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Managing natural resources in a sustainable way is a hard task, due to uncertainties, dynamics and conflicting objectives (ecological, social, and economical). We propose a stochastic viability approach to address such problems. We consider a discrete-time control dynamical model with uncertainties, representing a bioeconomic system. The sustainability of this system is described by a set of constraints, defined in practice by indicators - namely, state, control and uncertainty functions - together with thresholds. This approach aims at identifying decision rules such that a set of constraints, representing various objectives, is respected with maximal probability. Under appropriate monotonicity properties of dynamics and constraints, having economic and biological content, we characterize an optimal feedback. The connection is made between this approach and the so-called Management Strategy Evaluation for fisheries. A numerical application to sustainable management of Bay of Biscay nephrops-hakes mixed fishery is given.  相似文献   

A quintessential urban estuary is the lower Passaic River in northeastern New Jersey, USA. This system is environmentally degraded and its ecosystem is functionally limited. Birds in this river are of particular interest for ecological assessment and environmental management because they are conspicuous, ecologically important, and their habitat requirements encompass the full range of ecosystems associated with the estuary. In this article, we present the results of a 1-year seasonal bird survey of the lower 6 miles of the Passaic River. We contrast our survey results with those from other waterways in the region that have stressor issues similar to the Passaic (i.e., contaminants, pathogens, physical disturbance, etc.), but which have substantially more wetlands habitat available for birds (i.e., fewer habitat constraints). Our objective was to evaluate the influence of habitat availability or constraints on bird use in such systems. The results of our survey and comparison to conditions of other regional waterways demonstrate that the lack of wetland and associated shoreline habitat in the lower Passaic River is likely the primary constraint on bird use of the system. Future investigations of individual stressors in this region should identify the habitat constraints in the decision matrix for judging management options.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to show how the traditional societies in western Serengeti have coexisted and continue to coexist with wildlife. It also recognizes the relevancy of this coexistence in furthering contemporary conservation efforts although there are practical constraints to putting this into practice. The following questions are examined: (1) How did/do traditional societies in Serengeti interact with their nature? (2) Which traditional management institutions governed/govern interaction between people and wildlife species, resources and ecosystems and, how do they operate? (3) Which factors were (or are) responsible for erosion of traditional management institutions? (4) What can the traditional practices offer to contemporary conservation efforts and what are the limitations? The paper identifies four ways in which traditional institutions and practices can contribute to current conservation efforts: regulating the overexploitation of resources; complementing the current incentives aiming at diffusing prevailing conflicts between conservation authorities and communities; minimising the costs of law enforcement and; complementing the modern scientific knowledge in monitoring and responding to ecosystem processes and functions. The practical constraints likely to limit adoption of these practices are presented as: methodological complications of acquiring indigenous knowledge; prevailing historical conflicts; human population growth; poverty and lack of appreciation among the conservation planners and managers. In conclusion the need to address the current constraints in order to achieve effective taping of the existing potentials is emphasized.  相似文献   

Abstract: State wildlife management is in a period of change unlike any other in its history. The growing human population in most states is having unprecedented impacts on the natural environment. At the same time, society's interests and expectations regarding wildlife and wildlife management, respectively, are changing. Increasing demands on state wildlife management agencies and subsequent costs, as well as the declining relative numbers of hunters, the traditional funding source for state wildlife management, have caused the state wildlife management institution to acknowledge and address the need to find and secure nontraditional funding sources. We interviewed administrators from 24 state wildlife agencies to understand these leaders' perspectives on how their agencies have responded to pressure to develop alternative funding mechanisms. Specifically, we wanted to know if agency behavior was generally consistent with a typology of strategic organizational response, ranging from passive conformity to active resistance. We found evidence that state wildlife agencies exhibited strategic behavior consistent with this typology and, in some cases, were innovative in their efforts to secure alternative funding. In other cases, agency behavior was limited by real or perceived external constraints, particularly political factors. We provide a modified typology of organizational response reflecting the context of state wildlife management. Not all responses are appropriate or feasible for all agencies, so agencies must evaluate their environments to determine which strategies offer the greatest potential benefits and least potential costs. Agencies unable to behave strategically due to political or other constraints would benefit from establishing broad-based partnerships, including traditional and nontraditional stakeholders, with the purpose of building support for alternative funding of state wildlife management.  相似文献   

