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After activation, wild-type Dictyostelium discoideum spores germinate rapidly and synchronously in phosphate buffer as well as in complex medium. Mutants defective in spore germination were isolated and characterized. These mutants (called grm) did not germinate normally in buffer but did germinate in complex medium in the presence of bacteria. One mutant (grm B) swelled normally, but amoebae were not formed. Another mutant (grm F) swelled and germinated poorly in buffer. The members of the third group of mutants (A, C, D, and E) did not swell or give rise to amoebae in buffer.  相似文献   

The pattern of synthesis of the spore coat proteins during development of Dictyostelium discoideum has been determined by using immunoprecipitation with spore protein antibody. SP170, SP103, 'SP94', SP82, SP76 and SP55 are all first synthesized just prior to the 'Mexican hat' stage of development (16-18h), but the synthesis of SP72 is delayed. This protein is apparently synthesized as a precursor, P66, which is modified during spore maturation to yield SP72. The nature of the modification is unknown. At their peak period of synthesis during early culmination (18-20h), the spore coat proteins account for 5-9% of total protein synthesis. Shortly after synthesis, these proteins are inserted into the spore coat, where all except SP103 become disulphide-cross-linked during the period 24-30h. SP3 does not accumulate until disulphide-cross-linking of the major spore coat proteins occurs and is itself disulphide-cross-linked into the spore coat. Several additional proteins that are accumulated during development have also been identified, namely P31, P25, P21 and P18. P25 first appears at 18-20h and then continues to be made throughout development. P31 synthesis begins at 12-14h and then largely ceases after approx. 20 h of development. The genes for both P21 and P18 are first expressed early in development, starting at 9-12h. P21 synthesis ceases at approx. 14h, but P18 continues to be synthesized throughout the rest of development. The marked differences in the time period of accumulation of these proteins compared with the co-ordinated syntheses of SP170, SP103, 'SP94', SP82, SP76 and SP55 provide a useful system for analysis of the mechanism of temporal gene expression during development.  相似文献   

The spore coat of a fucosylation mutant in Dictyostelium discoideum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Strain HL250 of Dictyostelium discoideum cannot convert GDP-mannose to GDP-fucose, resulting in an inability to fucosylate protein. This affects a group of proteins which are normally fucosylated intracellularly and then secreted via prespore vesicles to become part of the outer lamina of the spore coat. We have found that strain HL250 nevertheless accumulates typical amounts of these proteins, stores them normally in prespore vesicles, and secretes them normally to become a part of the spore coat. However, affected proteins are proteolyzed after germination, the spore coat is more accessible to penetration by a macromolecular probe, and germination is inefficient in older spores. These findings can be explained by a dependence of the integrity of the outer layer of the spore coat on protein-linked fucose.  相似文献   

Spores may be reversibly activated by the application of heat, dimethyl sulfoxide, urea, or ethylene glucol. Severe changes in four environmental variables (high osmotic pressure, low oxygen tension, low or high pH, and low or high temperature) interfere with the germination process. Spores at the end of the postactivation lag phase of germination were usually deactivated if exposed to severe environmental conditions and thus did not swell; spores in the swelling and oxygen uptake which began during spore activation was primarily attributable to a cyanide-sensitive pathway and secondarily to a salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM) sensitive pathway. Inhibition of the SHAM-sensitive pathway did not cause spore deactivation while the addition of cyanide resulted in rapid spore deactivation. Treatment of activated spores with azide or environmental shifts also resulted in inhibition of oxygen uptake and spore deactivation. Deactivating spores did not demonstrate the amino acid incorporation, uridine incorporation, and expression of trehalase activity which is found in the later stages of germinating control spores. Protein synthesis inhibitors did not cause spore deactivation or a decrease in oxygen uptake but they inhibited amino acid incorporation and the expression trehalase activity in swollen spores. It is concluded that control of respiratory activity is involved in regulation of reversible activation.  相似文献   

The topography and functional domains of the cAMP chemotactic receptor of Dictyostelium discoideum were investigated by protease sensitivity to chymotrypsin. Proteolytic digestion of intact cells produced a 23-kDa fragment of the receptor that retained the photoaffinity label used to identify the receptor. Additionally, this fragment contained the sites phosphorylated by CAR-kinase, the enzyme that phosphorylates the ligand-occupied form of the receptor. The fragment was also found to be phosphorylated in response to cAMP stimulation of cells. Proteolytic digestion of either intact cells or membrane preparations did not appreciably alter the binding properties of the receptor, indicating that the domains which determine the cAMP binding pocket are likely to be transmembrane regions of the protein. Additionally, the sensitivity of down-regulated receptors to chymotrypsin digestion suggests that the initial loss of cAMP binding activity upon incubation of cells with high concentrations of ligand does not require receptor internalization.  相似文献   

