丹江口北泰山庙旧石器遗址发掘简报   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
北泰山庙遗址位于汉水右岸第三级基座阶地。2006年11月—2007年1月对该遗址进行抢救性发掘, 揭露面积800m2, 出土石制品277件, 包括石核、石片、断块和石器。石器以大型为主, 砍砸器和刮削器为主要类型; 多采用锤击法加工石器。石制品面貌具有中国南方旧石器主工业的特点。根据地貌、地层和文化面貌对比, 推断遗址形成于中更新世早期。  相似文献   

Due to the numerous discoveries of fossils and the technical and analytical improvements in paleoanthropology that occurred recently, a new investigation on the first inhabitants in Eurasia was necessary. The research deals with the facial pattern of the fossil hominids from Europe and Asia and focussed on the ones discovered in the Atapuerca-Gran Dolina site in Spain, which are oldest than 850,000 years and in the Yunxian site in China, which are dated by 936,000 years. Methods used combined 2D and 3D morphometrics providing with the possibility to consider not only the overall conformation but also the more localized measurements. The Procrustes analysis, which put apart the individual size parameter, were used to investigate the morphological alteration of the face during growth in order to interpret the facial conformation juvenile fossils such as those from Atapuerca-Gran Dolina. Moreover, a specific protocol using tomography and 3D imaging techniques was carried out to reconstruct the Yunxian specimens which have been badly crushed during fossilization process. The results of this research put in light two facial patterns: (1) a facial pattern in extension expressed in Neandertals which european lineage could have been older than previously thought including the Atapuerca-Gran Dolina specimens and (2) a facial pattern in contraction shared between modern humans and the oldest fossil hominids from continental Asia (i.e. Yunxian specimens) which suggests that this conformation corresponds to a primitive condition.  相似文献   

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