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Low-temperature and conventional scanning electron microscopyhave been used to examine the callus formed at the graft interfacein Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr. Callus cells are producedby both cambium and ray parenchyma dedifferentiation and redifferentiationin scion and stock. Adhesion between the cells derived fromscion and rootstock is thought to be my means of pectinaceousbeads at the surface of the callus cells, preceding a more generalfusion of cell walls. The cambia of the two graft componentsare prevented from growing towards each other by the presenceof callus. Instead, the differentiation of new cambium withinthe callus, in the vicinity of the cambia exposed at the preparedsurfaces of the scion and rootstock, links them to form a continuouscambial layer around the combined stem. Callus, cambium, differentiation, grafting, Picea sitchensis  相似文献   

Root primordia differentiate remote from the existing vasculartissue of split- or incision- wounded winter cuttings. Thisis preceded by heavy callusing of the wounds and basal cut surface.Most of the callus is cortical in origin but callus is alsoformed as a result of damage to the cambium. In the incisiontreatment a new cambium differentiates within the cambial callusfrom the undamaged cambium on either side so as to form an outward-pointingsalient enclosing randomly orientated xylem. Two such salientsare formed in the split base treatment since each resultanthalf behaves like a separate cutting. The salients are subdividedhorizontally into finger-like projections due to the dispositionof the rays at the edges of the wound. Once a root primordiumforms, differentiation of procambium-like tissue between itand one or more projections proceeds rapidly, followed by outgrowthof the root. Roots emerge from the basal callus and in verticalfiles from the wound callus. The split base treatment increases16-fold the number of rooted cuttings over controls, while incisionwounds increase rooting four-fold; this is associated with thefact that more rhizogenic (salient-forming) sites are formedby splitting the base. The physical and anatomical factors involvedin cambial regeneration are discussed. Anatomy, apple, callus, cambium, cambial regeneration, M.26 rootstock, Malus pumila L., rooting, root initiation, wound response  相似文献   

The radially-organized petiole of Phaseolus and the dorsiventralpetioles of Datura and Lycopersicon were used as stocks in budgrafting. Petiolar structure was examined after some weeks'growth of the scion, during which the grafted petiole came tofunction as a stem in supporting normal, vigorous shoot growthand was not abscised even at the end of the growing season.Below the graft union, reactivated petiolar cambium producedmassive amounts of secondary tissue with greatly enlarged vessels.Cambial activity was confined to the existing vascular bundlesexcept for the development of a little inter-fascicular cambiumin young, grafted Phaseolus petioles. Datura petioles woundedbelow the graft union, by a cut into the petiolar are from eitherthe abaxial or the adaxial surface and removal of a 1 cm lengthof tissue, responded by restoring the vascular are (abaxialwounds) or almost completing a vascular ring (adaxial wounds).In grafted, wounded Lycopersicon petioles the presence of deadxylem caused the separation of cambium regenerated from thecut vascular are and that arising in relation to the centralwound surface. A similar response, in which stimulated internalphloem plays an important part, occurred in certain woundedLycopersicon stems. The results are discussed in terms of thegradient induction hypothesis. graft, petiole, wound, cambium, xylem, phloem, Phaseolus multiflorus, Datura stramonium, Lycopersicon esculentum, bean, thornapple, tomato  相似文献   

Regeneration Around Wounds and the Control of Vascular Differentiation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The question which was the basis of this work was whether (a)vascular regeneration around wounds includes a replacement ofdamaged tissues or (b) only new vascular strands, which arenormally formed from the cambium, are diverted around wounds.It was found that in Coleus and Cucumis no connections are formedto damaged sieve tubes and vessels, so that their continuityaround wounds is not restored. Pisum plants were wounded underconditions in which growth could not be influenced and the areaof the xylem in cross-section was measured 1 month later. Thewounds, which damaged the vascular tissues, significantly increasedvascular differentiation, indicating the replacement of a longnon-functional region of damaged tissues. The results indicatethat in the intact plant vascular differentiation is controllednot only by stimuli from the leaves but also by the capacityof the mature vascular system to transport these stimuli.  相似文献   

