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Expression of the actin-binding protein profilin was disrupted in the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila by an antisense ribosome method. In cells with the antisense disruption no profilin protein was detected. Cultures of cells with the antisense disruption could be maintained, indicating that profilin was not essential for cytokinesis or vegetative growth. Disruption of the expression of profilin resulted in many cells that were large and abnormally shaped. Formation of multiple micronuclei, which divide mitotically, was observed in cells with a single macronucleus, indicating a defect in early cytokinesis. Some cells with the antisense disruption contained multiple macronuclei, which in Tetrahymena may indicate a function late in cytokinesis. The lack of profilin also affected cytokinesis in the cells that could divide. Normal-sized and normal-shaped cells with the antisense disruption took significantly longer to divide than control cell types. The profilin disruption revealed two new processes in which profilin functions. In cells lacking profilin, micronuclei were not positioned at their normal site on the surface of the macronucleus and phagocytosis was defective. The defect in phagocytosis appeared to be due to disruption of the formation of oral apparatuses (stomatogenesis) and a possible failure in the internalization of phagocytic vacuoles.  相似文献   

Tetrahymena contains a micronucleus and a macronucleus. The micronucleus divides with typical mitosis, while the macronucleus divides amitotically. Although the mechanism responsible for macronuclear division was previously unknown, we clarified the organization of microtubules during macronuclear division. The macronuclear microtubules dynamically changed their distribution in an organized way throughout the macronuclear division. The macronuclear microtubules and the cytoplasmic microtubules cooperatively carried out the macronuclear division. When the micronuclear division was finished, p85 appeared at the presumptive division plane prior to the cytokinesis. The p85 directly interacted with calmodulin in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner, and p85 and CaM colocalized to the division furrow during cytokinesis. Moreover, the Ca(2+)/CaM inhibitor, W7, inhibited the direct interaction between p85 and CaM, the localization of both proteins to the division plane, and the formation of the division furrow. Thus, Ca(2+)/CaM and p85 have important roles in initiation and progression of cytokinesis in Tetrahymena.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged actin was used to investigate the distribution and function of actin in Tetrahymena. A strain that expresses both GFP-actin and endogenous actin was developed by transformation of Tetrahymena thermophila with a ribosomal DNA-based replicative vector. Confocal microscopy of living cells and immunogold electron microscopy confirmed localization of GFP-actin to basal bodies and the contractile ring. Incorporation of the fusion protein into these and other actin-related structures correlated with severe impairment of macronuclear elongation and cytokinesis. At 30 degrees C macronuclear elongation failed to occur in 25% of the transformants despite completion of micronuclear division. At 20 degrees C macronuclear elongation failed to occur in 2% of the population. Arrest of cytokinesis coincided with failure of macronuclear elongation. Arrested cells developed into homopolar doublets with two sets of oral structures. This study indicates a requirement for actin in nuclear elongation and cytokinesis. Although GFP-actin can interfere with the functioning of actin-containing structures, the GFP-actin transformant strain can be used to monitor actin distribution and dynamics and is therefore an important new tool for further studies of Tetrahymena actin.  相似文献   

Sodium orthovanadate at 0.1-5.0 mM affected cell proliferation of Tetrahymena in a dose-dependent manner. At 1 h the cell increment was 76-12% of the control (100%), but after lag periods in 1-5 mM the growth rate remained at 76% of control in 0.1 mM vanadate and at 64-61% of control in 0.2-5.0 mM vanadate. Endocytosis was affected in both a time- and dose-dependent manner; an increasing number of cells did not form vacuoles. Cell motility increased initially in 0.1 mM vanadate but decreased later as it did in 0.5-2.0 mM vanadate where the proportion of immobile cells increased with time. Cell divisions occurred at all concentrations but macronuclear elongation was disturbed and subsequent cytokinesis resulted in daughter cells containing the entire G2 macronucleus, a large or small portion of it, or no nucleus at all. Moreover, odd cell shapes appeared with time. The size of the cell and nucleus increased but there was great variation with disturbed cytoplasm/nucleus ratios. Treated cells had dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum that included dense material, presumed to be vanadate, which was not seen in control cells. Scant amounts of dense material were found in dense granules, small vacuoles, and abundantly in contractile vacuoles. It is argued that interference with proper microtubular function is the main effect of vanadate.  相似文献   

