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Respiratory oxygen consumption by roots was 1·4- and1·6-fold larger in NH+4-fed than in NO-3-fed wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) plants respectively. Higherroot oxygen consumption in NH+4-fed plants than in NO-3-fedplants was associated with higher total nitrogen contents inNH+4-fed plants. Root oxygen consumption was, however, not correlatedwith growth rates or shoot:root ratios. Carbon dioxide releasewas 1·4- and 1·2-fold larger in NO+3-fed thanin NH+4-fed wheat and maize plants respectively. Differencesin oxygen and carbon dioxide gas exchange rates resulted inthe gas exchange quotients of NH-4-fed plants (wheat, 0·5;maize, 0·6) being greatly reduced compared with thoseof NO-3-fed plants (wheat, 1·0; maize, 1·1). Measuredrates of HCO-3 assimilation by PEPc in roots were considerablylarger in 4 mM NH+4-fed than in 4 NO-3 plants (wheat, 2·6-fold;maize, 8·3-fold). These differences were, however, insufficientto account for the observed differences in root carbon dioxideflux and it is probable that HCO-3 uptake is also importantin determining carbon dioxide fluxes. Thus reduced root extension in NH+4-fed compared with NO-3-fedwheat plants could not be ascribed to differences in carbondioxide losses from roots.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Triticum aestivum, wheat, Zea mays, maize assimilation, ammonium assimilation, root respiration  相似文献   

Marques, I. A., Oberholzer, M. J. and Erismann, K. H. 1985.Metabolism of glycollate by Lemna minor L. grown on nitrateor ammonium as nitrogen source.—J. exp. Bot. 36: 1685–1697. Duckweed, Lemna minor L., grown on inorganic nutrient solutionscontaining either NH4+ or NO3 as nitrogen source wasallowed to assimilate [1-14C]- or [2-14C]glycollate during a20 min period in darkness or in light. The incorporation ofradioactivity into water-soluble metabolites, the insolublefraction, and into the CO2 released was measured. In additionthe extractable activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylasewas determined. During the metabolism of [2-14C]glycollate in darkness, as wellas in the light, NH4+ grown plants evolved more 14CO2 than NO3grown plants. Formate was labelled only from [2-14C]glycollateand in NH4+ grown plants it was significantly less labelledin light than in darkness. In NO3 grown plants formateshowed similar radioactivity after dark and light labelling.The radioactivity in glycine was little influenced by the nitrogensource. Amounts of radioactivity in serine implied that thefurther metabolism of serine was reduced in darkness comparedwith its metabolism in the light under both nitrogen regimes.In illuminated NH4+ plants, serine was labelled through a pathwaystarting from phosphoglycerate. After [1-14C]glycollate feedingNH4+ grown plants contained markedly more radioactive aspartateand malate than NO3 plants indicating a stimulated phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxylation in plants grown on NH4+. Key words: Photorespiration, glycollate, nitrogen, Lemna  相似文献   

Cyclopenin (C17H14O3N2) and cyclopenol (C17H14O4N2), isolatedfrom an abberent strain of Penicillium cyclopium (NRRL 6233),significantly inhibited the growth of etiolated wheat (Triticumaestivum) coleoptile segments. The former inhibited at 10–3and 10–4 M, the latter at 10–3 M. Cyclopenin producedmalformation of the first set of trifoliate leaves in bean (Phaseolusvulgaris) at 10–2 M and necrosis and stunting in corn(Zea mays) at 10–2 M. Cyclopenol induced no apparent effectsin bean or corn plants. Neither compound changed the growthor morphology of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants. Cyclopenininduced intoxication, prostration and ataxia in day-old chicksat 500 mg/kg, but they recovered within 18 hours. Cyclopenolwas inactive against chicks when dosed at levels up to 500 mg/kg. (Received October 11, 1983; Accepted December 15, 1983)  相似文献   

