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Climate change is driving species' range shifts, which are in turn disrupting species interactions due to species‐specific differences in their abilities to migrate in response to climate. We evaluated the consequences of asynchronous range shifts in an alpine plant–pollinator community by transplanting replicated alpine meadow turfs downslope along an elevational gradient thereby introducing them to warmer climates and novel plant and pollinator communities. We asked how these novel plant–pollinator interactions affect plant reproduction. We found that pollinator communities differed substantially across the elevation/temperature gradient, suggesting that these plants will likely interact with different pollinator communities with warming climate. Contrary to the expectation that floral visitation would increase monotonically with warmer temperatures at lower elevations, visitation rate to the transplanted communities peaked under intermediate warming at midelevation sites. In contrast, visitation rate generally increased with temperature for the local, lower elevation plant communities surrounding the experimental alpine turfs. For two of three focal plant species in the transplanted high‐elevation community, reproduction declined at warmer sites. For these species, reproduction appears to be dependent on pollinator identity such that reduced reproduction may be attributable to decreased visitation from key pollinator species, such as bumble bees, at warmer sites. Reproduction in the third focal species appears to be primarily driven by overall pollinator visitation rate, regardless of pollinator identity. Taken together, the results suggest climate warming can indirectly affect plant reproduction via changes in plant–pollinator interactions. More broadly, the experiment provides a case study for predicting the outcome of novel species interactions formed under changing climates.  相似文献   

Stigmatic pollen loads of pin and thrum forms of distylous Lithospermum caroliniense (Walt.) MacMill. generally have very large proportions of incompatible pollen grains. Assortative pollination probably results from large components of self-pollination rather than geitonogamous pollinations, because pollen loads of large and small individuals are the same, although large individuals would be expected to experience more geitonogamous pollinator flights than small individuals. The distylous reproductive system appears relatively insensitive to changes in pollinator activity and preferential pollen flow between pins and thrums cannot be demonstrated. In contrast to the relatively uniform proportions of pin and thrum pollen on stigmas, absolute pollen loads vary substantially in different years and localities. Extremely low fecundity, which appears to be characteristic of this species, may result in part from lack of pollinator activity. However, even under optimal conditions for pollination, fecundity is less than 20%. Although L. caroliniense appears to have an inefficient pollination system, intrinsic low fecundity may represent a more critical feature of the life history.  相似文献   

Xerospermum intermedium, a fairly common understorey species in the West Malesian lowland dipterocarp forest is androdioecious, with delayed self-compatibility. It flowers annually, and has an extended flowering period, with individuals flowering somewhat asynchronously, presenting small flowers with minimal visual lures. The flowers are visited by an unrestricted array of apparently imprecise opportunistic feeders, predominated by trigonid bees and butterflies. Most of these visitors exhibit low fidelity and forage opportunistically on numerous competing tree species. Presentation of nectar in alternating rhythms between the male and hermaphrodite trees appears to induce pollinator movement between them. Out of such alternating visits between the sexes, a low level of short-range inter-tree pollen transfer by trigonids and butterflies seems to occur. Despite the elaborate system which promotes pollinator movement between the sexes, this species has retained a low level of self-compatibility. The physical barriers to pollinator movement in the understorey, and high interspecific competition for pollinators by a large number of tree species, appear therefore to make it difficult to maintain an obligate outbreeding system. Hence, androdioecism may be one of the explanations for the survival of X. intermedium.  相似文献   