The Venice Lagoon (VL) is a complex ecosystem in which public participation and area-based management has often been neglected by administrative bodies involved in the planning of coastal projects and public works. In this area, the analysis of the local situation highlighted a substantial absence of coordination among the various administrative bodies in charge of planning and management at various governmental levels and in different regulated economic sectors. This paper analyses public participation and collaboration with reference to the Integrated Coastal Management context (ICM). The paper examines specific requirements, constraints, and opportunities for the complex case of the VL where participatory management and institutional coordination need enhancement.  相似文献   

Agriculture is the primary supplier of food and fibre for humankind and maintaining its sustainability is important. Conventional agriculture (CA) compensates for its unsustainability with external inputs such as fertilisers and pesticides. Organic Agriculture (OA) aims at improving sustainability of the agricultural sector, based on amending soil with organic matter, crop rotation and careful integrated pest management. Mycorrhizae play a major role in the uptake of P and Zn in different crops. It leads to induced resistance against soil-borne and foliar diseases; to improved soil physical characteristics and to better drought and salt stress tolerance, all are important for successful OA in semi-arid conditions. Most of the mycorrhiza-related literature originated from temperate regions. The aims of this review are to highlight the specific potential benefits organically-grown crops can draw from mycorrhizal association under semi-arid conditions; to highlight soil management effects on mycorrhiza under these conditions; to understand the constraints to the use of mycorrhiza in OA under semi-arid conditions and to suggest ways to prevail over these constraints.  相似文献   

Environmental constraints in aquatic habitats have become topics of concern to both the scientific community and the public at large. In particular, coastal and freshwater habitats are subject to dramatic variability in various environmental factors, as a result of both natural and anthropogenic processes. The protection and sustainable management of all aquatic habitats requires greater understanding of how environmental constraints influence aquatic organisms. Locomotion and predator-prey interactions are intimately linked and fundamental to the survival of mobile aquatic organisms. This paper summarizes the main points from the review and research articles which comprise the theme issue 'Environmental constraints upon locomotion and predator-prey interactions in aquatic organisms'. The articles explore how natural and anthropogenic factors can constrain these two fundamental activities in a diverse range of organisms from phytoplankton to marine mammals. Some major environmental constraints derive from the intrinsic properties of the fluid and are mechanical in nature, such as viscosity and flow regime. Other constraints derive from direct effects of factors, such as temperature, oxygen content of the water or turbidity, upon the mechanisms underlying the performance of locomotion and predator-prey interactions. The effect of these factors on performance at the tissue and organ level is reflected in constraints upon performance of the whole organism. All these constraints can influence behaviour. Ultimately, they can have an impact on ecological performance. One issue that requires particular attention is how factors such as temperature and oxygen can exert different constraints on the physiology and behaviour of different taxa and the ecological implications of this. Given the multiplicity of constraints, the complexity of their interactions, and the variety of biological levels at which they can act, there is a clear need for integration between the fields of physiology, biomechanics, behaviour, ecology, biological modelling and evolution in both laboratory and field studies. For studies on animals in their natural environment, further technological advances are required to allow investigation of how the prevailing physico-chemical conditions influence basic physiological processes and behaviour.  相似文献   

This work presents a stock/effort model describing both harvested fish population and fishing effort dynamics. The fishing effort dynamic is controlled by investment which corresponds to the revenue proportion generated by the activity. The dynamics are subject to a set of economic and biological state constraints. The analytical study focuses on the compatibility between state constraints and controlled dynamics. By using the mathematical concept of viability kernel, we reveal situations and management options that guarantee a sustainable system.  相似文献   

