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Objective: Determine whether sleeping and resting energy expenditure and sleeping, resting, and 24‐hour fuel use distinguish obesity‐prone from obesity‐resistant women and whether these metabolic factors explain long‐term weight gain. Research Methods and Procedures: Forty‐nine previously overweight but currently normal‐weight women were compared with 49 never‐overweight controls. To date, 87% of the 98 women have been re‐evaluated after 1 year of follow‐up, without intervention, and 38% after 2 years. Subjects were studied at a General Clinical Research Center after 4 weeks of tightly controlled conditions of energy balance and macronutrient intake. Forty‐nine obesity‐prone weight‐reduced women were group‐matched with 49 never‐overweight obesity‐resistant controls. All were premenopausal, sedentary, and normoglycemic. Energy expenditure and fuel use were assessed using chamber calorimetry. Body composition was assessed using DXA. Results: At baseline, percent body fat was not different between the obesity‐prone and control women (33 ± 4% vs. 32 ± 5%, respectively; p = 0.22). Analysis of covariance results show that after adjusting for lean and fat mass, sleeping and resting energy expenditure of obesity‐prone women was within 2% of controls. Neither sleeping nor resting energy expenditure nor sleeping, resting, or 24‐hour fuel use was significantly different between the groups (p > 0.25). None of the metabolic variables contributed significantly to patterns of weight gain at 1 or 2 years of follow‐up. Discussion: The results suggest that when resting and sleeping energy expenditure and fuel use are assessed under tightly controlled conditions, these metabolic factors do not distinguish obesity‐prone from obesity‐resistant women or explain long‐term weight changes.  相似文献   

RUSHING, PA, SE WINDERS, SL WATSON, RC KLESGES. Acute administration of phenylpropanolamine fails to affect resting energy expenditure in men of normal weight. Studies have consistently found that dieters using over-the-counter weight control products containing phenylpropanolamine (PPA) are more successful at losing weight than those who do not. To explore the possibility that drug-induced metabolic changes contribute to weight loss associated with this compound, this study investigated the effects of PPA on resting metabolic rate in 20 healthy men of normal weight between the ages of 18 and 29. After the arrival of the subjects to the laboratory, blood pressure was taken and resting energy expenditure (REE) and respiratory quotient (RQ) were assessed for 20 minutes (Baseline) via indirect calorimetry. Half of the subjects were then given 75 mg of immediate-release PPA (administered orally via a gelatin capsule), while the other half received placebo. Immediately after drug administration, metabolic rate was measured for an additional 95 minutes (During Drug). After this assessment, blood pressure was again measured. Although significant increases in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure were observed after PPA administration, the drug had no effect on REE or RQ. These results, consistent with that previously reported in mildly overweight women, further establish that it is unlikely that drug-induced metabolic changes contribute to PPA-induced weight loss in humans.  相似文献   

Energy requirements at rest account for 50% to 75% of total energy expenditure. Interindividual variation in resting energy expenditure (REE) has been studied for potential links to obesity and hypertension. REE is a modestly heritable trait, and yet virtually nothing is known about the genetic factors that might influence the familial patterns. The objectives of this study were to identify the genomic regions showing genetic linkage to REE variation in a Nigerian population. For linkage analysis across the genome, three hundred seventy‐seven microsatellite markers were typed on DNA from 995 individuals in 153 families. A genome scan was performed using a multipoint variance component method. Heritability of REE was 0.30 after adjustment for body size. The strongest linkage signal was detected on chromosome 16 (16q22.3) with a likelihood of odds of 2.96 (p = 0.08). Linkage evidence (likelihood of odds > 1) was detected on another three chromosomal regions, namely 2q12.1, 8q21.2, and 15p11.2.  相似文献   

