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Imprinted genes are epigenetically modified in a parent‐of‐origin dependent manner and as a consequence are differentially expressed, with one allele typically expressed while the other is repressed. In canine, the insulin like growth factor 2 receptor gene (IGF2R) is imprinted with predominant expression of the maternally inherited allele. Because imprinted genes usually occur in clusters, we examined the allelic expression pattern of the gene encoding the canine Mas receptor (MAS1), which is located upstream of IGF2R on canine chromosome 1 and is highly conserved in mammals. In this report we describe monoallelic expression of canine MAS1 in the neonatal umbilical cord of several individuals and we identify the expressed allele as maternally inherited. These data suggest that canine MAS1 is an imprinted gene.  相似文献   

The insulin-like growth factor 2 gene (IGF2) encodes an essential growth factor and is imprinted in various mammalian species. Differentially methylated regions (DMRs) are often located within CpG islands and are critically involved in the regulation of monoallelic Igf2 expression in the mouse. Only partial sequence information is available for the bovine IGF2 gene and no DMR has currently been identified. The goal of this study was to identify a DMR within the bovine IGF2 gene as a prerequisite for further studies on gene-specific methylation patterns during preimplantation development. Here we describe the sequence analysis of a CpG-rich DNA fragment from the 5' untranslated region spanning exons and introns 4 and 5 and the identification of a previously unknown DMR in exon 10 of the bovine IGF2 gene. Bisulfite analysis revealed that this DMR is differentially methylated in mature oocytes and sperm. The identification of an intragenic DMR within a developmentally important gene such as the bovine IGF2 gene provides a useful tool to evaluate the methylation patterns of embryos derived in vivo and in vitro. Our study is the first report of a differentially methylated region in a bovine imprinted gene discovered by the analysis of female and male gametes.  相似文献   

A subset of genes, known as imprinted genes, is present in the mammalian genome. Genomic imprinting governs the monoallelic expression of these genes, depending on whether the gene was inherited from the sperm or the egg. This parent-of-origin specific gene expression is generally dependent on the epigenetic modification, DNA methylation, and the DNA methylation status of CpG dinucleotides residing in loci known as differentially methylated regions (DMRs). The enzymatic machinery responsible for the addition of methyl (-CH(3)) groups to the cytosine residue in the CpG dinucleotides are known as DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs). Correct establishment and maintenance of methylation patterns at imprinted genes has been associated with placental function and regulation of embryonic/fetal development. Much work has been carried out on imprinted genes in mouse and human; however, little is known about the methylation dynamics in the bovine oocyte. The primary objective of the present study was to characterize the establishment of methylation at maternally imprinted genes in bovine growing oocytes and to determine if the expression of the bovine DNMTs-DNMT3A, DNMT3B, and DNMT3L-was coordinated with DNA methylation during oocyte development. To this end, a panel of maternally imprinted genes was selected (SNRPN, MEST, IGF2R, PEG10, and PLAGL1) and putative DMRs for MEST, IGF2R, PEG10, and PLAGL1 were identified within the 5' regions for each gene; the SNRPN DMR has been reported previously. Conventional bisulfite sequencing revealed that methylation marks were acquired at all five DMRs investigated in an oocyte size-dependent fashion. This was confirmed for a selection of genes using pyrosequencing analysis. Furthermore, mRNA expression and protein analysis revealed that DNMT3A, DNMT3B, and DNMT3L are also present in the bovine oocyte during its growth phase. This study demonstrates for the first time that an increase in bovine imprinted gene DMR methylation occurs during oocyte growth, as is observed in mouse.  相似文献   

