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The distribution of intramembrane particles in human erythrocytes was studied by freeze-fracture on young and old cells and compared to that obtained after ATP depletion or following addition of a clustering agent. It was shown that intramembrane particles became aggregated and the mean particle density increased as the cells aged. Likewise, both particle aggregation and increased density were found in young cells after moderate ATP depletion. In contrast, mean particle density was markedly reduced in both cell types after exhaustive depletion. Paradoxically, Zn treatment led to decreased particle density in young cells, whilst producing the opposite effect in aged cells. The results suggest that their low ATP content may account for the increased particle density of senescent cells.  相似文献   

The distribution of intramembrane particles (IMP) as revealed by freeze- fracture electron microscopy has been analyzed following treatment of mouse L cells and fusion-deficient L cell derivatives with several concentrations of polyethylene glycol (PEG). In cell cultures treated with concentrations of PEG below the critical level for fusion, no aggregation of IMP was observed. When confluent cultures of the parental cells are treated with 50% PEG, greater than 90% of the cells fuse, and cold-induced IMP aggregation is extensive. In contrast, identical treatment of fusion-deficient cell lines shows neither extensive fusion nor IMP redistribution. At higher concentrations of PEG, however, the PEG-resistant cells fuse extensively and IMP aggregation is evident. Thus the decreased ability of the fusion- deficient cells to fuse after treatment with PEG is correlated with the failure of IMP aggregation to occur. A technique for quantifying particle distribution was developed that is practical for the accurate analysis of a large number of micrographs. The variance from the mean number of particles in randomly chosen areas of fixed size was calculated for each cell line at each concentration of PEG. Statistical analysis confirms visual observation of highly aggregated IMP, and allows detection of low levels of aggregation in parental cells that were less extensively fused by exposure to lower concentrations of PEG. When low levels of fusion were induced in fusion-deficient cells, however, no IMP aggregation could be detected.  相似文献   

Freeze fracture studies have been performed on rabbit pulmonary alveolar macrophages and a nonphagocytic murine lymphoblastoid cell line, PU-5 Fc+, incubated with sheep erythrocytes, sheep erythrocyte-IgG Forssman antibody complex, sheep erythrocyte-IgG Forssman antibody-C complexes and aggregated IgG. Alveolar macrophages show redistribution of intramembrane particles after interaction with (EIgG) and E(IgM)C. The murine lymphoblastoid cell line shows intramembrane particle redistribution consequential to binding of E(IgG) and aggregated IgG. The results demonstrate that after specific immunoprotein receptor-ligand interaction, there is extensive plasma membrane reorganization which results in a redistribution and loss of intramembrane particles. Changes are observed in the protoplasmic face of the plasma membrane after the binding of ligand to the outer membrane surface. The findings suggest that interaction of erthrocyte-bound ligands with specific lymphoid and macrophage plasma membrane receptors leads to a generalized redistribution of integral membrane components in the membrane.  相似文献   

Treatment of isolated human erythrocyte membranes at pH 7.4 with 0.1-0.5 mM-sodium periodate specifically cross-linked some of the spectrin polypeptides. Treatment with 2 mM-periodate resulted in complete cross-linking of spectrin and partial cross-linking of other polypeptides. The latter treatment also caused aggregation of the intramembrane particles made visible by freeze-fracturing. When membranes that had been treated with 2 mM-periodate were depleted of spectrin by treatment with 0.1 mM-EDTA, extensive aggregation of the intramembrane particles occurred.  相似文献   

Freeze-fracture replicas of stallion spermatozoa, collected from the proximal caput, corpus and cauda epididymides regions, were analyzed by electron microscopy to explore the distribution and density of intramembrane particles (IMP). Conspicuous differences in density and arrangement of the IMP were observed in the different topographical domains of mature and immature spermatozoa. A reduction of IMP, especially remarkable in the post-acrosomal domain, was observed in mature epididymal spermatozoa when compared with samples collected from ductuli efferentes. Some structural species-specific differences were also observed. The significance of these changes has not been determined, but remodeling of membrane components during developmental processes constitutes a fine control mechanism to ensure that key molecules are in the correct membrane position and during an appropriate timeframe to mediate fertilization.  相似文献   

I F Norstrand  M D Glantz 《Enzyme》1980,25(2):118-122
The activity of purine nucleoside phosphorylase was determined at various levels of the human neuraxis in 5 brains and 2 spinal cords, using the method of Lewis and Glantz. The determination is based on the decrease in optical density of guanosine at 252 nm and 40 degrees C, with conversion of this compound to guanine and ribose-1-phosphate by phosphorolysis. Our studies show a fairly uniform distribution of the enzyme in the human CNS, with an average value of 209 mumol of guanosine transformed/min/g of wet tissue. The lowest values are found in the spinal cord and cerebellar grey matter, and highest amounts in the occipital grey and white substance.  相似文献   