The Control of Vascular Branching in Coleus 2. The Corner Traces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Corner trace connections are less well defined than those ofthe side bundle in Coleus, the locations of branch points, branchpartners, and number of connections made by a corner trace beingmore variable. The auxin balance between corner traces was alteredby leaf removal and by application of exogenous auxin. Branchingof new strands was shifted toward the pre-existing strand withthe lower auxin flux, but only within a narrow range of developmentalstages and with the imposition of a large auxin imbalance. Branchingoccurred only in nodal regions, as in control plants. Thus,auxin balance can be made to control xylem strand branching,but it does not account fully for the control of vascular branchingin intact plants. In the intact pattern, corner trace branchesappear to be directed toward the pre-existing strand with thehigher auxin flux. It is proposed that, in the vicinity of astrand with high flux, auxin is transported laterally withinthe nodal vascular cambium, facilitating vessel differentiationbetween strands in the derivatives of the vascular cambium.These vessels comprise the connections between traces. Coleus, vascular differentiation, vascular anatomy, vascular branching, vascular patterns, auxin, auxin balance, node  相似文献   

BARNETT  J. R. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(2):367-373
The fine structure of Pinus radiata D. Don callus before andafter differentiation into stem-like tissues has been examinedwith the electron microscope. In callus prior to differentiation(here called parenchymatous callus) the cells accumulate tanninsas they age and are quite distinct from the cells of differentiatedcallus. In the latter, cambium, phloem and xylem cells may beidentified by their general morphology and by their ultrastructuralfeatures. Differentiation into a true stem-like structure is,however, incomplete in that the tissues are not uniformly oriented,and parenchyma cells of the rays and phloem contain chloroplasts.The tracheids also show unusual differentiation in that borderedpits form over their entire surface and may be of two types.The reasons for these variations are discussed.  相似文献   

When a dicotyledonous stem is wounded by longitudinally splittinga young internode into halves, cells near the cut surface proliferateto form a callus within which vascular tissues differentiateand tend to restore a vascular cylinder in each half. Threephases of regeneration after wounding were identified and quantifiedin stems of three Solanaceous species. (1) In an initial ‘lag’phase, lasting about 2 d, neither cell division nor enlargementwere detected, but mitotic figures were observed within about300 µm of the cut surface. (2) Throughout a second, ‘division’phase, from about days 2–10, cell division and enlargementoccurred. Both were initiated mainly in the two cell layersnearest the surface. A mass of callus formed, with new cellwalls mostly parallel to the surface. Cell enlargement laggedbehind cell division for the first few days, so that mean radialcell diameter decreased until day 6, thereafter remaining almostconstant at 30–40 µm. Towards the end of this phase,mitoses ceased within the callus except in the positions ofthe future vascular and cork cambia, where radial cell diameterfell towards a constant 15–20 µm. (3) During a third,‘differentiation’ phase, cell division was restrictedto the cambial zones, and derivatives differentiated into cork,phloem or xylem according to position. The rate of increasein cell number per transect was 1.5–2.0 cells d–1,of which more than half was xylem. Capsicum annuum L., sweet pepper, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., tomato, cambium, cell division, differentiation, regeneration, wounding of stems, xylem  相似文献   

We have established a reproducible culture system for callus formation and root development from juvenile stem segments of mung bean(Vigna radiata). In particular, we have studied the influence of plant growth regulators. Induction of calli from young stem explants was very effective on MS inorganic salts supplemented with 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D and 1.0 mg/L kinetin. In regenerating adventitious roots from callus tissues, we found that a combination of 0.75 mg/L NAA, 1.5 mg/L kinetin, and MS salts resulted in 20% efficiency. Histological examination showed that callus tissues originated from out-growths of the cambium rings through de-novo meristematic activity. Those rings were localized outside the vascular cambium. Adventitious roots that developed from root primordia originated from the center of the Callus masses. These primordia produced tracheid-like cells, which then became meristemoid cells for the cambium. Newly formed adventitious roots had the typical tetrarche actinostele type.  相似文献   

