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Abstract. The effect of semen storage time, drone age and semen contamination on honey bee semen quality was investigated using assays for motility and viability of semen in vitro. Four age groups (1, 2, 4 and 6 weeks) and five storage times (0, 1, 2, 4 and 6 weeks) were examined. As storage time increased, sperm viability and motility significantly decreased. However, motility patterns of unstored semen samples were significantly lower than those samples that were stored up to 2 weeks. Sperm viability decreased significantly with increasing drone age, but motility patterns did not change. Those semen samples that were found to be contaminated with foreign particles or microorganisms had a significantly lower mean viability than uncontaminated samples.  相似文献   

The decrease in foaling rates after artificial insemination with cooled semen warrants the search for new predictors of fertility. The objectives were to investigate levels of naturally occurring reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cooled, stored stallion semen doses for artificial insemination (AI), and their relationship with parameters of semen quality and with pregnancy rate. Semen was collected from warmblood stallions (n=15) and used to prepare commercial semen doses for AI. Sperm quality was evaluated after cooled transport to the laboratory overnight. The results were correlated with observed foaling and pregnancy rates. Hydroethidine and dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate were used as indicators for the ROS superoxide and hydrogen peroxide, respectively. Sperm morphology, motility, plasma membrane integrity and chromatin integrity were also evaluated. These variables were correlated with each other and with pregnancy rates. We found a high inter-individual variation in the ROS levels between stallions. The proportion of live, hydrogen peroxide-negative spermatozoa was correlated with progressive motility, whereas live hydrogen peroxide-negative spermatozoa and chromatin damage were negatively correlated, indicating that low levels of hydrogen peroxide were correlated with good chromatin integrity. The percentage of dead hydrogen peroxide-positive sperm was negatively related to the foaling rate. The negative relationships were stronger when combining results from both assays for ROS. These results for stored semen samples indicate that high individual variation exists for superoxide and hydrogen peroxide measurements, and that ROS status can influence sperm quality. Thus, ROS may be some of the factors influencing fertility. Moreover, combinations of ROS variables improved the correlation with fertility, indicating the usefulness of including these variables in a future model for prediction of the fertility of a semen sample.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate the effects of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) on the quality and fertility of frozen/thawed ovine semen. Five rams (five ejaculates/ram) were used for evaluation of semen parameters. Before cryopreservation, ejaculates were divided into four aliquots and extended with Tris alone or supplemented with human IGF-I (50, 100, or 250 ng/mL). Semen was evaluated immediately after thawing (T0), after 1 h (T1) and 2 h (T2) post-incubation at 37 °C. The percentage of live cells (fluorescence analysis-calcein and ethidium), acrosome integrity (NAR) and motility were analyzed, and hypo-osmotic swelling tests (HOST) were used to evaluate membrane resistance. In addition, AI was performed using 121 ewes to compare the optimal concentration of IGF-I vs. Tris alone on pregnancy rates after laparoscopic insemination. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed by transrectal ultrasonography. After 1 and 2 h post-incubation, in every group, percentage motile sperm, NAR and HOST decreased compared to semen at T0. Motility was higher (P < 0.05) in the IGF-I 100 and IGF-I 250 groups when compared to the IGF-I 50 and Tris groups (76.2 and 74.4% vs. 66.2 and 64.4 percent, respectively) at T0, after 1 h (67 and 63.6% vs. 56.2 and 54.7%) and 2 h post-incubation (58.2 and 55.8% vs. 48 and 47.2%). Furthermore, viability was higher (P < 0.05) in the insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) 100 and IGF-I 250 groups than in the IGF-I 50 and Tris groups (88.7 and 88.3% vs. 76.6 and 77.6%, respectively) at T0. There was no difference (P > 0.05) in NAR or hypo-osmotic swelling tests (HOST) among groups. There were no differences (P > 0.05) in fertility between the IGF-I 100 and Tris groups. In conclusion, IGF-I improved subjective sperm motility and structural integrity of the plasma membrane without a significant effect on 45-day pregnancy rates after laparoscopic insemination of ewes with frozen-thawed semen.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry sex-sorting technology was developed in 1989. However, it is only the bovine species in which offspring of the desired sex are obtained at a commercial level. The aim of the present work was to evaluate efficiency parameters when using fresh sexed semen in a large-scale equine commercial embryo transfer program. During the 2009, 2010 and 2011 breeding seasons, 938 synchronized cycles were artificially inseminated. One hundred (10.6%) mares failed to ovulate, and for the remaining 838 useable cycles, 887 doses of sexed semen were used, representing 1.06 doses per cycle. In general, 435 (51.9%) out of 838 flushing performed resulted in the recovery of at least one embryo and 496 (59.1%) embryos were recovered, including twins and triplets. Pregnancy rate at 25 days achieved 81.5% (one embryo transferred per recipient). Embryo recovery rate was not statistically different either between preovulatory and postovulatory artificially inseminated mares or when increased quantities of sexed sperm per dose were used (15–45 million) (P > 0.05). A broad variation in embryo recovery rate was observed between the different stallions used in this study. Sex accuracy of the sex sorting assessed by ultrasound fetal sex determination was 90.3%. Finally, overall efficiency (female embryo pregnancies per useable cycles) was 39% (325/838), meaning that to obtain a female pregnancy of at least 75 days it was necessary to perform 2.5 flushing.  相似文献   


