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This article presents information on the rape of women in the former Yugoslavia, focusing more on Muslim women in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and examines the evolutionary, sociological, psychological, and feminist theories of this form of sexual violence. Using a case study approach, through documentation from newspapers and other media accounts, this paper investigated the sexual violence that featured strongly in the campaign of ethnic cleansing or genocide of Muslims in Bosnia-Herzegovina. It was noted that the variables of power, sex, and aggression in the context of war seem to be linked. This is particularly evident when authority legitimates sexual aggression. Without the backing of authority, some rape is expected, but not of such proportion or brutality. In terms of the theories, the evolutionary perspective appears to have limited applicability in explaining rape as an act of war. However, the feminist and macrosociological multivariate theories that focus on heterogeneity of the population, a cultural foundation of very traditional gender roles, and a historical tradition that legitimates sexual violence by armies in war-time, provide more persuasive insights.  相似文献   

Boris Sket 《Hydrobiologia》1994,287(1):65-75
A selection of the most representative distribution patterns of stygobiont animals is presented. The range of a genus may extend beyond the Dinaride karst, while some species exhibit a holo-Dinaric distribution. The mero-Dinaric distribution is organised in two vicarious centres (in the NW and SE) as well as an epilittoral and a paralittoral belt. The paralittoral distribution is a result of paleogeographic rather than present-day ecological conditions. Important differences between the interstitial faunas of Slovenia (and NE Italy) and Macedonia are probably the result of their different sources. Some other distribution patterns are discussed or summarized from the existing literature. The distribution patterns of this stygobiont fauna are extremely diverse, and are influenced by the geological complexity of the territory as well as by the richness of the fauna concerned. New distribution data for some Copepoda, Thermosbaenacea, and Amphipoda are appended.  相似文献   

The UN International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) disclosed the dreadful health situation in the former Soviet Bloc. According to the report, "After the Fall: The Human Impact of Ten Years Transition," women and children in the former communist republic have suffered hard from both economic and social problems. Findings on health are particularly upsetting, especially with the re-emergence of the virtually eliminated "poverty diseases" such as diphtheria, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) including HIV infection. Cases of diphtheria in Russia and Ukraine increased to 43,000 in 1998 from 1900 in 1990. Western parts of the former Soviet Union are now suffering from the reappearance of tuberculosis (10% affecting children), syphilis (221 cases per 100,000 population), and STDs, while HIV infection rates were as high as 270,000 by the end of 1998. On the other hand, economic depression has given rise to increasing drug misuse, alcoholism, injury, and suicide among the young population. Patrick McCormick, a spokesperson of the UNICEF Research Center in Florence, which published the report, said "there is freedom now, but the children are paying high for that freedom and they are not in the position to benefit from it".  相似文献   

The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia lies in south east Europe between the Soviet block and the free enterprise countries of Western Europe. It was originally established as a confederation of independent Balkan states after the first world war; after the second world war it became an independent federation of the socialist republics of Bosnia, Herzegovnia, Montenegro, Croatia (including Dalmatia), Slovenia, and Serbia, together with the two small autonomous provinces of Kosovo and Vojvodina. In the subsequent 30 years the trend towards decentralised decision making and institutional self management has continued. Nevertheless, the federal authorities retain major control over economic decision making and policies. For example, they forbid anyone from owning more than two houses or 10 hectares of land, and no factory owner may employ more than 10 people. Capitalism in any other than this minor form is not allowed, and any businessman whose business expands must become involved in frustrating negotiations with the local government to set up a state industry. I recently visited Yugoslavia as a guest of the Institute for Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolic Diseases and of the medical faculty of the University of Zagreb and visited various health care units which provide services for diabetics in Croatia. As well as Zagreb itself I visited units in Split on the Adriatic coast and at Varazdin, near the Hungarian border. Necessarily my observations are based on the diabetes services in Croatia, but although the other republics may have less developed services they follow similar principles.  相似文献   