The pollination ecology of Cimicifuga rubifolia Kearney and C. elata Nutt., endemic nectarless species in Tennessee and the Pacific Northwest, respectively, was studied. Both species are pollinated by bumblebee workers, which run over the flowers pressing their bodies against them. Large syrphids act as copollinators. Extremely high pollen/ovule ratios are explained as optimal sex allocation in response to pollen-tolling by the pollen-collecting pollinators. Facultative geitonogamy in the self-compatible C. elata seems to be evolved in response to very low pollinator density in the habitat. Because of the pollinator behavior, geitonogamy virtyally always precedes xenogamy. C. rubifolia encounters higher pollinator visit frequency than C. elata , and self-incompatibility prevents selfing. Since it is nectarless, C. rubifolia is inferior in competion for bumblebees with most other entomogamous plants. It appears to have a commensalistic relationship with its constant associates, Impatiens pallida (Balsaminaceae) and/or Polymnia canadensis (Asteraceae), which attract large numbers of bumblebees. C. rubifolia is pollinated by bumblebees encountering them when scouting around the nectar-flower stand. This conclusion is based on: 1) Negative correlation for distance between nectar-flowers and Cimicifuga and the fruit set of the latter, 2) non-skewed flowering period, 3) extremely extended flowering on both the ramet and population levels, only limited by flowering period of nectar-flower associates and by pollinator abundance, and 4) fruit set rates independent of visual display size, and also of flower density in the habitat (i.e., the pollination rate was directly proportional to the density).  相似文献   

Sister taxa with distinct phenotypes often occupy contrasting environments in parapatric ranges, yet we generally do not know whether trait divergence reflects spatially varying selection. We conducted a reciprocal transplant experiment to test whether selection favors “native phenotypes” in two subspecies of Clarkia xantiana (Onagraceae), an annual plant in California. For four quantitative traits that differ between subspecies, we estimated phenotypic selection in subspecies’ exclusive ranges and their contact zone in two consecutive years. We predicted that in the arid, pollinator‐scarce eastern region, selection favors phenotypes of the native subspecies parviflora: small leaves, slow leaf growth, early flowering, and diminutive flowers. In the wetter, pollinator‐rich, western range of subspecies xantiana, we expected selection for opposite phenotypes. We investigated pollinator contributions to selection by comparing naturally pollinated and pollen‐supplemented individuals. For reproductive traits and for subspecies xantiana, selection generally matched expectations. The contact zone sometimes showed distinctive selection, and in ssp. parviflora selection sometimes favored nonnative phenotypes. Pollinators influenced selection on flowering time but not on flower size. Little temporal variation in selection occurred, possibly because of plastic trait responses across years. Though there were exceptions and some causes of selection remain obscure, phenotypic differentiation between subspecies appears to reflect spatially variable selection.  相似文献   

Orcein staining, differential staining with CMA and DAPI, and FISH with an rDNA probe were used to compare somatic chromosomes ofCeratozamia mexicana andMicrocycas calocoma. CMA-positive dots and hybridization signals appeared on chromosomes at early interphase and mitotic prophase, but in significantly different number in the two species. InCeratozamia mexicana, the CMA-positive and DAPI-negative bands and the hybridization signal were located at the terminal region of the long arm of three median-centromeric chromosomes, the terminal region of the short arm of two median-centromeric chromosomes and the terminal region of the long arm of two subterminal-centromeric chromosomes. InMicrocycas calocoma, they were located at the pericentric region of two median-centromeric chromosomes. These chromosome data suggested thatMicrocycas has no simple Robertsonian relationship toCeratozamia.  相似文献   

An enduring puzzle in gynodioecious species is the great variation in female frequency seen among populations. We quantified sex ratio in 44 populations of gynodioecious Kallstroemia grandiflora. Then, we measured pollinator visitation, pollen deposition, autonomous selfing rate and pollen limitation of females. Finally, using experimental populations, we tested whether female fitness responds to the frequency of female plants. We found broad variability in sex ratio among populations (0-44% female). Hermaphrodite flowers received more pollinator visits and pollen grains than females, and bagged hermaphrodite flowers produced fruits. However, we found no evidence of pollen limitation in females. In experimental populations, female plants showed no evidence of frequency-dependent pollinator visitation, fruit set, seed set or total seed mass. These results do not support frequency-dependent variation in fitness as a major mechanism affecting female frequencies in K. grandiflora. Within the context of this study, pollinators are abundant and pollinator movement appears to operate at a large enough scale to overcome the potential reproductive disadvantages of producing solely female flowers.  相似文献   

