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Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causes severe respiratory disease in both the very young and the elderly. Nearly all individuals become infected in early childhood, and reinfections with the virus are common throughout life. Despite its clinical impact, there remains no licensed RSV vaccine. RSV infection in the respiratory tract induces an inflammatory response by the host to facilitate efficient clearance of the virus. However, the host immune response also contributes to the respiratory disease observed following an RSV infection. RSV has evolved several mechanisms to evade the host immune response and promote virus replication through interactions between RSV proteins and immune components. In contrast, some RSV proteins also play critical roles in activating, rather than suppressing, host immunity. In this review, we discuss the interactions between individual RSV proteins and host factors that modulate the immune response and the implications of these interactions for the course of an RSV infection.  相似文献   

Measles virus is highly neuroinvasive, yet host immune responses are highly effective at limiting neurovirulence in humans. We know that neurons are an important target of infection and that both IFN-γ and -β expression are observed in the measles virus-infected human brain. Rodent models can be used to understand how this response is orchestrated. Constitutive expression of the major inducible 70-kDa heat-shock protein is a feature of primate tissues that is lacking in mice. This article examines the importance of addressing this difference when modeling outcomes of brain infection in mice, particularly in terms of understanding how infected neurons may activate uninfected brain macrophages to produce IFN-β and support T-cell production of IFN-γ, a mediator of noncytolytic viral clearance. New and historical data suggest that the virus heat-shock protein 70 relationship is key to a protective host immune response and has potential broad relevance.  相似文献   

Interaction between hepatitis C virus proteins and host cell factors   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Since the discovery of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) as the causative agent of non-A, non-B hepatitis, significant effort has been devoted to understanding this important pathogen. Despite the difficulty in culturing this virus efficiently, much is known about the organization of the viral genome and the functions of many of the viral proteins. Through the use of surrogate expression systems combined with cellular fractionation, pull-down experiments and yeast two-hybrid screens, numerous interactions between hepatitis C virus proteins and cellular components have been identified. The relevance of many of these interactions to hepatitis C biology remains to be demonstrated. This review discusses recent developments in this area of HCV research.  相似文献   

Interaction of hepatitis C virus proteins with host cell membranes and lipids   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
For replication, viruses depend on specific components and energy supplies from the host cell. The main steps in the lifecycle of positive-strand RNA viruses depend on cellular membranes. Interest is increasing in studying the interactions between host cell membranes and viral proteins to understand how such viruses replicate their genome and produce infectious particles. These studies should also lead to a better knowledge of the different mechanisms underlying membrane-protein associations. The various molecular interactions of hepatitis C virus proteins with the membranes and lipids of the infected cell highlight how a virus can exploit the diversity of interactions that occur between proteins and membranes or lipid structures.  相似文献   

Recombinant human parainfluenza virus type 1 (rHPIV1) was modified to create rHPIV1-P(C-), a virus in which expression of the C proteins (C', C, Y1, and Y2) was silenced without affecting the amino acid sequence of the P protein. Infectious rHPIV1-P(C-) was readily recovered from cDNA, indicating that the four C proteins were not essential for virus replication. Early during infection in vitro, rHPIV1-P(C-) replicated as efficiently as wild-type (wt) HPIV1, but its titer subsequently decreased coincident with the onset of an extensive cytopathic effect not observed with wt rHPIV1. rHPIV1-P(C-) infection, but not wt rHPIV1 infection, induced caspase 3 activation and nuclear fragmentation in LLC-MK2 cells, identifying the HPIV1 C proteins as inhibitors of apoptosis. In contrast to wt rHPIV1, rHPIV1-P(C-) and rHPIV1-C(F170S), a mutant encoding an F170S substitution in C, induced interferon (IFN) and did not inhibit IFN signaling in vitro. However, only rHPIV1-P(C-) induced apoptosis. Thus, the anti-IFN and antiapoptosis activities of HPIV1 were separable: both activities are disabled in rHPIV1-P(C-), whereas only the anti-IFN activity is disabled in rHPIV1-C(F170S). In African green monkeys (AGMs), rHPIV1-P(C-) was considerably more attenuated than rHPIV1-C(F170S), suggesting that disabling the anti-IFN and antiapoptotic activities of HPIV1 had additive effects on attenuation in vivo. Although rHPIV1-P(C-) protected against challenge with wt HPIV1, its highly restricted replication in AGMs and in primary human airway epithelial cell cultures suggests that it might be overattenuated for use as a vaccine. Thus, the C proteins of HPIV1 are nonessential but have anti-IFN and antiapoptosis activities required for virulence in primates.  相似文献   

