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Hirose T  Oikawa S 《Oecologia》2012,169(4):927-937
Mean residence time (MRT) of plant nitrogen (N), which is an indicator of the expected length of time N newly taken up is retained before being lost, is an important component in plant nitrogen use. Here we extend the concept MRT to cover such variables as leaf number, leaf area, leaf dry mass, and nitrogen in the canopy. MRT was calculated from leaf duration (i.e., time integral of standing amount) divided by the total production of leaf variables. We determined MRT in a Xanthium canadense stand established with high or low N availability. The MRT of leaf number may imply longevity of leaves in the canopy. We found that the MRT of leaf area and dry mass were shorter than that of leaf number, while the MRT of leaf N was longer. The relatively longer MRT of leaf N was due to N resorption before leaf shedding. The MRT of all variables was longer at low N availability. Leaf productivity is the rate of canopy photosynthesis per unit amount of leaf variables, and multiplication of leaf productivity by MRT gives the leaf photosynthetic efficiency (canopy photosynthesis per unit production of leaf variables). The photosynthetic efficiency of leaf number implies the lifetime carbon gain of a leaf in the canopy. The analysis of plant-level N use efficiency by evaluating the N productivity and MRT is a well-established approach. Extension of these concepts to leaf number, area, mass, and N in the canopy will clarify the underlying logic in the study of leaf life span, leaf area development, and dry mass and N use in canopy photosynthesis.  相似文献   

To determine the time trend in age at death from cystic fibrosis and the independent effects of social class, sex, and region of residence mortality data for England and Wales from 1959 to 1986 were analysed. Median age at death increased from 6 months in 1959 to 17 years in 1986 and was higher in most years from 1970 in male patients (by one to six years) and in social classes with non-manual occupations (by one to 12 years). Independent odds ratios for death above the median age for the year of death (calculated for years from 1974, when regions of residence were coded by regional health authority area) were 1.47 (95% confidence interval 1.16 to 1.87) in male compared with female patients and 2.75 (2.16 to 3.52) in non-manual compared with manual social classes. The independent odds of death at above the median age also varied significantly among regions of residence by a ratio of up to 2.67. Social class, sex, and region of residence are all potential determinants of survival of patients with cystic fibrosis. Social class is particularly likely to confound the effect of management in specialist centres on survival.  相似文献   

Few studies have focused on the long-term influence of the climate on the prevalence of asthma. The aim of this study is to establish the influence of geo-climatic conditions on the prevalence of asthma symptoms both in adolescents and schoolchildren, and to discover if this influence is associated with their time trends. Eight centres in Spain performed both ISAAC phases I (1994) and III (2002) in children 13–14 years old. Six of them also surveyed children 6–7 years old. For each age group and phase, about 3,000 children were surveyed per centre. This study examines the prevalence of current wheeze and severe current wheeze in two different geo-climatic zones, coast and plateau, considering their relative humidity and temperature range. In both age groups, the mean asthma prevalence on the coast, for phase I and III, was significantly higher than on the plateau. Living on the plateau was an independent protective factor for current wheeze and severe current wheeze for the two age groups. Within the coastal centres, the increase of the annual relative humidity was a statistical significant risk factor for current wheeze, the same trend existing for current severe wheeze. These effects were independent of the sex and of the phase of the study. The prevalence of asthma and severe asthma symptoms is more frequent on the coast of Spain as compared to the inner plateau. This finding was repeated both in 1994 and in 2002.  相似文献   

