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Ejsmont-Karabin  J.  Gulati  R. D.  Rooth  J. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,(1):29-34
Visual observations and experiments on food preference of Euchlanis dilatata lucksiana show that this euchlanid can feed on blue-green algae not consumed by the most planktonic animals. Nevertheless, even in lakes with blooms of blue-green algae, E. d. lucksiana occur infrequently and generally in low numbers. The paper is an attempt to explore into the causes for the rare occurrence of Euchlanis in the pelagial. A comparison of threshold food concentrations calculated from N and P excretion rates (Gulati et al., this volume) with the concentrations of seston in the Lake Loosdrecht shows that the latter were several times higher during study period in 1984. This implies that the food requirements of Euchlanis were always satisfied in this lake. The time needed for the consumption of the total food fraction in a liter of lake water by a concentration of 50 Euchlanis l–1 was also calculated. This time varied from 70 to 200 days, so a Euchlanis population even at its maximum density will not cause major changes in blue-green algae biomass by grazing. Thus, food limitation cannot be viewed as a factor controlling the Euchlanis densities in Loosdrecht Lakes. There is some evidence that Euchlanis is heavily predated in Loosdrecht Lakes, losses in its biomass accounting for 126% of the production. Adaptation of this species to the littoral zone, as expressed by the deposition of eggs on plants, can also limit the occurrence of the lucksiana form to water bodies with blooms of blue-green algae.  相似文献   

Many authors have referred to the important role of vegetation in the consolidation of salt marsh sediments, but experiments previously carried out by us have shown results that do not always agree with these statements. In other words, the type of salt marsh surface coverage is not the main factor that contributes to the consolidation of sediments. To test this hypothesis different Portuguese salt marsh stations (species/unvegetated areas) from two sites, Tagus estuary (Corroios and Pancas) and Ria de Aveiro (Barra and Verdemilho), were compared to evaluate their influence on suspended matter deposition on the salt marsh surface. A short-term sedimentation study was performed within stands of Spartina maritima, Halimione portulacoides, Sarcocornia perennis subsp. perennis and unvegetated areas, by analysing the deposition of sediment material on nylon filters anchored to the marsh surface. Numerical results obtained from hydrodynamic models coupled to a Lagrangean module implemented for the Ria de Aveiro and the Tagus Estuary, namely the root-mean square velocity (V rms) and residual velocity of tides, were also used. Average sedimentation rates (mean value between the different surface cover in a salt marsh) showed a seasonal trend more or less defined but with significantly different values between sites and salt marshes. Sedimentation rates varied between marshes: there are significant differences between Pancas and the other three marshes, but only significant differences in sedimentation rates between Spartina and Sarcocornia. Despite the important role of vegetation in the consolidation of salt marsh sediments, our results suggest that, the position of stations and related abiotic conditions in the salt marshes are determining factors of variation to take into account in the studies related with the stabilization and survival of salt marshes facing sea level rise. Handling editor: P. Viaroli  相似文献   

Climate change has ignited lively research into its impact on various population-level processes. The research agenda in ecology says that some of the fluctuations in population size are accountable for by the external noise (e.g. weather) modulating the dynamics of populations. We obeyed the agenda by assuming population growth after a resource-limited Leslie matrix model in an age-structured population. The renewal process was disturbed by superimposing noise on the development of numbers in one or several age groups. We constructed models for iteroparous and semelparous breeders so that, for both categories, the population growth rate was matching. We analysed how the modulated population dynamics correlates with the noise signal with different time-lags. No significant correlations were observed for semelparous breeders, whereas for iteroparous breeders high correlations were frequently observed with time-lags of 71 year or longer. However, the latter occurs under red-coloured noise and for low growth rates when the disturbance is on the youngest age group only. It is laborious to find any clear signs of the (red) noise- and age group-specific fluctuations if the disturbance influences older age groups only. These results cast doubts on the possibility of detecting the signature of external disturbance after it has modulated temporal fluctuations in age-structured populations.  相似文献   

Somatic coliphages are amid several groups of bacteriophages that have been suggested as indicators in water quality assessment. One of the limitations frequently endorsed to somatic coliphages as indicators is that they can replicate in the water environment. This review intends to evaluate the significance of this potential replication. In view of: the threshold densities of somatic coliphages and host bacteria needed for productive infection to occur, the densities of both host cells supporting somatic coliphages replication and these phages in water environments, and the poor contribution of lysogenic induction to the free somatic coliphage numbers in water, it can be concluded that replication of somatic coliphages in waters is very unlikely. Consequently, the contribution of replication in the environment of somatic coliphages is expected to have a non-noticeable influence on the numbers of somatic coliphages detected in water environments. Thus, the replication in the environment should not be argued as a limitation to the use of somatic coliphages as indicators.  相似文献   

