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Alternative models of the maintenance of genetic variability, theories of life-history evolution, and theories of sexual selection and mate choice can be tested by measuring additive and nonadditive genetic variances of components of fitness. A quantitative genetic breeding design was used to produce estimates of genetic variances for male life-history traits in Drosophila melanogaster. Additive genetic covariances and correlations between traits were also estimated. Flies from a large, outbred, laboratory population were assayed for age-specific competitive mating ability, age-specific survivorship, body mass, and fertility. Variance-component analysis then allowed the decomposition of phenotypic variation into components associated with additive genetic, nonadditive genetic, and environmental variability. A comparison of dominance and additive components of genetic variation provides little support for an important role for balancing selection in maintaining genetic variance in this suite of traits. The results provide support for the mutation-accumulation theory, but not the antagonistic-pleiotropy theory of senescence. No evidence is found for the positive genetic correlations between mating success and offspring quality or quantity that are predicted by “good genes” models of sexual selection. Additive genetic coefficients of variation for life-history characters are larger than those for body weight. Finally, this set of male life-history characters exhibits a very low correspondence between estimates of genetic and phenotypic correlations.  相似文献   

Three geographically widely separated populations of the grasshopper Chorthippus parallelus (Orthoptera: Acrididae) have been examined for morphological divergence, divergence in characteristics of the acoustic sexual signals of males, and assortative mating. Significant assortative mating existed between two of the three pairwise combinations of populations in multiple-choice tests. This may be caused by divergence in three of the four acoustic signal parameters measured. The populations also differed in morphology, including characters associated with signal production. The results are discussed in relation to theories for the origin of premating isolation, and it is argued that the observed divergence has developed rapidly, possibly indicating the action of selection. However, this selection could not have been caused by interactions with closely related taxa.  相似文献   

Incipient sexual isolation between genotypes, lines, or populations of the same species is commonly measured in Drosophila by choice tests. Results of these tests are known to be influenced, in an undetermined manner, by the mating propensity of competitors and by discriminatory factors during courtship. We have approached the problem by measuring male and female propensities in separate, independent tests, and by examining whether these estimates could explain the results of the choice tests. First, male and female choice tests were used to measure sexual isolation between populations of Drosophila melanogaster and between populations of D. simulans. Significant deviations from random mating occurred in 31 out of 48 tests, in agreement with the propensity values of the tested genotypes. We conclude that mating propensity instead of discrimination is directly involved in the estimation of sexual isolation in our populations, and advise against the application of male and female choice tests to assess intraspecific isolation without a proper knowledge of the mating propensities of competing individuals. Second, multiple choice tests were used to assess isolation between D. melanogaster populations. In examining the dynamics of matings throughout the test, we show that if competing individuals differ in mating propensities and tests are long enough to allow most matings to happen, a spurious sexual isolation can appear. We recommend that multiple choice tests be terminated once 50 percent of matings had been observed.  相似文献   

Abstract To date, there is still no consensus on the real significance of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in evolutionary biology. Some studies have established links between FA and Darwinian fitness, and in a number of cases intermediate heritabilities for FA have been reported. However, many claims have been raised against the generality of these findings. I therefore tested if FA of a sexually selected trait (wing length) is indeed related to male mating success in Drosophila buzzatii from field and laboratory samples and whether FA has detectable heritability. Single, unsuccessful males had greater asymmetry for wing length than their mating counterparts both in nature and under nonoptimal rearing environments, but the higher FA in single males is most likely due to a poorer average phenotypic condition because there was no evidence of a genetic basis for this trait. Further evidence of an increase in FA under larval food stress is suggested when comparing the magnitude of the FA levels between stressful and optimal environments. On methodological grounds, a linear model is suggested that allows directional asymmetry (DA) and any genetic variation of DA that may be present to be statistically eliminated from estimates of FA.  相似文献   

