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Net photosynthetic fixation of wetland plant communities is confined to the period of the year when the surface soil is not waterlogged and is thus well aerated. In the open‐structured vegetation continuum across freshwater wetlands on sandy soils in subtropical and tropical Australia, the sum of the foliage projective covers (FPCs) of the overstorey and understorey strata remains constant, while that of the overstorey decreases to zero as seasonal waterlogging (and anaerobic conditions) in the surface root systems increases. Density and height of the overstorey trees – of only one or two species – and species richness (number of species per hectare) in the understorey decreases along this waterlogging gradient. Melaleuca paperbark trees, possessing surface roots with cortical aerenchyma, may form a closed‐forest at the edge of the wetland continuum wherever there is a continuous flow of aerated water. As global warming progresses, an increase in air temperature in the atmosphere flowing over and through the wetland continuum during the short period of annual foliage‐growth will affect the combined FPCs of overstorey and understorey strata, as well as the leaf‐specific weights of all leaves throughout the plant community. With a reduction in net photosynthetic fixation, species richness of the plant community will slowly decline.  相似文献   

Foliage Projective Cover of the overstorey (canopy) of a‘climax’community appears to reach an equilibrium value determined largely by the prevailing climate. Overstorey FPC decreases in‘climax’communities in a graded series from humid to arid regions. Understorey cover (of all strata below the canopy) in‘climax’communities attains a balance with overstorey FPC. Disturbance (gaps, microhabitats, fire, overgrazing, invasion of woody weeds, etc.) may reduce the overstorey cover which will be compensated by an increase in understorey cover. Secondary succession back to the‘climax’structure will follow a path maintaining an inverse linear relationship between understorey cover and overstorey cover. At the same time, species diversity appears to decrease as overstorey cover increases.  相似文献   

Abstract The deep lateritic earths that cap the serpentinite outcrop in the Rockhampton – Marlborough area on the Tropic of Capricorn in Central Queensland have been eroded to expose the underlying ultramafic rock. Water‐holding capacity of these nutrient‐poor soils increases in a gradient from the skeletal soils to the deep lateritic earths and results in a continuum of structural formations from open‐woodland to woodland to open‐forest. A couple of closed‐forest (rainforest) stands have developed where seepage into Marlborough Creek occurs throughout the year. Aerodynamic fluxes (frictional, thermal and evaporative) in the atmosphere as it flows over and through the vegetation influence the annual foliage growth in all strata in the continuum from skeletal soils to deep lateritic earths. The lateral growth of each plant is abraded so that the sum of the foliage projective covers of overstorey (FPCo) and understorey (FPCu) strata – that is Σ(FPCo + FPCu) – remains constant throughout the serpentinite soil catena. As more water becomes available in the soil catena, the mineral nutrient levels in overstorey leaves increase, making developing leaves more vulnerable to insect attack. Although the number of leaves produced annually on each vertical foliage shoot in the overstorey increases along the soil‐water gradient, Σ(FPCo + FPCu) remains constant in all stands. The carbon isotope ratios (a measure of stomatal resistance) and leaf specific weights (LSWs) (a measure of the proportion of structural to cytoplasmic content in a leaf) of overstorey and understorey strata, however, are constant throughout the continuum. The well‐watered rainforest pockets – where seepage occurs – form the end point of this serpentinite continuum. LSWs and carbon isotope ratios of the canopy trees are similar to those in the sheltered understorey in the eucalypt communities. A gradient of foliage attributes is observed from evergreen canopy trees (12 m) to subshrubs (2 m) in the sunlit life forms that compose the complex structure of the rainforest stands in the humid to subhumid climate of Central Queensland. As alpha diversity (number of species per hectare) is correlated with annual shoot growth per hectare, species richness along the serpentinite continuum is almost half that of nearby plant communities on medium‐nutrient soils. The one to two eucalypt species per hectare are about a tenth of the number recorded on adjacent medium‐nutrient soils.  相似文献   