Polyglycylation occurs through the post-translational addition of a polyglycine peptide to the gamma-carboxyl group of glutamic acids near the C terminus of alpha- and beta-tubulin, and has been found only in cells with axonemes, from protists to humans. In Tetrahymena thermophila, multiple sites of polyglycylation on alpha-tubulin are dispensable. By contrast, mutating similar sites on beta-tubulin has site-specific effects, affecting cell motility and cytokinesis, or resulting in cell death. Here, we address the lethality of a polyglycylation deficiency in T. thermophila using heterokaryons. Cells with a lethal mutation in the polyglycylation domain of beta-tubulin assembled axonemes that lack the central pair, B-subfibres and the transitional zone of outer microtubules (MTs). Furthermore, an arrest in cytokinesis occurred, and was associated with incomplete severing of cortical MTs positioned near the cleavage furrow. Thus, tubulin polyglycylation is required for the maintenance of some stable microtubular organelles that are all known to be polyglycylated in vivo, but its effects on MTs appear to be organelle-specific.  相似文献   

The ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila, having both germ line micronuclei and somatic macronuclei, must possess a specialized nucleocytoplasmic transport system to import proteins into the correct nucleus. To understand how Tetrahymena can target proteins to distinct nuclei, we first characterized FG repeat-containing nucleoporins and found that micro- and macronuclei utilize unique subsets of these proteins. This finding implicates these proteins in the differential permeability of the two nuclei and implies that nuclear pores with discrete specificities are assembled within a single cell. To identify the import machineries that interact with these different pores, we characterized the large families of karyopherin homologs encoded within the genome. Localization studies of 13 putative importin (imp) alpha- and 11 imp beta-like proteins revealed that imp alpha-like proteins are nucleus specific--nine localized to the germ line micronucleus--but that most imp beta-like proteins localized to both types of nuclei. These data suggest that micronucleus-specific proteins are transported by specific imp alpha adapters. The different imp alpha proteins exhibit substantial sequence divergence and do not appear to be simply redundant in function. Disruption of the IMA10 gene encoding an imp alpha-like protein that accumulates in dividing micronuclei results in nuclear division defects and lethality. Thus, nucleus-specific protein import and nuclear function in Tetrahymena are regulated by diverse, specialized karyopherins.  相似文献   

Summary. Many of the highly organized microtubular arrangements in ciliates are located in the cortical area containing membrane vesicles and vacuoles. In Tetrahymena thermophila and Paramecium caudatum, immunofluorescence microscopy with the monoclonal antibody TU-06, directed against β-tubulin, revealed distinct staining of this cortical region alone, while the cilia and other microtubular structures were unstained. The specificity of the antibody was confirmed by immunoblotting and by preabsorption of the antibody with purified tubulin. Double-label immunofluorescence with antibodies against γ-tubulin, detyrosinated α-tubulin, and centrin showed that the TU-06 epitope is localized outside the basal body region. This was also confirmed by immunogold electron microscopy of thin sections. Proteolytic digestion of porcine brain β-tubulin combined with a peptide scan of immobilized, overlapping peptides disclosed that the epitope was in the β-tubulin region β81–95, a region which is phylogenetically highly conserved. As known posttranslational modifications of β-tubulin are located outside this area, the observed staining pattern cannot be interpreted as evidence of subcellular sequestration of modified tubulin. The limited distribution of the epitope could rather reflect the dependence of TU-06 epitope exposition on conformations of tubulin molecules in microtubule arrangements or on differential masking by interacting proteins. Correspondence and reprints: Institute of Molecular Genetics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Vídeňská 1083, 14220 Prague, Czech Republic.  相似文献   

Programmed nuclear death (PND) in Tetrahymena is a unique process during conjugation, in which only the parental macronucleus is degraded and then eliminated from the progeny cytoplasm, but other co-existing nuclei such as new micro- and macronuclei are unaffected. PND through autophagic elimination is expected to be strictly controlled, considering the significant roles in ciliates such as turnover of disused organelles and production of the next generation. Here we demonstrate that PND in Tetrahymena involves peculiar aspects of autophagy, which differ from mammalian or yeast macroautophagy. Drastic change of the parental macronucleus occurs when differentiation of new macronuclei is initiated. Combined use of monodansylcadaverine and a lysosome indicator LysoTracker Red showed that prior to nuclear condensation, the envelope of the parental macronucleus changed its nature as if it is an autophagic membrane, without the accumulation of a pre-autophagosomal structure from the cytoplasm. Subsequently, lysosomes approached only to the parental macronucleus and localized at the envelope until a final resorption stage. In addition, we found that the parental macronucleus exhibits certain sugars and phosphatidylserine on the envelope, which are possible “attack me” signals, that are not found on other types of nuclei. These findings suggest that PND is a highly elaborated process, different from the typical macroautophagy seen in other systems, and is executed through interaction between specific molecular signals on the parental macronuclear envelope and autophagic/lysosomal machineries.Key words: Tetrahymena, conjugation, nuclear apoptosis, monodansylcadaverine, macroautophagy, phagocytosis marker, glycoconjugates, phosphatidylserine  相似文献   

