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Summary Interlobular duct fragments from the pancreas of the rat were isolated by collagenase digestion and filtration, embedded in a matrix of rat-tail collagen, and cultured in a 1∶1 mixture of Dulbecco’s minimal essential and Ham’s F12 media supplemented with cholera toxin (CT, 100 ng/ml) and epidermal growth factor (EGF, 10 ng/ml) in addition to supplements used previously, thereby improving the yield of ducts by a factor of two compared with previous resuts. The ducts were harvested by digestion of the collagen matrix with collagenase and were then dissociated by treatment with EDTA in divalent cation-free salt solution, followed by digestion with collagenase and hyaluronidase. The resulting tissue fragments were suspended in collagen and cultured as were the ducts. Numerous cysts appeared as a function of time and some of these enlarged dramatically. Some of the larger cysts exhibited secondary tubular processes extending into the surrounding collagen. The addition of bovine pituitary extract (BPE, 50 μg/ml) doubled the number of cysts, whereas omission of serum or CT+EGF reduced the number. BPE or forskolin could substitute effectively for CT. Agents that stimulate (secretin) or inhibit (e.g., ouabain or acetazolamide) fluid-electrolyte secretion in vivo had no effect on the number or average diameter of the cysts. The cysts were 83 to 88% epithelial with the balance of the cells being fibroblastic in appearance. Some cysts consisted only of epithelium. The proliferative capacity of the cystic epithelium was shown, by the presence of mitotic figures and by an autoradiographic labeling index of 22 to 30% after a 24-h exposure to [3H]thymidine. The labeling index was reduced by the omission of CT+EGF. Transmission electron microscopy showed that the cysts exhibited morphologic features of duct epithelium in vivo, including apical microvilli, lateral, interdigitations of the plasma membrane, and typical cytoplasmic organelles.  相似文献   

Existing data suggest the extracellular matrix (ECM) of vertebrate skeletal muscle consists of several morphologically distinct layers: an endomysium, perimysium, and epimysium surrounding muscle fibers, fascicles, and whole muscles, respectively. These ECM layers are hypothesized to serve important functional roles within muscle, influencing passive mechanics, providing avenues for force transmission, and influencing dynamic shape changes during contraction. The morphology of the skeletal muscle ECM is well described in mammals and birds; however, ECM morphology in other vertebrate groups including amphibians, fish, and reptiles remains largely unexamined. It remains unclear whether a multilayered ECM is a common feature of vertebrate skeletal muscle, and whether functional roles attributed to the ECM should be considered in mechanical analyses of non-mammalian and non-avian muscle. To explore the prevalence of a multilayered ECM, we used a cell maceration and scanning electron microscopy technique to visualize the organization of ECM collagen in muscle from six vertebrates: bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus), turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo), alligators (Alligator mississippiensis), cane toads (Rhinella marina), laboratory mice (Mus musculus), and carp (Cyprinus carpio). All muscles studied contained a collagen-reinforced ECM with multiple morphologically distinct layers. An endomysium surrounding muscle fibers was apparent in all samples. A perimysium surrounding groups of muscle fibers was apparent in all but carp epaxial muscle; a muscle anatomically, functionally, and phylogenetically distinct from the others studied. An epimysium was apparent in all samples taken at the muscle periphery. These findings show that a multilayered ECM is a common feature of vertebrate muscle and suggest that a functionally relevant ECM should be considered in mechanical models of vertebrate muscle generally. It remains unclear whether cross-species variations in ECM architecture are the result of phylogenetic, anatomical, or functional differences, but understanding the influence of such variation on muscle mechanics may prove a fruitful area for future research.  相似文献   

In the course of investigating the signals associated with pancreas regeneration, we have developed a method to initiate pancreatic duct cell proliferation by brief occlusion of the main pancreatic duct. The resulting duct cell proliferation, induced by temporary partial main duct occlusion, was compared to that induced by firmly tying a cellophane strip around the head of the pancreas for longer periods of time. Both methods stimulated a biphasic increase in duct cell proliferation, with proliferation maxima at 3 and 14 days post operation. The short duration of temporary main duct occlusion (60 s) that was needed to stimulate duct cell proliferation, and the similar duct cell proliferation profiles that were observed after both the temporary and the longer term main duct occlusion, led us to conclude that the signals which initiate proliferation occur rapidly at the beginning of each procedure.  相似文献   

