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The effects of an intense fire on the nutrient status of jarrah(Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Sm.) forest soils were investigated. At seven experimental sites, representing a range of soil and vegetation types, surface soils were sampled to a maximum depth of 20 cm before, immediately after, and 1 year after the fire. Immediately after the fire, concentrations of total and extracted nutrients in surface (0–3 cm) soils increased markedly. One year later, concentrations of extracted nutrients in surface soils had returned to levels close to pre-burn concentrations. During this period, some properties of sub-surface (3–20 cm) soils also changed: Bray-extractable phosphorus and electrolytic conductivity decreased, whereas ex-tractable potassium and pH increased relative to pre-burn concentrations. Initial increases in concentrations of extractable forms of nutrients were determined largely by the amounts of nutrients deposited in fine ash, whereas the changes after 1 year depended more on the leaching of ions and their reactions with the mineral soil. Increases in total amounts of major nutrients in surface soils arising from additions of fine ash were generally well correlated with amounts in pre-burn litter and with amounts in the components of organic matter likely to be consumed in the fire. Significant quantities of all nutrients are redistributed from aboveground sources to the soil surface during intense fires, including nutrients which are most susceptible to losses through volatilization. This redistribution of nutrients is discussed in relation to short-term and long-term effects on plant growth and functioning of the jarrah ecosystem.  相似文献   



Forest thinning is expected to affect tree water use and carbon assimilation, but the related influence from climate variability is little known. Recent forest thinning in the Wungong catchment coincided with a record dry year following the thinning, which provides a rare opportunity to understand the climate influence on the thinning effect.


A field experiment was conducted to examine changes before and after thinning, especially the rainfall, soil moisture, leaf water status, tissue isotope signature (13?C and 15?N) and N concentration of overstorey and understorey juvenile trees of Eucalyptus marginata (Donn ex Sm.).


Despite the post-thinning drought, surface soil was moister and juvenile jarrah plants were less water stressed, attributable to reduced rain interception and transpiration as a result of less canopy cover. The overstorey was under stress but mainly due to drought rather than by thinning. The concentration of N declined in both tree stems and juvenile leaves along with available N in soil, suggesting a soil N limitation. No treatment effects were detected from leaf relative water content and tissue isotope signature (13?C and 15?N).


The drought effects were superimposed over the thinning effects on overstorey growth, with stemwood δ13C being a major indicator of water stress. The water relations and carbon assimilation of understorey juveniles were however dependent more on topsoil moisture, and the wetter soil during the year following thinning enhanced growth activity and hence the depletion of 13?C (more negative δ13C) in juvenile leaves.  相似文献   

Summary Jarrah seedlings were grown in six virgin Western Australian soils for up to 27 months. Lignotubers were produced in all soils and formed 10–16% of plant dry weight. The phosphorus concentration in the lignotuber (250–800 g g–1) was nearly twice that in the stem and roots. The lignotuber contained 10–30% of total plant phosphorus and like the leaves was a sink for phosphorus. In one lateritic soil the phosphorus concentrations of lignotuber and stem barks were similar. However, in the same plants the concentration of phosphorus in the lignotuber wood was five times the phosphorus concentration in stem wood. Hence both lignotuber bark and sap wood in young jarrah seedlings are storage sites for phosphorus. X-ray probe analysis showed that wood phosphorus was associated with the ray parenchyma. Unlike phosphorus, nitrogen did not accumulate in the lignotuber and the concentrations of nitrogen were similar for roots, lignotubers and stems.  相似文献   

An area of jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata Sm) forest was burnt with a hot fire (ca 600 kw/ha) in March 1975. The meso- and microarthropod faunas were sampled in May, June and July 1976 and the decomposer activity of the soil and litter was estimated using buried cotton strips. The growth of jarrah seedlings in pots was measured under different litter and nutrient regimes. Feeding experiments with Eucalyptus, Banksia and Bossiaea litter were carried out on Podykipus sp., a litter millipede common at the site of the fire. Burning reduced the numbers of arthropods, the proportion of juveniles and the proportion of fungal feeders in the micro-arthropod population. The rate of decomposition was also reduced. The seedlings grew most under leaf Utter and millipede faeces and least under leaf ash. Podykipus sp. preferred Bossiaea litter (high nutrient content) to either Eucalyptus or Banksia litter (low nutrient content).  相似文献   