Circadian and circannual rhythms influence not only the environment, but also human physiology. In times of increasing numbers of couples struggling with infertility, and thus increasing demand for successful assisted reproduction, the aim of our study was to evaluate circadian and circannual rhythms and their association with semen quality. A total of 12 245 semen samples from 7068 men, collected at the andrology laboratory of the Department of Reproductive Endocrinology, University Hospital Zurich, between 1994 and 2015, were uniformly analysed in terms of sperm concentration, total sperm count, progressive motility and normal morphology. On the basis of these four parameters, we retrospectively examined the circadian and circannual changes of semen quality. The Mann–Whitney U test and multiple linear regression analysis were used for the statistical evaluation. The semen samples collected in the early morning before 7:30 a.m. showed the highest levels in sperm concentration, total sperm count and normal morphology, all with statistical significance. Progressive motility did not show any significant alterations based on circadian rhythm. Furthermore, a significant increase in sperm concentration and total sperm count was found in spring, with significant decreases in the summer. The highest percentage of normal morphology was found in summer. For progressive motility, no significant seasonal variation could be demonstrated. Male semen quality varies with both circadian and circannual rhythms. Collection of semen in the early morning, where semen quality was highest, can be used to improve natural fertility as well as fertility resulting from assisted reproduction.  相似文献   

In recent years, wide utilization of herbal drugs has encouraged scientists to determine their impressive effects on health. Since Nigella sativa L. seed (N. sativa) has many uses including infertility in traditional medicine, the effects of Nigella sativa L. seed oil on abnormal semen quality in infertile men with abnormal semen quality are of interest. This study was conducted on Iranian infertile men with inclusion criteria of abnormal sperm morphology less than 30% or sperm counts below 20 × 106/ml or type A and B motility less than 25% and 50% respectively. The patients in N. sativa oil group (n = 34) received 2.5 ml N. sativa oil and placebo group (n = 34) received 2.5 ml liquid paraffin two times a day orally for 2 months. At baseline and after 2 months, the sperm count, motility and morphology and semen volume, pH and round cells as primary outcomes were determined in both groups. Results showed that sperm count, motility and morphology and semen volume, pH and round cells were improved significantly in N. sativa oil treated group compared with placebo group after 2 months. It is concluded that daily intake of 5 ml N. sativa oil for two months improves abnormal semen quality in infertile men without any adverse effects.  相似文献   