Calotropis procera (Ait.) R.Br. (Apocynaceae), an invasive woody milkweed, has expanded its range in northern Australia affecting rangeland and pastoral productivity. While self‐compatibility should enhance the species range expansion, spread of C. procera is limited by the availability of larger wasp and bee species that are able to vector its solid pollinia. Pollination efficiency is thus likely dependent on both pollinator abundance and plant density. Calotropis procera flowers year round in Australia but fruiting is limited to the warm months of the year when pollinators are most abundant, indicating that seasonal regulation of reproduction may be due to pollinator limitation. We examine the propositions that C. procera reproduction is regulated by the interaction between plant population density and pollinator pressure and that low pollinator pressure causes low per capita plant fecundity. All pollinators belonged to Order Hymenoptera and pollinator composition was similar at six of the seven sites. Fruit production per plant (fecundity) was lower above and below intermediate densities (350–550 plants ha?1) of flowering plants with evidence of a weak Allee effect at lower plant density. Pollinator visitation rates per plant were low at high and low plant densities, and greatest at intermediate densities, while pollen supplementation experiments showed that C. procera is pollen limited (Pollen Limitation Indexfruit = 0.9) even at intermediate densities. Pollen limitation caused by low pollinator pressure at low plant densities and pollinator satiation at high plant densities may account for these fruit production trends. Management should be conducted in the colder months when pollinator pressure is low and plants are not reproducing. In addition, where stand eradication cannot be achieved in one attempt, management should reduce flowering plants to below intermediate densities where the fecundity per plant is low.  相似文献   

Ants, by consuming floral nectar, are potential parasites of plant–pollinator mutualisms, the persistence of which depends on mechanisms preventing ants from visiting flowers. Here I report the existence of such a mechanism which, uniquely, appears general in its effects. I show that two acacia–ant mutualists are repelled by floral tissue chemicals from their own host-plants as well as those from 13 other plant genera, only one of which associates symbiotically with ants. Furthermore, 18 of 25 ant species, from several subfamilies representing degrees of ant–plant interaction, are repelled by acacia floral chemicals. Thus floral ant repellents are widespread among plants, repel most ant species, and can prevent ants from parasitizing plant–pollinator mutualisms.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers and karyotypes of species from four American Zamiaceae (Cycadales) are reported. Zamia shows interspecific and intraspecific chromosome variation, whereas Microcycas, Ceratozamia, and Dioon have constant karyotypes within each genus. In Zamia, all karyotypes have the same number of submetacentric and acrocentric chromosomes, but they differ in the number of metacentric and telocentric chromosomes. Centric fission of metacentric chromosomes is proposed to explain the karyotypic variation in this genus. Zamia shows karyological relationships with Microcycas and Ceratozamia, whereas Dioon appears very distinct from the other American cycad genera. Affinity among Zamia, Ceratozamia, and Microcycas karyotypes and distinctiveness of Dioon karyotypes are supported by comparative analysis of phenotypic characters in the four genera.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The interaction between Ficus species and their pollinating wasps (Agaonidae) represents a striking example of a mutualism. Figs also shelter numerous non-pollinating chalcids that exploit the fig–pollinator mutualism.
2. Previous studies showed a weak negative correlation between numbers of pollinating and non-pollinating adults emerging from the same fruit. Little is known about the patterns and intensities of interactions between fig wasps. In the Xishuangbanna tropical rainforests of China, the dioecious Ficus hispida L. is pollinated by Ceratosolen solmsi marchali Mayr and is also exploited by the non-pollinators Philotrypesis pilosa Mayr, Philotrypesis sp., and Apocrypta bakeri Joseph. Here, the interaction of pollinator and non-pollinators on F. hispida is studied quantitatively.
3. The exact time of oviposition was determined for each species of fig wasp. Based on observational and experimental work it is suggested that (i) the relationship between pollinator and non-pollinators is a positive one, and that the genus Philotrypesis appears to have no significant impact on the pollinator population, whereas Apocrypta has a significant effect on both Philotrypesis and Ceratosolen ; (ii) gall numbers do not always increase with increasing number of foundresses, but developmental mortality of larvae correlates positively with the number of foundresses; and (iii) there is a positive correlation between non-pollinator numbers and their rates of parasitism, but the three species of non-pollinators differed in their rates of parasitism and show different effects on pollinator production.
4. The rates of parasitism when combined with the coexistent percentage and developmental mortality, underpin the way non-pollinating fig wasps successfully exploit and coexist stably in a fig–pollinator mutualism.  相似文献   

