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In view of the generally disappointing performance of colonization projects in the Amazon basin, unusual projects merit close scrutiny because they may suggest a more effective organizational form for the colonization of humid lowlands. With this end in mind, this article examines those aspects of the Upano-Palora project in southeastern Ecuador that are attributable to the project's unusual plan of establishing settlements first and building the roads afterwards. It concludes that the “settlements first, roads second” developmental sequence reduced the costs of the project, produced an egalitarian pattern of landownership, and contributed to a pattern of land use that had potentially damaging ecological effects. These findings suggest that variations in the timing of road building have an important impact on outcomes in new land settlement schemes.  相似文献   

South America and especially the Amazon basin is known to be home to some of the most isolated human groups in the world. Here, we report on a study of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in the Waorani from Ecuador, probably the most warlike human population known to date. Seeking to look in more depth at the characterization of the genetic diversity of this Native American tribe, molecular markers from the X and Y chromosomes were also analyzed. Only three different mtDNA haplotypes were detected among the Waorani sample. One of them, assigned to Native American haplogroup A2, accounted for more than 94% of the total diversity of the maternal gene pool. Our results for sex chromosome molecular markers failed to find close genetic kinship between individuals, further emphasizing the low genetic diversity of the mtDNA. Bearing in mind the results obtained for both the analysis of the mtDNA control region and complete mitochondrial genomes, we suggest the existence of a 'Waorani-specific' mtDNA lineage. According to current knowledge on the phylogeny of haplogroup A2, we propose that this lineage could be designated as subhaplogroup A2s. Its wide predominance among the Waorani people might have been conditioned by severe genetic drift episodes resulting from founding events, long-term isolation and a traditionally small population size most likely associated with the striking ethnography of this Amazonian community. In all, the Waorani constitute a fine example of how genetic imprint may mirror ethnopsychology and sociocultural features in human populations.  相似文献   

The Amazon basin is widely recognized for its high biological and cultural diversity, enabling the provision of many ecosystem services. This study explores social perceptions of some of the features of biodiversity and ecosystem services in a tropical forest in Sangay Parish, Ecuador. Following a survey of residents, we identified three groups whose perceptions vary in relation to socioeconomic characteristics, cultural backgrounds, lifestyles, and the benefits obtained from the Sangay forest. Mestizo professionals, with a better socioeconomic situation, identify more regulation and cultural services; Shuar farmers have a comprehensive knowledge of biodiversity features and rely on provisioning services; and Shuar gatherers consume more forest products but are the least likely to formally recognize ecosystem services. We emphasize the importance of identifying social groups within a population and understanding their particular characteristics and perspectives before developing conservation and land use planning policies.  相似文献   

1. We used mtDNA sequence variation to estimate population genetic structure between and among water strider populations of Potamobates williamsi and P . sumaco in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
2. Sequencing of the COI mitochondrial gene revealed 16 haplotypes, which were summarised into four haplotype groups. P . williamsi and P . sumaco shared two common and widespread haplotypes.
3. Population structure was moderate and gene flow was low. Both air and river distances were significantly correlated with gene flow and, thus, indicative of isolation by distance.
4. The genetic structure within and among populations of P. williamsi and P. sumaco was probably not influenced by the dynamic tropical lotic system.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. There is little information on the impacts of deforestation on the fish fauna in neotropical streams, and on parameters influencing species diversity and community structure of fish. We analysed these aspects in 12 stream sites in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The stream sites represented a large gradient in canopy cover and were located in an area of fragmented forest. While some streams had been deforested, they had not suffered gross degradation of the habitat.
2. The species richness of stream fish was not related to deforestation. Local fish diversity (Fisher's Alpha) was positively related to the surface area of stream pools (m2). Beta diversity was higher among forested than deforested sites, indicating greater heterogeneity in species composition among forested than deforested sites. The percentage of rare species was positively correlated with canopy cover.
3. Total fish density increased with deforestation, and the fish community changed from dominance by omnivorous and insectivorous Characiformes at forested sites to dominance of periphyton-feeding loricariids at deforested sites.
4. Multidimensional statistical analysis of fish community structure showed that six environmental variables (the area of stream bottom covered by leaves, relative pool area, particulate organic matter, mean depth, conductivity and suspended solids) were related to the ordination axes. The presence of leaves, which was strongly correlated to canopy cover, was the variable most closely related to fish community structure, while relative pool area was the second strongest variable. Thus, fish community structure was strongly affected by deforestation.  相似文献   

