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The reproductive biology of an exotic species will affect its ability to become naturalized and invasive in non-native habitats. Rhododendron ponticum is an ecologically damaging exotic weed in the British Isles, which spreads predominantly by seed. I investigated how inbreeding and outcrossing affect seed production and germination in a wild population of this species in Ireland. Experimental manipulations revealed low fruit and seed set when insects were excluded from flowers, suggesting that this species has limited capability for spontaneous autogamy. Hand-pollination treatments showed that, although flowers are self-compatible (with self and same plant pollen), higher levels of seed set occur following outcrossing (xenogamy). There was no significant difference in rate of germination of seeds from inbred or outcrossed treatments. The addition of xenogamous pollen to open flowers did not increase fruit or seed set, suggesting that flowers in this population are not pollen limited: native generalist pollinators, mainly bumblebees ( Bombus spp.), are providing an adequate pollinator service. This work demonstrates that outcrossing increases seed set and pollinators are required to facilitate this. Hence, generalist native pollinators can promote invasion by exotic plants. Native pollinators can clearly play an important part in alien species invasion.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 373–381.  相似文献   

Two animal-pollinated hermaphrodite plants, Pedicularis siphonantha and P. longiflora , have been used to investigate factors limiting seed production in natural populations. To evaluate the potential seed abortion due to resources limitation, seed development has been observed and seed count conducted twice. Seed production per capsule has been compared when flowers have been removed and in a control group. Open pollination has been investigated and pollen supplementation undertaken to estimate the possibility of pollen limitation. Results show that seed abortion is frequent. Stigmatic pollen load is significantly higher than ovule number per ovary under open pollination for both species. Additional self and outcross pollen did not affect seed production. Flower removal significantly increases seed production per capsule, which indicates that seed production of the studied species is limited by available resources. To detect differences in seed production between flowers pollinated by self and outcross pollen, hand pollination of bagged flowers has also been conducted in natural populations of the two Pedicularis species. Compared with open pollination, hand-pollinating self-pollen decreases, while outcross pollen increases seed production per capsule. Such results suggest that inbreeding depression in the two self-compatible species may also result in partial seed abortion under open pollination if mixed pollen is deposited on the stigma. Our results also suggest that pollen interference plays an important role in low female fertility in the two Pedicularis species.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 147 , 83–89.  相似文献   

Ipomoea habeliana is an endemic, night‐flowering member of the Galápagos flora. Pollination experiments, flower‐visitor observations, nectar sampling, pollen transfer, and pollen to ovule ratio and pollen size studies were included in this project. The large, white flowers of this species set fruit via open pollination (55%), autonomous autogamy (51%), facilitated autogamy (91%), cross‐pollination (80%), diurnal open pollination (60%) and nocturnal open pollination (60%). Fruit set is pollen‐limited. Ants, beetles, crickets and hawk moths regularly visit the flowers. Ants are the most frequent visitors, but hawk moths are the only effective pollinators. Nectar is available throughout the night, but is most abundant early in the evening when hawk moth visits are most frequent. Experiments with fluorescent dust demonstrate intra‐ and inter‐plant pollen movement by hawk moths. Although this species is adapted for hawk moth pollination, it readily sets fruit via autonomous autogamy when no visits are made. Thus, it is concluded that it is facultatively xenogamous. Additional support for this conclusion is provided by the pollen to ovule ratio of 1407 and by the fact that the plants grow in a region that has few or no faithful pollinators. Conservation efforts for I. habeliana should include hand pollinations, which could significantly increase seed set. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 160 , 11–20.  相似文献   

Tournefortia rufo-sericea is an endemic member of the Galápagos angiosperm flora. Although not uncommon within the archipelago, its status is presently listed as vulnerable and, as such, a complete knowledge of its pollination biology may prove useful in preventing its decline. Pollination experiments, flower-visitor observations, nectar and fluorescence studies, as well as pollen : ovule ratio and pollen size studies were included in this investigation. The small, white flowers of this species set fruit via open pollination (81%), autonomous self-pollination (80%), diurnal pollination (80%), and nocturnal pollination (85%). Ants are the most common visitor to the flowers of this species, primarily during the day, whereas beetles and moths make visits at night. A small amount of nectar is presumably produced, as moths are often seen probing the corollas. Experiments with fluorescent dust did not support interflower pollen movement. The pollen : ovule ratio was 4972 : 1, which suggests xenogamy, and the mean pollen size was 21 µm. Despite the pollen : ovule ratio, it appears that this species exhibits a breeding strategy of facultative autogamy, in which the majority of flowers set fruit via autonomous self-pollination, but limited outcrossing may occur when pollinators are available. Conservation efforts for T. rufo-sericea should focus on the control or eradication of exotic species.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 153 , 21–31.  相似文献   