Hansen, A. P., Pate, J. S., Hansen, A. and Bell, D. T. 1987.Nitrogen economy of post-fire stands of shrub legumes in jarrah(Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Sm.) forest of S.W. Australia.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 26–41. Growth, demography and N economy of 1–6-year-old standsof Acacia pulchella, A. alata, A. extensa and Bossiaea aquifoliumwere examined using population sampling to assess annual incrementsof N as living biomass, and returns of N as litter, seed anddead plants. Dependence on nitrogen fixation was assessed fromseasonal profiles of acetylene reduction, employing data fromprevious calibrations to convert C2H2 reduced to N2 fixed. After2 years of slow growth and minimal reproduction all speciesgrew rapidly to achieve maximum or near maximum size and seedproduction. Intense self-thinning of stands occurred in thesecond and third years, especially in the highly dense standsof the smallest species, A. alata. Annual turnover in standsranged from 0?3 to 127 kg N ha–1 year–1, dependingon species current age and density of a stand. Returns of Nas litter and shed seed comprised small proportions of the annualbudgets, but returns due to plant death equalled or exceededincrements of living biomass in years when stands were thinningrapidly. Proportional dependencies of the species on fixed N2were relatively high (13–61%) in first year seedlings,and then declined markedly to 1?1–3?4percnt; in the second,0?3–1?6% in the third, and, with one exception, to wellbelow 1% in the fourth and sixth year stands. Mean annual ratesof N2 fixation over the 6-year post-fire period were 1?6 kgN ha–1 year–1 for A. alata, 0–49 for A. pulchella,0?19 for B. aquifolium and 0-10 for A. extensa Key words: Shrub legumes, post-fire N economy  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of overstorey, type of site, seedbed, seeding date and seed harvesting by vertebrates and invertebrates on the emergence of Eucalyptus marginata (jarrah) seedlings were studied experimentally in the northern jarrah forest of Western Australia. Seed harvesting by small vertebrates substantially reduced emergence, whereas invertebrates only slightly reduced emergence. Ninety per cent of seed was removed within 1 day when it was on the soil surface and in the open, whereas seed removal was insignificant when the seed was covered by soil. Vertebrates harvested seed more effectively when the understorey and litter were removed and the seed was more visible on the soil surface. Seed harvesting by small vertebrates had less impact on a site where there had been bauxite mining, possibly because the surrounding area was being revegetated with large numbers of seed and the area afforded poor cover for vertebrates. Emergence was less where the overstorey was removed compared to where it was retained, and on the rehabilitated bauxite mined site compared to the forest sites. There was no difference in emergence between the low and high quality forest sites and so the emergence phase could not fully explain the variation in abundance off. marginata seedlings on different quality sites. Post emergence events are likely to be important in explaining this difference between low and high quality sites.  相似文献   

The concentrations of zeatin-type and isopentenyladenine-type cytokinins were reduced in the xylem extrudate collected from seedlings of Eucalyptus species following infection by Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands. The use of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) allowed the detection of these cytokinins over the range of 0.3 to 7 picomoles for the isopentenyladenine-type and 1 to 1000 picomoles for the zeatin-type. Isopentenyladenine-type cytokinins occurred in concentrations less than 10% of the zeatin-type, but they could be readily detected and measured. This is the first report of their presence in xylem. The sensitivity of the assay allowed a short collection period (30 minutes) reducing any confusion with trauma-induced changes. Infection of the susceptible species Eucalyptus marginata Donn. ex Sm. resulted in significant reduction of zeatin-type cytokinins within 3 days of infection, and at 14 days postinfection the concentration of both cytokinin types was reduced to 26% of uninoculated controls. No reduction in cytokinins occurred with the field resistant Eucalyptus calophylla R. Br. It is suggested that failure of cytokinin transport from the root system may be responsible for the failure in water transport and symptoms of P. cinnamomi infection observed in infected susceptible eucalypts.  相似文献   