Among the remaining tropical forests of lowland Latin America, many are inhabited by indigenous peoples, and the sustainability of their land uses is a point of heated debate in the conservation community. Numerous small-scale studies have documented changes in indigenous land use in individual communities in the context of expanding frontier settlements and markets, but few studies have included larger populations or multiple ethnic groups. In this paper we use data from a regional-scale survey of five indigenous populations in the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon to describe their agricultural land use practices and investigate the factors that affect those practices. We find the areas cultivated by indigenous households to be small compared to those of nearby mestizo colonists, but a large proportion of indigenous cultivated area is in commercial land uses. We also construct multilevel statistical models to investigate the household and community-level factors that affect indigenous land use. The results reveal significant influences on cultivated area from contextual factors such as access to markets, oil company activities, and the land tenure regime, as well as from household characteristics such as demographic composition, participation in alternative livelihood activities, and human, social and physical capitals. Overall the results are most consistent with market integration as an underlying driver of land use change in indigenous territories of the study area.
Clark L. GrayEmail:

The Ecuadorian Amazon, lying in the headwaters of the Napo and Aguarico River valleys, is experiencing rapid change in Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) conditions and regional landscape diversity uniquely tied to the spontaneous agricultural colonization of the Oriente region of northeastern Ecuador beginning in the mid to late 1970s. Spontaneous colonization occurred on squattered lands located adjacent to oil company roads and in government development sectors composed of multiple 50 ha land parcels organized into `piano key' shaped family farms or fincas. Portions of these fincas were deforested for agricultural extensification depending upon the age of the finca and several site and situation factors. Because fincas are managed at the household level as spatially discrete, temporally independent units, land conversion at the finca-level is recognized as the chief proximate cause of deforestation within the region.Focusing on the spatial and temporal dynamics of deforestation, agricultural extensification, and plant succession at the finca-level, and urbanization at the community-level, a cell-based morphogenetic model of Land Use and Land Cover Change (LULCC) was developed as the foundation for a predictive model of regional LULCC dynamics and landscape diversity. Here, LULC characteristics are determined using a time-series of remotely sensed data (i.e., Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Multispectral Scanner (MSS)) using an experimental [semi-traditional] (hybrid unsupervised-supervised) classification scheme resulting in a time-series data set including LULC images for 1973, 1986, 1989, 1996, and 1999. Pixel histories of LULC type across the time-series were integrated into LULC trajectories and converted into seed or input data sets for LULC modeling to alternate time periods and for model validation. LULC simulations, achieved through cellular automata (CA) methodologies, were run on an annual basis to the year 2010 using 1973 as the initial conditions and the satellite time-series as the `check points' in the simulations. The model was developed using the Imagine Spatial Modeler of the ERDAS image processing software, and enhanced using the Spatial Modeler Language (SML). The model works by (a) simulating the present by extrapolating from the past using the image time-series, (b) validating the simulations via the remotely sensed time-series of past conditions and through field observations of current conditions, (c) allowing the model to iterate to the year 2010, and (d) comparing model outputs to an autoregressive time-series approach for annual conditions that are compared via paired t-tests of pattern metrics run at the landscape-level to define compositional and structural differences between successive model outputs.  相似文献   

We analyze the relationship between palm species diversity and diversity of palm use in two areas (Amazonian Ecuador; Yucatan Peninsula) of equivalent size but with contrasting characteristics in palm species diversity and morphology, and in the phylogenetic composition of palm flora. The areas also differ in their cultural and socioeconomic contexts. Palm use diversity is significantly higher in the Ecuadorian Amazon than in the Yucatan Peninsula and the lower species diversity of palms in the Yucatan Peninsula is not matched by a more intensive use of the fewer species found there. The taxonomic composition of the palm flora is a poor predictor of extent of use and morphological characteristics of palm species affect usefulness only in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The Yucatecans’ more limited reliance on forest products might explain the observed patterns. Ornamental palm use is an indicator of a general change in plant use patterns associated with tourism and macro-economic development in the Yucatan Peninsula. We find a positive relationship between ecosystem plant diversity and plant use diversity, but socioeconomic factors such as market integration strongly influence the use of local biodiversity. Palms represent a diverse and important natural resource that deserves further investigation to secure its sustainable management and conservation in the two studied sites, regardless of their degree of market integration.  相似文献   

