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Even species within the same assemblage have varied responses to climate change, and there is a poor understanding for why some taxa are more sensitive to climate than others. In addition, multiple mechanisms can drive species' responses, and responses may be specific to certain life stages or times of year. To test how marine species respond to climate variability, we analyzed 73 diverse taxa off the southeast US coast in 26 years of scientific trawl survey data and determined how changes in distribution and biomass relate to temperature. We found that winter temperatures were particularly useful for explaining interannual variation in species' distribution and biomass, although the direction and magnitude of the response varied among species from strongly negative, to little response, to strongly positive. Across species, the response to winter temperature varied greatly, with much of this variation being explained by thermal preference. A separate analysis of annual commercial fishery landings revealed that winter temperatures may also impact several important fisheries in the southeast United States. Based on the life stages of the species surveyed, winter temperature appears to act through overwinter mortality of juveniles or as a cue for migration timing. We predict that this assemblage will be responsive to projected increases in temperature and that winter temperature may be broadly important for species relationships with climate on a global scale.  相似文献   

While climate change is rapidly impacting marine species and ecosystems worldwide, the effects of climate warming on coastal fish nurseries have received little attention despite nurseries’ fundamental roles in recruitment and population replenishment. Here, we used a 26‐year time series (1987–2012) of fish monitoring in the Bay of Somme, a nursery in the Eastern English Channel (EEC), to examine the impacts of environmental and human drivers on the spatial and temporal dynamics of fish functional structure during a warming phase of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO). We found that the nursery was initially dominated by fishes with r‐selected life‐history traits such as low trophic level, low age and size at maturity, and small offspring, which are highly sensitive to warming. The AMO, likely superimposed on climate change, induced rapid warming in the late 1990s (over 1°C from 1998 to 2003), leading to functional reorganization of fish communities, with a roughly 80% decline in overall fish abundance and increased dominance by K‐selected fishes. Additionally, historical overfishing likely rendered the bay more vulnerable to climatic changes due to increased dominance by fishing‐tolerant, yet climatically sensitive species. The drop in fish abundance not only altered fish functional structure within the Bay of Somme, but the EEC was likely impacted, as the EEC has been unable to recover from a regime shift in the late 1990s potentially, in part, due to failed replenishment from the bay. Given the collapse of r‐selected fishes, we discuss how the combination of climate cycles and global warming could threaten marine fish nurseries worldwide, as nurseries are often dominated by r‐selected species.  相似文献   

功能多样性及其研究方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江小雷  张卫国 《生态学报》2010,30(10):2766-2773
功能多样性是联系生物多样性和生态系统功能的关键性因素。植物群落内功能多样性的量化描述对于研究生物多样性响应环境变化及其对生物多样性-生态系统功能关系的影响至关重要。由于功能多样性的概念含混不清,使得对其范围的确定、定量描述及其对生态系统功能的作用的评价存在较大的难度。在查阅大量文献的基础上,以植物群落为例,介绍了功能多样性的定义、计算方法及研究中应注意的问题。在植物群落功能多样性指数的选择和测定过程中,对获取相关物种必要的功能特征信息、确定其权重、确定不同物种在群落中的相对丰富度、利用所得的功能多样性指数解释和预测生态系统过程的变化等问题,进行了研究。  相似文献   

Abrupt and rapid ecosystem shifts (where major reorganizations of food-web and community structures occur), commonly termed regime shifts, are changes between contrasting and persisting states of ecosystem structure and function. These shifts have been increasingly reported for exploited marine ecosystems around the world from the North Pacific to the North Atlantic. Understanding the drivers and mechanisms leading to marine ecosystem shifts is crucial in developing adaptive management strategies to achieve sustainable exploitation of marine ecosystems. An international workshop on a comparative approach to analysing these marine ecosystem shifts was held at Hamburg University, Institute for Hydrobiology and Fisheries Science, Germany on 1-3 November 2010. Twenty-seven scientists from 14 countries attended the meeting, representing specialists from seven marine regions, including the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, the Barents Sea, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, the Bay of Biscay and the Scotian Shelf off the Canadian East coast. The goal of the workshop was to conduct the first large-scale comparison of marine ecosystem regime shifts across multiple regional areas, in order to support the development of ecosystem-based management strategies.  相似文献   