Phosphite is a cost-effective fungicide used to control the pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi which is damaging the diverse flora of the southwest of Western Australia. Three annual species of the southwest jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest of Western Australia (Pterocheata paniculata, Podotheca gnaphalioides and Hyalosperma cotula), were studied to determine the effect of the fungicide phosphite on the species’ reproduction. Phosphite at concentrations of 2.5, 5 and 10 g L–1 reduced pollen fertility of Pt. paniculata when plants were sprayed at the vegetative stage. Pollen fertility of all three species was reduced when plants were sprayed at anthesis with 10 g L–1 phosphite. Seed germination was reduced by phosphite in Pt. paniculata and H. cotula when plants were sprayed in the vegetative stage. Phosphite when sprayed at anthesis at a concentration of 5 g L–1 reduced seed germination of H. cotula. Phosphite at concentrations of 5 and 10 g L–1 killed a proportion of plants from all three species and up to 90% of Po. gnaphalioides plants. The frequent application of phosphite, therefore, may reduce the abundance of annual plants in this ecosystem. Received: 14 December 2000 / Revision accepted: 10 March 2001  相似文献   

The genus Thecotheus is reported in Australia for the first time. A new species, Thecotheus urinamans is described and illustrated and included in a key to all known species of the genus. Critical macro- and micromorphological comparisons are presented to distinguish the new species from several closely related species, particularly the widespread fungus Thecotheus crustaceus. Thecotheus urinamans was growing on rotting, moist, plant litter from an experimental plot treated with urea (ammonia) in the indigenous jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest of Western Australia.  相似文献   

Rates of weight loss and release of Na, K, Ca, Mg and P were investigated for common components of kauri forest litterfall in experiments using mesh bags. Weight loss over both 3 and 12 months was maximal for broadleaf mesophyllous species such as Melicytus ramiflorus and minimal for gymnosperms (e.g. Phyllocladus trichomanoides) and sclerophyllous broadleaf species (e.g. Knightia excelsa). Tree fern and palm frond material, common in these forests, was also slow to decompose, being grouped with the gymnosperm and sclerophyllous species. The order of release of nutrients from decomposing litter was P < Mg ~ Ca < Na ~ K. This order varied somewhat with species and litter type. Sodium and K are lost rapidly regardless of the rate of weight loss while Mg and Ca tend to follow the weight loss trend more closely. Loss of weight and nutrients was faster for freshly picked green leaves than for senesced leaves. Agathis australis litter, which may represent up to 50% of total litterfall, loses both weight and nutrients more slowly than broadleaf mesophyll species.  相似文献   

Hansen, A. P. and Pate, J. S. 1987. Evaluation of the 15N naturalabundance method and xylem sap analysis for assessing N2 fixationof understorey legumes in jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata Donnex Sm.) forest in S.W. Australia.—J. exp. Bot 38: 1446–1458. Nodulated seedlings of Acacia pulchella, A. alata and A. extensawere grown in glasshouse sand culture under a range of levels(0–16 mol m3) of nitrate, supplied as 15NO3, or as unenrichedlaboratory grade nitrate (15N value 5·5%o). Nitrate at8·0 mol m 3 or above was highly inhibitory to growthof all species. Using 15N dilution analysis of the 15N enrichedcultures to measure symbiotic dependency, it was shown that15N values of the parallel unenriched cultures increased innear linear fashion from close to zero in fully symbiotic plantsto values close to that of the supplied NO3 in plants experiencingnitrate levels (4·0 mol m3 or above) inhibiting N2 fixationby over 90%. Xylem sap analyses (0·4 mol m3 NO3 treatments)showed asparagine as the major nitrogenous solute, relativelylittle spill-over of free nitrate, and no evidence of majorshifts in balance of amino compounds with increasing dependenceon nitrate. This essentially invalidated use of the techniqueas a field assay for N2 fixation by the species. 15N values for total N of soil sampled at 64 widely distributedsites in jarrah forest ranged from – 2·15 to +5·4(mean +2·1). Comparable values for soil mineral N (NH+4and NO3) were +0·3 to + 14·2 (mean +5·1).15N values of the total plant N of the legumes and of non-N2-fixingreference species were also highly variable between sites, withlittle evidence of reference plant N accurately reflecting the15N abundance of soil nitrogen, or of visibly well nodulatedlegume components showing consistently lower 15N values thantheir companion reference plants. At one site it was possibleto compare 15N values of first season seedling legumes withpreviously published estimates of their progressive N2 fixationusing C2H2 reduction assays. It was concluded that heterogeneity in 15N discrimination ofsoil within the ecosystem precluded effective use of the 15Nnatural abundance technique for assessing legume N2 fixation. Key words: Acacia spp., 15N natural abundance,, xylem sap analysis,, nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