We have reported that artificial insemination (AI) with frozen-thawed boar semen supplemented with caffeine increased the number of uterine sperm by inhibiting the migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) into the uterine lumen, thereby improving the fertility of gilts and sows. The objective of the present study was to examine the effects of the addition of the antioxidant beta-mercaptoethanol (bME) and caffeine to the thawing solution on the function of frozen-thawed sperm, on the phagocytic activity of PMNs for sperm, and on the fertility of sows after AI. When frozen-thawed sperm were cultured in the presence of 25 or 50 μm bME, sperm capacitation and spontaneous acrosome reactions were inhibited (P < 0.01). There was no effect of bME on phagocytic activity of PMNs for sperm in vitro. When hormonally treated (400 IU of equine chorionic gonadotropin + 200 IU of human chorionic gonadotropin) weaned sows experienced a single intrauterine insemination with frozen-thawed sperm (25 × 108 sperm per 50 ml dose) 40 h after subsequent hCG administration, pregnancy and farrowing rates were unaffected by the addition of 50 μm bME (pregnancy rate, 20 vs 21% in controls; farrowing rate, 20 vs 21%; n = 15 and 14, respectively). However, litter size tended to be higher than in the presence of 50 μm bME compared to its absence (10.0 ± 1.0 vs 5.7 ± 1.5, respectively; P < 0.07). Thus, the addition of bME to the thawing solution containing caffeine could be of benefit for improving the function of frozen-thawed sperm without influencing the phagocytic activity of PMNs for sperm. Although there were no statistically significant effects of bME on pregnancy or farrowing rates, the litter size tended to be higher in the sows subjected to a fixed-time single AI treatment with synchronized ovulation.  相似文献   

The fertility of frozen-thawed and fresh semen from three stallions was compared in a trial using a randomized block design and 90 mares for 108 cycles. Semen was collected every third day, diluted to 50 x 10(6) sperm/ml with a citrate-based centrifugation medium, and centrifuged. The cells were resuspended at 700 x 10(6) progressively motile sperm/1.0 ml of added lactose-EDTA-egg yolk extender containing 4% glycerol, packaged by placing 0.55 ml into polypropylene straws, and frozen. Semen was thawed by immersion in 75 degrees C water for 10 sec. All of the 43 ejaculates collected were frozen, but 21 were discarded because progressive sperm motility was <35% immediately after thawing or <40% after 30 min of incubation at 37 degrees C. semen from the same stallions was collected daily for inseminations with fresh semen. Semen containing 200 x 10(6) progressively motile sperm was added to 10 ml of heated skimmilk extender. Mares were inseminated daily starting on the third day of estrus or when a >/=4-cm follicle was detected, whichever came later, and continuing through the end of estrus or for nine days. Based on palpation per rectum on day 50 postovulation, the pregnancy rates from inseminations during one estrus were 50, 56 and 61% with frozen semen and 67, 67 and 61% with fresh semen (P>0.05) from the three stallions, respectively. Thus, mean pregnancy rate with frozen semen was 86% of the rate attained with fresh semen.  相似文献   

Embryonic vesicle growth in the mare is easily monitored by ultrasound. Apart from pregnancy diagnosis, assessment of the embryonic vesicle in practice is also useful to evaluate its viability. Although subject to individual variation, embryo growth rate follows a constant pattern in the early stages of development in relation to embryonic age. Previous studies have shown a significant effect of some factors routinely used in practice, such as post-ovulation insemination and embryo transfer, on embryonic growth and the time in which the vesicle is first detected. This study attempts to confirm previous results in different settings and characterise the causes for this delay in growth. A total of 159 pregnancies from different mating protocols: (1) pre-ovulation natural mating, (2) pre-ovulation natural mating and transfer into recipient mares, (3) post-ovulation natural mating, and (4) post-ovulation AI with frozen/thaw spermatozoa were evaluated ultrasonographically from day 12 to 19 of pregnancy and vesicle diameters recorded. Regression analysis between embryonic vesicle diameters and embryonic ages was performed for each group and mean vesicle diameter at different age periods among groups were tested for statistical difference with a general linear model of variance. There was no significant difference between groups 1 and 2 (P = 0.73) or between groups 3 and 4 (P = 0.71). However both pre-ovulation groups (1 and 2) had larger vesicle diameters (P < 0.000) at any embryonic age analysed than either of the post-ovulation groups (3 and 4). In conclusion, post-ovulation inseminations produced pregnancies with smaller vesicle diameters equivalent to approximately 1 day's growth.  相似文献   


