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Novel algorithms are presented for automated NOESY peak picking and NOE signal identification in homonuclear 2D and heteronuclear-resolved 3D [1H,1H]-NOESY spectra during de novoprotein structure determination by NMR, which have been implemented in the new software ATNOS (automated NOESY peak picking). The input for ATNOS consists of the amino acid sequence of the protein, chemical shift lists from the sequence-specific resonance assignment, and one or several 2D or 3D NOESY spectra. In the present implementation, ATNOS performs multiple cycles of NOE peak identification in concert with automated NOE assignment with the software CANDID and protein structure calculation with the program DYANA. In the second and subsequent cycles, the intermediate protein structures are used as an additional guide for the interpretation of the NOESY spectra. By incorporating the analysis of the raw NMR data into the process of automated de novoprotein NMR structure determination, ATNOS enables direct feedback between the protein structure, the NOE assignments and the experimental NOESY spectra. The main elements of the algorithms for NOESY spectral analysis are techniques for local baseline correction and evaluation of local noise level amplitudes, automated determination of spectrum-specific threshold parameters, the use of symmetry relations, and the inclusion of the chemical shift information and the intermediate protein structures in the process of distinguishing between NOE peaks and artifacts. The ATNOS procedure has been validated with experimental NMR data sets of three proteins, for which high-quality NMR structures had previously been obtained by interactive interpretation of the NOESY spectra. The ATNOS-based structures coincide closely with those obtained with interactive peak picking. Overall, we present the algorithms used in this paper as a further important step towards objective and efficient de novoprotein structure determination by NMR.  相似文献   

A procedure for automated protein structure determination is presented that is based on an iterative procedure during which the NOESY peak list assignment and the structure calculation are performed simultaneously. The input consists of a list of NOESY peak positions and a list of chemical shifts as obtained from sequence-specific resonance assignment. For the present applications of this approach the previously introduced NOAH routine was implemented in the distance geometry program DIANA. As an illustration, experimental 2D and 3D NOESY cross-peak lists of six proteins have been analyzed, for which complete sequence-specific 1H assignments are available for the polypeptide backbone and the amino acid side chains. The automated method assigned 70–90% of all NOESY cross peaks, which is on average 10% less than with the interactive approach, and only between 0.8% and 2.4% of the automatically assigned peaks had a different assignment than in the corresponding manually assigned peak lists. The structures obtained with NOAH/DIANA are in close agreement with those from manually assigned peak lists, and with both approaches the residual constraint violations correspond to high-quality NMR structure determinations. Systematic comparisons of the bundles of conformers that represent corresponding automatically and interactively determined structures document the absence of significant bias in either approach, indicating that an important step has been made towards automation of structure determination from NMR spectra.  相似文献   

Elucidation of high-resolution protein structures by NMR spectroscopy requires a large number of distance constraints that are derived from nuclear Overhauser effects between protons (NOEs). Due to the high level of spectral overlap encountered in 2D NMR spectra of proteins, the measurement of high quality distance constraints requires higher dimensional NMR experiments. Although four-dimensional Fourier transform (FT) NMR experiments can provide the necessary kind of spectral information, the associated measurement times are often prohibitively long. Covariance NMR spectroscopy yields 2D spectra that exhibit along the indirect frequency dimension the same high resolution as along the direct dimension using minimal measurement time. The generalization of covariance NMR to 4D NMR spectroscopy presented here exploits the inherent symmetry of certain 4D NMR experiments and utilizes the trace metric between donor planes for the construction of a high-resolution spectral covariance matrix. The approach is demonstrated for a 4D (13)C-edited NOESY experiment of ubiquitin. The 4D covariance spectrum narrows the line-widths of peaks strongly broadened in the FT spectrum due to the necessarily short number of increments collected, and it resolves otherwise overlapped cross peaks allowing for an increase in the number of NOE assignments to be made from a given dataset. At the same time there is no significant decrease in the positive predictive value of observing a peak as compared to the corresponding 4D Fourier transform spectrum. These properties make the 4D covariance method a potentially valuable tool for the structure determination of larger proteins and for high-throughput applications in structural biology.  相似文献   

Three independent runs of automatic assignment and structure calculations were performed on three small proteins, calcicludine from the venom of the green mamba Dendroaspis angusticeps, -conotoxin PVIIA from the purple cone Conus purpurascens and HsTX1, a short scorpion toxin from the venom of Heterometrus spinnifer. At the end of all the runs, the number of cross peaks which remained unassigned (0.6%, 1.4% and 2% for calcicludine, -conotoxin and HsTX1, respectively), as well as the number of constraints which were rejected as producing systematic violations (2.7%, 1.0%, and 1.4% for calcicludine, -conotoxin and HsTX1, respectively) were low. The conformation of the initial model used in the procedure (linear model or constructed by homology) has no influence on the final structures. Mainly two parameters control the procedure: the chemical shift tolerance and the cut-off distance. Independent runs of structure calculations, using the same parameters, yield structures for which the rmsd between averaged structures and the rmsd around each averaged structure were of the same order of magnitude. A different cut-off distance and a different chemical shift tolerance yield rmsd values on final average structures which did not differ more than 0.5 Å compared to the rmsd obtained around the averaged structure for each calculation. These results show that the procedure is robust when applied to such a small disulfide-bonded protein.  相似文献   

