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Target inactivation analysis was carried out on the ryanodine receptor. This receptor recently has been implicated as the channel involved in the calcium release process in excitation-contraction coupling and was localized to the junctional terminal cisternae of sarcoplasmic reticulum from skeletal muscle [Fleischer, S., Ogunbunmi, E. M., Dixon, M. C., & Fleer, E.A.M. (1985) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 82, 7256-7259]. Irradiation of the junctional terminal cisternae resulted in an exponential decrease in ryanodine binding with radiation dose, thereby consistent with target theory. The target molecular weight was found to be 138,000 +/- 21,000, i.e., smaller than the polypeptide that binds ryanodine. The calcium pump protein in the same membrane preparation served as an internal control to validate the methodology.  相似文献   

A Chu  P Volpe  B Costello  S Fleischer 《Biochemistry》1986,25(25):8315-8324
Junctional terminal cisternae are a recently isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum fraction containing two types of membranes, the junctional face membrane with morphologically intact "feet" structures and the calcium pump membrane [Saito, A., Seiler, S., Chu, A., & Fleischer, S. (1984) J. Cell Biol. 99, 875-885]. In this study, the Ca2+ fluxes of junctional terminal cisternae are characterized and compared with three other well-defined fractions derived from the sarcotubular system of fast-twitch skeletal muscle, including light and heavy sarcoplasmic reticulum, corresponding to longitudinal and terminal cisternae regions of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and isolated triads. Functionally, junctional terminal cisternae have low net energized Ca2+ transport measured in the presence or absence of a Ca2+-trapping anion, as compared to light and heavy sarcoplasmic reticulum and triads. Ca2+ transport and Ca2+ pumping efficiency can be restored to values similar to those of light sarcoplasmic reticulum with ruthenium red or high [Mg2+]. In contrast to junctional terminal cisternae, heavy sarcoplasmic reticulum and triads have higher Ca2+ transport and are stimulated less by ruthenium red. Heavy sarcoplasmic reticulum appears to be derived from the nonjunctional portion of the terminal cisternae. Our studies indicate that the decreased Ca2+ transport is referable to the enhanced permeability to Ca2+, reflecting the predominant localization of Ca2+ release channels in junctional terminal cisternae. This conclusion is based on the following observations: The Ca2+, -Mg2+ -dependent ATPase activity of junctional terminal cisternae in the presence of a Ca2+ ionophore is comparable to that of light sarcoplasmic reticulum when normalized for the calcium pump protein content; i.e., the enhanced Ca2+ transport cannot be explained by a faster turnover of the pump. Ruthenium red or elevated [Mg2+] enhances energized Ca2+ transport and Ca2+ pumping efficiency in junctional terminal cisternae so that values approaching those of light sarcoplasmic reticulum are obtained. Rapid Ca2+ efflux in junctional terminal cisternae can be directly measured and is blocked by ruthenium red or high [Mg2+]. Ryanodine at pharmacologically significant concentrations blocks the ruthenium red stimulation of Ca2+ loading. Ryanodine binding in junctional terminal cisternae, which appears to titrate Ca2+ release channels, is 2 orders of magnitude lower than the concentration of the calcium pump protein. By contrast, light sarcoplasmic reticulum has a high Ca2+ loading rate and slow Ca2+ efflux that are not modulated by ruthenium red, ryanodine, or Mg2+.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have developed a procedure to isolate, from skeletal muscle, enriched terminal cisternae of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), which retain morphologically intact junctional "feet" structures similar to those observed in situ. The fraction is largely devoid of transverse tubule, plasma membrane, mitochondria, triads (transverse tubules junctionally associated with terminal cisternae), and longitudinal cisternae, as shown by thin-section electron microscopy of representative samples. The terminal cisternae vesicles have distinctive morphological characteristics that differ from the isolated longitudinal cisternae (light SR) obtained from the same gradient. The terminal cisternae consist of two distinct types of membranes, i.e., the junctional face membrane and the Ca2+ pump protein-containing membrane, whereas the longitudinal cisternae contain only the Ca2+ pump protein-containing membrane. The junctional face membrane of the terminal cisternae contains feet structures that extend approximately 12 nm from the membrane surface and can be clearly visualized in thin section through using tannic acid enhancement, by negative staining and by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. Sections of the terminal cisternae, cut tangential to and intersecting the plane of the junctional face, reveal a checkerboardlike lattice of alternating, square-shaped feet structures and spaces each 20 nm square. Structures characteristic of the Ca2+ pump protein are not observed between the feet at the junctional face membrane, either in thin section or by negative staining, even though the Ca2+ pump protein is observed in the nonjunctional membrane on the remainder of the same vesicle. Likewise, freeze-fracture replicas reveal regions of the P face containing ropelike strands instead of the high density of the 7-8-nm particles referable to the Ca2+ pump protein. The intravesicular content of the terminal cisternae, mostly Ca2+-binding protein (calsequestrin), is organized in the form of strands, sometimes appearing paracrystalline, and attached to the inner face of the membrane in the vicinity of the junctional feet. The terminal cisternae preparation is distinct from previously described heavy SR fractions in that it contains the highest percentage of junctional face membrane with morphologically well-preserved junctional feet structures.  相似文献   