Immunological evidence is presented which confirms that pp95, one of the major phosphoproteins accumulated in development of the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum, is identical with spore coat protein SP13. The site of phosphorylation is identified as phosphoserine. The second major phosphorylated component, pp74, corresponds to two co-migrating spore coat proteins known collectively as SP74.  相似文献   

The specific activity of cathepsin B-like, cathepsin D-like, and leucine aminopeptidase enzymes was measured in dormant, aging, and germinating spores of wild-type and mutant Dictyostelium discoideum.The activity of leucine aminopeptidase was relatively constant during spore aging and spore germination. The level of cathepsin D-like activity was highest in young dormant spores but decreased during germination or aging.The level of cathepsin B-like activity remained constant in wild-type spores which were aged for 13 days. The dormant spores of spontaneous germination mutants initially contained low levels of cathepsin B-like activity which increased during aging. Thus, there was no correlation between the level of endogenous cathepsin B activity and the ability to be autoactivated or heat-activated. The level of cathepsin B-like activity does not have a role in the generation of energy for the swelling stage of germination. Finally, the combined level of endogenous and exogenous cathepsin B activity increased more than 20-fold during the emergence of myxamoebae suggesting that the enzyme(s) may play a role at this development stage of germination.  相似文献   

Here we show evidence that S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase (SAHH) is linked to the actin cytoskeleton. Actin rods formed in Dictyostelium discoideum spores during the final stage of development are structurally composed of novel bundles of actin filaments. SAHH only accumulates with actin at this stage of development in the life cycle of D. discoideum. Recently SAHH is believed to be a target for antiviral chemotherapy and the suppression of T cells. Our finding may contribute to designing novel antiviral and immunosuppressive drugs.  相似文献   

mRNA decay was studied during spore germination in Dictyoselium discoideum by the use of three previously isolated cDNA clones, pLK109, pLK229, and pRK270, which are specific for mRNAs developmentally regulated during spore germination. The half-life of a constitutive mRNA, pLK125, which is present throughout germination, growth, and development, as also determined. Nogalamycin, a DNA-intercalating compound, was used to inhibit RNA synthesis. Total RNA was isolated at intervals after addition of the drug, and the decay of mRNAs specific for the cDNA clones was determined by both Northern blot and RNA dot hybridization. If nogalamycin was added immediately after activation of dormant spores, neither pLK229 nor pLK109 mRNA decayed, but pLK125 mRNA did decay. Although pLK109 mRNA did not decay under these conditions, the RNA was smaller 1 h after activation than in dormant spores, indicating that it was processed normally. At 1 h after activation, pLK229-, pLK125-specific mRNAs decayed exponentially, with half-lives of 24, 39, and 165 min, respectively. Under the same conditions, decay of pLK109-specific mRNA was biphasic. Thirty-eight percent of the mRNA decayed with a half-life of 5.5 min, and the remainder decayed with a half-life of 115 min. It seems likely that nogalamycin inhibits the synthesis of an unstable component of the mRNA degradative pathway which is needed continuously for the decay of pLK109 mRNA. By extrapolating the curve representing the rapidly decaying component, a half-life of 18 min was calculated for pLK109-specific mRNA. The mRNAs developmentally regulated during spore germination have half-lives shorter than that of the constitutive messenger and shorter than the average half-life of 3 to 4 h previously determined for total Dicyostelium polyadenylated mRNA.  相似文献   

Young sorocarps (consisting of a mass of spore cells resting on a stalk) were exposed to low levels of [U-14C]glucose and the spore cells were rapidly separated from stalk cells. Metabolites were isolated from spores and their specific radioactivities compared to these metabolites isolated from the whole organism; i.e. spore plus stalk cells. Based on these data, known reaction rates, and metabolite concentrations, highly constrained steady state models of metabolism in spore and stalk cells were constructed. Direct evidence has been obtained which substantiates earlier predictions regarding cell permeability, the distribution of specific metabolites, and the location of reactions in vivo.  相似文献   

Haploid spores usually lead to the production of small plaques when plated under standard conditions; diploid spores usually lead to the formation of large plaques.  相似文献   