Spermatogenesis is a complex process regulated by many genes. In this study, H2AFZ, RNF4 and NR4A1 genes were selected as candidate genes for boar semen quality traits based on their functions during spermatogenesis, and the associations of three loci (H2AFZ c.192?+?210–192?+?213delCGAT, RNF4 c.374?+?358 T?>?C and NR4A1 c.956?+?796 A?>?G) with sperm quality traits were analyzed in Duroc (n?=?185), Large White (n?=?87) and Landrace (n?=?49) pig populations. The results showed H2AFZ c.192?+?210–192?+?213delCGAT AA boars produced 1.52% lower abnormal sperm rate (ASR) than AB boars in Landrace pigs (p?<?0.05); RNF4 c.374?+?358?TC boars produced 0.31?×?108/ml higher sperm concentration (SCON) than CC boars (p?<?0.05) in Large White pigs; NR4A1 c.956?+?796 A?>?G was associated with ASR in Duroc and Large White pigs and was associated with sperm motility (MOT) in Large White and Landrace pigs. This study indicated the H2AFZ, RNF4 and NR4A1 loci were the potential molecular markers for improving the semen quality traits in boars.  相似文献   

Porcine circovirus type-2 (PCV2) is widespread in domestic pig populations. It can be shed with boar semen, but the role boars have in epidemiology is still unclear. Vaccinating boars against PCV2 can reduce disease and virus load in semen, but may have unwanted side effects, that is, impairment of spermatogenesis. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect and impact of two different PCV2 vaccines on boar semen quality and quantity. Healthy normospermic Large White boars in three groups of 12 each were vaccinated with either Circovac, Ingelvac CircoFLEX, or received NaCl. Eight ejaculates were collected starting 1 week after vaccination and assessed for quantitative traits. In general, sperm quantity and quality parameters did not change due to the vaccination (P > 0.05). Only DNA integrity between the Circovac and control group was P < 0.05 but remained at a low level (<2%). One boar showed clinical signs with body temperature up to 39.9 °C and went off feed. For this animal, a clear relation between vaccination, fever period, and impaired sperm quality could be observed. The results indicate that both vaccines did not have a major impact on sperm quality or quantity. Therefore, vaccination of boars against PCV2 seems to be feasible. However, one boar treated with the oil-based vaccine showed a temporarily impaired semen quality after elevated body temperature after vaccination. Thus, possible systemic reactions and the subsequent impact on sperm quality should be taken into account when choosing a PCV2 vaccine for boars.  相似文献   

Within recent years, there has been growing interest in the prediction of bull fertility through in vitro assessment of semen quality. A model for fertility prediction based on early evaluation of semen quality parameters, to exclude sires with potentially low fertility from breeding programs, would therefore be useful. The aim of the present study was to identify the most suitable parameters that would provide reliable prediction of fertility. Frozen semen from 18 Italian Holstein-Friesian proven bulls was analyzed using computer-assisted semen analysis (CASA) (motility and kinetic parameters) and flow cytometry (FCM) (viability, acrosomal integrity, mitochondrial function, lipid peroxidation, plasma membrane stability and DNA integrity). Bulls were divided into two groups (low and high fertility) based on the estimated relative conception rate (ERCR). Significant differences were found between fertility groups for total motility, active cells, straightness, linearity, viability and percentage of DNA fragmented sperm. Correlations were observed between ERCR and some kinetic parameters, and membrane instability and some DNA integrity indicators. In order to define a model with high relation between semen quality parameters and ERCR, backward stepwise multiple regression analysis was applied. Thus, we obtained a prediction model that explained almost half (R2=0.47, P<0.05) of the variation in the conception rate and included nine variables: five kinetic parameters measured by CASA (total motility, active cells, beat cross frequency, curvilinear velocity and amplitude of lateral head displacement) and four parameters related to DNA integrity evaluated by FCM (degree of chromatin structure abnormality Alpha-T, extent of chromatin structure abnormality (Alpha-T standard deviation), percentage of DNA fragmented sperm and percentage of sperm with high green fluorescence representative of immature cells). A significant relationship (R2=0.84, P<0.05) was observed between real and predicted fertility. Once the accuracy of fertility prediction has been confirmed, the model developed in the present study could be used by artificial insemination centers for bull selection or for elimination of poor fertility ejaculates.  相似文献   

