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The report of the bovine chromosome 4 (BTA4) workshop is presented. Six laboratories contributed a total of 30,168 informative meioses from 62 loci. Twenty-two loci were typed by at least two independent laboratories and were used to construct a consensus linkage map of BTA4. The remaining 40 loci were subsequently incorporated into a comprehensive map. The sex-averaged consensus map covered 131.4 cM. The female map was 124.3 cM in length, while the male map was 134.3 cM. The comprehensive sex-averaged map spanned 141.6 cM. The length of the female and male comprehensive maps were 123.1 cM and 156.4 cM, respectively. Average genetic distance between loci was 6 and 2.3 cM for the consensus and comprehensive linkage maps, respectively.  相似文献   

The results of genotypic data contributed to the International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG) Bovine Chromosome 27 Workshop are presented. Eight laboratories contributed 23 261 informative meioses from 44 loci. Eighteen loci were typed by at least two laboratories and were used to construct a consensus linkage map. Twenty-one loci were subsequently incorporated into a comprehensive map. The sex-averaged consensus map covered 66.9 cM. The sex-averaged comprehensive map was 75.5 cM, while the female and male maps were 73.1 and 63.7 cM, respectively. Five loci were excluded from the analysis because of ambiguous position in the linkage group and a low LOD score (less than 2.0). Average distance between loci in the comprehensive map was 1.98 cM.  相似文献   

Comprehensive linkage map of bovine chromosome 11   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The results of genotypic data contributed to the International Society of Animal Genetics (ISAG) Bovine Chromosome 11 (BTA11) Workshop are presented. Six laboratories contributed a total of 26 199 informative meioses from 80 loci. Thirty-six loci were typed by at least two independent laboratories and were used to construct a consensus linkage map of the chromosome. The remaining loci were subsequently incorporated into a comprehensive map. The sex-averaged consensus map covered 128.9 cM. The female consensus map was 101.2 cM, while the male consensus map was 129.8 cM. The comprehensive sex-averaged map was 134.2 cM and the average genetic distance between loci was 1.72 cM.  相似文献   

The objective of this project was to integrate the currently available linkage maps for bovine chromosome 7 (BTA7) by combining data sets from eight research groups. A total of 54 unique markers were typed in eight pedigrees. Multilocus linkage analysis with CRI-MAP produced a bovine chromosome 7 consensus framework map of 27 loci ordered with odds greater than 1000:1. Furthermore, we present a bovine chromosome 7 comprehensive map integrating 54 loci. The locus order is in general agreement with the recently published linkage maps except for one discrepancy. The order of loci BM9289, BMS713, and ILSTS001 was reversed in the consensus framework map relative to the published USDA-MARC bovine chromosome 7 linkage map.  相似文献   

We present herein a bovine chromosome 24 (BTA24) radiation hybrid (RH) map using 40 markers scored on a panel of 90 RHs. Of these markers, 29 loci were ordered with odds of at least 1000:1 in a framework map. An average retention frequency of 17.4% was observed, with relatively higher frequencies near the centromere. The length of the comprehensive map was 640 centiray5000 (cR5000) with an average marker interval of approximately 17.3 cR5000. The observed locus order is generally consistent with currently published bovine linkage and physical maps. Nineteen markers were either Type I loci or closely associated with expressed sequences and thus could be used to compare the BTA24 RH map with human mapping information. All genes located on BTA24 were located on human chromosome 18, and previously reported regions of conserved synteny were extended. The comparative data revealed the presence of at least six conserved regions between these chromosomes.  相似文献   

A set of four microsatellite markers from the USDA genetic linkage map of porcine chromosome 13 were mapped in the European Pig Gene Mapping Project (PiGMaP) reference pedigrees. A two-point linkage analysis was performed between these markers and a set of markers known to map to chromosome 13. Pairs of markers that had a lod score greater than three were used to construct a multi-point linkage map, permitting alignment of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) map to the PiGMaP.  相似文献   

In order to align two previously published genetic linkage maps, a set of four of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) microsatellite linkage markers was mapped in the International Pig Gene Mapping Project (PiGMaP) reference families. Two-point linkage analysis was used between these USDA markers and the set of genes and markers previously mapped on the PiGMaP chromosome 14 map-Markers with threshold lod scores of three or greater were used for multipoint map construction. The USDA and PigGMaP linkage maps of chromosome 14 were aligned using the four USDA microsatellite markers along with three markers that are common to both maps. The PiGMaP genetic linkage map order for chromosome 14 was confirmed and the map was expanded to 193 cM with addition of the new markers.  相似文献   