The ryanodine receptor has been purified from junctional terminal cisternae of fast skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). The ryanodine receptor was solubilized with 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate (CHAPS) and stabilized by addition of phospholipids. The solubilized receptor showed the same [3H]ryanodine binding properties as the original SR vesicles in terms of affinity, Ca2+ dependence, and salt dependence. Purification of the ryanodine receptor was performed by sequential column chromatography on heparin-agarose and hydroxylapatite in the presence of CHAPS. The purified receptor bound 393 +/- 65 pmol of ryanodine/mg of protein (mean +/- S.E., n = 5). The purified receptor showed three bands on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with Mr of 360,000, 330,000, and 175,000. Densitometry indicates that these are present in the ratio of 2/1/1, suggesting a monomer Mr of 1.225 X 10(6) and supported by gel exclusion chromatography in CHAPS. Electron microscopy of the purified preparation showed the square shape of 210 A characteristic of and comparable in size and shape to the feet structures of junctional terminal cisternae of SR, indicating that ryanodine binds directly to the feet structures. From the ryanodine binding data, the stoichiometry between ryanodine binding sites to the number of feet structures is estimated to be about 2. Since the ryanodine receptor is coupled to Ca2+ gating, the present finding suggests that the ryanodine receptor and Ca2+ release channel represent a functional unit, the structural unit being the foot structure which, in situ, is junctionally associated with the transverse tubules. It is across this triad junction that the signal for Ca2+ release is expressed. Thus, the foot structure appears to directly respond to the signal from transverse tubules, causing the release of Ca2+ from the junctional face membrane of the terminal cisternae of SR.  相似文献   

1. The sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) from malignant hyperpyrexia susceptible (MHS) and control porcine skeletal muscle was separated into vesicular fractions enriched in the membrane elements of the terminal cisternae and longitudinal tubules. 2. The two membrane preparations were highly purified and had distinctive features which were associated with their origins in the SR membraneous network. 3. Calsequestrin and calcium were enriched in the terminal cisternae fraction (HSR), in comparison to longitudinal tubule preparations (LSR). 4. The HSR membrane also had a greater total capacity to store Ca2+ and Ca2+ release was more rapid than from LSR preparations. 5. No distinction could be made between the membrane morphology, Ca2+ -fluxes or Ca2+ -dependent ATPase activities, associated with these functionally distinct regions of MHS and control preparations.  相似文献   

Longitudinal tubules and junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) were prepared from heart muscle microsomes by Ca2+-phosphate loading followed by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. The longitudinal SR had a high Ca2+ loading rate (0.93 +/- 0.08 mumol.mg-1.min) which was unchanged by addition of ruthenium red. Junctional SR had a low Ca2+ loading rate (0.16 +/- 0.02 mumol.mg-1.min) which was enhanced about 5-fold by ruthenium red. Junctional SR had feet structures observed by electron microscopy and a high molecular weight protein with Mr of 340,000, whereas longitudinal SR was essentially devoid of both. Thus, these subfractions have similar characteristics to longitudinal and junctional terminal cisternae of SR from fast twitch skeletal muscle. Ryanodine binding was localized to junctional cardiac SR as determined by [3H]ryanodine binding. Scatchard analysis of the binding data showed two types of binding (high affinity, Kd approximately 7.9 nM; low affinity, Kd approximately 1 microM), contrasting with skeletal junctional terminal cisternae where only one site with Kd of approximately 50 nM was observed. The ruthenium red enhancement of Ca2+ loading rate in junctional cardiac SR was blocked by pretreatment with low concentrations of ryanodine as reported for junctional terminal cisternae of skeletal muscle SR. The Ca2+ loading rate of junctional cardiac SR was enhanced by preincubation with high concentrations of ryanodine. The apparent inhibition constant (Ki approximately 7 nM) and stimulation constant (Km approximately 1.1 microM) for ryanodine on junctional SR corresponded to the Kd for high affinity binding (Kd approximately 7.9 nM) and low affinity binding (Kd approximately 1.1 microM), respectively. These results suggest that high affinity ryanodine binding locks the Ca2+ release channels in the open state and that low affinity binding closes the Ca2+ release channels of the junctional cardiac SR. The characteristics of the Ca2+ release channels of junctional cardiac SR appear to be similar to that of skeletal muscle SR, but the Ca2+ release channels of cardiac SR are more sensitive to ryanodine.  相似文献   