Mechanical properties of twenty human os calcanei were determined by uniaxial compression testing of bone specimens from facies articularis talaris posterior, facies articularis cuboidea, and tuber calcanei. Specimens were taken oriented perpendicular to the planes of the facies articularis, and in tuber along the presumed loading axis throughout the gait cycle. Young's modulus and strength at facies articularis cuboidea and facies articularis talaris posterior were about three times those at the tuber calcanei. The variation of the relationship between Young's modulus and apparent density indicated differences in the orientation of the trabecula, in relation to the direction of evaluation between these locations. A more detailed analysis of the topographical variation of strength within each location was made using penetration testing of a further nineteen specimens. The results of both types of measurements indicated that the major part of the load during walking is carried by facies articularis talaris posterior and facies articularis cuboidea.  相似文献   

In freeze-fracture (FF) preparations of ADH-stimulated toad urinary bladder, characteristic intramembrane particle (IMP) aggregates are seen on the protoplasmic (P) face of the luminal membrane of granular cells while complementary parallel grooves are found on the exoplasmic (E) face. These IMP aggregates specifically correlate with ADH-induced changes in water permeability. Tubular cytoplasmic structures whose membranes contain IMP aggregates which look identical to the IMP aggregates in the luminal membrane have also been described in granular cells from unstimulated and ADH-stimulated bladders. The diameter of these cytoplasmic structures (0.11 +/- 0.004 micrometers) corresponds to that of tubular invaginations of the luminal membrane seen in thin sections of ADH-treated bladders (0.13 +/- 0.005 micrometers). Continuity between the membranes of these cytoplasmic structures (which are not granules) and the luminal membrane has been directly observed in favorable cross-fractures. In FF preparations of the luminal membrane, these apparent fusion events are seen as round, ice-filled invaginations (0.13 +/- 0.01 micrometer Diam), of which about half have the characteristic ADH-associated aggregates near the point of membrane fusion. They are less numerous than, but linearly related to, the number of aggregates counted in the same preparations (n = 78, r = 0.71, P less than 0.01). These observations suggest that the IMP aggregates seen in luminal membrane after ADH stimulation are transferred preformed by fusion of cytoplasmic with luminal membrane.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric G proteins play important roles as signal transducing components in various mammalian sperm functions. We were interested in the distribution of G proteins in human sperm tails. Prior to membrane preparation, spermatozoa were separated from contaminating cells which are frequently present in human ejaculates. Enriched human sperm tail membranes were generated by using hypoosmotic swelling and homogenization procedures. Antisera against synthetic peptides were used to identify G proteins in immunoblots. AS 8, an antiserum directed against an amino acid sequence that is found in most G protein α-subunits, and A 86, which detects all known pertussis toxin-sensitive α-subunits, reacted specifically with a 40-kDa protein. Antisera against individual G protein α-subunits failed to detect any specific antigens in enriched tail membranes AS 36, recognizing the ã2-subunit of G proteins, identified a 35-kDa protein in sperm tail membranes. Antisera against the 36-kDa β1-subunit did not detect any relevant proteins in the membrane fraction. Neither G protein α-subunits nor G protein β-subunits were found in the cytosol. ADP ribosylation of spermatozoal membrane or cytosolic proteins revealed no pertussis toxin-sensitive α-subunits. However, membrane preparations of nonpurified human spermatozoa contained α2 subunits, as shown immunologically and by ADP ribosylation; they most probably derived from somatic cells which are frequently present in human ejaculates. Our results stress the fact that spermatozoa need to be purified before sperm membrane preparation to avoid misinterpretations caused by contaminating cells. Furthermore, we suggest that G proteins in membranes of human sperm tails belong to a novel subtype of G protein α-subunits; the putative β-subunit was identified as a β2-subunit. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The topographical relations of the human maxillary artery (IM) in the infratemporal fossa were studied in 102 individuals of both sexes. In the majority of the cases (55.4%), the artery was found in a lateral position to the lower head of the lateral pterygoid muscle (LPTER). In most of these specimens, the IM ran also lateral to the inferior alveolar, lingual and buccal nerves (type LA, 37.2%), whereas in 16.1% only the buccal nerve crossed the IM laterally (type LB). In 4.6%, the artery occupied a medial position to the LPTER. With respect to the branches of the mandibular nerve, an IM, passing deep to the LPTER, was lying either lateral to its main sensory branches (type MA, 1.9%) or coursing lateral to the inferior alveolar and lingual nerves, but medial to the buccal nerve (type MB, 23.8%). In 4.9%, the artery, running medial to the LPTER and the buccal nerve, was found to pierce the inferior alveolar nerve (type MC). In 7.4%, the IM was running medial to both the inferior alveolar and buccal nerves, but lateral to the lingual nerve (type MD), and in 3.9% the IM passed deep to all the branches of the mandibular nerve (type ME). Besides those common anatomical patterns, seven specimens showed different variations of the mandibular nerve. In about one third of the individuals, an asymmetric position of the IM to the LPTER (LM or ML) was present. None of the four cephalometric parameters and the two cephalic indices recorded in 55 individuals showed a significant correlation to the actual position of the IM (lateral or medial).  相似文献   

