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OBJECTIVE--To examine the impact of changing practice with regard to infant sleeping position on mortality from the sudden infant death syndrome. DESIGN--A population based study of all infants dying suddenly and unexpectedly during February 1990 to July 1991, and two groups of controls; one comprising every 125th baby born to Avon residents and the other comprising pairs of infants matched to each index case for age, neighbourhood, and date of study. Information about sleeping position was collected at home visits soon after the index baby''s death or, for the population based controls, on several occasions in the first six months of life. The design was comparable to that of an earlier study of the same population. SETTING--County of Avon. SUBJECTS--35 infants who died suddenly and unexpectedly (32 of the sudden infant death syndrome), 70 matched controls, and 152 population based controls. RESULTS--The prevalence of prone sleeping in the matched controls was much lower than that found in an earlier study in Avon (28% (18/64) 1990-1 v 58% (76/131) 1987-9; p less than 0.001) and was comparable with the prevalence in population based controls (29%). This would be expected to lead to a reduction in the incidence of the sudden infant death syndrome to 2.0/1000 live births (95% confidence interval 1.8/1000 to 2.5/1000). The actual mortality fell from 3.5/1000 in 1987-9 to 1.7/1000. CONCLUSION--The fall in mortality can be almost entirely accounted for by the reduction in prone sleeping, suggesting a causal relation exists between them. Side and supine positions confer protection but the side position is unstable and the infant may roll prone. We therefore recommend supine as the safest sleeping position for babies.  相似文献   

Quorum-sensing (QS) interference is a novel therapy to fight bacterial infections that, unlike conventional antibiotic treatments, is focused on reducing the damage caused by pathogens (virulence) rather than focused on inhibiting their growth. Given this ideal, it was predicted that this approach will be impervious to or at least much less prone to resistance in bacterial populations. However, recently, resistance mechanisms against well-characterized quorum quenchers (QQs) have been found in the laboratory as well as in clinical strains, demonstrating that the rise of resistance against these kinds of compounds is possible. Nevertheless, it has been argued that even if resistance mechanisms against QS interference exist, this fact does not guarantee that resistance will spread. In the present work, we discuss recent insights derived from the latest experiments to address this question. In addition, we explain how environmental conditions like the stress produced by the host immune system may influence the selection of resistance and eventually lead to the selection of QS interference-resistant bacteria in a clinical setting.  相似文献   

Is invasion success explained by the enemy release hypothesis?   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A recent trend in invasion ecology relates the success of non‐indigenous species (NIS) to reduced control by enemies such as pathogens, parasites and predators (i.e. the enemy release hypothesis, ERH). Despite the demonstrated importance of enemies to host population dynamics, studies of the ERH are split – biogeographical analyses primarily show a reduction in the diversity of enemies in the introduced range compared with the native range, while community studies imply that NIS are no less affected by enemies than native species in the invaded community. A broad review of the invasion literature implies at least eight non‐exclusive explanations for this enigma. In addition, we argue that the ERH has often been accepted uncritically wherever (i) NIS often appear larger, more fecund, or somehow ‘better’ than either congeners in the introduced region, or conspecifics in the native range; and (ii) known enemies are conspicuously absent from the introduced range. However, all NIS, regardless of their abundance or impact, will lose natural enemies at a biogeographical scale. Given the complexity of processes that underlie biological invasions, we argue against a simple relationship between enemy ‘release’ and the vigour, abundance or impact of NIS.  相似文献   

IntroductionGender differences in blood cadmium concentrations and the effect of iron deficiency on blood cadmium levels were analyzed in a representative sample of Koreans assessed in the Korean National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (KNHANES) 2008–2011.MethodsA rolling sampling design was used to perform a complex, stratified, multistage probability cluster survey of a representative sample of the non-institutionalized civilian population in South Korea. Serum ferritin was categorized as low (<15.0 μg/L), low normal (15.0–<30.0 μg/L for females and 15.0–<50.0 μg/L for males), and normal (≥30.0 μg/L for females and ≥50.0 μg/L for males), and its association with blood cadmium levels was assessed after adjustment for various demographic and lifestyle factors.ResultsThe geometric mean (GM) of the blood cadmium level was significantly higher in females than in males, and significantly higher in older individuals for both genders. After controlling for covariates, multiple regression analysis with interaction terms showed that blood cadmium was correlated with serum ferritin levels only in pre-menopausal females.DiscussionIron deficiency is associated with blood cadmium levels in a representative sample of pre-menopausal females, as evaluated in KNHANES. Gender differences in blood cadmium concentration may not be due solely to an iron deficiency-associated increase in blood cadmium.  相似文献   

