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Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of diets, drug treatment, and behavioural interventions on infantile colic in trials with crying or the presence of colic as the primary outcome measure. Data sources: Controlled clinical trials identified by a highly sensitive search strategy in Medline (1966-96), Embase (1986-95), and the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register, in combination with reference checking for further relevant publications. Keywords were crying and colic. Study selection: Two independent assessors selected controlled trials with interventions lasting at least 3 days that included infants younger than 6 months who cried excessively. Data synthesis: Methodological quality was assessed by two assessors independently with a quality assessment scale (range 0-5). Effect sizes were calculated as percentage success. Effect sizes of trials using identical interventions were pooled using a random effects model. Results: 27 controlled trials were identified. Elimination of cows’ milk protein was effective when substituted by hypoallergenic formula milks (effect size 0.22 (95% confidence interval 0.09 to 0.34)). The effectiveness of substitution by soy formula milks was unclear when only trials of good methodological quality were considered. The benefit of eliminating cows’ milk protein was not restricted to highly selected populations. Dicyclomine was effective (effect size 0.46 ( 0.33 to 0.60)), but serious side effects have been reported. The advice to reduce stimulation was beneficial (effect size 0.48 (0.23 to 0.74)), whereas the advice to increase carrying and holding seemed not to reduce crying. No benefit was shown for simethicone. Uncertainty remained about the effectiveness of low lactose formula milks. Conclusions: Infantile colic should preferably be treated by advising carers to reduce stimulation and with a one week trial of a hypoallergenic formula milk.

Key messages

  • Infantile colic is common during the first months of life, but its cause is unknown
  • A definite diagnosis of infantile colic should be followed by a one week trial of substituting cows’ milk with hypoallergenic formula milk
  • Dietary intervention should be combined with behavioural interventions: general advice, reassurance, reduction in stimuli, and sensitive differential responding (teaching parents to be more appropriately responsive to their infants with less overstimulation and more effective soothing)
  • Anticholinergic drugs are not recommended because of their serious side effects

OBJECTIVE: To describe risk factors for infantile colic. DESIGN: Questionnaire administered by health visitors. SETTING: Sheffield. SUBJECTS: Mothers of 76,747 infants born between 1 August 1975 and 31 May 1988, interviewed when the infant was 1 month old. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Reporting of infantile colic and its duration; weight of infant leeding, state of the home, socioeconomic characteristics of the parents, parents'' age, and mother''s parity. RESULTS: The odds of reporting infantile colic were increased with breast feeding (odds ratio of breast v bottle feeding 1.35 (95% confidence interval 1.28 to 1.43)), increasing parental age, lower parity, increasing parental age at leaving full time education, and more affluent homes and districts of residence. In a logistic regression analysis, mother''s age and parity and socioeconomic factors remained the most important risk factors for the reporting of infantile colic (each P < 0.005), and the effect of breast feeding was attenuated (odds ratio of breast v bottle feeding 1.09 (1.02 to 1.15)). CONCLUSION: At a population level, dietary factors contribute little to mothers'' reporting of infantile colic, and dietary change should not be the primary intervention.  相似文献   

Host factors predisposing to anaerobic infections   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract Factors that predispose to infection in general, of course, may predispose to infection with anaerobes. Included in this category are diabetes mellitus, neutropenia, hypogammaglobulinaemia, malignancy, splenectomy, collagen vascular disease, cytotoxic drug therapy, corticosteroid therapy and other immunosuppression. However, even with these situations there may be certain, more specific, associations: anaerobic cholecystitis and anaerobic osteomyelitis in diabetics, neutropenic colitis, and the increased incidence of local anaerobic infections associated with carcinoma of the lung, colon and uterus. Conditions that lead to decreased redox potential more specifically predispose to infection with anaerobes. Included in this category are obstruction and stasis, tissue anoxia, tissue destruction, vascular insufficiency, prior aerobic infection, burns, foreign body implantation, and calcium salts in a wound (in association with fractures). Other specific clinical situations that predispose to anaerobic infections include leukaemia; oral, gastrointestinal, and female pelvic surgery; trauma at other sites; childbirth; aspiration pneumonia; human and animal bites; and therapy with agents with poor activity against anaerobes (e.g. aminoglycosides, quinolones). AIDS patients appear to be predisposed to severe periodontal disease and its complications.  相似文献   

The pig industry faces many animal welfare issues. Among these, biting behaviour has a high incidence. It is indicative of an existing problem in biters and is a source of physical damage and psychological stress for the victims. We categorize this behaviour into aggressive and non-aggressive biting, the latter often being directed towards the tail. This review focusses specifically on predisposing factors in early life, comprising the prenatal and postnatal periods up to weaning, for the expression of aggressive and non-aggressive biting later in life. The influence of personality and coping style has been examined in a few studies. It varies according to these studies and, thus, further evaluation is needed. Regarding the effect of environmental factors, the number of scientific papers is low (less than five papers for most factors). No clear influence of prenatal factors has been identified to date. Aggressive biting is reduced by undernutrition, cross-fostering and socialization before weaning. Non-aggressive biting is increased by undernutrition, social stress due to competition and cross-fostering. These latter three factors are highly dependent on litter size at birth. The use of familiar odours may contribute to reducing biting when pigs are moved from one environment to another by alleviating the level of stress associated with novelty. Even though the current environment in which pigs are expressing biting behaviours is of major importance, the pre-weaning environment should be optimized to reduce the likelihood of this problem.  相似文献   

