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Cold hardiness and overwintering of the grain aphid Sitobion avenae   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
  • 1 Cold hardiness as measured by supercooling ability in the active stages of the grain aphid Sitobion avenae (F.) decreased progressively with maturation.
  • 2 Aphids showed no acclimation response when maintained at low temperatures.
  • 3 Starvation did not improve supercooling ability.
  • 4 In a single exposure, surface moisture caused inoculation above the inherent supercooling point in a small proportion of a population.
  • 5 Field populations show a seasonal change in supercooling ability, which is at a maximum in summer and a minimum in late winter.
  • 6 It is concluded that the act of feeding on healthy plant tissue may confer extensive supercooling ability.

Several methods for hatching the eggs and rearing individuals of the first generation (fundatrices) of Sitobion avenae were investigated. The most successful methods were incubation of the eggs on grass seedlings at 2°C and rearing the fundatrices on grass seedlings (overall survival 66%) and incubation of the eggs in plastic boxes at 2°C and rearing the fundatrices on wheat seedlings (overall survival 62%).
Résumé L'éclosion des oeufs de S. avenae peut être induite par le transfert à 10°C ou 12°C, après une incubation de 75–120 jours à 2°C. Le pourcentage le plus élevé d'éclosions a été obtenu quand les oeufs avaient incubé pendant 100 à 110 jours à 2°C (67% at 71.5% respectivement) dans des petites boîtes de plastique, ou pendant 100 jours à 2°C sur des pousses de graminées (73.5%). Si les oeufs sont pondus sur blé, la plante ne peut pas tolérer la période d'incubation, mais cet obstacle peut être surmonté en obligeant les ovipares à pondre leurs oeufs sur de pousses de graminées, comme Poa annua, hôte convenable pour les fondatrices. Les ovipares peuvent aussi pondre sans difficultés sur autre chose que des végétaux, et des récipients peuvent ètre mis à incuber sans contenir du matériel végétal.

温度和湿度对麦长管蚜飞行能力的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
利用计算机控制的微小昆虫飞行磨系统测定了温度、湿度对麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae飞行能力的影响。结果表明,适于飞行的温度为12~22℃,湿度为60%~80%。在温度8℃以下或25℃以上,其飞行能力明显降低。在温度18℃时,麦长管蚜的平均飞行时间、飞行距离最大分别为3.101 h、3.676 km。在相对湿度40%、60%和80%时,飞行时间分别为1.573 h、2.272 h和3.032 h,飞行距离与湿度的关系与飞行时间相似。飞行速度随温度的增高而加快,在相对湿度60%左右时,麦长管蚜的平均飞行速度较快。在20℃,相对湿度80%条件下,单个个体的最大飞行时间、最大飞行距离和最大飞行速度可达14.32 h、22.51 km和1.57 km/ h,表现出麦长管蚜具有较强的飞行能力。  相似文献   

为了探索高温防控麦蚜的技术,本实验设置系列短时间高温处理(45℃,30、40、50、60、70、80、90 s;50℃,5、10、15、20、25、30、35、40 s;55℃,5、10、15、20 s;60℃,5、10、15 s;65℃,5、10 s;70℃,5 s),测定了麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae(Fabricius)若蚜及成蚜的死亡率。结果表明:在同一温度下,随着处理时间的延长,麦长管蚜的死亡率上升;在相同处理时间下,随着温度的升高,其死亡率上升。在45℃条件下,需要近90 s其死亡率才能达到100%;在70℃下,100%死亡率仅需5 s。麦蚜的半致死温度随着处理时间的延长而降低,麦蚜的半致死时间随着处理温度的上升而缩短。通过logistics模型分析发现,在相同处理下,若蚜的半致死温度和半致死时间均高于成蚜。  相似文献   

