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Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is efficiently recycled from its oxidized forms by human erythrocytes. In this work the dependence of this recycling on reduced glutathione (GSH) was evaluated with regard to activation of the pentose cycle and to changes in pyridine nucleotide concentrations. The two-electron-oxidized form of ascorbic acid, dehydroascorbic acid (DHA) was rapidly taken up by erythrocytes and reduced to ascorbate, which reached intracellular concentrations as high as 2 mM. In the absence of D-glucose, DHA caused dose-dependent decreases in erythrocyte GSH, NADPH, and NADH concentrations. In the presence of 5 mM D-glucose, GSH and NADH concentrations were maintained, but those of NADPH decreased. Reduction of extracellular ferricyanide by erythrocytes, which reflects intracellular ascorbate recycling, was also enhanced by D-glucose, and ferricyanide activated the pentose cycle. Diethylmaleate at concentrations up to 1 mM was found to specifically deplete erythrocyte GSH by 75-90% without causing oxidant stress in the cells. Such GSH-depleted erythrocytes showed parallel decreases in their ability to take up and reduce DHA to ascorbate, and to reduce extracellular ferricyanide. These results show that DHA reduction involves GSH-dependent activation of D-glucose metabolism in the pentose cycle, but that in the absence of D-glucose DHA reduction can also utilize NADH.  相似文献   

Ascorbic acid is necessary for optimal insulin secretion from pancreatic islets. We evaluated ascorbate recycling and whether it is impaired by increased glucose metabolism in the rat beta-cell line INS-1. INS-1 cells, engineered with the potential for overexpression of glucokinase under the control of a tetracycline-inducible gene expression system, took up and reduced dehydroascorbic acid to ascorbate in a concentration-dependent manner that was optimal in the presence of physiologic D-glucose concentrations. Ascorbate uptake did not affect intracellular GSH concentrations. Whereas depletion of GSH in culture to levels about 25% of normal also did not affect the ability of the cells to reduce dehydroascorbic acid, more severe acute GSH depletion to less than 10% of normal levels did impair dehydroascorbic acid reduction. Culture of inducible cells in 11.8 mM D-glucose and doxycycline for 48 h enhanced glucokinase activity, increased glucose utilization, abolished D-glucose-dependent insulin secretion, and increased generation of reactive oxygen species. The latter may have contributed to subsequent decreases in the ability of the cells both to maintain intracellular ascorbate and to recycle it from dehydroascorbic acid. Cultured beta cells have a high capacity to recycle ascorbate, but this is sensitive to oxidant stress generated by increased glucose metabolism due to culture in high glucose concentrations and increased glucokinase expression. Impaired ascorbate recycling as a result of increased glucose metabolism may have implications for the role of ascorbate in insulin secretion in diabetes mellitus and may partially explain glucose toxicity in beta cells.  相似文献   

When human erythrocytes were subjected to hydrostatic pressure (1.1-2.0 kbar), it was found that membrane vesicles were released from the red cells above 1.4 kbar. As with hemolysis under high pressure, the amount of released vesicles was increased with increasing pressure but decreased by the cross-linking of membrane proteins with diamide. Vesicles obtained at 2.0 kbar were heterogeneous in size but similar to intact erythrocytes in phospholipid composition. Although it has been reported that spectrin-free vesicles are released by echinocytogenic agents, pressure-induced vesicles did contain considerable and similar amounts of spectrin irrespective of the difference in size. These results suggest that vesiculation by high pressure is associated with the disruption of the membrane skeleton, as previously seen in pressure-induced hemolysis [Yamaguchi et al. (1989) J. Biochem. 106, 1080-1085].  相似文献   