The distribution of 65Zn in zinc-tolerant and copper-tolerantplants of Agrostis spp. from toxic mine-tailings in Enflandand Wales was compared with zinc distribution in non-tolerantplants. Isotope was applied in culture solution in which theplants were growing. No differences could be demonstrated betweenthe plants were growing. No differences could be demonstratedbetween the plants by whole-plant radioautography, or by zincanalyses of the tops. Root/shoot ratios calculated from specificactivity values varied with population, the non-tolerant plantshaving the lowest and the zinc-tolerant plants the highest ratio.After solvent (80 per cent ethanol and water) extractions, theroot residue of zinc-tolerant plants contained a higher percentageof 65Zn than that of non-tolerant plants. Chemical fractionationof the roots revealed that the main high difference was thatthe amount of 65Zn in the pectate extract of the cell wall washigh in zinc-tolerant plants and low in non-tolerant plants.The 65Zn distribution in the copper-tolerant plants was similarto that in the non-tolerant plants, indicating that the tolerancemechanisms for the elements are different. Soluble protein andRNA preparations were made but they contained low levels of65Zn. An exception was the relatively high value for RNA fromzinc-tolerant A. stolonifera shoots. An anionic complex of 65Znin the soluble fraction was investigated. This complex accountedfor most of the radioactivity in A. tennis extracts of shootsbut the concentration of the complex was low in A. stoloniferashoots, and in root extracts of all plants examined.  相似文献   

The effects of NO-3 and NH+4 nutrition on hydroponically grownwheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) were assessedfrom measurements of growth, gas exchange and xylem sap nitrogencontents. Biomass accumulation and shoot moisture contents ofwheat and maize were lower with NH+4 than with NO-3 nutrition.The shoot:root ratios of wheat plants were increased with NH+4compared to NO-3 nutrition, while those of maize were unaffectedby the nitrogen source. Differences between NO-3 and NH+4-fedplant biomasses were apparent soon after introduction of thenitrogen into the root medium of both wheat and maize, and thesedifferences were compounded during growth. Photosynthetic rates of 4 mM N-fed wheat were unaffected bythe form of nitrogen supplied whereas those of 12 mM NH+4-fedwheat plants were reduced to 85% of those 12 mM NO-3-fed wheatplants. In maize supplied with 4 and 12 mM NH+4 the photosyntheticrates were 87 and 82% respectively of those of NO-3-fed plants.Reduced photosynthetic rates of NH+4 compared to NO-3-fed wheatand maize plants may thus partially explain reduced biomassaccumulation in plants supplied with NH+4 compared to NO-3 nutrition.Differences in the partitioning of biomass between the shootsand roots of NO-3-and NH+4-fed plants may also, however, arisefrom xylem translocation of carbon from the root to the shootin the form of amino compounds. The organic nitrogen contentof xylem sap was found to be considerably higher in NH+4- thanin NO-3-fed plants. This may result in depletion of root carbohydrateresources through translocation of amino compounds to the shootin NH+4-fed wheat plants. The concentration of carbon associatedwith organic nitrogen in the xylem sap of maize was considerablyhigher than that in wheat. This may indicate that the shootand root components of maize share a common carbon pool andthus differences induced by different forms of inorganic nitrogenare manifested as altered overall growth rather than changesin the shoot:root ratios.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Triticum aestivum, wheat, Zea mays, maize, nitrogen, growth, photosynthesis, amino acids, xylem  相似文献   