Objective: To verify the accuracy of a new hand‐held metabolic rate measuring device (MedGem) in quantifying postprandial energy expenditure (PP EE). MedGem measurements were compared to measurements obtained with a conventional indirect calorimeter (Delta‐Trac). Research Methods and Procedures: The resting metabolic rate of 15 healthy subjects was measured for 20 minutes using Delta‐Trac followed by a 10‐minute measurement period using MedGem. EE was again measured for 7 hours after consumption of a 2510‐kJ breakfast. Measurements were read from the Delta‐Trac for the initial 50 minutes of each hour followed by a single reading from the MedGem after 5 to 10 minutes of measurement. Measured EE was calculated as the average of the total measurement period for Delta‐Trac and for eight readings using MedGem; PP EE was calculated as the average of all measurements obtained after breakfast consumption. Results: There was no difference in resting metabolic rate between the two methods (6455.1 ± 417.6 vs. 6468.5 ± 337.2 kJ/d for Delta‐Trac and MedGem, respectively). Measured EE and PP EE values with Delta‐Trac (7019.1 ± 400.8 and 7099.8 ± 399.2 kJ/d, respectively) and MedGem (6775.6 ± 372.0 and 6819.5 ± 379.9 kJ/d, respectively) were not significantly different. There was no bias detected in any of the measurements made with MedGem compared with those of Delta‐Trac. Discussion: The new hand‐held EE measuring device can accurately track PP EE relative to a conventional indirect calorimetry system and, therefore, provides a new opportunity to assess PP EE in research settings and large‐scale trials.  相似文献   

A number of recent investigations in man have demonstrated that a low ratio of fat to carbohydrate oxidation (i.e., a high respiratory quotient or RQ) was associated with actual and/or subsequent body weight gain in obese non-diabetic Pima Indians, in American men of various ages and in post-obese European women investigated shortly after the cessation of a hypocaloric diet. It is well known that numerous exogenous and endogenous factors influence the RQ at rest such as: the level of feeding (positive vs. negative energy balance), the composition of food eaten (high vs. low carbohydrate), the size of the glycogen stores, the amount of adipose tissue as well as genetic factors. It should be stressed that some nutritional situations can coexist during which a low ratio of fat to carbohydrate is observed (i.e., a high RQ) despite weight loss. Furthermore, in most studies mentioned above, the low fat to carbohydrate oxidation ratio explains less then 10% of the variance in weight gain, suggesting that numerous additional factors also play a substantial role in the onset of weight gain. It is concluded that: 1) A low fat to carbohydrate oxidation ratio or an abnormal fat oxidation is difficult to define quantitatively since it is largely influenced by the energy level and the composition of the diet. 2) Following a dynamic adaptation phase to positive energy balance, a low fat oxidation is progressively compensated: increased body fat is the price to pay for normalizing fat oxidation since, at least in resting conditions, there is an increase in fat oxidation of approximately 20 g/day for each 10 kg additional fat gain. The subject with a low fat to carbohydrate oxidation ratio will equilibrate at a body fat level allowing to reach a new fat balance.  相似文献   

There are many published methods for predicting resting energy expenditure (REE) from measured body composition. Although these published reports extend back almost a century, new related studies appear on a regular basis. It remains unclear what the similarities and differences are among these various methods and what, if any, advantages the newly introduced REE prediction models offer. These issues led us to develop an organizational system for REE prediction methods with the goal of clarifying prevailing ambiguities in the field. Our classification scheme is founded on body composition level (whole‐body, tissue‐organ, cellular, and molecular) and related components as the REE predictor variables. Each existing REE prediction method by body composition must belong to one body composition level. The suggested classification system, founded on a conceptual basis, highlights similarities and differences among the diverse REE‐body composition prediction methods, provides a framework for teaching REE‐body composition relationships, and identifies important future research opportunities.  相似文献   

