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There are currently only two predictive markers of response to chemotherapy for breast cancer in routine clinical use, namely the Estrogen receptor-α and the HER2 receptor. The breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility gene BRCA1 is an important genetic factor in hereditary breast and ovarian cancer and there is increasing evidence of an important role for BRCA1 in the sporadic forms of both cancer types. Our group and numerous others have shown in both preclinical and clinical studies that BRCA1 is an important determinant of chemotherapy responses in breast cancer. In this review we will outline the current understanding of the role of BRCA1 as a determinant of response to DNA damaging and microtubule damaging chemotherapy. We will then discuss how the known functions of this multifaceted protein may provide mechanistic explanations for its role in chemotherapy responses.  相似文献   

There are currently only two predictive markers of response to chemotherapy for breast cancer in routine clinical use, namely the Estrogen receptor-alpha and the HER2 receptor. The breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility gene BRCA1 is an important genetic factor in hereditary breast and ovarian cancer and there is increasing evidence of an important role for BRCA1 in the sporadic forms of both cancer types. Our group and numerous others have shown in both preclinical and clinical studies that BRCA1 is an important determinant of chemotherapy responses in breast cancer. In this review we will outline the current understanding of the role of BRCA1 as a determinant of response to DNA damaging and microtubule damaging chemotherapy. We will then discuss how the known functions of this multifaceted protein may provide mechanistic explanations for its role in chemotherapy responses.  相似文献   

It has been shown that anti-PAH mAb can bind a particular cross-reactant by adopting two distinct “red” and “blue” conformations of its binding sites [N.M. Grubor et al. PNAS 102, 2005, 7453-7458]. In the case of red conformation of pyrene (Py)/anti-PAH mAb (with a broad fluorescence (0,0)-band with fwhm ~ 140 cm−1), the central role in complex formation was played by π-π interactions. The nature of the blue-shifted conformation with very narrow fluorescence (0,0)-band (fwhm ~ 75 cm−1) was left unclear due to the lack of suitable data for comparison. In this work, we suggest spectroscopic and modeling results obtained for the blue conformation of Py in several mAb (including 4D5 mAb) are consistent with π-cation interactions, underscoring the importance of π-cation interaction in ligand binding and stabilization in agreement with earlier modeling studies [J-L. Pellequer, et al. J. Mol. Biol. 302, 2000, 691-699]. We propose considerable narrowing of the fluorescence origin band of ligand in the protein environment could be regarded as a simple indicator of π-cation interactions. Since 4D5 mAb forms only the blue-shifted conformation, while anti-PAH and 8E11 mAbs form both blue- and red-shifted conformations, we suggest mAb interactions, with Py molecules lacking H-bonding functionality, may induce distinct conformations of mAb binding sites that allow binding by π-π and/or π-cation interactions.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies to defined locations on six regions of the phytochrome molecule (from Avena sativa L. or Zea mays L.) were each found to have a different affinity toward the farred-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pfr) and the red-absorbing form (Pr). The differences were small, but were consistently shown by antibodies which bind to the vicinity of the aminoterminus, the carboxylterminus and to sequences in between. It seems that the conformational differences between Pr and Pfr extend over the whole molecule in as far as it is represented by these regions and the antibodies binding to them.Abbreviations Pfr far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome - Pr red-absorbing form of phytochrome  相似文献   

Many inherited cancer-prone conditions show an elevated sensitivity to the induction of chromosome damage in cells exposed to ionizing radiation, indicative of defects in the processing of DNA damage. We earlier found that 40% of patients with breast cancer and 5%-10% of controls showed evidence of enhanced chromosomal radiosensitivity and that this sensitivity was not age related. We suggested that this could be a marker of cancer-predisposing genes of low penetrance. To further test this hypothesis, we have studied the heritability of radiosensitivity in families of patients with breast cancer. Of 37 first-degree relatives of 16 sensitive patients, 23 (62%) were themselves sensitive, compared with 1 (7%) of 15 first-degree relatives of four patients with normal responses. The distribution of radiosensitivities among the family members showed a trimodal distribution, suggesting the presence of a limited number of major genes determining radiosensitivity. Segregation analysis of 95 family members showed clear evidence of heritability of radiosensitivity, with a single major gene accounting for 82% of the variance between family members. The two alleles combine in an additive (codominant) manner, giving complete heterozygote expression. A better fit was obtained to a model that includes a second, rarer gene with a similar, additive effect on radiosensitivity, but the data are clearly consistent with a range of models. Novel genes involved in predisposition to breast cancer can now be sought through linkage studies using this quantitative trait.  相似文献   