We have carried out numerical experiments to investigate the applicability of the global optimization method of conformational space annealing (CSA) to the enhanced NMR protein structure determination over existing PDB structures. The NMR protein structure determination is driven by the optimization of collective multiple restraints arising from experimental data and the basic stereochemical properties of a protein‐like molecule. By rigorous and straightforward application of CSA to the identical NMR experimental data used to generate existing PDB structures, we redetermined 56 recent PDB protein structures starting from fully randomized structures. The quality of CSA‐generated structures and existing PDB structures were assessed by multiobjective functions in terms of their consistencies with experimental data and the requirements of protein‐like stereochemistry. In 54 out of 56 cases, CSA‐generated structures were better than existing PDB structures in the Pareto‐dominant manner, while in the remaining two cases, it was a tie with mixed results. As a whole, all structural features tested improved in a statistically meaningful manner. The most improved feature was the Ramachandran favored portion of backbone torsion angles with about 8.6% improvement from 88.9% to 97.5% (P‐value <10?17). We show that by straightforward application of CSA to the efficient global optimization of an energy function, NMR structures will be of better quality than existing PDB structures. Proteins 2015; 83:2251–2262. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The NOAH/DIAMOD suite uses feedback filtering and self-correcting distance geometry to generate 3D structures from unassigned NOESY spectra. In this study we determined the minimum set of experiments needed to generate a high quality structure bundle. Different combinations of 3D 15N-edited, 13C-edited HSQC-NOESY and 2D homonuclear 1H-1H NOESY spectra of the 77 amino acid protein, myeloid progenitor inhibitory factor-1 (MPIF-1) were used as input for NOAH/DIAMOD calculations. The quality of the assignments of NOESY cross peaks and the accuracy of the automatically generated 3D structures were compared to those obtained with a conventional manual procedure. Combining data from two types of experiments synergistically increased the number of peaks assigned unambiguously in both individual spectra. As a general trend for the accuracy of the structures we observed structural variations in the backbone fold of the final structures of about 2 Å for single spectral data, of 1 Å to 1.5 Å for double spectral data, and of 0.6 Å for triple spectral data sets. The quality of the assignments and 3D structures from the optimal data using all three spectra were similar to those obtained from traditional assignment methods with structural variations within the bundle of 0.6 Å and 1.3 Å for backbone and heavy atoms, respectively. Almost all constraints (97%) of the automatic NOESY cross peak assignments were cross compatible with the structures from the conventional manual assignment procedure, and an even larger proportion (99%) of the manually derived constraints were compatible with the automatically determined 3D structures. The two mean structures determined by both methods differed only by 1.3 Å rmsd for the backbone atoms in the well-defined regions of the protein. Thus NOAD/DIAMOD analysis of spectra from labeled proteins provides a reliable method for high throughput analysis of genomic targets.  相似文献   

Copper (I) binding by metallochaperone transport proteins prevents copper oxidation and release of the toxic ions that may participate in harmful redox reactions. The Cu (I) complex of the peptide model of a Cu (I) binding metallochaperone protein, which includes the sequence MTCSGCSRPG (underlined is conserved), was determined in solution under inert conditions by NMR spectroscopy.NMR is a widely accepted technique for the determination of solution structures of proteins and peptides. Due to difficulty in crystallization to provide single crystals suitable for X-ray crystallography, the NMR technique is extremely valuable, especially as it provides information on the solution state rather than the solid state. Herein we describe all steps that are required for full three-dimensional structure determinations by NMR. The protocol includes sample preparation in an NMR tube, 1D and 2D data collection and processing, peak assignment and integration, molecular mechanics calculations, and structure analysis. Importantly, the analysis was first conducted without any preset metal-ligand bonds, to assure a reliable structure determination in an unbiased manner.  相似文献   