In rabbit farms, quantitative feed restriction in the post-weaning period is widely used with the aim of reducing the impact of digestive diseases, whereas less information is available about feed restriction strategies based on the reduction of access time to feeders in different housing systems. This study compared morbidity, mortality, growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality of 368 crossbred rabbits fed ad libitum (L) or subjected to a time-based feed restriction programme (R) and housed from 31 to 73 days of age in cages or pens with different dimensions and group sizes, that is, eight conventional cages (0.33 m2, six rabbits/cage), eight small open-top pens (0.50 m2, eight rabbits/pen), eight medium open-top pens (1.00 m2, 16 rabbits/pen) and four large open-top pens (2.00 m2, 32 rabbits/pen). Feed restriction was attained by progressively reducing the access time to feeders in the 1st week from 14 to 8 h/day, maintaining 8 h in the 2nd week and then by increasing access time by 1 h/day during the 3rd and 4th week up to 24 h/day. In the first 2 weeks, R rabbits showed a lower (P ≤ 0.001) daily weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion as compared with L rabbits. During the 3rd and 4th weeks, R rabbits exhibited a greater daily weight gain and better feed conversion (P ≤ 0.001). In the last 2 weeks of trial, daily weight gain tended (P = 0.06) to be greater in the R than L rabbits. In the whole trial, R rabbits manifested a lower daily weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion, as well as lower final live weight and the carcass dressing percentage at slaughter (0.05 ≤ P ≤ 0.01). During feed restriction, R rabbits did not show digestive problems, which, however, appeared in the following 2 weeks of refeeding. Thus, R rabbits had a higher health risk index in the whole trial as compared with L rabbits (P ≤ 0.05). The housing system did not affect growth performance, characteristics at slaughter, and carcass and meat quality. Mortality tended to increase with group size (P = 0.06). In conclusion, the time-based feed restriction significantly improved feed efficiency of growing rabbits housed collectively but had somewhat negative effects on characteristics at slaughter and on morbidity and mortality rate.  相似文献   

Variance components of sperm quality traits were estimated in a paternal line of rabbits selected on the basis of daily weight gain (DG, g/day) between 28 and 63 days of age. Features of the marginal posterior distributions for the genetic variance ratios, variance due to non-additive plus environmental permanent male effects, and variance due to litter of birth effects with respect to phenotypic variance are reported. The correlation between sperm quality traits and the selection criteria were also estimated. Nine sets of two-trait analyses were performed involving 12 908 DG records, 2231 ejaculates corresponding to 412 males, and 14 700 animals in the pedigree file. Heritability values (h2) of sperm quality traits commonly evaluated in a classic spermiogram were 0.18, 0.19, and 0.12 for normal acrosome status (NAR) (%, percentage of sperm with intact acrosome), sperm abnormalities (ANR) (%, percentage of sperm abnormalities), and sperm motility (MOT) (%, percentage of total motile sperm cells), respectively. The h2 of some motion computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) Parameters 0.09, 0.11, 0.10, 0.11, 0.11 and 0.11 for average path velocity (VAP) (μm/sec; average path velocity), straight-line velocity (VSL) (μm/sec; straight-line velocity), curvilinear velocity (VCL) (μm/sec; curvilinear velocity), linearity index (LIN) (%, linearity index), amplitude of lateral head displacement (ALH) (μm; amplitude of the lateral head displacement) and straightness (STR) (%, straightness) were also estimated. Permanent environmental effects were lower than the corresponding values of h2 and varied between 0.04 and 0.14. Genetic correlations between DG and sperm traits showed a high interval of highest density of 95% (HPD)95% (interval of highest density of 95%). However, there is some consistent evidence of the negativity of the genetic correlations of DG with NAR and MOT (−0.40 and −0.53, respectively). Permanent correlations were low, including the zero in the HPD95%. Litter birth correlations between DG with LIN and STR showed that a favorable effect for growth could be detrimental for them (−0.47 and −0.53). Therefore, as the magnitude of the genetic correlations does not seem very high, it may be possible to define a selection index, including some sperm quality traits that allow improvement of DG without diminishing the semen quality.  相似文献   

