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Mixed fluorescence/bright field microscopy of Rhododendron pollentubes in the first 72 h after germination reveals a lens-shapedgenerative cell which divides to give two associated spermswithin the original cell boundary. The generative cell is closelyassociated with the vegetative nucleus which precedes it in92 per cent of pollen tubes. Three-dimensional reconstruction from serial thin sections ofa pollen tube fixed 24 h after germination shows that the associationbetween the generative cell and vegetative nucleus is extremelycomplex. Elongated tails of the generative cell physically enfoldthe vegetative nucleus and penetrate into enclaves within it.The association has been clarified by use of the periodic acid-phosphotungsticacid-chromic acid technique to enhance electron contrast ofthe plasma membranes surrounding the generative cell. In thisbicellular system, the male germ unit association is apparentlyinitiated after pollen maturity but prior to generative celldivision. Pollen tube, generative cell, male germ unit, plasma membrane, vegetative nucleus, Rhododendron, Ericaceae  相似文献   

The pollen grains of most angiosperms contain stores of RNAsand their translation products required for pollen germinationand subsequent early elongation of pollen tubes. Polypyrimidinetract-binding protein (PTB), which is involved in the regulationof pre-mRNA alternative splicing, internal ribosomal entry site(IRES)-mediated translation and mRNA localization/sorting, isknown to act as a bridging molecule between RNAs and a varietyof cellular factors to fulfill cellular functions in both thenucleus and cytoplasm. Moreover, it has been reported that PTBplays roles in the differentiation and development of animalcells and tissues. In the Arabidopsis genome, there are twoPTB-related genes, tentatively termed AtPTB1 and AtPTB2. Inthe present study, the physiological functions of AtPTBs wereinvestigated using genetic and cytological approaches. The AtPTBpromoter was highly active in vegetative cells of mature pollengrains, and AtPTB was localized in the nucleus and cytoplasmof these vegetative cells. Mutations in the AtPTB genes resultedin decreased germination efficiency, and this effect was rescuedby introduction of the AtPTB2 promoter::AtPTB2–GFP. Takentogether, these findings suggest that AtPTB is involved in pollengermination through possible RNA metabolism processes in late-maturingand mature pollen grains.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural aspects of proplastid and chloroplast replicationare described as seen in sections of vegetative cells, sporangia,released spores and sporelings of the red algae Palmaria palmataand Plumaria elegans. Proplastids in apical vegetative cellsshow internal thylakoid formation from peripheral thylakoidsin both species, and proplastid formation by budding from maturechloroplasts has also been observed. Proplastid replicationby fission has been occasionally observed, and genophore divisionin the stroma of proplastids. In vegetative cells, sporangia,spores and sporelings chloroplast formation from mature plastidscan take place by elongation and fission, or by formation ofa discrete group of thylakoids which become pinched off fromthe parent chloroplast, and by irregular expansions of the parentchloroplasts with subsequent multiple fission. Plastid replication, vegetative cells, sporangia, spores, red algae  相似文献   

The first record of stomata on a non-specialized root was obtainedby scanning electron microscopy of 4-d-old Pisum sativum L.In some cases subsidiary cells were trichoblasts. Stomata andthe root triarch vascular structure were simultaneously presentin transverse sections through the root. Pisum sativum, pea, root stomata, guard cells, trichoblasts  相似文献   

Strip-shaped projections are present at the cytoplasmic faceof the outer membrane of the generative cell in Amaryllis belladonna.This outer membrane is actually the inner plasma membrane ofthe vegetative cell which surrounds the generative cell. Theprojections are situated in groups and arranged parallel toeach other. Their predominant orientation is perpendicular tothe long axis of the generative cell. The projections are approximately35 nm high, and on average equally spaced 40 nm apart. Theirmaximum observed length, estimated from grazing sections ofgenerative cells, is 250 nm. Generative cell, outer membrane, Amaryllis belladonna, ultrastructure  相似文献   

MOORE  R. 《Annals of botany》1982,50(5):599-604
Cells of Sedum telephoides undergoing lethal cellular senescencein response to grafting with Solanum pennellii often possessplasmalemmal tubules (PT). The PT are unbranched, 27–31nm in diameter, and are bordered by a wall measuring 4.8–5.2nm in thickness. No regular substructure is discernible in thelumen of the PT. At 36 h after grafting PT extend into the cytoplasmof Sedum cells at the graft interface between Sedum and Solanum.By 10 days after grafting, however, PT are found embedded innewly deposited cell wall. These results indicate that cellwall deposition occurs during the early stages of graft development. grafting, plasmalemmal tubules, cell wall, Sedum telephoides, Solanum pennellii  相似文献   