The prevalence of obesity among African American women approaches 50% and greatly exceeds rates for Caucasian women. In addition, black women lose less weight than white during obesity treatment and gain more weight when untreated. This study assessed resting energy expenditure (REE) and body composition in obese white (n=122) and black (n=44) women to explore the relationship between biological variables and these observed differences. REE and body composition were assessed by indirect calorimetry and densitometry, respectively, before weight loss. REE was significantly lower in black subjects (1637.6 ± 236.9 kcal/d) than in white (1731.4 ± 262.0) (p=0.04). REE remained significantly lower in blacks than whites after adjusting for body weight (p=0.02). REE, adjusted for fat-free mass, was also significantly lower in blacks than whites (p<0.0001), although the overestimation of fat-free mass by densitometry in blacks may have contributed to this finding. There were no differences between the groups in respiratory quotient. These results suggest that a decreased REE may exist in obese black women, and it may be related to the observed differences between black and white women in the prevalence of obesity and in the response to weight loss treatment. These crosssectional findings await confirmation in longitudinal studies.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the influence of environmental factors on resting energy expenditure (REE) and its relationship to adiposity in two populations of West African origin, Nigerians and U.S. blacks. Research Methods and Procedures: REE and body composition were measured in a cross‐sectional sample of 89 Nigerian adults (39 women and 50 men), and 181 U.S. black adults (117 women and 65 men). Both groups represent randomly selected population samples. REE was measured by indirect calorimetry after an overnight fast in both sites using the same instrument. Body composition was estimated using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) in 72 Nigerians and 156 U.S. participants. Multivariate regression analysis was used to determine the significant predictors of REE. The analyses were repeated in a set of 17 Nigerians and 28 U.S. blacks in whom body composition was measured using deuterium dilution. Results: U.S. black adults were significantly heavier and had both more fat‐free mass (FFM) and body fat than Nigerians. FFM was the only significant determinant of REE in both population groups, whether body composition was measured using BIA or deuterium dilution. The relationship between REE and body composition did not differ by site. There was no relationship between REE and adiposity. Discussion: Differences in current environmental settings did not impact REE. The differences observed in mean levels of body fat between Nigerians and U.S. blacks were not the result of differences in REE adjusted for body composition.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine Trp64Arg β3‐adrenoceptor genotype‐specific differences in the components of energy expenditure. Hypothesis: We hypothesized that resting metabolic rate (RMR) and physical activity levels would be lower and that thermic effect of feeding (TEF) would be higher in those with the Arg64 allele. Research Methods and Procedures: RMR and TEF were measured by indirect calorimetry, physical activity by questionnaire, and total energy expenditure by the doubly labeled water method. Genotype‐specific measures were compared using ANOVA and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Results: RMR in Arg64 homozygotes was significantly lower than in Trp64 homozygotes [Arg64, 1373 ± 259 kcal/d (n = 15) vs. Trp64Arg, 1538 ± 238 kcal/d (n = 25) vs. Trp64, 1607 ± 290 kcal/d (n = 22); p < 0.01]. TEF was significantly higher in Arg64 homozygotes compared with Trp64 homozygotes (Arg64, 359 ± 28 kcal/d; Trp64Arg, 322 ± 22 kcal/d; and Trp64, 279 ± 23 kcal/d; p < 0.05). No differences were identified between genotypes in physical activity or in total energy expenditure. Discussion: Our results suggest that the Arg64 β3‐adrenoceptor allele contributes significantly to the genetic variability in both RMR and TEF.  相似文献   

地球上大多数生物存在内源性的昼夜节律生物钟,它使得生物个体能够预知环境中由于地球自转产生的周期性昼夜变化。这种预知性使得生物个体的内在生理节律与周围环境的变化周期保持一致,从而能够更有效地从周围环境中摄取能量,在体内更高效地利用能量,亦即更好的适应环境以获得进化上的优势。生物钟能够广泛调控哺乳动物的睡眠、进食和代谢等多个方面的行为和生理功能,生物钟的破坏与多种代谢疾病相关;同时代谢过程和进食行为也能反过来调控生物钟。近年来对生物钟的不断研究加深了人们对肥胖和糖尿病等代谢疾病的理解,为这些疾病的治疗提供了新的思路和方法。本文主要综述哺乳动物生物钟与能量代谢之间的关系及研究进展。  相似文献   

Objective: Restriction of energy intake produces weight loss, but the rate of loss is seldom sustained. This is presumed to be a consequence of compensatory reductions in energy expenditure, although the exact contributions of different components to the energy budget remain uncertain. We examined the compensatory responses of mice to a 20% dietary restriction. Research Methods and Procedures: We measured body mass, body fatness, body temperature, and the components of daily energy expenditure for 50 MF1 mice. Forty mice were then placed on a restricted diet at 80% of their ad libitum intake for 50 days. The remaining 10 mice continued to feed ad libitum. Ten days before the end of the restriction period, the same measurements were taken. Results: There were no significant differences between the control and restricted groups in any parameters before restriction. During the restriction period, body mass increased in both the control and restricted groups, but at a slower rate in the restricted mice. The control group increased in both fat and fat free mass; however, although the restricted group increased fat to the same extent as the controls, fat free mass increased to a lesser extent. The contributions of the different components of the expended energy to compensate for the reduced energy intake were energy deposition, 2.2%; resting metabolic rate, 22.3%; and activity, 75.5%. Discussion: Mice were able to compensate almost completely for the restricted energy intake that was achieved by altering the amount of energy required for each component of the energy budget except digestive efficiency.  相似文献   