Deviations between observed and simulated discharge in the basins along the borders of the Czech Republic with Austria and Germany provide outputs which enable to follow changes in runoff. The three basins range in area from 100 to 200 km2 and the experimental basin Liz with an area of 0.99 km2. The selected experimental catchments are situated in or close to the National Park of the ?umava Mts. This region is described also in Tesa? et al. (2006). Results indicate that changes in runoff appear to be related to damages in forest cover caused by wind disasters and insects damages.Daily time series used for simulations are approximately 40 years long and 20 years in the experimental basin. Two different models of the rainfall — runoff process have been used for simulations and the outputs provide comparable results. The models are the conceptual model Sacramento (Burnash, 1995) and the model BROOK’90 (Federer, 1993). The second model distinguishes the details concerning evapotranspiration, including transpiration, rain and snow interception and snow and soil evaporation.The indicated runoff changes seem to be rather complex. After deforestation the volume of runoff generally increases and peak flows of floods are higher, but low flow in rainless periods show complicated courses.  相似文献   

The phenology of tree species in environments that are subject to strong climatic seasonality is mainly determined by water availability, which may vary as a function of wood density. The relationship among phenology, water potential, wood density and the capacity of water storage in the stem were determined for woody species of caatinga vegetation (dry forest) in the semiarid region of NE Brazil. Leaf flush and fall, flowering and fruiting events were recorded over a 31-month period, and the water potential was measured over a two-year period. These data were related to precipitation, water availability in the soil and photoperiod. Seven deciduous species exhibited low wood density (DLWD,?<0.5?g?cm?3), high capacity of water storage in the stem (until 250?% of the dry weight) and high water potential during the year, as opposed to 15 deciduous species that showed high wood density (DHWD,?≥0.5?g?cm?3). Leaf flush, flowering and the fruiting of DHWD species were related to precipitation, whereas these phenological events occurred at the end of the dry season and/or the beginning of the rainy season for DLWD species and were related to the photoperiod. The two evergreen species showed variations of water potential that were intermediate between those of DHWD and DLWD deciduous species, leaf flush during the dry season and flowering at the end of dry season. These results suggest the existence of three functional groups: evergreen species, DHWD deciduous species and DLWD deciduous species.  相似文献   



Responses to salt stress of two Gypsophila species that share territory, but with different ecological optima and distribution ranges, were analysed. G. struthium is a regionally dominant Iberian endemic gypsophyte, whereas G. tomentosa is a narrow endemic reported as halophyte. The working hypothesis is that salt tolerance shapes the presence of these species in their specific habitats.


Taking a multidisciplinary approach, we assessed the soil characteristics and vegetation structure at the sampling site, seed germination and seedling development, growth and flowering, synthesis of proline and cation accumulation under artificial conditions of increasing salt stress and effect of PEG on germination and seedling development.


Soil salinity was low at the all sampling points where the two species grow, but moisture was higher in the area of G. tomentosa. Differences were found in the species’ salt and drought tolerance. The different parameters tested did not show a clear pattern indicating the main role of salt tolerance in plant distribution.


G. tomentosa cannot be considered a true halophyte as previously reported because it is unable to complete its life cycle under salinity. The presence of G. tomentosa in habitats bordering salt marshes is a strategy to avoid plant competition and extreme water stress.  相似文献   