Periclinal cell divisions in vegetative shoot apices of Pisumand Silene were recorded from serial thin sections by mappingall the periclinal cell walls formed less than one cell cyclepreviously. The distribution of periclinal divisions in theapical domes corresponded to the distributions subsequentlyoccurring in the apices when the young leaf primordia were forming.In Pisum, periclinal divisions were almost entirely absent fromthe I1 region of the apical dome for half a plastochron justafter the formation of a leaf primordium and appeared, simultaneouslyover the whole of the next potential leaf site, about half aplastochron before the primordium formed. In Silene periclinaldivisions seemed to always present in the apical dome at thepotential leaf sites and also round the sides of the dome wherethe ensheathing leaf bases were to form. Periclinal divisionstherefore anticipated the formation of leaf primordia by occuring,in Pisum about one cell cycle and in Silene two or more cellcycles, before the change in the direction of growth or deformationof the surface associated with primordial initiation. Pisum, Silene, planes of cell division, orientation of cell walls, leaf primordia, shoot apical meristem, plastochron  相似文献   

It has been reported that in species of Plumbaginaceae, Chenopodiaceae,Cruciferae and Amaryllidaceae a ‘male germ unit’is formed in which the two male gametes remain inter-connected,with one of the pair linked intimately to the vegetative nucleus.In two species the unit has been shown to remain intact in thepollen tube, and some accounts imply that it is polarized inits movement, the vegetative nucleus leading in the tube. Evidence given in this paper indicates that such a unit is unlikelyto be present in Helleborus foetidus L. (Ranunculaceae). Applicationof an optical sectioning technique has shown that at no timeis there a persistent linkage between the generative cell andthe vegetative nucleus in unhydrated, hydrated and germinatingpollen, nor is one present in the early pollen tube. Furthermore,no inter-connections between the two entities were seen in protoplastsfrom living, hydrated and incipiently germinating grains isolatedmechanically in an osmotically balancing medium. Following germination,the vegetative nucleus leaves the grain in advance of the generativecell in most instances, but in the samples examined the generativecell led in about 30 per cent of the tubes. Assembling a polarisedmale germ unit in these circumstances would require (a) theformation of an inter-connection between the vegetative nucleusand the generative cell or one of the gametes derived from itduring passage through the tube, and (b) where the generativecell initially leads in the tube, an exchange in relative positions.It is considered improbable that these conditions could consistentlybe met. Mature, incipiently germinating pollen of H. foetidus releasesa fibrillar component when extruded into suitable media. Websor clusters of fibrils are commonly seen to be associated withboth the vegetative nucleus and the generative cell. The possibilitythat the fibrils are composed of aggregates of microfilamentsis considered. Helleborus foetidus L., pollen germination, generative cell, vegetative nucleus, male germ unit  相似文献   

The distribution of nucleic acids, nuclei, mitochondria, andreserve foods in vegetative hyphae, zygophores, and developingzygospores of Rhizopus sexualis and Mucor hiemalis were examinedby differential staining. The extreme tips and growing zones of vegetative hyphae containeda high concentration of RNA and numerous mitochondria. Nucleiwere not present at the extreme tip but were numerous just behindit. In older parts of the hyphae the concentration of RNA waslow and both nuclei and mitochondria were fewer than in thezone of elongation. Glycogen and lipids were present in all parts of the livinghyphae except the extreme tips and were more highly concentratedin the older parts of the hyphae. Young zygophores showed a much lower RNA/DNA ratio than thatfound in the vegetative hyphal tips. Transfer of colonies from20? C to temperatures of less than 10? C, which is known toprevent zygospore initiation, caused some but not all recognizablezygophores of R. sexualis, but not those of M. hiemalis, torevert to the RNA/DNA ratio characteristic of vegetative hyphae.Some zygophores of Rhizopus and most of those of Mucor developedinto sporangiophores at low temperature, retaining the relativelylow RNA/DNA ratio throughout development. It is suggested thata reduction in the RNA/DNA ratio is an early step in the changefrom the vegetative state to the reproductive one. At firstthis step is reversible, but soon becomes irreversible by anadditional step, the nature of which is unknown. For some timeafter this the reproductive hyphae are capable of either producingasexual sporangia or of conjugating to produce zygospores. Onceconjugation has taken place development either ceases or continuesuntil the spore is fully mature, but it cannot under any circumstancesthen be reversed. The development and maturation of the zygospore involves a greatincrease in number of both nuclei and mitochondria and in theconcentration of glycogen and lipids.  相似文献   