Amino acid composition of the free amino acid pool and the TCA-insolubleprotein fraction were investigated in root tips of pea and Tamarixtetragyna plants grown at various levels of NaCl salinity. Salinitystress induced an increase of proline content, mainly in thefree amino acid pool in both plants, and of proline or hydroxyprolinecontent in the protein. Externally-supplied proline was absorbedand incorporated into protein, by pea roots, more effectivelythan by Tamarix roots. Salinity stress, apparently, stimulatedthe metabolism of externally-supplied labelled proline. Pearoots have a very large pool of free glutamic acid; however,70 per cent of the 14C from externally-supplied 14C-U-glutamicacid was released as CO2. Very small amounts of it were incorporatedinto protein. No measurable amount of radioactivity could bedetected in any one of the individual amino acids, either ofprotein hydrolysate or the free amino acid pool. Proline very effectively counteracted the inhibitory effectof NaCl on pea seed germination and root growth. A similar effectbut to a lesser degree was achieved with phenylalanine and asparticacid. The feasibility of proline being a cytoplasmic osmoticumis discussed.  相似文献   

The specific respiration rates of nodulated root systems, ofnodules and of roots were determined during active nitrogenfixation in soya bean, navy bean, pea, lucerne, red clover andwhite clover, by measurements on whole plants before and afterthe removal of nodule populations. Similar measurements weremade on comparable populations of the six legumes, lacking nodulesbut receiving abundant nitrate-nitrogen, to determine the specificrespiration of their roots. All plants were grown in a controlled-environmentclimate which fostered rapid growth. The specific respiration rates of nodulated root systems ofthe three grain and three forage legumes during a 7–14-dayperiod of vegetative growth varied between 10 and 17 mg CO2g–1 (dry weight) h–1. This mean value consistedof two components: a specific root respiration rate of 6–9mg CO2 g–1 h–1 and a specific nodule respirationrate of 22–46 mg CO2 g–1 h–1. Nodule respirationaccounted for 42–70 per cent of nodulated root respiration;nodule weight accounted for 12–40 per cent of nodulatedroot weight. The specific respiration rates of roots lackingnodules and utilizing nitrate nitrogen were generally 20–30per cent greater than the equivalent rates of roots from nodulatedplants. The measured respiratory effluxes are discussed in thecontext of nitrogen nitrogen fixation, nitrate assimilation. Glycine max, Phaseolus vulgaris, Pisum sativum, Medicago sativa, Trifolium pratense, Trifolium repens, soya bean, navy bean, pea, lucerne, red clover, white clover, nodule respiration, root respiration, fixation, nitrate assimilation  相似文献   

Respiratory Loss of Recently Assimilated Carbon in Wheat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A series of experiments was undertaken to assess the amountof respiration associated with the growth of wheat at differentstages. Plants (or in some cases just the flag leaf) were labelledwith 14CO2 and the amount of 14CO2 respired during the subsequent48 or 72 h was measured. The evolution of 14C, expressed asa percentage of the amount initially assimilated (referred toas the R/A value) was used as a measure of the overall efficiencyof dry matter production. Respiratory 14CO2 evolution from labelledplants was most rapid in the first 12 h after labelling, thereafterdeclining rapidly. Evolution was also more rapid following labellingsat the end of the light period (dusk) than at the beginningof it (dawn). The R/A values were greatest (42 and 50 per centrespectively for dawn- and dusk-labelled plants) for young plantsand least (13 and 28 per cent respectively) for plants duringmid grain filling. When flag leaves, as distinct from wholeplants, were labelled, R/A values were lower still (9 and 21per cent respectively), indicating that flag leaf assimilatewas used efficiently in grain production. The calculated minimum R/A for the formation of grain material(10 per cent protein, 90 per cent starch) was 6.2 per cent.That the experimentally determined values were greater thanthis is attributed to the turnover of carbon in enzymes, toother maintenance processes, and possibly to the operation ofthe pentose phosphate pathway of glucose oxidation. R/A valueswere lower in those plants labelled at the beginning than thoseat the end of the photoperiod. This was considered to be a consequenceof refixation of respiratory 14CO2 during the light. The higherR/A values found for young plants were considered to be a consequenceof the greater percentage of 14C translocated to the roots (rootsbeing unable to refix respired CO2) and of greater turnoverof enzymes associated with more active metabolism. Triticum, wheat, respiration, carbon assimilation, carbon loss, grain-filling  相似文献   