Breast carcinoma is one of the most common cancers in women and is known to arise from a multifactorial process, the effect of reproductive risk factors strongly supporting a hormonal role in its etiology. Breast cancer in Asia is characterized by a lower incidence than in Western populations, but is still the leading type of cancer in Asian women, and a significant increasing tread indicates that it is an issue of particular public health importance. Asian breast cancer is characterized by early tumor onset, showing a relatively younger median age at diagnosis. Recently, scientists began to explore the tumorigenic mechanisms underlying breast cancer formation at the molecular level. Both a candidate-gene approach and genome-wide association studies have yielded crucial insights into breast cancer susceptibility genes initiating breast tumorigenesis. As expected, ethnic/racial variation in the genotypic frequency of these genes results in differences in breast cancer incidence in different populations. Furthermore, the question of how important these genes are in Asian breast cancer remains to be explored.It has been demonstrated that gene expression profiles and gene sets are prognostic and predictive for patients with breast cancer. Originally, due to its early onset, it was speculated that Asian breast cancer would have a higher frequency of the basal-like subtype of breast cancer, a molecular subtype characterized by poor differentiation, resulting in a relatively poor progression; however, recent findings do not support this speculation. The frequency of the luminal-A subtype of breast cancer, characterized by estrogen receptor expression, is similar to that in breast cancer in Caucasian, supporting the usefulness of hormone-based therapy in Asian breast cancer.  相似文献   

Rabbit antisera and monoclonal antibodies were raised against factor C, a regulatory protein of Streptomyces griseus. ELISA and immunoblotting techniques suitable to determine and characterize factor C antigen in bacterial specimens were developed. Factor C antigen was detected in all the 23 Streptomyces strains and variants examined thus far and in one Bacillus subtilis too. Depending on the strain analysed it has a molecular mass of 34 000 or 70 000 in mycelial homogenates. Most of factor C was found excreted into the cultivation medium. The quantity of factor C antigen in different Streptomyces strains showed great variation. Amy + strains were usually good producers of factor C while Amy were not. This was consistent with our assumption that factor C was an inducer of reproductive phase in Streptomyces.Abbreviations and symbols Amy Asporogeneous bacterial strain - CPK concentrated phosphate potassium chloride (buffer) - H-MaC5-AS and H-MaC6-AS factor C specific monoclonal antibodies - HRPO horse radish peroxidase - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PMSF phenyl methyl sulfonyl fluoride - RaM-HRPO rabbit anti-mouse antibody horse radish peroxidase conjugate Parts of experimental material reported here have been presented at the Fifth International Symposium on the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms, Split, 1986; at the 208th Meeting of the Genetical Society, Norwich, 1988 and at the Seventh International Symposium on Biology of Actinomycetes, Tokyo, 1988  相似文献   

