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<正>Male infertility, as a major issue of human reproduction health,prevents successful natural conception. Asthenoteratospermia mainly presents one or multiple anomalies in head, neck and tail of spermatozoa, and impairs sperm function and motility(Coutton et al., 2015). Recurrent abnormalities of the fibrous sheath  相似文献   

Connexin46 mutations in autosomal dominant congenital cataract   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文
Loci for autosomal dominant "zonular pulverulent" cataract have been mapped to chromosomes 1q (CZP1) and 13q (CZP3). Here we report genetic refinement of the CZP3 locus and identify underlying mutations in the gene for gap-junction protein alpha-3 (GJA3), or connexin46 (Cx46). Linkage analysis gave a significantly positive two-point LOD score (Z) at marker D13S175 (maximum Z [Zmax]=>7.0; maximum recombination frequency [thetamax] =0). Haplotyping indicated that CZP3 probably lies in the genetic interval D13S1236-D13S175-D13S1316-cen-13pter, close to GJA3. Sequencing of a genomic clone isolated from the CZP3 candidate region identified an open reading frame coding for a protein of 435 amino acids (47,435 D) that shared approximately 88% homology with rat Cx46. Mutation analysis of GJA3 in two families with CZP3 detected distinct sequence changes that were not present in a panel of 105 normal, unrelated individuals. In family B, an A-->G transition resulted in an asparagine-to-serine substitution at codon 63 (N63S) and introduced a novel MwoI restriction site. In family E, insertion of a C at nucleotide 1137 (1137insC) introduced a novel BstXI site, causing a frameshift at codon 380. Restriction analysis confirmed that the novel MwoI and BstXI sites cosegregated with the disease in families B and E, respectively. This study identifies GJA3 as the sixth member of the connexin gene family to be implicated in human disease, and it highlights the physiological importance of gap-junction communication in the development of a transparent eye lens.  相似文献   

Acrocapitofemoral dysplasia is a recently delineated autosomal recessive skeletal dysplasia, characterized clinically by short stature with short limbs and radiographically by cone-shaped epiphyses, mainly in hands and hips. Genomewide homozygosity mapping in two consanguineous families linked the locus to 2q35-q36 with a maximum two-point LOD score of 8.02 at marker D2S2248. Two recombination events defined the minimal critical region between markers D2S2248 and D2S2151 (3.74 cM). Using a candidate-gene approach, we identified two missense mutations in the amino-terminal signaling domain of the gene encoding Indian hedgehog (IHH). Both affected individuals of family 1 are homozygous for a 137C-->T transition (P46L), and the three patients in family 2 are homozygous for a 569T-->C transition (V190A). The two mutant amino acids are strongly conserved and predicted to be located outside the region where brachydactyly type A-1 mutations are clustered.  相似文献   

Hypomyelination and congenital cataract (HCC, OMIM #610532) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder due to FAM126A mutations characterized by congenital cataract, progressive neurologic impairment, and myelin deficiency in the central and peripheral nervous system. We have identified two novel mutations in three affected members of two unrelated families. Two sibs harbouring a microdeletion causing a premature stop in the protein showed the classical clinical and neuroradiologic HCC picture. The third patient carrying a missense mutation showed a relatively mild clinical picture without peripheral neuropathy. A residual amount of hyccin protein in primary fibroblasts was demonstrated by functional studies indicating that missense mutations are likely to have less detrimental effects if compared with splice-site mutations or deletions that cause the full-blown HCC phenotype, including peripheral nervous system involvement.  相似文献   

Congenital primary aphakia (CPA) is a rare developmental disorder characterized by the absence of lens, the development of which is normally induced during the 4th-5th wk of human embryogenesis. This original failure leads, in turn, to complete aplasia of the anterior segment of the eye, which is the diagnostic histological criterion for CPA. So far, the genetic basis for this human condition has remained unclear. Here, we present the analysis of a consanguineous family with three siblings who had bilateral aphakia, microphthalmia, and complete agenesis of the ocular anterior segment. We show that a null mutation in the FOXE3 gene segregates and, in the homozygous state, produces the mutant phenotype in this family. Therefore, this study identifies--to our knowledge, for the first time--a causative gene for CPA in humans. Furthermore, it indicates a possible critical role for FOXE3 very early in the lens developmental program, perhaps earlier than any role recognized elsewhere for this gene.  相似文献   

