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Type IV fimbriae are essential virulence factors of Dichelobacter nodosus, the principal causative agent of ovine foot rot. The fimA fimbrial subunit gene is required for virulence, but fimA mutants exhibit several phenotypic changes and it is not certain if the effects on virulence result from the loss of type IV fimbria-mediated twitching motility, cell adherence, or reduced protease secretion. We showed that mutation of either the pilT or pilU gene eliminated the ability to carry out twitching motility. However, the pilT mutants displayed decreased adhesion to epithelial cells and reduced protease secretion, whereas the pilU mutants had wild-type levels of extracellular protease secretion and adherence. These data provided evidence that PilT is required for the type IV fimbria-dependent protease secretion pathway in D. nodosus. It was postulated that sufficient fimbrial retraction must occur in the pilU mutants to allow protease secretion, but not twitching motility, to take place. Although no cell movement was detected in a pilU mutant of D. nodosus, aberrant motion was detected in an equivalent mutant of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. These observations explain how in D. nodosus protease secretion can occur in a pilU mutant but not in a pilT mutant. In addition, virulence studies with sheep showed that both the pilT and pilU mutants were avirulent, providing evidence that mutation of the type IV fimbrial system affects virulence by eliminating twitching motility, not by altering cell adherence or protease secretion.  相似文献   

Studies on the potential virulence genes of the ovine footrot pathogen Dichelobacter nodosus have been hindered by the lack of a genetic system for this organism. In an attempt to accomplish the transformation of D. nodosus cells, we constructed a plasmid that contained part of a native D. nodosus plasmid and carried a tetracycline resistance gene that was located between the D. nodosus rrnA promoter and terminator. This plasmid was used to transform several D. nodosus strains to tetracycline resistance. Analysis of two independent transformants from each parental strain showed that in nearly all of these derivatives, the plasmid was not replicating independently, but that the tetracycline resistance gene had inserted by homologous recombination into one of the three rrn operons located on the chromosome. In most of the transformants, double reciprocal crossover events had occurred. These results are highly significant for genetic studies in D. nodosus and for footrot pathogenesis studies, since by using reverse genetics it will now be possible to examine the role of putative D. nodosus-encoded virulence genes in the disease process.  相似文献   

The present study records the strain-specific molecular typing system for Dichelobacter nodosus (D. nodosus) based on genetic analysis of fimA locus. Based on the study two new serotypes B5 and B6 are reported within the serogroup B. Out of 200 swab samples collected randomly from foot lesions of footrot affected sheep from all the districts of Kashmir, India, 122 (61.0%) detected positive for D. nodosus. Serogroup B was predominantly prevalent in 83.60% of positive samples. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplified fimA gene of D. nodosus serogroup B revealed only two fingerprint patterns (FP) designated as FP1 and FP2. The FP1 was most prevalent and depicted by 82.35% of the samples with serogroup B while, FP2 was depicted by rest (17.65%) of the samples. Though the FP1 fimA sequence had the homology of 95% to D. nodosus fimA of serotype B4 isolate VRS 54, but there were 14 nucleotide differences and four nucleotide insertions/deletions in the coding sequence between these two strains resulting in eight amino acid substitutions in the fimbrial subunit. Similarly the FP2 fimA showed the sequence homology of 97% with D. nodosus fimA of serotype B2 isolate 183, with 10 nucleotide differences and three nucleotide insertions/deletions between these two sequences. This resulted in six amino acid substitutions, plus an amino acid length variation in the subunit protein. Thus it was presumed that these FP1 and FP2 strains represented new serotypes (B5 and B6, correspondingly) within the B serogroup as the degree of amino acid sequence difference with their nearest homologous strains was much greater than that within a serotype (0-5 amino acid differences), but comparable to that between serotypes (8-15 amino acid differences). This presumption was confirmed by cross tube agglutination test.  相似文献   