为了明确杀虫剂毒力受温度的影响及其程度,本文测定了4大类8种药剂在10~25℃下对麦长管蚜的毒力;并测定了麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae(Fabricius)在不同温度下2个解毒酶和1个靶标酶的活性差异。结果表明,高效氯氰菊酯对麦长管蚜表现不规则负温度系数,啶虫脒表现不规则正温度系数,高效氟氯氰菊酯对麦长管蚜的毒力不受温度影响,其他药剂(辛硫磷、毒死蜱、灭多威、丁硫克百威、吡虫啉)均表现为明显的正温度系数效应,以有机磷类杀虫剂表现最为明显,毒死蜱温度系数高达57.70。酶活性实验表明:麦长管蚜在高温下GST活性增强,羧酸酯酶和乙酰胆碱酯酶活性降低。它们的变化规律表明:GST活性与负温度系数密切相关,正温度系数与羧酸酯酶活性和靶标酶乙酰胆碱酯酶活性有关。  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Patterns of male production and life-cycle variation were investigated in the aphid Sitobion avenae . Seventy-seven field-collected clones were subjected to a 14 °C short day-length regime to assess their reproductive modes, and three clones were used to study life-cycle inheritance. A further analysis assessed the cost of male production.
2. In comparison with those from East Anglia, there were more holocyclic and intermediate clones found in Scottish populations, and they produced significantly more mating females. In total, 44% of clones were androcyclic.
3. The inheritance of life cycle showed a greater level of complexity than could be achieved by previously suggested monohybrid inheritance mechanisms.
4. Holocyclic and intermediate clones produced a higher proportion of males than did androcyclic clones. Inter-clonal differences were reflected in the pattern of male production in the reproductive sequence.
5. A significant cost was associated with male production in terms of a reduction in both fecundity and total offspring biomass.
6. Winged females rarely gave birth to males but the pattern of mating female production differed between holocyclic and intermediate clones.
7. Patterns of male and mating female production by the different types of clone may be related to different advantages and disadvantages of dispersal and inbreeding.
8. Recent models of aphid overwintering could be enhanced by consideration of issues raised in this study, such as the cost of male production, the inheritance of life cycle, and the patterns of sexual morph production.  相似文献   

1 The effect of reducing the growth of winter wheat on population size and development of the grain aphid Sitobion avenae was studied. 2 Automatic, mobile, crop shading devices, which reduced radiation comparable to levels found on a cloudy day, whilst minimizing other climatic changes, were used to reduce crop growth. Shading was applied between either GS 31 and 39 (1st node detectable → flag leaf ligule just visible) or GS 39 and 55 (flag leaf just visible → 50% of inflorescence emerged). 3 Sitobion avenae populations were initiated at GS 55 and highest populations were subsequently observed on plants shaded between GS 31 and 39. 4 Individual aphids confined within clip cages were observed to measure development from birth to adult moult, adult lifespan and fecundity. Results indicated that adult lifespan was shortest on plants shaded between GS31 and 39, whilst there were no differences in development time or fecundity. 5 Possible explanations for these observations are discussed.  相似文献   

昼夜温度波动变化是气候变暖的主要特征之一,昼夜变温幅度对生物的影响越来越受到科学家的关注。与恒温研究相比,变温幅度对昆虫生活史特征影响的研究还十分有限。因此,本研究模拟自然界24 h温度变化,并首次全面研究了相同平均温度(22℃)下不同变温幅度(±0℃、±6℃、±12℃)对麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae生理指标(温度耐受性、呼吸)与生态指标(发育、存活、寿命、繁殖、种群参数)的影响。结果表明,与变温幅度±0℃和±12℃相比,变温幅度±6℃显著提高了麦长管蚜整体存活、寿命、繁殖以及净增值率与世代周期。与其它处理相比,较大变温幅度±12℃显著阻碍了麦长管蚜若虫发育,抑制了整体存活,缩短了寿命,降低了繁殖量,且显著降低了种群内禀增长率、净增值率与世代周期。但是,较大变温幅度±12℃,显著提高了成蚜的耐热、耐寒性与CO2呼吸速率。研究还发现,在不同变温幅度中,麦长管蚜成蚜耐寒性的提高是以寿命为代价的。由此可见,以往以恒温为基础的昆虫种群表型及数量动态预测模型均存在局限,昼夜变温幅度作为必要因素,应考虑纳入种群表型及数量动态预测模型中,从而提高昆虫田间发生情况预测预...  相似文献   

From a previous worldwide screen of wheat cultivars as seedings, five were selected to encompass a wide concentraiton range of the hydroxaminc acid DIMBOA (0.99-8.07 mmol Kg -1 fr. wt). Compared with those in seedings, the concentrations of DIMBOA in flag leaves of the same cultivars were relatively low (0.06-0.87 mmol kg-1 fr. wt). Concentraions of hydroxamic acids in whole ears at anthesis and the early milk stage were even lower, ranging from undetectable to 0.05 mmol kg-1 fr. wt. The three-day mean relaive growth rate (MRGR) was determined for nymphs of Sitobion avenace on the flag leaf (GS 39) and on the ear (GS 60-60) of the five cultivars. No significant differences in MRGR were found between cultivatrs at the same growth stage, although MRGR was higher on ears on than on flag leaces. The results are discussed in realtion to the potential of hydroxamic acids in programmses aimed at breeding mature-plant aphid resistance into wheat cultivars.  相似文献   