Phaseolus vulgaris L. grown at a range of external concentrationsof NaCl (0 to 80 mM) responded differently to gaseous anaerobiosis(N2 gas) in nutrient solution or stagnant waterlogging of theroot-zone. With similar patterns of distribution of Na+ andCl- occurring in the plants with comparable NaCl treatments,and similar final concentrations of Na+ and Cl- in plants grownunder both root-zone conditions, rates of uptake of Na+ andCl- were much higher in plants with the stagnant waterloggedrootzones. After 72 h stagnant waterlogging, plant tops fromplants grown at 40 mM NaCl contained 1.42 per cent Na+ and 3.44per cent Cl- (d. wt basis) while after 9 days exposure to NaClwith gaseous anaerobiosis, leaf tissue contained 1.49 per centNa+ and 4.28 per cen Cl- (d. wt basis). Plants exposed to 40mM external NaCl were severely damaged within 72 h when grownwith stagnant waterlogged root-zones; those grown with N2 anaerobiosiscontinued growth and development over the 9 d period. Plantsgrown in nutrient solution showed changes in distribution andconcentration of Na+ and Cl- when oxygen concentration was reducedbelow 21 per cent O2 (full aeration). Phaseolus vulgaris. L., bean, mineral salt distribution, anaerobiosis, salinity, waterlogging  相似文献   

The plastids of young dark-grown bean leaves, exposed to periodiclight are agranal, devoid of chlorophyll b and contain primarythylakoids and chlorophyll a. Transfer of these plants to continuousillumination results in synthesis of new chlorophyll a, chlorophyllb and grana. This study was done in order to study whether andhow the grana are formed from preexisting primary thylakoids.14C--aminolevulinic acid was used to label the chlorophyll aof the primary thylakoids, and its fate was studied after transferof the plants to continuous light. It was found that chlorophyll b and grana become 14C-labelled.The total radioactivity of chlorophyll b per bean increasedwith the parallel decrease of that of chlorophyll a. All subchloroplastfractions, obtained after digitonin disruption of chloroplasts,contained chlorophyll a of equal specific radioactivity. Thespecific radioactivity of chlorophyll b was lower than thatof chlorophyll a, and, in addition, it was lower in the granathan in the stroma lamellae fraction. The data suggest that chlorophyll b is formed from chlorophylla; the grana are formed by stacking of preexisting primary thylakoids;chlorophyll b is synthesized faster in the grana than the stromalamellae; the newly formed chlorophyll a molecules are distributedat random throughout the developing photosynthetic membraneand not on specific growing sites. (Received April 24, 1976; )  相似文献   

In rice, alday, wheat and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. Samsunand Samsun NN) plants which contained large amounts of ABA,the transpiration rate decreased rapidly with 2 ppm SO2 fumigationand reached 20 to 65% of the initial level after 5- to 30-minexposure depending on their ABA contents. In the cases of broadbean and tobacco (N. glutinosa L.) with low ABA contents, therate slightly increased for 20 and 40 min, respectively, afterthe start of the fumigation and then decreased gradually. Thetranspiration rates of corn and sorghum, in spite of their extremelylow ABA contents, pronouncedly decreased with SO2 fumigationand reached 65 and 50%, respectively, of the initial levelsafter 40-min exposure. Foliar application of 0.04 N HC1 to N.tabacum L. Samsun NN leaves remarkably depressed the transpirationrate, while the application of 0.04 M Na2SO3 decreased the rateonly to the same level as water treatment. Foliar applicationof either HCl or Na2SO3 to N. glutinosa L. leaves exerted littlechange in the transpiration rate. When 10–4M ABA was appliedto broad bean leaves prior to HCl and Na2SO3 treatment, theirtranspiration rate was decreased by HCl, but not by Na2SO3 application.In sonicated epidermal strips peeled from broad bean leaves,Na2SO3 produced a slight increase in the stomatal aperture sizein the absence of ABA, but showed no effect in the presenceof ABA. The aperture size was identical in the pH range of 3.0to 7.0 in the incubation medium. In the presence of ABA in themedium, the aperture size was small in the acidic region ofpH with a minimal value at pH 4.0. ABA decreased the aperturesize at concentrations above 10–9 M at pH 4.0 and 10–6M at pH 7.0 in the medium. [2–14C] ABA uptake by epidermalstrips was large in the acidic region, especially at pH 4.0. (Received February 28, 1980; )  相似文献   

