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Structure of the armadillo repeat domain of plakophilin 1   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The p120ctn subfamily of armadillo domain proteins has roles in modulating intercellular adhesion by cadherin-containing junctions. We have determined the crystal structure of the arm repeat domain from plakophilin-1 (PKP1), a member of the p120ctn subfamily that is found in desmosomes. The structure reveals that the domain has nine instead of the expected ten arm repeats. A sequence predicted to be an arm repeat is instead a large insert which serves as a wedge that produces a significant bend in the overall domain structure. Structure-based sequence alignments indicate that the nine repeats and large insert are common to this subfamily of armadillo proteins. A prominent basic patch on the surface of the protein may serve as a binding site for partners of these proteins.  相似文献   

The phytopathogenic fungus Venturia inaequalis causes scab of apple. Once this fungus penetrates the plant surface, it forms a specialized body called a stroma between the inner cuticle surface and the epidermal cell wall. A novel V. inaequalis gene, cin1, is strongly up-regulated in the early stages of infection. This gene codes for a 523 residue secreted protein, containing eight imperfect repeats of 60 amino acids. Cin1 was expressed in the methanolytic yeast Pichia pastoris using the pPICZ vector system. A protein of 57 kDa was secreted by these transformants and peptide fingerprinting indicated that it was the Cin1 protein product. Multiple angle laser light scattering confirmed the predicted mass of Cin1, showing it was not glycosylated by Pichia and was monomeric in solution. Through measurements of the hydrodynamic properties of Cin1, the experimental Stokes radius of Cin1 was calculated and corresponded to the theoretical value for a natively folded globular protein of size 57 kDa. The mobility of recombinant Cin1 on native PAGE was also consistent with that of a folded protein. To simplify future structural analyses, a two-domain truncated version, Cin1-2D, consisting of domains one and two, was also expressed using the same vector system. Both proteins were purified to homogeneity. Conditions for maximal (>98%) incorporation of 13C and 15N were determined. A mouse polyclonal antibody and three monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were raised against the full-length version of Cin1. Analysis of the three MAbs using surface plasmon resonance indicated binding to distinct epitopes on the Cin1 protein. Western blots confirmed the different specificities of each MAb.  相似文献   

Evaluating the impact of plant domestication on the population structure of the associated pathogens provides an opportunity to increase our understanding of how and why diseases emerge. Here, we investigated the evolution of the population structure of the apple scab fungus Venturia inaequalis in response to the domestication of its host. Inferences were drawn from multilocus microsatellite data obtained from samples collected on (i) the Central Asian Malus sieversii, the main progenitor of apple, (ii) the European crabapple, Malus sylvestris, a secondary progenitor of apple, and (iii) the cultivated apple, Malus×domestica, in orchards from Europe and Central Asia. Using clustering methods, we identified three distinct populations: (i) a large European population on domesticated and wild apples, (ii) a large Central Asian population on domesticated and wild apples in urban and agricultural areas, and (iii) a more geographically restricted population in M. sieversii forests growing in the eastern mountains of Kazakhstan. Unique allele richness and divergence time estimates supported a host‐tracking co‐evolutionary scenario in which this latter population represents a relict of the ancestral populations from which current populations found in human‐managed habitats were derived. Our analyses indicated that the domestication of apple induced a significant change in the genetic differentiation of populations of V. inaequalis in its centre of origin, but had little impact on its population dynamics and mating system. We discuss how the structure of the apple‐based agrosystem may have restricted changes in the population structure of the fungus in response to the domestication of its host.  相似文献   

This report describes a model for the structure of the reovirus cell-attachment protein sigma 1. S1 gene nucleotide sequences were determined for prototype strains of the three serotypes of mammalian reoviruses. Deduced amino acid sequences of the S1-encoded sigma 1 proteins were then compared in order to identify conserved features of these sequences. Discrete regions in the amino-terminal two-thirds of sigma 1 sequence share characteristics with the fibrous domains of other cellular and viral proteins. Most of the amino-terminal one-third of sigma 1 sequence is predicted to form an alpha-helical coiled coil like that of myosin. The middle one-third of sigma 1 sequence appears more heterogeneous; it is predicted to form a large region of beta-sheet that is followed by a region which contains two short alpha-helical coiled coils separated by a smaller region of beta-sheet. The two beta-sheet regions are each proposed to form a cross-beta sandwich like that suggested for the rod domain of the adenovirus fiber protein (N. M. Green, N. G. Wrigley, W. C. Russell, S. R. Martin, and A. D. McLachlan, EMBO J. 2:1357-1365, 1983). The remaining carboxy-terminal one-third of sigma 1 sequence is predicted to form a structurally complex globular domain. A model is suggested in which the discrete regions of sigma 1 sequence are ascribed to morphologic regions seen in computer-processed electron micrographic images of the protein (R. D. B. Fraser, D. B. Furlong, B. L. Trus, M. L. Nibert, B. N. Fields, and A. C. Steven, J. Virol. 64:2990-3000, 1990.  相似文献   