A cytochemical study of intracellular thiol distribution inAcetabularia mediterranea intact cells was performed using thefluorescent thiol-labelling agent monobromobimane (mBBr). Differentdevelopmental stages were examined during the vegetative phaseand generative phase of the algal life cycle up to cyst maturation.Important changes in thiol localization have been found to coincidewith turning-points ofAcetabularia development. During the rapid growth phase, overall thiol content steadilyincreased along the stalk, being maximal shortly before capdifferentiation. At this stage, the thiol distribution patternparalleled that of cap morphogenesis essential processes: thiolsbeing accumulated at the apex where morphogenesis is going tobe expressed. High thiol contents were also present in the rhizoidal partof the alga throughout the vegetative phase. At the onset ofthe generative phase, important alterations in rhizoid thioldistribution coincided with the presumptive time of nucleardivision. Overall thiol content strongly decreased and thiolsbecame highly concentrated in definite zones localized in thecentral area of the rhizoid. Later on, during the sequence of morphogenetic events leadingto cyst differentiation, changes in thiol localization and relativecontent were observed in the cap rays. Positioning of secondarynuclei into the cap coincided with a high increase in thiolcontent in the entire cap. During the process of cyst formation,thiol content slightly decreased and thiols were localized incyst domains. Thiol distribution was also studied during regenerative processesafter merotomy. A spatio-temporal coincidence was shown withcell wall regeneration. Key words: Acetabularia, thiols, development, bromobimanes  相似文献   

The process of daughter colony formation in Pediastrum biradiatumMeyen, P. tetras (Ehren-berg) Ralfs, P. duplex Meyen, and Hydrodictyonreticulatum (L.) Lagerheim has been investigated using lightmicroscopy and electron microscopy of thin sections. The precisedisposition of the organelles confers upon the zoospores ofthese algae a special symmetry of a type unusual for the Chlorophyta.Apart from this, the detailed ultrastructure of the zoosporeand young vegetative cells resembles that of other green algaepreviously investigated. A common sequence of events has beenfound to occur during colony formation in both Pediastrum andHydrodictyon, with a correlation between zoospore symmetry andthat of the colony produced. The changes involved in the transitionfrom a motile to a non-motile cell are considered, and appearto have features in common with this process in some other greenalgae. The early stages in wall deposition involve the simultaneousformation of two distinct layers and serve to stick togetherthe cells which by this time have collectively assumed the basicmorphological characteristics of the mature coenobia.  相似文献   

BODSON  M. 《Annals of botany》1975,39(3):547-554
Rates of cell division in the central and the peripheral zonesof vegetative and evoked meristems of Sinapis alba have beenmeasured by accumulation of metaphases after colchicine treatment.The cells of the central zone had a longer cycle than the cellson the flanks of both kinds of meristems. The duration of thecell cycle was shortened in both zones of the meristem duringtransition to flowering. It was shown that the mitotic indicesof the two regions of the meristem were closely comparable totheir rates of cell division and therefore could be consideredrepresentative of the rates of cell division.  相似文献   

Periodicity of Wood Formation in Twigs of some Tropical Trees in Nigeria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
AMOBI  C. C. 《Annals of botany》1974,38(4):931-936
The periodicity of wood formation was studied in twigs of treesgrowing in three ecological areas in Nigeria, namely lowlandrainforest, Southern Guinea savanna and mangrove swamp. Initiationof cambial activity was correlated with bud break, and wheremultiple vegetative bud formation occurred in the lowland rainforestand the Southern Guinea savanna, the number of growth ringscorresponded with the number of times the vegetative buds opened.In the mangrove swamp, although there may be a clear correlationbetween vegetative bud growth and wood formation in 1 to 2 year-oldtwigs of Drepanocarpus lunatus and Ormacarpum verrucosum therewas no such correlation in Dalbergia ecastaphyllum. Short axillarybranches and inflorescences which developed irregularly in plantsof the mangrove swamp induced multiple growth ring formation.In D. ecastaphyllum, the pattern of unfolding of young leavesseems to play a major role in the formation of multiple growthrings. In each of the areas multiple growth ring formation couldbe induced by injury. In Daniellia oliveri there was periodicdeposition of prismatic crystals. The crystals were depositedeach time wood formation stopped. In plants in which flowersopened before the opening of the vegetative buds, there wasinitiation of cambial activity by the opened flowers in thetwigs on which the flowers were borne.  相似文献   