Summary Fine structure, postnatal development and reaction to efferent duct ligation of the loose connective tissue of the rat rete testis were studied by light and electron microscopy.The loose connective tissue of adult rats consists of elongate fibroblasts in a homogenous ground substance, together with some Leydig cells, lymphocytes, macrophages and mast cells. During postnatal development this tissue increases in amount, while the interstitial areolar tissue decreases. The looseness of the tissue becomes more evident between days 22 and 27, and may reflect an increase in hydration.Efferent duct ligation for 15 min to five days has no effect on the histological appearance of the tissue.  相似文献   

Summary Glucagon was infused into conscious rats in doses of 10 to 80 g/h for periods up to 24 h. The effect on the secretory process of the exocrine pancreas was studied in vitro using isolated pancreatic lobules. A pronounced inhibition of the rate of protein synthesis and discharge of stored and newly synthesized proteins combined with increased enzyme content in the pancreas were observed after 30 min infusion. This effect was absent after longer infusion periods of up to six hours. After 12 to 24 h infusions a marked degranulation and decrease in enzyme content was observed. While the rate of protein synthesis was not significantly enhanced, both the basal and stimulated discharge of enzymes from the pancreas were increased. The results suggest a biphasic response of the pancreas to prolonged glucagon infusion.Dedicated to Professor Helmut Ferner, Vienna, Austria, on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

Ensuring recovery of intact RNA from rat pancreas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The isolation of intact RNA from rat pancreas is compromised by autolysis and by the presence of endogenous ribonucleases. In order to ameliorate recovery we systematically investigated available RNA extraction methods and paid particular attention to the influence of frozen storage and ribonuclease inhibition strategies on overall yield and quality of RNA. Modifications to the basic procedure of Chomczynski and Sacchi (1987) are described which allow, reproducibly, to obtain rat pancreatic RNA suitable for Northern blot hybridization, RT-PCR, and differential display analysis.  相似文献   

Organ explant culture of adult Syrian golden hamster pancreas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary An organ explant culture system has been developed for long term maintenance of adult pancreatic tissue from the Syrian golden hamster. Gastric and duodenal lobe explants of up to 0.5 cm2 size were placed in tissue culture dishes (60 mm2) on Gelfoam sponge rafts to which was added 5 ml of CMRL medium 1066 supplemented with heat inactivated newborn bovine serum,l-glutamine hydrocortisone, insulin, and antibiotics. Dishes were placed in a controlled atmosphere chamber, which was gassed with 45% O2 50% N2, and 5% CO2 and incubated at 36.5°C. Viability of the tissues was determined by light and electron microscopy as well as by [3]thymidine incorporation. Explants were viable for up to 70 d. Zymogen granule-containing cells characteristic of acinar cells and mucuscontaining cells characteristic of ductal cells were present throughout this period. However, endocrine cells were only present for the 1st wk in culture. This work was supported in part by National Cancer Institute Grant CA-19197-06 through the National Pancreatic Cancer Project and is UMP contribution No. 950.  相似文献   

Summary A fetuin, fucosyl transferase has been identified in the smooth microsomal fraction from the rat exocrine pancreas. This enzyme is involved in the glycosylation of secretory proteins and is bound to membranes, predominantly of the Golgi complex. Optimal in vitro conditions for the assay of the enzyme activity were established: a pH of 5.5–6.0, a temperature of 21° C and concentrations of Mg+ + at 5.0 mM and ATP at 2.0 mM.Supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn-Bad Godesberg (Ke 113/10). Dedicated to Professor Helmut Ferner, Vienna, on the occasion of his 65th birthday.  相似文献   

As activin is believed to be a key signalling factor during early pancreatic development, its influence on the proliferation and/or determination of insulin cells in the developing chick dorsal pancreatic bud was investigated. Dorsal pancreatic buds of 5-day-old chick embryos were explanted on to Matrigel and cultured in serum-free medium (Ham's F12.ITS), to which 1 or 10ng/ml activin was added. After 7 days in culture, the explants were processed for immunocytochemistry and the insulin-positive cells were scored and expressed as a proportion of the sum of insulin and glucagon cells. When compared to the control cultures (Hams F12.ITS alone), activin treatment resulted in respective increases in the proportion of insulin cells of 1.6 and 1.9 fold. It is suggested that activin treatment favours differentiation of the insulin cell pathway relative to glucagon cells.  相似文献   