Tah1 and Pih1 are novel Hsp90 interactors. Tah1 acts as a cofactor of Hsp90 to stabilize Pih1. In yeast, Hsp90, Tah1, and Pih1 were found to form a complex that is required for ribosomal RNA processing through their effect on box C/D small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein assembly. Tah1 is a minimal tetratricopeptide repeat protein of 111 amino acid residues that binds to the C terminus of the Hsp90 molecular chaperone, whereas Pih1 consists of 344 residues of unknown fold. The NMR structure of Tah1 has been solved, and this structure shows the presence of two tetratricopeptide repeat motifs followed by a C helix and an unstructured region. The binding of Tah1 to Hsp90 is mediated by the EEVD C-terminal residues of Hsp90, which bind to a positively charged channel formed by Tah1. Five highly conserved residues, which form a two-carboxylate clamp that tightly interacts with the ultimate Asp-0 residue of the bound peptide, are also present in Tah1. Tah1 was found to bind to the C terminus of Pih1 through the C helix and the unstructured region. The C terminus of Pih1 destabilizes the protein in vitro and in vivo, whereas the binding of Tah1 to Pih1 allows for the formation of a stable complex. Based on our data, a model for an Hsp90-Tah1-Pih1 ternary complex is proposed.  相似文献   

Musashi1 is an RNA-binding protein abundantly expressed in the developing mouse central nervous system. Its restricted expression in neural precursor cells suggests that it is involved in the regulation of asymmetric cell division. Musashi1 contains two ribonucleoprotein (RNP)-type RNA-binding domains (RBDs), RBD1 and RBD2. Our previous studies showed that RBD1 alone binds to RNA, while the binding of RBD2 is not detected under the same conditions. Joining of RBD2 to RBD1, however, increases the affinity to greater than that of RBD1 alone, indicating that RBD2 contributes to RNA-binding. We have determined the three-dimensional solution structure of the C-terminal RBD (RBD2) of Musashi1 by NMR. It folds into a compact alpha beta structure comprising a four-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet packed against two alpha-helices, which is characteristic of RNP-type RBDs. Special structural features of RBD2 include a beta-bulge in beta2 and a shallow twist of the beta-sheet. The smaller 1H-15N nuclear Overhauser enhancement values for the residues of loop 3 between beta2 and beta3 suggest that this loop is flexible in the time-scale of nano- to picosecond order. The smaller 15N T2 values for the residues around the border between alpha2 and the following loop (loop 5) suggest this region undergoes conformational exchange in the milli- to microsecond time-scale. Chemical shift perturbation analysis indicated that RBD2 binds to an RNA oligomer obtained by in vitro selection under the conditions for NMR measurements, and thus the nature of the weak RNA-binding of RBD2 was successfully characterized by NMR, which is otherwise difficult to assess. Mainly the residues of the surface composed of the four-stranded beta-sheet, loops and C-terminal region are involved in the interaction. The appearance of side-chain NH proton resonances of arginine residues of loop 3 and imino proton resonances of RNA bases upon complex formation suggests the formation of intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The structural arrangement of the rings of the conserved aromatic residues of beta2 and beta3 is suitable for stacking interaction with RNA bases, known to be one of the major protein-RNA interactions, but a survey of the perturbation data suggested that the stacking interaction is not ideally achieved in the complex, which may be related to the weaker RNA-binding of RBD2.  相似文献   

RNA-mediated gene silencing has been demonstrated in plants, animals, and more recently in filamentous fungi. Here, we report high frequency, RNA-mediated gene silencing in the apple scab fungus, Venturia inaequalis. The green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgene was silenced in a GFP-expressing transformant. An endogenous gene, trihydroxynaphthalene reductase (THN), involved in melanin biosynthesis, was also silenced. Silencing of these two genes resulted in obvious phenotypes in vitro. High frequency gene silencing was achieved using hairpin constructs for the GFP or the THN genes transferred by Agrobacterium (71 and 61%, respectively). THN-silenced transformants exhibited a distinctive light brown phenotype and maintained the ability to infect apple. Of significance was the simultaneous silencing of the two genes from a single chimeric, inverted repeat hairpin construct. Silencing of both genes with this construct occurred at a frequency of 51% of all the transformants. All 125 colonies silenced for the GFP gene were also silenced for THN. As THN and GFP silenced transformants have readily detectable phenotypes, the genes have utility as markers for gene silencing. Simultaneous, multiple gene silencing, utilising such marker genes, will enable the development of high through-put screening for functional genomics. This chimeric technology will be particularly valuable when linked with silenced genes that have no obvious phenotype in vitro.  相似文献   