Tamoxifen (TAM), the antiestrogenic drug most widely prescribed in the chemotherapy of breast cancer, induces changes in normal discoid shape of erythrocytes and hemolytic anemia. This work evaluates the effects of TAM on isolated human erythrocytes, attempting to identify the underlying mechanisms on TAM-induced hemolytic anemia and the involvement of biomembranes in its cytostatic action mechanisms. TAM induces hemolysis of erythrocytes as a function of concentration. The extension of hemolysis is variable with erythrocyte samples, but 12.5 microM TAM induces total hemolysis of all tested suspensions. Despite inducing extensive erythrocyte lysis, TAM does not shift the osmotic fragility curves of erythrocytes. The hemolytic effect of TAM is prevented by low concentrations of alpha-tocopherol (alpha-T) and alpha-tocopherol acetate (alpha-TAc) (inactivated functional hydroxyl) indicating that TAM-induced hemolysis is not related to oxidative membrane damage. This was further evidenced by absence of oxygen consumption and hemoglobin oxidation both determined in parallel with TAM-induced hemolysis. Furthermore, it was observed that TAM inhibits the peroxidation of human erythrocytes induced by AAPH, thus ruling out TAM-induced cell oxidative stress. Hemolysis caused by TAM was not preceded by the leakage of K(+) from the cells, also excluding a colloid-osmotic type mechanism of hemolysis, according to the effects on osmotic fragility curves. However, TAM induces release of peripheral proteins of membrane-cytoskeleton and cytosol proteins essentially bound to band 3. Either alpha-T or alpha-TAc increases membrane packing and prevents TAM partition into model membranes. These effects suggest that the protection from hemolysis by tocopherols is related to a decreased TAM incorporation in condensed membranes and the structural damage of the erythrocyte membrane is consequently avoided. Therefore, TAM-induced hemolysis results from a structural perturbation of red cell membrane, leading to changes in the framework of the erythrocyte membrane and its cytoskeleton caused by its high partition in the membrane. These defects explain the abnormal erythrocyte shape and decreased mechanical stability promoted by TAM, resulting in hemolytic anemia. Additionally, since membrane leakage is a final stage of cytotoxicity, the disruption of the structural characteristics of biomembranes by TAM may contribute to the multiple mechanisms of its anticancer action.  相似文献   

Melamine is a widely-used chemical in industries. In recent years, melamine has been found to be involved in outbreaks of renal injury in infants and animals. Pathological studies indicated that the melamine-induced acute renal failure was related to the concurrence of melamine and other triazine analogs such as cyanuric acid. In the present study, human erythrocytes were used as an in vitro model to explore the cytotoxicity of melamine and its complex with cyanuric acid. The results demonstrated that mixing melamine and cyanuric acid resulted in the formation of insoluble particles and that the insoluble melamine-cyanurate complex induced membrane damages of human erythrocytes. The membrane damages included hemolysis, K+ leakage, alterations in cell shape and membrane fragility, and inhibition of enzymatic activity. By contrast, either melamine or cyanuric acid alone had no effect on erythrocyte membranes. The results of this study may provide a fresh insight into the melamine toxicology.  相似文献   

Analysis of cultured rat “Nb2 lymphoma” cell lines, showing different degrees of malignant progression, can lead to identification of phenotypic changes associated with this phenomenon in T-cell cancers. In the present study we have compared the metastatic sublines, Nb2-11 and Nb2-SFJCD1, with regard to ascorbate and glutathione recycling, important processes in cellular protection from oxidative stresses. Whereas the Nb2-11 subline is prolactin (PRL)-dependent, the genetically related Nb2-SFJCD1 subline is growth factor-independent and shows more chromosomal alterations, indicative of more advanced progression. The Nb2-SFJCD1 cells, compared to the Nb2-11 cells, were less sensitive to toxic effects of dehydroascorbate, a potentially toxic oxidation product of ascorbate. Results were consistent with a significantly higher production of reducing equivalents (e.g., NADPH, GSH) and an accelerated reduction of dehydroascorbate by homogenates of Nb2-SFJCD1 cells. However, the increased resistance was apparently not directly related to the cellular uptake and reduction of dehydroascorbate by whole cells, which was similar in both cell lines. Observations indicate that Nb2 lymphoma cells, in their progression to malignancy, can acquire an enhanced capability to protect themselves from oxidative damage assisting them in withstanding the oxidative stress that anti-neoplastic drugs can cause. The adaptation may also be a mechanism that is utilized by tumor cells in suppressing apoptosis and other protective cellular functions facilitating, or potentiating, a tumor cell’s ability to become more metastatic. However, the mechanism leading to this augmented capacity of Nb2 lymphoma cells to resist oxidative stress in not known and is the subject for further study.  相似文献   

