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Mosses, covering about 23,000 species of all land plants in the world, have been widely used as an indicator of heavy metal pollution in many studies. A crucial part in these researches is to regularize the adsorption capacities of different moss species obtained from different regions to objectively compare the pollution levels. In this study, we have first analyzed the lead adsorption capacities of six different moss species by means of using column filled with Amberlite XAD-2000 resin method. The adsorption capacities of the studied six mosses are found in descending order as Eurhynchium striatum, Hypnum cupressiforme, Pleurozium schreberi, Eurhynchium striatulum, Homalothecium sericeum and Thuidium tamariscinum. Then, we have regularized the Pb adsorption levels for the moss species obtained from different regions along one of the important coast highway in Turkey, namely Sarp-Samsun highway, with respect to the determined adsorption capacities.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2007,42(3):379-383
In order to prepare a novel adsorbent which can not only degrade organic compound, but also adsorb the heavy metal ions, immobilization of nanometer titanium dioxide on ion-imprinted chitosan carries was investigated. The amount of TiO2, different kinds and amounts of dispersants, adding methods of TiO2, different kinds of cross-linking agents and target metal ions are important factors influencing the degradation of Methyl Orange (MO) and the adsorption for Ni2+. When 15% amount of TiO2 was added in preparation, the removal of MO was highly increased to nearly 90%, which was about eight times higher than that without TiO2, at the same time, the effect of TiO2 on the adsorption capacity was not obvious. The results show that in the presence of Ni2+ and MO, the MO could be removed effectively and the removal of MO reached 95.4%. At the initial concentration of Ni2+ of 200 mg/L, the adsorption capacity of Ni2+ reached 33 mg/g in the presence of MO.  相似文献   

Barley seedlings (Hordeum vulgare L., cv. Fatran) were pretreated with various concentrations of five heavy metal ions (Zn, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn) for 3 d. When the subsequent heat shock was administered for 2 h, the heavy metal ions had thermoprotective effect against the sub-lethal (40 °C) and lethal (45 °C) temperature stresses, which were otherwise lethal to control (water grown) seedlings. The effectiveness of each of the heavy metal ions was different, the most effective being Cu. The level of protection provided by these heavy metal ions was dependent on both the time and the concentration that plants were exposed to them. The greatest differences were recorded in the thermotolerance mediated by applied metal ions in the shoot and root cells. Thermotolerance was exhibited by both the shoot and root of pretreated seedlings, even though the heavy metal stresses were applied solely to the roots.  相似文献   

重金属生物吸附剂的应用研究现状   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
1 前言含重金属废水是对生态环境危害极大的一类污染源。进入环境中的重金属往往参与食物链循环并在生物体内积累 ,破坏生物体的正常生理代谢[1,2 ] 。如何消除重金属的危害并有效地回收废水中的贵重金属是当今环境保护工作中面临的一个非常突出的问题。重金属废水主要来源于电镀、采矿、冶炼、化工、纺织、印染、化纤等行业 ,传统含重金属废水的处理方法主要有沉淀法、化学氧化还原法、蒸发法、离子交换法、电化学处理法、膜技术分离法等 ,这些方法最突出的缺点在于处理低浓度 ( <1 0 0mg/l)重金属废水时 ,操作繁琐、运行费用较高。近…  相似文献   

黏土矿物中重金属离子的吸附规律及竞争吸附   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
采用等温吸附法,研究了重金属铜、铅、镉、镍在膨润土中的吸附特征,发现膨润土对铜、铅的吸附明显强于镉、镍,吸附强度大小顺序为Pb2 >Cu2 >Ni2 >Cd2 。Langmuir和Freundlich方程对这4种金属离子等温吸附的拟合均呈极显著关系。Pb2 、Cd2 、Ni2 分别与Cu2 的双组分竞争吸附表明,黏土矿物对4种离子具有"选择性吸附"。在Pb2 、Ni2 、Cd2 的存在条件下,黏土矿物对Cu2 的吸附产生不同程度的下降;100mg/LCu2 对Pb2 的影响不大,但可完全抑制Ni2 、Cd2 的吸附。建立了IAS和LCA模型来预测Pb2 与Cu2 的双组分竞争吸附,并对LCA模型进行修正,提出了更符合实际情况的竞争吸附模型。文章最后用LCA修正模型对Pb2 与Cu2 的双组分竞争吸附进行了模拟。  相似文献   