Root-zone constraints and plant-based solutions for dryland salinity   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Limitations to agricultural productivity imposed by the root-zone constraints in Australian dryland soils are severe and need redemption to improve the yields of grain crops and thereby meet world demand. Physical, chemical and biological constraints in soil horizons impose a stress on the plant and restrict plant growth and development. Hardsetting, crusting, compaction, salinity, sodicity, acidity, alkalinity, nutrient deficiencies and toxicities due to boron, carbonates and aluminium are the major factors that cause these constraints. Further, subsoils in agricultural regions in Australia have very low organic matter and biological activity. Dryland salinity is currently given wide attention in the public debate and government policies in Australia, but they only focus on salinity induced by shallow groundwater. However, the occurrence of transient salinity in root-zone layers in the regions where water tables are deep is an important issue with potential for larger economic loss than water table-induced seepage salinity. Root-zone constraints pose a challenge for salinity mitigation in recharge as well as discharge zones. In recharge zones, reduced water movement in sodic horizons results in salt accumulation in the root zone resulting in chemical and physical constraints that reduce transpiration that, in turn, upsets salt balance and plant growth. High salinity in soil and groundwater restricts the ability of plants to reduce water table in discharge zones. Thus plant-based strategies must address different kinds of limitations in soil profiles, both in recharge and discharge zones. In this paper we give an overview of plant response to root-zone constraints but with an emphasis on the processes of salt accumulation in the root-zone of soils. We also examine physical and chemical methods to overcome subsoil limitations, the ability of plants to adapt to and ameliorate these constraints, soil modification by management of agricultural and forestry ecosystems, the use of biological activity, and plant breeding for resistance to the soil constraints. We emphasise that soil scientists in cooperation with agronomists and plant breeders should design site-specific strategies to overcome multiple soil constraints, with vertical and lateral variations, and to develop plant-based solutions for dryland salinity.  相似文献   

Genetic constraints can block many mutational pathways to optimal genotypes in real fitness landscapes, yet the extent to which this can limit evolution remains to be determined. Interestingly, mutator bacteria elevate only specific types of mutations, and therefore could be very sensitive to genetic constraints. Testing this possibility is not only clinically relevant, but can also inform about the general impact of genetic constraints in adaptation. Here, we evolved 576 populations of two mutator and one wild-type Escherichia coli to doubling concentrations of the antibiotic cefotaxime. All strains carried TEM-1, a β-lactamase enzyme well known by its low availability of mutational pathways. Crucially, one of the mutators does not elevate any of the relevant first-step mutations known to improve cefatoximase activity. Despite this, both mutators displayed a similar ability to evolve more than 1000-fold resistance. Initial adaptation proceeded in parallel through general multi-drug resistance mechanisms. High-level resistance, in contrast, was achieved through divergent paths; with the a priori inferior mutator exploiting alternative mutational pathways in PBP3, the target of the antibiotic. These results have implications for mutator management in clinical infections and, more generally, illustrate that limits to natural selection in real organisms are alleviated by the existence of multiple loci contributing to fitness.  相似文献   

?????? 循证医院管理是当前在循证医学背景下医院管理中的一种新思维、新理念。循证医学实践的五个步骤决定了循证医院管理的五个实现途径,然而在目前国内环境下,循证医院管理存在一些固有的约束或不足。因此,循证医院管理如需获得期望的效果,必须在实现途径上做好安排,同时密切关注重要的影响因素。  相似文献   

DNA gyrase is a type II topoisomerase with the unique capacity to introduce negative supercoiling in DNA. In bacteria, DNA gyrase has an essential role in the homeostatic regulation of supercoiling. While ubiquitous in bacteria, DNA gyrase was previously reported to have a patchy distribution in Archaea but its emergent function and evolutionary history in this domain of life remains elusive. In this study, we used phylogenomic approaches and an up-to date sequence dataset to establish global and archaea-specific phylogenies of DNA gyrases. The most parsimonious evolutionary scenario infers that DNA gyrase was introduced into the lineage leading to Euryarchaeal group II via a single horizontal gene transfer from a bacterial donor which we identified as an ancestor of Gracilicutes and/or Terrabacteria. The archaea-focused trees indicate that DNA gyrase spread from Euryarchaeal group II to some DPANN and Asgard lineages via rare horizontal gene transfers. The analysis of successful recent transfers suggests a requirement for syntropic or symbiotic/parasitic relationship between donor and recipient organisms. We further show that the ubiquitous archaeal Topoisomerase VI may have co-evolved with DNA gyrase to allow the division of labor in the management of topological constraints. Collectively, our study reveals the evolutionary history of DNA gyrase in Archaea and provides testable hypotheses to understand the prerequisites for successful establishment of DNA gyrase in a naive archaeon and the associated adaptations in the management of topological constraints.  相似文献   