BARNETT  J. R. 《Annals of botany》1973,37(5):1005-1011
Examination of Pinus radiata cambium from trees growing in thecentral North Island of New Zealand has revealed that many ofthe structural changes occurring in other tree species at theonset or cessation of cambial activity are not found in thisspecies. The winter cambium bears a closer resemblance to thesummer cambium than it does to the winter cambium of any otherangiosperm or gymnosperm described in the literature. In particularthere is little change in vacuolar structure, endoplasmic reticulumform, and dictyosomal activity during the year. The only changeswhich take place involve a slight increase in vacuole volume,storage of starch in vacuoles, and a decrease in numbers ofspherosomes during the summer. These observations confirm that,while the degree of cambial activity is reduced in the winter,complete dormancy is absent.  相似文献   

Kitin  P.; Funada  R.; Sano  Y.; Ohtani  J. 《Annals of botany》2000,86(6):1109-1117
An understanding of the morphology and the developmental changesin the shapes and dimensions of cambial cells requires three-dimensional(3-D) analysis of thick slices of tissue. We devised a simpleprotocol using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), withsafranin and acridine orange as fluorescent dyes and glycerolas the clearing and mounting medium, to examine the 3-D structureof the dormant cambium in Kalopanax pictus, a ring-porous hardwood.Optical sections and high contrast images provided clear informationabout the shapes and nuclear status of cambial cells, whichhave previously been difficult to determine using conventionalmicroscopy. The axially-oriented cambial cells were found tovary in shape, in particular around the rays, and were not alwaystypically fusiform. We evaluated the reliability of our methodby comparing results with those of a parallel study of the samematerial by standard analysis of serial sections of epoxy-embeddedspecimens. The images of optical sections obtained by CLSM wereof high quality and similar to images obtained by conventionallight microscopy of semi-thin mechanical sections. Use of theconfocal microscope provided a quick and easy method for visualizationof the structure of the cambium in thick hand-cut sections andfor studies of the developmental changes in cells from the cambiumto the xylem. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Confocal laser scanning microscopy, Kalopanax pictus, three-dimensional reconstruction, vascular cambium  相似文献   

Role of Cytokinin in Vessel Regeneration in Wounded Coleus Internodes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cytokinin was found to be a controlling or limiting factor invessel regeneration around a wound in internodes of Coleus blumeiBenth. in which the endogenous cytokinin level was minimized.The cytokinin was applied in aqueous solution to the base ofexcised, mature internodes that had an active vascular cambium.Each internode also received IAA in lanolin at its apical end.Under low (0.1 %, w/w) or high (10%, w/w) auxin concentrations,the control internodes (without exogenous cytokinin) exhibitedsmall amounts of vessel regeneration. At appropriate concentrationszeatin, kinetin and 6-benzylamino-purine (BAP) induced a significantincrease in vessel regeneration around the wound. The threecytokinins also induced novel patterns of supplementary regenerationfurther from the wound surface. Kinetin and BAP showed the strongestpromoting effect at 5 and 10 µg ml–1, while zeatinwas most effective at 20 µg ml–1. At a low (0.1%) auxin level zeatin was the most effective cytokinin, whereaskinetin was the most effective one at high (1 %) auxin. An inhibitoryeffect on vessel regeneration was observed at the highest kinetinconcentration tested (50 µg ml–1). The regenerationof vessels induced by cytokinin was very polar. Many more regeneratedvessel members differentiated below the wound than above it,and the regeneration process proceeded acropetally from thebase of the internode to its upper parts. Our results implya basipetal polar increase in cambium responsiveness along thestem axis from internode 5 to 7. The possible significance ofsuch a basipetal increase in cambium sensitivity in wood formationin trees is discussed. Auxin, Coleus blumei, cytokinin, vascular differentiation, vessel regeneration, wound xylem  相似文献   