Crop pollination by animals is an essential ecosystem service. Among animal-pollinated crops, distylous plants strongly depend on animal pollination. In distylous pollination systems, pollinator species are usually limited, although flowers of some distylous plants are visited by diverse animals. We studied the pollination biology of common buckwheat ( Fagopyrum esculentum ), a distylous crop mainly pollinated by honeybees and visited by many insect species, to evaluate the effects of non-honeybee species on pollination services. We focused on insects smaller than honeybees to determine their contribution to pollination. We applied pollination treatments with bags of coarse mesh to exclude flower visits by honeybees and larger insects and compared the seed set of bagged plants with that of untreated plants for pin and thrum flower morphs. We found a great reduction of seed set only in bagged pin flowers. We also confirmed that small insects, including ants, bees, wasps and flies, carried pin-morph pollen. These small insects transfer pollen from the short anthers of pin flowers to the short styles of thrum flowers, leading to sufficient seed set in thrum flowers. Consequently, small, non-honeybee insects have the potential to maintain at least half of the yield of this honeybee-dependent distylous crop.  相似文献   

Strobilanthes kunthianus (Acanthaceae) is a semelparous species with synchronized flowering and mast seeding once in 12 years. As semelparous plants have only one chance to reproduce, they are expected to develop effective strategies to prevent reproductive failure. The reproductive strategies of S. kunthianus were investigated by studying the floral traits, pollination biology, and breeding system that are critical for reproductive success. The species exhibits a series of floral traits: (1) gregarious flowering attracts a large number of Apis cerana indica , the major pollinator; (2) the stigma is sensitive to touch by the pollinator; in fresh flowers, the receptive surface faces the entry path of the incoming bee, facilitating pollen deposition; as an immediate response, the stigma curves backwards moving the receptive surface away from the path of the exiting bee, thus preventing autogamy and interference in pollen transfer; (3) flowers remain fresh for 2 days with receptive stigma and nectar and pollen reward. These traits render the species 100% pollination efficient to ensure a high seed set. As the species is self-compatible, the prevailing high degree of geitonogamous pollinations does not interfere with fruit set. The evolution of the adaptive floral traits has facilitated mast seeding in the species.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 157 , 155–163.  相似文献   

Pollination ecology of Arum italicum (Araceae)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The pollination ecology of Arum italicum was studied in south-western France. This plant attracts olfactory dung-breeding flies through deceit. These insects are principally represented by Diptera, all belonging to saprophyte families. The volatilization of the odouriferous compounds, responsible for their attraction, is achieved through the production of heat by the appendix. The insects are trapped for 24 h in order to participate in both sexual phases of the protogynous inflorescence. The male flowers produce three heat events during flowering. These peaks of heat seem to be involved in the spathe movements, since they occur during the opening of the inflorescence and the liberation of the insects. The last male heat event may be linked with the liberation of pollen and its dispersion by stimulating trapped flies. According to their frequency and pollen-load, two Psychoda species appear to be the most efficient pollinators ( P. crassipenis and P. pusilla ). Nevertheless, each of the other attracted species could play a significant role under different spatio-temporal conditions. Experiments on self-pollination have shown that obligate cross-pollination is necessary for A. italicum to set seeds. Moreover, hand- and natural-pollinated plants showed similarly high abortion frequencies suggesting that seed set may be more constrained by resources rather than by pollination limitation.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 141 , 205–214.  相似文献   

The breeding system of the terrestrial orchid Eulophia alta was investigated in south Florida where it has previously been reported as an auto‐pollinated species. The effect of breeding system on seed viability and germinability and seedling development was also investigated. Incidences of spontaneous autogamy in E. alta were rare at the study site, resulting in only 7.1% of observed flowers forming capsules. In addition, hand pollination resulted in significantly greater capsule formation when flowers were subjected to induced autogamy (46.4%), artificial geitonogamy (64.3%) and xenogamy at both short (pollen source 10–100 m away; 42.9%) and long (pollen source > 10 km away; 67.9%) distances. Pollen source had little effect on seed viability and germinability or seedling growth rates. However, seed resulting from spontaneous autogamy developed more slowly than seed originating from the other treatments. These data indicate that spontaneous autogamy is rare in E. alta and that naturally forming capsules may be the result of unobserved pollination events. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 161 , 78–88.  相似文献   