The development and propagation of malaria parasites in their vertebrate host is a complex process in which various host and parasite factors are involved. Sometimes the evolution of parasitaemia seems to be quelled by parasite load. In order to understand the typical dynamics of evolution of parasitaemia, various mathematical models have been developed. The basic premise ingrained in most models is that the availability of uninfected red blood cells (RBC) in which the parasite develops is a limiting factor in the propagation of the parasite population.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》1999,20(3):147-158
Sample sites of `brousse tigrée' and related vegetation types are described for Mali and Niger. Species composition and physical structure of the herbaceous layer as well as woody plant population were recorded at all sites together with data on soils and natural resource management. Herbage yield was measured whereas foliage yield and wood mass were calculated using allometry equation calibrated for each species. `Brousse tigrée' is characterized by the regularly alternating bare-soil stripes with dense linear thickets arranged perpendicularly to the slope. There was no clear superiority in total plant production of `brousse tigrée' when compared to neighbouring site with diffuse vegetation. However, the pattern of `brousse tigrée' tended to favour woody plant yield to the detriment of herbage yield. The number of herbaceous species recorded per site (22–26) was slightly above Sahelian vegetation average despite low number of species per 1-m2 quadrat (6–9), bare soil excluded. This species richness reflects the diversity in edaphic niches resulting from the redistribution and local concentration of water resources and shade. The high spatial heterogeneity and species richness of the herbaceous layer in `brousse tigrée' did not attenuate the interannual variation in herbage yield despite low yields. Except for the herb layer, little evidence was found of grazing influence on the vegetation structure and yield a few hundred metres away from livestock concentration points. On the other hand, the clearing of thickets for cropping led to severe soil erosion which threaten the resilience of `brousse tigrée'. These observations and the well-defined climatic, soiland topographic situations under which the `brousse tigrée' occurs invalidate the hypothesis of an anthropic origin of that vegetationpattern.  相似文献   

We have established the participation of a mobile redox pool in the respiratory chain of anaerobically grown bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans. In testing the kinetical homogeneity of the pool it was found that the ratio of fluxes of electron transport toward the terminal acceptors oxygen and nitrate was coincident for the respiratory substrates NADH and succinate; this provides evidence against the preferential link of one dehydrogenase with a distinct terminal enzyme through the separate pool of ubiquinone. The deviation from the expected behavior observed in comparing the titration of NADH oxidase and succinate oxidase with respiratory inhibitors such as mucidin (inhibitor in the bc1 region) or cyanide can be accounted for by the activation of succinate dehydrogenase upon the increase in the reduced state of respiratory components during the titration.  相似文献   

The present experiment was conducted to study the growth profile of the ovulatory follicle in relation to the expression of estrus following administration of PGF(2alpha) to subestrus buffaloes. After detection of a mature corpus luteum by examination per rectum, confirmed by ultrasound scanning, subestrus buffaloes (n=20) were treated (Day 0) with single dose of Dinoprost tromethamin (25 mg, i.m.). Blood samples were collected at 0, 24 and 48 h after treatment for estimation of plasma progesterone concentration. Growth profile of the ovulatory follicle was monitored daily through ultrasound scanning starting from Day 0 until ovulation and the regression profile of CL was monitored at 0, 24 and 48 h of treatment. Estrus was detected by exposure to a fertile buffalo bull three times a day until expression of overt estrus or ovulation. Behavioral estrus was recorded in 14 animals and 6 animals ovulated silently. Sixteen animals including six animals with silent estrus ovulated from the dominant follicle present at treatment (Group A) and remaining four animals ovulated from the dominant follicle of succeeding follicular wave (Group B). The intervals from treatment to estrus (6.5+/-0.25 versus 3.2+/-0.27 days, P<0.001) and treatment to ovulation (7.5+/-0.25 versus 5.4+/-0.46 days, P<0.005) were significantly longer in animals of Group B compared with animals of Group A. Significant differences were observed in growth profile of the ovulatory follicle between animals of Groups A and B with respect to size of the follicle on Day 0 (9.8+/-0.7 versus 5.3+/-0.45 mm, P<0.001), daily growth rate (0.97+/-0.07 versus 1.6+/-0.2 mm/day, P<0.01) and increase in diameter (4.1+/-0.6 versus 7.8+/-0.7 mm, P<0.01). The animals with silent estrus (subgroup A-2) had significantly smaller diameter of the ovulatory follicle on Day 0 (7.7+/-0.4 versus 11.0+/-0.7 mm, P<0.005), its daily growth rate was significantly slower (0.7+/-0.02 versus 1.1+/-0.1 mm/day, P<0.01) and they recorded significantly longer interval from treatment to ovulation (7.3+/-0.56 versus 4.2+/-0.27 days, P<0.001) compared with the animals that showed overt estrus (subgroup A-1). The corpus luteum area (CL area) and plasma progesterone (P(4)) concentration declined continuously from 0 to 48 h after PGF(2alpha) treatment in the animals of both the Groups A and B. Non-significant differences were observed in mean CL area and plasma P(4) concentration at 0, 24 and 48 h post-treatment between animals of Groups A and B and also between animals of subgroups A-1 and A-2. The small size and the slow growth rate of the ovulatory follicle were identified as the possible cause of silent estrus in subestrus buffaloes after PGF(2alpha) treatment.  相似文献   