Resistance to environmental stress is one of the most important forces molding the distribution and abundance of species. We investigated the evolution of desiccation stress resistance using 20 outbred Drosophila melanogaster populations directly selected in the laboratory for adult desiccation resistance (D), postponed senescence (O), and their respective controls (C and B). Both aging and desiccation selection increased desiccation resistance relative to their controls, creating a spectrum of desiccation resistance levels across selection treatments. We employed an integrative approach, merging data on the life histories of these populations with a detailed physiology of water balance. The physiological basis of desiccation resistance may be mechanisms enhancing either resource conservation or resource acquisition and allocation. Desiccation-resistant populations had increased water and carbohydrate stores, and showed age-specific patterns of desiccation resistance consistent with the resource accumulation mechanism. A significant proportion of the resources relevant to resistance of the stress were accumulated in the larval stage. Males and females of desiccation-selected lines exhibited distinctly different patterns of desiccation resistance and resource acquisition, in a manner suggesting intersexual antagonism in the evolution of stress resistance. Preadult viability of stress-selected populations was lower than that of controls, and development was slowed. Our results suggest that there is a cost to preadult resource acquisition, pointing out a complex trade-off architecture involving characters distributed across distinct life-cycle stages.  相似文献   

The sibling species Drosophila simulans and D. mauritiana differ significantly in a number of male secondary sexual traits, providing an ideal system for genetic analysis of interspecific morphological divergence. In the experiment reported here, F1 hybrids from a cross of two inbred lines were backcrossed in both directions and about 200 flies from each backcross were scored for several traits (bristle numbers and cuticle areas), as well as 18 markers distributed throughout the genome. Each trait was analyzed by composite interval mapping to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) and estimate their effects. For each trait, from one to eight loci were detected, with more divergent traits showing evidence for greater numbers of QTL. Estimates of additive effects varied widely, with a range of 0.4 to 4.1 environmental standard deviation units and an average of 2.2 units. There was substantial evidence for nonadditive effects, since the magnitude of estimates often differed significantly between the two backcrosses. The sign of the estimated effect differed among QTL for bristle traits, but not for cuticle area traits, suggesting that these two types of trait may have undergone different types of selection. Finally, several similarities were found between different traits in the estimated positions of QTL, suggesting that pleiotropy and/or linkage of QTL may have been important in the evolution of these traits.  相似文献   

Populations of Drosophila melanogaster that had been selected for divergent rates of senescence were compared with respect to age-specific male mating ability. The competitive mating ability of males from populations with delayed senescence was inferior to that of males from populations with higher rates of senescence when males were young. This relationship was reversed when males were older. For noncompetitive mating ability and for recovery of fertility after an exhaustive mating bout, there was no difference between populations with different rates of senescence when males were young. However when males were older, flies from populations selected for delayed senescence again had superior mating ability. Thus, rates of male reproductive senescence can be altered in predictable ways by natural selection. The results for the competitive mating tests are consistent with the hypothesis that antagonistic gene action between early- and late-life fitness components influences the evolution of senescence in these populations.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of sexual isolation to speciation, few studies have analyzed the genetic basis of interspecific mating discrimination, particularly using hybrid males. In this study, I investigated the genetic basis of sexual isolation using male hybrids of Drosophila pseudoobscura and D. persimilis. Hybrid male mating success was caused by interactions between the X-chromosome and autosomes (or Y-chromosome), and different arms of the X-chromosome contributed to mating success with females of each species. Further, although there was an X-chromosome component to mating success, its magnitude was not disproportionately large when compared with the proportion of the genome contained on this chromosome. Some hybrid males courted with an anomalously low intensity, so I simultaneously mapped the genetic basis of this “courtship dysfunction.” The courtship dysfunction was caused by an interaction between the left arm of the X-chromosome in D. persimilis with the autosomes or Y-chromosome from D. pseudoobscura. Anomalous courtship behavior in interspecific hybrids can obscure the conclusions of studies of the genetics of sexual isolation, so courtship intensity should be evaluated in all such investigations.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster populations in nature usually carry inversion polymorphisms. When they were transferred to and maintained in the laboratory as large cage populations, frequencies of polymorphic inversions were drastically decreased and finally eliminated. This “cage effect” was observed irrespective of the geographical origin of the population or the initial frequency of each inversion. The decrease and elimination of inversions in the cage was not overcome by changing conditions such as medium, temperature, or the number of isofemale lines (40-600) introduced. On the other hand, in the sets of isofemale lines derived from the same geographical origins as the cage populations, each of which was maintained as a small vial population, the inversion frequencies, though decreased from the initial frequencies, were kept at significantly high levels. The cage populations initiated with one or two isofemale lines also maintained the inversion polymorphisms that were as high as vial populations.  相似文献   