In Anacardium occidentale L., the gum-resin ducts in the primaryphloem of the stem develop schizogenously. Appearance of anintercellular space amongst the densely stained cells signalsthe initiation of a duct. During this process, the middle lamella,appears in places, as an electron-opaque area. The epitheialcells bordering the duct are oval and have convex inner tangentialwalls which are without any plasmodesmata, although they areabundant on radial and outer tangential walls. The cytoplasmof the epitheial cells is rich in rough endoplasmic reticulum(ER), free ribosomes, polysomes, mitochondria with swollen cristae,plastids with occasional osmiophilic inclusions, dictyosomesand vesicles. Osmiophilic material has been observed in thedilation of the cisternae of dictyosomes and also in vesicles.Sometimes, the osmiophilic material aggregates and forms largemembrane-bound globules. The globules fuse with the plasmalemmaat the inner tangential wall, and presumably the contents aredeposited in the space between the protoplast and the wall.This material passes through the loose matrix of the wall intothe duct. Some of the epitheial cells of the mature duct show‘dark’ cytoplasm, degraded organelles and occasionallyhigh vacuolation; ultimately they are lysed and their remainscollect in the duct. Anacardium occidentale L., cashew, gum-resin ducts, epithlial cell, dictyosome, osmiophilic material, ultrastructure  相似文献   

Mycelium of Pisolithus arrhizus cultured on agar media containingcadmium dust (collected from industrial electrofilters) andon media without the dust was analysed by electron spectroscopicimaging (ESI) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) connectedwith the transmission electron microscope. Complementary investigationsof polysaccharide (PATAg) and cysteine rich protein localizationwere carried out. The analyses revealed abundant depositionof glycogen in the form of net-like material in the cytoplasmof the dust-supplemented mycelium, accompanied by increasedlevels of Ca. Heavy metals like Cd, Cu and Fe accumulated mainlyin electron opaque granules and in the outer pigmented layerof the cell wall, both characterized by the presence of polysaccharidesand cysteine-rich proteins.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Pisolithus arrhizus (Pers.) Rausch., mycorrhizal fungi, heavy metals, cytochemistry, element localization  相似文献   

Anthers of Nicotiana tabacum cv. White Burley containing microsporesin mitosis were cultured for 12-14 d at 23° C in order toinduce mitosis of the vegetative cell (embryogenic grains).After this period the total DNA content of such grains estimatedby gallocyanin-chrome alum photometry was double that of themicrospores in mitosis, whereas the total RNA content was reducedby about one-third. Total protein estimated by naphthol yellowS photometry was approximately the same as at inoculation. Incontrast, total RNA and total protein contents of non-embryogenicgrains in the same anthers were at least four times greaterthan at inoculation. It is suggested that degradation of cytoplasmicinformation concerned in gametophytic differentiation takesplace prior to mitosis of the vegetative cell.  相似文献   

The generative cell (GC) development during three sequentialstages of Magnolia x soulangeana pollen grain maturation wasinvestigated by light and electron microscopy. Plastids werenot identified in this cell but mitochondria, Golgi bodies andvesicles as well as rough endoplasmic reticulum profiles werealways present. Microtubules were also present, their numberincreasing and their disposition varying during GC maturation.The most conspicuous components of the GC cytoplasm were themicrobodies. The latter were few in number in the newly formedGC, and the appearance of their matrix was different from laterdevelopmental stages. A clear microbodial proliferation occurredin the GC during an intermediate stage of pollen maturation.Then, the microbody matrix was either fibrillar to granularas in the vegetative cell microbodies or very dense and compact.The polymorphism and size range and the frequent aggregationof these organelles in one or more clusters were also noteworthy.Tilting of semithin sections as well as the analysis of serialsections suggested that a number or enlarged and irregularlyshaped microbodies co-exist with smaller and more sphericalones, the latter probably originating by budding. In the GCof the mature pollen the microbody-like organelles were in generalmore uniform both in shape and size. The cytochemical test ofDAB was positive in the microbodies of both the pollen cells,thus demonstrating their peroxisomic nature. The function ofthe microbodies in the GC is not clear. In this cell, a fewlipid droplets only exist during the first developmental stageand the microbodies were apparently unrelated to any other organelle.Possibly, these are unspecialized microbodies which are paternallytransmitted, but it is not excluded that, temporarily, theymay play some special role during GC maturation.Copyright 1994,1999 Academic Press Peroxisomes, generative cell, pollen maturation, Magnolia x soulangeana Soul.-Bod  相似文献   