The species richness (number of vascular plants per hectare) of Australian plant communities (containing a mosaic of gap, regeneration, maturation and senescent phases) is correlated with the annual biomass productivity of the overstorey canopy.The annual production of leaves and stem in the canopy of the plant community is shown to be limited by the requirements of photosynthesis (particularly light and the availability of water) and the length of the growing season.The species richness of Australian plant communities is the product of the blance between the dominance of the overstorey and the response of the understorey to the shading of the overstorey. For all climatic regions and zones the species richness of the overstorey of the plant community is shown to be exponentially related to the annual shoot growth of the overstorey canopy, until the latitudinal or altitudinal tree line is reached. With latitudinal increase outside the tropics, overstorey canopies of forest communities absorb increasingly more of the incident solar radiation. markedly reducing the species richness of the understorey strata. In contrast, in these latitudes the overstorey of plant communities with widely spaced trees or tall shrubs will absorb far less solar radiation, thus enabling the species richness of the understorey to be maintained.  相似文献   

Two South African mountain fynbos sites, similar in drainage, elevation, slope angle, slope aspect and soil type but with differing fire histories, were studied to measure how the effect of high densities of overstorey proteas in one fire cycle affects the α-diversity levels of the plant community in the following fire-cycle, how their repeated absence due to several short fire-cycles affects their species richness and finally, at what spatial scale such patterns are most appropriately measured. High prefire canopy cover percentages and densities of overstorey proteas increase the postfire α-diversity of understorey species. In addition, the increase in species richness observed occurred for all higher plant life history types present. At sites where one or more short fire cycles resulted in the repeated absence of overstorey proteas, the number of plant species present in the understorey was lower than at a site where overstorey proteas persisted. These results are dependent on the spatial scale at which the α-diversity of understorey species is measured. At small quadrat sizes (< 5 m2), overstorey proteas decrease the number of understorey species present, while at larger quadrat sizes (100 m2) higher species richness is observed. The contradiction in conclusions when α-diversity is measured at different spatial scales can be attributed to the patchiness of fynbos communities. Overstorey proteas play an important role in maintaining the patchiness component of fynbos communities by diminishing the effect of understorey resprouting species, making available regeneration niches for the maintenance of plant species richness. Where small quadrats are used, the effect of patchiness on the dynamics of the mountain fynbos community is lost. Thus, it is the fire history prior to the last fire and how it affects overstorey proteas that is important in the determination of α-diversity levels in mountain fynbos plant communities.  相似文献   

Abstract. We describe a model of heath vegetation, in which species were classified into five functional groups based on characteristics of their propagule pools, post-fire growth, timing and mode of reproduction and competitive status. The model assumes no recruitment without fire and a simple competitive hierarchy based on vertical stature. A critical feature of the model is an initial post-fire window of 5–6 yr in which competition from overstorey species on understorey species is reduced. Understorey functional groups differ in their ability to exploit this window. In the field, we tested five predictions derived from the model: (a) overall species richness of understorey varies inversely with overstorey density as a result of a trend in richness of woody species, but not in herbaceous species; (b) where an overstorey was present in the previous fire interval, post-fire population density is reduced in a functional group of understorey serotinous resprouting shrubs, but not in a group of understorey obligate-seeding shrubs with soil seed banks; (c) in understorey serotinous resprouting shrubs, post-fire regrowth in resprouting individuals is adversely affected by the presence of an overstorey in the preceding fire interval; (d) in understorey serotinous resprouting shrubs, levels of pre-fire propagules are lower in the presence of an overstorey, reducing the density of post-fire recruits; and (e) in understorey serotinous resprouting shrubs, recruitment relative to the pre-fire population is unaffected by overstorey species within the window of reduced competition. Of these, three tests (a,b,d) supported the model, one (e) may support the model, but the results were inconclusive and one (c) did not support the model. Limitations and further applications of the model are discussed. Our results suggest that maintenance of high densities of overstorey populations is in conflict with conservation of some understorey species. Models of the type we propose will help identify and resolve such conflicts and promote the judicious use of fire to maintain full species diversity of plant communities.  相似文献   