Programmed nuclear death (PND) in Tetrahymena is a unique process during conjugation, in which only the parental macronucleus is degraded and then eliminated from the progeny cytoplasm, but other co-existing nuclei such as new micro- and macronuclei are unaffected. PND through autophagic elimination is expected to be strictly controlled, considering the significant roles in ciliates such as turnover of disused organelles and production of the next generation. Here we demonstrate that PND in Tetrahymena involves peculiar aspects of autophagy, which differ from mammalian or yeast macroautophagy. Drastic change of the parental macronucleus occurs when differentiation of new macronuclei is initiated. Combined use of monodansylcadaverine and a lysosome indicator LysoTracker Red showed that prior to nuclear condensation, the envelope of the parental macronucleus changed its nature as if it is an autophagic membrane, without the accumulation of a pre-autophagosomal structure from the cytoplasm. Subsequently, lysosomes approached only to the parental macronucleus and localized at the envelope until a final resorption stage. In addition, we found that the parental macronucleus exhibits certain sugars and phosphatidylserine on the envelope, which are possible "attack me" signals, that are not found on other types of nuclei. These findings suggest that PND is a highly elaborated process, different from the typical macroautophagy seen in other systems, and is executed through interaction between specific molecular signals on the parental macronuclear envelope and autophagic/lysosomal machineries.  相似文献   

The extracellular nucleotide, guanosine 5'-triphosphate (GTP) is known to be a chemorepellent for ciliated protozoa such as Paramecium and Tetrahymena. Here, we studied the surface localization of GTP binding sites and also its effects on the cell division of Tetrahymena thermophila. When a ribose-modified and fluorescent analog of GTP, 2'-(or -3')-O-trinitrophenyl (TNP)-GTP was added to the cells starved in non-nutrient buffer, a remarkable fluorescence was observed at the compound cilia of the oral area, while it was weak at other cilia and the somatic membrane. Following transfer of the cells to the starvation medium, the intensity of TNP-GTP fluorescence at the oral area gradually increased and was saturated at 3-4 hours. Addition of GTP to the starved cell induced not only an avoiding reaction in swimming, but also induced a synchronous cell division that occurred 2 hours later. An attempt to search for other stimuli, which induced cell division, revealed that mechanical stimulation by a short period of centrifugation was almost as effective as the addition of GTP. The supernatant after centrifugation had the ability to induce cell division, and such activity was abolished after the supernatant was treated with the phosphatase, apyrase, suggesting the release of GTP by the mechanical stimulation. These results indicate that the released GTP binds mainly to the oral area and this then induces the cell division of starved T. thermophila.  相似文献   

We have identified and purified a 58-kilodalton protein of Tetrahymena thermophila whose synthesis during heat shock parallels that of the major heat shock proteins. This protein, hsp58, was found in both non-heat-shocked as well as heat-shocked cells; however, its concentration in the cell increased approximately two- to threefold during heat shock. The majority of hsp58 in both non-heat-shocked and heat-shocked cells was found by both cell fractionation studies and immunocytochemical techniques to be mitochondrially associated. During heat shock, the additional hsp58 was found to selectively accumulate in mitochondria. Nondenatured hsp58 released from mitochondria of non-heat-shocked or heat-shocked cells sedimented in sucrose gradients as a 20S to 25S complex. We suggest that this protein may play a role in mitochondria analogous to the role the major heat shock proteins play in the nucleus and cytosol.  相似文献   

We have characterized a novel, temperature-sensitive mutation affecting motility in Tetrahymena thermophila. Mutants grew and divided normally at the restrictive temperature (38 degrees C), but became nonmotile. Scanning electron microscopic analysis indicated that nonmotile mutants contained the normal number of cilia and that the cilia were of normal length. Transmission electron microscopic analysis indicated that axonemes isolated from nonmotile mutants lacked outer dynein arms, so the mutation was named oad 1 (outer arm deficient). Motile mutants shifted to 38 degrees C under conditions that prevent cell growth and division (starvation) remained motile suggesting that once assembled into axonemes at the permissive temperature (28 degrees C) the outer arm dyneins remain functional at 38 degrees C. Starved, deciliated mutants regenerated a full complement of functional cilia at 38 degrees C, indicating that the mechanism that incorporates the outer arm dynein into developing axonemes is not affected by the oad 1 mutation. Starved, nonmotile mutants regained motility when shifted back to 28 degrees C, but not when incubated with cycloheximide. We interpret these results to rule out the hypothesis that the oad 1 mutation affects the site on the microtubules to which the outer arm dyneins bind. Axonemes isolated from mutants grown for one generation at 38 degrees C had a mean of 6.0 outer arm dyneins, and axonemes isolated from mutants grown for two generations at 38 degrees C had a mean of 3.2 outer arm dyneins. Taken together, these results indicate that the oad 1 mutation affects the synthesis of outer arm dyneins in Tetrahymena.  相似文献   