Speciation can be driven by the evolution of many forms of reproductive isolation. Comparative study is a powerful approach for elucidating the relative importance of individual isolating barriers in the speciation process. A recent contribution by Scopece and colleagues provides comparative data for two groups of deceptive pollination orchids and aims to test hypotheses about which forms of isolation are most important in the two clades. The authors compare pollinator isolation and postmating isolation between the two orchid groups, and conclude that food-deceptive orchid species have less isolation by pollinator specificity than sexually deceptive species, and that postmating isolation is more important in the food-deceptive clade. Although we find this approach to be novel and potentially powerful, these conclusions are called into question by the methods used to define and select species and quantify pollinator isolation. Definition and selection of taxa were performed in a biased manner that undermines the ability to infer general patterns of speciation. Furthermore, pollinator isolation was calculated inconsistently for the two groups under study, effectively nullifying the comparison.  相似文献   

Corolla chirality, the pinwheel arrangement of petals within a flower, is found throughout the core eudicots. In 15 families, different chiral type flowers (i.e., right or left rotated corolla) exist on the same plant, and this condition is referred to as unfixed/enantiomorphic corolla chirality. There are no investigations on the significance of unfixed floral chirality on directed pollen movement even though analogous mirror image floral designs, for example, enantiostyly, has evolved in response to selection to direct pollinator and pollen movement. Here, we examine the role of corolla chirality on directing pollen transfer, pollinator behavior, and its potential influence on disassortative mating. We quantified pollen transfer and pollinator behavior and movement for both right and left rotated flowers in two populations of Hypericum perforatum. In addition, we quantified the number of right and left rotated flowers at the individual level. Pollinators were indifferent to corolla chirality resulting in no difference in pollen deposition between right and left flowers. Corolla chirality had no effect on pollinator and pollen movement between and within chiral morphs. Unlike other mirror image floral designs, corolla chirality appears to play no role in promoting disassortative mating in this species.  相似文献   

Recently, plant–pollinator networks have been found to be highly structured in a nested pattern in which specialists interact with generalist species. This structure is often assumed to be particular to mutualistic interactions in opposition to the compartmentalized pattern expected for antagonistic networks. We investigated the presence of asymmetric specialization in a data set assembled from the literature of 20 highly resolved plant–insect herbivore networks and compared them with 24 plant–pollinator networks. Our results indicate that these two types of networks differ, but not in the way it is generally assumed. Asymmetric specialization is present in plant–herbivore networks even if it appears less frequently than in plant–pollinator networks. Indeed, mean and median percentages of species showing asymmetric specialisation in herbivory webs are 33% and 14% respectively, compared to 57% and 60% in pollination webs. Furthermore, the amount of asymmetry is linked with species diversity and not to connectance in plant-pollinator networks whereas the opposite pattern is found in plant–herbivore networks. Our results offer promising perspectives for understanding both the mechanisms that structure ecological communities and their impact on community dynamics depending on the type of interaction.  相似文献   

  • Pollination success of highly specialised flowers is susceptible to fluctuations of the pollinator fauna. Mediterranean Aristolochia rotunda has deceptive trap flowers exhibiting a highly specialised pollination system. The sole pollinators are kleptoparasitic flies in search of food. This study investigates these pollinators on a spatio‐temporal scale and the impact of weather conditions on their availability. Two potential strategies of the plants to cope with pollinator limitation, i.e. autonomous selfing and an increased floral life span, were tested.
  • A total of 6156 flowers were investigated for entrapped pollinators in 10 Croatian populations. Availability of the main pollinator was correlated to meteorological data. Artificial pollination experiments were conducted and the floral life span was recorded in two populations according to pollinator availability.
  • Trachysiphonella ruficeps (Chloropidae) was identified as dominant pollinator, along with less abundant species of Chloropidae, Ceratopogonidae and Milichiidae. Pollinator compositions varied among populations. Weather conditions 15–30 days before pollination had a significant effect on availability of the main pollinator. Flowers were not autonomously selfing, and the floral life span exhibited considerable plasticity depending on pollinator availability.
  • A. rotunda flowers rely on insect pollen vectors. Plants are specialised on a guild of kleptoparasitic flies, rather than on a single species. Pollinator variability may result in differing selection pressures among populations. The availability/abundance of pollinators depends on weather conditions during their larval development. Flowers show a prolonged trapping flower stage that likely increases outcrossing success during periods of pollinator limitation.

