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Enzyme cytochemistry was used to determine when acid phosphatase (AcPase) becomes associated with the digestive vacuoles (DVs) of axenically grown Paramecium caudatum that were pulsed with latex beads for 2–3 min. When cells were incubated in the Gomori medium, AcPase was not observed in the discoidal vesicles, the acidosomes, and the newly released DVs up to 3 min old or in most DVs 3–6 min old. The number of AcPase-positive DVs increased to 56% when DVs were 12–18 min old. Similar results were obtained using the napthol AS-TR phosphate-hexaotized rosanilin method at the light microscopic level where hundreds of DVs were scored though the maximal level of positive DVs obtained by this method was lower. In addition to DVs of specific ages, AcPase was found in ER, in some Golgi vesicles, and small vesicles similar in diameter to Golgi vesicles which may represent primary lysosomes in this ciliate. Larger vesicles abundant near the DV-II were only partially filled with reaction product. These vesicles, which could be identified by their paracrystalline sheets and a prominent glycocalyx lining the luminal surface of their membranes, fit the definition for secondary lysosomes. These results, which indicate that lysosomes fuse with DVs only after they have attained a certain age, suggest the existence of specific recognition factors on the membranes of secondary lysosomes as well as DV-II.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The distribution of acid phosphatase was investigated at the ultrastructural level in Paramecium caudatum. Acid phosphatase occurs in endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, food vacuoles, autophagic vesicles, vacuolar and dense bodies. Some slight deposits are also seen in the mitochondria.
These observations point out that this hydrolase activity is related to digestive processes. The enzyme, originating from the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus reaches the food vacuole or autophagic vesicle likely via the reticulum. The digestion of the bacteria or of the enclosed organelle gives rise to electronopaque material which is later found in dense bodies. These dense bodies are likely secondary lysosomes and it is possible that they may fuse with the young food vacuole or with autophagic vesicles.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Up to five zones of acid phosphatase activity appear in gels after electrophoresis of detergent-treated extracts from 13 of the 14 species of the Paramecium aurelia complex. The overall pattern is somewhat similar for all species: differences in intensity and mobility of individual zones permit the grouping of these sibling species into eight groups. All 14 species can be identified using the procedure of enzyme electrophoresis, although two of them are more similar than is usually the case. Problems of misclassification are discussed in terms of the nature and frequency of variants. With the judicious choice of enzymes used to screen new stocks, these problems can be circumvented. Species relationships are updated using 11 enzymes. A dendrogram constructed from the matrix of genetic distances shows four clusters of species: (i) P. biaurelia, P. triaurelia; (ii) P. primaurelia, P. pentaurelia, P. sexaurelia, P. novaurelia; (iii) P. septaurelia, P. undecaurelia, P. tredecaurelia, P. quadecaurelia; and (iv) P. tetraurelia, P. octaurelia, P. decaurelia, P. dodecaurelia. Distances between the species are large, on the order of the differences between Drosophila species. The species are characterized by an extraordinary lack of geographical differentiation and great morphological similarity, which contrasts strongly with the molecular differentiation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Temperature shifts have been used to block critical points in the conjugation sequence of Paramecium tetraurelia. Increasing temperatures above 27°C reduced ciliary agglutination, pair formation, and nuclear exchange; a complete inhibition of these stages occurred at 37°C. Temperatures below 19°C had no effect on ciliary agglutination or nuclear exchange but completely inhibited pair formation. The bases for the cells’ inability to form pairs at 19°C and 37°C were sought. Cells placed below 19°C were unable to deciliate or fuse membranes in the holdfast region; at 37°C, membrane fusion in both the holdfast and paroral regions was prevented. Time course studies on cross-fertilization reveal that temperatures 35°C block all stages of the process up to the actual exchange of pronuclei. After the exchange has begun, the process continues despite the elevated temperature. Temperature shifts are discussed as a means of conditionally blocking critical points in the developmental program of conjugation.  相似文献   

Stocks of four “syngens” (syngens 1, 3, 12, 13) of Paramecium caudatum could not be distinguished on the basis of isozymic variations of six enzymes. Using the most common enzyme form as the standard for the syngen, we found a higher coefficient of identity between syngens (>90%) than within syngens (73%). These observations, combined with evidence for fertile matings among the groups, suggest that the groups do not warrant the status of syngens. True syngenic variation in P. caudatum is, however, clearly established on the basis of isozymic and breeding studies of wild stocks collected from various places. Some stocks from England have a close affinity with those from Japan, but stocks from Scotland and California must be placed in separate syngenic sets. Thus, P. caudatum is indeed a species complex, within which evolutionarily distinct groups (species = syngens) are identifiable. The definition of syngens on the basis of initial agglutination response is, however, unjustified.  相似文献   