The mechanism responsible for final cell separation at the end of cytokinesis is currently unknown. Knockout strains of the ciliate, Tetrahymena thermophila lacking the kinesin-II homologous molecular motors, Kin1p and Kin2p are paralyzed due to their complete loss of cilia and undergo frequent cytokinesis failures. Observations of live dividing cells revealed that cleavage furrow ingression is normal in kinesin-II double knockout cells until the final stage of cell separation (Brown et al., 1999). During closer inspection of dividing cells using video differential interference contrast microscopy, we found that wild-type cells undergo an extremely complex motile behavior near the end of cytokinesis. This process, which we have named rotokinesis, appears to facilitate the physical separation of daughter cells. Here we present recent work onTetrahymena rotokinesis, and review studies in other organisms which suggest that the use of cell locomotion in the completion of cytokinesis is a general phenomenon of motile cell types.  相似文献   

In Tetrahymena , glutathione is synthesized from the same precursors as it is in higher animals and is present in similar intracellular concentrations. The intracellular thiol-disulfide ratio is also identical to that of mammalian tissues, due to the activity of glutathione reductase. The intracellular GSH-level was found to be dependent on the sulfur-containing amino acids in the chemically defined medium.  相似文献   

In Tetrahymena, glutathione is synthesized from the same precursors as it is in higher animals and is present in similar intracellular concentrations. The intracellular thiol-disulfide ratio is also identical to that of mammalian tissues, due to the activity of glutathione reductase. The intracellular GSH-level was found to be dependent on the sulfur-containing amino acids in the chemically defined medium.  相似文献   

Nuclear division, nuclear distribution and cytokinesis are fundamental processes of all eukaryotic organisms, and filamentous fungi, specificallyAspergillus nidulans andNeurospora crassa, have provided sophisticated genetic systems for identification of the genes required for these processes. Mutational analyses have led to identification of novel proteins that have subsequently been found to be conserved components required for nuclear-specific functions. Formation of the mitotic spindle inA. nidulans has been shown to be dependent onγ-tubulin, a central element of all microtubule organizing centres, and two kinesin-related proteins. Analysis ofA. nidulans mitotic mutants has led to identification of two important cell-cycle regulators, NIMA and BIME. The NIMA kinase is required for entry into mitosis, and BIME has recently been identified as a subunit of an anaphase-promoting complex that targets cyclins for proteolysis. The microtubule-associated motor protein cytoplasmic dynein has been discovered in bothA. nidulans andN. crassa, and it has been proposed that it provides motive force for the distribution of nuclei within hyphae. Future studies of nucleus-specific processes in filamentous fungi are likely not only to identify additional novel structural and regulatory proteins, but also lead to an understanding of how the processes of nuclear division, nuclear distribution and septation are altered to meet the developmental needs of the organism.  相似文献   

We analyzed the role of tubulin polyglycylation in Tetrahymena thermophila using in vivo mutagenesis and immunochemical analysis with modification-specific antibodies. Three and five polyglycylation sites were identified at glutamic acids near the COOH termini of alpha- and beta-tubulin, respectively. Mutants lacking all polyglycylation sites on alpha-tubulin have normal phenotype, whereas similar sites on beta-tubulin are essential. A viable mutant with three mutated sites in beta-tubulin showed reduced tubulin glycylation, slow growth and motility, and defects in cytokinesis. Cells in which all five polyglycylation sites on beta-tubulin were mutated were viable if they were cotransformed with an alpha-tubulin gene whose COOH terminus was replaced by the wild-type COOH terminus of beta-tubulin. In this double mutant, beta-tubulin lacked detectable polyglycylation, while the alpha-beta tubulin chimera was hyperglycylated compared with alpha-tubulin in wild-type cells. Thus, the essential function of polyglycylation of the COOH terminus of beta-tubulin can be transferred to alpha-tubulin, indicating it is the total amount of polyglycylation on both alpha- and beta-tubulin that is essential for survival.  相似文献   

Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, is common in a variety of eucaryotes, from unicellular protozoa to vertebrates. The ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila has a unique apoptosis-like nuclear death during conjugation, called programmed nuclear death. This death program involves nuclear condensation (pyknosis) and oligonucleosomal DNA fragmentation in the parental macronucleus. Subsequently, the condensed nucleus is entirely resorbed in the autophagosome. Here we demonstrate that caspase-8- and -9-like activity was detected, but no caspase-3-like activity, by in vitro assay during the nuclear resorption process, suggesting that caspase-like activity is associated with both programmed cell death and apoptosis-like nuclear death in Tetrahymena. The use of indicator dye to detect the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential suggested the uptake of mitochondria and the degenerating macronucleus by the autophagosome. An involvement of mitochondria in the programmed nuclear death is discussed.  相似文献   

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