Describing the spatial and temporal dynamics of communities is essential for understanding the impacts of global environmental change on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Trait‐based approaches can provide better insight than species‐based (i.e. taxonomic) approaches into community assembly and ecosystem functioning, but comparing species and trait dynamics may reveal important patterns for understanding community responses to environmental change. Here, we used a 33‐year database of fish monitoring to compare the spatio‐temporal dynamics of taxonomic and trait structure in North Sea fish communities. We found that the majority of variation in both taxonomic and trait structure was explained by a pronounced spatial gradient, with distinct communities in the southern and northern North Sea related to depth, sea surface temperature, salinity and bed shear stress. Both taxonomic and trait structure changed significantly over time; however taxonomically, communities in the south and north diverged towards different species, becoming more dissimilar over time, yet they converged towards the same traits regardless of species differences. In particular, communities shifted towards smaller, faster growing species with higher thermal preferences and pelagic water column position. Although taxonomic structure changed over time, its spatial distribution remained relatively stable, whereas in trait structure, the southern zone of the North Sea shifted northward and expanded, leading to homogenization. Our findings suggest that global environmental change, notably climate warming, will lead to convergence towards traits more adapted for novel environments regardless of species composition.  相似文献   

植物功能性状对全球气候变化的指示作用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以大气CO2浓度升高、大气温度升高、干旱胁迫加剧及紫外辐射增强为特征的全球变化对陆地生态系统产生巨大影响,植物作为陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,其功能性状对全球变化的指示作用为探寻全球变化规律、减缓气候变化提供了科学依据。该文主要综述了植物生理功能性状改变(形态变化、气孔调节、光合结构及光合途径改变和植物光合、呼吸速率及水分生理变化等)和物候功能性状改变对全球变化的指示作用,以及植物群落物种丰富度或数量增加等群落特征变化对全球气候变暖的指示作用。最后指出,完善植物功能性状指标和建立从植物个体、群落到生态系统功能的网络指示系统是今后植物功能性状指示研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

Functionally distinct species (i.e. species with unique trait combinations in the community) can support important ecological roles and contribute disproportionately to ecosystem functioning. Yet, how functionally distinct species have responded to recent climate change and human exploitation has been widely overlooked. Here, using ecological traits and long-term fish data in the North Sea, we identified functionally distinct and functionally common species, and evaluated their spatial and temporal dynamics in relation to environmental variables and fishing pressure. Functionally distinct species were characterized by late sexual maturity, few, large offspring, and high parental care, many being sharks and skates that play critical roles in structuring food webs. Both functionally distinct and functionally common species increased in abundance as ocean temperatures warmed and fishing pressure decreased over the last three decades; however, functionally distinct species increased throughout the North Sea, but primarily in southern North Sea where fishing was historically most intense, indicating a rebound following fleet decommissioning and reduced harvesting. Yet, some of the most functionally distinct species are currently listed as threatened by the IUCN and considered highly vulnerable to fishing pressure. Alarmingly these species have not rebounded. This work highlights the relevance and potential of integrating functional distinctiveness into ecosystem management and conservation prioritization.  相似文献   

Trait diversity is believed to influence ecosystem dynamics through links between organismal traits and ecosystem processes. Theory predicts that key traits and high trait redundancy—large species richness and abundance supporting the same traits—can buffer communities against environmental disturbances. While experiments and data from simple ecological systems lend support, large‐scale evidence from diverse, natural systems under major disturbance is lacking. Here, using long‐term data from both temperate (English Channel) and tropical (Seychelles Islands) fishes, we show that sensitivity to disturbance depends on communities’ initial trait structure and initial trait redundancy. In both ecosystems, we found that increasing dominance by climatically vulnerable traits (e.g., small, fast‐growing pelagics/corallivores) rendered fish communities more sensitive to environmental change, while communities with higher trait redundancy were more resistant. To our knowledge, this is the first study demonstrating the influence of trait structure and redundancy on community sensitivity over large temporal and spatial scales in natural systems. Our results exemplify a consistent link between biological structure and community sensitivity that may be transferable across ecosystems and taxa and could help anticipate future disturbance impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