Thousands of single-copy internal eliminated sequences (IESs) are excised from the germ line genome of ciliates during development of the polygenomic somatic macronucleus, following sexual events. Paramecium IESs are short, noncoding elements that frequently interrupt coding sequences. No absolutely conserved sequence element, other than flanking 5′-TA-3′ direct repeats, has been identified among sequenced IESs; the mechanisms of their specific recognition and precise elimination are unknown. Previous work has revealed the existence of an epigenetic control of excision. It was shown that the presence of one IES in the vegetative macronucleus results in a specific inhibition of the excision of the same element during the development of a new macronucleus, in the following sexual generation. We have assessed the generality and sequence specificity of this transnuclear maternal control by studying the effects of macronuclear transformation with 13 different IESs. We show that at least five of them can be maintained in the new macronuclear genome; sequence specificity is complete both between genes and between different IESs in the same gene. In all cases, the degree of excision inhibition correlates with the copy number of the maternal IES, but each IES shows a characteristic inhibition efficiency. Short internal IES-like segments were found to be excised from two of the IESs when excision between normal boundaries was inhibited. Available data suggest that the sequence specificity of these maternal effects is mediated by pairing interactions between homologous nucleic acids.  相似文献   

Wild type and mutant Paramecium tetraurelia were grown in monoxenic cultures by first growing Enterobacter aerogenes on a defined medium and then adding the Paramecium to the stationary phase bacterial culture. The bacterial growth was proportional to the concentration of the carbon source (citrate), and the Paramecium growth was dependent upon both the bacterial density and the starting density of Paramecium. The behavior, electrophysiological properties, ciliary lipid composition, and growth characteristics were similar to the commonly used bacterized medium (Cerophyl) except that 5–10 times greater Paramecium yields were reliably obtained.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The effect of temperature on the behavior of swimming cells of Paramecium caudatum has been investigated by photographic analyses of their tracks in uniform temperature, in temperature gradient, or in temperature changing with time. When the cells were placed in the temperature gradient, the frequency of discontinuous directional changes of cells swimming toward the optimal temperature, the temperature of the culture, was much lower than that of the cells swimming in the opposite direction. This difference in the frequency of directional changes explained the observed accumulation of the cells at - the optimal temperature. When the temperature was suddenly changed toward the optimum, a transient decrease of the frequency of directional changes was observed and when the temperature was changed in the reverse direction, a transient increase of the frequency was noted. This transient response to the temperature change was the origin of the dependence of the frequency of directional changes on the swimming direction in the temperature gradient. Finally, the relation between the magnitude of the transient response and the rate of the temperature change was derived.  相似文献   

Organization of ribosomal genes in Paramecium tetraurelia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The macronuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) of the ciliated protozoan Paramecium tetraurelia (stock 51) was analyzed by digestion with restriction endonucleases. The fragments which contained ribosomal RNA (rRNA) coding sequences and spacer sequences were identified. The spacer sequences exhibited some heterogeneity in size. The genes coding for 5.8S RNA, but not for 5S RNA, are linked to the 17S and 25S rRNA genes. Complementary RNA, synthesized from rDNA of stock 51, was hybridized with restriction digests of whole cell DNA from six other allopatric stocks of this species. The restriction patterns of the rDNA from these seven stocks were, in general, very similar, and the sizes of the coding sequences were identical in all seven stocks. Only the restriction pattern of rDNA from stock 127 differed significantly from that of stock 51. The rDNA from stock 127 was isolated and characterized, and with the exception of the restriction pattern of its spacer, it resembled the rDNA from stock 51. It is concluded that the rDNA repeat in Paramecium, including the spacer, has, in general, been conserved during the course of evolution. It is suggested that in some species, even in the absence of genetic exchange among geographically separated populations, selection pressure may act to conserve spacers of tandemly repeated rDNA. The conservation may be related to the number of rDNA copies in the germinal nucleus.  相似文献   

Cells of Paramecium tetraurelia, stock hrd, cultured in a micro-capillary containing 1 μl fresh culture medium, expressed mating activity through the whole cell cycle. Mating-reactive G2 phase cells can conjugate with cells of other phases. The G2 phase cells, which have double (4C) the normal micronuclear DNA content, undergo pre-meiotic DNA synthesis when conjugated with G1 phase cells. The micronucleus of the progeny from the cross between a G1 and a G2 cell becomes triploid.  相似文献   