To identify proteins involved in pancreatic development, we used a differential proteomics approach by comparing pancreatic extracts from four biologically significant stages of development: embryonic day (E) 15.5, E18.5, postnatal (P) days 0 and adult. By two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D-E) and MALDI-TOF MS (Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry) following database searching and protein annotation, 15 proteins were identified as being differently expressed in the pancreas between the four phases. The expression pattern and the localization of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), one of significant changed proteins observed, were further determined. Four isoforms of AFP (72 kDa, 60 kDa, 48 kDa and 37 kDa) were found by Western blotting in the pancreas tested, most of them showed a stronger signal in E18.5 followed by a steady decrease and only a 60-kDa isoform was detected in the adult pancreas. Immunolocalization for AFP revealed that a positive reactivity was detectable at E15.5 pancreas, became stronger in the cytoplasm of mesenchyme cells at E18.5, and declined after birth to a nearly undetectable level in adults. The dynamic expression of AFP in rat pancreas from different stages indicates that AFP might be involved in some aspects of pancreatic development.  相似文献   

Summary Amino acid transport and incorporation have been studied in vitro in rat pancreatic lobules after maximal and supramaximal hormonal stimulation with caerulein. Incorporation into proteins was increased already after 30 and 120 min of maximal stimulation, but was decreased after the infusion of a supramaximal dose. Uptake of neutral amino acids was monitored using labeled leucine and -aminoisobutyric acid (AIB). In the case of leucine the free pool was consistently reduced after maximal stimulation, while supramaximal doses led to an increase which could be potentiated by the addition of 2mM tetracaine. Using AIB, a significant increase in the intracellular pool was observed after maximal stimulation, conversely a decrease after supramaximal stimulation. Release of labeled leucine and AIB from preloaded lobules during incubation in the cold was significantly reduced after maximal secretory stimulation, but was found enhanced by 200 to 300 percent after supramaximal stimulation. No fine structural alterations at junctional complexes or at both the lateral and luminal plasma membranes were observed after maximal stimulation except an increased number of exocytotic figures at the luminal face. However, supramaximal stimulation led to progressive rarefaction of the tight junctional network and disintegration of the gap junctions. Concomitantly, an equal distribution of membrane particles on both faces of the plasma membrane together with a random occurrence of exocytotic figures were observed.Supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn-Bad Godesberg (SFB 122, project C 5). Dedicated to Professor Dr. Gerhard Petry, Marburg, on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

Summary The previous finding that intracellular transport of secretory proteins in the rat exocrine pancreas is accelerated by in vivo stimulation with a pancreatic secretagogue has been further analyzed. Using a radioassay for discharge of newly synthesized proteins, the rate of release was compared in control and prestimulated lobules. In control preparations discharge occurred with an initial lag period of 30 minutes and a maximum after two hours of incubation. After in vivo infusion of 5 × 10-8 g/hr. caerulein for 24 h in vitro discharge started after 10 minutes of in vitro incubation and attained a maximal rate after one hour. Using the same radioassay and several inhibitors of intracellular transport and granule discharge, it could be demonstrated that both processes were reduced to the same extent in controls and in lobules with accelerated transport. To obtain direct evidence for the degree of acceleration of the different transport steps between rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex and zymogen granules, the respective subcellular fractions of these organelles prepared and characterized ultrastructurally and biochemically. The rate of disappearance of newly formed proteins from rough microsomes and the appearance in smooth microsomes and zymogen granules were significantly increased after in vivo stimulation. The data substantiate an acceleration of the regular transport steps by the secretagogue. There was no indication that a high level of secretory activity leads to a rerouting of secretory proteins or to an omission of one of the regular steps in intracellular transport.Supported by a grant from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Bonn-Bad Godesberg (Ke 113/10) The expert technical assistance of Miss Hiltraud Hosser and Miss Helga Hollerbach is gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   

Lgr5 marks adult stem cells in multiple adult organs and is a receptor for the Wnt‐agonistic R‐spondins (RSPOs). Intestinal, stomach and liver Lgr5+ stem cells grow in 3D cultures to form ever‐expanding organoids, which resemble the tissues of origin. Wnt signalling is inactive and Lgr5 is not expressed under physiological conditions in the adult pancreas. However, we now report that the Wnt pathway is robustly activated upon injury by partial duct ligation (PDL), concomitant with the appearance of Lgr5 expression in regenerating pancreatic ducts. In vitro, duct fragments from mouse pancreas initiate Lgr5 expression in RSPO1‐based cultures, and develop into budding cyst‐like structures (organoids) that expand five‐fold weekly for >40 weeks. Single isolated duct cells can also be cultured into pancreatic organoids, containing Lgr5 stem/progenitor cells that can be clonally expanded. Clonal pancreas organoids can be induced to differentiate into duct as well as endocrine cells upon transplantation, thus proving their bi‐potentiality.  相似文献   