ASCAN is a new algorithm for automatic sequence-specific NMR assignment of amino acid side-chains in proteins, which uses as input the primary structure of the protein, chemical shift lists of (1)H(N), (15)N, (13)C(alpha), (13)C(beta) and possibly (1)H(alpha) from the previous polypeptide backbone assignment, and one or several 3D (13)C- or (15)N-resolved [(1)H,(1)H]-NOESY spectra. ASCAN has also been laid out for the use of TOCSY-type data sets as supplementary input. The program assigns new resonances based on comparison of the NMR signals expected from the chemical structure with the experimentally observed NOESY peak patterns. The core parts of the algorithm are a procedure for generating expected peak positions, which is based on variable combinations of assigned and unassigned resonances that arise for the different amino acid types during the assignment procedure, and a corresponding set of acceptance criteria for assignments based on the NMR experiments used. Expected patterns of NOESY cross peaks involving unassigned resonances are generated using the list of previously assigned resonances, and tentative chemical shift values for the unassigned signals taken from the BMRB statistics for globular proteins. Use of this approach with the 101-amino acid residue protein FimD(25-125) resulted in 84% of the hydrogen atoms and their covalently bound heavy atoms being assigned with a correctness rate of 90%. Use of these side-chain assignments as input for automated NOE assignment and structure calculation with the ATNOS/CANDID/DYANA program suite yielded structure bundles of comparable quality, in terms of precision and accuracy of the atomic coordinates, as those of a reference structure determined with interactive assignment procedures. A rationale for the high quality of the ASCAN-based structure determination results from an analysis of the distribution of the assigned side chains, which revealed near-complete assignments in the core of the protein, with most of the incompletely assigned residues located at or near the protein surface.  相似文献   

蛋白质溶液NMR结构测定的一些新进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新的标记技术的进展和采用稀释的液晶作为溶剂以提供额外的结构信息,提高了核磁共振技术测定蛋白质溶液三维结构的精度,扩大了分子质量测定范围.目前已经利用多维 15N,13C,2H标记NMR测定了许多分子质量为30 ku左右的蛋白质溶液结构,这一上限可能还会被进一步提高.  相似文献   

NMR structure of a KlbA intein precursor from Methanococcus jannaschii   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Certain proteins of unicellular organisms are translated as precursor polypeptides containing inteins (intervening proteins), which are domains capable of performing protein splicing. These domains, in conjunction with a single residue following the intein, catalyze their own excision from the surrounding protein (extein) in a multistep reaction involving the cleavage of two intein-extein peptide bonds and the formation of a new peptide bond that ligates the two exteins to yield the mature protein. We report here the solution NMR structure of a 186-residue precursor of the KlbA intein from Methanococcus jannaschii, comprising the intein together with N- and C-extein segments of 7 and 11 residues, respectively. The intein is shown to adopt a single, well-defined globular domain, representing a HINT (Hedgehog/Intein)-type topology. Fourteen beta-strands are arranged in a complex fold that includes four beta-hairpins and an antiparallel beta-ribbon, and there is one alpha-helix, which is packed against the beta-ribbon, and one turn of 3(10)-helix in the loop between the beta-strands 8 and 9. The two extein segments show increased disorder, and form only minimal nonbonding contacts with the intein domain. Structure-based mutation experiments resulted in a proposal for functional roles of individual residues in the intein catalytic mechanism.  相似文献   

The simultaneous interpretation of a suite of dipole-dipole and dipole-CSA cross-correlation rates involving the backbone nuclei 13C, 1H,13CO, 15N and 1HN can be used to resolve the ambiguities associated with each individual cross-correlation rate. The method is based on the transformation of experimental cross-correlation rates via calculated values based on standard peptide plane geometry and solid-state 13CO CSA parameters into a dihedral angle probability surface. Triple resonance NMR experiments with improved sensitivity have been devised for the quantification of relaxation interference between 1H(i)-13C(i)/15N(i)-1HN(i) and 1H(i–1)-13C(i–1)/15N(i)-1HN(i) dipole-dipole mechanisms in 15N,13C-labeled proteins. The approach is illustrated with an application to 13C,15N-labeled ubiquitin.  相似文献   

目的 目前,如何从核磁共振(nuclear magnetic resonance,NMR)光谱实验中准确地确定蛋白质的三维结构是生物物理学中的一个热门课题,因为蛋白质是生物体的重要组成成分,了解蛋白质的空间结构对研究其功能至关重要,然而由于实验数据的严重缺乏使其成为一个很大的挑战。方法 在本文中,通过恢复距离矩阵的矩阵填充(matrix completion,MC)算法来解决蛋白质结构确定问题。首先,初始距离矩阵模型被建立,由于实验数据的缺乏,此时的初始距离矩阵为不完整矩阵,随后通过MC算法恢复初始距离矩阵的缺失数据,从而获得整个蛋白质三维结构。为了进一步测试算法的性能,本文选取了4种不同拓扑结构的蛋白质和6种现有的MC算法进行了测试,探究了算法在不同的采样率以及不同程度噪声的情况下算法的恢复效果。结果 通过分析均方根偏差(root-mean-square deviation,RMSD)和计算时间这两个重要指标的平均值及标准差评估了算法的性能,结果显示当采样率和噪声因子控制在一定范围内时,RMSD值和标准差都能达到很小的值。另外本文更加具体地比较了不同算法的特点和优势,在精确采样情况下...  相似文献   