McMann S 《Animal behaviour》2000,59(3):513-522
We know little about how signals are used during territory establishment, particularly when potential competitors are separated by distances that are typical of those between neighbours. I studied the effects of residence time on the display behaviour of male Anolis sagrei lizards in long- and short-distance contexts. In the long-distance context, the habitat patches of two male lizards were 5 m apart, separating the males by a distance typical of that in territorial neighbourhoods. For the short-distance context, I placed two males in one habitat patch. In both contexts, either 1-day residents were paired with new arrivals, or both individuals were new arrivals. In the long-distance contexts only, I also created situations in which both individuals were 1-day residents. Residence time affected the relative frequencies of headbob displays ('bobbing displays' and 'nodding displays'). However, the direction of the effect depended on opponent proximity. In long-distance contexts, 1-day residents performed fewer bobbing displays relative to nodding displays than did new arrivals; in short-distance contexts 1-day residents performed more bobbing displays relative to nodding displays than did new arrivals. The results suggest that signalling during territory establishment is governed by a qualitatively different set of rules when potential competitors are at short versus long distances. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The analytical expression for the drug concentration in each of the three compartments of a pharmacokinetics model, following any type of administration, is obtained from the transfer or elimination coefficients alone, without numerical approximation. Important applications of this result are the fitting of experimental data and the calculation of the areas under concentration curves or of the mean residence time of the drug in a given compartment or in the system as a whole.  相似文献   

The geographical extent of exotic plant species is a major component of invasiveness, which has been explained by intrinsic attributes of the plants, such as growth rate, reproductive type, life form, and biogeographical origin. We assessed quantitatively life cycle and biogeographical origin as determinants of the geographical distribution of naturalized plants in continental Chile, using minimum residence time (MRT) as an estimator of introduction date. We assembled a database with information on 428 plants (principally herbs) in continental Chile, corresponding to 61% of the exotic naturalized flora. For each species we recorded: (1) minimum residence time (introduction date or first recorded date in the country); (2) biogeographical origin (American, Eurasian, others); (3) life cycle (annual, perennial, others); (4) number of Chilean regions occupied by the plant. We found that 82 species (19%) have been recorded in only one region of Chile, while only three species have been found in all 13 regions of the country. About 89% of the species (381) have been found only in central Chile (Regions IV to VIII), while the remaining 11% (47) are found only in the northern (Regions I to III) or southern parts of the country (Regions IX to XII). We detected significant differences in regional spread of naturalized plants according to minimum residence time: those species with shorter MRT had more limited spread ranges than those with longer MRT. Biogeographical origin and life cycle did not explain geographical extent in Chile. This study shows that historical factors are more important than biological ones in determining the geographical extent of naturalized plants in continental Chile. Thus, caution should be exercised when assigning value to biological attributes that may confer invasiveness to naturalized plants.  相似文献   

An important factor influencing whether or not a non-native plant species becomes invasive is the climate in the area of introduction. To become naturalised in the new range, a species must either be climatically pre-adapted (climate matching), have a high phenotypic plasticity, or be able to adapt genetically, which in the latter case may take many generations. Furthermore, patterns of successful establishment across species might vary with habitat context. To address the interaction of these factors on non-native species richness, we recorded the presence of non-native annual plant species along an altitudinal gradient on Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). We compared the distributions of species differing in bioclimatic origin (Mediterranean and temperate) and time since introduction (old and recent introductions), and compared richness patterns of these groups in anthropogenic and natural habitats. Non-native species richness increased strongly from lowlands to mid-altitudes, but dropped sharply at the transition from anthropogenic to natural habitats, and thereafter declined with altitude in the natural habitat. This pattern indicates that the altitude effects reflected changes in both climate and habitat context. Mediterranean and temperate species were distributed similarly along the altitudinal gradient, and we found no effect of bioclimatic origin on species distributions. As almost all species present at the highest sites also occurred in the lowlands, we conclude that most species were introduced to lowland sites and were therefore pre-adapted to those climatic conditions (lowland introduction filter). The altitudinal ranges of species tended to increase with time since introduction, and the species reaching the highest altitudes were mostly old introductions. This effect of time was more pronounced among Mediterranean than temperate species. Thus, while climatic pre-adaptation is important for establishment along this altitudinal gradient, species tend to extend their altitudinal range with time.  相似文献   