A regional specialization of the cell surface of T. cruzi culture forms was found at the cytostome as a localized thick surface coat rich in carbohydrate-containing components. The prominent surface coat was located over a region of the plasma membrane where intramembranous particles were exceedingly low in number. In turn, the particle-poor region was related to specialized submembrane fibrils not present under other regions of the plasma membrane. The cystostome region provides a striking example of a stable regional differentiation of the plasma membrane, involving the outer surface, the membrane interior, and the underlying cytoplasm. In addition, independence of Con A receptors, colloidal iron binding sites, and ruthenium red-stainable surface components from membrane particles was demonstrated at the flagellar membrane.  相似文献   

Stimulation of toad skin with isproterenol resulted in a dramatic increase in water flow, and in the appearance of aggregates of intramembrane particles in the apical membrane of granular cells of the replacement layer, just beneath the stratum corneum. This membrane structural modification appears to be a general prerequisite for the change in water permeability of vasopressin-sensitive epithelia.  相似文献   

Strong adhesion of highly active cells often nucleates focal adhesions, synapses, and related structures. Red cells lack such complex adhesion systems and are also nonmotile, but they are shown here to dynamically evolve complex spatial patterns beyond an electrostatic threshold for strong adhesion. Spreading of the cell onto a dense, homogeneous poly-L-lysine surface appears complete in <1 s with occasional blisters that form and dissipate on a similar timescale; distinct rippled or stippled patterns in fluorescently labeled membrane components emerge later, however, on timescales more typical of long-range lipid diffusion (approximately minutes). Within the contact zone, the anionic fluorescent lipid fluorescein phosphoethanolamine is seen to rearrange, forming worm-like rippled or stippled domains of <500 nm that prove independent of whether the cell is intact and sustaining a tension or ruptured. Lipid patterns are accompanied by visible perturbations in Band 3 distribution and weaker perturbations in membrane skeleton actin. Pressing down on the membrane quenches the lipid patterns, revealing a clear topographical basis for pattern formation. Counterion screening and membrane fluctuations likely contribute, but the results primarily highlight the fact that even in adhesion of a passive red cell, regions of strong contact slowly evolve to become interspersed with regions where the membrane is more distant from the surface.  相似文献   

Topographical distribution of ventilation in isolated lung   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

In certain epithelial tissues, water permeability is markedly increased by antidiuretic hormone. This so-called hydrosmotic effect has been shown to be mediated by 3'-5' cyclic adenosine monophosphate, which, in turn, alters the permeability o the luminal membrane of receptor cells. This review deals wity ultrastructural alterations occurring in the membrane, as observed with freeze-fracture electron microscopy. Basically, these alterations consist of organized particle aggregates which appear in the apical membrane. In all experimental conditions, similar aggregates can be observed in the membrane of cytoplasmic vesicles. ADH stimulation triggers the fusion of these vesicles with the apical membrane resulting in the concomitant transfer of particle aggregates. It has been shown, in a wide range of experimental conditions, that both number and total area of the aggregates are directly proportional to the water permeability of the tissue. It is generally assumed that particle aggregates contain transmembrane channels that are selectively to water.  相似文献   

Mammalian spermatozoa attain the ability to fertilize an oocyte as they negotiate the female reproductive tract. This acquisition of functional competence is preceded by an intricate cascade of biochemical and functional changes collectively known as "capacitation." Among the universal correlates of the capacitation process is a remarkable remodeling of the lipid and protein architecture of the sperm plasma membrane. While the mechanisms that underpin this dynamic reorganization remain enigmatic, emerging evidence has raised the prospect that it may be coordinated, in part, by specialized membrane microdomains, or rafts. In the present study we have demonstrated that human spermatozoa express recognized markers of membrane rafts. Further, upon depletion of membrane cholesterol through either physiological (capacitation) or pharmacological (methyl-β-cyclodextrin) intervention, these membrane rafts appear to undergo a polarized redistribution to the peri-acrosomal region of the sperm head. This finding encourages speculation that membrane rafts represent platforms for the organization of proteins involved in sperm-oocyte interactions. Support for this notion rests with the demonstration that membrane rafts isolated on the basis of their biochemical composition in the form of detergent resistant membranes (DRMs), possess the ability to adhere to homologous zona pellucidae. Furthermore a comprehensive proteomic analysis of the DRMs identified a number of proteins known for their affinity for the zona pellucida in addition to other candidates putatively involved in the mediation of downstream binding and/or fusion with the oolemma. Collectively these data afford novel insights into the subcellular localization and potential functions of membrane rafts in human spermatozoa.  相似文献   

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