KOUCHI  H.; YONEYAMA  T. 《Annals of botany》1984,53(6):875-882
A long-term, steady-state 13CO2 assimilation system at a constantCO2 concentration with a constant 13C abundance was designedand applied to quantitative investigations on the allocationof photoassimilated carbon in nodulated soya bean (Glycine maxL.) plants. The CO2 concentration in the assimilation chamberand its 13C abundance were maintained constant with relativevariances of less than ±0.5 per cent during an 8-h assimilationperiod. At the termination of 8-h 13CO2 assimilation by plantsat early flowering stage, the currently assimilated carbon relativeto total tissue carbon (measured by the degree of isotopic saturation)were for young leaves (including flower buds), 13.9 per cent;mature leaves, 15.7 per cent; stems+petioles, 5.9 per cent;roots, 5.4 per cent and nodules, 6.9 per cent, 48 h after theend of the 13CO2 assimilation period, they were 12.3, 7.5, 7.4,6.8 and 6.1 per cent, respectively. The treatment with a highconcentration of nitrate in the nutrient media significantlydecreased the allocation of 13C into nodules. Experiments on13CO2 assimilation by plants at the pod-filling stage were alsoconducted. Labelling by 13C was weaker than at the early floweringstage, but an intense accumulation of 13C into reproductiveorgans was observed. Glycine max L., nodulated soya bean plants, 13CO2 assimilation, carbon dynamics  相似文献   

DAKORA  FELIX D. 《Annals of botany》1998,82(5):687-690
Nitrogen-fixing activity in two nodulated African legumes, Bambaragroundnut (Vigna subterraneaL.) and Kersting's bean (MacrotylomageocarpumL.), was assessed in the presence of nitrate (NO3-)ions in the rooting medium. Nitrogenase activity was unimpairedby the supply of 5 mol m-3NO3to both species. Also, large concentrationsof ureides dominated the transpiration stream of NO3-fed plants.Compared to other symbiotic legumes cultured with similar NO3concentrations,nodule functioning in the tested landraces of Bambara groundnutand Kersting's bean is tolerant of NO3ions in the rhizosphere.The potential benefits of such naturally occurring NO3-tolerantsymbioses are substantial, as they would permit inorganic Nfertilizer application in intercropping systems without inhibitingN2fixation in the associated legumes.Copyright 1998 Annals ofBotany Company NO3tolerance, Bambara groundnut, Kersting's bean, nitrogenase activity, xylem ureides.  相似文献   

Physiology and Growth of Wheat Across a Subambient Carbon Dioxide Gradient   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Two cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), 'Yaqui 54' and'Seri M82', were grown along a gradient of daytime carbon dioxideconcentrations ([CO2]) from near 350-200 µmol CO2 mol-1air in a 38 m long controlled environment chamber. Carbon dioxidefluxes and evapotranspiration were measured for stands (plantsand soil) in five consecutive 7·6-m lengths of the chamberto determined potential effects of the glacial/interglacialincrease in atmospheric [CO2] on C3 plants. Growth rates andleaf areas of individual plants and net assimilation per unitleaf area and daily (24-h) net CO2 accumulation of wheat standsrose with increasing [CO2]. Daytime net assimilation (PD, mmolCO2 m-2 soil surface area) and water use efficiency of wheatstands increased and the daily total of photosynthetic photonflux density required by stands for positive CO2 accumulation(light compensation point) declined at higher [CO2]. Nighttimerespiration (RN, mmol CO2 m-2 soil surface) of wheat, measuredat 369-397 µmol mol-1 CO2, apparently was not alteredby growth at different daytime [CO2], but RN /PD of stands declinedlinearly as daytime [CO2] and PD increased. The responses ofwheat to [CO2], if representative of other C3 species, suggestthat the 75-100% increase in [CO2] since glaciation and the30% increase since 1800 reduced the minimum light and waterrequirements for growth and increased the productivity of C3plants.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Atmospheric carbon dioxide, carbon accumulation, evapotranspiration, light compensation point, net assimilation, respiration, Triticum aestivum, water use efficiency, wheat  相似文献   