Biocrusts are multifunctional communities that are increasingly being used to restore degraded or damaged ecosystems. Concurrently, restoration science is shifting away from the use of purely structural metrics, such as relative abundance, to more functional approaches. Although biocrust restoration technology is advancing, there is a lack of readily available information on how to monitor biocrust functioning and set appropriate restoration goals. We therefore compiled a selection of 22 functional indicators that can be used to monitor biocrust functions, such as CO2 exchange as an indicator of productivity or soil aggregate stability as a proxy for erosion resistance. We describe the functional importance of each indicator and the available protocols with which it may be measured. The majority of indicators can be measured as a functional trait of species by using patches of biocrust or cultures that contain only one species. Practitioners wishing to track the multifunctionality of an entire biocrust community would be advised to choose one indicator from each broad functional group (erosion resistance, nutrient accumulation, productivity, energy balance, hydrology), whereas a targeted approach would be more appropriate for projects with a key function of interest. Because predisturbance data are rarely available for biocrust functions, restoration goals can be based on a closely analogous site, literature values, or an expert elicitation process. Finally, we advocate for the establishment of a global trait database for biocrusts, which would reduce the damage resulting from repeated sampling, and provide a wealth of future research opportunities.  相似文献   

Pselaphinae is a species‐rich beetle subfamily found globally, with many exhibiting myrmecophily—a symbiotic association with ants. Pselaphine–ant associations vary from facultative to obligate, but direct behavioral observations still remain scarce. Pselaphines are speciose and ecologically abundant within tropical leaf litter invertebrate communities where ants dominate, implying a potentially important ecological role that may be affected by habitat disturbances that impact ants. In this study, we measured and analyzed putative functional traits of leaf litter pselaphines associated with myrmecophily through morphometric analysis. We calculated “myrmecophile functional diversity” of pselaphines at different sites and examined this measure's relationship with ant abundance, in both old growth and logged rainforest sites in Sabah, Borneo. We show that myrmecophile functional diversity of pselaphine beetles increases as ant abundance increases. Old growth rainforest sites support a high abundance of ants, which is associated with a high abundance of probable myrmecophilous pselaphines. These results suggest a potential link between adult morphological characters and the functional role these beetles play in rainforest litter as ecological interaction partners with ants.  相似文献   

Experimental measurements were collected in the laboratory to evaluate the maximum thermal limit and thermal plasticity of Neotropical juvenile fish with different life habitats (demersal and pelagic) from surf zone in response to a “heat‐wave experiment”. Trials were conducted using two temperature acclimations (Ta), including the current average temperature of Southeastern Brazil (Ta: 14 days at 25°C) and the “heat‐wave experiment” (Ta: 14 days at 30°C), simulating a heat‐wave event that occurs when the daily maximum temperature of more than five consecutive days exceeds the average maximum temperature by 5°C. Typical species of the surf zone were used: the demersal White sea catfish (Genidens barbus) and Gulf kingcroaker (Menticirrhus littoralis), and the pelagic fishes Great pompano (Trachinotus goodei) and Long‐fin mullet (Mugil brevirostris). The thermal range and plasticity values for the both life‐habitats species were verified through current and heat‐wave acclimation. The thermal tolerance at high temperatures (CTmax) of these species differed between Ta, habitat and species. Fish showed a species‐specific response to temperature increase, regardless of their habitat even under similar abiotic conditions. However, at the heat‐wave simulation, the demersal fish presented a greater thermal plasticity in relation to the pelagic fish. Despite the higher thermal tolerance when exposed to heat‐wave simulation, all fish species displayed a lower thermal edge safety that is markedly close to their maximum thermal limits.  相似文献   