Aims Deforestation and biodiversity loss are two alarming, closely related problems, and the main factors triggering changes in land use. Indigenous agricultural practices in the western Amazon Basin are known as chakras, and their structure and dynamics are seemingly optimal for forest management. However, the variability in tree species and the degree of forest recovery after abandonment is poorly documented in this agroforestry system (AFS). The goals of this study were: (i) to investigate whether the different AFSs (chakras) preserve similar levels of forest diversity, (ii) to determine the effect of transformation of mature forests (MF) to chakras, in particular, forest alpha and beta diversity levels, and (iii) to investigate whether native tree species recovery leads to the original forest structure following chakra abandonment.  相似文献   

Until recently, the Waorani Indians of Ecuador's Amazon headwaters maintained a fierce resistance to all intruders into their territory, and as a result of their actions and reputations a population of 600 people controlled a very large territory (about 8,000 square miles). The isolation of the Waorani has resulted in a large linguistic and genetic distance from their neighbors. Our survey of red cell enzymes, immunoglobulin allotypes, and dermatoglyphics demonstrates that the Waorani are a highly inbred and homogeneous population. Of 18 red cell enzymes studied, the Waorani have a limited polymorphism for only 6. Only two Gm haplotypes (Gm1,2,17,21, Gm1,17,21) were found and 60% of those tested were homozygous for the Gm1,17,21 haplotype. All individuals were A2m (1) and 95% of these were homozygous. The Waorani's dermatoglyphic traits fell within the wide range found among other South American Indians with close affinity to the Ecuadorian Jivaro group. Despite the limitations of these genetic systems, they demonstrate that the Waorani share limited genetic traits with the neighboring Jivaro Indians and are isolated from other tribal populations in South America.  相似文献   

Ecuador will experience a significant expansion of the oil industry in its Amazonian region, one of the most biodiverse areas of the world. In view of the changes that are about to come, we explore the conflicts between oil extraction interests and biodiversity protection and apply systematic conservation planning to identify priority areas that should be protected in different oil exploitation scenarios. First, we quantified the current extent of oil blocks and protected zones and their overlap with two biodiversity indicators: 25 ecosystems and 745 species (whose distributions were estimated via species distribution models). With the new scheme of oil exploitation, oil blocks cover 68% (68,196 km2) of the Ecuadorian Amazon; half of it occupied by new blocks open for bids in the southern Amazon. This region is especially vulnerable to biodiversity losses, because peaks of species diversity, 19 ecosystems, and a third of its protected zones coincide spatially with oil blocks. Under these circumstances, we used Marxan software to identify priority areas for conservation outside oil blocks, but their coverage was insufficient to completely represent biodiversity. Instead, priority areas that include southern oil blocks provide a higher representation of biodiversity indicators. Therefore, preserving the southern Amazon becomes essential to improve the protection of Amazonian biodiversity in Ecuador, and avoiding oil exploitation in these areas (33% of the extent of southern oil blocks) should be considered a conservation alternative. Also, it is highly recommended to improve current oil exploitation technology to reduce environmental impacts in the region, especially within five oil blocks that we identified as most valuable for the conservation of biodiversity. The application of these and other recommendations depends heavily on the Ecuadorian government, which needs to find a better balance between the use of the Amazon resources and biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Assessing environmental change is often constrained by time, money and expertise. Community-based monitoring schemes attempt to address these limitations by providing local communities with the skills to measure changes in natural resources and contribute locally relevant information for local and regional management decisions. Despite the increasing popularity of community-based monitoring schemes, there is little information about the accuracy of the data they produce. In this study we use visual guides and hands-on training to teach groups of leaders from local communities in the Ecuadorian Amazon to measure the species richness of ferns. We compare their results to data obtained by experienced field biologists and show strong positive correlations in species richness estimates between the results obtained by groups receiving visual guides, groups receiving hands-on training and biologists. Our results show that, even with relatively little training, communities can use simple and cost-effective methodologies to yield data that accurately reflect levels of species richness.  相似文献   