RELAX-JT2 is an extension of RELAX, a program for the simulation of 1H 2D NOESY spectra and (15)N or (13)C edited 3D NOESY-HSQC spectra of biological macromolecules. In addition to the already existing NOE-simulation it allows the proper simulation of line shapes by the integrated calculation of T(2) times and multiplet structures caused by J-couplings. Additionally the effects of relaxation mediated by chemical shift anisotropy are taken into account. The new routines have been implemented in the program AUREMOL, which aims at the automated NMR structure determination of proteins in solution. For a manual or automatic assignment of experimental spectra that is based on the comparison with the corresponding simulated spectra, the additional line shape information now available is a valuable aid. The new features have been successfully tested with the histidine-containing phosphocarrier protein HPr from Staphylococcus carnosus.  相似文献   

Summary A new program package, XEASY, was written for interactive computer support of the analysis of NMR spectra for three-dimensional structure determination of biological macromolecules. XEASY was developed for work with 2D, 3D and 4D NMR data sets. It includes all the functions performed by the precursor program EASY, which was designed for the analysis of 2D NMR spectra, i.e., peak picking and support of sequence-specific resonance assignments, cross-peak assignments, cross-peak integration and rate constant determination for dynamic processes. Since the program utilizes the X-window system and the Motif widget set, it is portable on a wide range of UNIX workstations. The design objective was to provide maximal computer support for the analysis of spectra, while providing the user with complete control over the final resonance assignments. Technically important features of XEASY are the use and flexible visual display of strips, i.e., two-dimensional spectral regions that contain the relevant parts of 3D or 4D NMR spectra, automated sorting routines to narrow down the selection of strips that need to be interactively considered in a particular assignment step, a protocol of resonance assignments that can be used for reliable bookkeeping, independent of the assignment strategy used, and capabilities for proper treatment of spectral folding and efficient transfer of resonance assignments between spectra of different types and different dimensionality, including projected, reduced-dimensionality triple-resonance experiments.Abbreviations 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D one-, two-, three-, four-dimensional - NOE nuclear Overhauser enhancement - NOESY nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy - TOCSY total correlation spectroscopy - COSY correlation spectroscopy - TPPI time-proportional phase incrementation  相似文献   

M J Sutcliffe  C M Dobson 《Proteins》1991,10(2):117-129
The effect of including paramagnetic relaxation data as additional restraints in the determination of protein tertiary structures from NMR data has been explored by a systematic series of model calculations. The system used for testing the method was the 2.0 A resolution tetragonal crystal structure of hen egg white lysozyme (129 amino acid residues) and structures were generated using a version of the hybrid "distance geometry-dynamic simulated annealing" procedure. A limited set of 769 NOEs was used as restraints in all the calculations; the strengths of these were categorized into three classes on the basis of distances observed in the crystal structure. The values of 50 phi angles were also restrained on the basis of amide-alpha coupling constants calculated from the X-ray structure. Five sets of 12 structures were determined using differing sets of paramagnetic relaxation data as restraints additional to those involving the NOE and coupling constant data. The paramagnetic relaxation data were modeled on the basis of the distances of defined protons from the crystallographic binding site of Gd3+ in lysozyme. Analysis of the results showed that the relaxation data significantly improved the correspondence between the set of generated structures and the crystal structure, and that the more well defined the relaxation data, the more significant the improvement in the quality of the structures. The results suggest that the inclusion of paramagnetic relaxation restraints could be of significant value for the experimental determination of protein structures from NMR data.  相似文献   

Network-editing experiments are variants of the basic NOESY experiment that allow more accurate direct measurement of interproton distances in macromolecules by defeating specific spin-diffusion pathways. Two network-editing approaches, block-decoupled NOESY and complementary-block-decoupled-NOESY, were applied as three-dimensional, heteronuclear-edited experiments to distance measurement in a small protein, turkey ovomucoid third domain (OMTKY3). Two-hundred and twelve of the original 655 distance constraints observed in this molecule (Krezel AM et al., 1994, J Mol Biol 242:203-214) were improved by their replacement by distances derived from network-edited spectra, and distance geometry/simulated annealing solution structure calculations were performed from both the unimproved and improved distance sets. The resulting two families of structures were found to differ significantly, the most important differences being the hinge angle of a beta-turn and an expansion of the sampled conformation space in the region of the reactive-site loop. The structures calculated from network-editing data are interpreted as a more accurate model of the solution conformation of OMTKY3.  相似文献   

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