竹炭固定化微生物对水中壬基酚的降解效率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
竹炭是一种优质生物质炭,不仅比表面积大,孔隙发达,而且机械强度高,是微生物固定化载体的最佳选择之一.本文采用正交试验确定了竹炭固定化微生物的最佳制备条件,对比了竹炭固定菌和游离菌对水中类雌激素壬基酚的降解效果,并考察了竹炭固定菌的重复利用性.结果表明:固定化后降解菌大量地附着在竹炭表面及内部孔隙中,其最佳制备条件为温度30℃、pH=7、竹炭粒径35目.壬基酚的降解符合一级动力学方程,在不同的壬基酚初始浓度下(30、50、80、100 mg·L-1),竹炭固定菌对壬基酚的7 d降解率分别为100%、75.3%、67.3%和78.7%,显著优于游离菌(54.2%、51.5%、30.6%和23.5%).经过8轮重复利用后,竹炭固定菌对壬基酚的降解率仍可达到36.5%,而此时游离菌的降解率仅为8.9%,说明竹炭固定菌具有长期可重复利用性,在去除废水有机污染物中具有较好的工程应用前景.  相似文献   

重金属离子对凡纳滨对虾肝胰脏、鳃丝和血液SOD活力的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
研究了3种重金属离子(Cu2+、Zn2+、Cd2+)在96 h内对凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)对肝胰脏、鳃丝和血液超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活力的影响.结果表明,凡纳滨对虾SOD活力在3种重金属离子作用下随取样时间变化显著(P<0.0),Cu2+在实验浓度范围内(0.1~1 mg·L-1),肝胰脏、鳃丝和血液的SOD活力随时间延长呈一峰值变化,Zn2+在10 mg·L-1时对肝胰脏表现为显著抑制作用,Cd2+在0. mg·L-1时对肝胰脏和鳃丝起显著抑制作用,0.2 mg·L-1对鳃丝SOD活力无显著变化(P>0.0),其他浓度Zn2+(<10 mg·L-1)、Cd2+(<0.2 mg·L-1)对各组织器官SOD活力的影响随时间延长均呈现先升高后下降的趋势.3种重金属离子对凡纳滨对虾肝胰脏、鳃丝、血液SOD活力的影响呈现明显的剂量-时间效应关系.其SOD活力大小顺序为肝胰脏>鳃丝>血液,3种重金属离子对凡纳滨对虾伤害大小顺序为Cd2+>Cu2+>Zn2+.  相似文献   

Ion-specific electrodes were used to study the binding of Hg2+, Pb2+, Cu2+, and Cd2+ ions to widely used bacterial growth media (Nutrient broth, trypticase soy broth, the medium of Foot and Taylor [6] and of Nelsonet al.[12]) and to media components [yeast extract, peptone, tryptone, proteose peptone, and casamino acids (acid hydrolyzed casein)]. Volatilization of Hg2+ from aqueous solutions could be prevented by any of the growth media or their components. All media bound large amounts of Hg2+, Pb2+, and Cu2+, but much less Cd2+. Of the media components, casamino acids showed the most binding activity for all metal ions; the relative affinity of other media components to different ions varied with the cation studied. In general, the Irving-Williams [8] series for cation affinity to organic ligands was followed: Hg2+>Pa2+ Cu2+ Cd2+.After adding 20 ppm of Hg2+, Pb2+, or Cu2+ (concentrations inhibitory to the growth of most microorganisms) to the growth media, 80 ppb or less remained as free cations in the solution. This might suggest that such ions enter bacterial cells as organic complexes, or that bacterial cells can compete successfully with growth media for the bound ions.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of 0.1mM heavy metal ions (Au3+, Zn2+, Cr3+, Mn2+, and Cu2+) on ionophore-treated human neutrophils. Treatment of human neutrophils with 5-10 microM ionophore A23187 resulted in phospholipid deacylation and eicosanoid release within 5 min. After approximately 20 min, viability decreased significantly with near total cell death by 50 min. Heavy metal ions altered phospholipid metabolism, eicosanoid synthesis, and cytotoxicity in parallel fashion. Radioimmunoassays for 5-HETE and LTB4 demonstrated that Au3+ and Zn2+ stimulated, Cr3+ had little effect on, and Mn2+ and Cu2+ inhibited eicosanoid release from ionophore-treated neutrophils. Cells prelabelled with [3H]arachidonic acid exhibited similar metal-mediated effects on lipid metabolism. Strong negative correlations between metal effects on viability and the metabolism of arachidonic acid suggest that eicosanoids participate in ionophore-induced cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