At maturity, the spores of Dictyostelium are suspended in a viscous fluid droplet, with each spore being surrounded by its own spore coat. Certain glycoproteins characteristic of the spore coat are also dissolved in this fluid matrix after the spore coat is formed. To determine whether any proteins of the coat reside in this fluid phase earlier during the process of spore coat assembly, pairs of strains which differed in a spore coat protein carbohydrate marker were mixed and allowed to form spore coats in each other's presence. We reasoned that proteins belonging to an early, soluble, extracellular pool would be incorporated into the spore coats of both strains. To detect trans-incorporation, spores were labeled with a fluorescent antibody against the carbohydrate marker and each spore's fluorescence was analyzed by flow cytometry. Several proteins of both the outer and inner protein layers of the coat appeared to be faithfully and reciprocally trans-incorporated and hence judged to belong to a soluble, assembly-phase pool. Western blot analysis of sorted spores, and EM localization, confirmed this conclusion. In contrast, one outer-layer protein was not trans-incorporated, and was concluded to be insoluble at the time of secretion. Three classes of spore coat proteins can be described: (a) Insoluble from the time of secretion; (b) present in the early, soluble pool but not the late pool after spore coat formation; and (c) present in the soluble pool throughout spore coat assembly. These classes may, respectively: (a) Nucleate spore coat assembly; (b) comprise a scaffold defining the dimensions of the nascent spore coat; and (c) complete the assembly process by intercalation into the scaffold.  相似文献   

《Developmental biology》1986,117(2):636-643
During spore germination in the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum, spores swell and then release single amoebae in a highly synchronous manner. A mutant, named HE 1, is unable to complete the sequence. It swells normally but amoebae are not released from the swollen spore. The mutant was used to investigate whether this defect in spore germination affected the orderly progression of appearance and disappearance of mRNAs developmentally regulated during germination. Three previously characterized cDNA clones representing D. discoideum sequences that are modulated during spore germination, and are not present in growing cells, were used as probes. In the wild type, the levels of the respective mRNAs reach a peak early during spore germination (1-1.5 hr) but fall at later times, indicating that their synthesis has stopped and they are rapidly degraded. However, in the mutant, after reaching their maximum levels during germination (also at 1-1.5 hr), the mRNA levels remain high. This is apparently at least partly due to the increased stability of these mRNAs in the mutant compared to the wild type. It is concluded that the time of the onset of synthesis of the mRNAs and the time when their maximum levels is reached are normal in HE 1. However, the later events, the level of mRNA attained, and the subsequent disappearance of these mRNAs are abnormal.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic analysis of bis-psoralen crosslinked adenovirus type 5 virion DNA revealed supercoiled domains in an otherwise linear DNA. The existence of supercoiled arrangement in all the virion DNA was demonstrated by the sensitivity of Ad5 DNA in pentonless virus particles to the supercoiling-dependent endonucleolytic activity of Bal31 and S1 nucleases. These nucleases were found to cleave Ad5 virion DNA at specific sites. The observation of stable cleavage sites in the limit digestion of virion DNA by Bal31 suggests that cleavage sites represent boundaries of core proteins which impede the exonuclease activity of Bal31. These data suggest that specific arrangement of core proteins on Ad5 virion DNA. Based on this analysis we determined positions of core proteins in viral genome using indirect end labeling technique. The size of supercoiled domains of virion DNA was estimated by electron microscopy and also by boundaries of mutually exclusive Bal31 cleavage sites at limit digestion condition. Our data suggest each supercoiled domain is equal to about 12% of Ad5 genome length and about 8 loops can be accommodated in Ad5 virion. However sequences at two extreme ends of the viral genome were found to be outside of supercoiled domains. An interesting correlation between supercoiled domains and gene domains of Ad5 genome was noticed.  相似文献   

While certain sporagenous mutants of Dictyostelium discoideum do not display a density dependence for spore cell formation under in vitro differentiating conditions, other sporagenous mutants (HM18, HM18-2 and FR17) do exhibit density dependence. In addition, pre-spore cell formation in the wild-type strain V12M2 is density-dependent. Spore cell formation in HM18 and HM18-2 is stimulated at low cell densities by a membrane fraction from pseudoplasmodial cells. Stimulation is also effected by extracts of these membranes or conditioned media from starving cells and these preparations also stimulate pre-spore cell formation in V12M2. The active factor in conditioned media is of low molecular weight, heat-stable and insensitive to treatment by pronase and glycosidase; the factor is not extractable by hexane. The available evidence suggests that the active factor in conditioned media and in membrane extracts is the same molecule and, although ammonia also stimulates spore cell formation under these conditions, the active factor is not ammonia. More activity is produced extracellularly by cells in shake suspension than by cells in monolayers, and some strains produce more activity than others.  相似文献   

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