The TRH secretory responsiveness of the pancreatic islet cell clusters from newborn rat in organ culture was studied. Basal TRH secretion was stable over a 9-day period. The response to various secretagogues was tested on day 4. TRH secretion was stimulated by high potassium-induced depolarization and also through both cAMP and protein kinase-C dependent pathways. Like insulin, TRH release was stimulated by glucose and arginine and inhibited by somatostatin. These data suggest the existence of a common mechanism for TRH and insulin secretion by the pancreatic β-cells.  相似文献   

Summary Data from our in vitro studies indicate a new source of prolactin (PRL)-like activity, normal human connective tissue. Fascial cells from primary culture and subsequent passages produced an extracellular antigen which specifically reacted in a radioimmunoassay RIA developed to detect human pituitary PRL. An initial peak of first surge of fascial PRL-like activity occurred between 4 and 15 d in primary culture. Ibuprofen, cytotoxic levels of 0.01% azide, or 7.5 mM EDTA and medium lacking serum [fetal bovine serum (FBS)] significantly (P≤0.05) reduced PRL-like activity levels, whereas female steroids, 257 to 342 milliosmolarity, 1 to 3.6 mg/ml glucose, 2 to 20% FBS, and dialyzed FBS (MWCO ⊂) 1 kDa) were without effect. Optimum production of PRL-like activity occurred at pH 7.3. A second surge began after 18 d and continued until passage indicating that perhaps two populations of cells produced PRL-like activity in primary culture. Production of PRL-like activity by cells from early passages (1 and 2) became detectable at confluence, was serum-dependent, showed two patterns (tonic, rising to plateau), and averaged 3.2 fg·cell−1·3 d−1 feed interval. Cells from late passages showed morphologic damage from repetitive trypsinization, aging, and reduced production of PRL-like activity with aberrant production pattern. Production of PRL-like activity was maintained in an unusual long-term culture. these in vitro studies demonstrate the most recently recognized and ubiquitous source of human extrapituitary PRL or PRL-like activity, normal connective tissue (fascia). A portion of this paper was presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Gynecologic investigation, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 19–22 March 1986. This work was supported in part by grant HD21883 (to D. H. R.) from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

Summary Purified epithelial-cell monolayers were generated in vitro from explants of fetal rat pancreas. The extent of the development of the epithelial monolayer, as determined by planimetric analysis, was enhanced by the application of two methodological procedures: (a) preincubation of fetal pancreas in situ at 27° C for 5 hr prior to dissection and explantation; and (b) incubation of the explants in medium containing a high concentration (50% to 70%) of fetal bovine serum. By utilizing such culture conditions, sheets of contiguous epithelial cells, with little or no peripheral fibroblastic contamination, were maintained for 9 days. Whereas the majority of cells within the monolayer had morphological characteristics of pancreatic ductal cells, endocrine cells were identified by the specific immunocytochemical localization of insulin and glucagon. In addition, insulin could be detected in the incubation medium throughout the course of the experiment. The simplicity of this preparation offers some advantages over other techniques including reduced chance of contamination and reduced cellular damage or death. It provides a model for future studies directed toward developing individual cell strains derived from pancreatic epithelial cells. These studies were supported in part by NIH Grants HD 00412 and GM 114, and a grant from the American Diabetes Association—Minnesota Affiliate.  相似文献   

In this study, the role of all-trans retinoic acid (RA) on the proliferation of rat embryonic pancreas ducts and on the proportion of insulin cells was investigated. All-trans RA (10-6 m) was added to Ham's F12.ITS serum-free medium in which 12.5 day rat dorsal pancreatic buds were cultured on Matrigel. Control explants were cultured on Matrigel in Ham's F12.ITS alone or in Ham's F12.ITS containing ethanol (the diluent for RA). After a 7 day culture period, explants were incubated with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) for assessment of cell proliferation. Explants were processed for both morphometry and immunocytochemistry. The length density and volume density of the pancreatic ducts were assessed using an image analysis system. Cells positive for insulin, BrdU and glucagon were localized on adjacent serial sections. RA treatment caused a statistically significant increase in the volume density (P < 0.007) and length density (P < 0.008) of the ducts, as well as a 1.2-fold increase (P < 0.0001) in the proportion of insulin to glucagon cells, compared to both control groups. Few insulin cells were BrdU positive, indicating that cells had a low proliferation rate. The increased proportion of insulin cells may relate to the increased volume density and length density of the ducts in RA-treated explants. It is suggested that RA stimulated the production of additional progenitor cells and not proliferation of existing insulin cells.  相似文献   

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