Invasive breast carcinomas are heterogeneous and exhibit distinct molecular features and biological behavior. Understanding the underlying molecular events that promote breast cancer progression is necessary to improve treatment and prognostication. TGF-β receptor III (TBR3) is a member of the TGF-β signaling pathway, with functions in cell proliferation and migration in malignancies, including breast cancer. Recent studies propose that TBR3 may function as a tumor suppressor and that its loss may correlate with disease progression. However, there are limited data on the expression of TBR3 in breast cancer in relationship to tumor type, hormonal receptor status and HER-2/neu, and patient outcome. In this study, we investigated the expression of TBR3 in a cohort of 205 primary invasive breast carcinomas in tissue microarrays (TMAs), with comprehensive clinical, pathological and follow- up information. Sections were stained for TBR3 and evaluated for intensity of reactivity based on a 4-tiered scoring system (1 to 4; TBR3 low = scores 1–2; TBR3 high = scores 3–4). Of the 205 invasive carcinomas, 123 were luminal type (95 type A, 28 type B), 8 were HER-2 type, and 62 were triple negative (TN). TBR3 was high in 112 (55 %) and low in 93 (45 %) cases. Low TBR3 was associated with higher histological grade and worse disease free and overall survival, all features of biologically aggressive breast carcinomas. TBR3 was significantly associated with the subtype of breast cancer, as low TBR3 was detected in 95 % of TN compared to 22 % of luminal tumors (p < 0.0001). We discovered a significant association between low TBR3 protein expression, TN breast cancer phenotype, and disease progression. These data suggest that TBR3 loss might be linked to the development of TN breast cancers and pave the way to investigating whether restoring TBR3 function may be a therapeutic strategy against TN breast carcinomas.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play an important regulatory role in breast tumorigenesis. Previously, we found that let-7 miRNAs were downregulated significantly in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) breast cancer tissues. In this study, we further found that endogenous levels of let-7b and let-7i miRNAs are inversely correlated with levels of estrogen receptor (ER)-a36, a new variant of ER-α66, in the FFPE tissue set. Bioinformatic analysis suggested that ER-α36 may be another target of let-7 miRNAs. To test this hypothesis, cotransfection of let-7 mimics or inhibitors together with full-length or a fragment of ER-α36 3'UTR luciferase construct was performed, and we found that let-7b and let-7i mimics suppressed the activity of reporter gene significantly, which was enhanced remarkably by let-7b and let-7i inhibitors. Both mRNA and protein expression of ER-α36 were inhibited by let-7 mimics and enhanced by let-7 inhibitors. Furthermore, ER-α36 mediated nongenomic MAPK and Akt pathways were weakened by let-7b and let-7i mimics in triple negative breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231. The reverse correlation between let-7 miRNAs and ER-α36 also exists in Tamoxifen (Tam)-resistant MCF7 cell line. Transfection of let-7 mimics to Tam-resistant MCF7 cells downregulated ER-α36 expression and enhanced the sensitivity of MCF7 cells to Tam in estrogen-free medium, which could be restored by overexpression of ER-α36 constructs without 3'UTR. Our results suggested a novel regulatory mechanism of let-7 miRNAs on ER-α36 mediated nongenomic estrogen signal pathways and Tam resistance.  相似文献   

Both miRNAs (miRs) and connexin 43 (Cx43) were important regulators of the metastasis of breast cancer, whereas the miRs regulating Cx43 expression in breast cancer cells were still obscure. In the present study, we scanned and found miR-1, miR-206, miR-200a, miR-381, miR-23a/b and miR-186 were functional suppressors of human Cx43 mRNA and protein expression. Specially, we demonstrated that only miR-200a could directly target the 3′-untranslated region (3′-UTR) of human Cx43 gene. Functionally, overexpression of Cx43 in MCF cells potentiated the migration activity, whereas additional miR-200a treatment notably prevented this effect. Finally, we demonstrated that decreased levels of miR-200a and elevated expression of Cx43 in the metastatic breast cancer tissues compared with the primary ones. Thus, we are the first to identify miR-200a as a novel and direct suppressor of human Cx43, indicating that miR200a/Cx43 axis might be a useful diagnostic and therapeutic target of metastatic breast cancer.  相似文献   



Sporothrix schenckii is a pathogenic dimorphic fungus, the etiological agent of sporotrichosis, a lymphocutaneous disease that can remain localized or can disseminate, involving joints, lungs, and the central nervous system. Pathogenic fungi use signal transduction pathways to rapidly adapt to changing environmental conditions and S. schenckii is no exception. S. schenckii yeast cells, either proliferate (yeast cell cycle) or engage in a developmental program that includes proliferation accompanied by morphogenesis (yeast to mycelium transition) depending on the environmental conditions. The principal intracellular receptors of environmental signals are the heterotrimeric G proteins, suggesting their involvement in fungal dimorphism and pathogenicity. Identifying these G proteins in fungi and their involvement in protein-protein interactions will help determine their role in signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - RUNX1T1 is extensively studied in the context of AML1-RUNX1T1 fusion protein in acute myeloid leukemia. Little is known about the function of RUNX1T1 itself, although...  相似文献   

Seventeen flavonoids with different substitutions were evaluated for inhibition of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) signaling in the invasive breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231. They were screened using an engineered MDA-MB-231 cell line reporting NF-κB activation. The modulation of expression of two NF-κB regulated genes involved in tumorigenesis, matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) were also analyzed in these cells. Among the compounds tested, all except gossypetin and quercetagetin inhibited the activation of NF-κB, and the expression of MMP-9 and COX-2 to different degree. Methylated flavone, chrysoeriol (luteolin-3′-methylether), was found to be the most potent inhibitor of MMP-9 and COX-2 expressions. The effect of chrysoeriol on cell proliferation, cell cycle, apoptosis and metastasis was analyzed by established methods. Chrysoeriol caused cell cycle arrest at G2/M and inhibited migration and invasion of MDA-MB-231 cells. The structure–activity relations amongst the flavonoids as NF-κB signaling inhibitors was studied. The study indicates differences between the actions of various flavonoids on NF-κB activation and on the biological activities of breast cancer cells. Flavones in general, were more active than the corresponding flavonols.  相似文献   