The gram-negative anaerobe Dichelobacter nodosus is the primary causative agent of ovine footrot, a mixed bacterial infection of the hoof. We report here the characterization of a novel native plasmid, pDN1, from D. nodosus. Sequence analysis has revealed that pDN1 has a high degree of similarity to broad-host-range plasmids belonging, or related, to Escherichia coli incompatibility group Q. However, in contrast to these plasmids, pDN1 encodes no antibiotic resistance determinants, lacks genes E and F, and hence is smaller than all previously reported IncQ plasmids. In addition, pDN1 belongs to a different incompatibility group than the IncQ plasmids to which it is related. However, pDN1 does contain the replication and mobilization genes that are responsible for the extremely broad host range characteristic of IncQ plasmids, and derivatives of pDN1 replicate in E. coli. In addition, the mobilization determinants of pDN1 are functional, since derivatives of pDN1 are mobilized by the IncPalpha plasmid RP4 in E. coli.  相似文献   

Abstract The fimbrial subunit gene from the benign type B Bacteroides nodosus isolate AC/6 was cloned into the Sph I site of the multicopy vector plasmid pUC19. Five Escherichia coli recombinants that were positive in a colony immunoassay were shown, by Western transfer analysis, to produce an immunologically cross-reacting protein of identical molecular size to fimbrial subunits prepared from B. nodosus AC/6. Restriction endonuclease analysis showed that 4 of the recombinant plasmids carried a 6.7 kb Sph I fragment. Recloning experiments showed that the fimbrial subunit gene was located within a 2.5 kb Eco RI- Sph I fragment and that there was a Pst I site located within the structural gene or its regulatory region. These recombinant clones will prove useful for the construction of a multivalent recombinant vaccine for the control of ovine footrot.  相似文献   

Abstract Ovine footrot is a debilitating and highly infectious disease that is primarily caused by the Gram-negative, anaerobic bacterium Dichelobacter nodosus . The major antigens implicated in virulence are the type IV fimbriae and extracellular proteases. The fimbriae show sequence and structural similarity to other type IV fimbriae, this similarity extends to genes that are involved in fimbrial biogenesis. Several acidic and basic extracellular serine proteases are produced by both virulent and benign isolates of D. nodosus . Subtle functional differences in these proteases appear to be important in virulence. In addition, there are two chromosomal regions that have a genotypic association with virulence. The partially duplicated and rearranged vap regions appear to have arisen from the insertion of a plasmid into a tRNA gene via an integrase-mediated site-specific insertion event. The 27 kb vrl region has several genes often found on bacteriophages and has inserted into an ssrA gene that may have a regulatory role in the cell. The determination of the precise role that each of these genes and gene regions has in virulence awaits the development of methods for the genetic analysis and manipulation of D. nodosus .  相似文献   

The recombinant plasmid pJIR318 contains a fragment of the Dichelobacter nodosus genome which is associated with virulence. Sequence analysis of the pJIR318 insert has shown that it contains four vap (virulence-associated protein) genes which are homologous to open reading frames found on the Escherichia coli F plasmid and the Neisseria gonorrhoeae cryptic plasmid (M. E. Katz, R. A. Strugnell, and J. I. Rood, Infect. and Immun. 60:4586-4592, 1992). The plasmid pJIR318 hybridizes to three regions of the D. nodosus genome, each of which has now been isolated. Regions 1 and 3 were found to be adjacent in the genome of D. nodosus A198, and the order of the vap genes in vap regions 1 and 2 were shown to be identical. Partial sequence analysis and Southern blot analysis of the vap regions showed that the three regions probably arose by a duplication event(s) followed by insertions and/or deletions. A recombinant plasmid, pJIR749, was isolated from a library of a benign D. nodosus strain, 305. This plasmid contained sequences from both ends of vap region 2. Analysis of pJIR749 showed that the sequences on either side of vap region 2 were separated by 324 bp in the genome of benign strain 305 and that the orientations of the sequences were different. It is clear that a simple insertion or deletion event did not generate the benign and virulent strains studied. A model which describes the evolution of the duplicated vap regions in D. nodosus A198 is presented.  相似文献   

