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ABSTRACT. Enzyme electrophoresis was exploited to identify stocks of paramecia previously not identified to particular species. Stocks collected in India and one from Panama belong to Paramecium jenningsi, while others collected in Panama or in Brazil are assignable to syngen 2 of P. multimicronucleatum on the basis of similarity of their esterase and acid phosphatase phenotypes. Inclusion of these doubled the numbers of stocks available in the two species, thereby facilitating examination of intraspecies variation and comparison of particular features of intraspecies variation found for the P. aurelia complex. Variant stocks were observed in P. jenningsi and in syngens 2, 3, and 4 of P. multimicronucleatum. In some cases the variant lacked the enzyme; in others, a change in mobility of the enzyme occurred that resulted in an electrophoretic form similar to one common in another species. Unique phenotypes were displayed by the variants of syngen 2 in P. multimicronucleatum. Hypervariability for Esterase B was observed in this syngen, where, in addition, several subtypes were seen for three other esterases. Unique phenotypes and hypervariability were also noted in P. biaurelia. Clustered variations were observed in these species and in the P. aurelia species. Unlike the situation for members of the aurelia complex, where lack of geographical differentiation between stocks in the same species is a unique feature, some such differentiation does occur in P. multimicronucleatum-2. The frequency of variant stocks in P. jenningsi was similar to that observed in the aurelia sibling species. In contrast, a significantly higher frequency of variant stocks was found in syngens 2, 3, and 4 of P. multimicronucleatum.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. One hundred eighty-eight stocks of Paramecium primaurelia. P. biaurelia, P. tetraurelia. and P. octaurelia were grown axenically and screened for variation in four different esterases and acid phosphatase using starch gel electrophoresis. Major observations: frequency of intraspecies variation for these enzymes is much lower in these four species than in other organisms; hypervariability for two esterases occurs in P. biaurelia both in isolates from worldwide locales and in a restricted locale; clustering of variations occurs in a high proportion of variant stocks in all four species; frequency of intraspecies variation is highest in Central and South America for all four species; and geographical differentiation is lacking between stocks in the same species both for common as well as variant phenotypes despite the cosmopolitan distribution of these species. These results are not correlated with adaptations that favor inbreeding over outbreeding. nor is the possession of bacterial endosymbionts strongly correlated with enzyme variation. When the riequency of intraspecies variation was examined for the aurelia complex of species as a whole for 13 enzymes, mitochondrial DNA, and ribosomal DNA, differences between enzymes in frequency of variation could be seen, ranging from less than 2% for seven enzymes to 12.4% for glucosephosphate isomerase, a value similar to that observed for malic dehydrogenase, mitochondrial DNA, and ribosomal DNA in P. tetraurelia. The percentage of polymorphic enzyme loci in the complex as a whole was found to be much lower than that observed for other organisms. For the species more intensely studied in this paper the level of genetic polymorphism was also much lower, although P. biaurelia showed greater variability for two of the enzymes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Up to five zones of acid phosphatase activity appear in gels after electrophoresis of detergent-treated extracts from 13 of the 14 species of the Paramecium aurelia complex. The overall pattern is somewhat similar for all species: differences in intensity and mobility of individual zones permit the grouping of these sibling species into eight groups. All 14 species can be identified using the procedure of enzyme electrophoresis, although two of them are more similar than is usually the case. Problems of misclassification are discussed in terms of the nature and frequency of variants. With the judicious choice of enzymes used to screen new stocks, these problems can be circumvented. Species relationships are updated using 11 enzymes. A dendrogram constructed from the matrix of genetic distances shows four clusters of species: (i) P. biaurelia, P. triaurelia; (ii) P. primaurelia, P. pentaurelia, P. sexaurelia, P. novaurelia; (iii) P. septaurelia, P. undecaurelia, P. tredecaurelia, P. quadecaurelia; and (iv) P. tetraurelia, P. octaurelia, P. decaurelia, P. dodecaurelia. Distances between the species are large, on the order of the differences between Drosophila species. The species are characterized by an extraordinary lack of geographical differentiation and great morphological similarity, which contrasts strongly with the molecular differentiation.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS Triplet conjugants of Paramecium caudatum which appeared naturally in mating mixtures and those of Paramecium multimicronucleatum which were produced by conjugation-inducing chemicals were isolated. Triplet conjugants lasting for more than 3 h were stained to examine macronuclear events. In P. caudatum , only 2 triplets among 182 (1%) contained macronuclear fragmentation in all 3 members. The most frequently occurring triplets (79%) were those producing 1 cell without and 2 cells with macronuclear fragments. There were also triplets (17%) producing 1 cell with, and 2 without macronuclear fragments, and some (3%) with 3 cells that contained no fragments. The length of persistence of the triplet was not responsible for the occurrence of macronuclear fragmentation in the 3rd cell of the triplet. In P. multimicronucleatum , the same 4 classes of triplets occurred, but the most frequently occurring class was that consisting of 3 cells (91%) with macronuclear fragments. Induction of nearly 100% of triplets with 3 such cells was possible by isolating the triplets' from a culture which was treated chemically at about 24 h after the last feeding. Treatment with chemicals in starved cultures resulted in triplets with incompletely fragmented or nonfragmented macronuclei. Further, in P. multimicronucleatum , chemicallyinduced triplets involving only holdfast pairs to which the 3rd cells were uniting often produced 3 cells with fragmented macronuclei.  相似文献   