Cowpox virus, a zoonotic poxvirus endemic to Eurasia, infects a large number of host species which makes its eradication impossible. The elimination of world-wide smallpox vaccination programs renders the human population increasingly susceptible to infection by orthopoxviruses resulting in a growing number of zoonotic infections including CPXV transmitted from domestic animals to humans. The ability of CPXV to infect a wide range of mammalian host is likely due to the fact that, among the orthopoxviruses, CPXV encodes the most complete set of open reading frames expected to encode immunomodulatory proteins. This renders CPXV particularly interesting for studying poxviral strategies to evade and counteract the host immune responses.  相似文献   

As infection with wild-type (wt) Sendai virus (SeV) normally activates beta interferon (IFN-beta) very poorly, two unnatural SeV infections were used to study virus-induced IFN-beta activation in mouse embryonic fibroblasts: (i) SeV-DI-H4, which is composed mostly of small, copyback defective interfering (DI) genomes and whose infection overproduces short 5'-triphosphorylated trailer RNAs (pppRNAs) and underproduces viral V and C proteins, and (ii) SeV-GFP(+/-), a coinfection that produces wt amounts of viral gene products but that also produces both green fluorescent protein (GFP) mRNA and its complement, which can form double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) with capped 5' ends. We found that (i) virus-induced signaling to IFN-beta depended predominantly on RIG-I (as opposed to mda-5) for both SeV infections, i.e., that RIG-I senses both pppRNAs and dsRNA without 5'-triphosphorylated ends, and (ii) it is the viral C protein (as opposed to V) that is primarily responsible for countering RIG-I-dependent signaling to IFN-beta. Nondefective SeV that cannot specifically express C proteins not only cannot prevent the effects of transfected poly(I-C) or (ppp)RNAs on IFN-beta activation but also synergistically enhances these effects. SeV-V(minus) infection, in contrast, behaves mostly like wt SeV and counteracts the effects of transfected poly(I-C) or (ppp)RNAs.  相似文献   

Interferon plays a critical role in the host's natural defense against viral infections and in their treatment. It is the only therapy for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection; however, many virus isolates are resistant. Several HCV proteins have been shown to possess properties that enable the virus to evade the interferon-mediated cellular antiviral responses.  相似文献   

The nonsegmented, negative-sense RNA genome of measles virus (MV) is encapsidated by the virus-encoded nucleocapsid protein (N). In this study, we searched for N-binding cellular proteins by using MV-N as bait and screening the human T-cell cDNA library by yeast two-hybrid assay and isolated the p40 subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 3 (eIF3-p40) as a binding partner. The interaction between MV-N and eIF3-p40 in mammalian cells was confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation. Since eIF3-p40 is a translation initiation factor, we analyzed the potential inhibitory effect of MV-N on protein synthesis. Glutathione S-transferase (GST)-fused MV-N (GST-N) inhibited translation of reporter mRNAs in rabbit reticulocyte lysate translation system in a dose-dependent manner. Encephalomyocarditis virus internal ribosomal entry site-mediated translation, which requires canonical initiation factors to initiate translation, was also inhibited by GST-N. In contrast, a unique form of translation mediated by the intergenic region of Plautia stali intestine virus, which can assemble 80S ribosomes in the absence of canonical initiation factors, was scarcely affected by GST-N. In vivo expression of MV-N induced by the Cre/loxP switching system inhibited the synthesis of a transfected reporter protein, as well as overall protein synthesis. These results suggest that MV-N targets eIF3-p40 and may be involved in inhibiting MV-induced host translation.  相似文献   

Bacterial secretion systems play a central role in interfering with host inflammatory responses to promote replication in tissue sites. Many intracellular bacteria utilize secretion systems to promote their uptake and survival within host cells. An intracellular niche can help bacteria avoid killing by phagocytic cells, and may limit host sensing of bacterial components. Secretion systems can also play an important role in limiting host sensing of bacteria by translocating proteins that disrupt host immune signalling pathways. Extracellular bacteria, on the other hand, utilize secretion systems to prevent uptake by host cells and maintain an extracellular niche. Secretion systems, in this case, limit sensing and inflammatory signalling which can occur as bacteria replicate and release bacterial products in the extracellular space. In this review, we will cover the common mechanisms used by intracellular and extracellular bacteria to modulate innate immune and inflammatory signalling pathways, with a focus on translocated proteins of the type III and type IV secretion systems.  相似文献   

Kato A 《Uirusu》2004,54(2):179-188
The nucleotide sequence of Sendai virus (SeV) genome was determined in the 1980's. During the analysis of its cDNA, two mRNAs were found to be transcribed from the P gene; one encoding P protein, the other encoding V protein. In addition, C protein was found to be translated from both/ mRNAs. Though the function of V and C proteins was being unknown for a while, the reverse-genetic technique of paramyxoviruses developed at the latter half of the 1990's gave the light on studying them. The V or C protein-knockout-SeV can be made successfully, indicating that the V and C proteins are nonessential for virus growth, However, V knockout-SeV was cleared from the mouse lungs at the one day post inoculation, and C knockout-SeV was cleared immediately after the inoculation. Both V and C proteins were thus appeared to be important for counteracting host innate immunity generated in the early phase of viral infection.  相似文献   