Two major constraints demand more consideration for energy efficiency in cluster computing: (a) operational costs, and (b) system reliability. Increasing energy efficiency in cluster systems will reduce energy consumption, excess heat, lower operational costs, and improve system reliability. Based on the energy-power relationship, and the fact that energy consumption can be reduced with strategic power management, we focus in this survey on the characteristic of two main power management technologies: (a) static power management (SPM) systems that utilize low-power components to save the energy, and (b) dynamic power management (DPM) systems that utilize software and power-scalable components to optimize the energy consumption. We present the current state of the art in both of the SPM and DPM techniques, citing representative examples. The survey is concluded with a brief discussion and some assumptions about the possible future directions that could be explored to improve the energy efficiency in cluster computing.  相似文献   

Established invasions have wide-ranging negative impacts but constraints relating to invader detectability, cost, and efficacy of control may hamper management efforts. One choice that managers face is whether to target control efforts at heavily invaded areas that are sources of invasive propagules or to re-treat previously controlled areas that may be cheaper to control and in which local elimination may be achieved. We developed a mathematical model for the dynamics and control of a plant invasion to determine whether prioritizing heavily invaded or recently controlled areas better achieves each of two management objectives: minimizing the total number of detectable invaded sites (eradication) or heavily invaded sites only (beautification). We provide general guidelines for management by considering how invader traits, budgetary and time constraints, and control efficacy influence prioritization of control efforts and discuss their applicability to long-established invasive plants. For a wide range of invaders and control types, we find that prioritizing heavily-invaded sites performs better for meeting the beautification objective, while re-treating previously controlled sites better achieves eradication. However, combinations of invader traits can lead to the alternate strategy being favored for each management objective, while the optimal choice of management strategy can switch depending on the time horizon of control and annual budget. We summarize model findings to provide general guidelines for invasion managers on how to efficiently allocate limited resources based on invader life history, control cost, and mode of action.  相似文献   

The rotation of insecticides used by the Onchocerciasis Control Programme in West Africa is reviewed and the motives for this rotation are shown to be not only management of temephos resistance in the Simulium vectors but also constraints on what compounds are usable at particular seasons. A computer model indicates that without these seasonal constraints there is unlikely to be an advantage in a pre-planned rotation of insecticides, as compared with the prompt switching of compounds as dictated by detection of build up of resistance and switching back to the original compound if the regression of resistance is found to give the opportunity to do so. The latter sequence of events can hardly be called a ‘strategy’ for resistance management, but is what any well-managed pest control programme would be expected to do. The use of an insecticide mixture is different in principle from the use of rotation and depends on the idea that if the mixture is used from the outset, when resistance to both components of the mixture is likely to be rare, the double resistance combination would be so rare as to be dwarfed in numbers by those insects which avoid exposure altogether. The prospects for successful use of a mixture depend on each component killing a very high percentage of the exposed insects which are genetically susceptible to it. Whether this condition is met could be tested, for example, in the case of exposure of mosquitoes to insecticide-treated bednets.  相似文献   