Abstract. Previous studies in the mountain fynbos of South Africa have demonstrated that short fire cycles favour the establishment of dense covers of understorey sprouters while longer fire intervals enable the establishment from seed of overstorey proteas and the formation of a overstorey. One consequence of these differences between fire cycle lengths is the effect that understorey sprouters and an overstorey protea canopy have on species richness. In the case of short fire intervals, species richness is decreased while longer intervals between fires allow species richness to decrease or increase depending on the patchiness of the overstorey canopy. Such results are suggestive of competitive effects between understorey sprouters and overstorey canopy proteas. In this study, data were collected from several pyric successional stages in mountain fynbos to study the effect of overstorey proteas on the growth and flowering of understorey sprouters since the last fire. Data were also collected to determine the effect that understorey sprouters had on the establishment and fecundity of overstorey protea species. Competitive interactions between overstorey proteas and sprouting understorey species were evident at all the sites studied. The vegetative growth and seed production of understorey sprouters, which grew under a canopy of overstorey proteas during the current interfire period, were significantly lower than that for plants growing in the open. In addition, the postfire growth and seed production of understorey sprouters were significantly lower for individuals, which grew under an overstorey protea canopy during the previous fire cycle, than for those individuals which grew in the open. The fecundity of overstorey proteas, which grew near understorey sprouters, was lower than that of plants which grew in the open. This effect was evident for up to the first 15 years after a fire. However, not all understorey sprouters affected the overstorey proteas equally. Also, seedlings of overstorey proteas established significantly less successfully in close proximity to understorey sprouters after a fire than in the open or under proteas. Finally, the results demonstrate that complex species‐specific, understorey–overstorey interactions are important in mountain fynbos. For example, some overstorey species depend on trophically similar species to reduce potential competition from understorey sprouters for their successful establishment at a site.  相似文献   

Non-random patterns in the functional structure of communities are often interpreted as evidence for different forces governing their assemblage. However, community assembly processes may act antagonistically, countering each other's signatures on the functional structure of communities, which may lead to spurious inferences on the underlying mechanisms. To illustrate this issue, we assessed the joint effects of environmental filtering and facilitative interactions on a key leaf functional trait (i.e. specific leaf area, SLA) in Mediterranean dwarf-shrub communities, using a two-scale sampling approach. Specifically, we analyzed differences in community-weighted mean SLA values (CWM-SLA) between communities (community-scale) and between guilds within communities (guild-scale, i.e. individuals sampled in understorey, overstorey and open-ground conditions) across contrasted soil environments and elevational gradients. We found that communities on harsh edaphic conditions (i.e. dolomite habitats) showed significantly lower CWM-SLA values than communities on more fertile habitats. In contrast, elevation was a poor predictor of differences in CWM-SLA between the communities. This suggests that environmental filtering may influence leaf trait variation along soil gradients irrespective of elevation. On the other hand, communities on dolomite habitats showed strong differences in CWM-SLA between understorey (higher CWM-SLA) and either open-ground and overstorey guilds (lower CWM-SLA), whereas communities on more fertile soils showed no differences between the guilds. The strong differences in CWM-SLA between understorey and non-understorey guilds in dolomite communities suggest that facilitative interactions may be particularly at stake under stressful edaphic conditions, thus partially mitigating the effect of environmental filtering (i.e. low SLA values) on communities growing in harsh soils.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Much evidence suggests that plant communities on infertile soils are relatively insensitive to increased water deficit caused by increasing temperature and/or decreasing precipitation. However, a multi-decadal study of community change in the western USA does not support this conclusion. This paper tests explanations related to macroclimatic differences, overstorey effects on microclimate, variation in soil texture and plant functional traits.Methods A re-analysis was undertaken of the changes in the multi-decadal study, which concerned forest understorey communities on infertile (serpentine) and fertile soils in an aridifying climate (southern Oregan) from 1949–1951 to 2007–2008. Macroclimatic variables, overstorey cover and soil texture were used as new covariates. As an alternative measure of climate-related change, the community mean value of specific leaf area was used, a functional trait measuring drought tolerance. We investigated whether these revised analyses supported the prediction of lesser sensitivity to climate change in understorey communities on infertile serpentine soils.Key Results Overstorey cover, but not macroclimate or soil texture, was a significant covariate of community change over time. It strongly buffered understorey temperatures, was correlated with less change and averaged >50 % lower on serpentine soils, thereby counteracting the lower climate sensitivity of understorey herbs on these soils. Community mean specific leaf area showed the predicted pattern of less change over time in serpentine than non-serpentine communities.Conclusions Based on the current balance of evidence, plant communities on infertile serpentine soils are less sensitive to changes in the climatic water balance than communities on more fertile soils. However, this advantage may in some cases be lessened by their sparser overstorey cover.  相似文献   