Various previously recognized parts of the complex of growthfactors present in the liquid endosperm of the coconut or inimmature fruits of Aesculus woerlitzensis were generally tritiated.The labeled growth factors were applied singly to culture mediawhich contained balanced requirements that had caused carrotexplants to proliferate and grow in accordance with combinationsof growth factors supplied. By the usc of electron microscopyand autoradiography, the radioactivity from each source wasdetected in the cells and its density and distribution, in theform of developed grains over different cellular compartmentsand organelles, was determined. The tabulated data relate tofour labeled sources as observed over seven cellular compartmentsunder six experimental treatments. Electron micrographs alsoshow how the radioactivity from the various sources relatedto organization of the cells. The distribution of radioactivity within the cells varied withthe source. Both 3H-myo-inositol and the tritiated growth factorsfrom Aesculus (3H-AF1Aesc) with which it interacts (as in so-calledGrowth Promoting System I) contributed radioactivity, preferentially,to cell walls and sites of their formation in culturcd carrotcells. Both 3H-IAA and 3H-zatin (as in so-called Growth PromotingSystem II) contributed their radioactivity preferentially tothe nucleoli of the cultured cells. Some other conspicuous distributionsof radioactivity (e.g. from 3H-AF1Aesc to plastids and from3H-IAA to the interstitial substance, i.e. middle lamella, whereenlarging cells separate) involved these tritiated moietieswithout regard to their counterparts in Growth Promoting SystemsI and II, respectively. The problems raised by such multiple effects due to differentgrowth factors acting singly and in combinations at differentcell sites are both recognized and discussed. growth factors, Aesculus woerlitzeensis, autoradiography, tritiation, cell sites, carrot, Daucus carota, coconut, electron microscopy  相似文献   

Experiments are reported on the spatial distributions of isotopiccarbon within the mesophyll of detached leaves of the C3 plantVicia faba L. fed 14CO2 at different light intensities. Eachleaf was isolated in a cuvette and ten artificial stomata providedspatial continuity between the ambient atmosphere (0.03–0.05%v/v CO2) and the mesophyll from the abaxial leaf side. Paradermalleaf layers exhibited spatial profiles of radioactivity whichvaried with the intensity of incident light in 2 min exposures.At low light, when biochemical kinetics should limit CO2 uptake,sections through palisade cells contained most radioactivity.As the light intensity was increased to approximately 20% offull sunlight, peak radioactivity was observed in the spongycells near the geometric mid-plane of the mesophyll. The resultsindicate that diffusion of carbon dioxide within the mesophyllregulated the relative photosynthetic activity of the palisadeand spongy cells at incident photosynthetically active lightintensities as little as 110 µE m–2 s–1 whenCO2 entered only through the lower leaf surface. Key words: CO2 capture sites, Vicia faba L., Artificial stomata  相似文献   