Protoplasts obtained from sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) cell suspensions were found to be highly intact and to retain a high rate of O2 consumption. If the protoplasts were taken up and expelled through a fine nylon mesh, all the protoplasts were ruptured, leaving the fragile amyloplasts largely intact. Distribution of enzymes of glycolysis in plastids and soluble phase of sycamore protoplasts indicated that the absolute maximum activity for each glycolytic enzyme under optimum conditions exceeded the estimates of the maximal rate at which sycamore cells oxidize triose phosphate. Passage of protoplasts through the fine nylon mesh produced a 3-5-fold decrease in O2 consumption. However, addition of saturating amounts of respiratory substrates and ADP restored an O2 consumption equal to that observed with uncoupled intact protoplasts. Taken together, these results demonstrated that neither the overall capacity of the glycolytic enzymes in sycamore cells nor the availability of respiratory substrates for the mitochondria is ultimately responsible for determining the rate of uncoupled respiration in sycamore cells.  相似文献   

In the early phase of the Space Shuttle program, NASA flight surgeons implemented a fluid-loading countermeasure in which astronauts were instructed to ingest eight 1-g salt tablets with 960 ml of water approximately 2 hours prior to reentry from space. This fluid loading regimen was intended to enhance orthostatic tolerance by replacing circulating plasma volume reduced during the space mission. Unfortunately, fluid loading failed to replace plasma volume in groundbased experiments and has proven minimally effective as a countermeasure against post-spaceflight orthostatic intolerance. In addition to the reduction of plasma volume, central venous pressure (CVP) is reduced during exposure to actual and groundbased analogs of microgravity. In the present study, we hypothesized that the reduction in CVP due to exposure to microgravity represents a resetting of the CVP operating point to a lower threshold. A lower CVP 'setpoint' might explain the failure of fluid loading to restore plasma volume. In order to test this hypothesis, we conducted an investigation in which we administered an acute volume load (stimulus) and measured responses in CVP, plasma volume and renal functions. If our hypothesis is true, we would expect the elevation in CVP induced by saline infusion to return to its pre-infusion levels in both HDT and upright control conditions despite lower vascular volume during HDT. In contrast to previous experiments, our approach is novel in that it provides information on alterations in CVP and vascular volume during HDT that are necessary for interpretation of the proposed CVP operating point resetting hypothesis.  相似文献   

长株潭城市群生态绿心地区地处南方红壤丘陵区的中心地带, 植被区划上属中亚热带常绿阔叶林北部植被亚地带。该区植被以次生林为主, 植被类型复杂多样, 在南方红壤丘陵区现状植被中具有典型代表性, 可为区域植被演替动态和植被恢复研究提供良好的平台。该研究采用统一、规范的方法设置了50个样方, 对区内主要植被类型的物种组成、数量特征、生境信息等进行调查。计算乔木层、灌木层和草本层物种重要值, 运用《中国植被志》编研规范进行植被类型划分和命名, 描述群落物种组成和特征, 并提供10个植被型、22个群系、33个群丛共50个样方的原始数据, 包括森林样方43个, 灌丛样方5个, 草地样方1个, 沼泽样方1个。  相似文献   

The lamina area damaged and biomass per leaves removed by invertebrate herbivores were measured across seasons on water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms (Pontederiaceae). The amount of the leaf biomass per meter square lost through herbivory was also assessed in different sampling dates in the plant population. Ten leaves of water hyacinth were sampled in each of 18 site-habitat-date combinations. Sampling dates were chosen to follow the plant phenology. The lamina area damaged (surface abrasions and holes) was measured with the visual estimation method; biomass removed by herbivores (surface abrasions and holes) was calculated indirectly from the damaged lamina area. Significant differences in total damaged area and removed biomass per lamina were found between sampling dates at each site, with highest values in March (end of growth period). Total damaged area per lamina (surface abrasions + holes) varied between 11% in March and 6% in July (decay period). Total removed biomass (surface abrasions + holes) varied between 27% in March and 13% in July. Significant differences in biomass removed by herbivory were found between sampling dates at each site. Biomass of lamina removed by herbivores per m−2 varied between 26 and 13% in different seasons. The herbivore damage of discrete samples and the indirect method to calculate the biomass removed is useful in sites with aquatic free floating plants, where experimental exclusion of insects may be difficult to carry out.  相似文献   