Aim Plant communities across the temperate zone are changing in response to successional processes and human‐induced disturbances. Here, we assess how upland forest under‐ and overstorey community composition has changed along an edaphic gradient. Location Northern Wisconsin, USA. Methods Forest sites initially sampled in the 1950s were resampled for overstorey composition and diversity, basal area, and understorey composition and diversity. We used clustering methods to identify groups of stands based on overstorey composition, and we used similarity indices, ordination and diversity indices to evaluate changes in species abundance and overall community structure. Results Sites clustered into four overstorey groups along the edaphic gradient: ‘hemlock’ sites dominated by hemlock in 1950, ‘mesic’ sites dominated by northern hardwoods, ‘dry’ sites with a significant pine inclusion in the canopy and diverse ‘dry‐mesic’ sites in the middle. Collectively, forests gained maple, ash and cherry while losing pines, birches and red oaks. The hemlock forest sites gained hardwoods, while the dry‐mesic sites shifted towards a more mesic hardwood composition. Only the driest sites have remained relatively stable in species composition. Main conclusions These trends reflect both ‘mesification’ and homogenization among northern forests. Highly diverse mid‐gradient and mesic hemlock‐dominated stands are transitioning to maple dominance. Fire suppression may be favouring invasions of more mesic plants into historically drier sites, while high deer abundance likely limits hemlock regeneration. If current trends continue, maples will dominate the majority of northern forests, with significant losses of local native species richness and substantial shifts in understorey composition.  相似文献   

The niche complementarity hypothesis has received empirical support but species differ in functional strategies for their contribution to ecosystem function, as predicted by the mass ratio hypothesis. Our understanding of how functional identity of conservative and acquisitive strategies of trees predicts aboveground biomass across forest strata (i.e. overstorey and understorey) remains unclear. Aboveground biomass, community-weighted mean (CWM − functional identity) of trait values (6 leaf and 2 stem traits), and soil physicochemical properties were estimated for 125 plots in a 5-ha subtropical forest in Eastern China. We used multiple linear regressions models to relate aboveground biomass to CWM indices at overstorey and understorey strata separately, and whole-community level. We finally employed the structural equation model to test for the effects of overstorey on understorey strata, in addition to the effects of soil physicochemical properties. Forest strata optimal models showed that overstorey strata had high aboveground biomass when they are dominated by functional identity of tree height, whereas high aboveground biomass in understorey strata was driven by functional identity of dense-wooded conservative strategy. Whole-community optimal model showed that communities dominated by functional identity of leaf dry matter content and mean leaf area had high aboveground biomass. Aboveground biomass was negatively related to soil nutrients across forest strata and whole-community level. The structural equation model showed that CWM of overstorey tree height did not affect understorey functional identity and aboveground biomass, when soil physicochemical properties were accounted. Soil nutrients had positive effect on functional identity of overstorey tree height whereas negative effect on functional identity of understorey dense-wooded strategy. This study highlights the fundamental roles of forest strata where overstorey and understorey strata contribute to their corresponding aboveground biomass with contrasting functional strategies across a range of soil nutrients. High aboveground biomass was potentially driven by functional identity of tree height through making use of plentiful soil nutrients at overstorey strata, whereas by conservative strategy at understorey strata through enduring nutrient-poor soils. To better understand the roles of functional identity of conservative and acquisitive strategies in driving ecosystem functions, it is worth to analyse forest strata separately.  相似文献   

Plant community coverage was often used as one of factors to describe the structure and importance of plant community.Usually it was estimated by sighting estimation in the field,and this procedure affected the accuracy of measurement of plant community.A useful concept,Foliage Projective Cover (FPC) that means the percentage of the land covered by foliage,was introduced,it had some ecological significances and was suitable for describing horizontal character of plant community.Using simple tool made by us,FPCs were measured at two sites in Xinjiang area.Through ecophysiological model of plant community developed using Stella model tool,we simulated the FPCs at those two sites.Compared with the measured data,we thought that FPC was a useful and an effective method and theory to describe the horizontal structure of plant community in arid area,and it may be used for measuring FPC for all plant communities.  相似文献   