We investigated possible correlations between climate-related factors and butterfly range restrictions by selecting a study case represented by four populations of Melitaea britomartis, which become ‘simultaneously’ extinct in NW Italy in 1976–1977 without any observable habitat change. To overcome difficulties related to the analysis of past extinctions and hypothesise causal factors, we applied the Optimal Interpolation method, a statistical method used to create a gridded climatological analysis of temperature and precipitation data, to a historical dataset containing all available information on the Italian butterfly fauna. We tested two different hypotheses: (1) the role of climate change, expressed as a general trend in temperature and precipitation data; (2) the role of extreme weather events, expressed as anomalous conditions during the years of extinctions. Our results show that long-term temperature and precipitation data do not present any clear trend at our study site, suggesting that they cannot be involved in the species’ extinction. On the opposite, 1976 and 1977 were climatologically critical for the study area. In particular, 1977 was characterized by the coldest summer in the entire historical dataset (1958–1977), with strong negative temperature anomalies. Moreover, both years experienced unusually many rainy days during spring and summer. The year 1977 in particular, was the wettest within the entire historical dataset. The years of M. britomartis populations’ extinction were characterised by many more cold and rainy days than usual during the species’ flight period. These results allow us to hypothesize a strong component of unfavourable weather in driving populations’ extinction.  相似文献   

Fungus-growing termites are associated with genus-specific fungal symbionts, which they acquire via horizontal transmission. Selection of specific symbionts may be explained by the provisioning of specific, optimal cultivar growth substrates by termite farmers. We tested whether differences in in vitro performance of Termitomyces cultivars from nests of three termite species on various substrates are correlated with the interaction specificity of their hosts. We performed single-factor growth assays (varying carbon sources), and a two-factor geometric framework experiment (simultaneously varying carbohydrate and protein availability). Although we did not find qualitative differences between Termitomyces strains in carbon-source use, there were quantitative differences, which we analysed using principal component analysis. This showed that growth of Termitomyces on different carbon sources was correlated with termite host genus, rather than host species, while growth on different ratios and concentrations of protein and carbohydrate was correlated with termite host species. Our findings corroborate the interaction specificity between fungus-growing termites and Termitomyces cultivars and indicate that specificity between termite hosts and fungi is reflected both nutritionally and physiologically. However, it remains to be demonstrated whether those differences contribute to selection of specific fungal cultivars by termites at the onset of colony foundation.  相似文献   

Recently, the observed promotion in the clonal expansion of a two-stage cancer model was attributed to a small excess replacement probability for the initiated cells. The proposed mechanism of excess replacement was evaluated for single intermediate cells surrounded by normal cells. This paper investigates this mechanism further using the same biological parameters. If the formation of clones of intermediate cells is taken into account in a quantitative analysis of the proposed mechanism, it turns out that (1) for the initial strong increase of the promotional effect with exposure, a much larger and unlikely excess replacement probability is needed, and (2) the leveling of the promotional effect for high exposures cannot be explained by multiple normal neighbors of an intermediate cell being inactivated within one cell cycle, as it had been suggested. Perhaps these discrepancies could be partly resolved by a re-scaling of the original parameters, but this should be investigated further.  相似文献   

Field and bioassay studies with Jacobaea vulgaris (ragwort) have shown that plants grow poorly in soil originating from the rhizosphere of this species and that this can influence the dynamics of ragwort populations during secondary succession. In the present study we examined whether the negative effect of ragwort on conspecifics may be due to autotoxicity. First, we experimentally established that ragwort exerts negative plant–soil feedback. We subsequently examined the inhibitory effects on germination and seedling performance of different strengths of aqueous extracts made from shoot and root tissues of ragwort, and from soil in which ragwort had been growing. The effects of the extracts were tested for seedlings growing in sterilised soil or in glass beads with water. Finally, the inhibitory effect of entire root fragments on seedling performance was tested. We observed that performance of seedlings growing in glass beads was significantly reduced by the high and medium strength root and shoot extracts. Extracts made from soil did not differ significantly from the control, and seedlings growing in sterilised soil were also not affected by ragwort extracts. Seed germination was significantly reduced by the high strength shoot extract only. The root length of seedlings growing in water with root fragments was reduced significantly. We conclude that under laboratory conditions ragwort can be autotoxic and discuss the role that autotoxicity may play in influencing the dynamics of ragwort populations during secondary succession.  相似文献   