Twenty‐nine human aqueous humor samples from patients with eye diseases such as cataract and glaucoma with and without pseudoexfoliation syndrome were characterized by LC–high resolution MS analysis. In total, 269 protein groups were identified with 1% false discovery rate including 32 groups that were not reported previously for this biological fluid. Since the samples were analyzed individually, but not pooled, 36 proteins were identified in all samples, comprising the constitutive proteome of the fluid. The most dominant molecular function of aqueous humor proteins as determined by GO analysis is endopeptidase inhibitor activity. Label‐free protein quantification showed no significant difference between glaucoma and cataract aqueous humor proteomes. At the same time, we found decrease in the level of apolipoprotein D as a marker of the pseudoexfoliation syndrome. The data are available from ProteomeXchange repository (PXD002623).  相似文献   

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Mutations in the mouse Brachyury (T) gene are characterized by a dominant reduction of tail length and recessive lethality. Two quantitative trait loci, Brachyury-modifier 1 and 2 (Brm1 and Brm2) are defined by alleles that enhance the short-tail Brachyury phenotype. Here we report on a genetic analysis of a visible dominant mutation Abnormal feet and tail (Aft) located in the vicinity of Brm1. Affected animals display kinky tails and syndactyly in the hindlimbs, both likely resulting from a defect in apoptosis. We observed an unusual genetic incompatibility between Aft and certain genetic backgrounds. We show that Aft and T are likely to interact genetically, since some double heterozygotes are tailless. In addition to the tail and hindlimb phenotypes, Aft-bearing mutants display characteristic late-onset skin lesions. We therefore tested for allelism between Aft and a closely linked recessive mutation rough coat (rc) and found that these two mutations are likely nonallelic. Our results provide a valuable resource for the study of mammalian skin development and contribute to the genetic analysis of Brachyury function.  相似文献   

In this communication, we report an in-depth structure-based analysis of the human CYP1b1 protein carrying disease-causing mutations that are discovered in patients suffering from primary congenital glaucoma (PCG). The "wild-type" and the PCG mutant structures of the human CYP1b1 protein obtained from comparative modeling were subjected to long molecular dynamics simulations with an intention of studying the possible impact of these mutations on the protein structure and hence its function. Analysis of time evolution as well as time averaged values of various structural properties--especially of those of the functionally important regions: the heme binding region, substrate binding region, and substrate access channel--gave some insights into the possible structural characteristics of the disease mutant and the wild-type forms of the protein. In a nutshell, compared to the wild-type the core regions in the mutant structures are associated with subtle but significant changes, and the functionally important regions seem to adopt such structures that are not conducive for the wild-type-like functionality.  相似文献   

Central corneal thickness is very important measurement in glaucoma treatment because it influences the eye pressure measurements. A thinner cornea gives us artifactually lower intraocular pressure and a thicker cornea gives higher intraocular pressure reading, so it has to be corrected in both cases. The aim of this study is to compare central corneal thickness between congenital glaucoma patients and normal subjects. Prospective study included 27 patients with congenital glaucoma and 35 patients in control group. First group was subdivided in two subgroups: A--8 earlier operated patients, B--19 patients treated with topic therapy. Patients had no other corneal disorders, history of trauma, corneal surgery and they were not contact lens wearers. Measurements were performed by specular microscope Tomey EM 3000 on central corneas. This study showed that patients with congenital glaucoma have lower central corneal thickness than normal subjects. Also, the study showed that antiglaucomatous operation doesn't influence central corneal thickness. Central corneal thickness need to be a routine part of examination measurements because of need to correct intraocular pressure according to it, but also the thinner corneas values can suggest congenital glaucoma diagnosis beside the other parameters.  相似文献   

Human connexin46 (hCx46) forms gapjunctional channels interconnecting lens fiber cells and appears to becritical for normal lens function, because hCx46 mutations have beenlinked to congenital cataracts. We studied two hCx46 mutants, N63S, amissense mutation in the first extracellular domain, and fs380, aframe-shift mutation that shifts the translational reading frame atamino acid residue 380. We expressed wild-type Cx46 and the two mutantsin Xenopus oocytes. Production of the expressed proteins wasverified by SDS-PAGE after metabolic labeling with[35S]methionine or by immunoblotting. Dualtwo-microelectrode voltage-clamp studies showed that hCx46 formed bothgap junctional channels in paired Xenopus oocytes andhemi-gap junctional channels in single oocytes. In contrast, neither ofthe two cataract-associated hCx46 mutants could form intercellularchannels in paired Xenopus oocytes. The hCx46 mutants werealso impaired in their ability to form hemi-gap-junctional channels.When N63S or fs380 was coexpressed with wild-type connexins, bothmutations acted like "loss of function" rather than "dominantnegative" mutations, because they did not affect the gap junctionalconductance induced by either wild-type hCx46 or wild-type hCx50.