Question: The effect of overstorey composition on above‐ground dynamics of understorey vegetation is poorly understood. This study examines the understorey biomass, production and turnover rates of vascular and non‐vascular plants along a conifer–broadleaf gradient of resource availability and heterogeneity. Location: Canadian boreal forests of northwest Quebec and Ontario. Methods: We sampled mature stands containing various proportions of black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP), trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) and jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.). Above‐ground biomass of the understorey vegetation was assessed through harvesting; annual growth rates were calculated as the differences between biomass in 2007 and 2008, as estimated by allometric relationships, and turnover rates were estimated as net primary production divided by the biomass in 2007. Results: Higher aspen presence, linked to greater nutrient availability in the forest floor, was generally associated with higher vascular biomass and production in the understorey. This effect was less pronounced in sites of high intrinsic fertility. In contrast, bryophyte biomass was positively associated with conifer abundance, particularly in wet sites of the Quebec study area. Non‐linear responses resulted in total understorey biomass being lower under mixed canopies than under pure aspen or pure conifer canopies. Turnover rates did not differ with overstorey composition. Conclusions: While resource availability is a main driver of understorey productivity, resources as drivers appear to differ with differences in understorey strata components, i.e. vascular versus non‐vascular plants. Resource heterogeneity induced by a mixed canopy had overall negative effects on understorey above‐ground productivity, as this productivity seemed to rely on species adapted to the specific conditions induced by a pure canopy.  相似文献   

叶片投影盖度--描述植物群落结构的有效方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物群落盖度是描述植物群落结构及其重要性的主要指标之一。但长期以来植物群落盖度的测定往往是基于野外目视估计 ,影响了植物群落盖度特征度量的准确性。本文引入植物群落叶片投影盖度 (FPC)的概念 ,其含义是植物群落叶片覆盖地表的百分率 ,它具有生态意义明确、适于描述植物群落水平结构的特点。使用自制的FPC测量仪 ,在新疆的两个地区进行了FPC的测定 ,同时将测定数据与采用Stella模型工具开发的植物群落生理生态模型的模拟FPC值进行比较 ,二者相符较好。因此 ,认为FPC是描述干旱区植物群落水平结构的有效方法 ,并可用于所有植物群落叶片投影盖度的度量。  相似文献   

Tree species composition and stand structural complexity are valuable indicators of sustainable forest management. This article aims to investigate the relative influence of forest overstorey composition and structural attributes on understorey composition and diversity, taking into account also site characteristics and broad-scale environmental variables. We sampled vascular plant species composition and forest structure in 132 plots in the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park (southern Italy). Spearman’s non-parametric correlation coefficients were calculated between overstorey and understorey diversity indices, beech percentage, and altitude and environmental indices. A complete partitioning of the variation in understorey composition was then performed through canonical correspondence analysis considering four sets of variables: (1) overstorey composition, (2) structural attributes, (3) topography, and (4) landscape abiotic variables. Finally, we constructed a regression tree analysis of understorey species richness using the same explanatory variables. Understorey diversity indices were positively correlated with overstorey diversity indices and with environmental indices (i.e., light and soil heterogeneity). Overstorey and understorey diversity indices were negatively correlated with both altitude and the dominance of beech in the overstorey. Compositional variation was due primarily to overstorey composition and secondarily to structural attributes. Regression tree analysis revealed that altitude, overstorey species richness, and structural attributes play an important role in determining understorey species richness. According to our results, understorey composition and diversity are strongly related to overstorey composition and structural attributes. Indeed, the latter proved to be effective indicators of understorey characteristics in the study area.  相似文献   

Interacting species can respond differently to climate change, causing unexpected consequences. Many understorey wildflowers in deciduous forests leaf out and flower in the spring when light availability is the highest before overstorey canopy closure. Therefore, different phenological responses by understorey and overstorey species to increased spring temperature could have significant ecological implications. Pairing contemporary data with historical observations initiated by Henry David Thoreau (1850s), we found that overstorey tree leaf out is more responsive to increased spring temperature than understorey wildflower phenology, resulting in shorter periods of high light in the understorey before wildflowers are shaded by tree canopies. Because of this overstorey–understorey mismatch, we estimate that wildflower spring carbon budgets in the northeastern United States were 12–26% larger during Thoreau's era and project a 10–48% reduction during this century. This underappreciated phenomenon may have already reduced wildflower fitness and could lead to future population declines in these ecologically important species.  相似文献   