The imprinted Igf2 gene is active only on the paternal allele in most tissues. Its imprinting involves a cis-acting imprinting-control region (ICR) located upstream of the neighboring and maternally expressed H19 gene. It is thought that differential methylation of the parental alleles at the ICR is crucial for parental imprinting of both genes. Differentially methylated regions (DMRs) have also been identified within the Igf2 gene and their differential methylation is thought to be established during early development. To gain further insight into the function of these DMRs, we performed a quantitative analysis of their allelic methylation levels in different tissues during fetal development and the postnatal period in the mouse. Surprisingly, we found that the methylation levels of Igf2 DMRs vary extensively during fetal development, mostly on the expressed paternal allele. In particular, in skeletal muscle, differential allelic methylation in both DMR 1 and DMR 2 occurs only after birth, whereas correct paternal monoallelic expression is always observed, including in the embryonic stages. This suggests that differential methylation in the DMR 1 and DMR 2 of the Igf2 gene is dispensable for its imprinting in skeletal muscle. Furthermore, progressive methylation of the Igf2 paternal allele appears to be correlated with concomitant postnatal down-regulation and silencing of the gene. We discuss possible relations between Igf2 allelic methylation and expression during fetal development.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting is widespread amongst mammals, but has not yet been found in birds. To gain a broader understanding of the origin and significance of imprinting, we have characterized three genes, from three separate imprinted clusters in eutherian mammals in the developing fetus and placenta of an Australian marsupial, the tammar wallaby Macropus eugenii. Imprinted gene orthologues of human and mouse p57(KIP2), IGF2 and PEG1/MEST genes were isolated. p57(KIP2) did not show stable monoallelic expression suggesting that it is not imprinted in marsupials. In contrast, there was paternal-specific expression of IGF2 in almost all tissues, but the biased paternal expression of IGF2 in the fetal head and placenta, demonstrates the occurrence of tissue-specific imprinting, as occurs in mice and humans. There was also paternal-biased expression of PEG1/MESTalpha. The differentially methylated region (DMR) of the human and mouse PEG1/MEST promoter is absent in the wallaby. These data confirm the existence of common imprinted regions in eutherians and marsupials during development, but suggest that the regulatory mechanisms that control imprinted gene expression differ between these two groups of mammals.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting is widely conserved amongst placental mammals. Imprinted expression of IGF2R, however, differs between mice and humans. In mice, Igf2r imprinted expression is seen in all fetal and adult tissues. In humans, adult tissues lack IGF2R imprinted expression, but it is found in fetal tissues and Wilms' tumors where it is polymorphic and only seen in a small proportion of tested samples. Mouse Igf2r imprinted expression is controlled by the Air (Airn) ncRNA whose promoter lies in an intronic maternally-methylated CpG island. The human IGF2R gene carries a homologous intronic maternally-methylated CpG island of unknown function. Here, we use transfection and transgenic studies to show that the human IGF2R intronic CpG island is a ncRNA promoter. We also identify the same ncRNA at the endogenous human locus in 16–40% of Wilms' tumors. Thus, the human IGF2R gene shows evolutionary conservation of key features that control imprinted expression in the mouse.  相似文献   

Igf2 (insulin‐like growth factor 2) and H19 genes are imprinted in mammals; they are expressed unevenly from the two parental alleles. Igf2 is a growth factor expressed in most normal tissues, solely from the paternal allele. H19 gene is transcribed (but not translated to a protein) from the maternal allele. Igf2 protein is a growth factor particularly important during pregnancy, where it promotes both foetal and placental growth and also nutrient transfer from mother to offspring via the placenta. This article reviews epigenetic regulation of the Igf2/H19 gene‐cluster that leads to parent‐specific expression, with current models including parental allele‐specific DNA methylation and chromatin modifications, DNA‐binding of insulator proteins (CTCFs) and three‐dimensional partitioning of DNA in the nucleus. It is emphasized that key genomic features are conserved among mammals and have been functionally tested in mouse. ‘The enhancer competition model’, ‘the boundary model’ and ‘the chromatin‐loop model’ are three models based on differential methylation as the epigenetic mark responsible for the imprinted expression pattern. Pathways are discussed that can account for allelic methylation differences; there is a recent study that contradicts the previously accepted fact that biallelic expression is accompanied with loss of differential methylation pattern.  相似文献   

This study was designed to identify the putative differentially methylated regions (DMRs) of the porcine imprinted genes insulin-like growth factor 2 and H19 (IGF2-H19), and to assess the genomic imprinting status of IGF2-H19 by identifying the methylation patterns of these regions in germ cells, and in tissues from porcine fetuses, an adult pig, as well as cloned offspring produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). Porcine IGF2-H19 DMRs exhibit a normal monoallelic methylation pattern (i.e., either the paternally- or the maternally derived allele is methylated) similar to the pattern observed for the same genes in the human and mice genomes. Examination of the methylation patterns of the IGF2-H19 DMRs revealed that the zinc finger protein binding sites CTCF1 and 2 did not exhibit differential methylation in both control and cloned offspring. In contrast, the CTCF3 and DMR2 loci of the IGF2 gene showed abnormal methylation in cloned offspring, but a normal differential or moderate methylation pattern in tissues from control offspring and an adult pig. Our data thus suggest that regulation of genomic imprinting at the porcine IGF2-H19 loci is conserved among species, and that the abnormal methylation pattern in the regulatory elements of imprinted genes may lead to an alteration in the coordinated expression of genes required for successful reprogramming, which, in consequence, may contribute to the low efficiency of porcine genome reprogramming induced by nuclear transfer.  相似文献   

The embryonic germ cell (EGCs) of mice is a kind of pluripotent stem cell that can be generated from pre- and post-migratory primordial germ cells (PGCs). Most previous studies on DNA methylation of EGCs were restricted to 12.5 days post coitum (dpc). This study was designed to establish and characterize murine EGC lines from migrated PGCs as late as 13.5 dpc and to estimate the degrees of methylation of their imprinted genes as well as of the non-imprinted locus, Oct4, using an accurate and quantitative method of measurement. We established five independent EGC lines from post migratory PGCs of 11.5-13.5 dpc from C57BL/6xDBA/2 F1 hybrid mouse fetuses. All the EGCs exhibited the typical features of pluripotent cells including hypomethylation of the Oct4 regulatory region. We examined the methylation status of three imprinted genes; Igf2, Igf2r and H19 in the five EGC lines using bisulfite genomic sequencing analysis. Igf2r was almost unmethylated in all the EGC lines irrespective of the their sex and stage of isolation; Igf2 and H19 were more methylated than Igf2r, especially in male EGCs. Moreover, EGCs derived at 13.5 dpc exhibited higher levels of DNA methylation than those from earlier stages. These results suggest that in vitro derived EGCs acquire different epigenotypes from their parental in vivo migratory PGCs, and that sex-specific de novo methylation occurs in the Igf2 and H19 genes of EGCs.  相似文献   