Dichelobacter nodosus is the essential causative agent of footrot in sheep. The major D. nodosus-encoded virulence factors that have been implicated in the disease are type IV fimbriae and extracellular proteases. To examine the role of the fimbriae in virulence, allelic exchange was used to insertionally inactivate the fimA gene, which encodes the fimbrial subunit protein, from the virulent type G D. nodosus strain VCS1703A. Detailed analysis of two independently derived fimA mutants revealed that they no longer produced the fimbrial subunit protein or intact fimbriae and did not exhibit twitching motility. In addition, these mutants were no longer capable of undergoing natural transformation and did not secrete wild-type levels of extracellular proteases. These effects were not due to polar effects on the downstream fimB gene because insertionally inactivated fimB mutants were not defective in any of these phenotypic tests. Virulence testing of the mutants in a sheep pen trial conducted under controlled environmental conditions showed that the fimA mutants were avirulent, providing evidence that the fimA gene is an essential D. nodosus virulence gene. These studies represent the first time that molecular genetics has been used to determine the role of virulence genes in this slow growing anaerobic bacterium.  相似文献   

The roles of the fimbrial subunit and the putative basal protein antigens in the serological classification of Bacteroides nodosus have been examined by Western blot (immunoblot)-antibody binding studies of fimbriae isolated from a wide range of strains representative of different serogroups and serotypes. Fimbrial subunits were recognized by antiserum against the homologous serogroup but not generally by heterologous antisera, whereas recognition of the basal antigen was independent of serological classification. Secondary cross-reaction patterns among fimbrial subunits indicated that some serogroups may be more closely related than others. Examples include serogroups C and G and serogroups D and H. Similar analyses of isolates classified within serotypes A1 and A2, with serotype-specific antisera, showed that this subdivision is also determined by the fimbrial subunit and that significant variation does occur even at this level. These studies suggest that the various serogroups and serotypes of B. nodosus comprise a series of overlapping sets of antigenically related strains.  相似文献   

The molecular cloning and sequence analysis of four structurally variant linked genes ( omp1A,B,C,D ) that encode the major outer membrane protein of Dichelobacter nodosus strain VCS1001 are described. The isolation of rearranged copies of omp1A and omp1B , and the identification in the 5' regions of all four genes of short cross-over-site sequences that were similar to the Din family of cross-over-site sequences, suggested that site-specific DNA inversion was involved in omp1 rearrangement. Evidence for site-specific inversion of the 497 bp DNA fragment, which was located between the divergently orientated omp1A and omp1B genes, and which contained the promoter and 5t' coding sequence of omp1 , was obtained by polymerase chain reaction-mediated amplification of inverted forms of these genes. However, to account for all of the omp1 gene copies cloned in this study, a more widespread inversion phenomenon must be involved in the rearrangement of these genes and a model for multiple site-specific DNA inversions at the omp1 locus is described. In this model the four structurally variant omp1 genes can be assembled from one of four structurally variant C-terminal coding regions and a conserved N-terminal coding region and can be expressed from a single promoter. It is postulated that this genetic capability endows D. nodosus with the ability to switch the antigenic specificity of one of its major surface proteins.  相似文献   