High-density whole-genome maps are essential for ordering genes or markers and aid in the assembly of genome sequence. To increase the density of markers on the bovine radiation hybrid map, and hence contribute to the assembly of the bovine genome sequence, an Illumina BeadStation was used to simultaneously type large numbers of markers on the Roslin-Cambridge 3000 rad bovine-hamster whole-genome radiation hybrid panel (WGRH3000). In five multiplex reactions, 6738 sequence tagged site (STS) markers were successfully typed on the WGRH3000 panel DNA. These STSs harboured SNPs that were developed as a result of the bovine genome sequencing initiative. Typically, the most time consuming and expensive part of creating high-density radiation hybrid (RH) maps is genotyping the markers on the RH panel with conventional approaches. Using the method described in this article, we have developed a high-density whole-genome RH map with 4690 loci and a linkage map with 2701 loci, with direct comparison to the bovine whole-genome sequence assembly (Btau_2.0) in a fraction of the time it would have taken with conventional typing and genotyping methods.  相似文献   

A linkage map was constructed for bovine chromosome 6 (BTA6), using 399 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) detected primarily from PCR-resequencing. The efficiency of SNP detection was highly dependent on the source of sequence information chosen for primer design (BAC-end sequences, introns or promoters). The SNPs were used to build a linkage map comprising 104 cM on BTA6. The SNP order in the linkage map corresponded very well with radiation hybrid (RH) maps available for BTA6 as well as with expected positions in the human comparative map, but diverged significantly from the current assembly of the bovine genome (Btau_3.1). When performing linkage analysis with the marker order suggested from the Btau_3.1 we observed an expansion of the genetic map from 104 cM to 137 cM, strongly suggesting a reordering of scaffolds in the current version of the bovine genome assembly. The extent of LD on BTA6 was evaluated by calculating the average r 2 for SNP pairs separated by given distances. The decline of LD was rapid with distance, such that r 2 was 0.1 at 100 kb. Our results indicate that linkage mapping will be a valuable source of information for correcting errors in the current bovine assembly. These errors were sufficiently frequent to be of concern for the accuracy of mapping QTL with panels of SNPs whose positions are based on the current assembly.  相似文献   

In this study we present a comprehensive 3000-rad radiation hybrid map on bovine chromosome 5 (BTA5) of a region between 12.8 and 74.0 cM according to the linkage map, which contains a quantitative trait loci for ovulation rate. We mapped 28 gene-associated sequence tagged site markers derived from sequences of bovine BAC clones and 10 microsatellite markers to the BTA5 region. In comparison with HSA12q, four blocks of conserved synteny were apparent showing three chromosomal breakpoints and two inversions in this segment of BTA5. Therefore, we have improved breakpoint resolution in the human-bovine comparative map, which enhances the determination of candidate genes underlying traits of interest mapped to BTA5.  相似文献   

A consensus linkage map for swine chromosome 7   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The First International Workshop on Swine Chromosome 7 (SSC7) was held in Minnesuing, Wisconsin, USA on 21–24 September 1995. The objective was to develop a comprehensive linkage map for porcine chromosome 7 by combining genotypic data from four swine reference populations. Contributions of genotypic data were made from the US Meat Animal Research Center, the University of Minnesota, the PiGMaP consortium and the Scandinavian consortium. Primers for selected sequence tagged site markers, to be genotyped across the reference populations, were exchanged to integrate individual maps of SSC7. Eighty-six loci were genotyped; these loci represented microsatellite, minisatellite, single-strand conformation polymorphism, restriction fragment length polymorphism, erythrocyte antigen and protein polymorphisms. Eighteen genes were mapped, including 12 markers within class I, class II and class III regions (four markers in each class) of the swine major histocompatibility complex. Forty-two markers were either genotyped on more than one population or were included in a haplotype system and used to develop skeletal linkage maps that spanned 147·6, 212·7 and 179·5 cM for the male, female and sex-average maps, respectively. A comprehensive linkage map was developed incorporating those markers with more than 30 informative meioses. The comprehensive map was slightly longer than the skeletal map, at 153·3, 215·3 and 183·8 cM, respectively, with only three intervals greater than 10 cM. These results significantly improve the genetic resolution of the porcine chromosome 7 map and represent an accurate approach for the merging of genetic maps produced in different reference populations.  相似文献   