One hundred eighty-eight stocks of Paramecium primaurelia, P. biaurelia, P. tetraurelia, and P. octaurelia were grown axenically and tested for five esterases, visualized by starch gel electrophoresis, in a search for variant stocks. The five esterases can be distinguished on the bases of their substrate specificity, sensitivity to an inhibitor, and response to different growth conditions. This paper addresses the nature of the electrophoretic change in mobility of the variant stocks in order that species relationships can be more accurately assessed. Crosses carried out in all four species show that single genes determine the differences in mobility between variant and common subtypes. Extracts of variant stocks that gave similar patterns were run against each other, tested for their sensitivity to the inhibitor, and the pattern was compared to that found in extracts of stocks with variant and common subtypes in other species. The majority of the variants in P. primaurelia, P. tetraurelia, and P. octaurelia show an electrophoretic mobility characteristic of a common subtype, or a variant, in another species. The same proportion of variant subtypes as common subtypes have mobilities similar to esterase subtypes found in other species. Of the four species examined in this paper, P. tetraurelia and P. octaurelia appear to be most closely related on the basis of shared esterase subtypes. In P. biaurelia the mobilities of most of the variants are unique, as are the common esterase subtypes in this species. P. biaurelia stands out as having the greatest number of esterase subtypes, with very few of them homologous to subtypes found in other species. This observation supports the idea of greater diversification of stocks within P. biaurelia than for the other three species.  相似文献   

The presence of Paramecium decaurelia (three strains) and Paramecium dodecaurelia (two strains) were recorded in Japan, for the first time in this country and outside the USA.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Inhibition, inactivation, pH, and kinetic studies using both homogenates and purified lysosomal fractions of Paramecium caudalum and of P. tetraurelia were carried out to examine the lysosomal acid phosphatase (AcPase) and its relationship to p-nitrophenylphosphatase (pNPPase), glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase), and 5′-nucleotidase (AMPase). The results generally support the idea that Paramecium cells contain a distinct lysosomal AcPase with a broad substrate specificity. The hydrolysis of glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) and adenosine 5′-monophosphate (AMP) was shown to be due to this enzyme, suggesting that true G6Pase and AMPase may be lacking in these two species; however, some hydrolysis of AMP at pH 7.5 catalyzed by an unknown soluble enzyme distinct from alkaline phosphatase and Na+-K+-ATPase was observed. Since the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenylphosphate (pNPP) at acid pH was also shown to be due to AcPase alone, pNPPase could be used as a rapid assay for Paramecium AcPase. At an alkaline pH, however, this activity was catalyzed by an alkaline phosphatase located in the cytosol fraction. P. caudatum AcPase was shown to have kinetic properties similar to those of purified rat liver and human prostatic AcPase and to have relative substrate affinities in the order of G6P < β-glycerophosphate < pNPP < AMP. These different substrate affinities might account for the observed differences in the inhibition of the four lysosomal activities by NaF, L(+)-tartrate, and molybdate, all of which inhibited the hydrolysis of G6P, β-glycerophosphate, and pNPP competitively, but which exhibited a noncompetitive inhibition of a mixed type with the hydrolysis of AMP.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. From an intermittent stream in College Station, Texas, a Paramecium was isolated that did not appear to belong to any recognized species. On the basis of nuclear and whole-body morphology, it can be assigned to the Paramecium aurelia species-complex, and it can be distinguished from other members of that complex on the basis of mating-type reactivity and isoenzyme patterns. These characteristics are felt sufficient to justify a new species assignment. The new species has been named Paramecium sonneborni n. sp. in honor of the late Dr. Tracy M. Sonneborn of Indiana University.  相似文献   