Endovesicles induced in human erythrocytes by octaethyleneglycol dodecylether (C12E8) were studied by confocal laser scanning microscopy, using fluorescein isothiocyanate dextran as a nonspecific fluid marker. The endovesicles appeared to consist mainly of a ring-formed toroidal part joined with a central flat membrane segment. The torocyte contour length was several microm. There was usually one torocyte endovesicle per cell. The endovesicles seemed to be located near the cell surface. In sections of C12E8-treated erythrocytes transmission electron microscopy revealed the frequent occurrence of flat membrane structures with a bulby periphery, which apparently are cross sections of torocyte endovesicles. The possible physical mechanisms leading to the observed torocyte endovesicle shape are discussed. The torocyte endovesicles seem to be formed in a process in which an initially stomatocytic invagination loses volume while maintaining a large surface area. Because intercalation of C12E8 in the erythrocyte membrane induces inward membrane bending (stomatocytosis) we assume that C12E8 is preferentially located in the inner lipid layer of the erythrocyte membrane, i.e., in the outer lipid layer of the endovesicle membrane. It is suggested that local disturbances of the lipid molecules in the vicinity of the C12E8 molecules in the outer lipid layer of the endovesicle membrane form membrane inclusions with the effective shape of an inverted truncated cone. If the interaction between the inclusion and the membrane is weak, the membrane of such an endovesicle can be characterized by its negative spontaneous curvature, which may lead to a torocyte endovesicle shape with a small relative volume. Effects of a possible strong interaction between the C12E8-induced membrane inclusions and the membrane on the stability of the torocyte endovesicles are also indicated.  相似文献   

In an attempt to define the parameters in amphiphilic molecules important for their interaction with the erythrocyte membrane, the effects of cationic, anionic, zwitterionic and nonionic amphiphilic agents (C10-C16) on osmotic fragility and transport of potassium and phosphate in human erythrocytes were studied. All the amphiphiles protected the erythrocytes against hypotonic haemolysis. Half-maximum protection occurred at a concentration which was about 15% of that inducing 50% haemolysis. The concentrations of amphiphiles required to induce protection or haemolysis were related to the length of the alkyl chain in a way indicating that a membrane/aqueous phase partition is the mechanism whereby the amphiphile monomers intercalate into the membrane. At antihaemolytic concentrations all the amphiphiles increased potassium efflux and passive potassium influx. The increase in the fluxes was about the same in both directions through the membrane and there were no clear differences in the effects of the different amphiphilic derivatives at equi-protecting concentrations. Active potassium influx was decreased by cationic, zwitterionic and non-ionic amphiphiles. The ability of the amphiphiles to inhibit the influx was not related to the length of the alkyl chain. Anionic amphiphiles had no or only a weak stimulatory effect on the influx. Phosphate efflux was reduced by all the amphiphiles. The inhibitory potency of the different amphiphiles decreased in the following order; anionic greater than zwitterionic, non-ionic greater than cationic. Short-chained amphiphiles were more potent inhibitors than long-chained. The possible participation of non-bilayer phases (mixed inverted micelles) in the intercalation of amphiphiles into the membrane is discussed.  相似文献   

Ascorbic acid transport and accumulation in human neutrophils   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The transport, accumulation, and distribution of ascorbic acid were investigated in isolated human neutrophils utilizing a new ascorbic acid assay, which combined the techniques of high performance liquid chromatography and coulometric electrochemical detection. Freshly isolated human neutrophils contained 1.0-1.4 mM ascorbic acid, which was localized greater than or equal to 94% to the cytosol, was not protein bound, and was present only as ascorbic acid and not as dehydroascorbic acid. Upon addition of ascorbic acid to the extracellular medium in physiologic amounts, ascorbic acid was accumulated in neutrophils in millimolar concentrations. Accumulation was mediated by a high affinity and a low affinity transporter; both transporters were responsible for maintenance of concentration gradients as large as 50-fold. The high affinity transporter had an apparent Km of 2-5 microns by Lineweaver-Burk and Eadie-Hofstee analyses, and the low affinity transporter had an apparent Km of 6-7 mM by similar analyses. Each transporter was saturable and temperature dependent. In normal human blood the high affinity transporter should be saturated, whereas the low affinity transporter should be in its linear phase of uptake.  相似文献   