Bone and tissue allografts are widely used in transplantation. The increasing demand for safe allografts must be met, while minimizing disease transmission. We analysed the incidence and potential risk factors of allograft contamination and the effectiveness of disinfection, by reviewing 22 years of tissue bank activity and 474 donor procurements. We also compared different disinfection procedures used over the 22 years. The overall contamination rate was 10.1%. Risk factors were related to the donor or procurement method. Immediate culture at the tissue recovery site diminished the rate of false positives by reducing later sample manipulation. High-virulence allograft contamination was mainly related to donor factors, while low-virulence contamination was related to procurement methods. Analysis of donor-related risk factors showed no statistical differences for age, sex, or cause of death. An intensive care unit stay was associated with less contamination with high-virulence microbes. Procurement in a setting other than an operating theatre was associated with higher contamination rate. Team experience reduced contamination. Pelvic and tendon allografts were most frequently contaminated. Proper disinfection considerably reduced the contamination rate to 3.6%. We conclude that procurement must be performed under aseptic conditions, with short delays, and by trained personnel. Grafts should be disinfected and packed as soon as possible.  相似文献   

Forty out of 76 patients (53%) who had suffered a cerebrovascular accident developed deep venous thrombosis of the paralysed leg, as detected with the 125I-fibrinogen technique. A further five also had thrombosis in the non-paralysed leg. A study of many predisposing risk factors provided no help either in elucidating the cause of venous thromboembolism or in identifying patients at risk of DVT as a complication of cerebrovascular accidents.  相似文献   



Crib-biting and windsucking (CBWS) behaviour in horses has been associated with increased risk of colic in general, recurrence of colic and specific forms of colic. The aims of the present study were to determine the prevalence of colic within a population of horses that display CBWS behaviour and to identify risk factors for colic.


Owners/carers of horses in the general UK equine population that display CBWS behaviour were invited to participate in a questionnaire-based survey about the management and health of these horses. Data were obtained for a number of variables considered to be possible risk factors for colic. The prevalence of colic was calculated and multivariable logistic regression was used to identify associations between horse- and management-level variables for two outcomes of interest: a history of colic ever and a history of colic in the previous 12 months.


Data were obtained for 367 horses. One or more episodes of colic had been observed in 130 horses (35.4%). A total of 672 colic episodes were reported and 13 colic episodes required surgical intervention in 12 horses. Where the horse/pony had been in that persons care over the previous 12 months (n=331), colic had been observed in 67 horses (20.2%) during that time. A total of 126 colic episodes were reported in the preceding 12 months of which veterinary attendance was required in 69 (54.8%) episodes. Increased duration of ownership, increased duration of stabling in the Autumn months (September-November), crib-biting/windsucking behaviour associated with eating forage and horses that were fed haylage were associated with increased risk of colic (ever). Increasing severity (frequency) of CBWS behaviour and increased duration of stabling in the Autumn were associated with increased risk of colic in the previous 12 months.


The prevalence of colic in a population of horses that display CBWS appeared to be relatively high. The results of this study can be used to identify horses that display CBWS who are at increased risk of colic and identifies areas for further research to determine if there are ways in which this risk might be reduced.

According to classic theory of neogenesis, cancer arises from well-differentiated cell that in response to variety of factors de-differentiates, becomes able to proliferate without control and/or loses its ability to undergo apoptosis. According to another theory, cancers (at least cancers of some organs) originate from stem cells, which "by definition" are poorly differentiated and able to proliferate indefinitely. Therefore a lower number of abnormal events is necessary for these cells to escape proliferation-controlling mechanisms. With regard to papillary thyroid cancers it is still thought that it arises from well-differentiated thyreocyte. One of the characteristic features of cancer cell is chromosomal instability. Lowest number of such abnormalities is observed in well-differentiated thyroid cancers (including papillary cancer), intermediate - in poorly-differentiated cancers, while highest - in anaplastic cancers. Microarray analysis shows that despite of clinical heterogeneity, gene expression profiles of papillary cancers are very similar. Genetic anomalies predisposing to the development of papillary cancer most commonly regard proteins that possess kinase activity. Kinases phosphorylate other proteins, and play an extremely important role in signal transduction from outside the cell as well as inside the cell. Constitutive activation of some kinases may lead to the excessive and/or permanent activation of some transduction pathways specific for mitogens or growth factors. This results in excessive proliferation. The best known protein of such type which function is altered in papillary thyroid cancers is RET - a membrane-located growth factor-receptor with kinase activity. RET gene undergoes different rearrangements in this type of cancer. There are approximately 10 RET rearrangements known, with RET/PTC3 and RET/PTC1 being most common. In this anomaly kinase domain-encoding 3' end of RET gene is aberrantly bound to 5' end of another gene. Fusion protein synthesized on such hybrid template is not present in the cell membrane but in the cytoplasm, where it permanently activates transduction pathway specific for RET. NTRK1 gene encoding a member of family of neuronal growth factor receptors containing thyrosine kinase domain is also rearranged in papillary cancers. However, genes fused to its kinase domain-encoding sequence are different from the ones fused to RET. MET, a gene encoding another membrane protein with thyrosine kinase activity, which acts as a growth factor-receptor, is overexpressed in 70%-90% of papillary thyroid cancers. BRAF gene encoding another yet kinase transducing signals from RAS and RAF to the cell is mutated at position 1796 (T/A, amino acid substitution V599E) in 38-69% of papillary cancers. The presence of this activatory mutation is associated with higher degree of clinical advancement of the disease. In addition, in majority of papillary cancers tested, mutations of the genes encoding nuclear triiodothyronine receptors were found. Transgenic mice with both TRB allele replaced with dominant-negative TRB mutants develop aggressive thyroid cancers. Progression from papillary to anaplastic cancer is most possibly caused by the occurrence of additional anomalies within P53, RAS, NM23,b-catenin gene and other genes.  相似文献   

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