重金属污染对昆虫生长发育的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孙虹霞  刘颖  张古忍 《昆虫学报》2007,50(2):178-185
重金属污染已经成为一个全球性的环境问题,对生物多样性和人类健康构成了严重威胁。作为全球生物多样性的重要组成部分,昆虫因重金属污染而受到的潜在影响同样引起了人们的普遍关注。过量重金属可对昆虫的生长发育产生影响。环境中的重金属可通过昆虫的呼吸、表皮和摄食等途径进入昆虫体内,进入昆虫体内的过量重金属不仅能引起昆虫细胞超微结构的变化和遗传物质的改变,还可诱导昆虫细胞凋亡并影响细胞的活力和增殖。但昆虫能将过量的重金属以金属颗粒形式储存在具消化、存储或分泌功能的器官中,也能将其转运至溶酶体中解毒。同时,金属结合蛋白和抗氧化酶在昆虫对重金属的解毒过程中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

重金属污染对鸟类的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李峰  丁长青 《生态学报》2007,27(1):296-303
鸟类属于高等脊椎动物,是食物链中的高级消费者,由于生物富集作用,鸟类容易受到环境中污染物质的影响。鸟类羽毛和卵壳中的重金属浓度可以反映其所处环境中重金属的污染状况,因此可以用鸟类作为指示生物来监测环境中的重金属污染。对重金属污染的来源和特征进行了介绍,阐述了重金属污染对环境安全构成威胁的原因,分析了汞、铅、镉、砷、铜等几种重金属元素在鸟体内富集的特点及其对鸟类的危害。重金属污染物在不同生物体内的浓度存在差异,反映出它们通过食物链的生物富集和放大,对环境和鸟类的毒害作用有所增加。建议选择野生鹭类、麻雀和喜鹊等鸟类作为指示生物监测环境中的重金属污染。  相似文献   

4种重金属离子对多刺裸腹溞的联合毒性效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在研究了铜、铅、镉和锌4种单一因子对多刺裸腹溞(Moina macrocopa)急性毒性作用基础上,采用Marking 相加指数法研究了联合毒性效应.实验结果表明:4种重金属离子的毒性大小依次为Cd2+>Cu2+>Pb2+>Zn2+,对多刺裸腹溞48h的LC50分别为0.0076mg/L,0.0306mg/L,0.0532mg/L,0.3568mg/L;Pb2+-Cu2+-Cd2+、Pb2+-Zn2+-Cd2+3种离子和Cu2+-Pb2+-cd2+-Zn2+4种离子共存时的毒性效应表现为拮抗作用;Cu2+-Zn2+-Cd2+和Pb2+-cu2+-Zn2+共存时的联合毒性较为复杂,三者浓度比1:1:1时表现为协同作用,而毒性比1∶1:1时在24h内表现为协同作用,至48h时为拮抗作用.  相似文献   

【目的】研究3种真菌对锰离子的耐受性,并研究其对溶液中Mn2+吸附的最佳条件和吸附机理,为治理锰离子污染提供技术参考。【方法】测定哈茨木霉(Trichoderma harzianum)、深绿木霉(Trichoderma atroviride)和棘孢木霉(Trichoderma asperellum)三株真菌的最低抑菌浓度(minimum inhibitory concentration,MIC),探究最佳吸附条件,并利用扫描电子显微镜(scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy,SEM-EDS)和傅里叶变换红外光谱(Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy,FTIR)对吸附前后菌体进行分析。【结果】哈茨木霉、深绿木霉、棘孢木霉对重金属锰耐受的浓度可达到1 600、1 800、2 000 mg/L,最佳吸附条件为p H为7,吸附时间80 h,温度28℃,吸附率最高可达23.7%,哈茨木霉参与吸附的官能团有-OH、胺基中的-C-N-、-C=O。...  相似文献   