Clotrimazole (CLT) is an antifungal and antimalarial agent also effective as a Gardos channel inhibitor. In addition, CLT possesses antitumor properties. Recent data provide evidence that CLT forms a complex with heme (hemin), which produces a more potent lytic effect than heme alone. This study addressed the effect of CLT on the lysis of normal human erythrocytes induced by tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BHP). For the first time, it was shown that 10 μM CLT significantly enhanced the lytic effect of t-BHP on erythrocytes in both Ca2+-containing and Ca2+-free media, suggesting that the effect is not related to Gardos channels. CLT did not affect the rate of free radical generation, the kinetics of GSH degradation, methemoglobin formation and TBARS generation; therefore, we concluded that CLT does not cause additional oxidative damage to erythrocytes treated with t-BHP. It is tempted to speculate that CLT enhances t-BHP-induced changes in erythrocyte volume and lysis largely by forming a complex with hemin released during hemoglobin oxidation in erythrocytes: the CLT–hemin complex destabilizes the cell membrane more potently than hemin alone. If so, the effect of CLT on cell membrane damage during free-radical oxidation may be used to increase the efficacy of antitumor therapy.  相似文献   

Beta-adrenoceptor stimulation in vivo shifts potassium into the cells. To examine whether human erythrocytes participate in this process, we measured, along with serum or plasma potassium, the concentrations of potassium and sodium in erythrocytes. Beta-adrenoceptor stimulation was obtained by infusion of either fenoterol or hexoprenaline into 6 volunteers at rest or by endogenous amines provoked in 14 volunteers during ergometric exercise. Metabolic effects were followed at rest on serum insulin, C-peptide, and growth hormone levels, and during exercise on pH on lactate concentration in blood. The potassium concentration (mean +/- S.E.M.) dropped (p less than 0.01) in serum from 4.64 +/- 0.37 to 3.19 +/- 0.43 mmol x l-1 in the first hour at rest and in plasma from 5.70 +/- 0.93 to 4.63 +/- 0.45 in 90 sec directly after exercise. The concentration of erythrocyte sodium dropped (p less than 0.001) from 9.68 +/- 0.73 to 8.81 +/- 0.62 mmol x l-1 in cells and from 9.62 +/- 1.16 to 8.55 +/- 1.24 during exercise for 90 s, respectively. Changes in the concentration ratio of cellular sodium to potassium confirmed this sodium shift. An increased sodium transport in erythrocytes due to beta-adrenoceptor stimulation in vivo appears to complement a shift of serum potassium into the cells and may be mediated by the membrane-bound sodium, potassium ATPase.  相似文献   

Polyoxyethyleneglycolalkylether (CmEn, m=12, n=8) can induce a large torocyte-like endovesicle in human erythrocytes. The present study aimed to examine how variations in the molecular structure of CmEn (m=10,12,14,16,18; n=1-10,23) affect the occurrence of torocyte endovesicles. Our results show that torocytes occur most frequently when m=12,14 and n=8,9. At this molecular configuration the detergents induce inward membrane bending (stomatocytic S1-S2 shapes) resulting in the formation of a large membrane invagination. These detergents have a strong membrane perturbing, i.e., haemolytic, effect. Theoretical calculations indicate that a torocyte-shaped inside-out membrane vesicle can be created from a large membrane invagination due to the impact of laterally mobile anisotropic membrane inclusions. Such inclusions may be detergent-membrane component complexes or unanchored integral membrane proteins. It is shown that a nonhomogeneous lateral distribution of anisotropic membrane inclusions may stabilise the torocyte endovesicle shape, characterised by having opposite membranes in the thin central region of the vesicles separated by a certain distance. Tubular, conical or inverted conical isotropic inclusions cannot do so.  相似文献   