Tozer  M.G.  Bradstock  R.A. 《Plant Ecology》2003,164(2):213-223
Overstorey shrub species are known to influence the composition of theunderstorey in Southern Hemisphere heathlands. Overstorey densities aresusceptible to variations in fire frequency; thus, fire regimes may influenceoverstorey/understorey interactions and overall floristic composition. Wecompared patches of Banksia heath which had supported anoverstorey during a fire interval of about 30 y with patches wherethe overstorey was absent during the same period, and tested for differences inspecies composition as a function of overstorey presence. Floristic compositionvaried significantly between overstorey patches and open patches. Most specieswere less abundant in overstorey patches, however some were more abundant. Therelative abundance of species in relation to overstorey was unrelated to theirfire response, propagule longevity or propagule storage location. There wassignificantly less biomass in overstorey patches compared with open patches.Theeffect of the overstorey varied with soil moisture. In a dry area, the numberof species was lower in overstorey patches, with fewer herb and shrub speciespresent compared with open patches. Fewer species were recorded in a wetterarea, but overstorey had no effect on the number of species recorded. Reducedintensity of competition among understorey species in overstorey patches couldbe responsible for the higher abundance of some species in these patches. Wepostulate that full diversity will be maintained when the density of overstoreyshrubs fluctuates widely over a relatively short period of time. This is mostlikely when fire frequency is highly variable.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that schizophrenia (SCH) and bipolar disorder (BPD) may share a similar etiopathology. However, their precise neuropathological natures have rarely been characterized in a comprehensive and quantitative fashion. We have recently developed a rapid, quantitative cell-counting method for frozen unfixed postmortem brains using a flow cytometer. In the present study, we not only counted stained nuclei, but also measured their sizes in the gray matter of frontopolar cortices (FPCs) and inferior temporal cortices (ITCs) from patients with SCH or BPD, as well as in that from normal controls. In terms of NeuN(+) neuronal nuclei size, particularly in the reduced densities of small NeuN(+) nuclei, we found abnormal distributions present in the ITC gray matter of both patient groups. These same abnormalities were also found in the FPCs of SCH patients, whereas in the FPCs of BPD patients, a reduction in oligodendrocyte lineage (olig2(+)) cells was much more common. Surprisingly, in the SCH FPC, normal left-greater-than-right asymmetry in neural nuclei densities was almost completely reversed. In the BPD FPC, this asymmetry, though not obvious, differed significantly from that in the SCH FPC. These findings indicate that while similar neuropathological abnormalities are shared by patients with SCH or BPD, differences also exist, mainly in the FPC, which may at least partially explain the differences observed in many aspects in these disorders.  相似文献   

Abstract. The influence of canopy trees and shrubs on under‐storey plants is complex and context‐dependent. Canopy plants can exert positive, negative or neutral effects on production, composition and diversity of understorey plant communities, depending on local environmental conditions and position in the landscape. We studied the influence of Prosopis velutina (mesquite) on soil moisture and nitrogen availability, and understorey vegetation along a topographic gradient in the Sonoran Desert. We found significant increases in both soil moisture and N along the gradient from desert to riparian zone. In addition, P. velutina canopies had positive effects, relative to open areas, on soil moisture in the desert, and soil N in both desert and intermediate terrace. Biomass of understorey vegetation was highest and species richness was lowest in the riparian zone. Canopies had a positive effect on biomass in both desert and terrace, and a negative effect on species richness in the terrace. The effect of the canopy depended on landscape position, with desert canopies more strongly influencing soil moisture and biomass and terrace canopies more strongly influencing soil N and species richness. Individual species distributions suggested interspecific variation in response to water‐ vs. N‐availability; they strongly influence species composition at both patch and landscape position levels.  相似文献   

Dense herbaceous understorey layers can impact tree regeneration and thereby affect forest succession. However, the implications of this interaction on large spatial and temporal scales are not well understood. To analyse the role of overstorey–understorey interactions for forest dynamics, we implemented an understorey layer (composed of the plant functional types grasses, forbs, ferns, herbs and shrubs) in the forest landscape model LandClim, focusing on competition for light as the main mode of interaction. The model was used to simulate post-disturbance dynamics over an elevational gradient of 560–2800 m a.s.l. in Central Europe. Simulation results showed strong impacts of the herbaceous understorey on tree regeneration within the first decades, but generally little effect on late-successional forests, i.e. not providing any evidence for ‘arrested’ succession. The results also demonstrated varying overstorey–understorey interactions across the landscape: strongest effects were found at low to mid elevations of the study landscapes, where tree establishment was substantially delayed. At high elevations, tree growth and establishment were more limited by low temperatures, and the effect of light competition from the understorey was negligible. Although the inclusion of large windthrow disturbances increased the biomass of herbaceous understorey across the landscape, this had only a small impact on the overstorey due to the presence of advance regeneration of trees. Overall, our results demonstrate that the herbaceous understorey can have a significant impact for forest landscape dynamics through light competition, and that non-woody plants should not be neglected in forest modelling.  相似文献   

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