森林公园中的植物景观设计探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在对森林公园规划中植物景观设计现状分析的基础上,从不同的感官需求出发对植物景观设计的手法进行探讨。  相似文献   

Five species of potoos occur in Ecuador, with Rufous Potoos (Nyctibius bracteatus) being one of the least known. We monitored a nest site of Rufous Potoos in a lowland forest in the Ecuadorian Amazon and provide information about the behavior of a nestling and one or more adults. Observations were conducted opportunistically from 10 August to 10 September 2018, and an infrared heat‐and‐motion activated camera was used to monitor the nest site from 11 September to 13 November 2018. We recorded 2006 10‐s videos of the nestling and/or adult(s) that we used to quantify behavior. The nestling spent most of its time perching (53%) and stretching (20.7%). Beginning when ~ 23 d old, the nestling began exercising its flight muscles and did so with increasing frequency over time. Adult behaviors included perching while brooding the nestling (55%), stretching (24%), flying (10.4%), and feeding the nestling (10.4%). The duration of the nestling period, ~ 2 mo, in our study was similar to that reported previously for this species. Our observations suggest that the breeding and nestling behavior of Rufous Potoos is similar to that of other Nyctibius species. However, additional studies are needed to better document the behavior of Rufous Potoos during the incubation period.  相似文献   

In the course of a yeast biodiversity survey of different ecological habitats found in Ecuador, two yeast strains (CLQCA 20-011T and CLQCA20-014) were isolated from samples of rotten wood and fallen leaf debris collected at separate sites in the central region of the Ecuadorian Amazonia. These strains were found to represent a novel yeast species based on the sequences of their D1/D2 domain of the large-subunit (LSU) rRNA gene and their physiological characteristics. Phylogenetic analysis based on LSU D1/D2 sequences revealed this novel species to be most closely related to Candida asparagi, Candida fructus, Candida musae and two as yet undescribed Candida species, with the six yeast taxa collectively forming a distinct species group within the Clavispora clade. The species name of Candida carvajalis sp. nov. is proposed to accommodate these strains, with CLQCA 20-011T (NCYC 3509T, CBS 11361T) designated as the type strain.  相似文献   

We sampled lagoon, river and forest stream habitats during the rising water, wet, falling water, and dry seasons in the lowland region of the Yasuni National Reserve in the Ecuadorian Amazon. We collected 195 species, increasing the current number of species for the Napo River basin to approximately 562. The steady rate of species accumulation per sample suggests that the fish fauna is still undersampled. Lagoon, river and forest stream fish communities are highly diverse and variable, composed of common species found within several habitats, of characteristic species found throughout the year, and of seasonally migrating species. Characteristic lagoon species were mainly the curimatids Curimata vittata, Psectrogaster amazonica, Potamorhina altamazonica, P. latior and Cyphocharax plumbeus. The characins Hyphessobrycon copelandi and Hemigrammus cf. lunatus and the catfishes Nemadoras humeralis, Pimelodella sp. C and Sorubim sp. A were characteristic river species. Characteristic forest stream species included Hoplias malabaricus, Hyphessobrycon copelandi, Pimelodella sp. B and Sternopyugus macrurus. During the dry season, lagoon and river habitats had the highest number of individuals and species, as fishes were concentrated in decreasing habitat area. In contrast, stream habitats had the highest species richness and abundance during the rising water and falling water seasons. Species collected included vital food fishes and seasonal migrants. The migratory catfishes Brachyplatystoma vaillantii, Hemisorubim platyrhynchos, Platynematichthys notatus, Platystomatichthys sturio and Sorubim lima were collected during the falling water season, which suggests that these species may begin migrating earlier than expected. These findings highlight the importance of seasonality for both adequately assessing aquatic biodiversity and for developing research and conservation programs encompassing whole river ecosystems.  相似文献   

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