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Adult female starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) were injected with testosterone in order to determine the song structures they had in memory. Those females had been caught in the wild in different geographical areas and had different ages. This hormone treatment clearly stimulated singing behaviour of females in isolation and revealed their ability to sing quite complex songs. Both categories of songs observed in males (warbling and whistles) were demonstrated and large repertoires were observed. Although the testosterone treatment may have altered the female song system and induced male-like vocalizations, it is interesting that none of the species-typic elements of male starlings was produced by the experimental females. Large changes were found in both repertoire size and composition over a year, revealing a high plasticity, even in older birds. We also found evidence that even under testosterone treatment, females do not necessarily sing all the songs they may have in memory.  相似文献   

Respiratory water loss in Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) at rest and during flight at ambient temperatures (T(amb)) between 6 and 25 degrees C was calculated from respiratory airflow and exhaled air temperature. At rest, breathing frequency f (1.4+/-0.3 Hz) and tidal volume Vt (1.9+/-0.4 ml) were independent of T(amb), but negatively correlated with each other. Mean ventilation at rest was 156+/-28 ml min(-1) at all T(amb). Exhaled air temperature (T(exh)) at rest increased with T(amb) (T(exh) = 0.92.T(amb)+12.45). Respiratory water loss at rest averaged 0.18+/-0.09 ml h(-1) irrespective of T(amb). In flying Starlings f was 4.0+/-0.4 Hz and independent of T(amb). Vt during flight averaged 3.6+/-0.4 ml and increased with T(amb) (Vt = 0.06.T(amb)+2.83) as, correspondingly, did ventilation. T(exh) during flight increased with T(amb) (T(exh) = 0.85.T(amb)+17.29). Respiratory water loss during flight (average REWL(f) = 0.74+/-0.22 ml h(-1)) was significantly higher than at rest and increased with T(amb). Our measurements suggest that respiratory evaporation accounts for most water loss in flying Starlings and increases more than cutaneous evaporation with rising ambient temperature.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the way foraging animals integrateexperience over time. The marginal value theorem shows thatto maximize long-term gain rate, foragers should adjust patchexploitation to theaverage travel time for the habitat, andmany experiments do find a positive relationship between averagepatch exploitation and average interpatch travel time. Thisrelationship implies that animals use experience to determineforaging tactics but, by itself, does not imply that anythingbut the most recent experience (say, the time taken to findthe current patch) has an effect on behavior. We directly testedthe influence of events before the most recently experiencedtravel by examining adjustments in foraging behavior after stepwisechanges between two homogeneous environments, each with a singletravel distance. Using starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) in a closed-economylaboratory simulation of a patchy environment, we found thatduring periods of active foraging, the average number of preyper patch visit is in close agreement with that predicted forrate maximization. After changes in travel time, birds tookapproximately six full cycles of travel and patch use beforereaching a new asymptotic behavior. The pattern of adjustmentdid not vary with successive presentations of the environmentalchange. These results demonstrate that memory for more thanone travel episode is involved in the foraging decisions ofstarlings. We relate our results to apparently conflicting datafrom previous experiments and to models of memory and informationprocessing.  相似文献   

Little is known about the neural mechanisms that ensure appropriate vocal behaviors within specific social contexts. Male songbirds produce spontaneous (undirected) songs as well as female-directed courtship songs. Opioid neuropeptide activity in specific brain regions is rewarding, at least in mammals, and past studies suggest that the opioid met-enkephalin in such areas is more tightly linked to undirected than female-directed song. Recent data using a song-associated place preference paradigm further suggest that production of undirected but not directed song is tightly linked to intrinsic reward. Opioids have analgesic properties. Therefore, if production of undirected song is closely linked to opioid-mediated reward, the production of undirected but not directed song should be associated with analgesia. Consistent with this prediction, in male starlings we identified a positive correlation between analgesia (decreased reactivity to a hot water bath) and undirected song (in non-breeding season condition males in affiliative flocks) but not female-directed song (in breeding season condition males presented with females). When breeding condition males were divided according to social status, a negative correlation was found in subordinate males (i.e. males that failed to acquire a nest box). These data are consistent with the hypotheses 1) that the production of undirected song is facilitated or maintained by opioids (and/or other neuromodulators that also induce analgesia) and 2) that production of female-directed song is not linked in the same way to release of the same neuromodulators. Results also demonstrate a link between analgesia and song in subordinate individuals lacking a nesting territory within the breeding season. Overall, the findings indicate that distinct neural mechanisms regulate communication in different social contexts and support the working hypothesis that undirected but not directed song is tightly linked to opioid release.  相似文献   

The timing and duration of primary moult were estimated for wild adult Starlings Sturnus vulgaris near Monks Wood in 1977-78, and for captive birds in 1999. The model of Underhill and Zucchini (1988) was modified to allow for a non-linear increase in the moult score, based on scores of captive birds. For wild birds, estimates of moult duration in 1977 and 1978 were 100 days and 98 days, with mean and standard deviation in start dates of 6 June and 7.3 days in 1977, and 2 June and 9.7 days in 1978. For captive birds, moult duration was 85 days, with mean and standard deviation of 31 May and 4.1 days. Differences between these estimates and those reported for other wild and captive Starling populations are discussed.  相似文献   