A group of 24 well-characterized patients doubly infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) and TT virus (TTV) were studied to evaluate whether the loads and number or identity of the genogroups of TTV they carried could affect the response of HCV infection to interferon-alpha (IFN) treatment. The features of HCV infection in the study patients provided a fair representation of the variables that are usually found in considering patients for IFN treatment. The same was true for the features of TTV infection. In particular, plasma loads of TTV varied over a wide range in individual patients, and infection with multiple TTV genogroups was extremely frequent. TTV genogroups 1 and 3 were the most prevalent, followed by genogroups 4 and 5. The HCV response to IFN was evaluated by measuring plasma viraemia at 24 hours and 30 days after initiation of treatment. The results showed that the TTV parameters investigated had little or no impact on the response of HCV to therapy. Due to study design, these results do not exclude that the presence of a concomitant TTV infection can affect how HCV infection responds to treatment. However, they indicate that, should such effects exist, they would be independent on load and genetic features of the infecting TTV.  相似文献   

Yang D  Liu N  Zuo C  Lei S  Wu X  Zhou F  Liu C  Zhu H 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e27552

Background and Aim

The interaction between hepatitis C virus (HCV) and innate antiviral defense systems in primary human hepatocytes is not well understood. The objective of this study is to examine how primary human hepatocytes response to HCV infection.


An infectious HCV isolate JFH1 was used to infect isolated primary human hepatocytes. HCV RNA or NS5A protein in the cells was detected by real-time PCR or immunofluorescence staining respectively. Apoptosis was examined with flow cytometry. Mechanisms of HCV-induced IFN-β expression and apoptosis were determined.


Primary human hepatocytes were susceptible to JFH1 virus and released infectious virus. IFN-α inhibited viral RNA replication in the cells. IFN-β and interferon-stimulated genes were induced in the cells during acute infection. HCV infection induced apoptosis of primary human hepatocytes through the TRAIL-mediated pathway. Silencing RIG-I expression in primary human hepatocytes inhibited IFN-β and TRAIL expression and blocked apoptosis of the cells, which facilitated viral RNA replication in the cells. Moreover, HCV NS34A protein inhibited viral induced IFN-β expression in primary human hepatocytes.


Innate host response is intact in HCV-infected primary human hepatocytes. RIG-I plays a key role in the induction of IFN and TRAIL by viruses and apoptosis of primary human hepatocytes via activation of the TRAIL-mediated pathway. HCV NS34A protein appears to be capable of disrupting the innate antiviral host responses in primary human hepatocytes. Our study provides a novel mechanism by which primary human hepatocytes respond to natural HCV infection.  相似文献   

Since its discovery in 1989, Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) has been recognized as a major cause of chronic hepatitis, end-stage cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma affecting world wide more than 210 million people. The fact that 80% of newly infected patients fail to control infection, the slow development of overt disease and immune-response as well as the unsatisfying results of current IFN/ribavirin combination therapy suggests that the hepatitis C virus developed powerful strategies to evade and to antagonize the immune response of the host and to resist the antiviral actions of interferons. During the last 10 years several viral strategies have been uncovered for control and evasion from cellular antiviral host response initiated by the pathogen-associated molecular pattern recognizing receptors RIG1 and TLR3 and mediated by the release of type I interferon and subsequent induction of interferon stimulated genes. This review highlights recent results providing an idea of how the hepatitis C virus interferes with the different steps of initial antiviral host-response and establishes persistent infection.  相似文献   

To determine the requirements for viral proteins exiting the phloem, transgenic plants expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused to the Potato virus X (PVX) triple gene block (TGB)p1 and coat protein (CP) genes were prepared. The fused genes were transgenically expressed from the companion cell (CC)-specific Commelina yellow mottle virus (CoYMV) promoter. Transgenic plants were selected for evidence of GFP fluorescence in CC and sieve elements (SE) and proteins were determined to be phloem mobile based on their ability to translocate across a graft union into nontransgenic scions. Petioles and leaves were analyzed to determine the requirements for phloem unloading of the fluorescence proteins. In petioles, fluorescence spread throughout the photosynthetic vascular cells (chlorenchyma) but did not move into the cortex, indicating a specific barrier to proteins exiting the vasculature. In leaves, fluorescence was mainly restricted to the veins. However, in virus-infected plants or leaves treated with a cocktail of proteasome inhibitors, fluorescence spread into leaf mesophyll cells. These data indicate that PVX contributes factors which enable specific unloading of cognate viral proteins and that proteolysis may play a role in limiting proteins in the phloem and surrounding chlorenchyma.  相似文献   

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