Objective: African American women have a high prevalence of obesity, which partially may be explained by their lower rates of resting energy expenditure (REE). The aim of this study was to examine the influence of acute sibutramine administration on REE and post‐exercise energy expenditure in African American women. Research Methods and Procedures: A total of 15 premenopausal, African American women (age, 29 ± 5 years; body fat, 38 ± 7%) completed a randomized, double‐blind cross‐over design with a 30‐mg ingestion of sibutramine or a placebo. Each trial was completed a month apart in the follicular phase and included a 30‐minute measurement of REE 2.5 hours after sibutramine or placebo administration. This was followed by 40 minutes of cycling at ~70% of peak aerobic capacity and a subsequent 2‐hour measurement of post‐cycling energy expenditure. Results: There was no difference (p > 0.05) in REE (23.70 ± 2.81 vs. 23.69 ± 2.95 kcal/30 min), exercise oxygen consumption (1.22 ± 0.15 vs. 1.25 ± 0.15 liter/min), and post‐cycling energy expenditure (104.2 ± 12.7 vs. 104.9 ± 11.4 kcal/120 min) between the sibutramine and placebo trials, respectively. Cycling heart rate was significantly higher (p = 0.01) during the sibutramine (158 ± 14 beats/min) vs. placebo (150 ± 12 beats/min) trials. Discussion: These data demonstrate that acute sibutramine ingestion does not increase REE or post‐exercise energy expenditures but does increase exercising heart rate in overweight African American women. Sibutramine may, therefore, impact weight loss through energy intake and not energy expenditure mechanisms.  相似文献   

The relationship between energy expenditure and obesity was examined in prepubertal children. Consenting fifth graders underwent Tanner Staging, weight, height and skinfold measurements. Subjects were selected for further study to obtain equal numbers of girls and boys with a wide range of body composition. Weight, total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) by doubly labeled water (DLW), resting metabolic rate (RMR), and body composition were measured. Children were grouped into level of obesity based on tertiles of subscapular plus triceps skinfolds. The skinfold tertiles did quite well in grouping subjects by degree of obesity, as differences in percent fat in each tertile were significantly different. There were no differences in fat-free mass between the groups, while the highest tertile group weighed 14 kg more than the lowest. For DLW, energy expenditure was calculated using day 8 and day 9 urine samples as the final time point to examine precision. Mean energy expenditure using either day was nearly identical (2220 ± 400 vs. 2300 ± 370 kcal/d), with a CV of the difference of 5.5%. No differences in RMR, energy expended in activity, or TDEE between the three groups were observed. A reduction in RMR or TDEE could not explain differences in obesity in these prepubertal children. However, the fact that the heaviest children expended the same amount of energy in activity and had the same TDEE as the leanest, while weighing 14 kg more, indicates that the obese children had a reduced activity level.  相似文献   

Time-restricted feeding (TRF) studies underscore that when food is consumed during the daily cycle is important for weight gain/loss because the circadian clock rhythmically modulates metabolism. However, the interpretation of previous TRF studies has been confounded by study designs that introduced an extended period of enforced fasting. We introduce a novel time-optimized feeding (TOF) regimen that disentangles the effects of phase-dependent feeding from the effects of enforced fasting in mice, as well as providing a laboratory feeding protocol that more closely reflects the eating patterns of humans who usually have 24 hour access to food. Moreover, we test whether a sudden switch from ad libitum food access to TRF evokes a corticosterone (stress) response. Our data indicate that the timing of high-fat feeding under TOF allows most of the benefit of TRF without obligatory fasting or evoking a stress response. This benefit occurs through stable temporal coupling of carbohydrate/lipid oxidation with feeding. These results highlight that timing the ingestion of calorically dense foods to optimized daily phases will enhance lipid oxidation and thereby limit fat accumulation.  相似文献   