Type 4 fimbriae are surface filaments produced by a range of bacterial pathogens for colonization of host epithelial surfaces. In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, they are involved in adhesion as well as in a form of surface translocation called twitching motility, and sensitivity to infection by fimbria-specific bacteriophage. Analysis of the 2.5-kb intergenic region between the previously defined pilR and pilV genes on P. aeruginosa genomic SpeI fragment E has identified three new genes, fimT, fimU, and dadA*. The predicted 18.5-kDa products of the fimT and fimU genes contain prepilin-like leader sequences, whereas the third gene, dadA*, encodes a protein similar to the D-amino acid dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli. Isogenic mutants constructed by allelic exchange demonstrated that the fimU gene was required for fimbrial biogenesis and twitching motility, whereas the fimT and dada* mutants retained wild-type phenotypes. However, overexpression of the fimT gene was found to be able to functionally replace the lack of a fimU gene product, suggesting a subtle role in fimbrial biogenesis. The identification of these proteins increases the similarity between type 4 fimbrial biogenesis and the supersystems involved in macromolecular traffic, such as extracellular protein secretion and DNA uptake, all of which now possess multiple protein species that possess prepilin-like leader sequences.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) form adherent microcolonies on the surface of tissue culture cells in a pattern termed localized adherence. Localized adherence requires the presence of a large EPEC adherence factor (EAF) plasmid. Recently a bundle-forming pilus has been described in EPEC possessing the EAF plasmid. An analysis of 22 non-invasive EPEC TnphoA mutants revealed that seven have insertions in the EAF plasmid and are incapable of localized adherence. We report here the mapping of the TnphoA insertions in these mutants. The nucleotide sequence of the gene interrupted in these TnphoA mutants (bfpA) was determined and found to correspond to the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the major structural protein of the bundle-forming pilus. The bfpA gene bears sequence similarities to members of the type IV fimbrial gene family and encodes a potential site for processing by a prepilin peptidase. A plasmid containing bfpA as the only open reading frame directs the synthesis of a protein recognized by antiserum raised against the bundle-forming pilus. TnphoA mutants at this locus are unable to synthesize BfpA, but synthesis is restored by introduction of a plasmid containing the cloned gene. The minimum fragment of DNA required to restore localized adherence is considerably greater than that required to restore BfpA synthesis. BfpA expression, as assessed by alkaline phosphatase activity in bfpA::TnphoA mutants, is affected by temperature and growth medium. These studies describe an EPEC plasmid-encoded fimbrial gene, a candidate for the elusive EPEC adherence factor responsible for localized adherence.  相似文献   

Dichelobacter nodosus (formerly Bacteroides nodosus) is a Gram-negative strict anaerobe and is the primary pathogen involved in ovine footrot. A comparative hybridization strategy was used to isolate recombinant clones which hybridized to DNA from a virulent strain of D. nodosus but not with a benign isolate. Three virulence-associated gene regions were identified and one of these regions was shown to be present in multiple copies in the D. nodosus genome. Hybridization studies on 101 clinical isolates of D. nodosus showed that these strains could be divided into three hybridization categories which could be correlated with the virulence of the isolates. The recombinant clones have considerable potential for the development of a gene-probe-based method for the differential diagnosis of ovine footrot.  相似文献   

The present study determines the prevalence, economic impact of virulent footrot in central Kashmir, India, along with isolation and molecular characterization of Dichelobacter nodosus (D. nodosus) where so far no such work has been carried out. Over all 12.54% prevalence of footrot was recorded in central Kashmir with highest (15.84%) in district Srinagar, and least (10.89%) in district Budgam, while it was 13.28% in district Ganderbal. Overall economic impact of footrot was estimated to the tune of Rs 15.82 million annually to the sheep farming in central Kashmir. Out of 370 samples collected from footrot lesions of naturally infected sheep, 200 (54.05%) detected D. nodosus positive by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Out of these, 132 (66.00%) samples carried serogroup B of D. nodosus, five (2.50%) serogroup E, one (0.50%) serogroup I, while, 53 (26.50%) had mixed infection of serogroups B and E, four (2.00%) of serogroups B and I, two (1.00%) of serogroups B and G and the remaining three (1.50%) samples harboured the mixed infection of serogroups B, E and I. Serogroup G was detected for the first time in India. Over all serogroup B was most frequent (97.0%) followed by E (30.5%), while serogoups I (4.0%) and G (1.0%) were least prevalent. A total of 265 D.nodosus strains were isolated out of which 194 (73.20%) were typed as serogroup B, 61 (23.01%) as serogroup E, eight (3.01%) as serogroup I and remaining two (0.75%) belonged to serogroup G. Out of 265 D. nodosus isolates, 164 (61.88%) possessed intA (integrase) gene, thus were considered as virulent strains. Serogroup wise intA gene was found in 121(62.37%) isolates of serogroup B, 36 (59.01%) of E, two (100%) of G and five (62.50%) of I. Out of 20 randomly selected isolates subjected to gelatin gel test, 16 isolates with intA gene produced thermostable protease while four isolates without intA gene revealed the production of thermolabile protease. This indicated a good co-relation between presence of intA gene and gelatin gel test in determination of the D. nodosus virulence. Thus the present investigation suggests the incorporation of serogroups B and E, based on their predominant prevalence, in the formulation of an effective bivalent vaccine to combat footrot in central Kashmir.  相似文献   

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