The hypothesis of this study was that in the Galápagos Islands, fruit and seed set via nocturnal pollination would exceed that of diurnal pollination due to greater insect activity at night typical of hot, arid regions. Cordia lutea, a heterostylous member of the Galápagos flora, was submitted to pollination experiments, visitor observations, nectar sampling, pollen transfer studies, pollen-ovule ratio studies, and pollen measurements. Flowers set fruit and seed via open pollination, autonomous autogamy, facilitated autogamy, facilitated cross-pollination, diurnal pollination, and nocturnal pollination. There was a significant difference in fruit set between flowers experiencing legitimate cross-pollinations (pin × thrum) and those experiencing all other pollination treatments except facilitated autogamy. There was no significant difference in seed set among any of the treatments, but there was a trend toward greater seed set for flowers experiencing open-pollination, legitimate cross-pollination, and nocturnal pollination. There was no significant difference in fruit set or seed set between flowers experiencing diurnal pollination and nocturnal pollination, although there was a trend toward greater seed set resulting from nocturnal pollination. Carpenter bees were the most effective diurnal pollinators, whereas moths were the most effective nocturnal pollinators. Of the two, moths are more efficient at transporting pollen from plant to plant. Results indicate that an overall low productivity of this species is due to pollen limitation exacerbated by nectar robbing. Cordia lutea exhibits a mixed mating system, producing a relatively low level of fruits through a combination of self- and cross-pollination, facilitated by the relatively few insects that are available.  相似文献   

The plants of Kadsura longipedunculata (Schisandraceae) are monoecious and possess either red or yellow male flowers (the androecium), with yellow tepals, and yellow female flowers. All flower types simultaneously produce heat and floral odours (dominated by methyl butyrate) throughout a 4–5-h nocturnal period. The flowers are pollinated only by female, pollen-eating Megommata sp. (Cecidomyiidae). Pollen is the only reward, and female flowers use the same attractants as male flowers but offer no food (pollination by deceit). Open pollinated flowers in nature varied in fruit set from 8 to 92%. Megommata (subfamily Cecidomyiinae, supertribe Cecidomyiidi), consists of six described species, which feed on Coccoidea (scale insects) and are distributed worldwide.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 523–536.  相似文献   

The pollination biology of Syzygium sayeri was documented using the special capabilities of the Australian Canopy Crane. Syzygium sayeri is a xenogamous species with poor self-compatibility, moderate levels of natural out-crossing, and the producer of copious amounts nectar throughout the day and night. Of a diverse fauna associated with, and visiting the flowers of S. sayeri , larger vertebrates (blossom bats and honeyeaters) account for approximately half its natural pollination rate, while the balance of pollination is attributable to a host of invertebrate visitors (wasps, flies, thrips, butterflies). Day and night pollinators contributed approximately equally to the successful pollination of S. sayeri ; although the number of individuals visiting flowers was greater during the day, further experimentation might reveal night visitors to be more effective pollinators. The co-occurrence of vertebrates and invertebrates, as well as day and night visitors, suggests that S. sayeri has a generalist pollination system, whereby the absence of a discrete set of faunae could be compensated for by the presence of other pollinators. What is not clear is the contribution of different pollinators to the population success (i.e. gene flow) of this species. Further study is needed to determine the contribution of each pollinator group to the flow of genetic material in populations of S. sayeri . © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 149 , 69–84.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of reproductive isolation were studied in two species of Arum , A. italicum and A. maculatum , growing in England and the south of France. The study focused on three potential mechanisms for reproductive isolation: the effectiveness of dichogamy as a barrier to autogamy; the ability of self and outcrossed pollen to germinate on stigmas at different stages of anthesis and to effect pollination; and postzygotic barriers to selfing. Dichogamy was found to provide a very effective barrier to within-inflorescence selfing in these species, as no seeds were produced by spontaneous self-pollination (i.e. autogamy) in any population of either species. However, the study found that geitonogamy (cross-pollination between inflorescences of a same individual or clone) was possible, as genotypes frequently produced several inflorescences and stigmas were found to be receptive to pollen from before anthesis until their contraction at the end of the female phase of flowering. Hand pollination with self pollen from clone inflorescences produced as numerous and heavy seeds as outcross pollination. In addition, the germination and growth of geitonogamously produced seed was similar to that of outcrossed seed, suggesting that this potential postzygotic barrier is absent or weak. These findings suggest that geitonogamous seed production may be unrestricted by significant pre- or postzygotic barriers. The possible advantages of geitonogamy in Arum are discussed.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 150 , 323–328.  相似文献   