Neurospora crassa (bdA) mycelia were kept in liquid culture. Without rhythmic conidiation the levels of adenine nucleotides undergo circadian changes in constant darkness. Maxima occur 12-17 hr and 33-35 hr after initiation of the rhythm, i.e., at CT 0-6 hr. Pulses of metabolic inhibitors such as vanadate (Na3Vo4), molybdate (Na2MoO4: 2 H2O), N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), azide (NaN3), cyanide (NaCN) and oligomycin phase shift the circadian conidiation rhythm of Neurospora crassa. Maximal advance phase shifts are observed at about CT 6 with all inhibitors.

Pulses of N,N'dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) and light phase shift the conidiation rhythm following a phase response curve different from those of the other agents (maximal advance at about CT 18-24). The phase shifts with DCCD and light are significantly larger in the wild type compared to the mitochrondrial mutant poky. Such differences are not found in PRCs of the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide.

[31P] NMR spectra of wild type Neurospora crassa and the clock mutants frq 1 and frq 7 which differ in their circadian period lengths did not reveal differences in the concentrations of adenine nucleotides, pyridine nucleotides or sugar phosphates. Starvation causes drastic changes of the levels of adenine nucleotides, phosphate and mobile polyphosphate without effecting phase or period length of the circadian rhythm.  相似文献   

Neurospora crassa (bdA) mycelia were kept in liquid culture. Without rhythmic conidiation the levels of adenine nucleotides undergo circadian changes in constant darkness. Maxima occur 12-17 hr and 33-35 hr after initiation of the rhythm, i.e., at CT 0-6 hr. Pulses of metabolic inhibitors such as vanadate (Na3Vo4), molybdate (Na2MoO4: 2 H2O), N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), azide (NaN3), cyanide (NaCN) and oligomycin phase shift the circadian conidiation rhythm of Neurospora crassa. Maximal advance phase shifts are observed at about CT 6 with all inhibitors.

Pulses of N,N'dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) and light phase shift the conidiation rhythm following a phase response curve different from those of the other agents (maximal advance at about CT 18-24). The phase shifts with DCCD and light are significantly larger in the wild type compared to the mitochrondrial mutant poky. Such differences are not found in PRCs of the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide.

[31P] NMR spectra of wild type Neurospora crassa and the clock mutants frq 1 and frq 7 which differ in their circadian period lengths did not reveal differences in the concentrations of adenine nucleotides, pyridine nucleotides or sugar phosphates. Starvation causes drastic changes of the levels of adenine nucleotides, phosphate and mobile polyphosphate without effecting phase or period length of the circadian rhythm.  相似文献   

The resting metabolic rates (RMRs) of six adult Goeldi's monkeys (Callimico goeldii) were measured using standard methods of open circuit respirometry during both the active (daytime) and inactive (nighttime) circadian phases for this species. One subject was measured both while she was pregnant and after she delivered a full-term, stillborn infant. Inactive-phase RMR within thermal neutrality (above 27.5 degrees C) averaged 288.5 +/- 30.8 ml O2/hr; active-phase RMR within thermal neutrality averaged 416.3 +/- 60.9 ml O2/hr. These values are 74.6% and 107.6%, respectively, of the mammalian expected for animals of this body mass. During the inactive phase, metabolic rate increased an estimated 4.3% for every degree decline in temperature below 27.5 degrees C. The RMR in Goeldi's monkey is similar quantitatively and qualitatively to those of other captive callitrichids that have been studied, with active-phase RMR being at or slightly above the mammalian expected, and inactive-phase RMR being significantly reduced. We propose that this circadian pattern of RMR is a consequence of small body size, and is not a specific metabolic adaptation within the Callitrichidae. Thus we predict that metabolic studies measuring both circadian phases in other small primates will also find this pattern of reduced RMR during the inactive phase. The inactive-phase RMR within thermal neutrality of the pregnant female was not different from that measured after the stillbirth, despite an almost 15% difference in body mass. During pregnancy, however, the female was more metabolically responsive to temperature below thermal neutrality, and had a lower upper critical temperature (i.e., was less tolerant of heat).  相似文献   