The European Pig Gene Mapping Project (PiGMaP) and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) porcine linkage maps for chromosomes 3 and 9 have been aligned by typing three USDA microsatellites from chromosome 3 and five from chromosome 9 on the PiGMaP reference families. Using the crimap linkage analysis package, revised multipoint linkage maps were constructed for chromosome 3 and 9. Inclusion of these USDA markers in the multipoint analysis resulted in an increase in length of 47% and 33% respectively for these two PiGMaP linkage groups. This increase in size is mainly the result of extension of the ends of both linkage groups.  相似文献   

The linkage maps of Dendrobium species based on RAPD and SRAP markers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Dendrobium plants are used commonly as tonic herbs and health food in many Asian countries,especially in China.Here we report the genetic map construction of two Dendrobium species with a double pseudo-testcross strategy using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers.A F1 mapping population of 90 individuals was developed from a cross between D.officinale and D.hercoglossum.A total of 307 markers,including 209 RAPD and 98 SRAP,were identified and used for genetic linkage group (LG) analysis.The D.officinale linkage map consisted of 11 major linkage groups and 3 doublets,which covered 629.4 cM by a total of 62 markers with an average locus distance of 11.2 cM between two adjacent markers.The D.hercoglossum linkage map contained 112 markers mapped on 15 major and 4 minor linkage groups,spanning a total length of 1,304.6 cM with an average distance of 11.6 cM between two adjacent markers.The maps constructed in this study covered 92.7% and 82.7% of the D.hercoglossum and D.officinale genomes respectively,providing an important basis for the mapping of horticultural and medicinal traits and for the application of marker-assisted selection in Dendrobium breeding program.  相似文献   

A comprehensive linkage map, including 236 linked markers with a total sex-average map length of about 2300 cM, covering nearly all parts of the pig genome has been established. Linkage groups were assigned to all 18 autosomes, the X chromosome and the X/Y pseudoautosomal region. Several new gene assignments were made including the assignment of linkage group U1 (EAK-HPX) to chromosome 9. The linkage map includes 77 type I loci informative for comparative mapping and 72 in situ mapped markers physically anchoring the linkage groups on chromosomes. A highly significant heterogeneity in recombination rates between sexes was observed with a general tendency towards an excess of female recombination. The average ratio of female to male recombination was estimated at 1–4:1 but this parameter varied between chromosomes as well as between regions within chromosomes. An intriguing finding was that blood group loci were overrepresented at the distal ends of linkage groups.  相似文献   

A chromosome-specific library was developed for Bos taurus autosome 11 by chromosome microdissection and microcloning using a bovine primary fibroblast culture, obtained from a t(X;23) heifer, that spontaneously developed a translocation chromosome involving bovine chromosome 11. The library was screened using (AC)12 oligos, positive clones selected, sequenced and primers developed to generate bovine chromosome 11-specific microsatellite markers. This study suggests that chromosome-specific libraries have great potential for development of microsatellite markers for the construction of marker-saturated linkage maps for each chromosome.  相似文献   

Dendrobium plants are used commonly as tonic herbs and health food in many Asian countries,especially in China.Here we report the genetic map construction of two Dendrobium species with a double pseudo-testcross strategy using random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD) and sequence-related amplified polymorphism(SRAP) markers.A F1 mapping population of 90 individuals was developed from a cross between D.officinale and D.hercoglossum.A total of 307 markers,including 209 RAPD and 98 SRAP,were identified and used ...  相似文献   

Studies of the variation in recombination rate across the genome provide a better understanding of evolutionary genomics and are also an important step towards mapping and dissecting complex traits in domestic animals. With the recent completion of the porcine genome sequence and the availability of a high‐density porcine single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array, it is now possible to construct a high‐density porcine linkage map and estimate recombination rate across the genome. A total of 416 animals were genotyped with the Porcine SNP60BeadChip, and high‐density chromosome linkage maps were constructed using CRI‐MAP, assuming the physical order of the Sscrofa10 assembly. The total linkage map length was 2018.79 cM, using 658 meioses and 14 503 SNPs. The estimated average recombination rate across the porcine autosomes was 0.86 cM/Mb. However, a large variation in recombination rate was observed among chromosomes. The estimated average recombination rates (cM/Mb) per chromosome ranged from 0.48 in SSC1 to 1.48 in SSC10, displaying a significant negative correlation with the chromosome sizes. In addition, the analysis of the variation in the recombination rates taking 1‐Mb sliding windows has allowed us to demonstrate the variation in recombination rates within chromosomes. In general, a larger recombination rate was observed in the extremes than in the centre of the chromosome. Finally, the ratio between female and male recombination rates was also inferred, obtaining a value of 1.38, with the heterogametic sex having the least recombination.  相似文献   

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