In common with many plants native to low P soils, jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) develops toxicity symptoms upon exposure to elevated phosphorus (P). Jarrah plants can establish arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and ectomycorrhizal (ECM) associations, along with a non-colonizing symbiosis described recently. AM colonization is known to influence the pattern of expression of genes required for P uptake of host plants and our aim was to investigate this phenomenon in relation to P sensitivity. Therefore, we examined the effect on hosts of the presence of AM and ECM fungi in combination with toxic pulses of P and assessed possible correlations between the induced tolerance and the shoot P concentration. The P transport dynamics of AM (Rhizophagus irregularis and Scutellospora calospora), ECM (Scleroderma sp.), non-colonizing symbiosis (Austroboletus occidentalis), dual mycorrhizal (R. irregularis and Scleroderma sp.), and non-mycorrhizal (NM) seedlings were monitored following two pulses of P. The ECM and A. occidentalis associations significantly enhanced the shoot P content of jarrah plants growing under P-deficient conditions. In addition, S. calospora, A. occidentalis, and Scleroderma sp. all stimulated plant growth significantly. All inoculated plants had significantly lower phytotoxicity symptoms compared to NM controls 7 days after addition of an elevated P dose (30 mg P kg?1 soil). Following exposure to toxicity-inducing levels of P, the shoot P concentration was significantly lower in R. irregularis-inoculated and dually inoculated plants compared to NM controls. Although all inoculated plants had reduced toxicity symptoms and there was a positive linear relationship between rank and shoot P concentration, the protective effect was not necessarily explained by the type of fungal association or the extent of mycorrhizal colonization.  相似文献   

Abstract A 2 year study (using a branch-clipping technique) of the arthropod fauna of jarrah crowns (14 m above ground level) in a 7500km2 area centred on Manjimup, Western Australia, yielded 7461 individuals belonging to 396 species. Lepidoptera, Hemiptera and Araneae dominated the fauna in abundance and biomass but Lepidoptera less so in number of species. Consequently, leaf chewers, sapsuckers and predators were the dominant guilds. Most species showed great spatial and temporal variation in their occurrence, with some 73% being recorded on only one or two of the nine sampling occasions. In addition 77% of species were recorded on four or fewer of the 45 trees sampled. Crowns of these trees tended to have highly dissimilar assemblages of arthropods. Dissimilarity between trees was not predictable from the distance between them. Total species richness was greatest in samples collected in summer. Predators and sapsuckers tended to be the most speciose guilds. Within-stand differences were much less pronounced than between-stand differences: ants were more abundant on jarrah foliage within 2 m of ground level and the pest defoliator Uraba lugens (Lepidoptera, Noc-tuidae) was more abundant on foliage of jarrah pole crowns 14 m above ground. The most abundant arthropod, U. lugens, did not reduce appreciably the biomass or abundance of other arthropod groups present in jarrah pole crowns. This is consistent with the paradigm that competition between species of herbivorous insects is infrequent. After comparison with other studies in jarrah forest, we tentatively conclude that there is no single fixed pattern of organization or predictable assemblage of invertebrates on jarrah foliage.  相似文献   