Understanding how biogeochemical cycles relate to the structure of ecological communities is a central research question in ecology. Here we approach this problem by focusing on body size, which is an easily measured species trait that has a pervasive influence on multiple aspects of community structure and ecosystem functioning. We test the predictions of a model derived from metabolic theory using data on ecosystem metabolism and community size structure. These data were collected as part of an aquatic mesocosm experiment that was designed to simulate future environmental warming. Our analyses demonstrate significant linkages between community size structure and ecosystem functioning, and the effects of warming on these links. Specifically, we show that carbon fluxes were significantly influenced by seasonal variation in temperature, and yielded activation energies remarkably similar to those predicted based on the temperature dependencies of individual-level photosynthesis and respiration. We also show that community size structure significantly influenced fluxes of ecosystem respiration and gross primary production, particularly at the annual time-scale. Assessing size structure and the factors that control it, both empirically and theoretically, therefore promises to aid in understanding links between individual organisms and biogeochemical cycles, and in predicting the responses of key ecosystem functions to future environmental change.  相似文献   

This study analyses the temporal and spatial changes in abundance and distribution of the warm water species round sardinella (Sardinella aurita) in the western Mediterranean over the last decades in relation to sea water temperature. In the western Mediterranean basin (1950–2003), a significant positive relationship was found between round sardinella landings and temperature anomalies. Along a latitudinal gradient off the Mediterranean Iberian coast (1989–2004), a gradual increase in species abundance was observed from south to north, with a certain time lag going northwards, associated with the increase in sea water temperature. The abundance of round sardinella in the two warmest and southernmost areas was positively and significantly correlated with sea surface temperature registered during the start of gonad maturation the previous year. In addition, the positive relationship established between water temperature and abundance of round sardinella in the coldest and northernmost study area demonstrates that there is a temperature limit for the distribution of this species in the western Mediterranean. In addition, this study analyses round sardinella larvae distribution and abundance in the summers of 2003 and 2004, and conducts a comparison with the situation 20 years ago (summer 1983). Results show a marked increase in larval abundance during the last decades and the present appearance of larvae in the northernmost study areas, where they did not occur 20 years ago. This indicates the successful reproduction of round sardinella in the northern part of the Mediterranean, where the species has expanded, confirming its establishment in the area.  相似文献   

This article describes new approaches for manipulation of temperature and water input in the field. Nighttime warming was created by reflection of infrared radiation. Automatically operated reflective curtains covered the vegetation at night to reduce heat loss to the atmosphere. This approach mimicked the way climate change, caused by increased cloudiness and increased greenhouse gas emissions, alters the heat balance of ecosystems. Drought conditions were created by automatically covering the vegetation with transparent curtains during rain events over a 2–5-month period. The experimental approach has been evaluated at four European sites across a climate gradient. All sites were dominated (more than 50%) by shrubs of the ericaceous family. Within each site, replicated 4-m × 5-m plots were established for control, warming, and drought treatments and the effect on climate variables recorded. Results over a two-year period indicate that the warming treatment was successful in achieving an increase of the minimum temperatures by 0.4–1.2°C in the air and soil. The drought treatment resulted in a soil moisture reduction of 33%–82% at the peak of the drought. The data presented demonstrate that the approach minimizes unintended artifacts with respect to water balance, moisture conditions, and light, while causing a small but significant reduction in wind speed by the curtains. Temperature measurements demonstrated that the edge effects associated with the treatments were small. Our method provides a valuable tool for investigating the effects of climate change in remote locations with minimal artifacts.  相似文献   

淡水鱼类功能生态学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
在全球变化和人类活动的影响下,生物多样性正以前所未有的速度丧失,全球生物正经受第六次生物多样性危机。淡水生态系统是最脆弱的生态系统之一。淡水鱼类作为淡水生态系统的重要组成部分,承受着日趋严重的气候变化、栖息地退化、生物入侵和过度捕捞等压力,面临巨大的威胁。在此背景下,如何准确评估鱼类种群和群落对环境变化的响应,以及鱼类群落结构和功能的变化对生态系统功能的影响是淡水鱼类多样性和淡水生态系统保护的关键问题。近年来,淡水鱼类功能生态学的快速发展为解答这一问题提供了一个框架。系统地介绍了淡水鱼类功能生态学主要研究内容、方法、进展及其应用,并着重介绍了淡水鱼类功能特征及其与环境的关系、环境变化下的功能生态学响应研究。据此提出了淡水鱼类功能生态学未来的重点研究方向,指出了其在鱼类多样性保护和资源利用等领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