陈瑶  刁瑕  宦云敏  杜阳春  李维  何兵 《广西植物》2017,37(9):1111-1121
为探究小檗科植物八角莲组织培养的器官发生方式,该研究以八角莲离体叶片、叶柄在MS培养基上诱导产生的愈伤组织、不定芽、不定根为对象,用连续石蜡切片技术分析八角莲组织培养的器官发生途径。结果表明:八角莲愈伤组织形成的解剖学特征是靠近表皮的薄壁细胞经激素刺激恢复分裂能力,继续培养形成拟分生组织。拟分生组织可形成许多分化中心。通过对八角莲组织培养产生的不定芽细胞组织学观察发现芽原基起源于愈伤组织外侧的几层薄壁细胞,芽原基背离愈伤组织中央生长形成不定芽,故八角莲脱分化形成的芽起源方式为外起源。而八角莲的根原基起源于组织深处髓部薄壁细胞和部分维管形成层细胞,进而形成类似球形或楔形并朝韧皮部突起的根原基轮廓,根原基继续发育会突破表皮生成不定根,起源方式为内起源。八角莲离体再生途径为器官发生型,在组培苗生长过程中先诱导形成不定芽,再诱导形成不定根,在愈伤组织上形成维管组织将不定芽和不定根连接成完整植株。  相似文献   

龙眼剥皮再生的解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谭志雄  廖建良   《广西植物》1991,11(4):312-315+395
龙眼(Dimocarpus tongan Lour.)茎干经过大面积环剥,都能再生出新皮。环剥初期,愈伤组织都由近暴露面的射线细胞产生,稍后,其他未成熟木质部细胞也参加愈伤组织的形成,这些愈伤组织一般在靠近表面都可发生木栓形成层,以后迅速形成正常的周皮。在愈伤组织与木质部交界处的未成熟木质部细胞发生维管形成层。新发生的形成层正常地向外分化出次生韧皮部,向内分化出次生木质部。初期有些原来的射线将新形成层带分割成许多小区,二个月后,由于新的形成层不断平周活动,逐渐将形成层连成一圈,以后基本上与正常树皮维管组织的发育一样。  相似文献   

油茶芽苗砧嫁接口愈合过程解剖学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用石蜡切片法对油茶(Camellia oleifera)芽苗砧嫁接口的愈合过程进行组织解剖学研究。观察结果表明:(1)在嫁接后的第4天,嫁接口产生隔离层;在嫁接后的第8天,嫁接口的砧木产生愈伤组织;在嫁接后的第16天,嫁接口的接穗产生愈伤组织;在嫁接后的第22天,嫁接口的砧木与接穗连接;在嫁接后的第29天,嫁接口的形成层分化形成;在嫁接后的第35天,嫁接口的愈伤组织维管束形成,接穗连接成功。(2)油茶芽苗砧嫁接部位愈伤组织形成前,芽苗砧木的解剖结构在短时间内加速发育,逐渐与接穗的组织结构相似。(3)嫁接口的形成层和其它薄壁细胞组织均能产生愈伤组织,但形成层是其主要来源。  相似文献   

红皮云杉茎的解剖结构与插条不定根形成的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
姜静  翁玉辉 《植物研究》1994,14(4):448-452
1992年7-8月定时固定红皮云杉插条基部材料于FAA液中,石蜡制片法室内解剖研究不定根的发生。结果表明:红皮云杉插条诱发根原基的来源有两种途径。一种是愈伤组织生根型,在愈伤组织的再生形成层处,或茎的维管形成层诱发根原基;另一种是非愈伤组织生根型,在插条切口处的维管形成层、皮层或初生木质部与次生木质部间的薄壁组织较深的部位,直接产生纵向不定根原始体,有的在距离切口0.1-0.5cm以上茎的维管形成层,维管形成层与木射线的交界处及叶隙等薄壁组织产生径向不定根。不同个体间产生的不定根数量及发育的早晚差异较大。  相似文献   