Accurate predictions of the potential distribution of range-shifting species are required for effective management of invasive species, and for assessments of the impact of climate change on native species. Range-shifting species pose a challenge for traditional correlative approaches to range prediction, often requiring the extrapolation of complex statistical associations into novel environmental space. Here we take an alternative approach that does not use species occurrence data, but instead captures the fundamental niche of a species by mechanistically linking key organismal traits with spatial data using biophysical models. We demonstrate this approach with a major invasive species, the cane toad Bufo marinus in Australia, assessing the direct climatic constraints on its ability to move, survive, and reproduce. We show that the current range can be explained by thermal constraints on the locomotor potential of the adult stage together with limitations on the availability of water for the larval stage. Our analysis provides a framework for biologically grounded predictions of the potential for cane toads to expand their range under current and future climate scenarios. More generally, by quantifying spatial variation in physiological constraints on an organism, trait-based approaches can be used to investigate the range-limits of any species. Assessments of spatial variation in the physiological constraints on an organism may also provide a mechanistic basis for forecasting the rate of range expansion and for understanding a species' potential to evolve at range-edges. Mechanistic approaches thus have broad application to process-based ecological and evolutionary models of range-shift.  相似文献   

Mee JF 《Theriogenology》2007,68(Z1):S257-S265
The decline in dairy herd fertility internationally has highlighted the limited impact of traditional veterinary approaches to herd fertility. The role of the veterinarian in fertility management on dairy farms has evolved from addressing individual clinical conditions to analyzing suboptimal herd metrics. However, this paradigm shift has only successfully occurred in some dairy industries and less so in others. Needs analyses indicate that the critical constraints to change are veterinary practice size, client motivation and data quality and availability. In addition, this review identified the inability of veterinarians to demonstrate and to market the cost-benefit of their fertility management services as important impediments to change. In many cases change is not being managed but is imposed by the growth of paraprofessionals. Some veterinarians still see their role as an animal clinician while others have evolved into leaders of the herd fertility management team. The core role of dairy veterinarians remains individual animal examinations but this must be supplemented with systematic herd fertility investigation and veterinarian-led herd fertility management. This new role encompasses leading the change from clinical calls only to a planned approach to herd fertility, demonstrating the cost-benefits of the program, scheduling fertility management consultations, assisting the farmer in setting specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-limited (SMART) goals, drawing up standard operating procedures (SOPs), training and auditing staff in fertility management practices, encouraging a team approach, implementing veterinary fertility management and monitoring performance. Veterinarians who fail to engage in this process of change risk being marginalized by others keen to promote their herd fertility services.  相似文献   

Software architecture definition for on-demand cloud provisioning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cloud computing is a promising paradigm for the provisioning of IT services. Cloud computing infrastructures, such as those offered by the RESERVOIR project, aim to facilitate the deployment, management and execution of services across multiple physical locations in a seamless manner. In order for service providers to meet their quality of service objectives, it is important to examine how software architectures can be described to take full advantage of the capabilities introduced by such platforms. When dealing with software systems involving numerous loosely coupled components, architectural constraints need to be made explicit to ensure continuous operation when allocating and migrating services from one host in the Cloud to another. In addition, the need for optimising resources and minimising over-provisioning requires service providers to control the dynamic adjustment of capacity throughout the entire service lifecycle. We discuss the implications for software architecture definitions of distributed applications that are to be deployed on Clouds. In particular, we identify novel primitives to support service elasticity, co-location and other requirements, propose language abstractions for these primitives and define their behavioural semantics precisely by establishing constraints on the relationship between architecture definitions and Cloud management infrastructures using a model denotational approach in order to derive appropriate service management cycles. Using these primitives and semantic definition as a basis, we define a service management framework implementation that supports on demand cloud provisioning and present a novel monitoring framework that meets the demands of Cloud based applications.  相似文献   

Reflections on Plant and Soil Nematode Ecology: Past,Present and Future   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this review is to highlight key developments in nematode ecology from its beginnings to where it stands today as a discipline within nematology. Emerging areas of research appear to be driven by crop production constraints, environmental health concerns, and advances in technology. In contrast to past ecological studies which mainly focused on management of plant-parasitic nematodes, current studies reflect differential sensitivity of nematode faunae. These differences, identified in both aquatic and terrestrial environments include response to stressors, environmental conditions, and management practices. Methodological advances will continue to influence the role nematodes have in addressing the nature of interactions between organisms, and of organisms with their environments. In particular, the C. elegans genetic model, nematode faunal analysis and nematode metagenetic analysis can be used by ecologists generally and not restricted to nematologists.  相似文献   

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