Global climate change is impacting and will continue to impact marine and estuarine fish and fisheries. Data trends show global climate change effects ranging from increased oxygen consumption rates in fishes, to changes in foraging and migrational patterns in polar seas, to fish community changes in bleached tropical coral reefs. Projections of future conditions portend further impacts on the distribution and abundance of fishes associated with relatively small temperature changes. Changing fish distributions and abundances will undoubtedly affect communities of humans who harvest these stocks. Coastal-based harvesters (subsistence, commercial, recreational) may be impacted (negatively or positively) by changes in fish stocks due to climate change. Furthermore, marine protected area boundaries, low-lying island countries dependent on coastal economies, and disease incidence (in aquatic organisms and humans) are also affected by a relatively small increase in temperature and sea level. Our interpretations of evidence include many uncertainties about the future of affected fish species and their harvesters. Therefore, there is a need to research the physiology and ecology of marine and estuarine fishes, particularly in the tropics where comparatively little research has been conducted. As a broader and deeper information base accumulates, researchers will be able to make more accurate predictions and forge relevant solutions.  相似文献   

Upstream range shifts of freshwater fishes have been documented in recent years due to ongoing climate change. River fragmentation by dams, presenting physical barriers, can limit the climatically induced spatial redistribution of fishes. Andean freshwater ecosystems in the Neotropical region are expected to be highly affected by these future disturbances. However, proper evaluations are still missing. Combining species distribution models and functional traits of Andean Amazon fishes, coupled with dam locations and climatic projections (2070s), we (a) evaluated the potential impacts of future climate on species ranges, (b) investigated the combined impact of river fragmentation and climate change and (c) tested the relationships between these impacts and species functional traits. Results show that climate change will induce range contraction for most of the Andean Amazon fish species, particularly those inhabiting highlands. Dams are not predicted to greatly limit future range shifts for most species (i.e., the Barrier effect). However, some of these barriers should prevent upstream shifts for a considerable number of species, reducing future potential diversity in some basins. River fragmentation is predicted to act jointly with climate change in promoting a considerable decrease in the probability of species to persist in the long‐term because of splitting species ranges in smaller fragments (i.e., the Isolation effect). Benthic and fast‐flowing water adapted species with hydrodynamic bodies are significantly associated with severe range contractions from climate change.  相似文献   

Impacts of climate change require that society urgently develops ways to reduce amounts of carbon in the atmosphere. Tropical forests present an important opportunity, as they take up and store large amounts of carbon. It is often suggested that forests with high biodiversity have large stocks and high rates of carbon uptake. Evidence is, however, scattered across geographic areas and scales, and it remains unclear whether biodiversity is just a co‐benefit or also a requirement for the maintenance of carbon stocks and uptake. Here, we perform a quantitative review of empirical studies that analyzed the relationships between plant biodiversity attributes and carbon stocks and carbon uptake in tropical forests. Our results show that biodiversity attributes related to species, traits or structure significantly affect carbon stocks or uptake in 64% of the evaluated relationships. Average vegetation attributes (community‐mean traits and structural attributes) are more important for carbon stocks, whereas variability in vegetation attributes (i.e., taxonomic diversity) is important for both carbon stocks and uptake. Thus, different attributes of biodiversity have complementary effects on carbon stocks and uptake. These biodiversity effects tend to be more often significant in mature forests at broad spatial scales than in disturbed forests at local spatial scales. Biodiversity effects are also more often significant when confounding variables are not included in the analyses, highlighting the importance of performing a comprehensive analysis that adequately accounts for environmental drivers. In summary, biodiversity is not only a co‐benefit, but also a requirement for short‐ and long‐term maintenance of carbon stocks and enhancement of uptake. Climate change policies should therefore include the maintenance of multiple attributes of biodiversity as an essential requirement to achieve long‐term climate change mitigation goals.  相似文献   

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