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chiropterophillous and ornithophillous characteristics can form part of a single reproductive strategy in plants that have flowers with diurnal and nocturnal anthesis. This broader pollination strategy can ensure seed set when pollinators are scarce or unpredictable. This appears to be true of hummingbirds, which presumably pollinate Marginatocereus marginatus, a columnar cactus with red nocturnal and diurnal flowers growing as part of dense bat-pollinated columnar cacti forests in arid regions of central Mexico. The aim of this study was to study the floral biology of M. marginatus, and evaluate the effectiveness of nocturnal vs. diurnal pollinators and the contribution of each pollinator group to overall plant fitness. METHODS: Individual flower buds were marked and followed to evaluate flower phenology and anthesis time. Flowers and nectar production were measured. An exclusion experiment was conducted to measure the relative contribution of nocturnal and diurnal pollinators to seed set. KEY RESULTS: Marginatocereus marginatus has red hermaphroditic flowers with nocturnal and diurnal anthesis. The plant cannot produce seeds by selfing and was pollinated during the day by hummingbirds and during the night by bats, demonstrating that both pollinator groups were important for plant reproduction. Strong pollen limitation was found in the absence of one of the pollinator guilds. CONCLUSIONS: Marginatocereus marginatus has an open pollination system in which both diurnal and nocturnal pollinators are needed to set seeds. This represents a fail-safe pollination system that can ensure both pollination, in a situation of low abundance of one of the pollinator groups (hummingbirds), and high competition for nocturnal pollinators with other columnar cacti that bloom synchronously with M. marginatus in the Tehuacan Valley, Mexico.  相似文献   

Most plant–pollinator interactions are mutualistic, involving rewards provided by flowers or inflorescences to pollinators. Antagonistic plant–pollinator interactions, in which flowers offer no rewards, are rare and concentrated in a few families including Araceae. In the latter, they involve trapping of pollinators, which are released loaded with pollen but unrewarded. To understand the evolution of such systems, we compiled data on the pollinators and types of interactions, and coded 21 characters, including interaction type, pollinator order, and 19 floral traits. A phylogenetic framework comes from a matrix of plastid and new nuclear DNA sequences for 135 species from 119 genera (5342 nucleotides). The ancestral pollination interaction in Araceae was reconstructed as probably rewarding albeit with low confidence because information is available for only 56 of the 120–130 genera. Bayesian stochastic trait mapping showed that spadix zonation, presence of an appendix, and flower sexuality were correlated with pollination interaction type. In the Araceae, having unisexual flowers appears to have provided the morphological precondition for the evolution of traps. Compared with the frequency of shifts between deceptive and rewarding pollination systems in orchids, our results indicate less lability in the Araceae, probably because of morphologically and sexually more specialized inflorescences.  相似文献   

This study investigates the pollination ecology and related floral traits of the species Daucus carota subsp. commutatus in the isolated archipelago of Columbretes, E. Spain, where bees are absent. Two populations were studied: a small population found on a relatively large island (Grossa) inhabited nowadays by three people; and a larger population on a smaller uninhabited island (Foradada). The plant, found also in other rocky coastal enclaves of the west Mediterranean, is totally self-compatible, andromonoecious, exhibiting strong protandrous dichogamy and sequential flowering of umbel orders, with limited probability of self pollination at the plant level. Pollination on both study islands is carried out solely by flies, mainly by Eristalis tenax (Syrphidae), a long distance visitor and efficient pollinator, but irregular migrant to the archipelago; and Lucilia sericata (Calliphoridae), an abundant flower visitor but less efficient pollinator dependent on human and avian wastes for its larval growth. The small population on Grossa appears not to suffer pollen limitation. Seed set is reduced, however, in the large population on Foradada, which we attribute to the low pollinator capital of this island, which is too small to attract and sustain migrant hoverflies and where no human and avian wastes are available to sustain blowfly growth. We conclude that in isolated environments with reduced or unpredictable pollinator capital, long distance migrant pollinators, such as E. tenax, play an invaluable conservation and perhaps evolutionary role for the native plants. Because these islands have been always practically uninhabited we argue that the absence of adequate local pollinator capital is perhaps compensated by the selection of particular floral traits, which differentiate the study subspecies from other conspecifics. Such traits are: the exposure of nectar during male versus female stage to enhance quick pollen flow; the extended stigma receptivity period (up to 10 days) resulting in a total flower life span of up to 22 days, enabling an adequate pollen deposition on stigmas even under low pollen transfer rates. In this respect, the low flower sex ratio (hermaphrodite: staminate) compared to other conspecifics studied elsewhere may be also relevant.  相似文献   