Jianping Xu 《Génome》2004,47(5):775-780
The origin of sex and how sex is maintained are among the biggest puzzles in biology. Most investigations into this problem have focused on complex eukaryotes like animals and plants. This mini-review summarizes recent progress in our understanding of the evolution of sex, highlighting results from studies of experimental and natural populations of microorganisms. Increasing evidence indicates that sexual reproduction in natural populations of viruses, bacteria, and eukaryotic microbes is much more prevalent than previously thought. In addition, investigations using experimental microbial populations are providing important parameters relevant to our understanding of the origin and maintenance of sex. It is argued that microbes are excellent model organisms to explore the mechanisms responsible for the evolution of sex.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To test the null hypothesis that there has been no change in the prevalence or severity of childhood asthma over recent years. DESIGN--Repeated population prevalence survey with questionnaires completed by parents followed by home interviews with parents. SETTING--London borough of Croydon, 1978 and 1991. SUBJECTS--All children in one year of state and private primary schools aged 7 1/2 to 8 1/2 years at screening survey. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Trends in symptoms, acute severe attacks, and chronic disability. RESULTS--For 1978 and 1991 respectively, the response rates were 4147/4763 and 3070/3786, and home interviews were obtained from 273/288 and 319/395 parents of currently wheezy children. Between 1978 and 1991 there were significant relative increases in prevalence ratios in the 12 month prevalence of attacks of wheezing or asthma (1.16; 95% confidence interval 1.02 to 1.31), the one month prevalence of wheezing episodes (1.78; 1.15 to 2.74), and the one month prevalence of night waking (1.81; 1.01 to 3.23) but not in frequent (> or = 5) attacks over the past year (1.05; 0.79 to 1.40). There were substantial and significant decreases in the 12 month prevalence of absence from school of more than 10 days due to wheezing (0.52; 0.30 to 0.90), any days in bed (0.67; 0.44 to 1.01), and restriction of activities at home (0.51; 0.31 to 0.83) and an equivalent but not significant fall in speech limiting attacks (0.51; 0.24 to 1.11). CONCLUSION--The small increase in the prevalence of wheezy children and relatively greater increase in persistent wheezing suggests a change in the environmental determinants of asthma. In contrast and paradoxically the frequency of wheezing attacks remains unchanged and there are indications that severe attacks and chronic disability have fallen by about half; this may be due to an improvement in treatment received by wheezy children.  相似文献   

Several issues in Chao's related paper J. theor. Biol. (1991, 153, 229-246) are revisited. It is argued that mixes of segments from different viral coinfection groups cannot be regarded as sex, unless one is willing to accept that these groups are replicators and individuals. But, because selection in coinfection groups is dynamically analogous to that in trait groups in structured demes, one should also regard these latter groups as replicators. This approach is unacceptable since the groups in question have irregular ploidies, an unfixed number of parents, and no rules analogous to those of meiosis. It is emphasized, however, that the effective presence of neighbour-modulated fitness can ensure dynamical coexistence of covirus segments, even if the equal net reproduction rate within groups is not warranted. It seems that during the origin of coviruses from complete viruses, a higher-level evolutionary unit has become disintegrated, whereas during the origin of life a higher-level unit, the protocell, has emerged from lower-level ones, i.e. unlinked, replicating genes. These two gene-level systems are not homologous, but analogous. Although it is true that the resistance to parasites and the need to avoid a mutational collapse of the genome are likely to have called for some compartmentation in precellular stages of evolution, no clear demonstration, that the proposed mechanisms (the compartmentalized hypercycle and the stochastic corrector model) do in fact solve the error threshold problem, exists. Neither has a plausible mode of protocellular sex been suggested.  相似文献   