Graft compatibility has been studied in apricot (prunus armeniacaL.) grafted on Prunus cerasifera Ehrh. Two apricot cultivars,one compatible and one incompatible on this rootstock, wereselected for this study. In these species incompatibility isonly manifested by tree breakdown at a late phase of the tree'slife. The process of graft union formation was observed forthe first month following grafting. No differences were foundeither in the process of healing or in its kinetics. Thus, callusproliferation, callus differentiation and vascular connectionsare established in the same way and at the same time in bothcompatible and incompatible grafts. However, clear differencesexist in the level of differentiation of the callus produced.While in compatible grafts, callus quickly differentiates intocambium and vascular tissue, in incompatible grafts this differentiationis not complete and a portion of the tissue evolves into a parenchymatoustissue that coexists with the differentiated vascular tissue. Key words: Graft, Prunus, compatibility  相似文献   

The origin and development of zygotic and somatic embryos of Trifolium rubens L. was studied with the aid of paraffin sections and light microscopy. Zygotic embryos were collected, fixed and prepared daily from one to ten days after cross-pollination. Somatic embryos were obtained by plating petiole sections on modified L2 medium with 0.015 mgl-1 picloram and 0.1 mgl-1 6-BAP. Cultured petioles were collected and fixed daily from one to 25 days after plating. Two regions in the vascular bundle sheath of cultured petioles gave rise to callus. The first region was adjacent to the phloem fibers and produced friable callus. The second region gave rise to compact callus that was connected to the fascicular cambium. Somatic embryos originated from single cells in the cortex directly without intervening callus formation and from single cells in the friable callus. In addition, embryos arose from meristematic regions in compact callus. Many early stages of embryogenesis (one, two and four-celled stages) were observed in the cortex and friable callus. Zygotic embryogenesis in Trifolium differs from other legumes in that the suspensor is short and has a broad attachment. This arrangement was observed in zygotic embryos of T. rubens and in many somatic embryos. However, a continuum of somatic embryogenesis was observed where some young embryos had a Trifolium suspensor-like arrangement while others were attached to a long narrow suspensor-like structure more characteristic of Medicago.  相似文献   

Cell length variation of sieve tube elements and phloem fibreswas studied in relation to their relative position within thebark in five species of Dalbergia. It was found that in fourout of the five species studied, the fibre elements occurringin the vicinity of cambium are longer than those occurring atthe periphery of the bark. D. latifolia is found to be an exception,since the shorter elements occur near the cambium while thelonger elements are found in the outer regions of the bark inthis species. In all the species fibre length declines markedlyin the middle region of the bark, and this is followed by asudden but temporary rise, except in D. latifolia in which theshortest elements occur both in the middle as well as near thecambium. The cell length variation of sieve tube cells does not followany recognizable trend in any of the species studied.  相似文献   

The relationship between formation of CVB, which connects vascularcut ends of stock and scion, and the condition of tissue whereCVB is expected to be induced was studied using a cactus graftcombination of Notocactus submammulosus var. pampeanus youngseedlings on Hylocereus trigonus plants. When a scion with its basal part removed by a transverse cutwas put onto a transverse cut surface of a stock with a distanceof 1 mm between the vascular cut ends of both graft components,CVB was formed in only 13% of the grafts in the callus massmade by adhesion between calluses of stock and scion. The percentagearose to ca. 100% when 100 ppm NAA was applied to the scionapices. This promotive effect of NAA decreased with increasingtime from grafting to NAA application. When wound calluses of stock and scion were prevented from contactonly at the portion between the vascular cut ends of stock andscion by introducing a piece of aluminium foil into the graftunion, CVB was formed in 80% of the grafts in the callus ofthe stock without NAA application. In the case where the scionwas grafted at right angle onto an additional longitudinal cutsurface made 1 mm from the vascular bundle of the stock withremaining intact parenchyma between this cut surface and thevascular bundle of the stock, CVB was not formed even when NAAwas applied. These results suggested that wound response wasa prerequisite for CVB differentiation and that surface-to-surfaceadhesion of calluses inhibited CVB formation by making calluscells differentiate into quiescent parenchyma cells rapidly.The mechanism of this phenomenon is discussed. (Received September 29, 1977; )  相似文献   

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