We describe and develop a difference equation model for the dynamics of malaria in a mosquito population feeding on, infecting and getting infected from a heterogeneous population of hosts. Using the force of infection from different classes of humans to mosquitoes as parameters, we evaluate a number of entomological parameters, indicating malaria transmission levels, which can be compared to field data. By assigning different types of vector control interventions to different classes of humans and by evaluating the corresponding levels of malaria transmission, we can compare the effectiveness of these interventions. We show a numerical example of the effects of increasing coverage of insecticide-treated bed nets in a human population where the predominant malaria vector is Anopheles gambiae.  相似文献   

The age, insemination and ovulation status of tsetse flies Glossina pallidipes Austen (n = 154369) and Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood (n = 19659), captured over 11 years in Zimbabwe, are assessed by ovarian dissection. Instantaneous rates of insemination increase exponentially with age in both species; 90% insemination levels are reached after 5 days post‐emergence in G. m. morsitans and 7 days in G. pallidipes, varying little with season. More than 95% of both species have ovulated by the age of 8 days and 99% by 12 days. Older flies that have not ovulated are > 100‐fold more likely to be caught in October and November than in other months. A 500‐fold decrease in trap catches did not result in any detectible decrease in the probability of females being inseminated. The proportion of partially filled spermathecae rises for approximately 6 days then declines, consistent with some flies having mated more than once. For flies caught on electric nets, with wings undamaged during capture, wing‐fray data are used to extend ovarian age estimates up to 11 ovulations. Among these flies, the volume of sperm in the spermathecae declines little in flies that have ovulated up to seven times; thereafter, it declines by approximately 1% per ovulation. The time course of insemination and the mating frequency of females are important considerations in modelling tsetse fly populations, as well as for the dynamics of interventions involving the release of genetically‐modified insects, which should not be seriously compromised by the limited levels of polyandry currently observed.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to investigate the effect of feeding a DHA-enriched nutriceutical on the in vitro quality and sperm motility parameters of fresh and frozen-thawed bull semen assessed by CASA. Samples were obtained from nineteen Holstein bulls used for semen collection at Semen Production Center, Karaj, Iran. Control group (n = 10) were fed a standard concentrate feed while treatment group bulls (n = 9) had this standard feed top dressed with 100 g of a commercially available DHA-enriched nutriceutical. Semen quality was assessed on ejaculates collected at the baseline and after 5, 9, and 12 weeks of supplementation. Classical semen evaluation, assessment of sperm motility (subjective and computer-assisted), viability (eosin-nigrosin), and hypo-osmotic swelling test (HOST) were conducted. Semen volume, sperm concentration, and consequently total sperm output were not affected by dietary treatment (P > 0.05). Feeding the nutriceutical was indeed found to affect sperm motility parameters assessed by CASA after 9 weeks of trial. The treatment has improved total motility (P < 0.01), progressive motility (P < 0.05), average path velocity (P < 0.05), HOST-positive (P < 0.01), and proportion of rapid spermatozoa (P < 0.01) in the fresh semen of bulls. Moreover, the proportion of viable spermatozoa increased (P < 0.05) in the ejaculates collected from nutriceutical-fed bulls compared to the control after 12 weeks of feeding trial. The post-thawed HOST and sperm motility data obtained by CASA did not differ between two groups (P > 0.05). On the other hand, dietary supplementation did not affect body weight, BCS and scrotal circumference. Consequently, it can be concluded that dietary DHA supplementation or its precursors, improve in vitro quality and motility parameters of fresh semen assessed by CASA in Holstein bulls. However, this effect was not pronounced in frozen-thawed semen.  相似文献   

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