Based on atlas data with a 10-km cell resolution for 1,406 exotic plant species inhabiting Great Britain, we investigate the extent to which arrival time (residence time) and biogeographical origin (climate suitability) are associated with range sizes of exotic plants and how exotic plant richness is related to current climate and the human footprint. We grouped species according to four arrival periods (archaeophytes and three classes of neophytes), and three broad biogeographical origins, each reflecting a different macroclimate similarity with the study region (northern Holarctic > Mediterranean > and tropical–subtropical). While we found that mean range sizes increased with residence time, no strong effect of the region of origin on range size was detected. Also, across all groups, species richness was primarily and positively associated with temperature, whereas relationships with human footprint were much weaker, albeit also positive in all cases. The proportion of variance explained by environmental models of richness increased from groups comprising recently arrived species to those that arrived earlier, and from tropical–subtropical species to exotics coming from the Holarctic. Our data also illustrate how these trends translate into richness patterns and their association with climate, which become more similar to native richness patterns as residence time and macroclimatic matching increase. In contrast, broad-scale human alteration of ecosystems appeared to be less important for variation in exotic richness than climate, although we did not evaluate anthropogenic effects at finer scales.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to assess the relationships between eveningness, sleep patterns, measures of daytime functioning, i.e., sleepiness, sleep problem behaviors, and depressed mood, and quality of life (QOL) in young Israeli adolescents. A cross-sectional survey was performed in urban and rural middle schools in Northern Israel. Participants were 470 eighth and ninth grade middle school students (14?±?0.8 yrs of age) in the normative school system. Students completed the modified School Sleep Habits Survey (SSHS) and Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory Short Form, assessing six subscales of physical, emotional, social, school performance, and psychosocial functioning, plus an addition generated total score. During weekdays and weekends, evening types went to bed later, their sleep latency was longer, their wake-up time was later, and their sleep duration was shorter than intermediate and morning types. Evening types exhibited more sleep problem behaviors, sleepiness, depressed mood, and lower QOL compared to intermediate and morning types. Based on the regression model, sleepiness, sleep-problem behaviors, and depressed mood were the variables most strongly associated with QOL, followed by morning-evening preference, weekday sleep duration, and weekend sleep latency. This study is the first to assess QOL in normative, healthy adolescents and to demonstrate strong associations between morning-evening preference and QOL. These findings enhance the need to identify young individuals with an evening preference, and to be aware of the characteristics and manifestations of the evening chronotype on daytime and nighttime behaviors in adolescence.  相似文献   

Dispersal is one of the most fundamental components of ecology. Dispersal is also particularly relevant in an era of unprecedented habitat loss and climate change. We used a unique dataset to examine dispersal in gray ratsnakes (Pantherophis spiloides). Over a decade, we marked and released >1,500 hatchlings while monitoring the population of ratsnakes over a large area (≈1,900 ha). We tested the hypotheses that dispersal should be (a) largely restricted to within the local population given previous genetic evidence of limited gene flow at greater distances and (b) male biased because male gray ratsnakes are under strong sexual selection. We recaptured 69 gray ratsnakes that had been marked as hatchlings after periods ranging from 1 day to 11 years. We found that dispersal distance increased with time, but was not significantly sex-biased, and that gray ratsnakes are extremely faithful to their communal hibernacula (only 2.8% of 497 juvenile and adult ratsnakes captured at least twice at communal hibernacula changed sites between years). Thus, dispersal is largely limited to the period from hatching until an individual joins a communal hibernaculum. Based on the spatial patterns of dispersal we observed, the most plausible explanation for dispersal is that hatchling ratsnakes disperse from their natal site to join a neighboring communal hibernaculum. Our study yielded the most reliable data on dispersal distances from birth by a snake to date.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To investigate whether prevalence of asthma in children increased in 10 years. DESIGN--Serial cross sectional studies of two populations of children by means of standard protocol. SETTING--Two towns in New South Wales: Belmont (coastal and humid) and Wagga Wagga (inland and dry). SUBJECTS--Children aged 8-10 years: 718 in Belmont and 769 in Wagga Wagga in 1982; 873 in Belmont and 795 in Wagga Wagga in 1992. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--History of respiratory illness recorded by parents in self administered questionnaire; airway hyperresponsiveness by histamine inhalation test; atopy by skin prick tests; counts of house dust mites in domestic dust. RESULTS--Prevalence of wheeze in previous 12 months increased in Belmont, from 10.4% (75/718) in 1982 to 27.6% (240/873) in 1992 (P < 0.001), and in Wagga Wagga, from 15.5% (119/769) to 23.1% (183/795) (P < 0.001). The prevalence of airway hyperresponsiveness increased twofold in Belmont to 19.8% (173/873) (P < 0.001) and 1.4-fold in Wagga Wagga to 18.1% (P < 0.05). The prevalence of airway hyperresponsiveness increased mainly in atopic children only, but the prevalence of atopy was unchanged (about 28.5% in Belmont and about 32.5% in Wagga Wagga). Numbers of house dust mites increased 5.5-fold in Belmont and 4.5-fold in Wagga Wagga. CONCLUSIONS--We suggest that exposure to higher allergen levels has increased airway abnormalities in atopic children or that mechanisms that protected airways of earlier generations of children have been altered by new environmental factors.  相似文献   