The malarial surface antigen apical membrane antigen (AMA1), from Plasmodium falciparum, is a leading candidate for inclusion in a vaccine against malaria. AMA1 is synthesised by mature blood-stages of the parasite and is located initially in the apical organelles of the merozoite. Prior to merozoite invasion of host erythrocytes, it is processed into a 66 kDa type 1 integral membrane protein on the merozoite surface. The pattern of disulphide bonds in AMA1 has been the basis for separation of the ectodomain into three domains, with three, two and three disulphide bonds, respectively. We have determined the solution structure of a 16kDa construct corresponding to the putative second domain of AMA1. While circular dichroism and hydrodynamic data were consistent with a folded structure for domain II, its NMR spectra were characterised by broad lines and significant peak overlap, more typical of a molten globule. Consistent with this, domain II bound the fluorescent dye 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulphonate (ANS). We have nonetheless determined a structure, which defines the secondary structure elements and global fold. The two disulphide bonds link the N and C-terminal regions of the molecule, which come together to form a four-stranded beta-sheet linked to a short helix. A long loop linking the N and C-terminal regions contains four other alpha-helices, the locations of which are not fixed relative to the beta-sheet core, even though they are well-defined locally. Very recently this region of domain II has been shown to contain the epitope recognised by the invasion-inhibitory antibody 4G2, even though it does not contain any of the polymorphisms that are regarded as having arisen in response to the pressure of immune recognition.  相似文献   

J Y Wang  H Ling  W Yang  R Craigie 《The EMBO journal》2001,20(24):7333-7343
Retroviral integrase, an essential enzyme for replication of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) and other retroviruses, contains three structurally distinct domains, an N-terminal domain, the catalytic core and a C-terminal domain. To elucidate their spatial arrangement, we have solved the structure of a fragment of HIV-1 integrase comprising the N-terminal and catalytic core domains. This structure reveals a dimer interface between the N-terminal domains different from that observed for the isolated domain. It also complements the previously determined structure of the C-terminal two domains of HIV-1 integrase; superposition of the conserved catalytic core of the two structures results in a plausible full-length integrase dimer. Furthermore, an integrase tetramer formed by crystal lattice contacts bears structural resemblance to a related bacterial transposase, Tn5, and exhibits positively charged channels suitable for DNA binding.  相似文献   

Carbamide and thiocarbamide decreased the resistance of apple to apple scab when infiltrated into apple leaves prior to infection with the disease. In three apple varieties these two substances strikingly stimulated infection with two monosporic isolates of the fungusVenturia inaequalis (Cke.) Wint. It was established that both carbamide and thiocarbamide inhibited polyphenol oxidase activity in apple leavesin vivo, butin vitro only thiocarbamide was inhibitory. It can be concluded that the effect on apple resistance to apple scab is based on an inhibition of polyphenol oxidase.  相似文献   

The Snf1/AMPK kinases are intracellular energy sensors, and the AMPK pathway has been implicated in a variety of metabolic human disorders. Here we report the crystal structure of the kinase domain from yeast Snf1, revealing a bilobe kinase fold with greatest homology to cyclin-dependant kinase-2. Unexpectedly, the crystal structure also reveals a novel homodimer that we show also forms in solution, as demonstrated by equilibrium sedimentation, and in yeast cells, as shown by coimmunoprecipitation of differentially tagged intact Snf1. A mapping of sequence conservation suggests that dimer formation is a conserved feature of the Snf1/AMPK kinases. The conformation of the conserved alphaC helix, and the burial of the activation segment and substrate binding site within the dimer, suggests that it represents an inactive form of the kinase. Taken together, these studies suggest another layer of kinase regulation within the Snf1/AMPK family, and an avenue for development of AMPK-specific activating compounds.  相似文献   

Tetratricopeptide repeat domain 9 (TTC9) mRNA was drastically up-regulated by progesterone in progesterone receptor-transfected breast cancer cells MDA-MB-231. This up-regulation is coupled with progesterone-mediated growth inhibition and induction of focal adhesion. We have generated mouse polyclonal antibody against a predicted 222 aa TTC9 protein and identified a 25 kDa TTC9 protein that is widely expressed in human tissues, with the highest expression in the brain. Immunostaining and cell fractionation studies revealed that TTC9 is predominantly localized to the endoplasmic reticulum. The level of TTC9 protein in MCF-7 cells is regulated by various factors and chemical reagents including estrogen, progesterone, growth factors, ICI182,780, and p38 kinase inhibitor SB203580. Growth factor-induced TTC9 protein expression was inhibited by estrogen and abolished by ERK inhibitor PD98059. Though the function of TTC9 is not yet clear, the susceptibility of its protein level to biological and chemical agents suggests that TTC9 is a biologically significant protein.  相似文献   

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