1. The fusion of human erythrocytes into multicellular bodies that is induced by microdroplets of oleoylglycerol was investigated by optical and electron microscopy, and by gel electrophoresis of membrane proteins. 2. At the highest concentrations of oleoylglycerol and Ca2+ used, at least 80% of the cells fused after 30min at 37°C and only about 5% of the cells had completely lysed; the shapes of fused multicellular bodies were usually retained in `ghosts' prepared by hypo-osmotic lysis. 3. The rate of cell fusion was related to the concentration of Ca2+, although some cells fused when no exogenous Ca2+ was present. 4. Interactions of microdroplets of oleoylglycerol with the cells led to abnormalities in the structural appearance of the erythrocyte membrane; subsequent membrane fusion occurred, at least in some instances, at the sites of the microdroplets. 5. The intramembranous particles on the P-fracture face of the treated cells were more randomly distributed, but not significantly increased in number by comparison with the control cells. 6. Gel electrophoresis of the proteins of `ghosts' prepared from fused human erythrocytes showed a production of material of very high molecular weight, the development of a new component in the band-3 region, an increased staining of bands 4.3 and 4.5, and a new component moving slightly faster than band 6. 7. Bands 2.1–2.3 were altered, band 3 was decreased and band 4.1 was lost. 8. Most, but not all, of the changes in the membrane proteins appeared to result from the entry of Ca2+ into the cell. 9. 1-Chloro-4-phenyl-3-l-toluene-p-sulphonamidobutan-2-one partially inhibited both cell fusion and the associated decrease in band-3 protein. 10. The possibility that proteolytic degradation of membrane proteins may be involved in cell fusion induced by oleoylglycerol is considered, and some implications of this possibility are discussed.  相似文献   

The results presented in this paper show that lysis of human erythrocytes by linoleic acid is not caused by peroxidation of the fatty acid. Peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and scavengers of O 2 and OH had no effect on the lysis while catalase showed only marginal inhibition suggesting that O 2 , OH, O 2 and H2O2 do not play any direct role in hemolysis by linoleic acid. Generators of H2O2 inhibited the lysis completely and methemoglobin cells were more resistant to hemolysis by linoleic acid. The fatty acid did neither bind to nor fomed complex with red cell ghosts. Membrane oxidation of sulphydryl groups was also not involved in the lysis. Β-Carotene, retinol and bile salts enhanced the lysis, while, cholesterol but not cholesterol acetate, inhibited it. Taurocholate-pretreated cells were more susceptible to linoleic acid lysis. These observations suggested-that lysis by linoleic acid may be due to its detergent property.  相似文献   

Ascorbic acid reduces airway reactivity to inhaled bronchoconstrictor agents in man and guinea pigs. The precise mechanism(s) responsible for this effect are unknown, but in both species an acute indomethacin treatment reverses the action of the ascorbic acid. To determine if ascorbic acid promotes prostanoid synthesis and/or inhibits degradation, human lung parenchymal slices (100-200 mg) were incubated for 60 minutes in oxygenated Tyrode's solution alone or with sodium ascorbate (0.001 M-1 M) and/or methacholine (1 microM-100 microM) and/or indomethacin (0.17 microM-17 microM). Aliquots of the incubation medium were assayed by radioimmunoassay for PGE2, PGF2 alpha, thromboxane B2 and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha. Ascorbic acid increased the accumulation of all four prostanoids in the incubation medium, especially thromboxane B2 and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha. This stimulatory effect of ascorbic acid was concentration-dependent and was inhibited by indomethacin. We conclude that ascorbic acid can alter prostanoid generation by human lung tissue and this effect may, in part, explain its antibronchoconstrictor activity in man.  相似文献   

Ascorbic acid reduces airway reactivity to inhaled bronchoconstrictor agents in man and guinea pigs. The precise mechanism(s) responsible for this effect are unknown, but in both species an acute indomethacin treatment reverses the action of the ascorbic acid. To determine if ascorbic acid promotes prostanoid synthesis and/or inhibits degradation, human lung parenchymal slices (100–200mg) were incubated for 60 minutes in oxygenated Tyrode's solution alone or with sodium ascorbate (0.001M–1M) and/or methacholine (1μM–100μM) and/or indomethacin (0.17μM–17μM). Aliquots of the incubation medium were assayed by radioimmunoassay for PGE2, PGF, thromboxane B2 and 6-keto-PGF. Ascorbic acid increased the accumulation of all four prostanoids in the incubation medium, especially thromboxane B2 and 6-keto-PGF. This stimulatory effect of ascorbic acid was concentration-dependent and was inhibited by indomethacin. We conclude that ascorbic acid can alter prostanoid generation by human lung tissue and this effect may, in part, explain its antibronchoconstrictor activity in man.  相似文献   