The potential of parasitoids for aphid control during summer has been well documented. Few results are available on the impact of parasitoid populations on aphid hosts during autumn and winter and on the dynamics of their interactions during this period. The population development of Sitobion avenae, in Belgium, is analysed, from October to April, in the presence and absence of the parasitoid Aphidius rhopalosiphi. In the presence of parasitoids in winter, aphid populations decreased markedly and remained low at the beginning of spring. Induction of winter diapause in A. rhopalosiphi was observed during November at a mean temperature of 6.3°C and a decreasing photoperiod from 9.5–8.5 h of day light. A large range of A. rhopalosiphi mummy colourations, between dark and light, was noticed. This range of colouration did not allow a clear-cut distinction between diapausing and non-diapausing individuals of A. rhopalosiphi. The influence of seasonal weather and particularly temperature conditions on parasitoid mortality, strategy for overwintering and aphid population dynamics are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Polyphagous predator densities were manipulated in a wheat crop using polythene exclusion barriers.
2. The rates at which aphids fell to the ground and subsequently climbed and returned to the crop canopy were measured.
3. Peak aphid density was highest when polyphagous predator density was lowest.
4. Similar rates of aphid fall-off were measured in each plot, but aphid climbing rate was highest when predator densities were lowest.
5. It was concluded that ground-zone predators reduced the rate at which aphids return to the crop canopy.  相似文献   

邱高辉  韩召军 《昆虫学报》2007,50(8):762-768
昆虫烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体(nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, nAChR)是杀虫剂的重要作用靶标之一。本研究利用简并引物PCR和半巢式PCR技术从麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae (Fabricius)中克隆nAChR基因,成功地获得了5个α型nAChR亚基的cDNA片段。根据5个α亚基片段设计特异引物,结合快速扩增cDNA末端(RACE)技术,成功克隆了5个α型亚基的全长,并发现α5亚基有两种存在形式,它们仅在胞外区有一段175 bp的片段有差异。序列分析发现,这些基因均具有nAChR基因家族的典型特征,并与已报道的其他昆虫的烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体的相应亚基具有很高的同源性。该研究为进一步利用基因表达技术研究昆虫nAChR的天然亚基组成,以及分析麦长管蚜对新烟碱类杀虫剂的靶标抗性,奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The economically important grain aphid, Sitobion avenae (F.) shows colour polymorphism, with brown and green forms predominating. Colour is determined both genetically and in response to environmental factors, including nutrition. The biological significance of the colour polymorphism is unknown, although seasonal changes occur in the frequency of colour morphs in the field, whilst the brown morph may have adaptive significance in terms of hymenopterous endoparasitism. The ground colour of aphids is produced by haemolymph pigments, aphins (glucosides) and carotenoids. The latter may be under the synthetic control of intracellular endosymbiotic bacteria. In this study, the major carotenoid pigments of a brown and a green clone of S. avenae were examined using thin layer chromatography (TLC) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and their absorbance spectra recorded. Using TLC, the brown clone produced five bands of different Rf, ranging from yellow, to orange-pink to pink in colour. In contrast, the green clone gave only a single yellow band of higher Rf than any of the bands of brown aphids. Following separation of carotenoids by HPLC, brown aphids gave seven peaks and green aphids five. Comparison of absorbance maxima with known published values for carotenoids provides strong evidence for the identification of four of the carotenoid pigments from brown aphids (RB-4, 3,4-didehydrolycopene; RB-5, torulene; RB-6; lycopene; RB-7, γ-carotene) and one from green aphids (RG-2, α-carotene). The other carotenoids remain unidentified. The biosynthesis and possible biological relevance of the various pigments of S. avenae are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

1 Temporary habitats are characterized by the appearance and disappearance of patches in which resources are available for a limited period only. Organisms living in those environments usually exhibit adaptive traits, such as a high ability to find and exploit new patches. Among them are phytophagous insects, such as crop pests living in agroecosystems. Understanding how phytophagous insects invade a new patch is of great agricultural importance. 2 Here, we investigated how aphids colonize a wheat field by studying the spatial and temporal dynamics of their populations at large (field) and fine (group of host plants) scales. 3 The sampling design consisted of counting and locating aphid colonies within 30 0.25 m2 squares randomly spaced in a 1.5‐ha winter wheat field over 2 months. All colonies were precisely located within the squares and their composition in terms of morphs was determined. 4 We show that: (i) immigration of winged aphids was a major factor driving the aphid population dynamics during a large part of the season and (ii) within the field, populations established late in the growing season. Aggregated, populations of aphids became progressively homogeneously distributed at the field scale. At the scale of a 0.25 m2 square, infested plants were clustered in randomly distributed small patches, and aphid colonies experienced high extinction rates, suggesting failure in population establishment. 5 Because immigration may considerably influence both population dynamics and spatial distribution, our study suggests that future predictive models should give a greater weight to spring immigrants.  相似文献   