The interaction of calsequestrin (CSQ) with the channel-containing region of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (junctional face membrane, jfm) is involved in Ca2+ release, and it seemed of interest to identify the jfm-binding region of the CSQ molecule. For this purpose, CSQ was digested with trypsin, and peptides were screened for jfm binding. Partial amino acid sequencing of selected peptides allowed us to localize a critical site for jfm binding in the stretch encompassing residues 86-191.  相似文献   

Fragmented sarcoplasmic reticulum (FSR) of bullfrog skeletal muscle was fractionated into light and heavy sarcoplasmic reticulum (LSR and HSR) by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Morphological and biochemical studies revealed that large parts of LSR and HSR were derived from longitudinal reticulum and terminal cisternae of SR, respectively. The Ca2+ uptake ability and ATPase activity of LSR were higher than those of HSR. Ca2+ release from Ca2+ preloaded SR vesicles by changing the medium from K-gluconate to KCl was suppressed by addition of 0.3 M sucrose or glucose; there was no correlation between Ca2+ release and membrane potential change either in LSR or HSR vesicles. Dantrolene sodium (DAN, 20 microM) had no effect on Ca2+ release. It is concluded that ion-induced Ca2+ release from SR (both HSR and LSR) in the isolated system is due to an osmotic effect.  相似文献   

In this work, we compared the effect of K+ on vesicles derived from the longitudinal (LSR) and terminal cisternae (HSR) of rabbit white muscle. In HSR, K+ was found to inhibit both the Ca2+ accumulation and the heat released during ATP hydrolysis by the Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA1). This was not observed in LSR. Valinomycin abolished the HSR Ca2+-uptake inhibition promoted by physiological K+ concentrations, but it did not modify the thermogenic activity of the Ca2+ pump. The results with HSR are difficult to interpret, assuming that a single K+ is binding to either the ryanodine channel or to the Ca2+-ATPase. It is suggested that an increase of K+ in the assay medium alters the interactions among the various proteins found in HSR, thus modifying the properties of both the ryanodine channel and SERCA1.  相似文献   

Sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles were separated into heavy (derived from terminal cisternae) and light (derived from longitudinal tubules) fractions, according to Meissner [Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 389, 51-68 (1975)]. The similar Ca2+ sensitivities of phosphoprotein formation, ATPase activity and calcium uptake, and the similar phosphoprotein turnover rates (ATPase/phosphoprotein formation) of both fractions indicate that the same ATPase enzyme is present in the terminal cisternae and longitudinal sarcoplaxmic reticulum. The higher V for Ca2+-activated ATPase activity and calcium uptake in the light fraction correlated with the higher concentration of ATPase enzyme per mg of membrane protein in this fraction. In both the presence and absence of calcium-precipitating anions, the light fraction stored more calcium than the heavy. The Ca2+ dependence of calcium release after addition of EGTA appeared similar in both fractions, but the rate of calcium release was more rapid in the light fraction. These findings suggest that calcium release may occur more rapidly from longitudinal than terminal cisternae portions of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and that calcium release, like calcium uptake, may be mediated by the ATPase enzyme in the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane. Although the activation energies for Ca2+-activated ATPase activity above and below the transition temperature were significantly different for the heavy and light fractions, their transition temperatures were similar. Partial purification of the ATpase enzyme by deoxycholate treatment modified the activation energies of the light but not the heavy fraction and caused the activation energies to become similar. The phosphoprotein levels of heavy and light vesicles did not become similar after deoxycholate treatment, although gel electrophoretograms indicated both samples contained > 90% ATPase protein. These results indicate the protein-lipid associations in these two fractions may be different.  相似文献   

The sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of skeletal muscle controls the contraction-relaxation cycle by raising and lowering the myoplasmic free-Ca2+ concentration. The coupling between excitation, i.e., depolarization of sarcolemma and transvers tubule (TT) and Ca2+ release from the terminal cisternae (TC) of SR takes place at the triad. The triad junction is formed by a specialized region of the TC, the junctional SR, and the TT. The molecular architecture and protein composition of the junctional SR are under active investigation. Since the junctional SR plays a central role in excitation-contraction coupling and Ca2+ release, some of its protein constituents are directly involved in these processes. The biochemical evidence supporting this contention is reviewed in this article.  相似文献   

Trypsin digestion of junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Chu  C Sumbilla  D Scales  A Piazza  G Inesi 《Biochemistry》1988,27(8):2827-2833
A putative constituent of the junctional processes, connecting the terminal cisternae of sarcoplasmic reticulum and the transverse tubules of skeletal muscle fibers, is a greater than or equal to 350,000-dalton (Da) protein that displays ryanodine binding and Ca2+ channel properties. Ryanodine modulation of Ca2+ fluxes suggests that the ryanodine receptor and calcium channel are integral parts of one functional unit corresponding to the greater than or equal to 350,000-Da protein [Inui, M., Saito, E., & Fleischer, S. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 1740-1747; Campbell, K. P., Knudson, C. M., Imagawa, T., Leung, A. L., Sutko, J. L., Kahl, S. D., Raab, C. R., & Madson, L. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 6460-6463]. We subjected vesicular fragments of junctional-cisternal membrane to stepwise trypsin digestion. The greater than or equal to 350,000-Da protein is selectively cleaved in the early stage of digestion, with consequent disappearance of the corresponding band in electrophoretic gels. The Ca2+-ATPase is cleaved at a later stage, while calsequestrin is not digested under the same experimental conditions. While the Ca2+-ATPase yields two complementary fragments that are relatively resistant to further digestion, the greater than or equal to 350,000-Da protein yields fragments that are rapidly broken down to small peptides. Under conditions producing extensive digestion of the greater than or equal to 350,000-Da protein, the junctional processes are still visualized by electron microscopy, with no discernible alterations of their ultrastructure. The functional properties of the Ca2+ release channel are also maintained following trypsin digestion, including blockage by Mg2+ and ruthenium red and activation by Ca2+ and nucleotides.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

When microsomes from feline ventricular muscle are centrifuged on continuous linear sucrose gradients, the major peak for the distribution pattern of the dihydropyridine binding sites corresponds in position and shape with the distribution of the Mr 300K polypeptide marker for junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). Plasma membrane vesicles are also present in those gradient fractions and appear to be joined to the junctional SR as native dyads. We now report that when such putative dyads are passed through the French press, both the dihydropyridine binding sites and the plasma membrane marker band together at a new isopycnic point distinct from the junctional SR. We conclude that as has been found in the skeletal muscle system the dihydropyridine binding sites are a marker for the junctional domain of the plasma membrane and that separation of the dyad components of the mammalian myocardium can be attained.  相似文献   