A collection of 2178 local populations from ex-Yugoslavia territories is maintained in Maize Research Institute (MRI) gene bank. These populations were characterized mainly by morphological markers. In this work, 21 local populations belonging to seven different agro-ecological groups have been subjected to SSR analysis using a DNA-pooling strategy. The objective of this work was to develop genetic fingerprints for characterization, identification and classification of the populations, as well as for estimation of their genetic diversity. Also, a DNA-pooling strategy was employed with the aim to certify if it could be applied for population analysis with SSR markers. Statistical analysis of 25 informative SSR primers revealing 224 alleles (bands) showed that the average within-population mean number of alleles was 2.55, the average values for total and within-population diversity were 0.784 and 0.502, respectively, and G ST value was 0.360. Genetic distance values calculated using Modified Rogers Distance were in the range from 0.35 to 0.60. The silver staining method of DNA used for bulked samples showed some weakness that could be overcome with a more sensitive staining method. Nevertheless, the results in this work indicate that the SSR analysis of bulks could be used for characterizing a large number of populations in gene banks.  相似文献   

Active revegetation is an essential component of biodiversity conservation for fragmented ecosystems and the species that depend on them. However, key knowledge gaps exist around the most cost‐effective revegetation strategies to employ in different contexts. This article reports on a revegetation trial undertaken in the Capertee Valley of New South Wales, Australia, to assist the conservation of the critically endangered bird, the Regent Honeyeater (Anthochaera phrygia). Seven treatments were compared to assess their cost‐effectiveness for enhancing plant survival at a floodplain site with a history of grazing on introduced pastures. While overall survival rates were low, treatments involving tree guards had higher survival rates and were more cost‐effective than treatments without guards. Weed growth, animal activity and water stress all appeared to play a role in the low survival rates at this site, with enhanced weed control emerging as a priority for future trials at similar sites.  相似文献   

Studies of arboviruses started in Yugoslavia in 1953 following the isolation of TBE virus which caused a severe epidemic that year. Until now the following viruses have been proven to circulate in the country: tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF), Bhanja (BHA), sandfly fever (SF), Tahyna (TAH), Calovo (CVO), West Nile (WN), dengue (DEN), Jug Bogdanovac (JB), and Hantaviruses. TBE virus is endemic in the north-west part of the country, causing also epidemics in cyclical intervals. Its typical clinical picture is aseptic meningitis, but severe cases with paralysis have also been described. The bite of ticks is confirmed in about 80% of cases. CCF caused a small epidemic with ten clinical cases in Macedonia in 1976. Bhanja virus was isolated on the Dalmatian island of Brac in 1977, the antibody rate there, determined by the HI method, being about 31%. The first human disease in the world was caused by the Yugoslav Bhanja virus strain. Sandfly fever is still active in the country. The Naples type is prevailing and has proved hazardous for newcomers. Hantaviruses have been studied since 1980. They caused severe epidemics (1967, 1980, 1989) and sporadic cases all over the country. Three different strains are in circulation. Further studies are needed for the rest of the above mentioned viruses to learn more about their significance in human pathology.  相似文献   

Linear hypoplasia of the deciduous teeth is rare in most human populations, but common where nutritional status is poor. Deciduous enamel hypoplasia, hypocalcification, and hypoplasia-related caries are described in Middle and Late Woodland skeletal series from the Lower Illinois Valley. Gross enamel defects that can be referred to pre-natal development are found in 83 of 170 children under six years of age at death. Circular caries secondary to hypoplasia is significantly more common in the Late Woodland series, reflecting the apparent higher cariogenicity of Late Woodland diets. There is a significant association between prenatal dental defects and bony evidence for anemia and infectious disease. Children with enamel defects show relatively higher weaning age mortality than those without. These relationships suggest that at least moderate levels of malnutrition existed in Illinois Woodland populations.  相似文献   

Suppression of gastric acid secretion is widely used and logical for the treatment of acid-related diseases. Healing of duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer and gastroesophageal reflux disease is correlated significantly with the degree and the duration of suppression of intragastric acidity over 24 hours and with the length of the treatment. To date, proton pump inhibitors are the most effective agents among the currently available antisecretory drugs in offering the highest healing rate and fastest resolution of symptoms. Combinations of an antisecretory drug with one or more antimicrobial agents accelerate healing of peptic ulcers.  相似文献   

Chaetopteryx marinkovicae of the rugulosa‐group from Yugoslavia (Istria) is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

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