The photosynthetic production of oxalic acid in Oxalis corniculata   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The biogenesis of oxalic acid in Oxalis corniculata has beeninvestigated. In O. corniculata the bulk of the oxalic acidis produced by CO2 fixation both in light and in darkness butthe rate of its photosynthetic formation is much higher thanin darkness. Several other plants some of which are known toaccumulate oxalic acid e.g., Biophytum sensitivum, Averrhoacarambola, Impatiens balsamina, Amorphophallus campanulatusand Colocassia antiquorum also fix 14CO2 into oxalic acid photosyntheticallywithin 1 min of exposure to the gas. In O. corniculata 14C canbe detected in oxalic acid within 5 sec and about half of thetotal 14C fixed in the 70% ethanol soluble fraction can be locatedin this compound after 5 min. This is accompanied by a declineof radioactivity in two compounds, the chromatographic behaviourand melting points of one of which and its DNP hydrazone aresimilar to those of an authentic sample of glyoxylic acid. Whenglyoxylate 1, 2-14C is incubated with Oxalis leaf homogenateit is converted to oxalate-14C. Glycolate is also metabolizedto oxalate. The conversion of both glycolate and glyoxylateare favoured by light. The C2 compounds acetate and glycinehowever are utilized rather poorly. Sucrose-14C is also notmetabolized markedly for this purpose. (Received August 20, 1969; )  相似文献   

HARTUNG  W.; FUNFER  C. 《Annals of botany》1981,47(3):371-375
Abscisic acid (ABA) applied to the decapitated second internodeof runner bean plants enhanced outgrowth of lateral buds onlywhen internode stumps were no longer elongating. Applied toelongating internodes of slightly younger plants, ABA causesinhibition of bud outgrowth. Together with 10–4 M indol-3-ylacetic acid (IAA), ABA stimulated internode elongation and interactedadditively in the inhibition of bud outgrowth. A mixture of10–5 M ABA and 10–6 M gibberellic acid (GA3 ) causedsimilar effects on internode growth as IAA + ABA, but was mutuallyantagonistic in effect on growth of the lateral buds. Abscisic acid, apical dominance, gibberellic acid, indol-3yl acetic acid, Phaseolus coccineus, bean  相似文献   

The 14C-metabolite distribution pattern following 14C2H4 metabolismin intact pea seedlings (Pisum sativum L.) was determined undervarious conditions. After a 24 hr exposure to 14C2H4, the majorityof 14C-metabolites were water-soluble (60–70%) with lesseramounts in the protein (10–15%), lipid (1%), and insoluble(1–2%) fractions. Ion exchange chromatography of the water-solublecomponents into basic, neutral, and acidic fractions revealeda 50 : 40 : 10 distribution, respectively. Chromatography ofthe neutral fraction revealed two regions of radioactivity (Rf=0.38)and 0.63 which did not cochromatograph with twenty-two knownsugars or neutral metabolites. Chromatograms of the basic fractioncontained 3 regions of radioactivity. Similar distribution patternswere noted when 14C2H4 exposure was followed by a 6 hr air chaseor when 5% CO2, an antagonist of ethylene action, was presentduring the exposure. Marked differences in the 14C-metabolite distribution patternswere obtained when 14CO2 was substituted for 14C2H4. These resultsindicate that the metabolic pathway involved in ethylene metabolismis different from that involved in intermediary carbon metabolism. 1 Contribution No. 2338 from Central Research and DevelopmentDepartment, Experimental Station, E. I. du Pont de Nemours andCompany, Wilmington, Delaware. (Received June 28, 1976; )  相似文献   

Natural 15N abundances of various tissues from twelve speciesof leguminous plants and those of nodule fractions from threespecies grown in Japan were determined by mass spectrometry.The 15N concentrations of non-nodular tissues of nodulated plantswere close to the value of atmospheric N2. The nodules of soybean,mung bean, cowpea, kidney bean, adzuki bean, sword bean, whiteclover, Leucaena leucocephala, and horsegram showed highly elevated15N concentrations, and those of pea had a slightly enriched15N concentration compared to other tissue, while the nodulesof peanut and lucerne had 15N values similar to those of theirshoot tissues. The bacteroid fractions from horsegram, swordbean and peanut had higher 15N concentrations than the cytosolfractions. (Received March 17, 1984; Accepted August 21, 1984)  相似文献   

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