The pre-karyote (the host for alpha-proteobacteria) is not assumed to have had a fusion prohibiting cell surface, and thus unlike prokaryotes could have practiced sex. A single DNA damage checkpoint control might have been the only checkpoint pathway regulating the ancient pre-karyotic cell cycle from which the modern eukaryotic cell cycle evolved. This single checkpoint would allow the cell division only when all the pre-karyote genome was completely replicated without mistakes. If the restart of DNA replication was impossible after DNA damage, the last chance to survive for this in S-phase blocked pre-karyote would be the fusion with the partner. After the fusion, recombination, and subsequent completing the replication of both haploid sets, the single DNA damage checkpoint would allow two subsequent rounds of fission. The fusion might have represented both useful repair strategy, and a mechanism of horizontal transmission of the ancestors of mitochondria. The presence/absence of these symbionts might have been a primordial form of sexual determination.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES--To study the prevalence of asthma (asthma symptoms and bronchial hyperresponsiveness) in Swedish cross country skiers compared with non-skiers and monitor changes in symptoms and bronchial hyperresponsiveness during the year. DESIGN--Cross sectional study during the winter ski season and in the summer. SETTING--Six ski clubs for élite skiers (total 47) in two different areas of Sweden. SUBJECTS--42 élite cross country skiers and 29 non-skiing referents. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Bronchial responsiveness, asthma symptoms, and lung function. RESULTS--Bronchial responsiveness was significantly greater and asthma symptoms more prevalent in the skiers than in the referents. There was no difference in bronchial responsiveness within either group between winter and summer. 15 of the 42 skiers used antiasthmatic drugs regularly and 23 had a combination of asthma symptoms and hyperresponsive airways or physician diagnosed asthma, or both. Altogether 33 skiers had symptoms of asthma or bronchial hyperresponsiveness. One of the referents had symptoms of asthma and bronchial hyperresponsiveness, and none used antiasthmatic drugs regularly. CONCLUSIONS--Asthma, asthma-like symptoms, and bronchial hyperresponsiveness are much more common in cross country skiers than in the general population and non-skiers. Strenuous exercise at low temperatures entailing breathing large volumes of cold air is the most probable explanation of persistent asthma in skiers.  相似文献   

To determine the incidence of and risk factors in cerebrovascular disease in Manitoba, all 1367 new cases in defined areas (population, 660 391) in an 18-month period were studied. Pertinent data were collected from hospital records, death certificates and autopsy reports. The annual incidence of cerebrovascular disease in these areas was 138/100 000 and the incidence was generally higher in men than in women. The incidence of cerebral infarction (INF) and that of hemorrhage (HGE) were similar in men and women less than 50 years old; thereafter the incidence of INF increased faster with age than did that of HGE, the disparity being greater in men than in women, whereas the incidence of HGE increased at similar rates in the two sexes. The incidence of INF was significantly greater in men than in women in urban areas, and in men it was greater in urban than in rural areas. Elevated concentrations of serum lipids and smoking are implicated as risk factors in INF, and hypertension as a risk factor in HGE.  相似文献   

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