Subcellular fractions, enriched in sarcoplasmic reticulum or in cell membrane, were separated from one another. Starting material was a microsomal pellet (15–40 × 1000g) obtained by differential centrifugation from the uteri of close-to-term pregnant cows. A microsomal fraction enriched in ATP-dependent calcium accumulation was shown to contain sarcoplasmic reticulum and cell membrane. Only 8% or less of the protein in this fraction could be recovered, using affinity chromatography on Sepharose 6MB wheat germ agglutinin. The small yields did not allow extensive characterization. A method was developed to separate sarcoplasmic reticulum from cell membrane using discontinuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Protein was collected at the 24–28, the 28–33, and the 33–45% sucrose interfaces. Characterization was by enzyme assays and by specific receptor assay. ATP-dependent calcium accumulation was fourfold greater in the 24–28% sucrose layer than in the 33–45% layer. In contrast, 5′-nucleotidase was more than threefold as high in the 33–45% sucrose layer as in the 24–28% layer. Ouabain-inhibited p-nitrophenylphosphatase doubled and ouabain-inhibited Na,K-ATPase tripled in the 28–33% layer, compared with the 24–28% layer, specific ouabain binding was also doubled in the 28–33% sucrose layer. 125I-Labeled wheat germ agglutinin binding was greatest in the 33–45% sucrose layer. It is concluded that the 24–28% layer consists primarily of sarcoplasmic reticulum, whereas the 28–33 and the 33–45% layers are concentrated in the cell membrane. Specific prostaglandin (PGE2) binding was found to be a property of the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Heavy sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles, labelled with the Ca2+ release channel probe [3H]ryanodine, were solubilized in detergent, then centrifuged through sucrose gradients. A single peak of ryanodine binding activity was observed with an apparent sedimentation coefficient of 30S. Electron microscopy of the peak fraction showed disk structures of 25-28 nm diameter and 10 nm thickness. Proteins specifically enriched in the peak fraction were the Mr 160,000 and 260,000 and junctional feet proteins (Mr 320,000 and 300,000). This suggests that the feet proteins and ryanodine receptor may be specifically associated into a large oligomeric complex comprising subunits of Mr 160,000-320,000.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the effect of the anticancer drug doxorubicin on Ca2+ fluxes of isolated highly purified sarcoplasmic reticulum fractions (longitudinal tubules and terminal cisternae (Saito, A., Seiler, S., Chu, A., and Fleischer, S. (1984) J. Cell Biol. 99, 875-885] and of chemically skinned skeletal muscle fibers of the rabbit. In terminal cisternae, doxorubicin inhibits Ca2+ uptake (IC50 at 0.5 microM) and increases 2.6-fold Ca2+-dependent ATPase rate (half-maximal activation at 3 microM) and unidirectional Ca2+ efflux (8-fold stimulation at 25 microM). On the contrary, doxorubicin is without effect on longitudinal tubules. In skinned muscle fibers, doxorubicin induces rapid and transient Ca2+ release, as measured by tension development (half-maximal stimulation at 6 microM), which is completely and reversibly inhibited by ruthenium red, a known inhibitor of Ca2+ release from isolated terminal cisternae. Doxorubicin has no effect on the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump and on the contractile apparatus of skinned muscle fibers. It is concluded that doxorubicin activates Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum and opens a Ca2+ efflux pathway (Ca2+ channel) selectively localized in terminal cisternae. Doxorubicin might interact with Ca2+ channels involved in physiological Ca2+ release.  相似文献   

Junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) has been identified in microsomes from canine ventricular muscle by the presence of calsequestrin and ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ release channels. These properties, however, are not common to cardiac cells from all species. Seiler et al (1) have recently described a high Mr polypeptide in canine junctional SR similar to the spanning protein subunits of skeletal muscle triads. We now report the existence of a polypeptide with the same mobility in SR from rabbit ventricular muscle and show that those cardiac membranes can associate with transverse (T-) tubules from rabbit skeletal muscle in K cacodylate medium. We propose that this polypeptide and the reaction with T-tubules be considered as criteria for the identification of cardiac junctional SR.  相似文献   

The membrane location and mechanism of inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate (InsP4)-regulated Ca2+ uptake in cardiac membrane vesicles was investigated. In canine and rat membranes separated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation, InsP4-regulated Ca2+ uptake was slightly more enriched in low density than in higher density membranes. Membranes supporting InsP4-regulated Ca2+ uptake were correspondingly enriched in type 1 InsP3 receptors. Junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum (J-SR), enriched in sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA2a) and ryanodine receptors, separated predominantly with higher density membranes. In membranes supporting InsP4-regulated Ca2+ uptake, Ca2+ uptake was facilitated by a high Ca2+ affinity carrier that was insensitive to thapsigargin. Ca2+ uptake in J-SR was mediated by thapsigargin-sensitive SERCA2a. Net Ca accumulation was enhanced by oxalate in both SR subtypes. Although Ca2+-carrier-mediated Ca2+ uptake was ATP independent, ATP indirectly regulated net Ca2+ accumulation by modifying Ca2+ efflux via a Ca2+ channel with properties of type 1 InsP3 receptors. In the presence of < or = 0.1 mM ATP, InsP4 enhanced Ca2+ accumulation whereas InsP4 inhibited Ca2+ uptake at higher ATP concentrations. In the presence of 0.15 mM ATP, InsP4 stimulated Ca2+ efflux from vesicles preloaded with Ca. Several other InsP4 isomers and 1,3,4-InsP3 also stimulated Ca2+ efflux but with slightly less potency than 1,3,4,5-InsP4. Ruthenium red enhanced net Ca accumulation by the Ca2+ carrier and reduced the potency of ATP, InsP4, and InsP3 to stimulate Ca2+ efflux in vesicles. In summary, this investigation shows that a Ca2+ carrier facilitates Ca loading in a sarcoplasmic reticulum subtype distinct from J-SR. InsP4 and InsP3 are proposed to regulate Ca2+ efflux in low density SR by acting on an ATP-modulated Ca2+ channel with properties of type 1 InsP3 receptors.  相似文献   

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