Observations were made in five aviaries to determine the role of competition in roost site selection by captive Starlings Sturnus vulgaris. Their behaviour in selecting perches in a simple roost "tree" indicated that (1) a dominance hierarchy exists in birds selecting roosting locations, (2) the roost positions occupied are determined through competition, (3) higher and inner roost positions are preferred over others and (4) dominant Starlings tend to occupy these most preferred positions.  相似文献   

A. DAWSON 《Ibis》1994,136(3):335-340
The effects of daylength and of testosterone implants, before and after the beginning of moult, on the timing and rate of primary moult have been quantified. Female Starlings Sturnus vulgaris were moved from natural daylength in February to 13 h or 18 h of light per day (13L: 11D or 18L: 6D). Some of the birds on 18L: 6D were left on 18L: 6D throughout the experiment and others were transferred to 13L: 11D after 6 weeks, before moult had begun, or after 12 weeks, after moult had begun. Birds kept on 18L: 6D began to moult before birds kept on 13L: 11D, but the subsequent rate of moult was the same in both groups. A decrease in daylength before moult started slightly advanced the onset of moult. A decrease after moult had begun increased the speed of moult. Castrated male Starlings on 18L: 6D were given testosterone implants for different periods before or after the beginning of moult. Testosterone treatment which ended before moult would normally have started had little effect. Treatment extending beyond the normal start of moult considerably delayed or even prevented the onset of moult. Moult was arrested in birds which received testosterone after moult had begun. On removal of testosterone implants, moult began again from the point where it had stopped, but in some birds, all of the feathers which had been regrown recently were dropped again and regrown. These results are discussed in relation to the different patterns of moult seen amongst different species.  相似文献   

We recorded the song of 25 male Starlings Sturnus vulgaris to investigate differences in song characteristics between yearling and older males. Older males had significantly larger repertoire sizes and sang significantly longer average song bouts than yearling males. Since older males had almost twice as large a repertoire size as yearling males and since there was no overlap in repertoire size between yearling and older males, our data indicate that the repertoire size of Starlings increases after the first year of life. The largest difference between yearling and older males occurred in the 'variable song types' which are the song types containing most of the heterospecific imitations sung in a song bout.  相似文献   

C. J. FEARE 《Ibis》1991,133(1):75-79
Female Starlings Sturnus vulgaris that laid distinctive eggs at Worplesdon, Surrey, in 1988 and 1989 were made to desert their partially completed first clutches by removing their eggs part way through the laying sequence. Most of these Starlings continued to lay, but in other Starlings' nests, and most of them subsequently laid a replacement clutch that they reared themselves. Using estimates of the success of nests in the colony over 14 breeding seasons, it is concluded that intraspecific nest parasitism offers a means of maximizing annual chick production in the event of disturbance causing the loss of first-clutch eggs.  相似文献   

Starlings, like most other species, show no gonadal development until spring of the year after they hatch, even though they hatch and attain full body size during long days. This could be because they develop in a physiological state analogous to that of photorefractory adults and so need to experience short days in order to activate the reproductive system. To test this possibility, young were hand-reared under different photoperiodic regimes. Young raised under constant long days showed no gonadal development, nor did birds initially raised under short days and then transferred to long days at 3 weeks of age. However, birds transferred from short to long days at 10 weeks of age did show gonadal development, followed by gonadal regression, while birds raised under constant short days showed slow continual gonadal development. This last group, unlike the other three groups, did not moult into adult plumage. Since 4 weeks of long days are required to terminate photorefractoriness in adult Starlings, these results demonstrate that the reproductive system of young birds is in a similar state to that of photorefractory adults, and hence that puberty is analogous to the termination of photofractoriness.  相似文献   

Electrographic and behavioural observations were conducted on two male and two female captive starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) under natural illumination conditions during autumn. Polygraphically sleep and wakefulness of starling were similar to those of other birds. Starling's total sleep (TS) and slow wave sleep (SWS) lasted 39.0 +/- 1.4% and 38.3 +/- 1.7% of the 24-h period respectively. Paradoxical sleep (PS) was 1.8 +/- 0.2% of the total sleep time. The mean durations individual of TS, SWS and PS episodes were 6.8 +/- 0.2 min, 5.0 +/- 1.0 min and 18 +/- 3 s respectively. The daily percentage of SWS was correlated with the mean episode duration while that of PS was correlated with the number of episodes rather than with the mean episode duration. Starling females spent in sleep a greater percentage of the 24-h period than males.  相似文献   