The bisulfite genomic sequencing method is one of the most widely used techniques for methylation analysis in heterogeneous unbiased PCR, amplifying for both methylated and unmethylated alleles simultaneously. However, it requires labor-intensive and time-consuming cloning and sequencing steps. In the current study, we used a denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) procedure in a complementary way with the bisulfite genomic sequencing to analyze the methylation of differentially methylated regions (DMRs) of imprinted genes. We showed reliable and reproducible results in distinguishing overall methylation profiles of DMRs regions of human SNRPN, H19, MEST/PEG1, LIT1, IGF2, TSSC5, WT1 antisense, and mouse H19, Mest/Peg1, Igf2R imprinted genes. These DHPLC profiles were in accordance with bisulfite genomic sequencing data and may serve as a type of "fingerprint," revealing the overall methylation status of DMRs associated with sample heterogeneity. We conclude that DHPLC analysis could be used to increase the throughput efficiency of methylation pattern analysis of imprinted genes after the bisulfite conversion of genomic DNA and unbiased PCR amplification.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting is a mammalian developmental process that uses epigenetic mechanisms to induce monoallelic and parental-specific expression of particular autosomal genes. A crucial epigenetic event consists of DNA methylation of CpG-islands, which become differentially methylated regions (DMRs) on the maternal and paternal alleles during oogenesis or spermatogenesis (germline DMRs). By contrast, somatic DMRs are acquired after fertilization. While there are several studies referring to methylation acquisition within germline DMRs in the mouse and human, a comparable methylation analysis of orthologous sequences is still lacking in sheep. To identify germline DMRs, this study analysed the methylation status of the available CpG-islands of five ovine imprinted genes ( H19, IGF2R, DLK1, DIO3 and BEGAIN ) in mature spermatozoa and in female gametes at different stages of their follicle growth, including in vitro matured oocytes. The 5'-end CpG-island of H19 showed a full methylation in spermatozoa and an absent methylation in growing and fully grown oocytes. The intron 2 CpG-island of IGF2R was unmethylated in male gametes, while it showed a high level of methylation in early stages of oogenesis. The promoter CpG-islands of DLK1 and DIO3 were found to be unmethylated both in spermatozoa and oocytes. Finally, the exon 9 CpG-island of BEGAIN was hypermethylated in mature male gametes, while it showed an almost complete methylation only in late stages of oocyte development. Our findings suggest that DNA methylation establishment during early stages of sheep oogenesis and subsequent in vitro maturation is gene-specific and that, of the five genes investigated, only the CpG-islands of H19 and IGF2R might represent ovine germline DMRs.  相似文献   

In mammals, imprinted genes have an important role in feto-placental development. They affect the growth, morphology and nutrient transfer capacity of the placenta and, thereby, control the nutrient supply for fetal growth. In particular, the reciprocally imprinted Igf2-H19 gene complex has a central role in these processes and matches the placental nutrient supply to the fetal nutrient demands for growth. Comparison of Igf2P0 and complete Igf2 null mice has shown that interplay between placental and fetal Igf2 regulates both placental growth and nutrient transporter abundance. In turn, epigenetic modification of imprinted genes via changes in DNA methylation may provide a mechanism linking environmental cues to placental phenotype, with consequences for development both before and after birth. Changes in expression of imprinted genes, therefore, have major implications for developmental programming and may explain the poor prognosis of the infant born small for gestational age and the wide spectrum of adult-onset diseases that originate in utero.  相似文献   

Landmark features of imprinted genes are differentially methylated domains (DMDs), in which one parental allele is methylated on CpG dinucleotides and the opposite allele is unmethylated. Genetic experiments in the mouse have shown that DMDs are required for the parent-specific expression of linked clusters of imprinted genes. To understand the mechanism whereby the differential methylation is established and maintained, we analyzed a series of transgenes containing DMD sequences and showed that imperfect tandem repeats from DMDs associated with the Snurf/Snrpn, Kcnq1, and Igf2r gene clusters govern transgene imprinting. For the Igf2r DMD the minimal imprinting signal is two unit copies of the tandem repeat. This imprinted transgene behaves identically to endogenous imprinted genes in Dnmt1o and Dnmt3L mutant mouse backgrounds. The primary function of the imprinting signal within the transgene DMD is to maintain, during embryogenesis and a critical period of genomic reprogramming, parent-specific DNA methylation states established in the germ line. This work advances our understanding of the imprinting mechanism by defining a genomic signal that dependably perpetuates an epigenetic state during postzygotic development.  相似文献   

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