Abstract Germinable seed stores were measured in jarrah forest soils at six sites during one year. The overall mean seed content to a depth of 5 cm was 292 seeds m?2. There was a significant seasonal difference, with a maximum of 435 seeds m?2 in summer, after the majority of species in this Mediterranean ecosystem had flowered and set seed, and a minimum of 207 seeds m?2 in winter. There were also large site differences in both the densities of seed present and the species represented in the soil seed store. More than 85 species were represented in the germinable seed store from a total sampling area of 17.28 m2. The germination of Acacia drummondii, Acacia pulchella, Bossiaea aquifolium, Kennedia coccinea, Lasiopeialum floribundum and Trymalium ledifolium were significantly increased by heating the soil. Smoke produced a significant positive germination response in one species (Trymalium ledifolium). To maximize the contribution of the soil seed store to mine rehabilitation, the ideal revegetation sequence is to collect the topsoil immediately after clearing the vegetation in summer, immediately return the soil to an area to be revegetated, and carry out all earthmoving, landscaping and seedbed preparations prior to the onset of the autumn rains.  相似文献   

Eriksson  Åsa 《Plant Ecology》2001,155(2):129-137
Thelow nutrient status of semi-natural grasslands, pastures and meadows,reflects a continuity of nutrient reduction by grazing and hay-making. Ithas been hypothesized that the nutrient depletion itself may reduce competitionbetween individuals, and that mycorrhiza smooths out differences in nutrientuptake and competitive ability, so that competition for nutrients is evenfurther reduced. This interaction between site history, nutrient status andmycorrhiza could thus be one explanation for a high species diversity usuallyfound in semi-natural grasslands. To determine variation in colonizationof arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AM), three species(Achillea millefolium L., Ranunculusacris L. and Anthriscus sylvestris L.) weresampled at sites with different management history. All three species hadmycorrhizal colonization. Correlations between species diversity patterns atdifferent spatial scales (0.04,1 and total species number in the site) andmycorrhizal colonization were examined. In addition, soil samples were analysedconcerning P, K, N and pH. When combining measures for the three speciestogether there were significantly higher AM colonization at sites with a longcontinuous management regime, compared to sites with short or interruptedmanagement regime. A significantly positive correlation was also found betweenplant species diversity and colonization of mycorrhiza. Soil nutrient status androot weight density did not differ among the sites with different managementregime. This indicates that increasing nutrient status, or root competition, arenot likely causal mechanisms behind a reduced AM colonization rate at sites withshort or interrupted management regime. The correlation with species diversityis more likely a result of management continuity itself. A long continuousmanagement is associated with an increasing likelihood of successful dispersalof plant species as well as of fungal species.  相似文献   

Frequent fires reduce the abundance of woody plant species and favour herbaceous species. Plant species richness also tends to increase with decreasing vegetation biomass and cover due to reduced competition for light. We assessed the influence of variable fire histories and site biomass on the following diversity measures: woody and herbaceous species richness, overall species richness and evenness, and life form evenness (i.e. the relative abundance or dominance among six herbaceous and six woody plant life forms), across 16 mixed jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) and marri (Corymbia calophylla) forest stands in south‐west Australia. Fire frequency was defined as the total number of fires over a 30‐year period. Overall species richness and species evenness did not vary with fire frequency or biomass. However, there were more herbaceous species (particularly rushes, geophytes and herbs) where there were fewer shrubs and low biomass, suggesting that more herbaceous species coexist where dominance by shrubs is low. Frequently burnt plots also had lower number and abundance of shrub species. Life form evenness was also higher at both high fire frequency and low biomass sites. These results suggest that the impact of fire frequency and biomass on vegetation composition is mediated by local interactions among different life forms rather than among individual species. Our results demonstrate that measuring the variation in the relative diversity of different woody and herbaceous life forms is crucial to understanding the compositional response of forests and other structurally complex vegetation communities to changes in disturbance regime such as increased fire frequency.  相似文献   