Summary Gap-detection thresholds of single units were determined from auditory forebrain neurons of the awake starling. Nine different response types were statistically defined from the discharge pattern to a 400 ms broadband noise stimulus. The gap stimuli consisted of two broadband noise bursts which were separated by a gap ranging from 0.4 to 204.8 ms duration. The median minimumdetectable gap for 121 out of 145 units that had a significant threshold 204.8ms was 12.8 ms; 20% of the neurons showed thresholds between 0.4 and 3.2 ms. The neurons of the nine response types differed significantly in their minimum-detectable gaps; neurons with phasic-tonic and phasic excitation exhibited the best (i.e. shortest) minimum-detectable gaps. The neurons of the three different recording areas (field L, NCM and HV) were significantly different in their minimumdetectable gaps; field L neurons showed the best temporal resolution for gaps in broadband noise. Gap-detection thresholds are compared with psychophysical thresholds determined with the same stimuli and the relevance of forebrain units for temporal resolution is discussed.Abbreviations CS control stimulus - HV hyperstriatum ventrale - HVc hyperstriatum ventrale pars caudalis - NB noise burst - NCM neostriatum caudale pars medialis - NS noise stimulus - SGS standard gap series - TW time window  相似文献   

Summary Gap-detection thresholds were determined for single units in the cochlear ganglion and in auditory nerve fibres of the starling from responses to two broad-band noise bursts separated by a temporal gap of between 0.4 and 204.8 ms. All 35 units showed a threshold within the range of gap sizes tested. The median minimum-detectable gap was 12.8 ms with the minimum being 1.6 ms. A multiple regression analysis revealed that the size of the minimum-detectable gap was not significantly correlated with the neuron's CF, with its sharpness of tuning as given by its bandwidth 10 dB above threshold, or with its Q10dB value. Only the level of stimulation above the neuron's threshold showed a significant negative correlation with the size of the minimum-detectable gap. These results are discussed with respect to theoretical considerations of limits posed on temporal resolution by the characteristics of peripheral filters. These findings are also discussed in the context of the coding of gaps at different levels of the starling's auditory system and in relation to psychoacoustic results in the starling on gap detection and time resolution described by temporal modulation transfer functions.  相似文献   

The excursions of wing elements and the activity of eleven shoulder muscles were studied by cineradiography and electromyography in European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) flying in a wind tunnel at speeds of 9–20 m s?1. At the beginning of downstroke the humerus is elevated 80–90° above horizontal, and both elbow and wrist are extended to 90° or less. During downstroke, protraction of the humerus (55°) remains constant; elbow and wrist are maximally extended (120° and 160°, respectively) as the humerus passes through a horizontal orientation. During the downstroke-upstroke transition humeral depression ceases (at about 20° below horizontal) and the humerus begins to retract. However, depression of the distal wing continues by rotation of the humerus and adduction of the carpometacarpus. Humeral retraction (to within about 30° of the body axis) is completed early in upstroke, accompanied by flexion of the elbow and carpometacarpus. Thereafter the humerus begins to protract as elevation continues. At mid-upstroke a rapid counterrotation of the humerus reorients the ventral surface of the wing to face laterad; extension of the elbow and carpometacarpus are initiated sequentially. The upstroke-downstroke transition is characterized by further extension of the elbow and carpometacarpus, and the completion of humeral protraction. Patterns of electromyographic activity primarily coincide with the transitional phases of the wingbeat cycle rather than being confined to downstroke or upstroke. Thus, the major downstroke muscles (pectoralis, coracobrachialis caudalis, sternocoracoideus, subscapularis, and humerotriceps) are activated in late upstroke to decelerate, extend, and reaccelerate the wing for the subsequent downstroke; electromyographic activity ends well before the downstroke is completed. Similarly, the upstroke muscles (supracoracoideus, deltoideus major) are activated in late downstroke to decelerate and then reaccelerate the wing into the upstroke; these muscles are deactivated by mid-upstroke. Only two muscles (scapulohumeralis caudalis, scapulotriceps) exhibit electromyographic activity exclusively during the downstroke. Starlings exhibit a functional partitioning of the two heads of the triceps (the humerotriceps acts with the pectoralis group, and does not overlap with the scapulotriceps). The biphasic pattern of the biceps brachii appears to correspond to this partitioning.  相似文献   

This article addresses a classic ethnographic problem in the study of Italy: how is it that people can subscribe simultaneously to seemingly contradictory ideologies, such as Catholicism and Communism? It does so by describing examples from Italy's ‘showcase city’ of the left, ‘Red Bologna’, in which to be ‘red’ is ubiquitous but each person's ‘red’ is a different thing: being ‘red’ (differently) is the idiom in which real political distinctions are expressed over issues like religion or immigration. In parallel, I discuss the relationship between the ‘field’ as a location and the ‘field’ as a conceptual topic. My account replicates internal ethnographic differences at the analytical level by highlighting the differences between being left‐wing in Bologna and its meaning as a concept in anthropology. Hence the ‘equivocal location’: a field‐site that is productively different, from what an inexperienced ethnographer expected from it, from conceptual discussions in anthropology, and from itself.  相似文献   

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