Kirk H  Vrieling K  Pelser PB  Schaffner U 《Oecologia》2012,168(4):1043-1055
At both a macro- and micro-evolutionary level, selection of and performance on host plants by specialist herbivores are thought to be governed partially by host plant chemistry. Thus far, there is little evidence to suggest that specialists can detect small structural differences in secondary metabolites of their hosts, or that such differences affect host choice or performance of specialists. We tested whether phytochemical differences between closely related plant species are correlated with specialist host choice. We conducted no-choice feeding trials using 17 plant species of three genera of tribe Senecioneae (Jacobaea, Packera, and Senecio; Asteraceae) and a more distantly related species (Cynoglossum officinale; Boraginaceae) containing pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs), and four PA-sequestering specialist herbivores of the genus Longitarsus (Chrysomelidae). We also assessed whether variation in feeding by specialist herbivores is attributable to different resource use strategies of the tested plant species. Plant resource use strategy was quantified by measuring leaf dry matter content, which is related to both plant nutritive value and to plant investment in quantitative defences. We found no evidence that intra-generic differences in PA profiles affect feeding by specialist herbivores. Instead, our results indicate that decisions to begin feeding are related to plant resource use strategy, while decisions to continue feeding are not based on any plant characteristics measured in this study. These findings imply that PA composition does not significantly affect host choice by these specialist herbivores. Leaf dry matter content is somewhat phylogenetically conserved, indicating that plants may have difficulty altering resource use strategy in response to selection pressure by herbivores and other environmental factors on an evolutionary time scale.  相似文献   

Historians and philosophers of science agree that Darwin had an understanding of species which led to a workable theory of their origins. To Darwin species did not differ essentially from ‘varieties’ within species, but were distinguishable in that they had developed gaps in formerly continuous morphological variation. Similar ideas can be defended today after updating them with modern population genetics. Why then, in the 1930s and 1940s, did Dobzhansky, Mayr and others argue that Darwin failed to understand species and speciation? Mayr and Dobzhansky argued that reproductively isolated species were more distinct and ‘real’ than Darwin had proposed. Believing species to be inherently cohesive, Mayr inferred that speciation normally required geographic isolation, an argument that he believed, incorrectly, Darwin had failed to appreciate. Also, before the sociobiology revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, biologists often argued that traits beneficial to whole populations would spread. Reproductive isolation was thus seen as an adaptive trait to prevent disintegration of species. Finally, molecular genetic markers did not exist, and so a presumed biological function of species, reproductive isolation, seemed to delimit cryptic species better than character-based criteria like Darwin’s. Today, abundant genetic markers are available and widely used to delimit species, for example using assignment tests: genetics has replaced a Darwinian reliance on morphology for detecting gaps between species. In the 150th anniversary of The Origin of Species, we appear to be returning to more Darwinian views on species, and to a fuller appreciation of what Darwin meant.  相似文献   

It is commonly thought that natural selection explains the rise of adaptive complexity. Razeto-Barry and Frick (2011) have recently argued in favour of this view, dubbing it the Creative View. I argue that the Creative View is mistaken if it claims that natural selection serves to answer Paley’s question. This is shown by a case that brings out the contrastive structure inherent in this demand for explanation. There is, however, a rather trivial sense in which specific environmental conditions are crucial for the rise of specific adaptations, but this is hardly what opponents of the Creative View are denying.  相似文献   

The challenge hypothesis, conceived for testosterone and vertebrates, has recently been applied to juvenile hormone (JH) and insects. Scott [Scott, M.P., 2006a. Resource defense and juvenile hormone: the "challenge hypothesis" extended to insects. Horm. Behav. 49, 276-281] found that JH in the burying beetle Nicrophorus orbicollis increased in response to a social challenge in the presence of a breeding resource, while there was no such JH response in the purported brood parasite Nicrophorus pustulatus. Two important implications of the challenge hypothesis that need to be tested are whether JH affects dominance and why there are interspecific differences in the JH response to a social challenge. The effect of JH on dominance in burying beetles was examined by topical application of JH III to one of two competing females at 24 h and again at 1 h prior to presentation of a breeding resource (mouse carcass). JH supplementation had no effect on dominance in intraspecific interactions in N. orbicollis, as measured by possession of the carcass on Day 1, 3 or 7. Similarly, JH did not alter carcass ownership during competition between N. orbicollis and N. pustulatus nor did it affect reproductive success. Irrespective of JH supplementation, N. pustulatus became increasingly dominant as the trials progressed, rarely occupying the carcass on Day 1, but excluding N. orbicollis in nearly half the trials by Day 7. These findings, and a brief review of the burying beetle literature, suggest that the challenge hypothesis, as applied to testosterone and vertebrates, does not yet have an analogous model for JH and insects.  相似文献   