Metal coordinating propertiesof DOC (dissolved organic carbon), and henceits influence on heavy metal release andmineral weathering, depend on the compositionand properties of DOC. Tree species producelitter with different chemical composition anddegradability, and these differences mightinfluence the composition and reactivity of DOCin soil solutions. Accordingly, analysis ofcomposition and reactivity of DOC in soilsolution samples collected by centrifugationfrom 16 forest soil O horizons from the fourtree species beech (Fagus sylvatica L.),oak (Quercus robur L.), grand fir (Abies grandis Lindl.), and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) on two clayey and twosandy soils were carried out. The compositionand properties of DOC were determined bycapillary zone electrophoresis, acid-basetitration, Cu ion titration, total elementalanalysis, IR and UV spectroscopy, and metalrelease assays. Concentrations of DOC rangedfrom 20 to 163 mM with pH ranging from 4.6 to7.3. Norway spruce produced the highest DOCconcentration, and the lowest pH. Carbon inlow-molecular-weight aliphatic carboxylic acids(LACA) accounted for less than 6% of DOC withformic and acetic acids as the most abundantLACAs. The DOC was cation exchanged and protonsaturated to obtain comparable forms of DOC.Titratable carboxylic acid and phenolic groupswere in the range 51 to 82 and 20 to64 mmol·mol–1 C, respectively, with fewerphenolic groups in grand fir DOC as the onlysignificant difference. Infrared spectra offreeze-dried DOC samples suggest low contentsof aromatic C in the DOC especially from grandfir stands. Stability constants, log K of Cu-DOC complexes, determined by Cu ion titrationof DOC samples with fitting of the data to atwo-site binding model, were in the range 5.63to 6.21 for the strong binding sites and 3.58to 4.10 for the weak sites, but with nosignificant effects of tree species or site.Freeze-dried DOC samples were found to consistof 41 to 45% C, 38 to 49% O, 4.4 to 5.4% Hand 1.2 to 2.0% N and C/N ratios in the range26 to 42. Reactivity of DOC in terms of releaserates of Cd, Cu and Fe cations from a soilsample (flow cell experiments) showed nosignificant differences among DOC samples fromdifferent tree species and soil types.Apparently, only minor differences occur inchemical composition and reactivity ofequivalent concentrations of DOC in forestfloor soil solutions irrespective of origin,i.e. four tree species and two soil types. Soilsolution pH and the concentration of DOCproduced by various tree species are thecritical parameters when distinguishing amongtree species in relation to heavy metal releaseand mineral weathering.  相似文献   

Nutrient supply of forest soils in relation to management and site history   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Hüttl  R. F.  Schaaf  W. 《Plant and Soil》1995,168(1):31-41
Internal and external factors like forest management practices and atmospheric deposition may have large influences on the nutrient supply of forest soils. Examples are given for the effects of tree species, harvesting, site history, changes of species and specific soil conditions, nitrogen deposition, and forest growth dynamics. It is concluded from these examples that all of these factors may contribute to soil acidification in forest ecosystems under humid temperate climatic conditions.  相似文献   

用枯落物分解网袋法,对上海市大莲湖湿地池杉林内3种优势植物池杉(Taxodium ascendens)、孔雀稗(Echinochloa cruspavonis)、日本看麦娘(Alopecurus japonicus)的枯落物进行了190 d的分解培养,测定了分解速率及其C、N、P养分元素释放动态.用收集器法对池杉林枯落物的数量进行了研究.结果表明,池杉林内池杉每年产生枯落物量为5.70t·hm-2,是该林地枯落物的主要来源.3种植物枯落物的分解速率(枯落物的干重量损失)依次为日本看麦娘>孔雀稗>池杉.C元素含量在3种植物枯落物中随时间显著下降;N、P元素在池杉枯落物中均有不同程度的富集,而在日本看麦娘和孔雀稗中则没有发生富集现象.  相似文献   

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