The C. elegans heterochronic genes program stage-specific temporal identities in multiple tissues during larval development. These genes include the first two miRNA-encoding genes discovered, lin-4 and let-7. We show that lin-58 alleles, identified as lin-4 suppressors, define another miRNA that controls developmental time. These alleles are unique in that they contain point mutations in a gene regulatory element of mir-48, a let-7 family member. mir-48 is expressed prematurely in lin-58 mutants, whereas expression of mir-241, another let-7 family member residing immediately upstream of mir-48, appears to be unaffected. A mir-48 transgene bearing a lin-58 point mutation causes strong precocious phenotypes in the hypodermis and vulva when expressed from multicopy arrays. mir-48::gfp fusions reveal expression in these tissues, and inclusion of a lin-58 mutation causes precocious and enhanced gfp expression. These results suggest that lin-58 alleles disrupt a repressor binding site that restricts the time of miR-48 action in wild-type animals.  相似文献   

Nance-Horan syndrome (NHS) is an X-linked disorder characterized by congenital cataracts, dental anomalies, dysmorphic features, and, in some cases, mental retardation. NHS has been mapped to a 1.3-Mb interval on Xp22.13. We have confirmed the same localization in the original, extended Australian family with NHS and have identified protein-truncating mutations in a novel gene, which we have called "NHS," in five families. The NHS gene encompasses approximately 650 kb of genomic DNA, coding for a 1,630-amino acid putative nuclear protein. NHS orthologs were found in other vertebrates, but no sequence similarity to known genes was identified. The murine developmental expression profile of the NHS gene was studied using in situ hybridization and a mouse line containing a lacZ reporter-gene insertion in the Nhs locus. We found a complex pattern of temporally and spatially regulated expression, which, together with the pleiotropic features of NHS, suggests that this gene has key functions in the regulation of eye, tooth, brain, and craniofacial development.  相似文献   

A new cataract mutation was discovered in an ongoing program to identify new mouse models of hereditary eye disease. Lens opacity 12 (Lop12) is a semidominant mutation that results in an irregular nuclear lens opacity similar to the human Coppock cataract. Lop12 is associated with a small nonrecombining segment that maps to mouse Chromosome 1 close to the eye lens obsolescence mutation (Cryge(Cat2-Elo)), a member of the gamma-crystallin gene cluster (Cryg). Using a systemic candidate gene approach to analyze the entire Cryg cluster, a G to A transition was found in exon 3 of Crygd associated with the Lop12 mutation and has been designated Crygd(Lop12). The mutation Crygd(Lop12) leads to the formation of an in-frame stop codon that produces a truncated protein of 156 amino acids. It is predicted that the defective gene product alters protein folding of the gamma-crystallin(s) and results in lens opacity.  相似文献   

α-Crystallin, a major component of the eye lens cytoplasm, is a large multimer formed from two members of the small heat shock protein (sHsp) family. Inherited crystallin mutations are a common cause of childhood cataract, whereas miscellaneous changes to the long-lived crystallins cause age-related cataract, the most common cause of blindness worldwide. Newly formed eye lens cells use proteostasis to deal with the consequences of mutations, whereas mature lens cells, devoid of the ATP-driven folding and degradation machines, are hypothesized to have the α-crystallin "holdase" chaperone function to prevent protein aggregation. We discuss the impact of truncating and missense mutations on α-crystallin, based on recent progress towards determining sHsp 3D structure. Dominant missense mutations to the "α-crystallin domain" of αA- (HSPB4) or αB-crystallin (HSPB5) occur on residues predicted to facilitate domain dynamics. αB-Crystallin is also expressed in striated muscle and mutations cause myopathy. The impact on these cellular cytoplasms is compared where sHsp multimer partners and metabolic constraints are different. Selected inherited mutations of the lens β- and γ-crystallins are considered in the context of their possible dependence on the "holdase" chaperone function of α-crystallin. Looking at discrete changes to specific crystallin polypeptide chains that can function as chaperone or substrate provide insights into the workings of a cytoplasmic proteostatic system. These observations provide a framework for validating the function of α-crystallin as a chaperone, or as a lens space filler adapted from a chaperone function. Understanding the mechanistic role of α-crystallins will aid progress in research into age-related cataract and adult-onset myopathy. This article is part of a Directed Issue entitled: Small HSPs in physiology and pathology.  相似文献   

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