One of nature''s premier illustrations of adaptive evolution concerns the tight correspondence in birds between beak morphology and feeding behavior. In seed-crushing birds, beaks have been suggested to evolve at least in part to avoid fracture. Yet, we know little about mechanical relationships between beak shape, stress dissipation, and fracture avoidance. This study tests these relationships for Darwin''s finches, a clade of birds renowned for their diversity in beak form and function. We obtained anatomical data from micro-CT scans and dissections, which in turn informed the construction of finite element models of the bony beak and rhamphotheca. Our models offer two new insights. First, engineering safety factors are found to range between 1 and 2.5 under natural loading conditions, with the lowest safety factors being observed in species with the highest bite forces. Second, size-scaled finite element (FE) models reveal a correspondence between inferred beak loading profiles and observed feeding strategies (e.g. edge-crushing versus tip-biting), with safety factors decreasing for base-crushers biting at the beak tip. Additionally, we identify significant correlations between safety factors, keratin thickness at bite locations, and beak aspect ratio (depth versus length). These lines of evidence together suggest that beak shape indeed evolves to resist feeding forces.  相似文献   

In “The Origin of Species,” Darwin describes a hypothetical example illustrating that large, slowly reproducing mammals such as the elephant can reach very large numbers if population growth is not affected by regulating factors. The elephant example has since been cited in various forms in a wide variety of books, ranging from educational material to encyclopedias. However, Darwin’s text was changed over the six editions of the book, although some errors in the mathematics persisted throughout. In addition, full details of the problem remained hidden in his correspondence with readers of the Origin. As a result, Darwin’s example is very often misinterpreted, misunderstood or presented as if it were a fact. We show that the population growth of Darwin’s elephant population can be modeled by the Leslie matrix method, which we generalize here to males as well. Darwin’s most often cited figure, about 19 million elephants after 750 years is not a typical outcome, actually a very unlikely result under more realistic, although still hypothetical situations. We provide a recursion formula suggesting that Darwin’s original model corresponds to a tribonacci series, a proof showing that sex ratio is constant over all age classes, and a derivation of a generating function of the sequence.  相似文献   

In addition to high temperature, other stresses and clinical conditions such as cancer and diabetes can lead to the alteration of heat-shock protein (HSP) levels in cells. Moreover, HSPs can associate with either specific lipids or with areas of special membrane topology (such as lipid rafts), and changes in the physical state of cellular membranes can alter hsp gene expression. We propose that membrane microheterogeneity is important for regulating the HSP response. In support of this hypothesis, when particular membrane intercalating compounds are used to alter membrane properties, the simultaneous normalization of dysregulated expression of HSPs causes beneficial responses to disease states. Therefore, these compounds (such as hydroxylamine derivatives) have the potential to become a new class of pharmaceuticals for use in 'membrane-lipid therapy'.  相似文献   

Darwin’s frogs (Rhinoderma darwinii and R. rufum) are two species of mouth brooding frogs from Chile and Argentina that have experienced marked population declines. Rhinoderma rufum has not been found in the wild since 1980. We investigated historical and current evidence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) infection in Rhinoderma spp. to determine whether chytridiomycosis is implicated in the population declines of these species. Archived and live specimens of Rhinoderma spp., sympatric amphibians and amphibians at sites where Rhinoderma sp. had recently gone extinct were examined for Bd infection using quantitative real-time PCR. Six (0.9%) of 662 archived anurans tested positive for Bd (4/289 R. darwinii; 1/266 R. rufum and 1/107 other anurans), all of which had been collected between 1970 and 1978. An overall Bd-infection prevalence of 12.5% was obtained from 797 swabs taken from 369 extant individuals of R. darwinii and 428 individuals representing 18 other species of anurans found at sites with current and recent presence of the two Rhinoderma species. In extant R. darwinii, Bd-infection prevalence (1.9%) was significantly lower than that found in other anurans (7.3%). The prevalence of infection (30%) in other amphibian species was significantly higher in sites where either Rhinoderma spp. had become extinct or was experiencing severe population declines than in sites where there had been no apparent decline (3.0%; x 2 = 106.407, P<0.001). This is the first report of widespread Bd presence in Chile and our results are consistent with Rhinoderma spp. declines being due to Bd infection, although additional field and laboratory investigations are required to investigate this further.  相似文献   

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