Enzyme cytochemistry was used to determine when acid phosphatase (AcPase) becomes associated with the digestive vacuoles (DVs) of axenically grown Paramecium caudatum that were pulsed with latex beads for 2–3 min. When cells were incubated in the Gomori medium, AcPase was not observed in the discoidal vesicles, the acidosomes, and the newly released DVs up to 3 min old or in most DVs 3–6 min old. The number of AcPase-positive DVs increased to 56% when DVs were 12–18 min old. Similar results were obtained using the napthol AS-TR phosphate-hexaotized rosanilin method at the light microscopic level where hundreds of DVs were scored though the maximal level of positive DVs obtained by this method was lower. In addition to DVs of specific ages, AcPase was found in ER, in some Golgi vesicles, and small vesicles similar in diameter to Golgi vesicles which may represent primary lysosomes in this ciliate. Larger vesicles abundant near the DV-II were only partially filled with reaction product. These vesicles, which could be identified by their paracrystalline sheets and a prominent glycocalyx lining the luminal surface of their membranes, fit the definition for secondary lysosomes. These results, which indicate that lysosomes fuse with DVs only after they have attained a certain age, suggest the existence of specific recognition factors on the membranes of secondary lysosomes as well as DV-II.  相似文献   

E Przybo?  S Fokin 《Folia biologica》2001,49(1-2):105-106
In Japan, the presence of Paramecium sexaurelia was revealed for the first time, and a new habitat of P. tetraurelia was found there.  相似文献   

Kappa, mu and the metagon hypothesis in Paramecium aurelia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Various taxonomically useful profiles of four dehydrogenases (lactate, malate, glucose-6-phosphate, and a-glycerophosphate) and three hydrolases (acid and alkaline phosphatase and esterase) were detected in whole nematode homogenates of Meloidogyne javanica, M. hapla, M. incognita, M. arenaria, Ditylenchus dipsaci, D. triformis, Heterodera glycines, and Aphelenchus avenae. The enzyme profiles were stable in populations cultured on several different hosts. A tentative enzymically-determined phylogeny of Meloidogyne is given.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Acid phosphatase activity was studied in total mounts and sections of agnotobiotic Paramecium multimicronucleatum by the alpha-naphthyl phosphate-hexazotized rosanilin method. Timing was achieved by India ink marking of food vacuoles. Enzyme activity is present in small endoplasmic granules and in the greatest part of food vacuoles. Following an inactive stage (stage I) of an average length of 5 min the activity appears at the periphery of the vacuole, in most cases in the form of granules (stage II). A high activity level (stage III) is attained within 1 1/2 min and maintained for the most part of the vacuolar cycle. The activity disappears only in the latest vacuoles before egestion (stage IV). The appearance of activity is not concurrent with but succeeding to the maximum of vacuolar acidity as ascertained by feeding Congo red stained killed yeast cells. On the basis of these results the food vacuoles may be looked upon as belonging to the lysosomes sensu lato.  相似文献   

Horizontal starch gel electrophoresis has been applied to thestudy of esterase, peroxidase and acid phosphatase patternsin seven taxa, namely Hordeum diploids (2n=14) (H. marinum,H. marinum I and H. hystrix), tetraploids (2n=28) (H. bulbosumand H. murinum subsp. leporinum) and Taeniatherum (2n=14) (T.caput-medusae and T. caput-medusae I) in order to elucidatetheir phylogenetic relationships. On the basis of our experimentalresults the seven taxa may be placed in the following threegroups; (1) diploid Hordeum (H. marinum, H. marinum I, H. hystrix);(2) tetraploid Hordeum (H. bulbosum, H. murinum subsp. leporinum);(3) Taeniatherum (T. caput-medusae, T. caput-medusae I). Esterase, peroxidase and acid phosphatase patterns of the twoHordeum diploid taxa (H. marinum and H. marinum I) are verysimilar suggesting their close phylogenetic relationship; thesame is true for both the taxa of the genus Taeniatherum (T.caput-medusae and T. caput-medusae I). The taxa of the Taeniatherumgroup compared with the diploid Hordeum (H. marinum, H. marinumI, H. hystrix) and the tetraploid Hordeum (H. bulbosum, H. murinumsubsp. leporinum) show a lower degree of phylogenetic relationshipand seem to be equally distant from them. The tetraploid Hordeumgroup shows a higher phylogenetic relationship with diploidHordeum group than with the Taeniatherum group. These results confirm that the genus Taeniatherum, previouslyconsidered as part of the genus Hordeum, should be regardedas a separate genus. Gramineae (Poaceae), Hordeum L., Taeniatherum Nevski., esterase, peroxidase and acid phosphatase patterns, phylogenetic relationships  相似文献   

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