The primary hypothesis of this study was that in the Galápagos Islands, fruit and seed set via nocturnal pollination would exceed that of diurnal pollination because of the greater insect activity at night typical of hot, arid regions. Clerodendrum molle, a widespread member of the Galápagos flora was submitted to pollination experiments, visitor observations, nectar sampling, pollen transfer studies, pollen?Covule ratio studies, and pollen measurements. Flowers set fruit and seed via open pollination, autonomous autogamy, facilitated autogamy, facilitated cross-pollination, diurnal pollination, and nocturnal pollination. Results indicate no significant difference in fruit set. Cross-pollinated flowers showed a significant increase in seed set over all treatments except facilitated autogamy. Nocturnal and diurnal fruit and seed set did not differ significantly. Nocturnal visitors included ants, spiders, hawk moths, and roaches whereas diurnal visitors included carpenter bees and ants. Galápagos members of C. molle exhibit incomplete protandry and set fruit via autonomous autogamy as a result of natural selection in an environment with few faithful pollinators. Overall low fruit and seed set are likely because of a combination of pollen and resource limitation, the latter exacerbated by nectar robbing. Studies of island angiosperms are crucial for complete understanding of the population dynamics of indigenous plants, which can assist conservation officials in protecting these species.  相似文献   

矮牡丹传粉生物学的初步研究   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:31  
对山西省南部矮牡丹3个居群连续两年的野外观察和实验研究表明,共有5种蜂和4种甲虫参 与矮牡丹的传粉。电镜观察和人工控制昆虫传粉试验证明,蜂类,特别是地蜂类是矮牡丹的主要传粉 者,而甲虫类只是一种不稳定的传粉者。矮牡丹花无蜜液,但可散发气味,主要以花粉吸引昆虫。矮牡 丹不存在无融合生殖,也没有自动自花结实现象,但同株异花能产生少量种子,具微弱的自交性。在花 少的居群中自然结实率与人工异交结实率近相等。矮牡丹的结实率低,平均只有近1/4的胚珠发育成种子。  相似文献   

The role of pollinators in the evolution of the African-Malagasy orchid genus Brownleea (Brownleeinae) was investigated. Taxa show specialization for pollination by bees ( B. parviflora , B. recurvata ), short-proboscid flies ( B. galpinii ), and long-proboscid flies ( B. macroceras , B. coerulea ). All species in the genus produce nectar, but some ( B. coerulea , B. galpinii ) appear to mimic flowers of abundant sympatric species as an additional strategy to attract pollinators. Species investigated in terms of their breeding systems ( B. coerulea , B. parviflora , B. macroceras , B. galpinii ) are reliant on pollinator visits for seed production. Self-pollination results in strong inbreeding depression during embryo formation. A phylogeny of the genus, constructed using data from the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region and morphology, indicates that fly pollination is likely to be basal in the genus, and that there has been a single shift to bee pollination.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 156 , 65–78.  相似文献   

Mass flowering is a widespread blooming strategy among Neotropical trees that has been frequently suggested to increase geitonogamous pollination. We investigated the pollination ecology of the mass‐flowering tree Handroanthus impetiginosus, addressing its breeding system, the role in pollination of different visitors, the impact of nectar robbers on fruit set and the function of colour changes in nectar guides. This xenogamous species is mainly pollinated by Centris and Euglossa bees (Apidae) seeking nectar, which are known to fly long distances. The flowers favour these bees by having: (1) a closed entrance in newly opened flowers which provides access only to strong bees capable of deforming the flower tube; and (2) a nectar chamber that is accessible only to long‐tongued bees. Only first‐day flowers with yellow nectar guides produce nectar. Pollinators prefer these flowers over second‐ and third‐day flowers with orange and red nectar guides, respectively. Nectar robbers damage two‐thirds of the flowers and this robbing activity decreases fruit set by half. We attribute the low fruit set of H. impetiginosus to the intense nectar robbing and hypothesize that visual signalling of nectar presence in newly opened (receptive) flowers reduces geitonogamy by minimizing bee visits to unrewarding (non‐receptive) flowers. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 176 , 396–407.  相似文献   