Exposure of cells to ionizing radiation can cause apoptosis. Since antioxidants have been shown to protect against radiation-induced apoptosis, in this study we have evaluated the putative protective effect of ascorbate against radiation-induced apoptosis as well as the production of peroxides in the cells. HL60 cells transport the oxidized form of ascorbic acid, dehydroascorbic acid (DHA), and accumulate reduced ascorbate. Exposure of the cells to 5-40 Gy X radiation resulted in induction of apoptosis. Preincubation of the cells with DHA reduced the level of apoptosis after exposure to 5-20 Gy. Exposure of the cells to 5 or 20 Gy X radiation did not affect the intracellular concentration of peroxides, while phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), which is known to induce production of H(2)O(2) in cells (and served as a control), resulted in an increase in peroxides and a decrease in intracellular ascorbate. Irradiation of the cells with 1-3 Gy resulted in up-regulation of expression of BCL2 without affecting the level of apoptosis. At higher doses of radiation, enhanced BCL2 expression did not prevent radiation-induced apoptosis. Loading of the cells with ascorbate prior to their exposure to 1-3 Gy X radiation did not affect the enhanced BCL2 expression observed in the irradiated cells. At higher doses of radiation, ascorbate decreased apoptosis and restored the level of BCL2 in the cells. Exposure of the cells to 3-20 Gy X radiation enhanced the cell surface expression of TNFRSF6 (formerly known as Fas/APO-1) antigen and enhanced anti-TNFRSF6 antibody-induced apoptosis of the cells. Ascorbate loading did not affect expression of TNFRSF6 and did not overcome the anti-TNFRSF6 antibody-induced apoptosis. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that exposure of HL60 cells to radiation enhanced BCL2 and TNFRSF6 expression. Ascorbate did not affect BCL2 or TNFRSF6 expression. We therefore conclude that it protects HL60 cells against radiation-induced apoptosis, although the mechanisms of protection must still be elucidated.  相似文献   

Vesiculation induced by amphiphiles in erythrocytes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The ability of shape-transforming cationic, anionic, zwitterionic, and nonionic amphiphiles to induce vesiculation in human erythrocytes was studied. At concentrations where they exhibit maximum protection against hypotonic haemolysis (CAHmax) echinocytogenic amphiphiles induced a rapid release of exovesicles. Following 5 min of incubation, the vesicle release (acetylcholinesterase release) amounted from 4% (sodium alkyl sulphates) to 13% (zwittergents) of the total acetylcholinesterase activity of the erythrocytes. At concentrations corresponding to CAH50 the vesicle release was less than 15% of that released at CAHmax. The size and the appearance of the vesicles varied with the type of amphiphile. Stomatocytogenic amphiphiles which do not pass the erythrocytes through echinocytic stages, did not induce release of exovesicles. Electron and fluorescence microscopic observations of erythrocytes treated with stomatocytogenic amphiphiles strongly indicated that an endovesiculation had occurred. Amphiphiles which pass the erythrocytes through echinocytic stages before stomatocytic shapes are attained, induced a release of both exo- and endovesicles.  相似文献   

The relative Na24 specific activity of red cells and plasma was measured at periods up to 30 hours following a single intravenous injection of Na24 in normal healthy young adults. The average specific activity of the red cells relative to that of the plasma at 24 hours and beyond was found to average 0.83 ± 0.05 in a series of five normal individuals, significantly different from 1.0. This indicates that all the intracellular Na is not exchangeable in 24 hours, and confirms earlier in vitro results. The red cell Na concentration in man was shown to be 12.1 ± 1.1 m.eq. Na/liter red cell, as measured in a series of nineteen normal healthy young adults. A theoretical analysis of the data on exchangeable cell Na suggests that the red cell Na (5.3 m.eq. Na/liter blood) is divided into a fast compartment comprising 4.25 m.eq. Na/liter blood, and a slow compartment comprising 1.07 m.eq. Na/liter blood. If these compartments are arranged in parallel, the flux between plasma and fast compartment is 1.32 m.eq. Na/liter blood hour, and that between plasma and slow compartment is 0.016 m.eq. Na/liter blood hour. Results of experiments on two patients with congenital hemolytic jaundice suggest that the fraction of slowly exchanging Na may increase with the age of the red cell.  相似文献   

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