Microcantilevers functionalized with metal-binding protein, AgNt84-6, are demonstrated to be sensors for the detection of heavy metal ions like Hg(2+) and Zn(2+). AgNt84-6, a protein that has the ability to bind multiple atoms of Ni(2+), Zn(2+), Co(2+), Cu(2+), Cd(2+) and Hg(2+) was attached to the gold-coated side of silicon nitride cantilevers via linker groups. Upon exposure to 0.1 mM HgCl(2) and 0.1 mM ZnCl(2) solutions, the microcantilevers underwent bending corresponding to an expanding gold side. Exposure to a 0.1 mM solution of MnCl(2) solution did not result in a similar bending indicating a weak or no interaction of Mn(2+) ions with the AgNt84-6 protein. The microcantilever bending data were consistent with data from electrophoresis carried out on SDS-PAGE gels containing metal ions that showed protein interaction with Zn(2+) ions but not with Mn(2+) ions. Thus, we demonstrate that microcantilever bending can be used to discriminate between metal ions that bind and do not bind to AgNt84-6 protein in real time.  相似文献   

淡水小球藻清除Cu2+、Cd2+、Zn2+污染能力的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用接种密度(n/mL-1)为498 ×104的淡水小球藻对含Cu2+、Cd2+、Zn2+的水体分别处理,观察了藻细胞对上述3种离子的清除能力,并用金鱼存活检测了结果.结果表明(1)淡水小球藻对不同密度的Cu2+、Cd2+、Zn2+都有清除能力,Cu2+的密度在0.094~0.484 mol/L时,清除率为61%~84.5%;Cd2+的密度在0.053~0.32mol/L时,清除率为45.90%~78.20%;Zn2+的密度在0.077~0.466 mol/L时,清除率为61.80%~84.80%.(2)淡水小球藻Cu2+、Cd2+和Zn2+良好工作浓度分别为0.094~0.484 mol/L、0.053~0.32 mol/L和0.077~0.466mol/L.其中,Zn2+的清除能达到国家污染物排放的二级标准.  相似文献   

Heavy metal ions (Pb2+, Cd2+, Mn2+, Cu2+, and Cr2O7 2?) were biosorbed by brown seaweeds (Hizikia fusiformis, Laminaria japonica, and Undaria pinnatifida) collected from the southern coast of South Korea. The biosorption of heavy metal ions was pH-dependent showing a minimum absorption at pH 2 and a maximum biosorption at pH 4 (Pb2+, Cd2+, Mn2+, and Cr2O7 2?) or pH 6 (Cu2+). Biosorption increased most noticeably for pH changes from 2 to 3. In the latter pH range, biosorption increased, because a higher pH decreased the electrostatic repulsion between metal ions and functional groups on the seaweed. In the pH range of 2 ~ 4, biosorption of negatively-charged chromium species (Cr2O7 ?2) followed the pattern of positively-charged metal ions (Pb2+, Cd2+, Mn2+, and Cu2+). This suggests that the most prevalent chromium species were positively-charged Cr3+, reduced from Cr6+ in Cr2O7 ?2. Whereas positively-charged heavy metal ions (Pb2+, Cd2+, Mn2+, and Cu2+) reached a plateau after the maximum level, biosorption of chromium ions decreased noticeably between pH 5 and 8. Kinetic data showed that biosorption by brown seaweed occurred rapidly during the first 10 min, and most of the heavy metals were bound to the seaweed within 30 min. Equilibrium adsorption data for a lead ion could fit well in the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models with regression coefficients (R 2) between 0.93 and 0.98.  相似文献   

The effects of some metal ions on amidolytic and fibrinogenolytic activities of highly purified human plasmin were investigated in vitro. In the presence of Zn2+, Cu2+, Cd2+, and Au+ in the incubation mixture at the concentrations of 1×10−5−1×10−3 M, the anidolytic plasmin activity was strongly inhibited, whereas Ca2+ and Mg2+ at the same concentrations were not effective. The analysis of the kinetic study has shown that Zn2+ or Cu2+ acts as mixed-type inhibitors of plasmin activity. The inhibition of amidolytic plasmin activity by Zn2+ and Cu2+ was reduced in the presence of EDTA, histidine, or albumin. Incubation of plasmin with Zn2+ or Cu2+ (at the concentration of 5×10−4 M) resulted in complete loss of its proteolytic action on fibrinogen, whereas Cd2+ and Au+ under the same conditions only partially inhibited this process.  相似文献   

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