The first example of pollination by fungus gnats in the eudicots is reported. The genus Mitella (Saxifragales) is characteristically produces minute, inconspicuous, mostly dull-coloured flowers with linear, sometimes pinnately branched, petals. To understand the function of these characteristic flowers, we studied the pollination biology of four Mitella species with different floral traits and different sexual expression: dioecious M. acerina , gynodioecious M. furusei var. subramosa , and hermaphroditic M. stylosa var. makinoi and M. integripetala. Flower-bagging experiments showed that wind pollination did not occur in the dioecious and gynodioecious species. Two years of observations of flower visitors at six study sites in Japan revealed that the principal pollinators of all four Mitella were specific species of fungus gnats (Mycetophilidae), which landed on the flowers with their long spiny legs settling on the petals. Characteristically, numerous pollen grains were attached to the fungus gnats in specific locations on the body. Although, on average, 1.3–2.6 fungus gnats visited each inflorescence per day, the fruit set of both bisexual and female flowers exceeded 63%. These results suggest that fungus gnats are highly efficient pollinators of Mitella spp., and that Mitella flowers are morphologically adapted to pollination by fungus gnats.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 144 , 449–460.  相似文献   

Flowering plants typically use floral rewards to attract animal pollinators. Unlike nectar, pollen rewards are usually visible and may thus function as a signal that influences landing decisions by pollen‐seeking insects. Here we artificially manipulate the presence of both pollen and staminal hairs (a putative false signal of pollen reward availability) in the hermaphroditic lily Bulbine abyssinica (Xanthorrhoeaceae) to investigate their effects on bee visitation and fecundity, and also test for trade‐offs between pollen production and seed production. Honeybees, the primary floral visitors, are probably not able to distinguish between colours of petals, staminal hairs and pollen of B. abyssinica, according to analysis of reflectance spectra in a bee vision model. Flowers with both pollen and hairs removed had the lowest levels of bee visitation, seed set and seed abortions. Flowers containing hairs had an ~50% increase in visitation rate and seed set compared with emasculated flowers, while intact controls had the highest seed abortion rate. Ovule discounting in intact flowers is probably due to ovarian self‐incompatibility (or strong early inbreeding depression) as ovules penetrated by tubes from self‐pollen uniformly failed to develop into seeds. These results show that staminal hairs can enhance plant fecundity by increasing attraction of pollen‐seeking insects to flowers without increasing the risk of ovule discounting through pollinator‐mediated self‐pollination. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177 , 481–490.  相似文献   

Pollinators of two Cynanchum , five Tylophora , and 16 Vincetoxicum species were observed in 26 populations in Japan. The following pollination systems were observed in 18 species: moth pollination, generalized insect pollination, wasp pollination, dipteran pollination, both dipteran and moth pollination, and autogamy. Principal component analysis based on 13 floral characters indicated that the size of the pollinator tended to increase with sizes of all characters measured. Furthermore, species that have developed interstaminal parts of the corona and concealed stigmatic chambers tend to be pollinated by long-tongued insects. The phylogenetic distribution of pollinator types showed that species belonging to Clade I are pollinated exclusively by Diptera, whereas those of Clade II are pollinated by four insect orders. The most prominent pollinator transition in the Tylophora–Vincetoxicum complex is dipteran to moth pollination. The most common morphological change of the plants from dipteran pollination to moth pollination, or vice versa, is modification of the corolla. In the Tylophora–Vincetoxicum complex, pollination mode shifts are generally accompanied by modifications of the corona and the structure of gynostegium. One hypothesis for the rapid radiation observed in Clade II is that a widely distributed species may have partitioned its distribution in the relatively near past and adapted to various environments, in which the dominant pollinators were different, and that the local races may then have diverged from each other after they were isolated.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 325–341.  相似文献   

This study deals with the pollination ecology of a population Gentiana cruciata in the Vitosha Mts., SW Bulgaria. Fortyeigth % of flowers bagged at bud stage developed into fruits. Flowers in the investigated population was visited actively by insects. Halictus bees constituted 34.5% of all insect visits. Visits by bumblebees (mainly Bombus hortorum) constituted 18.9% of all insect visits. All open-pollinated flowers set fruit capsules and their seed set was high. The pollination biology of this population (at the south-westem part of the distributional range of the species) is compared to that of populations in The Netherlands (at the north-western margin of the distribution range of the species).  相似文献   

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