SUSAN B. ROBERTS, MARGERY NICHOLSON, MYRLENE STATEN, GERALD E. DALLAL, ANA L. SAWAYA, MELVIN B. HEYMAN, PAUL FUSS, ANDREW S. GREENBERG. Relationship between circulating leptin and energy expenditure in adult men and women aged 18 years to 81 years. Recent studies suggest that leptin may be an important metabolic signal for energy regulation in rodents, but the role of leptin in human energy regulation remains uncertain. Because adaptive variations in energy expenditure play an important role in human energy regulation, we investigated the relationship between leptin and energy expenditure parameters in 61 weight-stable men and women aged 18 years to 81 years who were not obese. Measurements were made of circulating leptin in the fasting state, body fat and fat free mass, resting metabolic rate (n=61), free-living total energy expenditure (n=52), and the thermic effect of feeding (n=33). After statistically accounting for age, body fat, and fat free mass, there was no association between leptin and any measured energy expenditure parameter. In addition, there was no effect of age on the relationship between circulating leptin and body fat mass. These results indicate that physiological variations in circulating leptin are not linked with adaptive variations in energy expenditure in humans, in contrast to indications of this phenomenon in the ob/ob mouse.  相似文献   

Objective: This study examined the repeatability of measuring resting metabolic rate (RMR) in preschool children and the effect of different calculation protocols. Research Methods and Procedures: Eleven children (4 females and 7 males) participated in the project. They were recruited through advertisements in local schools and community centers. Resting metabolic rate was measured on 3 occasions over a 2‐week period, each after an overnight fast and each lasting ~20 to 25 minutes. Results were compared using repeated‐measures ANOVA to check for repeatability, and a number of methods of calculating RMR were assessed. Results: Repeatability of RMR measurements was good (coefficient of variation of replicates, 6.8%), with no significant difference between days of measurement. The lowest RMR measurement was obtained when the first 10 minutes were excluded and periods during which large activity was observed were excluded. This measurement was, on average, 4% lower than averaging the measurements after the first 5 minutes, including body movements. Discussion: This study suggests that RMR can be measured in preschool children and that the best method for calculating RMR in these subjects is to exclude periods when large body movements occur and the first 10 minutes of the measurement period. Only a single measurement of RMR is needed to obtain a reliable estimate.  相似文献   

Objective: To test the hypothesis that low adiponectin is associated with low fat oxidation in humans. Research Methods and Procedures: We measured plasma adiponectin concentrations in 75 healthy, nondiabetic Pima Indians (age, 28 ± 7 years; 55 men and 20 women; body fat, 29.7 ± 7.5%) and 18 whites [(age, 33 ± 8 years; 14 men and 4 women; body fat, 28.2 ± 10.8% (means ± SD)] whose body composition was measured by DXA and 24-hour energy expenditure (24-hour EE) by a respiratory chamber. Respiratory quotient (an estimate of whole-body carbohydrate/lipid oxidation rate) was calculated over 24 hours (24-hour RQ). Results: Before correlational analyses, waist-to-thigh ratio (WTR) and percentage of body fat (PFAT) were adjusted for age, sex, and race; 24-hour EE was adjusted for fat mass and fat-free mass, and 24-hour RQ were adjusted for energy balance. Plasma adiponectin concentrations were negatively correlated with WTR (r = −0.42, p < 0.0001) and PFAT (r = −0.46, p < 0.0001). There was no correlation between plasma adiponectin concentrations and 24-hour RQ, (r = 0.09, p = 0.36) before or after adjustment for PFAT (r = 0.001, p = 0.99, respectively, partial correlation), and no correlation was found between plasma adiponectin concentrations and 24-hour EE (r = −0.12, p = 0.27). Discussion: Our cross-sectional data do not suggest physiological concentrations of fasting plasma adiponectin play a role in the regulation of whole-body fat oxidation or energy expenditure in resting conditions. Whether administration of adiponectin to individuals with low levels of this hormone will increase their fat oxidation rates/energy expenditure remains to be established.  相似文献   

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