The contribution of the CCL2 −2518 A>G (rs 1024611) polymorphism in the occurrence and progression of various cancers has been found to be discordant. We studied the prevalence of the CCL2 −2518 A>G polymorphism in patients with breast cancer (n = 160) and controls (n = 323) in a sample of the Polish population. There were no significant differences in CCL2 −2518 A>G genotypes between patients with breast tumors and controls. Odds ratio (OR) for patients bearing the GG genotype was 1.481 (95% CI = 0.7711–2.845, P = 0.2358), and OR of the GG and AG genotypes was 0.7269 (95% CI = 0.4967–1.064, P = 0.1002). There was also no significant distinction in the prevalence of alleles between patients and healthy individuals. OR for the CCL2 −2518 G allele frequency was 0.8903 (95% CI = 0.6611–1.199, P = 0.4441). Analysis of the association between tumor size, lymph node metastases, histological grade, and distribution of genotypes and alleles for the CCL2 −2518 A>G polymorphism also did not show significant differences. Our results did not show association of the CCL2 −2518 A>G polymorphism with breast cancer occurrence and clinical characteristics in a sample of the Polish cohort.  相似文献   

The use of liquid chromatography – mass spectrometry (LC-MS) for the characterization of proteins can provide a plethora of information related to their structure, including amino acid sequence determination and analysis of posttranslational modifications. The variety of LC-MS based applications has led to the use of LC-MS characterization of therapeutic proteins and monoclonal antibodies as an integral part of the regulatory approval process. However, the improper use of an LC-MS system, related to intrinsic instrument limitations, improper tuning parameters, or poorly optimized methods may result in the production of low quality data. Improper system performance may arise from subtle changes in operating conditions that limit the ability to detect low abundance species. To address this issue, we systematically evaluated LC-MS/MS operating parameters to identify a set of metrics that can be used in a workflow to determine if a system is suitable for its intended purpose. Development of this workflow utilized a bovine serum albumin (BSA) digest standard spiked with synthetic peptides present at 0.1% to 100% of the BSA digest peptide concentration to simulate the detection of low abundance species using a traditional bottom-up workflow and data-dependent MS2 acquisition. BSA sequence coverage, a commonly used indicator for instrument performance did not effectively identify settings that led to limited dynamic range or poorer absolute mass accuracy on 2 separate LC-MS systems. Additional metrics focusing on the detection limit and sensitivity for peptide identification were determined to be necessary to establish system suitability for protein therapeutic characterization by LC-MS.  相似文献   

The use of liquid chromatography – mass spectrometry (LC-MS) for the characterization of proteins can provide a plethora of information related to their structure, including amino acid sequence determination and analysis of posttranslational modifications. The variety of LC-MS based applications has led to the use of LC-MS characterization of therapeutic proteins and monoclonal antibodies as an integral part of the regulatory approval process. However, the improper use of an LC-MS system, related to intrinsic instrument limitations, improper tuning parameters, or poorly optimized methods may result in the production of low quality data. Improper system performance may arise from subtle changes in operating conditions that limit the ability to detect low abundance species. To address this issue, we systematically evaluated LC-MS/MS operating parameters to identify a set of metrics that can be used in a workflow to determine if a system is suitable for its intended purpose. Development of this workflow utilized a bovine serum albumin (BSA) digest standard spiked with synthetic peptides present at 0.1% to 100% of the BSA digest peptide concentration to simulate the detection of low abundance species using a traditional bottom-up workflow and data-dependent MS2 acquisition. BSA sequence coverage, a commonly used indicator for instrument performance did not effectively identify settings that led to limited dynamic range or poorer absolute mass accuracy on 2 separate LC-MS systems. Additional metrics focusing on the detection limit and sensitivity for peptide identification were determined to be necessary to establish system suitability for protein therapeutic characterization by LC-MS.  相似文献   

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