Abstract. — Drosophila and other ectotherms show geographic genetic variation in body size, with larger individuals at higher latitudes and altitudes. Temperature is implicated as an important selective agent because long-term laboratory culture of Drosophila leads to the evolution of larger body size at lower temperatures. In this paper, we tested the hypothesis that, in Drosophila melanogaster, larger size is favored at lower temperatures in part because of selection on adult females. We used replicated lines of D. melanogaster artificially selected for increased and decreased wing area with constant cell area. The resulting size differences between the selected lines were due solely to differences in cell number, and thereby were similar to the cellular basis of clinal variation in body size in nature. We examined life-history traits of adult females at 18 and 25°C. Rearing for two generations at the two temperatures did not affect the extent of the size differences between lines from the different selection regimes. There was a strong interaction between temperature and size selection for both survival and lifetime reproductive success, with larger females living significantly longer and producing more offspring over their lifetime only when reared and tested in the colder environment. There was also an increase in average daily progeny production in large-line females relative to the control and small lines again, only in the colder environment. Thus, the females from the large selection lines were relatively fitter at the colder temperature. At both experimental temperatures, especially the lower one, the small- line females rescheduled their progeny production to later ages. Larger body size may have evolved at higher latitudes and altitudes because of the advantages to the adult female of being larger at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that males should evolve mechanisms to assess competition and allocate resources accordingly. This requires phenotypic plasticity, to accurately match responses to the environment. Plastic responses in males to sexual competition are diverse and widespread. However, our ability to understand and predict how they evolve is limited because their benefits are rarely measured, and costs are, as yet, entirely unquantified. In the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, males that anticipate strong competition for matings or fertilizations subsequently mate for longer and transfer more of two key seminal fluid proteins. This results in significantly elevated reproductive output. In this study, we examined the fitness effects of male responses to rivals across the entire male life span. Males were exposed to rivals or not throughout life while controlling mating opportunities. Males showed significant responses to rivals throughout their lifetimes, associated with significant early‐life fitness benefits. However, these disappeared after the third mating. There were also significant costs—males exposed to rivals took significantly fewer mating opportunities in later life and had significantly shorter life spans than controls. The data suggest that there are substantial costs for males of mounting plastic responses to the threat of sexual competition.  相似文献   

We describe a combined phenotypic and quantitative genetic investigation of the traits that may contribute to reproductive success in the picture-winged fly, Drosophila silvestris. These were courtship behavior, aggressive success, and body size and shape. Behavioral tests were conducted on wild-caught sires and their laboratory-reared sons. Neither size, shape, nor aggressive success predicted mating success. In both generations, males that spent more time courting and in wing-vibration were more likely to mate. However, components of courtship, overall aggressive success, and overall mating success had very low and nonsignificant heritabilities. The genetic estimates did not depend on whether they were based on males reared in both environments or reared only in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Replicate lines of Drosophila melanogaster have been selected for increased resistance against one of two species of parasitoid wasp, Asobara tabida and Leptopilina boulardi. In both cases, it has been shown that an improved ability to mount an immunological defense against the parasitoid's egg is associated with reduced survival when the larvae are reared under conditions of low resource availability and thus high competition. We show here that in both sets of selected lines, lower competitive ability is associated with reduced rates of larval feeding, as measured by the frequency of retractions of the cephalopharyngeal skeleton. This suggests that the same or similar physiological processes are involved in the trade-off between competition and resistance against either parasitoid and shows how the interaction between adaptations for competition and natural enemy resistance may be mediated.  相似文献   