The intracellular pH of frog sartorius muscles exposed to an extracellular pH 8.0 (25 mM HCO3-, 1% CO2) was 6.9-7.1. Following a fatiguing stimulation period (one tetanic contraction per second for 3 min), the intracellular pH was 6.5-6.7. When similar experiments were repeated with frog sartorius muscles exposed to pH 6.4 (2mM HCO3-, 1% CO2), the intracellular pH was 6.8-6.9 at rest and 6.3-6.4 following fatigue. So, in both experiments the intracellular pH decreased by 0.4-0.5 pH unit during fatigue. When the CO2 concentration of the bathing solution was increased from 1 to 30%, the intracellular pH of resting muscles decreased from 7.0 to 6.2-6.3. Although the effect of CO2 on the intracellular pH was greater than the fatigue effect, the decrease in tetanic force with CO2 was less than 40%, while during fatigue the tetanic force decreased by at least 70%. Therefore in frog sartorius muscle the decrease in tetanic force during fatigue exceeds the decrease that is expected from just a change in intracellular pH.  相似文献   

In most arid ecosystems, the vegetation is organized into two‐phase mosaics, where high‐cover vegetation patches are interspersed in a matrix of low plant cover. We studied the role of the biotic interaction balance (competition/facilitation) between shrubs and grasses as a driver of patch dynamics and maintenance of two‐phase vegetation mosaics. Following Watt's seminal model, we conducted two field experiments in which we manipulated different vegetation patches to obtain the different stages along the building and degradation dynamics of high‐cover patches. In addition we applied two possible belowground competition treatments (natural and experimentally reduced). We measured plant variables (emergence, survival, height, flower culms) on grass seedlings and transplants. We integrated all plant measurements into a single positive and negative component, to calculate the net balance along three stages of the patch dynamics proposed. The net biotic interaction balance was negative during the early and mature stages of high‐cover patches because the average standardized effect from the negative component was below ?0.44, while the positive component was not different from zero. However, the net biotic interaction balance was positive during the degraded stages of high‐cover patches because the negative average component was ?0.37, while the positive component reached 0.58. The negative net effects during early and mature stages of high‐cover patches can be explained by the occurrence of wet years, because high rainfalls hide the aboveground facilitation. Our findings point out the importance of complementary mechanisms to the interaction balance in the mosaic maintenance (e.g. trapping of seeds by shrubs) according to the inter‐annual rainfall variability.  相似文献   

In vitro-grown saskatoon berry (Amelanchier alnifolia Nutt.) plantlets were exposed to various hormonal treatments, dormancy-inducing and cold acclimation conditions to determine if this in vitro system would be viable for dormancy/hardiness studies in woody plants. Low temperature induced significant hardiness levels in plantlets to ?27°C after 6 weeks at 4°C but did not approach liquid nitrogen levels of fully hardened, field-grown buds. Control plantlets were consistently killed at ?5°C throughout this period. Significant hardiness was attained under both short and long day/low temperature conditions; however, hardiness was reduced under continuous light or dark treatments. A pre-exposure to the typical short photoperiod regime of woody plants did not significantly increase the rate of acclimation in these plantlets. The presence/absence of phytohormones in the media have a pronounced influence on the ability of plantlets to cold acclimate. Hormone-free media increased hardiness to ?10.5°C after 2 weeks in treatment. Addition of abscisic acid (ABA) increased cold hardiness levels (?12°C) while addition of benzylaminopurine (BAP) to this hormone-free media decreased hardiness to ?5.3°C. A combination of BAP and ABA treatments produced LT50 values intermediate between individual applications of either hormone. Conversely, α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) could not counteract the ABA-induced hardiness. ABA treatments alone were not able to harden plantlets to the extent attained under low temperature acclimation conditions. Further, ABA could not maintain the hardiness levels of cold-acclimating treatments and plantlets de-acclimated to ?9°C in BAP + ABA media. Subculturing in itself significantly elevated cold hardiness in plantlets to ?9°C on BAP + NAA media within 3 days after subculture and thereafter plantlets dehardened to ?5°C. While tissue culture has value in specific cases, caution should be taken when using tissue-cultured plantlets as a system to evaluate environmental regulation of cold acclimation in woody plants, in part, due to the influence of phytohormones in the media.  相似文献   

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