We have tested whether the promotion of flowering by long days(LD) in Arabidopsis thaliana is a consequence of photoperiodicinduction. To achieve this, the flowering responses of Arabidopsisthaliana (L.) Heynh. Landsberg erecta (Ler) and the long-hypocotylmutants hy2, hy3 and hy4 were determined with respect to age,daylength and light quality. Ler was capable of distinguishingbetween short days (SD) and long days (LD) from about 4 d aftersowing at 20 C, the time at which cotyledons were expandingand greening. At this stage, the critical daylength was between8 h and 10 h. At 7 d, seedlings required five LD for inductionand, as the seedlings aged, they became more sensitive so thatby day 20, one LD was fully inductive. The response to SD innewly germinated seedlings was to delay flowering without alteringleaf number, but after about 10 d, delay of flowering by SDwas accompanied by extra leaves. In light quality experiments,blue light (B) was inductive for 5-d-old plants and in all subsequenttreatments, far-red (FR) caused induction in treatments at 12d and 18 d and low pressure sodium, equivalent to red, was notinductive at 5 d and 12 d, but partially inductive at day 18.Hence, both a specific blue-light photoreceptor and phytochromeA in High Irradiance Response mode promote floral induction.In daylength transfer experiments all three hy mutants respondedto LD by earlier flowering. Both hy2 and hy3 produced substantiallyfewer leaves than Ler in SD and hy3 flowered slightly earlierthan Ler. The hy4 mutants flowered later than Ler in SD andhad a higher leaf number. A scheme is proposed in which photoperiodicinduction depends on the ability of the plant to sense photoperiod,the stage of development and the photobiological input. We alsopropose that phytochrome A and the blue photoreceptor promoteflowering whereas phytochrome B promotes vegetative development. Key words: Arabidopsis thaliana, blue-absorbing photoreceptor, flowering, photoperiodic induction, phytochrome  相似文献   

Five-mm sections of elongation zones of Zea mesocotyls wereincubated for designated periods with various concentrationsof IAA. In vitro protein phosphorylation in the soluble fraction(85,000 x g supernatant) prepared from the sections was analyzedby sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.The phosphorylation of proteins in the soluble fraction thathad been prepared from sections incubated for 20 min in thepresence of 10{small tilde}s M IAA was greater than that inthe sections incubated for 20 min without IAA. The amount ofphosphorylation of proteins per protein became higher when higherconcentrations increased (10{small tilde}8—10{small tilde}5M).The growth of sections incubated in the presence of 10{smalltilde}8 M IAA or higher concentrations was greater than thatof sections incubated in the absence of IAA. The promotion ofgrowth by IAA was greater at higher concentrations of IAA. Proteinsin the soluble fraction, prepared from sections incubated for20 min in the presence of 10{small tilde}5 M IAA, were phosphorylatedin the presence of either 10 fM cAMP, 10 µM cGMP, 100µM W-7, 100 µM W-5, 20 µM H-7 or 20 µMHA1004. The calmodulin antagonist, W-7, and the inhibitor ofprotein kinase C, H-7, inhibited the phosphorylation of proteinsstimulated by incubation with IAA. These results suggest thatIAA promotes cell elongation via protein phosphorylation thatdepends on calmodulin-dependent protein kinase and protein kinaseC. (Received November 29, 1995; Accepted May 20, 1996)  相似文献   

The mechanism by which endogenous cessation of coleoptile elongationafter emergence of the primary leaf is brought about was investigatedin rye seedlings (Secale cereale L.) that were either grownin darkness or irradiated with continuous white light. In 3-d-oldetiolated (growing) coleoptiles a turgor pressure of 0.59 MPawas measured. In 6-d-old coleoptiles, which had ceased to elongate,cell turgor was 0.51 MPa and thus only 13% lower than in therapidly growing organ. Hence, the driving force for growth (turgor)is largely maintained. Cell-wall plasticity (Epl) and elasticity(EQl were determined with a constant load extensiometer bothin vivo (turgid coleoptile segments) and in vitro (frozen-thawedsamples). Cessation of coleoptile elongation was correlatedwith a 95% reduction in Epl9 whereas EQl was only slightly affected.Extension kinetics were measured with living and frozen-thawedsegments cut from growing and non-growing coleoptiles. The correspondingstress-strain (load-extension) curves indicate that the cellwall of the growing coleoptile behaves like an elastic-plasticmaterial whereas that of the non-growing organ shows the behaviourof an elastic solid. These data demonstate that Epl representsa true plastic (irreversible) deformation of the cell wall.It is concluded that cessation of coleoptile growth after emergenceof the primary leaf is attributable to a loss of cell-wall plasticity.Hence, a mechanical stiffening of the cell wall and not a lossof turgor pressure may be responsible for the deceleration ofcell elongation in the rye coleoptile. Key words: Extension growth, rye coleoptile, cell-wall extensibility, turgor pressure  相似文献   

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