The effect of wheat resistance in lines of Triticum monococcum L., on the reproductive performances of the cereal aphid (Sitobion avenae F.) was investigated. Aphids were reared from birth to adult moult either on resistant or susceptible wheat lines, and transferred as apterae to both host genotypes. The influence of these transfers on the subsequent adult weight, gonad status and reproductive performances was evaluated. Aphids transferred from resistant to susceptible plants proved able to compensate for their poor nymphal growth, mainly through additional embryo growth and an increase in the number of matured embryos within the first 10 days of their adult life. Most aphids transferred from susceptible to resistant plants died within the first week following the transfer. Their most advanced embryos matured and were born, but subsequent embryo growth was quickly reduced. The reproductive strategies adopted by S. avenae when facing plant resistance, and the hypothesis of a resistant mechanism based on a poor nutritional state of the resistant plants are discussed.  相似文献   

【目的】探明高强度和低强度紫外辐射不同持续时间处理对麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae (Fabricius)生长发育和繁殖的影响, 以及强度与持续时间之间的交互作用。【方法】不同强度(0.20 mW/cm2, 0.75 mW/cm2)、不同持续时间(3 h, 9 h和15 h)的UV-B处理后, 采用编制特定年龄生命表和测量麦长管蚜体重方法, 统计相对日均体重增长率(mean relative growth rate, MRGR)、生命表种群参数、繁殖参数以及存活率和繁殖率的变化。【结果】生命表数据表明, 在同一辐射持续时间下, 麦长管蚜种群内禀增长率rm、净增殖率R0、繁殖力F随紫外强度增加而显著(P<0.05)下降, 短时间内死亡率升高, 繁殖率降低; 在同一紫外强度下, 麦长管蚜的rm, R0和F也随处理时间延长而显著降低, 存活率下降最快时期提前, 繁殖率降低; 紫外强度和持续时间两因素的影响具有极显著(P<0.01)的交互作用, 但在短时间(3 h)、低强度(0.20 mW/cm2)的处理中, 麦蚜的rm, R0和F却高于无紫外辐射组(对照)。MRGR数据表明, 高强度(0.75 mW/cm2)、长时间(15 h)紫外辐射处理下麦长管蚜MRGR显著降低, 但低强度、相对短时间(3 h和9 h)紫外辐射处理下的MRGR间均无显著性差异。随辐射强度和持续时间增加, 发育为成蚜时有翅蚜所占比例增大。【结论】麦长管蚜的生长发育和繁殖受到紫外UV-B胁迫的影响, 且随着紫外强度和持续时间的不同而产生相应变化, 强度和持续时间影响具有交互效应。  相似文献   

麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae是麦类作物主要的害虫之一,严重影响麦类作物的质量和产量.为了探究不同高温天数和农药互作对麦长管蚜世代内与世代间生活史性状的影响,调查了成蚜经高温事件34℃/3 h持续1d、3d和5d与低剂量吡虫啉互作,对生活史性状的影响.结果 表明,在世代内,随着高温天数增加,存活率随之下降,仅高...  相似文献   

麦长管蚜抗吡虫啉品系和敏感品系的生殖力比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过建立抗性品系和敏感品系的种群生命表,比较麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae(Fabricius)抗吡虫啉品系和敏感品系的生殖力差异,结果表明,抗性品系适合度显著下降,世代历期延长,成蚜寿命缩短;在繁殖上表现为产仔量下降,生殖期缩短。以净生殖率(R0)和内禀增长率(rm)来评价抗性品系的相对生物适合度,抗性品系分别是敏感品系的0.5200和0.7481。因此,麦长管蚜对吡虫啉的抗性品系存在显著的生殖劣势。  相似文献   

The economics of control of grain aphid (Sitobion avenae) and rose-grain aphid (Metopolophium dirhodum) were investigated in a series of experiments carried out across England in 1988 and 1989. Sprays of pirimicarb or dimethoate were applied at three growth stages and yield effects measured. Aphid infestations were determined by a range of different methods, to evaluate the value of each for decision making. Aphids overwintered in crops in mild conditions in both seasons, resulting in early population build-up and decline in many cases. Aphicide sprays applied during the booting stage increased average yields by 0.26 t/ha. Profitability of the treatment strategies considered was not greatly enhanced by selective spray application related to aphid assessment at this stage. Delaying decision making to the flowering or grain-filling stages resulted in reduced profitability. A poor correlation between aphid numbers and crop yield response to sprays was found. This was shown to be due to differences in subsequent aphid population development and in aphicide efficacy. Grain quality was affected only by high aphid infestations which caused large yield reductions.  相似文献   

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