Removal of the micronuclei of Paramecium tetraurelia and Paramecium jenningsi by micropipetting generates amicronucleate cell lines. These cell lines go through a period of growth depression for several dozen fissions, but they gradually recover. Amicronucleate cells in the depression period characteristically exhibit abnormal oral development, particularly reduction in the length of the buccal cavity and an abnormal pattern of the oral membranelles. To test the notion that the macronucleus is involved in the recovery of amicronucleate cell lines, DNA demethylation drugs were administered to amicronucleates in the depression period. After at least 4 fissions, the treated amicronucleates were assessed for their progress in recovery by scoring the proportion of cells with normal oral membranelles. Cvtidine analogues which demethylate cytosine specifically at the 5 position, namely 5-azacytidine, 5-aza-2'- deoxycytidine and 5-fluoro-2'-deoxycytidine. promoted recovery of the amicronucleates. Cytidine, 6-azacytidine, 2'-fluoro-2'-deoxy-cytidine and cytosine-β-D-arabinofuranoside did not. These results suggest that (i) 5-methylcytosine is present in the macronucleus of these Paramecium species, probably in small amounts and (ii) recovery of amicronucleates involves demethylation of macronuclear DNA. This implies that in normal cells the micronuclei are involved in maintaining the macronuclear DNA in a methylated state and hence the inactivation of the macronuclear sequences that are to be employed for stomatogenic recovery. A general mechanism for the control of gene expression may therefore be employed for the regulation of specific sequences.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Early research on Paramecium genetics highlighted the role of the cytoplasm on inheritance. Today this tradition continues as recent investigations of macronuclear development in Paramecium have revealed unusual cytoplasmic effects that are not easily explained within current paradigms. It is generally assumed that most programmed DNA rearrangements in ciliates are regulated by cis acting signals encoded within the germline (micronuclear) DNA, but there are increasing examples in which the old macronucleus acts through the cytoplasm (in trans) to affect the loss and rearrangement of DNA in the developing macronucleus. The remarkable specificity of this effect has forced a reevaluation of the standard view of macronuclear determination in Paramecium. This review summarizes our knowledge of the effect of the old macronucleus on the developmentally controlled rearrangements of the P. tetraurelia, stock 51A and B variable surface protein genes.  相似文献   

A search was undertaken for naturally occurring genetic markers for use in clonal aging studies of Paramecium tetraurelia. Clonal age is defined as the number of cell divisions since the last sexual process. Autogamy (self-fertilization) is a sexual process which can occur in aging lines, resulting in homozygosity and initiation of the next generation. Such illicit autogamies must be detected and eliminated from the aged clone. With codominant alleles, heterozygous aging lines can be established which will express a phenotype distinguishable from that of either parental type and autogamy can then be monitored by the appearance of either segregant homozygous phenotype. However, very few codominant alleles are available in this species. Electrophoretic mobilities of malic dehydrogenase (MDH) were assayed in 11 stocks of Paramecium tetraurelia by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Nine stocks showed a singlebanded stock 51 type, while stock 174 and stock 29 each exhibited unique mobility. Crosses between stock 51 and the deviant stocks revealed distinct three-banded patterns indicative of heterozygosity of the F1 generation. In the autogamous F2 generation, 1:1 segregation of the parental types were recovered. The pattern of inheritance is consistent with codominant alleles and Mendelian inheritance. These naturally occurring biochemical markers are stable with increasing clonal age and are therefore useful genetic markers for studies of cellular aging.This work was supported by NSF Grant PCM 7704315.  相似文献   

The structure of trichocysts in Paramecium caudatum   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

Ciliated protozoa have separate germline and somatic nuclei, yet unlike larger organisms, both nuclei reside in the same cytoplasm. The micronuclei contain the germline and the macronucleus is the somatic nucleus. Thousands of DNA elements are normally removed from the micronuclear genome as it forms a new macronucleus during each sexual cycle. A recent study directly links the excision of these internal eliminated sequences (IESs) to mating type determination by showing that a pleiotropic mutation affecting mating type also prevents the excision of an IES from a surface protein gene(1). Remarkably, once the IES is present in the old macronucleus it prevents excision of that specific IES during formation of the next macronucleus.  相似文献   

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