Desiccation and starvation tolerance were measured along latitudinal transects in three Drosophilid species (Drosophila ananassae, D. melanogaster, and Zaprionus indianus) of the Indian subcontinent. In each case, significant latitudinal clines were observed; desiccation tolerance increased with latitude while starvation tolerance decreased. Such field observations suggest that desiccation and starvation tolerance are fitness related traits that are independently selected in nature and genetically independent. It was, however, difficult to relate these genetic changes with precise climatic variables, except winter temperature. The overall negative correlation between the two traits, which was evidenced in natural populations, contrasts with a positive correlation generally observed in various laboratory selection experiments and that also seems to exist between different species. These observations point to the difficulty of interpreting correlations among fitness-related traits when different evolutionary levels are compared, and also different sets of data, that is, field versus laboratory studies.  相似文献   

Two sets of three replicate lines of Drosophila melanogaster were artificially selected by reproduction at either a ‘young’ or an ‘old’ age. The pure lines, the hybrids between the lines within a selection regimen and the base stock from which the lines were derived were compared for longevity, early and late fertility, development time, larval viability and adult thorax length. Comparison of hybrid with pure lines showed some evidence for inbreeding depression in the lines from both selection regimes. Comparison of hybrid lines with the base stock did not provide evidence for any trade-off in either males or females between early fertility on the one hand and late life fertility and longevity on the other. Nor was there any clear evidence of a trade-off between pre-adult and adult fitness components. There was evidence of inadvertent selection for rapid development in both selection regimens, especially in the females of the ‘young’ lines, and this complicated the interpretation of the responses and correlated responses to selection. An improvement in adult performance in the ‘old’ line males relative to the base stock appeared to be attributable to reversal of mutation accumulation. Comparison of the hybrid ‘young’ and ‘old’ lines with the base stock did not support the idea that the superior longevity and late life fertility of the ‘old’ lines relative to the ‘young’ lines could be accounted for by the effects of mutation accumulation in the ‘young’ lines. The results point to the need to compare selected lines with their base stock when deducing responses and correlated responses to selection and to avoid unintentional selection. In this type of experiment, larval density should be standardized during selection, and adults should not be under pressure for rapid maturation.  相似文献   

Direct studies of mating success or mating pattern associated with Mendelian factors rarely have been carried out in nature. From the samples taken for the standard analyses of selection components, it is not usually possible to obtain the mating table, and only directional selection for male mating success can be detected. Both processes, mating pattern and differential mating probability, together with other fitness components, have been investigated for the inversion polymorphism of a natural population of the cactophilic species Drosophila buzzatii. Two independent samples of adult flies were collected: nonmating or single individuals (base population) and mating pairs (mating population). All individuals were karyotyped for the second and fourth chromosomes. A sequence of models with increasing simplicity was fitted to the data to test null hypotheses of no selection and random union of gametes and karyotypes. The main results were (1) no deviations from random mating were found; (2) differential mating probability was nonsignificant in both sexes; (3) inversion and karyotypic frequencies did not differ between sexes; and (4) karyotypic frequencies did not depart from Hardy-Weinberg expectations. These results are discussed in light of complementary evidence showing the need for interpreting with caution no-effect hypotheses such as the ones tested here. The use of complementary selective tests in these studies is suggested.  相似文献   

The ATPsyn‐b encoding for subunit b of ATP synthase in Drosophila melanogaster is proposed to act in ATP synthesis and phagocytosis, and has been identified as one of the sperm proteins in both Drosophila and mammals. At present, its details of functions in animal growth and spermatogenesis have not been reported. In this study, we knocked down ATPsyn‐b using Drosophila lines expressing inducible hairpin RNAi constructs and Gal4 drivers. Ubiquitous knockdown of ATPsyn‐b resulted in growth defects in larval stage as the larvae did not grow bigger than the size of normal second‐instar larvae. Knockdown in testes did not interrupt the developmental excursion to viable adult flies, however, these male adults were sterile. Analyses of testes revealed disrupted nuclear bundles during spermatogenesis and abnormal shaping in spermatid elongation. There were no mature sperm in the seminal vesicle of ATPsyn‐b knockdown male testes. These findings suggest us that ATPsyn‐b acts in growth and male fertility of Drosophila.  相似文献   

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