Background and AimsFloral diversity as a result of plant–pollinator interactions can evolve by two distinct processes: shifts between pollination systems or divergent use of the same pollinator. Although both are pollinator driven, the mode, relative importance and interdependence of these different processes are rarely studied simultaneously. Here we apply a phylogenetic approach using the Balsaminaceae (including the species-rich genus Impatiens) to simultaneously quantify shifts in pollination syndromes (as inferred from the shape and colour of the perianth), as well as divergent use of the same pollinator (inferred from corolla symmetry).MethodsFor 282 species we coded pollination syndromes based on associations between floral traits and known pollination systems, and assessed corolla symmetry. The evolution of these traits was reconstructed using parsimony- and model-based approaches, using phylogenetic trees derived from phylogenetic analyses of nuclear ribosomal and plastid DNA sequence data.Key ResultsA total of 71 % of studied species have a bee pollination syndrome, 22 % a bimodal syndrome (Lepidoptera and bees), 3 % a bird pollination syndrome and 5 % a syndrome of autogamy, while 19 % of species have an asymmetrical corolla. Although floral symmetry and pollination syndromes are both evolutionarily labile, the latter shifts more frequently. Shifts in floral symmetry occurred mainly in the direction towards asymmetry, but there was considerable uncertainty in the pattern of shift direction for pollination syndrome. Shifts towards asymmetrical flowers were associated with a bee pollination syndrome.ConclusionFloral evolution in Impatiens has occurred through both pollination syndrome shifts and divergent use of the same pollinator. Although the former appears more frequent, the latter is likely to be underestimated. Shifts in floral symmetry and pollination syndromes depend on each other but also partly on the region in which these shifts take place, suggesting that the occurrence of pollinator-driven evolution may be determined by the availability of pollinator species at large geographical scales.  相似文献   

Abstract In perennial plants, life-history theory suggests that natural selection should result in the optimization of fruit-to-flower ratios within the limits imposed by the trade-offs between resource allocation for present reproduction and future growth and reproduction. The tropical orchid Dendrobium monophyllum F. Muell., an epiphyte or lithophyte, offers no nectar rewards, is self-incompatible and has a capsule-to-flower ratio of about 1:14. The influence of pollination limitation and the costs of capsule production on capsule-to-flower ratios were assessed using experimental and field studies in which individual plants were observed for 3 years. Pollinators visited about 80% of flowers, and capsule production was significantly related to inflorescence size and pollinaria removal. About nine pollinator visits occurred per capsule. Pollinator visitation and capsule production did not vary significantly between years. The inflorescence size classes most successful in capsule production were also the most frequent in natural populations. The experimental supplementation of outcross pollen to flowers increased capsule set over controls by 45% within a year, but was limited to about 53%. A capsule-to-flower ratio of 1:2 in experimental plants significantly decreased the subsequent growth and flowering of individuals relative to controls. A capsule-to-flower ratio above 1:10 in naturally pollinated plants decreased flowering in the subsequent year. Thus, it is suggested than an increase in capsule production above 10% would not necessarily correlate with greater reproductive fitness because of the increased cost of capsule production. The capsule-to-flower ratio recorded in this study could be evolutionarily stable because of trade-offs between selection for pollinator attraction and the cost of capsule production. The production of surplus flowers appears to function in pollinator attraction and increases fitness through male function.  相似文献   

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